PANDRIVE PD42-1070 Smart Stepper Motor User Manual

June 2, 2024

PANDRIVE PD42-1070 Smart Stepper Motor

PD42-1070 is an easy-to-use PANdrive™ smart stepper motor. The module is controlled via a step and direction interface. One configuration pin selects the current control mode between StealthChop™ for absolute silent motor control and SpreadCycle™ for high speed. A TTL UART interface allows for more advanced configuration and permanent parameter storage via TMCL-IDE.


  • Supply Voltage +9 to +24V DC
  • Step and direction interface
  • MicroPlyer™ to 256 µ-steps
  • StealthChop™ silent PWM mode
  • SpreadCycle™ smart mixed decay
  • StallGuard2™ load detection
  • CoolStep™ autom. current scaling
  • UART configuration interface


  • Laboratory Automation
  • Manufacturing
  • Semiconductor Handling
  • Robotics
  • Factory Automation
  • Test & Measurement
  • Life Science
  • Biotechnology
  • Liquid Handling

Simplified Block Diagram


©2023 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg, Germany Terms of delivery and rights to technical change reserved. Download the newest version at: The PD42-1070 is a single-axis controller/driver module for 2-phase bipolar stepper motors with state of the state-of-the-art feature set. It is highly integrated, offers convenient handling and can be used in many decentralized applications. This drive has been designed for coil currents up to 1A RMS and 24V DC supply voltage. Two digital inputs are present for enabling the module and choosing the desired chopper mode. With its high energy efficiency from TRINAMIC’s CoolStep™ technology cost of power consumption is kept down.

Main characteristics

Stepper motor driver:

  • High-performance microcontroller for overall system control and communication protocol handling.
  • Up to 256 microsteps per full step.
  • High-eficient operation, low power dissipation.
  • Dynamic current control.
  • Integrated protection.
  • StallGuard™2 feature for stall detection.
  • CoolStep™ feature for reduced power consumption and heat dissipation.
  • StealthChop™ feature for quiet operation and smooth motion.
  • DcStep™ feature for load-dependent speed control.


  • TTL-UART (for configuration).
  • Step/Direction.
  • Enable Input.
  • Chopper Mode Input.

TMCL: remote-controlled operation alone or during step/direction mode. PC- based application development software TMCL-IDE is available for free.

Electrical data

  • Supply voltage : +12V and +24V nominal (10. . .27V DC supply range).
  • Motor current: up to 1A RMS / 1.41A peak (programmable).

Please see also the separate Hardware Manual.

StallGuard2 is a high-precision sensorless load measurement using the back EMF of the coils. It can be used for stall detection as well as other uses at loads below those that stall the motor. The StallGuard2 measurement value changes linearly over a wide range of load, velocity, and current settings. At maximum motor load, the value reaches zero or is near zero. This is the most energy-efficient point of operation for the motor.PANDRIVE-PD42-1070-Smart-

CoolStep is a load-adaptive automatic current scaling based on the load measurement via StallGuard2 adapting the required current to the load. Energy consumption can be reduced by as much as 75%. Cool-Step allows substantial energy savings, especially for motors which see varying loads or operate at a high-duty cycle. Because a stepper motor application needs to work with a torque reserve of 30% to 50%, even a constant-load application allows significant energy savings because CoolStep automatically enables torque reserve when required. Reducing power consumption keeps the system cooler, increases motor life, and allows cost reduction.PANDRIVE-PD42-1070-Smart-

First Steps with TMCL

In this chapter you can and some hints for your first steps with the PD42-1070 and TMCL. You may skip this chapter if you are already familiar with TMCL and the TMCL-IDE. Things that you will need

  • Your PD42-1070 PANdrive™.
  • A 5V TTL-UART cable.
  • A power supply (24V DC) for your PD42-1070 module.
  • The TMCL-IDE 3.x already installed on your PC

Basic Setup
First of all, you will need a PC with Windows (at least Windows 7) and the TMCL-IDE 3.x installed on it. If you do not have the TMCL-IDE installed on your PC then please download it from the TMCL-IDE product page of Trinamic’s website ( and install it on your PC. Please also ensure that your PD42-1070 is properly connected to your power supply and that the stepper motor is properly connected to the module. Please see the PD42-1070 hardware manual for instructions on how to do this. Do not connect or disconnect a stepper motor to or from the module while the module is powered! Then, please start up the TMCL-IDE. After that, you can connect your PD42-1070 via UART and switch on the power supply for the module (while the TMCL-IDE is running on your PC). The module will be recognized by the TMCL- IDE, and necessary driver registrations in Windows will be automatically done by the TMCL-IDE.

