IRUDEK Boreas Hub Automatic Evacuation Device User Manual

June 1, 2024

IRUDEK Boreas Hub Automatic Evacuation Device

Product Information


  • Recommended Screwdriver: Not specified
  • Capacity: 7,500,000 joules
  • Usage: Descent and rescue device
  • Maximum Users: 2 people at a time

Product Usage Instructions

Safety Instructions:

Activities requiring the use of this product may be hazardous. It is important to follow all safety guidelines provided in the manual. If you have any doubts or questions, contact the manufacturer.

Intended Use:

This product is designed for use as a descent and rescue device. It should only be used according to EN 12841-C:2007 standards.

Risk of Burns:

Be cautious of potential risks of burns when using the product.
Follow all safety precautions to prevent accidents.

Product Handling:

  1. Tighten one side before loading weight.
  2. When using the rope blocker for self-controlled descent, grip the wheel to stop the descent.


Make sure to use tested and certified accessories provided by Irudek, such as Irucase and Irubag.


Regularly inspect and maintain the product. Follow the guidelines provided in the manual for storage, transportation, and cleaning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many people can use the product simultaneously?

A: The product is designed for use by a maximum of two people at a time.

Q: What is the capacity of the product?

A: The product has a capacity of 7,500,000 joules.

Q: What standards should the product be used in accordance with?

A: The product should be used according to EN 12841-C:2007 standards for suspension of persons.




  • Activities requiring the use of this product may be hazardous.
  • In addition, it is also possible to misuse this product in many ways and we cannot list or think of them all.
  • These operating instructions will provide you with information about your safety and about the product and its use. However, this information and the safety instructions are not a substitute for personal experience, product knowledge and responsibility.
  • In this manual you will find detailed safety rules and descriptions in the next chapter and at the beginning of each chapter. Please read them carefully and make sure you understand them. If you need more information or if you are not sure how to use this product, please contact IRUDEK. We will be happy to help you.
  • This product is state-of-the-art and complies with all applicable standards and technical guidelines.
  • Please read these instructions for use carefully before using this product. You may only use this product after you have read and understood these instructions for use.
  • This product may only be used as a descent and rescue device. For suspension of persons it shall be used according to EN 12841-C:2007.
  • This product may only be used by a maximum of two people at a time.
  • You may only use this product if you are mentally and physically able to do so.
  • PPE is the personal equipment of each user.


  • Suspension trauma can be triZered by a fall on the rope, a prolonged descent or if a person is helplessly suspended in the harness for a long time.
  • Prepare a rescue plan indicating all possible rescue actions in the event of an emergency before using this product.
  • Check the area of use and fall and be sure to secure, mitigate or eliminate potential hazards before using this product.



  1. Hand Wheel
  2. Steel carabiner option
  3. Eyebolts
  4. Rope clamp


This product has a serial number engraved on the housing.

  1. CE marking of the supervisory authority
  2. Carry out an inspection regularly / at least once a year.
  3. Número máximo Número de personas con uso simultáneo
  4. Max. lowering height according to standard (multiple use)
  5. Serial number
  6. Year and month of production
  7. Product name
  8. Manufacturer
  9. Always read and follow the instructions for use!
  10. Warning: hot surface
  11. Avoid descending into electrical, thermal, chemical or other hazardous areas.
  12. Application temperature range
  13. Maximum and minimum rated load
  14. Compatible cable sizes and types
  15. Harmonised standardsIRUDEK-Boreas-Hub-Automatic-Evacuation-Device-fig-3


  • Certified according to EN 341:2011 Class 1A (2 persons), EN 1496:2017 Class B (2 persons), ANSI Z359.4:2013 (1 person), EN 12841:2006 Type C (1 person)
  • Weight (without rope): 3.8kg (Boreas Hub) Rope to EN 341, EN 1496 and ANSI Z359.4:2013: Ø10 mm and Ø10.5mm (EN 1891:1999 A rope Coral or Boa)
  • Rope for EN 12841: Ø 10mm up to Ø11mm (EN 1891:1999 A Coral or Boa rope)
  • Max. lowering/lifting load 225kg/min. 30kg (EN: 2 persons /ANSI: 1 person)
  • Height of descent/elevation max. 500 m
  • Descent speed approx. 1.0 m/s at 85kg and approx. 1.5 m/s at 170kg.
  • Motorised hoisting possible with a cordless drill
  • Controllable descent by deflection of the rope using the rings
  • Ambient temperature -40°C to +65°C
  • The device can be used in both directions for descending and rappelling.
  • Use an order number for this product. Enter the serial number in the inspection protocol.
  • Do not remove labels or other markings from this product.

