NUME NOW 6.0 NE Wme Card User Manual

June 1, 2024

NUME NOW 6.0 NE Wme Card

NUME NOW 6.0 NE Wme Card


What is NEWme Card?

NEWme Card is an auxiliary accessory, conceptualized with state-of-the-art quantum technology. Composed of an electronic circuit, a unique combination of multiple minerals and one or two microtrips or microstrips (depending on the version) that work through resonant frequencies, allowing an exchange of subatomic information between all living matter.
Versions 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0 are made up of the same technology, more effectively than previous versions, because advances in their technology allow refining and synchronizes r even more the energy and electromagnetic fields of the living entities with which it has contact.

What is not NEWme Car?

NEWme Card is not a medical device, it does not replace any medical treatment, it is not a religious tool or for spiritualistic purposes, It is not a miracle card and It does not guarantee the healing of any kind of organic conditions.

Technical and legal aspects

NEWme Card was designed by German scientists, experts in quantum mechanics more than 10 years ago. The distribution headquarters are located in North Carolina, USA. From where shipments are made to various countries around the world. Nume Now began operating at the beginning of 2020, and to date has 9 generations of New Me Card accessories, in addition to having a mini accessory for children New Me Kids and another for pets New Me Pets.
Versions 1.0 to 5.0 of NEWme Card contain a plastic case that covers the accessory. Both sheets serve as a means of fastening and protecting their internal components. It is recommended that these versions do not get wet, much less subjected to running water or immerse it in water. The latest versions of NEWme Card, of advanced and improved technology, has an acrylic material coating,
which encapsulates and seals it 100%., is to be smaller and lighter and has a cord to hang it also with quantum technology.
This cord is independent of the accessory, not necessarily all 2 should be used at the same time. The technology that counts is just as effective as the accessory itself.
It is suggested to exercise caution, as the material is elastic, to prevent it from cutting or loosening.
Between the two plastic sheets are 1 micro thrip and another extra chip, with a printed electronic circuit, which does NOT contain any energy source such as a lithium battery or magnets. The configuration of this circuit includes a series of minerals that together will exercise the determined functions.

The National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico “CONACYT”, with international validities, after performing more than 31 analyzes of the accessory determined that NEWme Card is totally HARMLESS for the human being, since it is not capable of generating any damage to health. Ensuring that it does NOT contain ferrous material, electrical circuits, batteries, magnets, or radioactive components.
It is worth mentioning that the specific technical sheets of the products are reserved to the copyright and creator, as well as the information and dissemination materials are protected under Nume Now’s privacy policies.


What is quantum technology?

To better understand how it works, we must introduce ourselves to basic concepts of mechanics and quantum technology. A renewed generation of so- called quantum technologies promises to have a disruptive impact on many sectors and industries, and medicine will be one of the most benefited fields.
Quantum technologies are characterized by using and taking advantage of properties and phenomena of the microscopic world that do not occur in the macroscopic world and that have great potential.

Quantum optics consists of the study of all kinds of optical processes, such as the emission and absorption of radiation by matter.
The field of quantum optics studies how matter and radiation interact at the quantum level, has a potential to control individual molecules through the radiation they emit and absorb, being able to alter, modify and/or destroy them.
The way in which these quantum technologies are developed and acted is through the principles of quantum physics, such as the law of relativity.
To better understand how it works and what outcomes it might have, it is important to understand that the law of probability increases by large amounts, and an outcome cannot be predicted or assured.

What happens when we apply quantum technology to the organism?

Quantum medicine, known as mind-body medicine, is an ontological method based on a physical theory that uses the concept of quantum unity to describe the dynamic properties of subatomic particles and the interactions between matter and radiation.
Quantum Medicine considers the relationship that each person has with their environment, since everything in the universe is related to a vibratory energy network through energy packets called -Quantum- and that act in a resonance called coherence.
According to this theory, there is an order and harmony in everything; Every person, animal, cell, and molecule is inserted into the implicit vibratory order of the universe, called vibrational coherence. When an organism loses its ability to harmoniously maintain its proper functions, disease arises; This loss of coherence can be expressed in any tissue, organ or system.
The quantum revolution produced an inevitable change in the worldview and showed that everything around us is connected by infinite quantum fields, being the same constituents of matter that is known in the universe, therefore, man is no stranger to it.
With the quantum system it is about creating a new order in the patient, from the reorientation at the cellular, molecular and atomic level. By creating a new ordered logical referential field, a definite order is established with direction and meaning, thus recovering the correct state of health, which will provide us with restoration, reordering and well-being itself.

