ALESIS ML-9600 High Resolution Master Disk Recorder Instruction Manual
- June 17, 2024
- Alesis
Table of Contents
Congratulations on your purchase of an Alesis MasterLink! In a continuing
effort to provide our MasterLink customers with the utmost in mastering
convenience, we are pleased to announce the debut of MasterLink operating
system software version 2.0.
Version 2.0 software is packed with over twenty all-new features and
improvements over version 1.0 software, and the update does not require you to
open the lid; just drop in a MasterLink Operating System CD-ROM, and in less
than one minute, your MasterLink will be fully updated!
Listed below are some of the highlights of MasterLink version 2.0 software.
- Seamless “Adjacent Track” transitions
- Track Split & Join
- Mark a new track while recording
- Audio File copying
- Audio File Delete override
- Track Start/End Pointer capture
- Copy/Paste/Reset Track DSP parameters
- Render DSP to Audio File
- Improved Peak Limiter output resolution
- Track/Playlist/CD loop modes
- Playlist Backup and Restore
- “Render Playlist” function
- Red Book Start Point and End Point offsets
- Enhanced CD track move operations
- Improved Macintosh-CD24 file compatibility
If you recently purchased a MasterLink and received this addendum in your
MasterLink box, you already have version 2.00 software installed in your unit.
To check this, turn on your MasterLink and press the UTILITY button repeatedly
until the first line of the display reads “Util9: Sys Info”. The second line
of the display should read “Software: 2.00”. If you do not have a “Util9: Sys
Info” page, or if the second line of the display of that page does not read
“Software: 2.00”, then read the section below.
MasterLink software updates occur via a special “MLOS” (MasterLink Operating
System) CDROM.
If you do not have Version 2.00 software, there are several options available
to you:
- Call 1-800-5ALESIS and choose “Option 1” to have a free update MLOS disc sent to you.
- Contact your nearest Alesis dealer for the update.
- If you have a computer with Internet access and a CD-R drive, you can download a CD- ROM “image” and create your own MLOS disc. Simply go to and click on “How to Create an Alesis MasterLink OS Disc” for detailed instructions.
In version 1.xx software, two adjacent tracks would always play back with a
miniscule amount of silence between them, even if the start time of the second
Track was equal to the end time of the first Track. This was due to the way
the MasterLink handled Audio Files and Tracks in a playlist.
In Version 2.0, adjacent tracks play back with no audible gap; the Tracks will
have adjacent samples at the track boundary. This, however, is only true if
neither of the adjacent tracks have (real-time) Track DSP applied to them. If
you have two adjacent tracks that must play seamlessly over the track boundary
and one or both have Track DSP applied, use the Render DSP function (described
in Section 3.4 of this addendum) to commit this DSP to the Audio File (which
will then turn off the real-time DSP for the track). This feature is very
important when considered with the next two features: Track Split and Track
One of the most important features added to version 2.0 software was the
ability to Split and Join Tracks. This section describes a Track Split; the
following section describes a Track Join.
A Track Split is simply the act of taking one Track (and its associated Audio
File) and splitting it into two Tracks (and two Audio Files). Track Splits can
be useful in several ways:
- Inserting Track Markers into a long, continuous piece of audio, without interrupting the audio flow.
- Breaking a long recording into discrete songs.
- Isolating regions of a song for re-sequencing.
- Isolating regions of a song for different DSP processing.
The point at which the track is split is determined by the TRACK START pointer, whose operation is described in detail in section 4.8 of the MasterLink User’s Manual, and in Section 2.5 of this addendum. Once the TRACK START point has been set, holding PLAYLIST EDIT and pressing NEW TRACK will cause the Split Confirmation Screen to be displayed, an example of which is shown in Figure 2.2.1.
Track Split Confirmation Screen
Pressing DOWN/NO while this screen is displayed will cancel the Split
operation and return the machine to its previous state. Pressing UP/YES while
this screen is displayed will cause the track to be split at the TRACK START
pointer. Because MasterLink defaults to 0.0 seconds of “gap” between Tracks,
the audio during the transition from the first track to the second track will
play back seamlessly, as if the track had not been split. However, if the
original Track had DSP applied to it before it was split, the two resulting
Tracks will both have the original DSP applied to them, and will not play back
seamlessly until the DSP is either turned off or rendered to the Audio File
(see Section 3.4 for details on rendering DSP to an Audio File).
