ALINCO DX-77 HF Desktop Transceiver User Guide
- June 17, 2024
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ALINCO DX-77 HF Desktop Transceiver
The HF Transceiver DX-77 offers serial data control capability from a computer Parameters such as transmit and receive frequencies, mode, power, RF gain, filter, etc. can be controlled using a terminal software. No special software is required, thus commonly available terminal software such as Windows ™-terminal, HyperTerminal, or ProComm will work fine. Before proceeding with the computer control, please read the DX- 77 Instruction Manual carefully and familiarize yourself with the functions and front panel operations of the DX- 77 first.
Note!: Operation from the radio’s front panel should be refrained while under computer control
Serial Port Connections
For serial port connection, the optional Alinco ERW-4 cable is used for communications between the DX-77 and a computer Plug the 3.5mm diameter stereo plug of the ERW-4 to the “remote” jack on the rear panel of the DX-77, and the RS232 DB-25 end to your computer’s COM port. Run your terminal application and configure the communication parameters for the COM port to 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits, and no parity.
Place the DX-77 within your sight so that the status of the radio can be monitored constantly.
Command Strings
Once the radio is connected to your computer through the ERW-4 and a terminal software is running with the correct configuration, alphanumeric key entries on the computer keyboard are put through to DX-77 and the radio is standing-by for command strings of correct format, The data format consists of UPPER CASE ASCII characters, as follows:
“AL” + [command) + [data]
When the above format string is entered followed by carriage-return, the command is immediately executed in DX-77 and the new setting is effected immediately, The [command] part string consists of 2 bytes ASCII characters of UPPER CASE and the [data] part string is numbers of various length, The commands can be categorized into two types: those that input data into the DX-77 and those that tells the DX-77 to output current status data. The former are described in Sections 3.1 to 3.21 and the latter in Sections 3.22 and onwards.
Data Input Commands
Transmit Frequency
Transmitting frequency for currently displaying VFO or Memory can be input using the command 0A (zero “A”). To enter the transmitting frequency, enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code 0A, followed by G to 10 digit numerics designating a frequency in Hertz order. (Note: Not MHz, nor kHz, but Hz). For the frequency digits, the higher order zeroes may be omitted but smaller order zeroes may not be omitted, so that the designation is always in the unit of Hertz. Then hit the carriage return key. If the frequency input is out of the transmitter range, the radio will respond ERROR
Example: To input 21.145MHz, enter ALOA0021145000 or enterAL0A21145000
Note: Although the entry must include up to the last digit (i.e. Hz order),
the last digit wi71 always be considered as 0, 1·egardless of what is entered.
This is because the DX-77’s frequency resolution j5 lOHz.
Receive Frequency
Receiving frequency for currently displaying VFO or memory can be input using the command OB (zero :B”). To enter the receiving frequency, enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code OB, followed by 6 to 10 digit numerics designating a frequency in Hertz order. (Note: Not MHz, nor kHz, but Hz). Note that for the frequency digits, the higher order zeroes may be omitted but smaller order zeroes may not be omitted, so that the designation is always in the unit of Hertz. Then hit the carriage return key. If the frequency input is out of the receiver .range, the radio will respond ERROR.
Example: To input 7.013MHz, enter AL0B0007013000 or enter ALOB7013000
]Vote: Although the entry must include up to the last dig:it {i.e. Hz order), the last digit will alwa. ys be considered as 0, regardless of what is entered. This is because the DX-77’s frequency resolution is JOHz.
VFO Mode
The VFO Mode can be selected using the command “lA”. To select the VFO mode,
enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code lA, followed by one
numeric 1 or 2, specifying VFO-A or VFOB.
Then hit the carriage return key.
Example: To select VFO-B, enter AL1A2
Memory Mode
The Memory Mode can be selected using the command “lB”. To select the memory mode, enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code lB, followed by numeric 0. Then hit the carriage return key. The radio will respond ERROR if no memory channel has been programmed and memory mode cannot be accessed.
Example: To select the memory mode, enter ALlB0
Channel Display
The DX-77 can be put into Channel Display mode where only the channel number and without the frequency is indicated on the display. To set into Channel Display, enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code lD, followed by one numeric O or 1 specifying the normal frequency mode or the channel display mode respectively. Then hit the carriage return key. Example: To show channel numbers only, enter ALlD 1 To come back to frequency display, enter ALlD0
The UP and DOWN key operations can be done using the command “2A”. To input
UP/DOWN operation, enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code 2A,
followed by one numeric 0 or 1 specifying UP or DOWN respectively. Then hit
the carriage return key.
