Centrometal 69-96 kW Pei Tec Lambda Boilers Instruction Manual

May 15, 2024

Centro metal 69-96 kW Pei Tec Lambda Boilers

Centrometal 69-96 kW Pei Tec Lambda Boilers


These instructions are valid for software versions v2.88f or later.



It is possible to connect a maximum of 7 PelTec/PelTec-lambda boilers in a cascade.
Peltec/PelTec-lambda 12-48 kW: all boilers connected in cascade must have configuration 4 (BUF) or configuration 10 (CRO) selected.
PelTec-lambda 69/96 kW: all boilers connected in cascade must have configuration 4 (BUF) selected.

PelTec-lambda 69/96 kW boilers with selected configuration 10 (CRO) cannot be connected in a cascade.


Boiler-1 is the “Master” (the boiler that leads the cascade). If Boiler-1 is disconnected from the cascade (or runs out of electricity or shuts down at the main switch), Boiler-2 (next by device address) automatically becomes “Master”, but it can perform the function of “Master” only if the sensors of the Accumulation (buffer) tank / Hydraulic crossover are also connected to it. When Boiler-1 is connected to the cascade again, it automatically becomes “Master”. This “Master” function, if the need arises, can be taken over by any boiler in the cascade in order according to the address of the device.
The sensors of the Accumulation (buffer) tank / Hydraulic crossover must be connected to the boiler control of the “Master” boiler (Boiler-1), but there must also be additional sensors of the Accumulation (buffer) tank / Hydraulic crossover that must be connected to the boiler controllers of the other boilers in the cascade so that any of the boilers in cascade could become “Master” if the previous “Master” was disconnected from the cascade for any reason.
The “Master” boiler in cooperation with the CMNET module determines all actions within the cascade (determines when the next boiler will start/shut down, determines which boiler is “Leading Boiler”…). The “Leading” boiler is the boiler that starts first, after the first start-up of the boilers in the cascade, the leading boiler is the “Master”, but when it completes a certain number of working hours, the “Leading” boiler becomes the next boiler according to the serial number of the address, and so on.


Possible Ways Of Connecting Boilers In Cascade

EXAMPLE: CASCADE 3-7 boilers
Possible Ways Of Connecting Boilers In Cascade

Cascade can work (can be enabled) only on boilers that have selected configuration 4 (BUF) or configuration 10 (CRO). All boilers in the cascade must have the same configuration selected.
Selection Of Boiler Configuration
Selection Of Boiler Configuration
Selection Of Boiler Configuration


Configuring The Cascade
Configuring The Cascade


Factory: OFF
Possible selection: OFF, 1 CMNET, 2 CMNET
OFF: Cascade is OFF
1 CMNET: cascade of 2 boilers

  • 2 boilers in cascade with 1 CMNET device.

2 CMNET: cascade of 2-7 boilers

  • 2 boilers in cascade with 2 CMNET devices.
  • 3 boilers in cascade with 3 CMNET devices.
  • 4 boilers in cascade with 4 CMNET devices.
  • 5 boilers in cascade with 5 CMNET devices.
  • 6 boilers in cascade with 6 CMNET devices.
  • 7 boilers in cascade with 7 CMNET devices.


Factory: OFF
Possible selection: OFF, 1 CMNET, 2 CMNET
OFF: Cascade is OFF

1 CMNET: cascade of 2 boilers

  • 2 boilers in cascade with 1 CMNET device.

2 CMNET: cascade of 2-7 boilers

  • 2 boilers in cascade with 2 CMNET devices.
  • 3 boilers in cascade with 3 CMNET devices.
  • 4 boilers in cascade with 4 CMNET devices.
  • 5 boilers in cascade with 5 CMNET devices.
  • 6 boilers in cascade with 6 CMNET devices.
  • 7 boilers in cascade with 7 CMNET devices.


Factory: 2
Possible selection:

  • Min: 2
  • Max: 7

With this parameter, we define the number of boilers in the cascade. If we selected 1 CMNET under “CASCADE”, then the number of devices must be 2. If we chose 2 CMNET, then the number of devices must be as many as there are boilers in the cascade (2-7). It is set on each boiler separately and must be the same number on all boilers in the cascade.
Device Number


Factory: 1
Possible selection:

  • Min: 1
  • Max: 7

This parameter determines the address (ordinal number) of the boiler. The boiler with address 1 is the “Master”, and if the boiler with address 1 is disconnected from the cascade (or remains without electricity or is turned off at the main switch), the boiler with address 2 automatically becomes “Master” (if the boiler with address 2 is ready in the cascade) and so on. The address of the boilers is also used to determine the “leading boiler” – the boiler that starts first (depending on the “Time difference” – after how many hours of operation the boilers change priority of work). The “DEVICE ADDRESS” is entered into the controller of each boiler in the cascade and each boiler must have a different address.
Device Address


a) Configuration 4 (BUF)

