propulsion Life 60HZ DJ Disco Party Lights RGB Stage Lighting Beam User Manual

May 15, 2024
propulsion Life

propulsion Life 60HZ DJ Disco Party Lights RGB Stage Lighting Beam

Product Information


  • What’s included : 1 Light, 1 Power Cable, 1 User Guide
  • Safety Notice : Important safety information about installation, usage, and maintenance
  • Installation : Ensure proper setup to avoid hazards
  • Cleaning : Regular cleaning recommendations for optimal performance

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: How often should I clean the internal and external lenses of the fixture?
A: Cleaning frequency depends on the operating environment; we recommend monthly cleaning for heavy use to ensure longevity and crisp beam output.

Q: Is it safe to shine the laser product into audience areas?
A: No, it is illegal and dangerous to shine the laser into audience areas where direct laser beams or bright reflections could reach their eyes.

Q: What precautions should I take during assembly, operation, and maintenance?
A: Pay special attention to avoid possible exposure to laser and collateral radiation over accessible emission limits. Use controls and adjustments specified in the manual to prevent hazardous exposure.

This manual contains important laser system safety and operation information. Read and understand all instructions before powering on the laser unit the first time, to avoid laser eye injury and to avoid breaking the law. Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.



  • Laser effects projected 3 meters (9.8 ft) above the audience are eye-safe. A survey should be taken to assess the likelihood of any reflective surfaces (such as high windows, chrome bars, etc) bouncing stray beams back down into the audience.
  • Use fastening clamps on the light and tight to the ceiling in a strong hook.
  • Make sure it has the correct power output and plug the power cable into the wall socket.
  • Power must be on earth! Power on the light.
  • Do not shoot the beams to the audience!
  • Do not look directly into the laser aperture once the laser light is ON. Please pay attention to the Laser Danger Warning Label!


Fixture Cleaning : Due to fog residue, smoke, and dust cleaning the internal and external lenses should be carried out periodically to optimize light output.

  1. Use normal glass cleaner and a soft cloth to wipe down the outside casing.
  2. Clean the external optics with glass cleaner and a soft cloth every 20 days.
  3. Always be sure to dry all parts completely before plugging the unit back in. Cleaning frequency depends on the environment in which the fixture operates (I.e. smoke, fog residue, dust, dew). In heavy use, we recommend cleaning every month. Periodic cleaning will ensure longevity and crisp beam output.


  • After setting up, and before public use, test the laser to ensure proper function. Do not use it if any defect is detected. Do not use if the laser emits only one or two laser beams rather than dozens/ hundreds, as this could indicate damage to the diffraction grating optic.
  • Do not point lasers at people or animals. Never look into the laser aperture or laser beams.
  • Do not point lasers in areas in which people can potentially get exposed, such as uncontrolled balconies, etc.
  • Do not point lasers at highly reflective surfaces, such as windows, mirrors, and shiny metal. Even laser reflections can be hazardous.
  • Never point a laser at an aircraft, this is a federal offense.
  • Never point un-terminated laser beams into the sky.
  • Do not expose the output optic (aperture) to cleaning chemicals.
  • Do not use a laser if the laser appears to be emitting only one or two beams.
  • Do not use the laser if the housing is damaged, the housing is open, or if the optics appear damaged in any way.
  • Never open the laser housing. The high laser power levels inside the protective housing can start fires, burn skin, and cause instant eye injury.
  • Never leave this device running unattended.

General Instructions

Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the user guide for safety and operations information before using the product. Keep this manual for future reference. This product can create perfect light programs and effects since it has passed a series of strict tests before delivery. Please check the attachments listed on the page after opening the carton. Immediately upon receiving a fixture, carefully unpack the box. Check the box contents to ensure that all parts are present and that they are in good condition. If any part appears damaged from shipping, or if the box shows signs of mishandling, notify the shipper immediately. In addition, retain the box and all the packing material for inspection. In any event, save the carton and all packing material because, in case you have to return the fixture to the factory, you will have to do so in its original box, with its original packing.

What is included: 1 Light, 1Power Cable, 1*User Guide

Safety Notice: Please read the following notes carefully because they include important safety information about the installation, usage, and maintenance of this product. It is important to read all these notes before starting to work with this product. Lasers can be hazardous and have unique safety considerations. Permanent eye injury and blindness are possible if lasers are used incorrectly. Pay close attention to each safety REMARK and WARNING statement in the user manual. Read all instructions carefully.

Laser Safety Warnings
Potential laser injury hazard exists with this product! Read these Instructions carefully, which include important information about installation, safe use, and service!