The declaration of conformity is available at the following link:


  • 1 pc Boreas Hub
  • 1 pc rope inserted in the housing (length acc. to order)
  • 1 pc packaging
  • 1 pc instructions for use incl. inspection and use protocol.


  • Maximum descent distance with 1 person up to a maximum of 75 kg: 10000m
  • Maximum distance of descent with 1 person up to a maximum of 100 kg: 7500 m
  • Maximum distance of descent with 1 or 2 persons up to a maximum of 150 kg: 5000 m
  • Maximum descent distance with 2 persons up to 225 kg max.: 3500 m

You can reduce the load on the device by redirecting (see “important notes on the use of rings eyebolts”).

Training is not an emergency. In all training situations, as well as in rope access work, a redundant safety system must be installed. Unforeseen events, technical or human failure cannot be ruled out. In training for emergency use, redundant safety measures, a second Boreas Hub can also be used.

After each rescue deployment the device has to be inspected by an authorised partner in order to ensure safe use.
We recommend the use of various devices for training and rescue manoeuvres.

Devices that have been subjected to a fall or heavy load must be removed.

Rope lock: When the wind-up lock is activated, the steering wheel can only turn in one direction. Turn the steering wheel gently to find out the direction in which the steering wheel can turn.

Danger: If you turn the handwheel in the wrong direction (locked), the handwheel or the device may be damaged. In this case, the device must be inspected by Irudek or an authorised partner.

Temperature: This product can be used in environments between – 40° C and + 65°C .


  • Please read these instructions for use carefully before using this product.
  • Use of this product without having read these operating instructions can lead to accidents resulting in serious injury or death.
  • The lifetime of the metal parts of this product is unlimited. The estimated lifetime of the textile elements is 12 years from the date of manufacture (2 years storage and 10 years storage).
  • This product will become hot during descent. Touching the casing or holding the end of the long rope during descent may cause burns. Allow the device to cool down to room temperature after driving 1.00.000 J
  • If sharp edges cannot be avoided, always use a guard to prevent the rope from being damaged or broken.
  • Always attach this product to an anchor device in accordance with EN 795:2012 before descending.
  • Do not guide the loaded end of the rope through the anchors. This will stop the descent.
  • This product may only be used with tested and certified products (according to the applicable standards for PPE against falls from a height)
  • You may only resell this product if it is accompanied by instructions for use in the language of the purchaser’s country and a complete inspection protocol. This is the responsibility of the seller.
  • The use protocol must be filled in after each use.
  • Descender and rescue devices, which are stored on the working side, have to be covered against environmental influences.

Activities requiring the use of this product may be dangerous.
Please observe all danger and safety instructions. In case of doubt or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


This product may only be used as a rescue, lowering and lifting device and only for the transport of persons.
This product may only be used for its intended purpose as defined in these instructions for use and only in combination with components tested (certified) according to the applicable PPE standards. Other combinations with non-certified components are not permitted and may be dangerous.


Use of this product without a visual and functional inspection may cause accidents resulting in serious injury or death.

  • Always inspect this product before and after use.
  • If you are not sure that this product is safe to use, do not use it.

If the rope is guided over a sharp edge, it may be damaged. Always use an edge protection (e.g. edge protection plate) or an IRUDEK ER100 type guard against sharp edges.

This product (casing and rope) will heat up during the descent. Risk of burns during longer descents.

  • Do not touch the casing during or after long descents.
  • Do not hold on to the end of the long rope during the descent.
  • Wear protective gloves.

This product offers a range of applications for a variety of situations. The use of this product requires thorough training by professionals who have been trained on this product.



  1. Eyebolts
  2. Shorter end of rope, has to be tightened (no slack rope)
  3. Longest end of the rope, pass through the eyebolt With the eyebolts you can control the descent speed or stop the descent. The longer, unloaded end of the rope passes through the eyebolt. By holding the longer end of the rope, the descent speed can be reduced or the descent can be stopped. If the eyebolts are not used, the descent speed is automatically regulated by two flywheel brakes (speed approx. 0.8 m/sec).
  4. If you use the descender as a descent system, be sure to use the eyebolts correctly.
  5. Standard rule: Pass only the longer, unloaded end of the rope through the eyebolts.
  6. If the shorter end of the rope passes through the eyebolts (shorter end of the rope = loaded end of the rope, on which a person is suspended), the descent will be blocked and the person will not be able to descend to the ground.
  7. Pass only the longer, unloaded end of the rope through the eyebolts.



