MULTITECH MTUDK2-ST-CELL.R1 Universal Developer Kit User Guide
- May 15, 2024
Table of Contents
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MTUDK2-ST-CELL.R1 Universal Developer Kit
Universal Developer Kit 2.0
MTUDK2-ST-CELL.R1 Developer Guide
Universal Developer Kit Developer Guide
Part Number: S000779, Version 1.0
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MultiTech, MultiConnect, SocketModem, and the MultiTech logo are registered
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The MultiTech products are not designed, manufactured or intended for use, and
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Chapter 1 – Developer Kit Introduction
The MTUDK2-ST-CELL.R1 (UDK2.R1) Universal Developer Kit supports development
with cellular SocketModem (MTSMC), Dragonfly (MTQ), and Dragonfly Nano (MTQN).
Use the developer board to streamline your development efforts and evaluate
your products and applications. Easily plug in your communications device and
use the developer kit for testing, programming and evaluation.
Note: Unless otherwise specified, features labeled as MTQ on the
Developer Board, the feature can be used by the MTQN.
- 6V-12V power input
- Selectable 3.3V or 5V on board power supply
- USB and serial interfaces
- USB port for mbed development environment
- RS-232 DB-9 connector for serial interface
- Arduino shield socket
Related Documentation
This User Guide provides information about the Developer Kit. You will also
- Device Guide for your SocketModem or Dragonfly model for specifications, pin information, mechanical drawings, labeling, regulatory information, and other model specific details.
- AT Command Reference Guide for the radio on your device
- USB Driver Installation Guide for USB models, for driver installation steps.
These documents are available through your model’s pages at:
MTUDK2-ST-CELL Developer Kit Contents
The MTUDK2-ST-CELL Developer Kit includes the following:
Developer Board | 1 – MTUDK 2.0 Cell Developer Board |
Power Supply | 1 – 100-240V 9V-1.7A power supply with removable blades |
1 – NAM blade/plug,
1 – EURO blade/plug
1 – UK blade/plug
1 – AU/NZ blade/plug
Cables| 1 – Micro USB Cable
3 – SMA-U.FL Antenna Cables (attached to developer board)
Antennas| 1 – 3.3V magnetic GPS Antenna
| 2 – 700-2600 MHz Antennas
Customer Notices| Quick Start
Additional| One promotional screwdriver
Chapter 2 – Board Components
Developer Board Developer
Board Dimensions
Developer Board
Board Components
Label | Description |
J1 | Scope probe ground connection |
J2 | Scope probe ground connection |
J3 | Power Jack |
J4 | RS-232 Connector |
J5 | QuickConnect Socket (for MTQ/MTQN devices). |
J10 | USB connector for mbed, serial, and SocketModem. For the MTQ/MTQN, use |
the USB connector on the MTQ/MTQN. For information on connecting to and using
mbed, refer to the device guide for your MTQ/MTQN model. (Not available for
JP1| 3-row connector: USB Connector, MTQ/MTSMC, D-SUB Connector. Refer to JP1
USB Connector for additional information.
JP4| For the MTSMC, used to disable the USB interface. Default jumper position
is 1-2 for USB.
JP5| Selects between the on-board 3.3V or 5V regulator for powering an MTQ or
MTQN. Jumper Pins 1-2: Target voltage 3.3V. Jumper pins 2-3: Target voltage
JP6| Selects between the on-board 3.3V or 5V regulator for powering an MTSMC.
Jumper Pins 1-2: Target voltage 3.3V. Jumper pins 2-3: Target voltage 5V.
JP7| Used with the Current Monitor (U4) to for monitoring the current for the
JP8| J-link Header
JP9| 4-pin Header STLINK
S1| Reset Button. Use to reset the processor of the device attached to the
S2| Wake Button. Use to wake the MTSMC/MTQ/MTQN.
X1| SocketModem, USB Connector.
X2| SocketModem Serial Connector.
X3| SocketModem, GPIO (not connected).
X4| SocketModem Power Connector.
X5| Arduino Shield Connector.
X6| Arduino Shield Connector.
X7| Arduino Shield Connector.
X8| Arduino Shield Connector.
CAUTION: Take care when connecting or disconnecting USB cables to avoid
detaching the connector from the board.
Main Regulator
The main regulator supplies 3.3V and 5V to the board from the main barrel jack
or from USB if the Host can deliver enough power.