Example: To input UP operation, enter AL2A0
Check Transmit Frequency
Pressing and holding the FUNC key on the DX-77 allows momentary reception of transmitting frequency for checking. This operation can be done using the command “2B”. To do this, enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code 2B, followed by one numeric 0 or 1 specifying stop or start of receiving respectively. Then hit the carriage return key. Note: For this command, you must always input the stop command line once the check-transmit operation is done otherwise the radio w1Jl not automatically recover to normal receiving frequency. Example: To start reception of transmitting frequency, enter AL2B1 To stop reception of transmitting frequency, enter AL2B0
Transmitter Output Power
Transmitter output power can be set to High or LOW using the command 2C. To
set the power output, enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code
2C, followed by one numeric 0 or 1 specifying HI or LOW respectively. Then hit
the carriage return key.
Example: To set to LOW power, enter AL2CJ
Scanning can be started and stopped using the command 2D. F_or scanning, enter
the prefix AL, followed by the programming code 2D, followed by one numeric 0,
1, or 2 specifying st.op, start-upward, or start-downward of scanning. Then
hit the carriage return key. Note: It is recommended to input the stop
scanning command line every time after inputting the start scanning command.
Example: To start scanning upwards, enter AL2D 1 To stop scanning, enter
The priority ·function can be activated using the command 2E. Note that, since this function will scan between VFO and a memory channel, at least one memory channel has to be programmed before activating this function. To toggle the priority function, enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code 2E, followed by one numeric 0 or 1 specifying OFF or ON. Then hit the carriage return key. Note: It is recommended that the stop scanning command line is always input after inputting the priority command.
Example: To start the priority function, enter AL2El To stop the priority function, enter AL2E0
The split operation can be activated/deactivated using the command 2F. To toggle the split operation, enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code 2F, followed by one numeric 0 or 1 specifying OFF or ON. Then hit the carriage return key.
Example: To start the split operation, enter AL2Fl
Mode (modulation)
The mode can be changed using the command 2G. For each mode a numeric switch
is assigned. To set a mode, enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming
code 2G, followed by one numeric Oto 5 specifying the mode (0:LSB, 1:USB,
2:CWL, 3:CWU, 4:AM, 5:FM). Then hit the carriage return key. Example: To
select and set FM, enter AL2G5
RF Gain
The DX-77 has four levels of RF gain, which can be set using the command 2H. To set RF Gain, enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code 2H, followed by two numerics, each O or l, specifying the RF Gain level (00: 0dB; 01: +lOdB; 10: -20dB; 11: -lOdB). Then hit the carriage return key.
Example: To set RF Gain at+ l0dB, enter AL2H01
The receiver AGC recovery speed can be toggled to Fast or Slow using the
command 2!. To set AGC, enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code
21, followed by two numerics 01 or 02 specifying FAST or SLOW respectively.
Then hit the carriage return key.
Example: To set AGC to Slow, enter AL2I02
The can be toggled ON/OFF using the command 2J. To set the filter,
enter the prefix AL, follo”:.ed by the programming code 2J, followed by two
numerics 00 or 01 specifying Narrow or Wide.
Then hit the carriage return key.
Example: To turn on the narrow filter, enter AL2J00
Noise Blanker
The noise blanker can be toggled ON and OFF using the command 2K. To set the Noise Blanker, enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code 2K, followed by one numeric 0 or 1 specifying OFF or ON respectively. Then hit the carriage return key.
Example: To turn ON the noise blanker, enter AL2Kl
CTCSS encoder
The CTCSS (PL tone) encoder can be set using the command 21. To set the, tone
encoder frequency, enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code 21,
followed by two numerics according to Table-I in Appendix. Then hit the
carriage return key. Note that this will not activate the tone encoder yet;
only the tone frequency has been set. To toggle the tone encoder ON and OFF,
enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code 21, followed by numerics
00 or 51 specifying OFF or ON.
Then hit the carriage return key.
Example: To set the encoder’s tone frequency to 88.5Hz, enter AL2L09 To turn the set tone encoder ON, enter AL2L51
The TUNE operation for an automatic antenna tuner can be activated using the
command 2M.
