HT Micron IMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SIP MODULE Evaluation Board Installation Guide
- June 17, 2024
- HT Micron
Table of Contents
Evaluation Board V2.0 Manual and
Hardware Integration Guide
This document provides the hardware integration guidelines for devices based on iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module and technical information about the EVB- SXF-02, its Evaluation Board. This is a reference for the customers of HT Micron Semicondutores, especially device manufacturers and hardware engineers.
The iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module is a Multicomponent Integrated Circuit (MCO) designed to provide a general ready-to-use connectivity solution for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Its small dimensions, high performance and low power consumption targets the best experience for IoT developers. Detailed information about this device can be found on its datasheet.
- Frequency bands:
- 413-479 MHz
- 452-527 MHz
- 826-958 MHz
- 904-1055 MHz
- Modulation schemes:
- 64kB of flash memory
- 8kB of RAM
- 32.768kHz external crystal for RTC applications
- Voltage regulator ranging from 2.7 to 6V
- USB to Serial converter
- External LiPoly Battery connector
- Compatibility with Adafruit Feather Wings
- SWD interface
- MCU bootloader
- 20 GPIOs
- 12-bit ADC
- 12-bit 1 channel DAC
The HT32SX’s evaluation board contains a voltage regulator with a voltage
range of 2.7 to 6V, ensuring stable power supply to the system, it features a
built-in USB to Serial converter, enabling easy communication with external
devices and computers terminals. A LiPoly Battery Connector allow portable and
wireless operation.
Regarding to the radio, HTSXMO32L integrates an ultra-low power RF
transceiver, intended for RF wireless applications in the sub-1 GHz band. It
supports different modulation schemes, but due to the MCO main target
application (Sigfox Network), only DBPSK (for TX) and GFSK (for RX) schemes
are enabled in the provided software.
The iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module has been certified to comply with the
following FCC rules, when operating according to Sigfox RC2 requirements:
- 47 CFR Part 15.247
- 47 CFR Part 15B
- 47 CFR part 2.1091
These certifications can be applied to the host device if the device manufacturer implements the integration and test instructions of this document into the host device, except for FCC Part 15 Subpart B which needs to be retested. The host manufacturer can use iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module FCC ID if the device meets the conditions of the FCC certificate. Commonly required conditions can be:
- A minimum of 20 cm distance from the human body.
- No collocation with other transmitters (this condition generally needs to be reviewed by an FCC lab).
- Antenna gain below the requirements.
It is mandatory for the host device manufacturer to assure the final device’s
compliance with FCC Part 15 Subpart B, even if certification has been granted
to iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module. The host device manufacturer is also
responsible for compliance with any other FCC rules that apply to the host
device not covered by the iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module grant of certification.
The following block diagram illustrates the iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module. It
features an ARM Cortex M0+ 32bit (STM32L052x8) and the S2-LP low-power
transceiver from ST Microelectronics combined with the SKY66420 from Skyworks
Solutions which provide all the performance advantages, integration, and
convenience of advanced semiconductor packaging technology into a single
The EVB-SXF-02 Evaluation Board was designed to be a development platform,
facilitating new users first contact and providing to advanced users limitless
possibilities of developing your own products. All the iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SiP
features are available on the evaluation board. Two supply options can be
used: a USB connection or an external battery. The evaluation board will
automatically switch to USB power when it is available.
The external battery makes the evaluation board portable, so it becomes easy
to test the Sigfox connectivity anywhere you go.
