Selinc RTAC R152 Sel Real Time Automation Controller User Guide
- June 14, 2024
Table of Contents
- RTAC R152 Sel Real Time Automation Controller
- Continuous Recording Groups
- Firmware Hash on Web Interface Dashboard
- RTAC HMI Loading Via Web Interface
- Digital Fault Recorder Extension
- EmailPlus Extension “Monitored Event” Enhancement
- Grid Connect Enhancements
- References
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
RTAC R152 Technical Note
User Guide
RTAC R152 Sel Real Time Automation Controller
With the addition of firmware version R152-V0 to the RTAC product line, the
following are some notes and additional comments about new additions or
changes in the firmware. These items are compiled from the release notes found
in Appendix A: Firmware and Manual Versions of the ACSELERATOR RTAC® SEL-5033
Software Instruction Manual. Please note that this document does not discuss
each release note, but rather just those with additional context or
conversation points. This information can also be found in the SEL-5033
instruction manual in the appropriate sections for the new or modified
Some new features or enhancements to existing features in R152-V0 include the
➤ Added Continuous Recording Groups.
➤ [Cybersecurity Enhancement] Enhanced the web interface dashboard with the
addition of a Firmware Hash value representing the SHA-256 hash value of the
last firmware upgrade file to be sent to the RTAC.
➤ Enhanced the web interface to allow updating the RTAC HMI Runtime binary
file and uploading, listing, and deleting of projects without the use of
ACSELERATOR Diagram Builder™ SEL-5035 Software.
➤ Enhanced firmware upgrade functionality to allow remote users (via LDAP or
RADIUS) to perform the upgrade using the web interface or ACSELERATOR RTAC.
➤ Enhancements to C37.118 clients and servers to allow configuration and
mapping of Phasor Types and Phasor Components into CFG3 frames.
➤ Enhanced Axion I/O support to allow customized channel names in COMTRADE
records produced by analog modules and improved record generation speed on
SEL-3350 and SEL-3555 hardware.
➤ Enhanced Recording Group support for more calculations and vector_t custom
➤ Enhanced the IEC 60870-5-101/104 server to support as many as 256 sector
maps per server.
➤ Enhanced the DNP Server Secure Authentication to improve Aggressive Mode
ACSELERATOR RTAC enhancements include the following:
➤ Added support for Windows 11, Windows Server 2019, and Windows Server 2022.
➤ [Cybersecurity Enhancement] Added an Advanced user preference category and
added an option to control the notification type when an unsigned extension is
detected in the project. Choices include an Error notification message
(default value), a Warning notification message, or to Ignore (i.e., no
➤ Enhanced ACSELERATOR RTAC to run as a 64-bit application. 32-bit versions of
Windows are no longer supported.
➤ Enhanced XML Import functionality to preserve folder paths from the original
directory and file structure.
➤ Enhanced performance of Set IEC 61850 Configuration operations when an SCD
file is applied iteratively to a project of version R148 or later.
Library Extension additions and enhancements:
➤ Added the Digital Fault Recorder Extension.
➤ Enhanced FTP Sync configuration of monitored IEDs.
➤ Enhanced EmailPlus with Event Emailer functions.
➤ Enhanced GridConnect functionality.
The following are additional comments on new features and changes in the RTAC
product line.
Continuous Recording Groups
Continuous Recording Groups are a new high-resolution data historian feature
supported on SEL-3555, SEL-3560, and SEL-3350 model RTACs. Configure the
following items to be logged at varying data rates:
➤ Axion Protection CTPT I/O and Digital Input modules logged at 3kHz
➤ C37.118 PMUs logged at rate of PMU update (typically 60 or 50 Hz)
➤ Logic Engine tags logged at the main task cycle time
Continuous Recording Groups allow for a customizable data retention period,
measured in days, to allow record retrieval for compliance with requests for
information such as those mandated by PRC-002. Individual Analog and Digital
channels from the data sources above are enabled and named by the
configuration in the RTAC settings:Records are retrieved
via the RTAC web interface by selecting a start date/time, an end date/time or
duration, and what particular channels are of interest:
Records are downloaded in zipped COMTRADE format and are easily
viewable in SEL-5601-2 SYNCHROWAVE® Event Software:
Firmware Hash on Web Interface Dashboard
A hash refers to the output of a cryptographic mathematical function. In the
cybersecurity field, file hashes are often used to verify and validate that
the content of a particular sensitive file has not been modified during an
end-to-end file transfer. On the SEL website, file hashes are available for
each firmware release so a customer can verify the content of a firmware
update once they receive it through their support channels. The RTAC now has
the ability to display the SHA-256 calculated file hash of the last firmware
upgrade it received. To enable this feature on an RTAC upgraded from a
previous firmware version, send the R152 upgrade file twice.