Using the TMCL Direct Mode
At first, try to use some TMCL commands in direct mode. In the TMCL-IDE a tree view showing the PD42- 1070 and all tools available for it is displayed. Click on the Direct Mode entry of the tool tree. Now, the Direct Mode tool will pop up. In the Direct Mode tool you can choose a TMCL command, enter the necessary parameters and execute the command.

Changing Axis Parameters
Next, you can try changing some settings (also called axis parameters) using the SAP command in direct mode. Choose the SAP command. Then choose the parameter type and the motor number. Last, enter the desired value and click execute to execute the command which then changes the desired parameter. The following table points out the most important axis parameters. Please see Chapter 4 for a complete list of all axis parameters.

Most important axis parameters

Number| Axis Parameter| Description| Range [Units]| Default| Access
6| Maximum current| Motor current used when motor is running. The maximum value is 31 which means 100% of the maximum current of the module.| 0 . . . 31| 24| RWE
Number| Axis Parameter| Description| Range [Units]| Default| Access
7| Standby current| The current used when the motor is not running. The maximum value is 31 which means 100% of the max- imum current of the module. This value should be as low as possible so that the motor can cool down when it is not moving.| 0 . . . 31| 3| RWE
140| Microstep Resolution| Microstep resolutions per full step: 0 – fullstep

1  – halfstep

2  – 4 microsteps

3  – 8 microsteps

4  – 16 microsteps

5  – 32 microsteps

6  – 64 microsteps

7  – 128 microsteps

8  – 256 microsteps

| 0 . . . 8| 4| RWE
141| Microstep Interpolation| Interpolation of the current mi- crostep resolution to 256 microsteps: 0 – No interpolation

1 – Interpolation to 256 microsteps

| 0 . . . 1| 1| RWE
179| VSense| Sense resistor voltage:

0 – High sense resistor voltage 1 – Low sense resistor voltage

| 0 . . . 1| 0| RWE

TMCL and the TMCL-IDE — An Introduction

As with most TRINAMIC modules, the software running on the microprocessor of the PD42-1070 consists of two parts, a boot loader and the firmware itself. Whereas the boot loader is installed during production and testing at TRINAMIC and remains untouched throughout the whole lifetime, the firmware can be updated by the user. New versions can be downloaded free of charge from the TRINAMIC website ( The PD42-1070 supports TMCL direct mode (binary commands).In direct mode, the TMCL communication over RS-232, RS-485, CAN, and USB follows a strict client/server relationship. That is, a computer (e.g. PC/PLC) acting as the interface bus host will send a command to the PD42-1070. The TMCL interpreter on the module will then interpret this command, do the initialization of the motion controller, read inputs and write outputs or whatever is necessary according to the specified command. As soon as this step has been done, the module will send a reply back over the interface to the host. The host must not send any next command before the reply for a preceding command has been received.

Normally, the module will just switch to transmission and occupy the bus for a reply, otherwise it will stay in receive mode. It will not send any data over the interface without receiving a command first. This way, any collision on the bus will be avoided when there are more than two nodes connected to a single bus. The Trinamic Motion Control Language (TMCL) provides a set of structured motion control commands. Every command has a binary representation and a mnemonic. The binary format is used to send com- mands from the host to a module in direct mode, whereas the mnemonic format is used for easy usage of the commands when developing standalone TMCL applications using the TMCL-IDE (IDE means Inte- grated Development Environment). There is also a set of configuration variables for the axis and for global parameters which allow individual configuration of nearly every function of a module. This manual gives a detailed description of all TMCL commands and their usage.

Binary Command Format
Every command has a mnemonic and a binary representation. When commands are sent from a host to a module, the binary format has to be used. Every command consists of a one-byte command field, a one-byte type field, a one-byte motor/bank field and a four-byte value field. So the binary representation of a command always has seven bytes. When a command is to be sent via RS-232, RS-485, RS-422 or USB interface, it has to be enclosed by an address byte at the beginning and a checksum byte at the end. In these cases it consists of nine bytes. The binary command format with RS-232, RS-485, RS-422 and USB is as follows:

TMCL Command Format

Bytes| Meaning
1| Module address
1| Command number
1| Type number
1| Motor or Bank number
4| Value (MSB first!)
1| Checksum

  • Info The checksum is calculated by accumulating all the other bytes using an 8-bit addition.
  • Note When using the CAN interface, leave out the address byte and the checksum byte. With CAN, the CAN-ID is used as the module address and the checksum is not needed because CAN bus uses hardware CRC checking.

