Ritz RTZ3408(6) Anchorage Wire Rope Slings Instruction Manual

June 1, 2024

3408(6) Anchorage Wire Rope Slings
Instruction ManualRitz RTZ3408\(6\) Anchorage Wire Rope
BKLRT 19-01

RTZ3408(6) Anchorage Wire Rope Slings

Please read and understand the manufacturer’s instructions for each component or part of the complete system. Manufacturer’s instructions must be followed for proper use, care, and maintenance of this product. These instructions must be retained and be kept available for the worker’s reference at all times. Alterations or misuse of this product, or failure to follow instructions, may result in serious injury or death. Note: The user is advised to keep this user  instructions document for the life of the product.
Ritz Fall Protection
1 -800-451-3077 and Ritz Fall Protection.com
This manual must be read and understood in its entirety and used as part of fall protection training program as required by OSHA or any state regularity agency. These instructions are intended to meet the manufacturer instructions as  required by ANSI Z 359.1 and OSHA . The user must fully understand the proper equipment use and limitations.

S.No.| Reference no.| Length| Description| Material of Construction| Minimum Breaking strength| Conformity
1| RTZ3408(6)| 6ft| Anchorage wire rope sling having one side forged O-ring, and other side small O-ring.| Made of (5/16”) Galvanized PVC Coated Wire Rope| 5000 lbs.| ANSI Z359.18-2017



These Equipment are designed for use as a part of a personal fall protection system. Components must not be used for any other operation other than that which it has been designed and approved.
Fall Arrest system are designed to comply with OSHA. Fall Restraint System must be designed by a Qualied Person, and must be installed and used under the supervision of a competent person.

  • All authorized persons/users must refer the regulations governing occupational safety, as well as applicable ANSI standards. Please refer to product labeling for information on specific OSHA regulations, and ANSI standards met by product.
  • Consult a doctor if there is any reason to doubt a user’s ability to withstand and safely absorb fall arrest forces. Age, fitness, health conditions can seriously affect the worker a fall occur. Pregnant Women and minors should not use this equipment.
  • Proper precautions should always be taken to remove any obstructions, debris, material, or other recognized hazards from the work area that could cause injuries or interfere with the operation of the system. All equipment must be  inspected before each use according to the manufacturers instructions. All equipment should be inspected by a qualified person on a regular basis.
  • To minimize the potential for accidental disengagement, a competent person must ensure system compatibility.
  • Equipment must not be altered in any way. Repairs must be performed only by the Manufacturer, or persons or entities authorized in writing by the manufacturer.
  • Any product exhibiting deformities, unusual wear, or deterioration must be immediately discarded. Any equipment subject to a fall must be removed from service. The authorized person/user shall have a rescue plan and the means  at hand to implement it when using this equipment.
  • Never use fall protection equipment for purposes other than those for which it was designed. Fall protection equipment should never be used for towing or hoisting.
  • All synthetic material must be protected from slag, hot sparks, open flames, or other heat sources. The use of heat resistant materials is recommended in these applications.
  • Never use natural materials (manila, cotton, etc.) as part of a fall protection system.
  • Do not expose this equipment to chemicals which may have a harmful effect on the materials used to construct it. Be especially aware of caustic environment, or those that contain high levels of organic acids or bases. If you are  uncertain about the safe operation of this equipment in any environment, contact Ritz Fall Protection for further instructions.
  • Do not use the equipment near sharp edges, abrasive surfaces and looping around small diameter structural members.
  • Do not use the equipment around moving machinery or electrical hazards.

Ritz Fall Protection Anchorage Wire Rope Slings should be used only with the combinations of components, subsystems or both which may affect or interfere with the safe function of one another. Be certain that connecting devices are compatible and that other elements of the Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS) are safe to use and compatible before use.


Consider the following limitations/requirements prior to installing or using this equipment:
Capacity: Ritz Fall Protection Anchorage Wire Rope Slings are designed for use by single user with a combined weight (clothing, tools, etc.) of no more than 310 lbs.(140 kg) Make sure all of the components in your system are rated to a  capacity appropriate to your application. All Ritz Fall Protection Anchorage Wire Rope Slings are rated 5000lbs.


Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS)s used with this equipment must be rigged to limit the free fall to 6 feet (1.8 M) per ANSI Z359.1.Restraint systems must be rigged so that no vertical free fall is possible. Work positioning systems must  be rigged so that free fall is limited to 2 feet (.6 m) or less. Personnel riding systems must be rigged so that no vertical free fall is possible. Climbing systems must be rigged so that free fall is limited to 18 inch. (.46 cm) or less. Rescue  systems must be rigged so that no vertical free fall is possible. See subsystem manufacturer’s instructions for more information. Below figure illustrates fall clearance requirements. There must be sufficient clearance below the user to  allow the system to arrest a fall before the user strikes the ground or other obstruction. Clearance required is dependent on the following factors: Ritz RTZ3408\(6\) Anchorage Wire Rope
Slings - FREE FALL

  • Elevation of Anchorage
  • Connecting Subsystem Length
  • Deceleration Distance
  • Free Fall Distance
  • Worker Height
  • Movement of Harness Attachment Element


Swing falls occur when the anchorage point is not directly above the point where a fall occurs.
The force of striking an object in a swing fall may cause serious injury or death. Minimize swing falls by working as close to the anchorage point as possible. Do not permit a swing fall if injury could occur. Swing falls will significantly increase the clearance required when a self-retracting lifeline or other variable length connecting subsystem is used.


Use of this equipment in areas with environmental hazards may require additional precautions to prevent injury to the user or damage to the equipment. Hazards may include, but are not limited to; heat, chemicals, corrosive  environments, high voltage power lines, gases, moving machinery, and sharp edges.


Unless otherwise noted, Ritz Fall Protection equipment is designed for use with Ritz Fall Protection approved  components and subsystems only. Substitutions or replacements made with non-approved components or subsystems may jeopardize compatibility of equipment and may affect safety and reliability of the complete system.


Connectors are considered to be compatible with connecting elements when they have been designed to work together in such a way that their sizes and shapes do not cause their gate mechanisms to inadvertently open regardless of how they become oriented. If the connecting element that a snap hook or karabiner attaches to is undersized or irregular in shape, a situation could occur where the connecting element applies a force to the gate of the snap hook or karabiner.  This force may cause the gate (of either a self-locking or a non- locking snap hook) to open, allowing the snap hook or karabiner to disengage from the  connecting point. Connectors must be compatible in size, shape, and strength. Self- locking snap hooks and karabiners are required by ANSI Z359.1 and OSHA. Making Connections: Always use snap hooks and karabiners which needs double manual action to open with this equipment. Only use connectors that are suitable to each application. Ensure all connections are compatible in size, shape and strength. Do not use equipment that is not compatible. Ensure all connectors are fully closed and locked.
The connection should not be made-

  • To a D-ring to which another connector is attached.
  • In a manner that would result in a load on the gate.
  • In a false engagement, where features that protrude from the snap hook or karabiner catch on the anchor and without visual confirmation seems to be fully engaged to the anchor point.
  • To each other.
  • Directly to wire rope or rope lanyard or tie-back (unless the manufacturer’s instructions for both the lanyard and connector specifically allow such a connection).
  • To any object which is shaped or dimensioned such that the snap hook or karabiner will not close and lock, or that roll-out could occur.

NOTE: Other than 3600 lbs. (16 kN) gated hooks, large throat opening snap hooks should not be connected to standard size D-rings or similar objects which will result in a load on the gate if the hook or D-ring twists or rotates. Large  throat snap hooks are designed for use on fixed structural elements such as rebar or cross members that are not shaped in a way that can capture the gate of the hook.


  • Do not make connections where the hook locking mechanism can come into contact with a structural member or other equipment and potentially release the hook.
  • Do not connect a snap hook into a loop or thimble of a wire rope or attach in any way to a slack wire rope.
  • The snap hook must be free to align with the applied load as intended (regardless of the size or shape of the mating connector).
  • A karabiner may be used to connect to a single or pair of soft loops on a body support such as a body belt or full body harness, provided the karabiner can fully close and lock. This type of connection is not allowed for snap hooks.
  • A karabiner may be connected to a loop or ring connector that is already occupied by an automatic closing connector.