  1. Long, unstretched rope.
  2. Short end of the rope, under tension. Tension this side before loading with weight.



  1. Attach the rescue device to a suitable anchorage point.
  2. In both directions: if the ring at the unloaded end of the rope is used, it will add friction when holding the unloaded end of the rope. This allows you to reduce the speed manually.


To perform this manoeuvre, the steering wheel must be gripped and the descent stopped.
With the rope free on one side or the other, you can block the descent by making the rope exit the device and U-turn to the top ring on the same side and after the U-turn, pass through the rope clamp, as shown in the following picture.


  1. Backside part with passage through the ring. Attach the rescue device to a suitable anchorage point.IRUDEK-Boreas-Hub-Automatic-Evacuation-Device-fig-10
  2. Both ways: using the ring on the side of the unloaded end of the rope will add friction when holding the unloaded end of the rope. In this way, you can reduce the speed manually.


Attachment to the anchor device
Incorrect attachment to an anchorage device can cause falls resulting in serious injury or death.

  • Inspect the anchorage at least once a year.
  • Only use anchorages that correspond to the requirements of the PPE.

Anchorage devices are required in places where there is a risk of falling. The building planner/owner is responsible for the placement and installation of anchorage devices in accordance with the applicable legal requirements.
Buildings and in-plant structures must have an adequate load-bearing capacity. In accordance with the applicable standards


The customer and the user must ensure that they have understood the functioning of this product and all safety notes and know how to use it safely. You must complete training on the correct use, installation, inspection, maintenance and limitations of use before using this product. You must repeat the training regularly without endangering trainees or users.

The training inspection requirements for this product must be followed (see inspection and maintenance). Training is an important part of Irudek products and services. No equipment will prevent injury or death if you do not know how to use it correctly.
To ensure your safety, we offer training courses where you can learn how to use this product safely. For more information, please contact us on +34 943 69 26 17


This product may only be used in combination with tested and certified products.
Use this product only with tested products or with products that have been recommended by Irudek.


  • Rescue triangle:EN 1497:2008
  • Energy absorber: EN 355:2002
  • Carabiner: EN 362:2004
  • Anchoring device:EN 795:2012
  • Full body harness:EN 361:2002
  • Safety ropes: EN 354:2010
  • Work positioning:EN 813:2018

The products listed above are available at If you need further information, please email or call us.

The BOREAS Hub device can be either packed in an IruCase or vacuum packed in a Borebag. Both types of packaging allow the equipment to be preserved in a controlled atmosphere, ensuring that, as long as the atmosphere is maintained, its characteristics will last for a period of 10 years. Irucase and Borebag packaging must be inspected at least once a year, as marked in the inspection instructions and, in any case, before each use (damage, humidity, etc.). If the box or bag is damaged, it must be sent to Irudek for inspection.
After a maximum of 10 years, the textile parts of the Boreas hub must be replaced and the metal parts must be inspected by Irudek.
In case of combining both containers and keeping the IruBag inside an IruCase, the inspection and rope replacement period could be extended up to 20 years.

Conditions of use and other factors may influence its service life. Therefore, this product may need to be repaired or removed prematurely (see below). The lower the descent height, the more times the rope will pass through the descender until the device needs to be inspected. Therefore, short descent heights will wear the rope. Wear is also induced by other factors such as maintenance, sharp edges, chemical and mechanical influences, etc.
Abrasion and wear should be checked regularly. If the rope does not appear to be secure, send the device to Irudek or an authorised person for inspection and replacement of the rope.

Working capacity: 7 500 000 joules

Work W = m x g x h x n

  • W = work in Joules(J)
  • m = load capacity (weight of person) (kg) g = gravity 9.81 m/s#.
  • h = height of descent in metres(m)
  • n = number of descents


  • Extreme conditions of use
  • Mechanical and chemical damage
  • Environmental factors
  • Inadequate storage and transport

During lifting, the descent device and the rope are subjected to greater stress than during descent. Frequent use of the lifting function can cause slipping. Normally, this is not dangerous and it is safe to descend to the ground. However, the maximum lifting distance should not exceed 4 times the length of the rope. Be sure to check the abrasion of the rope accordingly.

The warranty for this product is 3 years, limited to manufacturing and raw material defects. It does not cover deterioration, corrosion and damage caused by improper or intensive storage, transport or use.
The warranty request must be accompanied by proof of purchase. In the event of a manufacturing defect, IRUDEK undertakes to repair, replace or pay for the product, without exceeding the invoice price of the product.