Factory: 3600s
Possible selection: min. 0s, max. 18000s
This parameter defines the time from the last arrival of the “Leading boiler” (if several boilers in the cascade are currently working, then all boilers that are working), to power D6, until the moment of checking the conditions for the need to start the next boiler (with each modulation of any boiler in the cascade, the time reset). If at that moment (the moment of checking the conditions for the need to start the next boiler) the difference in the Accumulation (buffer) tank (Taku_setTaku_measured) is greater than the dTaku_kz parameter, the next boiler will start.
After checking the conditions for the need to start the next boiler, the time is reset, and when the “Leading boiler” (if several boilers are currently working in a cascade, then all the boilers that are working) comes to power D6 starts a new countdown, if this condition is not met, the time stands at zero and waits with the start of the countdown until this condition is fulfilled. With each modulation of any boiler in the cascade, the time is reset.
Time To On

b) Configuration 10 (CRO)

Factory: 3600s
Possible selection: min. 0s, max. 18000s
This parameter defines the time from the last arrival of the “Leading boiler” (if several boilers in the cascade are currently working, then all boilers that are working), to power D6, until the moment of checking the conditions for the need to start the next boiler (with each modulation of any boiler in the cascade, the time reset). If at that moment (the moment of checking the conditions for the need to start the next boiler) the difference in the Hydraulic crossover (Ths_setThs_measured) is greater than the dThs_kz parameter, the next boiler will start.
After checking the conditions for the need to start the next boiler, the time is reset, and when the “Leading boiler” (if several boilers are currently working in a cascade, then all the boilers that are working) comes to power D6 starts a new countdown, if this condition is not met, the time stands at zero and waits with the start of the countdown until this condition is fulfilled. With each modulation of any boiler in the cascade, the time is reset.
Time To On


Factory: 600s
Possible selection: min. 0s, max. 3600s
This parameter determines after how long operate “Leading boiler” at power (maximum) D3, last boiler go to extinction phase. It is set on each boiler separately and can be a different value.
Time To Off


Factory: 100h
Possible selection: min. 0h, max. 500h
This parameter define after how many hours of work boilers change priority of work. It is set on each boiler separately and can be a different value.

Time Difference


This parameter enable reset of boiler work time counter. It can be reset on each boiler separately.
Counter Reset

ADJUSTMENT dTaku_kz / dThs_kz

Depending on the selected configuration, dTaku_kz or dThs_kz will appear, if cascade is enabled. dTaku_kz – the temperature difference in the Accumulation (buffer) tank (Taku_set – Taku_measured) occurs when configuration 4 (BUF) is selected on the boilers. This parameter is used by the controller at the moment of checking the conditions for the need to start the next boiler. If at the moment of checking the conditions for the need to start the next boiler, the difference in the Accumulation (buffer) tank (Taku_set – Taku_measured) is greater than the dTaku_kz parameter, the next boiler will be start. (For the definition of the moments of checking the conditions for the need to start the next boiler, see under the point “TIME TO ON”).
dThs_kz – the temperature difference in the Hydraulic crossover (Ths_set – Ths_measured) occurs when configuration 10 (CRO) is selected on the boilers. This parameter is used by the controller at the moment of checking the conditions for the need to start the next boiler. If at the moment of checking the conditions for the need to start the next boiler, the difference in the Hydraulic crossover (Ths_set – Ths_measured) is greater than the dThs_kz parameter, the next boiler will be start.(For the definition of the moments of checking the conditions for the need to start the next boiler, see under the point “TIMETOON”).
Possible selection:
min. 1°C, max. 15°C
Possible selection:
min. 1°C, max. 15°C

USER INTERFACE (disconnect the boiler from the cascade, disabling the start of the boiler)

User Interface


Factory: ON
Possible selection: OFF, ON
ON – The boiler is part of the cascade
OFF – The boiler has been removed from the cascade

  • this boiler will be displayed in gray on the cascade screen
  • this boiler will have a STOP/START switch on the boiler screen

Before taking off the boiler from the cascade, it is necessary to turn off the “BOILER ACTIVATED” option, otherwise the boiler will start after removing it from the cascade.
Boiler Attached To


Factory: OFF
Possible selection: OFF, ON
ON – The boiler is active in the cascade system, and if the “BOILER ATTACHED TO” option is turned on, the “cascade” can control that boiler (start/stop).
OFF – The boiler is not active in the cascade system and “cascade” cannot control it, on the cascade screen this boiler is shown in standard form except that it is marked “STOP” (red square). Important:

  1. This option is turned off at the factory, if we want this boiler to be controlled by “cascade” it is necessary to turn on this option.
  2. If an individual boiler goes into error, the “BOILER ACTIVATED” option will automatically be turned off, after the error has been eliminated (corrected) and confirmed, the “BOILER ACTIVATED” option must be turned on if we want the “cascade” to control this boiler.
    Boiler Activated


Cascade screen can be displayed on each boiler in the cascade. The display on the screen of the cascade of an individual boiler will highlight (frame) the boiler on which we are viewing the cascade display.
A boiler in a cascade with the “BOILER ATTACHED TO” option turned off will be displayed in gray.
Screen display of a cascade with two boilers, the review is performed on boiler-1.
Cascade Screen


It is possible to connect a maximum of 7 PelTec/PelTec-lambda boilers in a cascade.
Note: Scheme 11 (CRO/BUF) is used only in cascade and external start (external control).


  • in this configuration PelTec-lambda 69/96 boiler works only with CM2K module which must be installed and configurated
  • in this configuration at PelTec-lambda 69/96 boiler shown is only Accumulation tank i.e. 2 sensors (at selection -/BUF)


Boiler-1 is the “Master” (the boiler that leads the cascade). If Boiler-1 is disconnected from the cascade (or runs out of electricity or shuts down at the main switch), Boiler-2 (next by device address) automatically becomes “Master”, but it can perform the function of “Master”. When Boiler-1 is connected to the cascade again, it automatically becomes “Master”. This “Master” function, if the need arises, can be taken over by any boiler in the cascade in order according to the address of the device.
Connecting the Accumulation (buffer) tank sensor / Hydraulic crossover sensor is not required because these temperatures are only informative, if sensors are not connected, regulation will show temperature ” – °C”. The boiler regulation will not report any error even if the sensors are defective.
The “Master” boiler in cooperation with the CMNET module determines all actions within the cascade (determines when the next boiler will start/shut down, determines which boiler is “Leading Boiler”…). The “Leading” boiler is the boiler that starts first, after the first start-up of the boilers in the cascade, the leading boiler is the “Master”, but when it completes a certain number of working hours, the “Leading” boiler becomes the next boiler according to the serial number of the address, and so on.


Possible Ways Of Connecting Boilers In Cascade
EXAMPLE: CASCADE 3-7 boilers
Possible Ways Of Connecting Boilers In Cascade


Selection Of Boiler Configuration
Selection Of Boiler Configuration
Selection Of Boiler Configuration


With this configuration, it is necessary to select the display of temperatures.
Factory: 1 Temperature
Possible selection: 2 Temperatures

  1. TEMPERATURE: Hydraulic crossover (not possible for PelTec-lambda 69/96)
  2. TEMPERATURES: Accumulation (buffer) tank
    Temperature Displays

When ’’1 Temperature’’ is selected, screen shows hydraulic crossover with 1 temperature (not possible at 69/96).
When ’’2 Temperatures’’ is selected, screen shows Accumulation (buffer) tank with 2 temperatures.
This option can be changed only by authorized serviceman.
Temperature Displays


Configuring The Cascade
Configuring The Cascade
Configuring The Cascade


Factory: OFF
Possible selection: OFF, 1 CMNET, 2 CMNET
OFF: Cascade is OFF

1 CMNET: cascade of 2 boilers

  • 2 boilers in cascade with 1 CMNET device.

2 CMNET: cascade of 2-7 boilers

  • 2 boilers in cascade with 2 CMNET devices.
  • 3 boilers in cascade with 3 CMNET devices.
  • 4 boilers in cascade with 4 CMNET devices.
  • 5 boilers in cascade with 5 CMNET devices.
  • 6 boilers in cascade with 6 CMNET devices.
  • 7 boilers in cascade with 7 CMNET devices.


