DEWALT 7416SD1 Wedge Expansion Anchor Instructions

May 15, 2024

DEWALT 7416SD1 Wedge Expansion Anchor

Product Information


  • Product Name: DEWALT Anchors
  • Type: Mechanical Expansion Anchors
  • Material: Steel
  • Installation Surface: Concrete

Product Usage Instructions

Embedment Depth:
The correct embedment depth for DEWALT mechanical expansion anchors is hnom, not hef as commonly misused. Make sure to follow the correct installation guidelines to ensure the anchors perform as intended.

Anchor Installation:

  1. Drill holes in the concrete surface according to the anchor specifications provided.
  2. Insert the expansion anchor into the hole, making sure it sits flush with the surface.
  3. Tighten the anchor using the appropriate tool until it is securely in place.

Additional Information:
For more detailed technical documentation, product approvals, and fastening solutions, visit the DEWALT website at



Design Embedment (hef) vs Nominal Embedment (hnom):
When using of Post-Installed Anchor Design per ACI 318, two very important anchor embedment depths were defined – Effective Embedment Depth (hef) and Nominal Embedment Depth (hnom).DEWALT-7416SD1-Wedge-Expansion-

  • hef is the design embedment depth measured from the surface of the base material (e.g. concrete) to the point on the anchor’s expansion clip where the clip engages the base material. This value is used to calculate the anchor shear and tension capacities per ACI 318.
  • hnom is the minimum installation embedment depth, as measured from the surface of the base material to the embedded end of the anchor body. This installation depth is required to ensure the bottom of the anchor clip is embedded to hef (depth used in calculations to determine the anchor’s capacity).

We have observed many cases where design professionals have incorrectly been using hef as the expansion anchor’s installation (call-out) depth in their plans (anchor details or general notes).

  • Calling out and using hef as the installation embedment depth results in capacities significantly less than the calculated values and can result in anchors not being installed by the minimum requirements necessary for Cracked Concrete or Seismic Qualification.

The correct installation depth for qualified mechanical expansion anchors (e.g. drilled-in wedge anchors) in concrete is hnom. We strongly suggest reviewing post-installed mechanical anchor details and general notes to ensure you are specifying the appropriate installation embedment depth for your specified anchors.


  • Q: Can DEWALT anchors be used in other materials besides concrete?
    A: DEWALT anchors are specifically designed for use in concrete surfaces. Using them on other materials may not provide the intended strength and reliability.

  • Q: How do I determine the correct anchor size for my project?
    A: Refer to the product specifications and guidelines provided by DEWALT to select the appropriate anchor size based on your project requirements and load capacity.

For more information on DEWALT anchors and fastening solutions, including technical documentation and product approvals, please visit

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