Proper connection between the automatic tuner and DX-77 is a prerequisite; for
details, refer to DX-77 Instruction Manual. To start tuning, enter the prefix
AL, followed by the programming code 2N, followed by one numeric 1. Then hit
the carriage return key. If a proper tuner could not be detected, the radio
will respond FAIL. If the tuning time exceeds its limit (typically for having
improper antenna element on the tuner), the radio will respond TIMEOUT.
Example: To start tuning the antenna with an automatic antenna tuner, enter AL2Ml
Pressing the SELECT key on the DX-77″s front panel moves the cursor (T) above
the frequency digits.
This action can be replaced with the use of the command 20 (numeric 2 and the
letter 0, not the numeric zero). To select the cursor position, enter the
prefix AL, followed by the programming code 20. followed by one numeric as
cursor position | numeric |
No cursor: | 0 |
Cursor on l00kHz digit: | 1 |
Cursor on 1MHz digit: | 2 |
Cursors on 10MHz and 1MHz digits: | 3 |
Cursor on memory channel digit: | 4 |
Then hit the carriage return key.
Example: To set cursor on 1MHz digit, enter AL20t2
Memory Channel Call Up
A memory channel of your choice can be called up using the command 2V. Note that this command is accepted only when in the memory mode, and an attempt to use the command while in the VFO mode will result in responding ERROR. To call up a memory channel, enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code 2V. followed by two numerics 00 to 99 indicating the channel number. Then hit the carriage return key. Upon calling up the requested channel, the radio will respond OK. If the requested channel number is unprogrammed, the radio will respond NO DATA. Example: To call up channel 34, enter AL2V34
Set Data
The data/parameters in the set-up items for the DX-77 can be programmed using
the command 2W.
To program data. enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code 2W,
followed by one UPPER CASE” ASCII character A to P specifying the data type,
followed by one or two numerics specifying the data value. as below.
As.Cll | tYPE | Yaiue |
A | Beep | 0:OFF !:ON |
B | PTT Lock | 0:OFF !:ON |
C | Speech Proc. | 0:OFF !:ON |
D | Keyer | 0:OFF l:ON |
E | SSB Auto | 0:OFF !:ON |
F | Group Scan | 0:OFF !:ON |
G | Mero. overwrite port | 0:OFF !:ON |
H | Mero. freq. access port | 0:OFF !:ON |
I | SSB Step | 0: lkHz, 1: 2.5kHz, 2: 0.lkHz, 3: 0.5kHz |
J | AM Step | 0: !kHz, J: 2.5kHz, 2: 5kHz, 3: 9kHz 4: l0kHz |
K | FM Step | 0: 2.5kHz, I: 5kHz, 2: !0kHz, 3: 12.5kHz 4: 20kHz |
L | Scan Pause | 0: non-stop 1:2 sec. 2: 4 sec. 3: 6 sec. 4:off 5: :no-limit |
M | Side tone | 0:800Hz, l:850Hz .. (50Hz step) .. 4:l000Hz, 5:400Hz, 6A50Hz . |
N| Break-In| O:auto 1: 1 sec., 2: 2 sec 7: 7 sec., 8:full
O| Dimmer| 0:off, ]: ]evel-1, 2: level-2 5: level-5
P| Keyer Speed| 00: 20 wpm, 01: 2lwpm, … 30:50 \\-‘pm, 31:6 wpm … 44:19 wpm
Data Output Commands
S-meter read
The S-meter reading can be output upon entering the command 3A. Note that just a momentary S-meter reading on the instance this command is entered, is output. To obtain the S-meter reading, enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code 3A, followed by one numeric O or 1 specifying the output in LCD segment number or AID converted value between 000 to 255. (In either case, the number is preceded by “Ml:”.) Then hit the carriage return key. For reference only, relative S-meter reading would be approximately as follows:
S-level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +20 +40 +60 26
Segment 01 03 05 07 09 11 13 15 I 7 20 23
A/Dvalue 028 036 042 050 058 066 074 082 090 132 174 216 255
Example: To output S-meter reading in segment number, enter AL3AO The DX- 77 responds “Ml:01” if the S reading is l.
PTT Status read
The P.TT status can be output upon entering the command 3B. If the PTT is
pressed (i.e. the radio is in transmit mode) the response will be SEND. If the
PTT is not pressed (i.e. the radio is in receive mode) the response will be
REV. To obtain the PTT status, enter the prefix AL, followed by the
programming code 3B. Then hit the carriage return key.