  • Avoid direct eye contact with laser light. Never intentionally expose your eyes or others to direct laser radiation.
  • This laser product can potentially cause instant eye injury or blindness if laser light directly strikes the eyes.
  • It is illegal and dangerous to shine this laser into audience areas, where the audience or other personnel could get direct laser beams or bright reflections into their eyes.
  • It is a US Federal offense to shine any laser at an aircraft.


This unit contains high-power laser devices internally. Do not open the laser housing, due to potential exposure to unsafe levels of laser radiation. The laser power levels are accessible if the unit is opened can cause instant blindness, skin burns, and fires.

  • During Assembly, operation, and maintenance, please pay special attention to avoid possible exposure to laser and collateral radiation over the accessible emission limits.
  • Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
  • Protective eyewear is typically required where direct viewing of a Class 3B laser beam may occur.


Laser Expected Lifespan
Laser gradually decline in brightness over time. HEAT is the dominant factor that leads to the acceleration of this decline. Packaged in clusters, the Laser exhibits higher operating temperatures than in ideal or singular optimum conditions. For this reason, when all color Lasers are used at their fullest intensity, the life of the Laser is significantly reduced. It is estimated that a viable lifespan of 5,000 to 10,000 hours will be achieved under normal operational conditions. If improving this lifespan expectancy is of a higher priority, place care in providing for lower operational temperatures. This may include climatic-environmental and the reduction of overall projection intensity.

The scan speed of any laser software control must be less than the scanner speed of your laser light, otherwise, the patterns possible have distortion, or else the scanner will be damaged by over-speed running software!

Technical Specification

  • Feature: Animation laser with a high-speed optical scanner to create animated graphics,hundreds of beam show and graphics show patterns, and with the function of color change, AUTO, Sound activated, rotating, movement, rotation, zoom (+/-), drawing and speed, etc.
  • Scanner High-speed optical scanner, big angle scanning
  • Play Mode Sound Active, AUTO-Beam, AUTO-Animation, DMX, Master/ Slave
  • DMX channel: 6CH/34CH
  • Digital display function
  • Power Supply Bi-Voltage AC 100~240V/2A, 50/60HZ
  • Applicable place: logo projector, company advertising, superstar fashion show, DJs, Bands, Bars, Pubs, Clubs, Roller skating rinks, KTV, Family Party, etc.

Fixture Rear Plate


Digital display function

  • “Menu” is Menu, “Enter” is confirmed, “Previous” is UP, “Next ” is down.
  1. Displaying mode setting: press MUN to switch the modes: preset effects, professional DMX512, and simple DMX512.
  2. preset effects: press ENTER to switch AUTO and Sound mode
  3. Preset AUTO mode: SE+digits, (the fourth Decimal point OFF, digit is the displaying serial number)
  4. preset Sound mode: SE+digits, (the fourth Decimal point ON, digit is the displaying serial number)
  5. Press UP/DOWN to change the serial number.
  6. Professional DMX512 mode: A+digit (digit means the DMX value)
  7. If there is a DMX signal, the fourth Decimal point is ON; if there is no DMX signal, the fourth Decimal point is OFF.
  8. laser light setup mode: press MUN to enter the laser light setup mode.
  9. Optional modes: X-invert, Y-invert, XY co-invert, X-invert position, Y-invert position, Remote control OFF.
  10. X-Invert
  11. X-invert display: x.INV
  12. Under X-invert mode, press ENTER to change the direction.
  13. Forward direction: the fourth Decimal point OFF; backward: the fourth Decimal point ON
  14. Y-invert
  15. Y-invert display: y.INV
  16. Under Y-invert mode, press ENTER to change the direction
  17. Forward direction: the fourth Decimal point OFF; backward: the fourth Decimal point ON
  18. XY co-invert
  19.  XY co-invert display: \.INV
  20. Under this mode, press ENTER to change the direction
  21. Forward direction: the fourth Decimal point OFF; backward: the fourth Decimal point ON
  22. Remote control OFF
  23. Remote control OFF display: rOFF
  24. Under this mode, press ENTER to ON/OFF the remote control function.
  25. ON: the fourth Decimal point OFF; OFF: the fourth Decimal point ON

Master/Slave mode: In the digital display, set the “Slave” unit to “E.001”.