Checksum Calculation
As mentioned above, the checksum is calculated by adding up all bytes (including the module address byte) using 8-bit addition. Here are two examples which show how to do this:

Checksum calculation in C:


Checksum calculation in Delphi:


Reply Format
Every time a command has been sent to a module, the module sends a reply. The reply format with RS- 232, RS-485, RS-422 and USB is as follows:

TMCL Reply Format

Bytes| Meaning
1| Reply address
1| Module address
1| Status (e.g. 100 means no error)
1| Command number
4| Value (MSB first!)
1| Checksum

  • Info The checksum is also calculated by adding up all the other bytes using an 8-bit addition. Do not send the next command before having received the reply!
  • Note When using CAN interface, the reply does not contain an address byte and a
    checksum byte. With CAN, the CAN-ID is used as the reply address and the checksum is not needed because the CAN bus uses hardware CRC checking.

Status Codes
The reply contains a status code. The status code can have one of the following values:

TMCL Status Codes

Code| Meaning
100| Successfully executed, no error
101| Command loaded into TMCL program EEPROM
1| Wrong checksum
2| Invalid command
3| Wrong type
4| Invalid value
5| Configuration EEPROM locked
6| Command not available

TMCL Command Overview
This section gives a short overview of all TMCL commands.

Overview of all TMCL Commands

Command| Number| Parameter| Description
SAP| 5| ,      <motor    number>,

| Set axis parameter (motion control specific settings)
GAP| 6| , | Get axis parameter (read out motion control specific settings)
STAP| 7| ,      <motor    number>,

| Store axis parameter (store motion control specific settings)
RSAP| 8| , | Restore axis parameter (restore mo- tion control specific settings)
GIO| 15| , | Get the value of analog/digital input

TMCL Commands by Subject

Parameter Commands
These commands are used to set, read and store axis parameters or global parameters. Axis parameters can be set independently for each axis, whereas global parameters control the behaviour of the module itself. These commands can also be used in direct mode and in standalone mode.

Parameter Commands

Mnemonic| Command number| Meaning
SAP| 5| Set axis parameter
GAP| 6| Get axis parameter
STAP| 7| Store axis parameter
RSAP| 8| Restore axis parameter

I/O Port Commands
These commands control the external I/O ports and can be used in direct mode as well as in standalone mode.

I/O Port Commands

Mnemonic| Command number| Meaning
GIO| 15| Get input

Detailed TMCL Command Descriptions
The module-specific commands are explained in more detail on the following pages. They are listed according to their command number.

SAP (Set Axis Parameter)
With this command, most of the motion control parameters of the module can be specified. The settings will be stored in SRAM and therefore are volatile. That is, information will be lost after power off.

For a table with parameters and values which can be used together with this command please refer to section 4.

  • Internal function : The specified value is written to the axis parameter specified by the parameter number.
  • Related commands: GAP.
  • Mnemonic : SAP < parameter number>, ‹axis>, ‹value>

Binary representation

Binary Representation

Instruction| Type| Motor/Bank| Value
5| see chapter 4| 0|
Reply in Direct Mode

Status| Value
100 – OK| don’t care

Example Set the maximum current for motor #0 to 15 (50%). Mnemonic: SAP 6, 0, 15.

Binary Form of SAP 6, 0, 15

Field| Value
Target address| 01h
Instruction number| 05h
Type| 06h
Motor/Bank| 00h
Value (Byte 3)| 00h
Value (Byte 2)| 00h
Value (Byte 1)| 00h
Value (Byte 0)| 0Fh
Checksum| 1Bh

GAP (Get Axis Parameter)

Most motion / driver-related parameters of the PD42-1070 can be adjusted using e.g. the SAP command. With the GAP parameter, they can be read out. In standalone mode, the requested value is also transferred to the accumulator register for further processing purposes (such as conditional jumps). In direct mode the value read is only output in the value field of the reply, without affecting the accumulator.

Info For a table with parameters and values that can be used together with this command please refer to section 4.

  • Internal function: The specificed value gets copied to the accumulator.
  • Related commands: SAP.
  • Mnemonic: GAP ,

Binary Representation

Instruction| Type| Motor/Bank| Value
6| see chapter 4| 0|
Reply in Direct Mode

Status| Value
100 – OK| value read by this command

Get the maximum current setting of motor #0. Mnemonic: GAP 6, 0.

Binary Form of GAP 6, 0

Field| Value
Target address| 01h
Instruction number| 06h
Type| 06h
Motor/Bank| 00h
Value (Byte 3)| 00h
Value (Byte 2)| 00h
Value (Byte 1)| 00h
Value (Byte 0)| 00h
Checksum| 0Dh

STAP (Store Axis Parameter)

This command is used to store TMCL axis parameters permanently in the EEPROM of the module. This command is mainly needed to store the default configuration of the module. The contents of the user variables can either be automatically or manually restored at power on.

