Syntech E500 Rog Ally Dock User Guide

June 17, 2024

Syntech Logo E500 Rog Ally Dock
User Guide

Firmware Upgrade Procedure of Syntech Rog Ally Dock

Note :

  1. Please make sure to use a Windows system laptop or desktop computer for upgrading, Apple computers or other system computers currently can not support firmware upgrade.
  2. When using the computer can not open the normal firmware program, please check whether your computer is set to block the opening and installation of foreign programs, some anti-virus software or computer security software will prevent the opening of the firmware file.

Step 1: Download the installation package on
LINK: At the bottom of the page)Syntech E500 Rog Ally Dock -
packageStep 2: You need to prepare a Windows PC first, and connect the PD charging port of Syntech Rog Ally Dock to the PC via USB-C to USB-C or tUSB-C to USB-A cable. Step 3: Locate and double-click the “LT USB Programmer(1).exe” application on the installation package file.Syntech E500
Rog Ally Dock - clickStep 4: Click on the “Open” option in the pop-up window.Syntech E500 Rog Ally Dock -
windowStep 5: Select the firmware programme in the pop-up window:
“LT8711UXD_U1_QFN48_Male_DP14_CKS(0x393F80)_SV020116_20230628_BB_Em ark_Switch_SteamDeck_NoUart_5Watt.hex ”, then click “Burn” to upgrade the firmware.Syntech E500 Rog Ally Dock - programmeSyntech
E500 Rog Ally Dock - programme 1Step 6: After clicking “Burn” to upgrade the firmware, the progress bar will show from 0% to 100% completion. When “The Device tool written successfully” appears on the interface, it means the firmware has been upgraded successfully.Syntech
E500 Rog Ally Dock - DeviceSyntech E500
Rog Ally Dock - Device 1

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