Channel Function Value Description



Laser ON/OFF

| 0| Laser OFF
1-99| AUTO
100-199| Sound active
200-254| Saving
255| Pattern A, OFF



Out of bounds and Pattern size

| 0-49| Out of bounds Crossing
50-99| Out of bounds Reentry
100-149| Out of bounds Blanking
150-199| Pattern zoom out, Out of bounds Blanking
200-255| Saving
CH3| Group selections| 0-223| Group 1
244-255| Group 0
CH4| Pattern selections| 0-255| Each value for one pattern; If over the pattern numbers, then

program displaying the maximum number



Pattern Zoom IN/OUT

| 0-127| Static pattern size
128-159| Dynamic Zoom OUT. The bigger value, the faster the speed
160-191| Dynamic Zoom IN. The bigger value, the faster the speed
192-223| Dynamic Zoom IN/OUT.  the bigger value, the faster the speed
224-255| Dynamic Zoom Rotation.  the bigger value, the faster the speed



Pattern rotation

| 0-127| Static rotation


| Dynamic rotation 2 circles clockwise and counterclockwise. the

bigger value, the faster the speed


| Dynamic rotation 1 circle clockwise and counterclockwise. the

bigger value, the faster the speed

192-223| Dynamic rotation clockwise. the bigger value, the faster the speed
224-255| Dynamic rotation counterclockwise. the bigger value, the faster the speed



X Moving

| 0-127| Static X moving
128-159| Dynamic UP moving wave effect. the bigger value, the faster the speed
160-191| Dynamic DOWN moving wave effect. the bigger value, the faster the speed
192-223| Dynamic LEFT moving. the bigger value, the faster the speed
224-255| Dynamic RIGHT moving. the bigger value, the faster the speed



Y Moving

| 0-127| Static Y moving
128-159| Dynamic RIGHT moving wave effect. the bigger value, the faster the speed
160-191| Dynamic LEFT moving wave effect. the bigger value, the faster the speed
192-223| Dynamic DOWN moving. the bigger value, the faster the speed
224-255| Dynamic UP moving. the bigger value, the faster the speed




| 0-127| Static size
128-159| Dynamic UP moving distortion. The bigger the value, the faster the speed
160-191| Dynamic DOWN moving distortion. The value, the faster the speed
192-223| Dynamic Zoom IN/OUT
224-255| Dynamic Rotation Zoom IN/OUT. the bigger value, the faster the speed




| 0-127| Static size
128-159| Dynamic RIGHT  moving distortion. The bigger value, the faster the speed
160-191| Dynamic LEFT moving distortion. The bigger value, the faster the speed
192-223| Dynamic Zoom IN/OUT
224-255| Dynamic Rotation Zoom IN/OUT. the bigger value, the faster the speed

DMX Control

The system only accepts the DMX512 signal of international standards to control the system.

DMX Control Parameter Chart

Simple DMX mode

Channel| Function| Value| Description|
CH1| Laser ON/OFF| 0| OFF|
1–255| ON|





| 0–31| Preset effects AUTO mode|
32–63| Preset Serial AUTO mode|
64–95| Preset mixed AUTO mode|
96–127| Saving the effects|
128–| Preset effects SOUND mode|
159160–| Preset Serial SOUND mode|
191192–| Preset mixed SOUND mode|
223224–| Saving the effects|
 | Patterns selection| 225| Group 1 patterns|
 | (1. Group number| 0–15| Group 2 patterns|
 | over the max, then|
16–31|  |
 | the program is|
……| Group 15 patterns|
CH3| default with the max

group. 2. When CH2

192–223| Group 0 patterns|
 | is under preset

mixed mode, this

| 224–255|  |
 | The channel is invalid. )|  |  |



Theme selection



| Each value is for one pattern. (1. Group number over the max, then the program defaults with the max group.

2. When CH2 is under the preset mixed mode, this Channel is

invalid. )




Color selection

| 0–31| Full color|
32–| red|
6364–| yellow|
96-9-5127| green|
128–| cyan|
159160–| blue|
191192–| pink|
223224–| white|
CH6| Speed adjustment| 2 5| No movement|
1–255| Slow to fast|
Channel| Function| Value| Description



Out of bounds and pattern size

| 50-99| Out of bounds Reentry
100-149| Out of bounds Blanking
150-255| Saving
0-49| Out of bounds Crossing
CH20| No function| blank|
CH21| Pattern selections| 0-255| Each value for one pattern; If over the pattern numbers, then the program displays the max number



Pattern Zoom IN/OUT

| 0-127| Static pattern size
128-159| Dynamic Zoom OUT. The bigger value, the faster the speed
160-191| Dynamic Zoom IN. The bigger value, the faster the speed
192-223| Dynamic Zoom IN/OUT.  the bigger value, the faster the speed
224-255| Dynamic Zoom Rotation.  the bigger value, the faster the speed