For a table with parameters and values which can be used together with this command please refer to section 4.

  • Internal function : The axis parameter specified by the type and bank number will be stored in the EEP-ROM.
  • Related commands : SAP, AAP, GAP, RSAP.
  • Mnemonic : STAP < parameter number>, ‹bank>

Binary Representation

Instruction| Type| Motor/Bank| Value
7| see chapter 4| 0| 0 (don’t care)
Reply in Direct Mode

Status| Value
100 – OK| 0 (don’t care)

Store axis parameter #6 of motor #0. Mnemonic: STAP 6, 0.

Binary Form of STAP 6, 0

Field| Value
Target address| 01h
Instruction number| 07h
Type| 06h
Motor/Bank| 00h
Value (Byte 3)| 00h
Value (Byte 2)| 00h
Value (Byte 1)| 00h
Value (Byte 0)| 00h
Checksum| 0Eh

RSAP (Restore Axis Parameter)

With this command, the contents of an axis parameter can be restored from the EEPROM. By default, all axis parameters are automatically restored after power-up. An axis parameter that has been changed before can be reset to the stored value by this instruction. Info For a table with parameters and values which can be used together with this command please refer to section 4.

  • Internal function: The axis parameter specified by the type and bank number will be restored from the EEPROM.
  • Related commands: SAP, AAP, GAP, RSAP.
  • Mnemonic : RSAP ,

Binary Representation

Instruction| Type| Motor/Bank| Value
8| see chapter 4| 0| 0 (don’t care)
Reply in Direct Mode

Status| Value
100 – OK| 0 (don’t care)

Restore axis parameter #6 of motor #0.  Mnemonic: RSAP 6, 0.

Binary Form of RSAP 6, 0

Field| Value
Target address| 01h
Instruction number| 08h
Type| 06h
Motor/Bank| 00h
Value (Byte 3)| 00h
Value (Byte 2)| 00h
Value (Byte 1)| 00h
Value (Byte 0)| 00h
Checksum| 0Fh

GIO (Get Input)
With this command, the status of the available general-purpose outputs of the module can be read. The function reads a digital or an analog input port. Digital input ports will read as 0 or 1. In standalone mode the requested value is copied to the accumulator register for further processing purposes such as conditional jumps. In direct mode, the value is only output in the value field of the reply, without affecting the accumulator. The actual status of a digital output line can also be read.

  • Internal function: The state of the I/O line specified by the type parameter and the bank parameter is read.
  • Mnemonic: GIO ,

Binary Representation

Instruction| Type| Motor/Bank| Value
15| | | 0 (don’t care)
Reply in Direct Mode

Status| Value
100 – OK| status of the port

Get the status of digital input 0. Mnemonic: GIO 0, 0.

Binary Form of GIO 0, 0

Field| Value
Target address| 01h
Instruction number| 0Fh
Type| 00h
Motor/Bank| 00h
Value (Byte 3)| 00h
Value (Byte 2)| 00h
Value (Byte 1)| 00h
Value (Byte 0)| 00h
Checksum| 10h
Reply (Status=no error, Value=1)

Field| Value
Host address| 02h
Target address| 01h
Status| 64h
Instruction| 0Fh
Value (Byte 3)| 00h
Value (Byte 2)| 00h
Value (Byte 1)| 00h
Value (Byte 0)| 01h
Checksum| 77h

Bank 0 – Digital Inputs
The digital input states can be accessed in bank 0.

Digital Inputs in Bank 0

Port| Description| Command| Range
0 – CHOP| Chopper selection| GIO 0, 0| 0/1
1 – Enable| Enable module| GIO 1, 0| 0/1

Customer-specific Command Extensions (UF0. . .UF7 – User Functions)

These commands are used for customer-specific extensions of TMCL. They will be implemented in C by Trinamic. Please contact the sales department of Trinamic Motion Control GmbH & Co KG if you need customized TMCL firmware.

  • Related commands: none.
  • Mnemonic : UF0.. .UF7

Binary Representation

Instruction| Type| Motor/Bank| Value
64. . . 71| | 0 | 0
Reply in Direct Mode

Status| Value
100 – OK| user-defined

Axis Parameters

Most motor controller features of the PD42-1070 module are controlled by axis parameters. Axis parameters can be modi˝ed or read using SAP, GAP and AAP commands. Some axis parameters can also be stored to or restored from the EEPROM using STAP and RSAP commands. This chapter describes all axis parameters that can be used on the PD42-1070 module. There are different parameter access types, like read-only or read/write. Table 8 shows the different parameter access types used in the axis parameter tables.