Ritz RTZ3408\(6\) Anchorage Wire Rope Slings - REGARDING


Personal Fall Arrest Systems (PFAS) used with this equipment must meet applicable state, OSHA and ANSI requirements. A full body harness must be worn when this equipment is used as a component of a personal fall arrest system. As  required by OSHA, the personal fall arrest system must be capable of arresting the user’s fall with a maximum arresting force of 1,800 lbs. (8 kN), and limit the free fall to 6 f t. (1.8 m) or less. If the maximum free fall distance must be  exceeded, the employer must document, based on test data, that the maximum arresting force will not be exceeded, and the personal fall arrest system will function properly. Free fall greater than 6 ft. (1.8 m), and up to a maximum of 12  ft. (3.7 m) is possible, Ritz Fall Protection recommends using a personal fall arrest system incorporating a Ritz Fall Protection Energy Absorbing Lanyard. Ritz Fall Protection has performed testing using the Ritz Fall Protection Energy  Absorbing Lanyard in free falls up to 12 ft. (3.7 m) to ensure the maximum arresting force does not exceed 1,800 lbs. (8.0 kN), and the system functions properly.
Rescue Plan: Rescue operation must be performed by the trained and competent personal. The rescue operation must be performed under the supervision of the rescue expert team or personal. It is advised that while working on site work in pairs. Before going for the work the user must have the rescue plan according to the work.
If Equipment Is Subjected To A Fall : Remove the equipment from service immediately if it has been subjected to the forces of a fall arrest. Contact your distributor or Ritz Fall Protection about policies regarding replacement of Ritz
Fall Protection components involved in a fall.


Ritz Fall Protection Anchors are designed to provide complete attachment system to user in the event of a fall. These attachment systems must be connected to the proper body support and connecting facility. These Anchors are meant to  hold the victim of fall till the rescue operation is performed, so this is important that the whole system must have the all the essential components before going for the use. The whole fall arrest system must be used by the  trained/competent person. It is advisable to make a checklist of the essential components according to one’s use before going for work.


The fall arrest system MUST ONLY be connected to the back attaching element on the harness provided for the purpose (”D” ring or wire rope attachment extension) or to the chest anchorage points (“wire rope link” or “D” link). The  chest anchorage points must imperatively be used together. The D-rings on the belt and the ventral anchorage point must only be used for the attachment of a work positioning or retaining system and never with a fall arrest system.
During use, check regularly the adjustment and/or attachment points.


The anchorage strength required is dependent on the application type. The following are the requirements of ANSI 359.1 for these application types:

  • Fall Arrest: Anchorages selected for fall arrest systems shall have a strength capable of sustaining static loads applied in the directions permitted by the system of at least: 1. 5,000 lbs. (23 kN) for non certified anchorages, or 2.
    Two times the maximum arresting force for certified anchorages. When more than one fall arrest system is attached to an anchorage, the strengths set forth in (1) and (2) above shall be multiplied by the number of systems attached to the anchorage.

  • As Per OSHA: Anchorages used for attachment of personal fall arrest systems shall be independent of any anchorage being used to support or suspend platforms and capable of supporting at least 5,000 lbs. (23 kN) per user  attached, or be designed, installed and used as part of a complete Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS) which maintains a safety factor of at least two, and is under the supervision of a qualified person.

ANCHORAGE & ANCHORAGE STRENGTH : Anchorage and anchorage strength requirements are dependent on the full body harness application. In accordance with ANSI Z3559.1, anchorages selected for fall Arrest Systems must meet the anchorage strength requirements defined in Table 2.

| Table 2 – Anchorage| Strength Requirements
Fall Arrest’| Non-Certified Anchorage:| 5.000lbs (23 kN)
Certified Anchorage!| 2 Times the Maximum Arresting Force for Certified Anchorage
Restraint’| Non-Certified Anchorage| 1.000 (4.5 kN)
Certified Anchorages!| 2 times the foreseeable force for certified anchorages.
Work Positioning’| Non-Certified Anchorages| 3,000 lbs (13.3 kN)
Certified Anchorage!| 2 times the foreseeable force for certified anchorage.
Rescue’| Non-Certified Anchorage| 3,000 lbs (13.3 kN)
Certified Anchorage!| 5 times the foreseeable force for certified anchorage.
Climbing| The structure which a climbing system is attached must to sustain the loads required by that particular system. See the instructions for the climbing system for requirements.
1 Multiple Systems: When more than one of the defined system is attached to an anchorage, the strength defined for Non- Certified or certified anchorage shall be multiplied by the number of systems attached to the anchorage.
2 Certified Anchorage: An anchorage for fall arrest, positioning, restraint, or rescue systems that a qualified person certifies to be capable of supporting the potential fall force that meet the criteria for a certified anchorage prescribed in this standard.