Example: To output the PTT status, enter AL3B The DX-77 responds “REV’
for receive or “SEND” for transmit.
Squelch Status
The command SC tells the DX-77 to output the squelch status; that is, whether
it is open or closed.
To obtain the squelch status, enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming
code 3C. Then hit the carriage return key. If the squelch is open, the
response will be OPEN; if the squelch is closed, the response will be CLOSE.
Example: To obtain the squelch status, enter AL3C S.25 RIT Status The
DX-77 responds “OPEN” for open squelch, or “CLOSE” for closed squelch.
RIT Status
The command SD tells the DX-77 to output the status of RIT; the amount of
offset with the RIT knob, either in the unit of Hz or in an AID converted
value. To obtain the RIT status, enter the prefix AL, followed by the
programming code 3D, followed by one numeric 0 or 1 specifying whether the
response should be in Hertz or in AID value. Then hit the carriage return key.
The resolution of the Hertz response will be lOHz and prefixed with”+” or” –
“indicating the offset direction. The AID value will be three digit; 000 for
-lO00Hz, about 127 for 0Hz, and 255 for+ lOO0Hz.,
Example: To obtain the RIT status in Hz, enter AL3D6 The DX-77 responds
“-620” if the RIT is offset by-620Hz.
Current Memory-channel Number read
The command 3E tells the DX-77 to output the current memory-channel number,
i.e. from 00 to 99.
Note that the response will be ERROR if the radio is in VFO mode. To obtain
the current memory channel number, enter the prefix AL, followed by the
programming code 3D. Then hit the carriage return key.
Example: To obtain the memory-channel number, enter AL3E The DX-77 responds “08” if the current memory channel is 08
Mcmory NFO -mode read
The command 3G tells the DX-77 to output the current mode, either VFOA, VFOB,
or Memory.
To ob. tain the.current VFO/Memory mode, enter the prefix AL, followed by the
programming code 3G. Then hit the carriage return key.
Example: To obtain the mode VFOA, VFOB, or Memory, enter AL3G The DX-77
responds VFOA, if in VFOA.
Current Data read
The command 3H tells the DX-77 to output multiple information in one string. To get the current radio data information, enter the prefix AL, followed by the programming code 31-l. Then hit the carriage return key. The output string, consisting of 26 numerics contains the following informations: Tone On/Off, Noise Blanker On/Off, Filter Nar/Wide, AGC Fast Slow, Modulation, RF Gain, Receive Frequency, and Transmit Frequency.
First two digit reference table:
1rst two | ir1 t re erence table: |
00 | 01 |
Tone | off |
:NB | off |
Filter | wide |
AGC | slow |
(Note: Some settings are mode dependent; for example, if the tone is ON, the only possible mode is FM. )
Example: To get current data, enter AL3H Fitch response is, for example, 05010300142394400007197040 it means that Tone is OFF, NB is ON, Filter is Wide, AGC-F, USE, RF gain at -lOdB, receive freq. 14.239440MHz, and transmit freq. 7.197040MHz
Split read
Whether the .radio is in Split operation mode or not can be determined with
the command 31. To obtain the information. enter the prefix AL followed by the
programming code 31. Then hit the carriage return key. If the split operation
is set, the response will be ON; if not the response will be OF.
Example: To see whether the radio is in split operation, enter AL3I If the
DX-77 is in split operation mode, the response will be ON.
Transmitter Output read
Whether the radio is in High power or Low power mode can be determined with
the command 3J. To obtain the information, enter the prefix AL followed by the
programming code 3J. Then hit the carriage return key. If in High power mode,
the response will be H, otherwise the response will be L. Example: To see
whether the radio is in High power mode, enter AL3J If the DX-77 is in high
power mode, the response will lie H.