RTAC HMI Loading Via Web Interface
R152 provides integration enhancements with the optional RTAC HMI.
RTAC HMI features and functionality are updated with a package known as the
HMI Runtime Binary. This file has traditionally been sent to the RTAC using
the standalone ACSELERATOR Diagram Builder™ SEL-5035 Software. R152 adds the
ability to update this runtime version using the Device Management feature of
the RTAC web interface:The Project Management section
of the web interface provides facilities to list, upload, and delete RTAC HMI
projects that were saved by Diagram Builder in hprjson format.
Digital Fault Recorder Extension
For several years, RTAC hardware has been combined with Axion I/O modules have
been combined to create robust Digital Fault Recorder (DFR) applications.
However, until now, these applications have required manual configuration of
large RTAC projects, which could be time consuming and difficult to create or
troubleshoot. The Digital Fault Recorder extension automates the process of
creating an RTAC project for a DFR application by presenting a simple settings
interface (as shown in Figure 7) to configure the following:
➤ Overall DFR parameters (e.g., Station Name or Nominal Frequency)
➤ Axion nodes with chassis and module layout
➤ Substation assets representing buses (voltage-only) or lines (voltage and
current) with associated Protection CTPT modules
➤ Customized trigger conditions on each asset for voltage, current, sequence
component, frequency, and power quantities
➤ Optional Digital Input triggers via SEL_24DI Axion I/O modules or external
triggers via custom user logicAfter you configure
the general DFR settings, a “Build DFR” operation automatically configures
other aspects of the project, including the following:
➤ Axion EtherCAT modules and I/O network
➤ Protection CT/PT modules with selected CT/PT ratios and appropri- ately
enabled tags
➤ Tag Lists for bus and line assets, with addition to live data view on the
web interface
➤ Recording Trigger instances for all assets with enabled power system
➤ A Continuous Recording Group instance for long-term data logger applications
➤ Logic to provide local monitoring and annunciation of various DFR states
➤ SOE logging of all digital data
➤ Fault locating logic to automatically perform a single-ended fault location
calculation when a new event is detected
➤ A C37.118 server to stream out PMU data for all substation assets
➤ Organization of all project content into a managed Digital Fault Recorder
folder (see Figure 8)
EmailPlus Extension “Monitored Event” Enhancement
EmailPlus version contains an enhancement for project versions R151
and later that allows it to monitor for CEV and COMTRADE events collected from
SEL Client protocol devices and send formatted emails with the event itself as
an attachment. This built-in feature now supersedes the existing “Event
Emailer” extension described in Application Guide AG2018-30 and exceeds the
functionality of that version. The configuration interface for the extension
offers an auto-configuration option to configure an existing SEL Client device
for the required event retrieval settings and tags:Once the SEL Client detects and collects a new event, a formatted
email including all information available from that particular IED is
automatically sent to all enabled recipients:
Grid Connect Enhancements
With the release of GridConnect version, three major features have been added:
- The ability to run in islanded mode
- Grouping of generation assets in priority groups in grid-connected mode
- Automatic DDR configuration for logging in both islanded and grid- connected operation
Islanded mode only supports a single grid-forming asset (either BESS or
genera- tor) that is capable of carrying the entire load. GridConnect manages
PV set points to operate the grid-forming asset at a user-defined utilization.
Islanded functionality is limited; refer to the GridConnect section in the SEL
RTAC Pro- gramming Reference manual (available at for
details on islanded capability. The simulator function blocks have also been
enhanced to support simulating limited-islanding operation.
© 2023 by Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.
All brand or product names appearing in this document are the trademark or
registered trademark of their respective holders. No SEL trademarks may be
used without written permission.
SEL products appearing in this document may be covered by U.S. and Foreign
patents. Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. reserves all rights and
benefits afforded under federal and international copyright and patent laws in
its products, including without limitation software, firmware, and
The information in this document is provided for informational use only and is
subject to change without notice. Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
has approved only the English language document.
2350 NE Hopkins Court
Pullman, WA 99163-5603 U.S.A.
Tel: +1.509.332.1890
Fax: +1.509.332.7990 RTAC R152 Technical Note
Date Code 20231109
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