  • Work Positioning: The structure to which the work positioning system is attached must sustain static loads applied in the directions permitted by the work positioning system of at least 3,000 lbs., or twice the potential impact  load, whichever is greater. See OSHA. When more than one work positioning system is attached to an anchorage, the strengths stated above must be multiplied by the number of work positioning systems attached to the anchorage.
  • Restraint: Anchorages selected for restraint and travel restraint systems shall have a strength capable of sustaining static loads applied in the directions permitted by the system of at least: 1. 1,000 lbs. (4.5 kN) for noncertified  anchorages, or 2. Two times the foreseeable force for certified anchorages. When more than one restraint and travel restraint system is attached to an anchorage, the strengths set forth in (1) and (2) above shall be multiplied by the number of systems attached to the anchorage.
  • Rescue: Anchorages selected for restraint and travel restraint systems shall have a strength capable of sustaining static loads applied in the directions permitted by the system of at least: 1. 3,000 lbs. (13.3 kN) for non-certified  anchorages, or 2. Five times the foreseeable force for certified anchorages. When more than one restraint and travel restraint system is attached to an anchorage, the strengths set forth in (1) and (2) above shall be multiplied by the number of systems attached to the anchorage.


Before each use, proceed with thorough visual examination to ensure that the PPE is intact (the same applies for the equipment used with the harness (connectors, lanyard…) and take all necessary steps concerning the implementation of  rescue in total safety. In the event of your product being contaminated, consult the manufacturer or authorized agent. If you have any doubts regarding the safe state of the product or if the product has been used to arrest a fall, for your  personal safety, it is essential to withdraw the PPE from service and send it back to the manufacturer or a qualified repair Center for checking or destruction.
Following the inspection, the center will provide written authorization or refusal for the use of the PPE. Never attempt to modify or repair PPE.
Before each use of this equipment inspect it according to the following guidelines : A formal inspection of fall protection products/components must be performed preferably every six months or at least annually by a competent person  other than the user. The frequency of formal inspections should be based on conditions of use or exposure. Record the inspection results in the inspection and maintenance log at the end of this manual. The component should be checked  for Cut, Frayed, Heavily Soiled, welding burns etc. Metal parts like D-rings should be duly check for the crack, bent, deformities, corrosion etc.

These Anchor wire rope slings are made up of galvanized wire rope and are PVC coated . The termination of the wire rope comes with various combinations that is both side loop (FAP 3405), one side loop and other side O-ring (FAP 3406), one side O-ring and other side snap hook (FAP 3407) and both side O-rings (RTZ3408) Note:

  • The slings must be placed over the anchorage structure in such a way that both the termination ends must hang on each side of the structure.
  • The anchorage structure on to which anchor sling is to be looped must be strong enough to withstand the load of application, and must be free from sharp and abrasive edges.

Installation steps for RTZ3408
STEP 1: Place the sling over the anchorage structure in such a way that the two O-rings hang on each side of the structure. The anchorage structure on to which anchor sling is to be looped must strong enough to withstand the load of  application, and must be free from sharp and abrasive edges. STEP 2: Now pass the small attachment O-ring through the large O-ring. Slide the large ring up to the anchorage structure. Pull the small O-ring down to take up slack that was made by moving the large ring up. The sling should be tightly wrapped around the anchorage with the small O-ring hanging free. You may shorten the distance of the small O-ring that hangs from the anchorage by wrapping the sling around the anchorage. On each loop, pass the small O-ring through the large ring.
STEP 3: Use the small O-ring as the attachment point for personal fall arrest system, once the installation is complete.
The free fall distance may get extended because of the use of the anchorage extender. Hence, the anchorage extender should always be connected making sure that the O-ring of the extender lies overhead the user. This helps the free fall
distance to be kept to a minimum.