The switching frequency is set to 1.05MHz, but is adjustable from 300 KHz to
2MHz. Any changes to the frequency may require inductor or capacitor changes
for proper operation.
The part also supports a spread spectrum mode that sweeps between the set
value and 20% higher than set frequency over a 5 KHz rate. This mode could be
used to reduce emissions from the power supply.
This supply is not meant to be a reference for general MTQ or Socket Modem
designs as generally users pick 3.3 or 5V and don’t need to have high current
capabilities on both voltages.
JP1 USB Connector
Use the JP1 USB Connector to route the serial connection from the MTQ/MTSMC to
either the USB or the DB9 To
select USB for serial communication from the modem:
- Use the left side of the connector (3-30) with shunts to connect the modem to the USB transceiver.
To select the 9-pin serial connector:
- Use the right side of the connector (1-28).
Note: There are extra pins for RX and TX so you can swap these signal
Default Jumper Positions
By default, USB is selected with the following jumper positions installed:
- DCD: 29-30
- RI: 26-27
- DSR: 23-24
- CTS: 20-21
- RTS: 17-18
- Open
- RXD: 11-12
- Open
- TXD: 5-6
- DTR: 2-3
The 9-pin serial connector is selected with the following jumper positions installed:
- DCD: 28-29
- RI: 25-26
- DSR: 22-23
- CTS: 19-20
- RTS: 16-17
- Open
- RXD: 10-11
- Open
- TXD: 4-5
- DTR: 1-2
Configuring Headers
Headers can be configured to act like a USB to serial converter for other
devices. To do this, use jumper wires.
- Connect pin 6 to pin 10
- Connect pin 4 to pin 12
Additional Connector Information
Voltage Selection Connectors
Three position headers are used to select incoming voltage for the MTQ (JP5)
and the Socket Modem (JP6). They allow you to select 5V, 3.3V, or an external
voltage (using Pin 2 of JP5 or JP6). These headers can also be used with the
current monitor (U4) to measure the current consumed by the device.
USB from MTQ
On the UDK2.R1, there is one USB connection for all communications to the
board. If you are working with an MTQ or MTQN, DO NOT use the USB connection
to the device while it is connected to the developer board.
Arduino Connectors
The Arduino connectors are intended to allow the user to integrate sensors or
other I/O to an MTQ or Socket Modem.
Current Monitor
You can use the current monitor (U4) to monitor current of any device
connected to JP7 as long as the voltage and current are within its
capabilities of +/-5A and less than 420V. The layout is not designed to have
high voltage isolation so there may be issues with voltages over 75V.
To monitor the current used by an MTQ with a 5V input. Connect Pin 3 of JP5 to
pin 1 of JP7 and Pin 2 of JP7 to pin 2 of JP5.
To approximate the current in Amps= (Analog Voltage from JP7 pin 3 – 3.3V / 2
) / 0.264. For the actual value for your board, measure the voltage on JP7 pin
2 with no current.
LED Indicators
LED indicators are labeled on the board. STAT and COM LEDs are next to JP9.
The rest of the LED indicators are next to the Arduino connectors. For more
LED information, consult the schematics.
Chapter 3 – Installation and Operation
Installing a SIM Card
Installing a SIM Card on a SocketModem
Note: When using the SocketModem with a developer board, mount the
SocketModem on the developer board before installing the SIM card.
To install the SIM Card:
With the contact side facing down, align the notched edge as outlined on the
SocketModem and slide the SIM card completely into the SIM holder. Installing a SIM Card on a DragonFly
Note: When using the Dragonfly with a developer board, install the SIM
card before mounting the Dragonfly on the developer board.
To install the SIM card:
With the contact side facing down, align the notched edge as shown on the
Dragonfly’s SIM holder and slide the SIM card completely into the SIM
holder. Installing a SIM Card
Note: When using the Dragonfly™ Nano with a developer board, install the
SIM card before mounting the Dragonfly™ Nano on the developer board.
Note: All Dragonfly™ Nano models require the use of a Micro SIM (3FF)
To install the SIM card:
- Refer to the image below on how to install the SIM card.
- Slide the SIM card completely into the SIM holder.
Installing a SocketModem on the
Developer Board
To install a SocketModem:
- Remove the screws from the developer board.
- Align the SocketModem on the developer board as shown.
- Secure the SocketModem with the screws you removed in Step 1.
Installing a Dragonfly on the Developer Board
To install a Dragonfly:
- Remove the screws from the developer board.
- Align the Dragonfly on the developer board as shown.