Meaning of the Letters in the Access Column

Access type| Command| Description
R| GAP| Parameter readable
W| SAP, AAP| Parameter writable
E| STAP, RSAP| Parameter can be stored in the EEPROM
Axis 0 Parameters of the PD42-1070 Module

Number| Axis Parameter| Description| Range [Units]| Default| Access
6| Maximum current| Motor current used when motor is running. The maximum value is 31 which means 100% of the maximum current of the module.| 0 . . . 31| 24| RWE
7| Standby current| The current used when the motor is not running. The maximum value is 31 which means 100% of the max- imum current of the module. This value should be as low as possible so that the motor can cool down when it is not moving.| 0 . . . 31| 3| RWE
9| Standby

current delay

| Controls the number of clock cycles for motor power down after a motion as soon as standstill is detected and TZEROWAIT has expired. 0 means instant power down and 1-15 is the delay pero current reduction step in multiple of 218 clocks.| 0 . . . 15| 0| RWE
22| Speed threshold for CoolStep /


| TSTEP corresponding to the speed threshold for de-activating CoolStep or switching to fullstep mode.| 0 . . . 1048575| 0| RWE
135| TStep| Actual measured time between two 1/256 microsteps. This value during a certain speed can be written to TP- WMTHRS.| 0 . . . 1048575| 0| RWE
Number| Axis Parameter| Description| Range [Units]| Default| Access
136| StealthChop VLimit| Direct access to the TPWMTHRS reg- ister (0x13 of the TMC2130) for the StealthChop Velocity Limit Configura- tion. Use STAP and RSAP to access the stored value in the EEPROM.| 0 . . . 1048575| 0| RWE
137| PWMConf| Direct access to the PWMConf reg- ister (0x70 of the TMC2130) for the StealthChop Configuration. Use STAP and RSAP to access the stored value in the EEPROM.| 0

. . . 4294967295

| 328136| RWE
138| CoolConf| Access to the COOLCONF register (0x6D of the TMC2130) for the Cool- step Configuration. Use STAP and RSAP to access the stored value in the EEPROM.| 0

. . . 4294967295

| 33011| RWE
139| CHOPConf| Access to the CHOPCONF regis- ter (0x6C of the TMC2130) for the Chopper Configuration (excluded Microstep Configuration). Use STAP and RSAP to access the stored value in the EEPROM.| 0

. . . 4294967295

| 33011| RWE
140| Microstep Resolution| Microstep resolutions per full step: 0 – fullstep

1  – halfstep

2  – 4 microsteps

3  – 8 microsteps

4  – 16 microsteps

5  – 32 microsteps

6  – 64 microsteps

7  – 128 microsteps

8  – 256 microsteps

| 0 . . . 8| 4| RWE
141| Microstep Interpolation| Interpolation of the current mi- crostep resolution to 256 microsteps: 0 – No interpolation

1 – Interpolation to 256 microsteps

| 0 . . . 1| 1| RWE
142| Double Edge Steps| Step impulse at each step edge to re- duce step frequency requirement.

0 – Single edge 1 – Double edge

| 0 . . . 1| 0| RWE
168| SmartEnergy current

minimum (SEIMIN)

| Sets the lower motor current limit for CoolStep operation by scaling the maximum current (see axis parame- ter 6) value.

0  – 1/2 of CS

1  – 1/4 of CS

| 0 . . . 1| 0| RWE
Number| Axis Parameter| Description| Range [Units]| Default| Access
169| SmartEnergy current down-step| Sets the number of StallGuard2 readings above the upper threshold necessary for each current decrement of the motor current. Number of Stall- Guard2 measurements per decrement: Scaling: 0. . . 3: 32, 8, 2, 1. 0: slow decrement, 3: fast decrement| 0 . . . 3| 0| RW
170| SmartEnergy hysteresis| Sets the distance between the lower and the upper threshold for Stall- Guard2 reading. Above the up- per threshold, the motor current becomes decreased. Hysteresis: ([AP172] + 1) 32. Upper StallGuard threshold: ([AP172] + [AP170] + 1) 32| 0 . . . 15| 0| RW
171| SmartEnergy current up


| Sets the current increment step. The current becomes incremented for each measured StallGuard2 value be- low the lower threshold see SmartEnergy hysteresis start). Current increment step size: Scaling: 0. . . 3: 1, 2,

4, 8. 0: slow increment, 3: fast increment / fast reaction to rising load

| 0 . . . 3| 0| RW
172| SmartEnergy

hysteresis start

| The lower threshold for the Stall- Guard2 value (see SmartEnergy cur- rent up step).