Pattern rotation

| 0-127| Static rotation


| Dynamic rotation 2 circles clockwise and counterclockwise. the

bigger value, the faster the speed


| Dynamic rotation 1 circle clockwise and counterclockwise. the bigger value, the faster the speed
192-223| Dynamic rotation clockwise. the bigger value, the faster the speed
224-255| Dynamic rotation counterclockwise. the bigger value, the faster the speed



X Moving

| 0-127| Static X moving
128-159| Dynamic UP moving wave effect. the bigger value, the faster the speed
160-191| Dynamic DOWN moving wave effect. the bigger value, the faster the speed
192-223| Dynamic LEFT moving. the bigger value, the faster the speed
224-255| Dynamic RIGHT moving. the bigger value, the faster the speed



Y Moving

| 0-127| Static Y moving
128-159| Dynamic RIGHT moving wave effect. the bigger value, the faster the speed
160-191| Dynamic LEFT moving wave effect. the bigger value, the faster the speed
192-223| Dynamic DOWN moving. the bigger value, the faster the speed
224-255| Dynamic UP moving. the bigger value, the faster the speed




| 0-127| Static size
128-159| Dynamic UP moving distortion. The bigger value, the faster the speed
160-191| Dynamic DOWN moving distortion. The value, the faster the speed
192-223| Dynamic Zoom IN/OUT
224-255| Dynamic Rotation Zoom IN/OUT. the bigger value, the faster the speed




| 0-127| Static size
128-159| Dynamic RIGHT  moving distortion. The bigger value, the faster the speed
160-191| Dynamic LEFT moving distortion. The bigger value, the faster the speed
192-223| Dynamic Zoom IN/OUT
224-255| Dynamic Rotation Zoom IN/OUT. the bigger value, the faster the speed
CH28| Fixed Color setting| 0| Original color
1-255| Color change with each n dot



Pattern color change

| 0-7| Original color
8-15| red
16-23| yellow
24-31| green
Channel| Function| Value| Description
CH11| Fixed Color setting| 0| Original color
1-255| Color change with each n dot



Pattern color change

| 0-7| Original color
8-15| red
16-23| yellow
24-31| green
32-39| cyan
40-47| blue
48-55| pink
65-63| white
64-95| Whole pattern RGB. The bigger value, the faster the speed
96-127| Whole pattern YCP. The bigger value, the faster the speed
128-159| The whole pattern RGBYCPW.  the bigger value, the faster the speed
160-191| 7 Color RGBYCPW.  the bigger value, the faster the speed
192-223| Sine Chasing color change
224-255| Cosine Chasing color change




| 0-63| Original Dots
64-127| Pattern no Dots effect, sweep line blanking
128-159| Pattern no Dots effect, Sweep line no blanking
160-255| Saving


| Drawing and other functions(working with Channel 15)|


| On CH15 value 0-127, pattern moving drawing all ON to keep the time
0-255| On CH15 value 128-255, walking drawing line quantity



Drawing (CH15 and CH14 together)

| 0-63| Sine manual drawing
64-127| Cosine manual drawing
128-159| Dynamic drawing A Effects. The value, the faster the speed
160-191| Dynamic drawing B Effects. the bigger value, the faster the speed
192-223| Dynamic drawing C Effects. The value, the faster the speed
224-255| Dynamic drawing D Effects. the bigger value, the faster the speed
CH16| Twist pattern change|


| The more value, the less twisting (notes: when zoom in, rotation, moving, rolling twisting effects, CH16 can control the effect)


| Grating selection (notes: in some

sections more value the n less

gobo angle)

| 0-19







Grating group 1 1. The bigger digit, the smaller the pattern.



ON/OFF Laser

| 0| All OFF
1-99| AUTO
100-199| SOUND
200-254| Saving
255| Group A OFF, Group B ON
CH19| Out of bounds and pattern size| 0-49| Bounds Crossing. The bigger digit, the smaller the pattern.

Warranty Warnings:

  1. Damages caused by the disregard of this user manual are not subject to Warranty. The dealer will not accept liability for any resulting defects or problems.
  2. Please consider that unauthorized modifications on the device are forbidden due to safety reasons. Please note that damages caused by manual modifications on the device or unauthorized operation by unqualified persons are not subject to warranty.
  3. If this device is operated in any way different from the one described in this manual, it may suffer damages and the guarantee becomes void. Furthermore, any other operation may lead to dangers like short-circuit, burns electric shock, etc.

For any questions about this light, please contact your dealer or our company for service.

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