Connector| Number| Name| Alt. Functions| Type|
CN1| –| Antenna| –| RF I/O| RF input and output signal
CN2| –| Micro USB| –| –| USB connection for power and communication
CN3| –| Battery| –| Power| Input power from external battery
CN4| 1| VBAT| –| Power| Battery output power
2| ENABLE| –| Input| Voltage regulator Enable
3| VUSB| –| Power| Output power from USB Bus
4| PB10| LPUART1_TX| Digital I/O| USART interface
TIM2_CH3| Digital I/O| General-purpose timer
5| PA5| ADC_IN5| Analog I| ADC external input 5
TIM2_CH1| Digital I/O| General-purpose timer
TIM2_ETR| Digital I/O| General-purpose timer
COMP1_INM5| Analog I| Comparator input
6| PA8| USART1_CK| Digital I/O| USART interface
EVENT_OUT| Digital I/O|
7| PB5| I2C1_SMBA| Digital I/O| I2C interface
LPTIM1_IN1| Digital I/O| Low-power timer
TIM22_CH2| Digital I/O| General-purpose timer
8| PB0| ADC_IN0| Analog I| ADC external input 0
VREF_OUT| Analog I/O| Output reference voltage
9| PB11| LPUART1_RX| Digital I/O| Low-power USART interface
TIM2_CH4| Digital I/O| General-purpose timer
EVENTOUT| Digital I/O|
10| PA11| USART1_CTS| Digital I/O| USART interface
USB_DM| Digital I/O| USB
COMP1_OUT| Analog O| Comparator output
EVENT_OUT| Digital I/O|
11| PB6| I2C1_SCL| Digital I/O| I2C interface
USART1_TX| Digital I/O| USART interface
LPTIM1_ETR| Digital I/O| Low-power timer
12| PB7| I2C1_SDA| Digital I/O| I2C interface
USART1_RX| Digital I/O| USART interface
LPTIM1_IN2| Digital I/O| Low-power timer
CN5| 1| NRESET| –| I/O| Bidirectional reset pin with embedded weak pull-up
2| 3V3| –| Power| –
3| NC| –| –| –
4| GND| –| Ground| –
5| PA4| DAC_OUT| Analog O| DAC analog output
ADC_IN4| Analog I| ADC external input 4
USART2_CK| Digital I/O| USART interface
| | | TIM22_ETR| Digital I/O| General-purpose timer
COMP1_INM4| Analog I| Comparator input
6| PA3| ADC_IN3| Analog I| ADC external input 3
USART2_RX| Digital I/O| USART interface
TIM2_CH4| Digital I/O| General-purpose timer
TIM21_CH2| Digital I/O| General-purpose timer
7| PA1| ADC_IN1| Analog I| ADC external input 1
USART2_RTS_DE| Digital I/O| USART interface
COMP1_INP| Analog I| Comparator input
TIM21_ETR| Digital I/O| General-purpose timer
EVENT_OUT| Digital I/O|
8| PA6| ADC_IN6| Analog I| ADC external input 6
LPUART1_CTS| Digital I/O| USART interface
TIM22_CH1| Digital I/O| General-purpose timer
COMP1_OUT| Analog O| Comparator output
EVENT_OUT| Digital I/O|
9| PA2| ADC_IN2| Analog I| ADC external input 2
USART2_TX| Digital I/O| USART interface
TIM21_CH1| Digital I/O| General-purpose timer
TIM2_CH3| Digital I/O| General-purpose timer
10| PA0| ADC_IN0| Analog I| ADC external input 0
WKUP1| Digital I| MCU external wakeup input
USART2_CTS| Digital I/O| USART interface
TIM2_CH1| Digital I/O| General-purpose timer
11| PA14| SWCLK| Digital O| Serial wire clock output
USART2_TX| Digital I/O| USART interface
12| PA13| SWDIO| Digital I/O| Serial wire
USB_NOE| Digital I/O| USB
13| PA12| USART1_RTS_DE| Digital I/O| USART interface
USB_DP| Digital I/O| USB
EVENT_OUT| Digital I/O|
14| PA9| USART1_TX| Digital I/O| Serial wire
15| PA10| USART1_RX| Digital I/O| Serial wire
16| BOOT0| –| Digital I| Boot selection
Table 2: Power pins description.
Pins | Description |
VBAT | Positive voltage is available from external battery or an external power |
supply can be used
VUSB| Positive 5V from USB is available when the USB cable is connected
EN| This pin is pulled up to enable voltage regulator. If connected to the
ground the voltage regulator is turned off
CN3| JST-PH connector for external Lipoly battery
3V3| Output voltage from voltage regulator. A peak of 500mA can be supplied
GND| Common ground for the board and components.
Pins| Description
VBAT| Positive voltage is available from external battery or an external power
supply can be used
VUSB| Positive 5V from USB is available when the USB cable is connected
EN| This pin is pulled up to enable voltage regulator. If connected to the
ground the voltage regulator is turned off
CN3| JST-PH connector for external Lipoly battery
3V3| Output voltage from voltage regulator. A peak of 500mA can be supplied
GND| Common ground for the board and components.