Setting this to 0 (default) turns off CoolStep.

| 0 . . . 15| 0| RW
173| StallGuard2 filter enable| Enables the StallGuard2 filter for more precision of the movement. If set, reduce the measurement frequency to one measurement per four full steps. In most cases, it is expedient to set the filtered mode before using CoolStep. Use the standard mode for step loss detection.

0 – standard mode 1 – filtered mode

| 0 . . . 1| 0| RW
174| StallGuard2 threshold| This signed value controls the Stall- Guard2 threshold level for stall output and sets the optimum measurement range for readout. A lower value gives a higher sensitivity. Zero is the starting value. A higher value makes StallGuard2 less sensitive and requires more torque to indicate a stall.| -64 . . . 63| 0| RW
Number| Axis Parameter| Description| Range [Units]| Default| Access
179| VSense| Sense resistor voltage:

0 – High sense resistor voltage 1 – Low sense resistor voltage

| 0 . . . 1| 0| RWE
180| SmartEnergy actual current| This status value provides the actual motor current setting as controlled by CoolStep. The value goes up to the CS value and down to the portion of CS as specified by SEIMIN. Actual motor current scaling factor: 0. . . 31: 1/32, 2/32, . . . 32/32| 0 . . . 31| 0| R
182| SmartEnergy threshold


| Above the speed that corresponds to this TSTEP value, CoolStep be- comes enabled.| 0 . . . 1048575| 0| RE
206| Load value| Actual current control scaling for monitoring smart energy current scaling or automatic current scaling.| 0 . . . 1023| 0| R

Module Speci˝c Con˝guration

This section explains how to use the two digital inputs of the PD42-1070. It also describes the default con˝guration for microstep resolution and interpolation as well as for current setting.

Digital Inputs
The PD42-1070 includes two digital inputs: ENABLE and CHOP. The ENABLE input is a low active input that powers the motor when the ENABLE is not set. The CHOP input allows the user to choose between different chopper modes. When CHOP is cleared, the chopper mode is SpreadCycle. When CHOP is set, the active chopper is StealthChop. The change from SpreadCycle to StealthChop is only allowed when the motor is powered and still stands. The chopper mode will remain SpreadCycle until both conditions are fulfilled.

Note that the voltage at the digital inputs can be reversed depending on the reference voltage of the optocoupler. See the Hardware Manual of PD42-1070 for more details.

  COMM=3.3. . . 5V COMM=GND
CHOP=GND SpreadCycle StealthChop
CHOP=3.3. . . 5V StealthChop SpreadCycle

In the TMC2130 Manual, available at, you can find more information about how to con˝gure StealthChop and SpreadCycle.

Default Configuration
By default, the PD42-1070 uses the con˝guration shown in Section 4 for each of the parameters. In the following table, we show several of the variables that can be also stored in the EEPROM permanent storage.

Default Configuration of PD42-1070 Parameters

Name| Command| Default Value| Meaning
Microstep Resolution| SAP/GAP 140, 0| 4| Resolution: 16 microsteps per full step.
Microstep Interpolation| SAP/GAP 141, 0| 1| Interpolation to 256 micro steps.
Maximum Current| SAP/GAP 6, 0| 24| The current when a motor is running is 24/31.
Standby Current| SAP/GAP 7, 0| 3| The current when the motor is not running is 3/31.
VSense| SAP/GAP 179, 0| 0| High sense resistor voltage.

In summary, with the default conguration:

  • The PD42-1070 works with 16 microsteps per full step interpolated to 256 microsteps.
  • The current when motor is running is 1 A RMS and 0.136 A RMS when not running.

Reset to Factory Defaults
To reset all settings to their factory defaults, open the Global Parameters tool in the TMCL-IDE and click the Restore Factory Defaults button.

Configuration with the TMCL-IDE Plugin
When using a PC and the TMCL-IDE, the PD42-1070 can be easily configured with the Module Settings plugin. This tool provides a direct graphic interface to the most important parameters of the module. Figure 3 shows the first tab of the tool, which is called Current. In this tab, the tool shows the current value of the axis parameters 6, 7 and 8, related to the motor current, and allows the user to modify them. The button on the bottom left corner sends a STAP for each of the parameters related to the current tab. In this case, parameters 6, 7 and 8 would be stored in the EEPROM of the module. The next tab, Microstep, works similarly and affects parameters 140, 141 and 142. When this tab is active, these three parameters will be stored in EEPROM after clicking on the Store Current Tab.