This personal protection system must be stored in a package with plenty of room in a dry place, protected against sunlight, ultraviolet rays, dust, sharp objects, extreme temperatures and aZressive substances.

This personal protection equipment must be transported in packaging that protects it against humidity and any mechanical, chemical and/or thermal damage.


  • Repairs must only be carried out by Irudek or an authorised partner.
  • If this product has been subjected to a fall, all parts must be inspected and, if necessary, replaced.
  • This product should not be tumble dried, dried in the sun or on a heat source (e.g. a radiator). Air dry this product in a shaded and ventilated area.
  • This product (the rope in particular) must not be disinfected with chemicals.
  • Do not use chemicals to clean the product.
  • This product must be inspected by or an authorised partner at least once a year, but in any case after the maximum descent distance. Note the distance in the protocol of use.

Product changes

  • Unauthorised repairs, adjustments or changes to this product may result in serious accidents and falls.
  • Changes (e.g. changing the rope length) and repairs have to be carried out by Irudek or an authorised partner.
  • If you are unsure whether this product can still be used, do not use it and send it to Irudek or an authorised partner for inspection.


  • Clean the metal parts with a damp towel.
  • Never tumble dry in the dryer, in the sun or over a heat source.
  • Air dry this product in a ventilated and shaded area.
  • Rinse the rope with lukewarm water and then wipe it with a dry towel.
  • Never disinfect the rope
  • Never use chemical detergents.

Disinfection of this product is prohibited. In case of contamination, remove this product from the environment.


Use of this product without checking for possible damage may result in serious accidents or death. Always perform a visual and functional inspection of this product before and after each use.
If you are not sure that this product can still be used safely, do not use it.
The inspection by Irudek or an authorised partner is only valid under the condition that:

  • The components of this product have not been modified
  • Textile parts have not been contaminated with chemicals.
  • This product has not been exposed to temperatures below -40°C or above +65°C.
  • Metal parts have not fallen to the ground from more than 2 metres.


  • Check the metal parts (carabiner, housing) for damage.
  • Check if the nuts and bolts are tightened.
  • Check the rope for cracks or other visible or palpable damage.
  • Check if the rope moves smoothly. Pull slowly on both ends of the rope, one after the other. If you feel a slight resistance, the product is working.
  • Check the flywheel brakes. Pull both ends of the rope quickly, one after the other. The rope should slide smoothly without audible mechanical noises.


After a fall, this product must be sent to Irudek for inspection. Do not forget to give us all the necessary information (where and how this product has been damaged). The results must be recorded in the inspection protocol. Always keep the inspection protocol and instructions for use with the product. The frequency of inspections depends on the intensity of use and may vary depending on the conditions and environment in which this product is used. If this product is subjected to increased use, it may need to be inspected more than once a year. This product must be inspected at least once a year, but in any case after the maximum descent distance by Irudek or an authorised partner. Please note the operated distances in the protocol of use. If this product is used as emergency equipment, it has to be inspected by Irudek. After a maximum of 10 years the textile components have to be replaced. The packaging has to be checked regularly and, if damaged, the packaging and the product have to be sent to Irudek.
Observe the operating distances in the usage protocol. If this product is used as emergency equipment, it has to be inspected by Irudek. After a maximum of 10 years the textile components must be replaced. The packaging has to be checked regularly and, if damaged, the packaging and the product have to be sent to Irudek.

IRUDEK-Boreas-Hub-Automatic-Evacuation-Device-fig-11 IRUDEK-Boreas-Hub-Automatic-Evacuation-Device-

If you use this product in very harsh environments (extreme weather and usage conditions, heavy lifting and descents) you should reduce the inspection period accordingly.


The control sheet should be completed before the equipment is delivered for its first use.
All the information about the personal protection equipment (name, serial number, date of purchase and date of first use, user name, periodic inspection and repair log and next periodic inspection date) must be entered in the equipment’s control sheet.
The sheet must be completed exclusively by the person responsible for the protection equipment.

The IruCheck application is used for easy, effective control of fall prevention equipment. Its use is recommended to trace these products, thereby replacing the Control Sheet.

Control sheet




Notified Body that carried out the EU type-examination: AUVA-STP / Austrian Workers Compensation Board, Safety Testing Centre, Wienerbergstrasse 11, 1100 Wien (Notified Body number 0511)

IRUDEK 2000 S.L.
Pol. Erribera 8A
20150 Aduna (Guipúzcoa) España
Tfno: +34 943 69 26 17 Fax: +34 943 69 25 26

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