Pins | Description |
I2C | Serial interface. Alternative functions are also available on these pins. |
These pins can also be used as GPIO
SWD| Serial Wire Debug interface to programming and debug the iMCP
HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module.
These pins can also be used as GPIO
TX/RX| These pins can be used to communicate with iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module
through Serial 1.
Alternative functions are also available on these pins. These pins can also be
used as GPIO
Boot0| This pin is pulled down. When connected to VDD during iMCP HTSXMO32L-22
SiP Module powering up allow access to programming its flash memory through
the serial interface.
Table 4: General operating conditions.
Parameter | Conditions | Min | Typ. | Max | Unit |
Supply Voltage | – | 2.7 | 3.3 | 6.0 | V |
Supply Current | – | – | – | 500 | mA |
Operating Temperature | – | -20 | – | 70 | °C |
External XTAL Frequency | – | – | – | 32.768 | kHz |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Remark: the voltage regulator can handle an input ranging from 1.5 to 6.0V.
However, the iMCP HTSXMO32L22 SiP Module operation voltages range is from 2.7
to 3.6V. The evaluation board is provided with a resistor pair that sets the
voltage regulator output to 3.3V, therefore, consider the supply voltage
informed above to get a proper operation from the iMCP HTSXMO32L-22.
Characteristics measured over recommended operating conditions unless
otherwise specified. Typical values are referred to 25 °C temperature, output
regulator voltage 3.3 V.
Table 5: Power Consumption.
Parameter | Conditions | Min | Typ. | Max | Unit |
Supply current | JP2 Open (iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module turned off) | – | 1.4 | – |
The iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module current consumption depends on the operation
mode, to get complete information about it, please refer to
The external clock resonator can be of high speed (1-25MHz) or low speed
(32.768kHz), which can be connected to pins 25 and 26 of the iMCP HTSXMO32L-22
SiP Module. On the Evaluation Board, it is provided a 32.768kHz clock
resonator, which can be changed by a high speed one, according to the
application necessity. The connection diagram is shown below. For CL10 and
CL11, it is recommended to use high-quality ceramic capacitors in the 5pF to
25 pF range (typ.), designed for high-frequency applications, and selected to
match the requirements of the crystal or resonator. CL1 and CL2 include PCB
and the MCU pin capacitances. 2.8. BOARD SCHEMATICS
Is highly recommended to use the iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module’s evaluation
board schematic
diagram as a reference circuitry when
designing PCBs. The PCB layout, list of materials and all the documentation
are provided at HT Micron’s git hub
In this context this reference circuitry (i.e. EVB-SXF-02) is applicable for
the iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module granted the FCC certifications . The given
reference circuity is a valid generic example of an iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 based
final device but does not limit it uses in any way.
Table 6: Jumpers’ identification.
Jumper | Identification | Description |
JP1 | USB/Serial Converter Reset | This jumper provides the reset function for |
the USB to Serial converter when short-circuited.
JP2| iMCP HTSXMO32L- 22 SiP Module Supply / Current Measurement| This jumper
provides the supply to the iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module and can be used to
open the circuit and measure the current consumption drained only by it in
different operation conditions.
JP3| User LED| This jumper allows the disconnection of User LED from PA5 to
avoid disturbances when using this Pin as GPIO for other purposes.
JP4| User Button| This jumper allows the disconnection of User Button from PA6
to avoid disturbances when using this Pin as GPIO for other purposes.
The PCB layout shown in Figure 6 are part of the iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SiP
Module Evaluation Board (EVBSXF-02) reference
it shows the details of the area where the antenna connector is located. 2.11. PCB
The Evaluation Board EVB-SXF-02 PCB stack-up and layer materials are shown in
Figure 7. The reference PCB material is a two-layer FR4, 1.5mm core thickness
and 1 Oz copper. 2.12. ANTENNA
The external hinged antenna used in EVB-SXF-02 is Ethertronics
X9000984-4GDSMB, as shown in the Figure 8.
For further details on the antenna, see the antenna supplier
The Ethertronics X9000984-4GDSMB antenna has 196 mm height and 6 mm
diameter, a peak gain of 2.2dBi andan efficiency greater than 40% over the
790-960MHz frequency band. The radiation pattern plots can be foundat the
antenna datasheet.
The iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module support all the Sigfox radio configurations
frequency bands. It has beencertified only with the antenna solution presented
in previous section. It is possible to use other antennas withiMCP
HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module but testing and certification will always be required
from the end device,regardless of antenna selection.