The StealthChop tab is shown in Figure 4. Parameter 137 “Chopconf” contains the value to be written in the register with the same name. The graphical interface allows the user to change individual fields of the register without having to look up the field bits in the reference manual of TMC2130. The last field “Upper Velocity Limit” relates to parameter 136. When rotating at the desired speed limit, click on “Read from TSTEP” to fill it automatically with the value from register 135 converted to step per second. The velocity value is approximated because of the possible inaccuracy of the TMC2130 internal clock. The  Store Current Tab button stores in this case parameters 136 and 137 in the EEPROM. The  SpreadCycle tab works like the StealthChop tab for axis parameter 139 and the fields of its related register. The last tab “Coolstep” is shown in Figure 5. To configure CoolStep, use the more advanced plugin (click on “coolStep” on the plugin list of the module). The exceptions are parameters 22 and 182, Thresh-old Speed and Deactivation Threshold Speed respectively. Rotate the motor at the desired speed for each parameter and click on Read from TSTEP to assign the correct value. Parameters 22 and 182 together with 138 (which contains configuration from the CoolStep plugin) will be stored in the EEPROM after a click on Store Current Tab.

In the TMC2130 Manual, available at, you can find more information about how to configure StealthChop, SpreadCycle and CoolStep.

Hints and Tips

This chapter gives some hints and tips on using the functionality of MCL, for example how to use and parameterize the built-in reference search algorithm. You will also find basic information about Stall- Guard2™ and CoolStep™ in this chapter.

The module is equipped with motor driver chips that feature load measurement. This load measurement can be used for stall detection. StallGuard2 delivers a sensorless load measurement of the motor as well as a stall detection signal. The measured value changes linear with the load on the motor in a wide range of load, velocity and current settings. At maximum motor load the StallGuard value goes to zero. This corresponds to a load angle of 90° between the magnetic field of the stator and magnets in the rotor. This also is the most energy-efficient point of operation for the motor. Stall detection means that the motor will be stopped automatically when the load gets too high. This function is configured mainly using axis parameters #174 and #181. Stall detection can for example be used for finding the reference point without the need for reference switches. A short routine written in MCL is needed to use StallGuard for reference searching.


This section gives an overview of the CoolStep-related parameters. Please bear in mind that the figure only shows one example for a drive. Some parameters concern the configuration of the current. Other parameters are there for velocity regulation and for time adjustment. Figure 6 shows all the adjustment points for CoolStep. It is necessary to identify and configure the thresh-olds for current (16, 17 and 1183) and velocity (V182). Furthermore, the StallGuard2 feature has to be ad- justed (SG170). It can also be enabled if needed (SG181). The reduction or increase of the current in the CoolStep area (depending on the load) has to be configured using parameters 1169 and 1171. In this chapter, only basic axis parameters are mentioned which concern CoolStep and StallGuard2. The complete list of axis parameters in Chapter 4 contains further parameters that offer more configuration options.PANDRIVE-

SG123 stallGuard2™ parameter

The lower threshold of the coolStep™ current can be adjusted up to I6/4. Refer to parameter 168.

CoolStep Adjustment Points and Thresholds

Number| Axis Parameter| Description
I6| Absolute maximum current| The maximum value is 255. This value means 100% of the maximum current of the module. The current adjustment is within the range 0. . . 255 and can be adjusted in 32 steps (0. . . 255 divided by eight;

e.g. step 0 = 0. . . 7, step 1 = 8. . . 15 and so on).

Too high values may cause motor damage!

I7| Standby current| The current limit two seconds after the motor has stopped.
I168| smart energy current minimum| Sets the lower motor current limit for Cool-Step operation by scaling the CS (Current Scale, see axis parameter 6) value.

Minimum motor current: 0 – 1/2 of CS

1 – 1/4 of CS

I169| smart energy current down step| Sets the number of StallGuard2 readings above the upper threshold necessary for each current decrement of the motor current. A number of StallGuard2 measurements per decrement:

Scaling: 0. . . 3: 32, 8, 2, 1

0: slow decrement

3: fast decrement

I171| smart energy current up step| Sets the current increment step. The current becomes incremented for each measured StallGuard2 value below the lower threshold (see smartEnergy hystere- sis start).

current increment step size: Scaling: 0. . . 3: 1, 2, 4, 8

0: slow increment

3: fast increment

SG170| smart energy hysteresis| Sets the distance between the lower and the upper threshold for StallGuard2 read- ing. Above the upper threshold, the motor current becomes decreased.
SG181| Stop on stall| Below this speed motor will not be stopped. Above this speed motor will stop in case the StallGuard2 load value reaches zero.
V182| smart energy threshold speed| Above this speed, CoolStep becomes en- abled.
T214| Power down delay| The standstill period before the current is changed down to standby current. The standard value is 200 (which means 2000 msec).
Number| Axis Parameter| Description

Supplemental Directives

Producer Information

TRINAMIC owns the content of this user manual in its entirety, including but not limited to pictures, logos, trademarks, and resources. © Copyright 2023 TRINAMIC. All rights reserved. Electronically published by TRINAMIC, Germany. Redistribution of sources or derived formats (for example, Portable Document Format or Hypertext Markup Language) must retain the above copyright notice, the complete data sheet, user manual, and doc- umentation of this product including associated application notes; and a reference to other available product-related documentation.