How does NEWme Card work?

New Me Card generates a restructuring of the electromagnetic field of all living matter to which it is exposed. Rearranges and returns the frequency to the cells original through the emission of resonant frequencies and the effect of Negative ionization.
The type of minerals with very specific properties that are integrated into NEWme Card, have the property of giving up their negative ions, called anions, which manage to neutralize the charge of positive ions. The latter, certainly called cations, are those that generate free radicals and therefore oxidative stress, causing imbalances and imbalances in our cells, even significant cell damage, causing all disease.
Thanks to the effects of new me card, our systems manage to work in balance and consequently achieve cellular performance in harmony, which translates into the recomposition of altered functions and their recovery to greater well-being. In this sense it is very important to mention that NEWme Card does NOT have the ability to cure a single disease directly. It simply generates the changes described in the lines above, to reach a state of Homeostasis, which consists of the tendency that the systems of every living being having to adapt to the modifications or changes of their environment, achieving an environment in a stable way.
The NEWme Card accessory has the ability to return the cells to the original frequency that will return natural well-being to every living thing to which it is exposed.


How do I use NEWme Card?

  • Place your accessory directly on your body (skin or clothing), less than 50 cm.
  • In areas of pain, injury or wound, place directly on the affected site.
  • To improve rest, place NEWme Card under your pillow when sleeping.
  • To ionize food or water, place it under your plate or glass for more than 7 minutes.
  • To use as a complementary therapy, they can place an accessory in each energy vortex of the body (7 main chakras) for at least 1 hour.

Remember that the longer the exposure time, the greater the benefits.

Should i be careful when placing it?

There is no contraindication. The only way to damage the accessory and stop working is to split the circuit in half.
We recommend carrying NEWme Card 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Cell reactivation and replication in stem cells has been seen after 15 days of placement.
We suggest NOT removing the accessory at least during the first month of exposure so as not to slow down or hinder the reordering processes, until its field is more stable.

Can everyone use NEWme Card?

That’s right, anyone in good health or sick, regardless of age, gender, or condition can use the accessory with confidence without having adverse or side effects.
Nor is it opposed to medical treatments of any kind. There is no contraindication. We must NOT intervene, much less eliminate, or modify the treatments previously indicated by human health professionals who are being consulted by the user of New me Card. In specific cases of people who are using assistive devices such as a pacemaker, drain valve, supply valve, or other type of device inserted into the body, it will NOT have side effects or change the functioning of these devices. It can be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women, in fact in these cases it is very favorable for a baby in gestation, newborn and during its development.

Can more than one NEWme Card be used at a time?

Whether two or more accessories can be used at the same time. This measure is highly recommended when you have discomfort in different parts of the body or in neurodegenerative, chronic processes, where you need to reinforce the effect.
New me Card can be used by placing it on the affected area, but always carrying out the correct asepsis measures. If you only have a New Me Card, the user of the same will choose how to use it and alternate the placement in the different affected points of your body.

Other uses of NEWme Card

All living matter can be exposed to the effects of New Me Card.

  • People
  • Animals
  • Plants
  • Water
  • Foods
  • Aloof

How do you ionize food, water, or other drinkable liquid with NEWme Card?

Ionization is achieved very simply. Just place under or on one side of any glass, cup or container containing the liquid for a minimum of 7 minutes; and then already ionized drink the water or drinkable liquid of your choice. It does not matter if we leave our NEWme Card longer in contact, this will give you a guideline to maintain ionization. By separating the New Me Card from the container, food, water or other drinkable liquid will lose the effect so it should be consumed immediately.


What Benefits does the NEWme Card accessory provide?

Energy field

  • Raises the base vibrational frequency.
  • Rearranges, restructures and amplifies the electromagnetic field (aura) up to 13 meters away.
  • Greater energy balance and protection against negative or destabilizing energies.
  • Alignment, unblocking and reactivation of energy vortices (chakras).
  • Increases vitality.