If there is a risk of fall or if the only anchorage is below the attachment points on the harness, it is essential to use a lanyard provided with an energy absorber. Before using a shock absorbing lanyard, check that there is sufficient fall  clearance below the user to prevent any collision with the structure or the ground. With a weight of 220 lbs and a fall factor of two (the least favorable case), the fall clearance D is the stopping distance H (2L+5.74 ft) plus an additional distance of 3.28 ft.
Calculating Total Fall Distances: Total Fall Clearance below worker is calculated from Anchorage Connection. Free Fall Distance + Energy – Absorber Deceleration Distance + Worker height + Safety Factor. Care must be taken to ensure  that the total fall distance is clear of obstructions, such as equipment, to avoid contact with a lower level.Ritz RTZ3408\(6\) Anchorage
Wire Rope Slings - STEP 2


Keep these instructions with the product and fill in the identification sheet, entering the information taken from the markings.

  • The periodic examination is essential to test the resistance and condition of the equipment and to guarantee the safety of the user.
  • A qualified person must examine this equipment at least once each year in strict compliance with the instructions of the manufacturer and the previous check must be recorded on the attached sheet.
  • The frequency of inspection should be increased in accordance with the regulations, if the equipment is in heavy usage or if the equipment is used in harsh environments. Check also that the markings are legible.


  • Compatibility of Components: Ritz Fall Protection Fall Protection equipment is designed to be used with Ritz Fall Protection approved components. Please contact Ritz Fall Protection if you have a question regarding compatibility.  Making substitutions without approval from Ritz Fall Protection Fall Protection may lead to injuries and or death by compromising the safety and reliability of the complete system. A Qualified person can make a determination on  compatibility of equipment from different manufacturers.
  • Compatibility of Connectors: Connectors (D-rings, hooks, karabiners) must be capable of supporting at least 5,000lbs. (23kN). Do not use equipment that is not compatible. Non-compatible connectors may unintentionally  disengage. Self-locking snap hooks and karabiners are required by ANSI and OSHA. Connectors must be compatible in size, shape, and strength.
  • Making Connections: Only use self-locking snap hooks and karabiners with any Ritz Fall Protection equipment. Do not use equipment that is not compatible.


  • Maintenance and Cleaning: Repairs to equipment can be made only by a Ritz Fall Protection representative or person or entity authorized by Ritz Fall Protection. Contact Ritz Fall Protection for maintenance and repair. Cleaning  after use is important for maintaining the safety and life of the equipment. Cleanse the equipment of all dirt, corrosives, and contaminants. If the equipment cannot simply be wiped clean use a mild soap and water. Rinse, wipe, and hang to dry in shade.
  • Storage: Store the harness in a cool, dry and clean place out of direct sunlight. Avoid areas where heat, moisture, light, oil, and chemicals or their vapors or other degrading elements may be present. Equipment which is damaged or  in need of maintenance should not be stored in the same area as usable equipment. Heavily soiled, wet, or otherwise contaminated equipment should be properly maintained (e.g. dried and cleaned) prior to storage. Prior to using  equipment which has been stored for long periods of time, a Formal Inspection should be performed by a competent person. For harnesses with Dielectric buckles, pass-thru buckles or Quick Connect Buckles, store the harness with  the buckles connected.
  • A qualified person must examine this equipment at least once each year in strict compliance with the instructions of the manufacturer and the previous check must be recorded on the attached sheet.
  • The frequency of inspection should be increased in accordance with the regulations, if the equipment is in heavy usage or if the equipment is used in harsh environments. Check also that the markings are legible.