The Evaluation Board EVB-SXF-02 has a single-ended 50 Ω uFL antenna connector,
where the antenna solutionshall be connected. The antenna impedance and the
characteristic impedance of the transmission line (planar andcable) connecting
to the antenna must be 50Ω. It is recommended to reserve space for a matching
network (asin the EVB-SXF-02) because antennas are typically tuned on a
supplier reference board and some differences mayimpact the antenna impedance,
matching components can be used to compensate a possible mismatch to
theantenna impedance and avoid performance degradation. The recommended
minimum return loss is 10 dB but6.0 dB can still be accepted in the end
device. The length of the transmission line from the antenna connector tothe
matching network should be kept as short as possible to minimize losses.
An external LC matching network (series inductor and shunt capacitor) was
applied on the EVB-SXF-02 toimprove the output power level of the antenna pin
in the iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module. For detailedinformation about iMCP
HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module RF characteristics, please refers to datasheet.
Therecommended values and specifications are given below:
- SMD ceramic inductor L1: 5.6nH +-0.3nH 0402 size
- SMD ceramic capacitor C13: 4.7pF +-0.1pF 0402 size
This section contains information on certified bands and FCC/ISED regulatory
notices for iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SiP Module.
Frequency bands based on Sigfox radio configurations:
- RC1: Europe, Middle East and Africa 868.034 ~ 868.226 MHz
- RC2: North America and Brazil 902.104 ~ 902.296 MHz
- RC3: Japan 923.104 ~ 923.296 MHz
- RC4: Latin America and Asia Pacific 920.704 ~ 920.896 MHz
- RC5: South Korea 923.204 ~ 923.396 MHz
- RC6: India 865.104 ~ 865.296 MHz
- RC7: Russia 868.704 ~ 868.896 MHz
FCC regulatory notices cover modification and interference statements,
wireless and FCC Class B digital device notices, permitted antennas and
labeling requirements.
FCC Class B digital device notice
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class
B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and
on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more
of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
Labeling requirements for the host device
The host device shall be properly labelled to identify the modules within the
host device. The certification label of the module shall be always clearly
visible when installed in the host device, otherwise the host device must be
labelled to display the FCC ID of the module, preceded by the words “Contains
transmitter module”, or the word “Contains”, or similar wording expressing the
same meaning, as follows: Contains FCC ID: 2A7ZW-HTSXMO32L.
Interference statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference, including interference that may
cause undesired operation of the device.
Wireless notice
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an
uncontrolled environment. The antenna should be installed and operated with
minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator and your body.
This transmitter must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any
other antenna or transmitter.
Permitted antenna
This radio transmitter has been approved by FCC to operate with the antenna
type described in this document, below the maximum permissible gain. The
antenna peak gain is 2.2 dBi along the RC2 band cited in section 4.1.
Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the
maximum gain indicated, are strictly prohibited for use with this device.
Information on Test Modes
All the test modes information, codes and requirements can be found at HT
Micron’s github page.
Table 7: Detailed pin functions.
Type number | Package |
Name | Description |
EVB-SXF-02 | Sigfox HT32SX-22 EVB |
Version | Date | Changes | Authors |
00 | 03/12/2020 | – Initial draft | MC |
01 | 18/12/2020 | – Review and updates | WH |
02 | 12/01/2020 | – Corrections and template update. | MC |
03 | 26/01/2020 | – Classification changed to Public | MC |
04 | 07/06/2021 | – Table 5 and Table 6 descriptions fixed. | MC |
05 | 09/03/2022 | – Regulatory Information and integration guide instructions |
06| 27/06/2023| – Regulatory FCC ID and modulation schemes description update|
Av. Unisinos, 1550 | 93022-750 | São Leopoldo | RS | Brasil
Document Title: iMCP HTSXMO32L-22 SIP MODULE
Document Subtitle: Evaluation Board V2.0 Manual and Hardware Integration Guide
Classification: PUBLIC
Doc. Type: User Manual
Revision: v.06
Date: 27/06/2023
Code: EVB-SXF-02
This document is a property of HT Micron and cannot be reproduced without its
HT Micron does not assume any responsibility for use what is described.
This document is subject to change without notice.
HT MICRON Semicondutores S.A.
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