Emotional field

  • Greater emotional stability.
  • Feeling of inner peace and well-being.
  • Recovery of willpower and motivation.
  • Decrease in emotional crises.

Mental field

  • Regulates neurotransmitters
  • Decrease impulse reaction, nervousness, stress.
  • Increases focus and mental clarity.
  • Rearranges neuronal frequencies.

Physical field

  • Increases stability, endurance, balance, and strength.
  • Significantly decreases the sensation of pain.
  • Reduces inflammation of the tissues.
  • Helps eliminate free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.
  • Generates greater availability of oxygen in blood.
  • Great purifying and detoxifying effect.
  • Regulates metabolic pH.
  • Stabilizes cell membranes for proper ion exchange.
  • Accelerates the processes of healing and tissue restoration.
  • Improves posture and elongation.
  • Increases physical performance.
  • Decreases muscle fatigue after exercise.
  • Improves sleep and good rest.

What are the ailments/conditions with multiple positive experiences collected in the thousands of testimonials received?

  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Asthenia and chronic fatigue
  • Wound healing
  • Traumatic injuries
  • Physical Performance
  • Insecurity in the march
  • Pains in general
  • Migraines and tension headaches
  • Arthritis and osteoarthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Respiratory diseases such as COPD, Asthma.
  • Low back pain
  • Cervicalgia
  • Autism
  • Attention deficit
  • Hyperactivity disorders
  • Prostatitis
  • Recovery after surgeries
  • Rehabilitation in neurological patients
  • Chronic degenerative diseases


¿What does NEWme solve?

NEWme Card does not solve any ailment or disease itself, nor is it indicated for any specific disorder, nor does it replace any medical treatment. Simply by quickly rearranging the electromagnetic field, working at microscopic levels, all the benefits mentioned above are obtained.
The results are variable depending on multiple factors, many people come to experience immediate benefits regarding their diseases and even shocking changes, however we can NOT guarantee that any of this will happen.

Why does NEWme Card act faster and more efficiently on some people than others?

It is very simple to explain and understand this aspect about the operation of our quantum accessory. Each person is an individual and as such his capacity to react is totally and absolutely different from that of any other person. We can have a pair of twins with the same disease or a good level of health, however their response can be very different when using our quantum accessory, since in any case it is very important to consider that there are multiple aspects of their lifestyle, eating habits, activities in general, clinical history, personal and family history, Current illness, current and past emotional state, life programs, as well as other additional factors, such as degrees of intoxication, environmental pollution that may be the answer as to the difference in results when using our quantum accessory.
We can find people who within minutes have wonderful results, others who do not feel anything, and we can even find a small group of people who experience important purification and go through a healing crisis accompanied by unexpected symptoms. However, absolutely all people will immediately receive demonstrable benefits through kinesiological tests regarding strength, and many other invisible results that they cannot simply verify but that still happen.

What are the expected invisible results?

  • Protection against radiation: just by carrying a cell phone in your pocket, we receive radiation greater, almost double, than the accepted limits of environmental radiation.
  • Raises the vibrational frequency, rearranges, and amplifies the electromagnetic field: Protects against dense, low energies, parasites or energy larvae or destabilizing energies such as negative thoughts.
  • When the frequency and field change, everything begins to vibrate under the new, higher order, therefore our entire environment changes.
  • Depurative effect: Removes, cleanses, and removes from the tissues the overload of accumulated toxins. Cleaning systems include changes in urine, sweat, and fecal matter mainly.
  • Homeostatic balance: regulates electrolyte exchange for proper cellular function.
  • It unlocks the main energy vortices through which the thousands of energy channels throughout the body pass, guaranteeing a correct energy flow.
  • With continuous and prolonged use, we will obtain an effective function and cell replication that will therefore bring greater repercussions at the systemic level, working harmoniously in the repair of tissues.

What are the HEALING CRISES that sometimes occur with some NEWme Card users?