SELECT Position read
The position of the cursor (T) that moves with the press of the SELECT key can
be read with the command 3K. To read the position, enter the prefix AL
followed by the programming code 3K. Then hit the carriage return key. The
response will be one digit number indicating the cursor position:
0: no cursor
1: . on 1 DO kHz digit
2: on 1MHz digit
3: on 10MHz and 1MHz digit (amateur band switch)
4: on memory channel digit
Command Summary Table
Data Input Commands
Operation | Code | Numeric digits | Properties |
transmit frequency | OA | 6 to 10 | free, in Hz |
receive frequency | OB | 6 to 10 | freq. in Hz |
VFO mode | IA | 1 | l=VFOA, 2=VFOB |
memory mode | 1B | 1 | 0=memory mode |
channel display | ld. | l | 0=nonnal, 1=ch, 2=ch & free |
up/do\\n | 2A | 1 | O=up, !=down |
monitor | 2B | 1 | 0=off, l=on |
transmitter output | 2C | 1 | 0=Low, l=High |
scan | 2D | 1 | 0=off, l=up, 2=down |
split | 2F | 1 | 0=off, l=on |
modulation | 2G | 1 | 0=LSB, l=USB, 2=CWL, 3=; CWL, 4=AM, 5=FM |
RF gain | 2H | 2 | 00=0dB, 01=+10dB, l 0=-20dB, 11=-10dB |
AGC | 21 | 2 | 0I=fast, 02=slow |
filter | 2J | 2 | 00=narrow, 0l=wide |
noise blanker | 2K | l | 0=off, l=on |
tone encoder | 2L | 2 | O0=off, 01=67.0 … 5l=on |
tune | 2N | 1 | 0=off, l=on |
select | 20 | 1 | 0=nil, l=l00k, 2=1MHz, 3=band, 4=channel |
memory call up | 2V | 2 | McHarg ch. Number 00 ta 99 |
set data | 2W | lc har.+ 1 or 2 | A to P, 0 for OFF, lfor ON, etc. (see |
Section 3.21)
$-meter read| 3A| 0 or 1| 0=LCD segment, l=AID value
PIT status| 3B| –| REV for receive, SEND for transmit
RIT status| 3D| 0 or 1| 0=Hz, l= (A.ID value)
current mem.-ch. read| 3E| –| 00 to 99
mem/VFO mode read| 3G| –| VFOA, VFOB, MEMO
current data read| 3H| –| Tone/NB/Filter/AGC/mode/RF Gain/RXfreq!TXfreq
split read| 31| –| ON/OF
transmitter output read| 3J| –| H/L
cursor position read| 3K| | 0:nil, 1:l00kHz, 2:lMHz. 3:band, 4:memo ry
Table I Tone Frequency Chart (ref Section 3 17)
data | tone (Hz) | data | tone (Hz) | data | tone (Hz) |
00 | off | 17 | 114 .8 | 34 | 179 .9 |
01 | 67.0 | 18 | 118 .8 | 35 | 183.5 |
02 | 69.3 | 19 | 123 .0 | 36 | 186.2 |
03 | 71.9 | 20 | 12 7.3 | 37 | 18 9.9 |
04 | 74.4 | 21 | 131.8 | 38 | 192.8 |
05 | 77.0 | 22 | 136.5 | 39 | 196.6 |
06 | 79.7 | 23 | 141.3 | 40 | 199.5 |
07 | 82.5 | 24 | 146.2 | 41 | 203.5 |
08 | 85.4 | 25 | 151.4 | 42 | 206.5 |
09 | 88.5 | 26 | 156.7 | 43 | 210 .7 |
10 | 91.5 | 27 | 159.8 | 44 | 218.1 |
11 | 94.8 | 28 | 162.2 | 45 | 225.7 |
12 | 97.4 | 29 | 165.5 | 46 | 229.1 |
13 | 10 0.0 | 30 | 167.9 | 47 | 233.6 |
14 | 103.5 | 31 | 171.3 | 48 | 241.8 |
15 | 107.2 | 32 | 173.8 | 49 | 250.3 |
16 | 110.9 | 33 | 177.3 | 50 | 254.1 |
Information in this document are subject to change without notice or
obligation. All brand names and trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.
Alinco cannot be liable for pictorial or typographical inaccuracies. Alinco
shall have no liability for any consequences caused by connecting a computer
to DX-77 or by sending any wired signals to DX-77. Some options and/or
accessories are unavailable in certain areas.
©Copyright 1997 All rights reserved. No part of this document may be
reproduced, copied, translated or transcribed in any form or by any means
without the prior \Vnt1en permission of Alnico, Inc., Osaka, Japan. English
Edition Printed in Japan I Edition Auglaize Imprinted au Japan
AL/NCO, Inc.
2-1-61 Shiroma, Chuo-Ku, Osaka 540-8580 Japan
U.S.A. ALINCO BRANCH 438 Anapole Avenue, Suite 130 Torrance, California 90501
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