Trademark Designations and Symbols
Trademark designations and symbols used in this documentation indicate that a product or feature is owned and registered as trademark and/or patent either by TRINAMIC or by other manufacturers, whose products are used or referred to in combination with TRINAMIC’s products and TRINAMIC’s product documentation. This MCL™ Firmware Manual is a non-commercial publication that seeks to provide concise scientific and technical user information to the target user. Thus, trademark designations and symbols are only entered in the Short Spec of this document that introduces the product at a glance. The trademark designation /symbol is also entered when the product or feature name occurs for the first time in the document. All trademarks and brand names used are the property of their respective owners.

Target User
The documentation provided here is for programmers and engineers only, who are equipped with the necessary skills and have been trained to work with this type of product. The Target User knows how to responsibly make use of this product without causing harm to himself or others, and without causing damage to systems or devices, in which the user incorporates the product.

Disclaimer: Life Support Systems
TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG does not authorize or warrant any of its products for use in life support systems, without the specific written consent of TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG.Life support systems are equipment intended to support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used under instructions provided, can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury or death. Information given in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for the consequences of its use nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Disclaimer: Intended Use
The data specified in this user manual is intended solely for product description. No representations or warranties, either express or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or of any other nature are made hereunder with respect to information/specification or the products to which information refers and no guarantee to compliance to the intended use is given. In particular, this also applies to the stated possible applications or areas of applications of the product. TRINAMIC products are not designed for and must not be used in connection with any applications where the failure of such products would reasonably be expected to result in significant personal injury or death (safety-critical Applications) without TRINAMIC’s specific written consent. TRINAMIC products are not designed nor intended for use in military or aerospace applications or environments or automotive applications unless specifically designated for such use by TRINAMIC. TRINAMIC conveys no patent, copyright, mask work right or other trade mark right to this product. TRINAMIC assumes no liability for any patent and/or other trade mark rights of a third party resulting from the processing or handling of the product and/or any other use of the product.

Collateral Documents & Tools
This product documentation is related and/or associated with additional tool kits, firmware and other items, as provided on the product page at:

Revision History

Firmware Revision

Version Date Author Description
V0.04 2016-APR-22 BS Preliminary release.
V0.05 2016-MAI-19 BS Firmware adapted for changes in prototypes.
V1.00 2016-JUN-06 BS First offcial release version: adjusted current,

stealthChop config and speed units.
V1.01| 2016-JUL-25| BS| Bug corrected. CHOP change to StealthChop limited to motor enabled and in still stand.

Document Revision

Version Date Author Description
V0.8 2016-APR-22 BS Exported from XML.
V0.9 2016-MAI-03 BS Added APs, GPs and IOs. Common documentation structure.
V1.0 2016-SEP-16 BS Corrected introduction. Included module-specific

configuration section.
V1.1| 2016-NOV-22| BS| Adapted information for reduced TMCL structure.
V1.2| 2018-MAR-19| OK| Firmware revision history is also included.
V1.3| 2019-JAN-25| OK| Reset to factory default description changed. Superfluous global parameters removed.
V1.4| 2019-APR-23| OK| The superfluous sentence in first chapter was removed.
V1.5| 2021-SEP-24| OK| New block diagram.
V1.6| 2021-DEC-21| OK| Corrected axis parameter table: replaced STGP by STAP and RSGP by RSAP.

Description of axis parameters 136. . . 139 corrected. Added table to clarify the functionality of the CHOP input.

V1.7| 2023-JAN-26| OK| Section 3.5.2: Example changed from GAP 1, 0 to GAP 6, 0.

Section 3.5.1: Example changed from SAP 4, 0, 51200 to SAP 6, 0, 15.

Section 3.5.3: Example corrected from STAP 6, 7 to STAP 6, 0.

Section 3.5.4: Example corrected from RSAP 6, 7 to RSAP 6, 0.

Section 3.5.5: Example changed from GIO 0, 1 to GIO 0, 0.

2023 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg, Germany Terms of delivery and rights to technical change reserved. Download the newest version at


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