  • Compatibility of Components: Ritz Fall Protection Fall Protection equipment is designed to be used with Ritz Fall Protection approved components. Please contact Ritz Fall Protection if you have a question regarding compatibility.  Making substitutions without approval from Ritz Fall Protection Fall Protection may lead to injuries and or death by compromising the safety and reliability of the complete system. A Qualified person can make a determination on compatibility of equipment from different manufacturers.
  • Compatibility of Connectors: Connectors (D-rings, hooks, karabiners) must be capable of supporting at least 5,000lbs. (23kN). Do not use equipment that is not compatible. Non-compatible connectors may unintentionally  disengage. Self-locking snap hooks and karabiners are required by ANSI and OSHA. Connectors must be compatible in size, shape, and strength.
  • Making Connections: Only use self-locking snap hooks and karabiners with any Ritz Fall Protection equipment. Do not use equipment that is not compatible.


  • Maintenance and Cleaning: Repairs to equipment can be made only by a Ritz Fall Protection representative or person or entity authorized by Ritz Fall Protection. Contact Ritz Fall Protection for maintenance and repair. Cleaning after use is important for maintaining the safety and life of the equipment. Cleanse the equipment of all dirt, corrosives, and contaminants. If the equipment cannot simply be wiped clean use a mild soap and water. Rinse, wipe, and hang to dry in shade.
  • Storage: Store the harness in a cool, dry and clean place out of direct sunlight. Avoid areas where heat, moisture, light, oil, and chemicals or their vapors or other degrading elements may be present. Equipment which is damaged  or in need of maintenance should not be stored in the same area as usable equipment. Heavily soiled, wet, or otherwise contaminated equipment should be properly maintained (e.g. dried and cleaned) prior to storage. Prior to using  equipment which has been stored for long periods of time, a Formal Inspection should be performed by a competent person. For harnesses with Dielectric buckles, pass-thru buckles or Quick Connect Buckles, store the harness with the buckles connected.
  • Training: It is the responsibility of the users to assure that they read, understand, and follow all instructions and are trained in the care and use of this device. Training should be repeated periodically and any time there is a change  of components within the system. Training must be conducted without exposing the trainee to a fall hazard.


When the lanyard becomes unfits or in case of any wear and tear, dispose the lanyard immediately.
Steps for Disposing Wire Rope Lanyards:-

  • Segregate the equipment in two different crates for placing components namely Metal and PVC of the wire rope lanyard.
  • Place the wire rope on a flat surface.
  • Inspect the wear and tear on the PVC coating and on the wire rope.
  • If any wear and tear is observed, immediately dispose the lanyard using heavy duty wire cutting plier pincers or any wire cutting tool of suitable strength.
  • Put the metal wire and PVC coating in their respective plastic crates.
    WARNING: Do not attempt to disassemble the unit or make repairs to the equipment unless authorized to do so.
    NOTE: It is advised to send the equipment back to the manufacturer/persons or entities authorized in writing by the manufacturer to make repairs to the equipment.


Ritz RTZ3408\(6\) Anchorage Wire Rope Slings -

WARRANTY: All Ritz Fall Protection products bear 1 year warranty against manufacturing defects, applicable on Unused Ritz Fall Protection products, from the date of purchase. However, Ritz Fall Protection shall not be liable for any  accident or damage while the product is in use.
LIFESPAN: The estimated product lifespan of this product is 10 years from the date of manufacturing. The following factors can reduce the lifespan of the product : intense use, contact with chemical substances, specially aggressive  environment, extreme temperature exposure, UV exposure, abrasion, cuts, violent impacts, bad use or maintenance.
DISCLAIMER: This information on the product is based upon technical data that Ritz Fall Protection obtained under laboratory conditions and believes to be reliable. Ritz Fall Protection does not guarantee results and takes no liability or obligation in connection with this information. As conditions of end use are beyond our control it is the user’s responsibility to determine the hazard levels and the use of proper personal protective equipment. Persons having technical  expertise should undertake evaluation under their own specific end-use conditions, at their own discretion and risk. Please ensure that this information is only to check that the product selected is suitable for the intended use. Any  product that is damaged, torn, worn or punctured should be immediately discontinued from usage .


Model & type/Identification| Trade Name| Identification number
Manufacturer| Address| Tel, email into use
Year of manufacture| Purchase Date| Date first put into use
Other relevant information (eg. document number)


Date| Reason for entry (periodic examination or repair)| Defects noted, repairs carried out and other relevant information| Name and signature of competent person| Periodic examination next due date
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800-451-3077 | RitzSafety.com


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