Factory: ON
Possible selection: OFF, ON

This parameter must always be ON, on all boilers in the cascade. If this parameter is turned OFF, the boiler on which it is turned OFF, as well as boilers with an address that has a higher ordinal number, regardless of whether this parameter is turned ON or OFF, will not be able to become “Master”. This parameter must not be turned OFF on the boiler with the address “Master” because the cascade will not work.
Cascade Manager


Factory: 2
Possible selection:

  • Min: 2
  • Max: 7

With this parameter, we define the number of boilers in the cascade. If we selected 1 CMNET under “CASCADE”, then the number of devices must be 2. If we chose 2 CMNET, then the number of devices must be as many as there are boilers in the cascade (2-7). It is set on each boiler separately and must be the same number on all boilers in the cascade.
Device Number


Factory: 1
Possible selection:

  • Min: 1
  • Max: 7

This parameter determines the address (ordinal number) of the boiler. The boiler with address 1 is the “Master”, and if the boiler with address 1 is disconnected from the cascade (or remains without electricity or is turned off at the main switch), the boiler with address 2 automatically becomes “Master” (if the boiler with address 2 is ready in the cascade) and so on. The address of the boilers is also used to determine the “leading boiler” – the boiler that starts first (depending on the “Time difference” – after how many hours of operation the boilers change priority of work). The “DEVICE ADDRESS” is entered into the controller of each boiler in the cascade and each boiler must have a different address.
Device Address


Factory: 3600s
Possible selection: min. 0s, max. 18000s
This parameter define after how long of work previous boiler on nominal power (D6) will be turned ON next boiler. It is adjust in each boiler separately and each boiler can have different values.
Time To On


Factory: 600s
Possible selection: min. 0s, max. 3600s
This parameter determines after how long operate “Leading boiler” at power (maximum) D3, last boiler go to extinction phase. It is set on each boiler separately and can be a different value.
Time To Off


Factory: 100h
Possible selection: min. 0h, max. 500h
This parameter define after how many hours of work boilers change priority of work. It is set on each boiler separately and can be a different value.
Time Difference


Factory: OFF
Possible selection: OFF, ON
This parameter define if boiler can be turned on with external start (e.g. heating regulator). It is adjust in each boiler separately and each boiler can have different values (ON/OF). If previous boiler loses electrical power management takes over next boiler. To make this possible, external start must be performed with parallel connection on all boilers in cascade.
External Control

USER INTERFACE (disconnect the boiler from the cascade, disabling the start of the boiler)

User Interface


Factory: ON
Possible selection: OFF, ON
ON – The boiler is part of the cascade
OFF – The boiler has been removed from the cascade

  • this boiler will be displayed in gray on the cascade screen
  • this boiler will have a STOP/START switch on the boiler screen

Before taking off the boiler from the cascade, it is necessary to turn off the “BOILER ACTIVATED” option, otherwise the boiler will start after removing it from the cascade.
Boiler Attached To


Factory: OFF
Possible selection: OFF, ON
ON – The boiler is active in the cascade system, and if the “BOILER ATTACHED TO” option is turned on, the “cascade” can control that boiler (start/stop).
OFF – The boiler is not active in the cascade system and “cascade” cannot control it, on the cascade screen this boiler is shown in standard form except that it is marked “STOP” (red square). Important:

  1. This option is turned off at the factory, if we want this boiler to be controlled by “cascade” it is necessary to turn on this option.
  2. If an individual boiler goes into error, the “BOILER ACTIVATED” option will automatically be turned off, after the error has been eliminated (corrected) and confirmed, the “BOILER ACTIVATED” option must be turned on if we want the “cascade” to control this boiler.
    Boiler Activated


Factory: OFF
Possible selection: OFF, ON
ON – The boiler is active in the cascade system, and if the “BOILER ATTACHED TO” option is turned on, the “cascade” can control that boiler (start/stop).
OFF – The boiler is not active in the cascade system and “cascade” cannot control it, on the cascade screen this boiler is shown in standard form except that it is marked “STOP” (red square).

  1. This option is turned off at the factory, if we want this boiler to be controlled by “cascade” it is necessary to turn on this option.
  2. If an individual boiler goes into error, the “BOILER ACTIVATED” option will automatically be turned off, after the error has been eliminated (corrected) and confirmed, the “BOILER ACTIVATED” option must be turned on if we want the “cascade” to control this boiler.
    Cascade Screen


Cascade screen can be displayed on each boiler in the cascade. The display on the screen of the cascade of an individual boiler will highlight (frame) the boiler on which we are viewing the cascade display.
Aboiler in a cascade with the “BOILER ATTACHED TO” option turned off will be displayed in gray.
Screen display of a cascade with two boilers, the review is performed on boiler-1.
Cascade Screen


Ec Declaration Of Comparmity


Centro metal d.o.o. assumes no responsibility for possible inaccuracies in this book originated typographical errors or rewriting, all the pictures and diagrams are principal and it is necessary to adjust each actual situation on the field, in any case the company reserves the right to enter their own products such modifications as considered necessary.

Centro metal d.o.o. Glavna 12, 40306 Macinec, Croatia
central tel: +385 40 372 600, fax: +385 40 372 611
service tel: +385 40 372 622, fax: +385 40 372 621
e-mail: [email protected]

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