- Secure the Dragonfly with the screws you removed in Step 1.
Installing a Dragonfly Nano on the Developer Board
To install a Dragonfly Nano:
- Remove the screws from the developer board.
- Align the Dragonfly Nano on the developer board as shown.
- Secure the Dragonfly Nano with the screws you removed in Step 1.
Arduino Shield
Installing an Arduino Shield with a Dragonfly
Note: When using an Arduino Shield with a Dragonfly, install the SIM card
in the Dragonfly and then install the Dragonfly on the developer board before
installing the Arduino shield.
To use an Arduino Shield with a Dragonfly
- Disable the developer card’s serial port.
- Align the Arduino Shield on the developer board as shown. It will overlap the Dragonfly
Dragonfly Arduino Pins
Signals (B01 & B02)| | Arduino Shield| | Signals (STM32F411RE
processor- B01 only)
| | | D15| X6| D15 (PB8)
D14| D14 (PB9)
GND| Ground
| X9| NC| D13| D13 (PA5)
NC| VREF| D12| D12(PA6)
nReset, from pushbutton| nRST| D11| D11 (PB5)
NC| 3.3V| D10| D10 (PC8)
5.0V| 5.0V| D9| D9 (PB13)
Ground| GND| D8| D8 (PB1)
Ground| GND| | |
NC| VIN| D7| X8| D7 (PA8)
| | | D6| D6 (PA1)
A0 (PC2)| X7| A0| D5| D5 (PA9)
A1 (PC0)| A1| D4| D4 (PA7)
A2 (PC4)| A2| D3| D3 (PA0)
A3 (PB0)| A3| D2| D2 (PB15)
A4 (PC1)| A4| D1| D1 (PA2)
A5 (PC9)| A5| D0| D0 (PA3)
| | | D15| X6| D15 (PB8)
D14| D14 (PB9)
GND| Ground
| X9| NC| D13| D13 (PG2)
NC| VREF| D12| D12(PG3)
nReset, from pushbutton| nRST| D11| D11 (PB5)
NC| 3.3V| D10| D10 (PC8)
5.0V| 5.0V| D9| D9 (PB10)
Ground| GND| D8| D8 (PB0)
Ground| GND| | |
NC| VIN| D7| X8| D7 (PG7)
| | | D6| D6 (PA1)
A0 (PC2)| X7| A0| D5| D5 (PA9)
A1 (PC13)| A1| D4| D4 (PA7)
A2 (PC4)| A2| D3| D3 (PA0)
A3 (PE6)| A3| D2| D2 (PB15)
A4 (PA6)| A4| D1| D1 (PA2)
A5 (PG8)| A5| D0| D0 (PA3)
Attaching Power Supply Blades
Power Supply and Blades
If your device shipped with a power supply, attach the blades for your region.
Attaching the Blades
To attach a power supply blade:
Remove the power supply cover (not shown). To do this, slide the lock down and hold it while you lift off the cover.
Insert the latch on the blade into the notch on the power supply.
Slide the lock down and hold it while you press the blade in place. Then, release it.
Sliding lock
SMA to U.FL Cables
The developer kit includes three 4.5″ SMA to U.FL cables which are
preinstalled on the developer board. Consult the mechanical drawings for your
device to determine which antenna to connect to which U.FL connector on the
Connecting an Antenna through the Developer Board Connectors
To connect an antenna to the device through the developer board:
- Determine which SMA connector you want to use for the antenna.
- Finger tighten the antenna to the SMA connector.
- Attach the U.FL connector from the cable to the connector on the device.
G = GPS (may not apply to your device)
M= Main
D = Diversity
Diagrams and Schematics
Assembly Diagram
Block Diagram
Schematics – Power
Schematics – RS-232
Schematics – Sockets
Schematics – ST Link
Schematics – LEDs
Schematics – USB
Design Considerations
Noise Suppression Design
Adhere to engineering noise-suppression practices when designing a printed
circuit board (PCB). Noise suppression is essential to the proper operation
and performance of the modem and surrounding equipment.
Any OEM board design must consider both on-board and off-board generated noise
that can affect digital signal processing. Both on-board and off-board
generated noise that is coupled on-board can affect interface signal levels
and quality. Noise in frequency ranges that affect modem performance is of
particular concern.