They are temporary states where some symptoms and / or clinical signs of the disease or discomfort can be exacerbated. These are presented with or without the use of our quantum accessory. It can be by modifying a conventional pharmacological treatment and replacing it or including some food supplements or a very wide variety of alternative medicine therapies. When these healing crises occur, also called depurative crises (due to a process of detoxification of cells of accessory for periods of time of two to three hours, suspend a few hours and use it again. In the same way, the user himself will be able to determine these time lapses. It is very important to consider that during this process the human body is sensitized to the effects that occur when combining the vibrational energy provided by our quantum accessory with the same vibrational energy of the user. These changes are indicative of a favorable process that will reach its optimization point the more consistent the user is in the use of New Me Card and the consumption of water or other beverages that are being ionized as explained above.


What tests can I perform to check for immediate effects?

We do NOT suggest home tests without knowledge of the methodologies and techniques used, such as pendulums, bares, bubble levels in water, phmetry test strips, or devices purchased in virtual stores.

Kinesiological tests

  • Stability : especially in people who are unstable when standing, when they try to push them from their shoulders they are destabilized, while with the accessory they do not.
  • Elasticity : for people with reduced flexibility, it is tested before placing the accessory its limitation and after the placement it is measured again. Ex: touch the 2 hands diagonally from the back.
  • Endurance : It is a test of strength against resistance that can be applied to all people. While the one being tested forces upwards with his arms in the position of the tree (one foot in four and arms extended), the person who is demonstrating must execute the opposite force downwards until it destabilizes him.
  • Strength : the person who is going to test sits in a chair without accessory, and 4 people around with their hands intertwined try to lift it each from a limb, the result will be negative, while if the 4 people are placed an accessory each, the test will be effective.
  • Gait : indicated for older people or people with neurological problems where their walking is irregular, leisurely and with a tendency to recline forward. They should be made to walk on the same line without and with the accessory and they will notice the change.
  • Balance : ideal for people with dizziness, dizziness, neurological diseases or older adults. They must walk in a straight line facing forward.
  • Physical Performance : on a treadmill or in a certain number of meters that the person detects their physical limitation due to their low respiratory capacity, fatigue or pain. The walking test is done without and with the accessory.
  • Water : a person is given to drink ionized water for 1 minute and then the strength test against resistance is performed without the need to have the accessory with him.


Quick answers to your frequently asked questions

  1. Do not wear, do not recharge, do not renew UNLESS the accessory is damaged.
  2. It can be lent, it is not personal, although we suggest the INDIVIDUAL USE so as not to alter the processes of regeneration and restoration.
  3. They can carry more than 1 accessory, it does not modify their vibrational frequency, but in case of ailments in different areas or diseases where vitality is greatly diminished it can act more quickly with the use of several accessories at the same time.
  4. There are NO CONTRAINDICATIONS to its use. Anyone can use it, regardless of age, body volume, underlying disease, medical treatment they are receiving, or device or implant they wear in their body.
  5. They can perform complementary therapies together with their use, unless it interferes with the electromagnetic field as in quantum therapies or magnetotherapy where it is suggested to remove the accessory so as not to interfere with diagnoses or results.
  6. In no way should they abandon the drug treatment they receive by medical prescription. And before any symptom they should go to their doctor and have an accurate diagnosis about their state of health.
  8. It has no adverse effects, they can only present healing crises when exposed to the accessory when the degree of body intoxication is high. In this case they may present dizziness, nausea, headache, diarrhea, intensification of pain, tachycardia. These symptoms subside with the passage of days and the stabilization of the frequency and electromagnetic field. If tolerated, do not remove the accessory from the body, otherwise place it progressively.



The New Me Kids quantum accessory can be used by a newborn baby or during its development. A simple principle to learn is considering the body weight of the infant, that is, if he weighs 35 kilograms or less, we recommend using New Me Kids. However, if the infant unfortunately suffers from a chronic, infectious or other disease, you can use a New Me Card of any of its versions 1.0 to 6.0, which will give greater support to your specific case. It is also advisable to consume ionized water. Another important recommendation is that younger infants carry their New Me Kids in a cloth bag that is attached to their clothes and avoid using a ribbon. Its use is recommended 24/7 or at the choice of your relatives.


As for NEWme Pets, it is also recommended that they use it 24/7 regardless of age. We have managed to corroborate that the results in pets, mostly dogs and cats, are very fast and efficient. Whether due to an illness, an accident, surgery, where we recommend placing NEWme Pets in the area of pain or injury and will surely achieve a more integral recovery and in a shorter time. Consider in the same way the consumption of ionized water.

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