ARCHIPELAGO LIGHTING Low Voltage LED Landscape Lighting Instruction Manual
- May 15, 2024
Table of Contents
ARCHIPELAGO LIGHTING Low Voltage LED Landscape Lighting
- Product: Low Voltage LED Landscape Lighting
- Manufacturer: Archipelago Lighting
- Power: Up to 45 Watts
- Transformer: 18V DC Plug-In
- Color: Warm White LED
Product Usage Instructions
Step 1: Design
Determine where you want to position your lights and what you want to illuminate. Adjust the angle and direction of light for various lighting effects. -
Step 2: Layout
Place lights in the desired locations. Each light comes with a female and male lead for easy connection using the (Plug-N-Go) connectors. Attach the ground stake and push the fixture into the ground. -
Step 3: Transformer
Locate a suitable 120V electrical outlet for the 45W transformer. Ensure all fixtures’ total wattage is less than 45W. Consider using a wet location cover for outdoor outlets. -
Step 4: Connect Your Lights
Start connecting lights at the transformer. Connect the male connector from the extension cable to the female lead from the transformer. Connect each fixture in your layout using male-to-female connectors.
Introducing the Newest Innovation in Low Voltage Landscape Lighting. Plug-N-Go Lighting from Archipelago Lighting.
- Designed to be the quickest and easiest to install.
- Pre-wired fixtures.
- The transformer plugs directly into a power outlet.
- Photosensor for automatic dusk to dawn control.
On Your Purchase, this system will provide years of trouble-free
illumination for your home. Just follow these easy steps to design and install
your system along with any additional fixtures you may have purchased. The
system is expandable up to 45 Watts. For additional fixtures or accessories,
please visit our website at:
Step 1. DESIGN
You’ll need to determine where you want to position your lights, and what you
would like to illuminate.
- Trees
- Bushes
- Walls
- Architectural Structures
- Driveways
- Pathways
- Garden beds
- Accent or Safety Lighting
A variety of lighting effects can be achieved by adjusting the angle and direction of light. These adjustments can be easily made, once the system is connected.
Step 2. LAYOUT
Place lights in the general vicinity of the desired lighting location. All lights are prewired with a 5 ft. female lead and a 5 ft. male lead. Each lead utilizes our (Plug-N-Go) connectors for a quick and secure connection every time. No need for tools or hand pressure to make the connection. Attach the ground stake and gently push the light fixture into the ground.
NOTE: If the ground is hard or rocky, you may need to dampen the soil, or dig out a small hole and backfill with soil to support the lighting fixture.
Locate a suitable 120V electrical outlet where you will plug in the 45-watt transformer. The NEC recommends using a wet location cover for outdoor outlets. If the outlet you wish to use does not already have a wet location cover installed, these can be purchased at any local hardware store. The system can also be expanded up to 45 Watts. Please ensure the wattage of all the fixtures you plan on installing is less than 45 Watts.
Additional fixtures to expand your set are available at
Transformers are also available if your design exceeds the 45W power
NOTE: The Plug-N-Go Transformer is 18V DC and not compatible with other Low Voltage Transformers. For Use only with Plug-N-Go Lighting Fixtures & Accessories.
Now it’s time to connect your lights. Always start connections at the transformer. 2 wires are coming from your transformer (Diag. A).
- Take the short lead and remove the cap (save this cap as you will put it on the wire at the end of your run).
- Connect the male connector from one of the 10 ft. Extension cables supplied with your system to the female lead from the transformer.
- Run the cable to the closest fixture in your layout and connect the male lead from the fixture to the female connector from your 10 ft. cable.
- Repeat this process from fixture to fixture connecting male to female connectors.
- If your fixtures are further than 10 ft. apart, you can add additional extension cables. Three additional 10 ft. extension cables are included in this kit but are also available at If your fixtures are closer than 10 feet apart, simply roll up the excess wire bury it, or cover it with mulch or ground cover.
- If you need to branch off the main line, you can use the included Y branch splitter (Diag. B) to branch your line in two directions.
Now it’s time to test your lights.
- Plug your transformer into the outlet.
- Cover the photo sensor to simulate darkness.
- Adjust light spacing and direction as needed.
NOTE: Once you are satisfied, You can bury the wire between lights or cover it with mulch or ground cover for a beautiful no-wire finish. The photosensor can also be hidden behind the electrical box cover. Make your final adjustments of lights at nighttime to achieve the perfect lighting effect.
PROBLEM: My Lights do not light up when testing during the day after installation.
- A. Make sure the electrical outlet has power, and the GFCI or circuit breaker has not been tripped.
- B. The photosensor that controls your lights is very sensitive to light. Make sure to completely wrap the photo sensor in a dark cloth or tape. The photosensor also has a 5-second delay. Make sure to wait several seconds for the photosensor to turn the transformer on.
PROBLEM : My light cycles on and off at night after installation.
SOLUTION: The photosensor is receiving light possibly from a porch light, a street light, or possibly from one of your installed fixtures. Make sure to locate the photosensor in an area where it receives ambient light, but not direct light from one of the sources listed above. Usually, you can wrap or tuck photosensor wire around the outlet cover with the photosensor located below the outlet where it is not receiving direct light. -
PROBLEM : My desired fixture location is closer than 10 feet between fixtures. What do I do with the excess wire? Do I need to bury the wire?
SOLUTION: Simply roll up excess wire and bury it under ground cover, or shallow bury (just under grass). It is not necessary to bury the wire deep. Note: To keep your system working for many years to come, you want to keep the wire out of direct sunlight (UV will break down the wire over time). You also want to bury wire to avoid contact with lawnmowers and weed whackers to avoid severing wire.
PROBLEM : My desired fixture location(s) are greater than 10 feet apart.
SOLUTION: Simply insert a wire extension (model # ACB-10FT – 10 Feet, or model # ACB-20FT – 20 feet). Note, there are 3 x 10-foot extensions included with all complete sets. Additional extensions are available at
PROBLEM: My desired lighting design requires runs in 2 different directions.
SOLUTION : Use the ACSP-01 branch wire connector to branch runs in two different directions. Available at
Kits are fully expandable using these products below and more available on the
website. Products can be mixed and matched. Each transformer can accommodate
lights in any combination, totaling up to 45 watts for the entire system.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: Can I add more fixtures to expand my set?
- A: Yes, additional fixtures are available on Ensure the total wattage does not exceed 45W.
- Q: Is the 18V DC Plug-N-Go Transformer compatible with other low-voltage transformers?
- A: No, the transformer is only compatible with Plug-N-Go Lighting Fixtures & Accessories.
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