On-board generated electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise that can be
radiated or conducted off-board is equally important. This type of noise can
affect the operation of surrounding equipment. Most local government agencies
have certification requirements that must be met for use in specific
Proper PC board layout (component placement, signal routing, trace thickness
and geometry, and so on) component selection (composition, value, and
tolerance), interface connections, and shielding are required for the board
design to achieve desired modem performance and to attain EMI certification.
Other aspects of proper noise-suppression engineering practices are beyond the
scope of this guide. Consult noise suppression techniques described in
technical publications and journals, electronics and electrical engineering
text books, and component supplier application notes.
PC Board Layout Guideline
In a 4-layer design, provide adequate ground plane covering the entire board.
In 4-layer designs, power and ground are typically on the inner layers. Ensure
that all power and ground traces are 0.05 inches wide.
The recommended hole size for the device pins is 0.036 in. +/-0.003 in. in
diameter. Use spacers to hold the device vertically in place during the wave
solder process.
Electromagnetic Interference
The following guidelines are offered specifically to help minimize EMI
generation. Some of these guidelines are the same as, or similar to, the
general guidelines. To minimize the contribution of device-based design to
EMI, you must understand the major sources of EMI and how to reduce them to
acceptable levels.
- Keep traces carrying high frequency signals as short as possible.
- Provide a good ground plane or grid. In some cases, a multilayer board may be required with full layers for ground and power distribution.
- Decouple power from ground with decoupling capacitors as close to the device’s power pins as possible.
- Eliminate ground loops, which are unexpected current return paths to the power source and ground.
- Decouple the telephone line cables at the telephone line jacks. Typically, use a combination of series inductors, common mode chokes, and shunt capacitors. Methods to decouple telephone lines are similar to decoupling power lines; however, telephone line decoupling may be more difficult and deserves additional attention. A commonly used design aid is to place footprints for these components and populate as necessary during performance/EMI testing and certification.
- Decouple the power cord at the power cord interface with decoupling capacitors. Methods to decouple power lines are similar to decoupling telephone lines.
- Locate high frequency circuits in a separate area to minimize capacitive coupling to other circuits.
- Locate cables and connectors to avoid coupling from high frequency circuits.
- Lay out the highest frequency signal traces next to the ground grid.
- If using a multilayer board design, make no cuts in the ground or power planes and be sure the ground plane covers all traces.
- Minimize the number of through-hole connections on traces carrying high frequency signals.
- Avoid right angle turns on high frequency traces. Forty-five degree corners are good; however, radius turns are better.
- On 2-layer boards with no ground grid, provide a shadow ground trace on the opposite side of the board to traces carrying high frequency signals. This will be effective as a high frequency ground return if it is three times the width of the signal traces.
- Distribute high frequency signals continuously on a single trace rather than several traces radiating from one point.
Electrostatic Discharge Control
Handle all electronic devices with precautions to avoid damage due to the
static charge accumulation.
See the ANSI/ESD Association Standard (ANSI/ESD S20.20-1999)– a document “for
the Development of an Electrostatic Discharge Control for Protection of
Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment.” This document
covers ESD Control Program Administrative Requirements, ESD Training, ESD
Control Program Plan Technical Requirements (grounding/bonding systems,
personnel grooming, protected areas, packaging, marking, equipment, and
handling), and Sensitivity Testing.
MultiTech strives to follow these recommendations. Input protection circuitry
is incorporated in MultiTech devices to minimize the effect of static buildup.
Take precautions to avoid exposure to electrostatic discharge during handling.
MultiTech uses and recommends that others use anti-static boxes that create a
faraday cage (packaging designed to exclude electromagnetic fields). MultiTech
recommends that you use our packaging when returning a product and when you
ship your products to your customers.
USB Design
MultiTech recommends that you review Intel’s High Speed USB Platform Design
Guidelines for information about USB signal routing, impedance, and layer
stacking. Also:
- Shield USB cables with twisted pairs (especially those containing D+/D-).
- Use a single 5V power supply for USB devices. See Power Draw for current (ampere) requirements.
- Route D+/D- together in parallel with the trace spacing needed to achieve 90 ohms differential impedance for the USB pair and to maintain a 20 mil space from the USB pair and all other signals.
- If power is provided externally, use a common ground between the carrier board and the device.
Singel 3
B-2550 Kontich
Tel. +32 (0)3 458 30 33
Rivium 1e straat 52
2909 LE Capelle aan den Ussel
The Netherlands
Tel. +31 (0)10 288 25 00
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MULTITECH MTUDK2-ST-CELL.R1 Universal Developer
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