Note that the second Track will have the characters “Sxx” appended to the
track name. This designates Split xx, where xx designates the split number.
For instance if you split a track named “MyHit “, the resulting Tracks will be
named “MyHit ” and “MyHitS01”. If “MyHitS01” is then split, the resulting
track names will be “MyHitS01” and “MyHitS02”.
An alternative to using the Track Start pointer to determine the Split point
is to play the track up to the point at which you wish the split to occur,
then press PAUSE to pause the Track. If you then hold the PLAYLIST EDIT button
and press NEW TRACK, the Track will be split, with the split point set to
equal the pause point (the last audio that you heard). This method may be
preferred when you are roughly breaking a long recording into smaller parts,
and do not need the accuracy of the scrubbing process.
NOTE: Using the “Pause” method to split a Track will override the Track
Start pointer, if it has been set.
The Track Join operation is the opposite of a Track Split; Track Join will
combine two adjacent Tracks (and their associated Audio Files) into one. If
there is DSP applied to the first track, it will be applied to the entire
joined track. If there is DSP applied to the second track, it will be removed
after the Join (because the second track is always joined to the first).
Performing a Track Join is a simple procedure. Assuming Track 1 and Track 2
are in a playlist, press SKIP until Track 2 is selected. Hold the PLAYLIST
EDIT button and press DELETE TRACK. The display will change to the Track Join
Confirmation Screen, as shown in Figure 2.3.1.Pressing
DOWN/NO while this screen is displayed will cancel the Join operation and
return the machine to its previous state. Pressing UP/YES while this screen is
displayed will cause Track 2 to be joined to Track 1, removing the inter-Track
gap, if one exists.
TIP: If you are previewing a Join and notice that the transition from
Track to Track seems abrupt, or if you notice a “pop” or a “click” at the
transition point, try applying a short (10mS) fade to the end of the first
Track, or the beginning of the second Track. If the fade solves the problem,
render it to the Audio File (see Section 3.4 of this addendum) and then
proceed with the Track Join.
Pressing the NEW TRACK button while recording will cause a new track to be
created and audio to begin to be written into that new track, without losing
any audio data during the track creation process. It can be thought of as an
“on the fly” Track Split.
This feature can be extremely useful in live recording applications, in cases
where either multiple takes are occurring and it would be inconvenient to stop
recording and create new Tracks, or if certain portions of a recording
(different movements in a classical performance, for example) need to be
marked separately. This feature is analogous to the “force start ID” feature
on most DAT machines.
Version 2.0 MasterLink software offers improved functionality when adjusting
Track Start and Track End pointers. In addition to the standard “scrub” method
(described in Section 4.8 of the MasterLink User’s Manual), there is a new way
to quickly adjust either Track Start or Track End pointers, via a “capture”
If you are listening to a Track and you hear a section of audio that you wish
to move Track Start pointer to (either for Cropping or Splitting the Track),
simply press PAUSE to pause the audio then hold PLAYLIST EDIT and press TRACK
START to instantly move the Track Start pointer to the point at which the
Audio was paused. Alternatively, you can just hold PLAYLIST EDIT and press
TRACK START while the audio is playing, to capture the point on the fly. Once
you have moved the pointer, you may of course use the scrub and preview
features to fine-tune the pointer location.
The same techniques apply to the Track End Pointer; press PAUSE to pause the
audio then hold PLAYLIST EDIT and press TRACK END to instantly move the Track
End pointer to the point at which the Audio was paused. Alternatively, you can
just hold PLAYLIST EDIT and press TRACK END while the audio is playing, to
capture the point on the fly.
In certain situations, it may be desirable to duplicate an Audio File on the
hard drive, such as in situations where a destructive edit (like cropping) is
going to be performed on an Audio File and you want to preserve the original
file. Version 2.0 software provides a simple way to copy an Audio File.
First, select the Audio File you wish to copy. Audio Files can only be
accessed from within Playlist Edit mode. Audio Files are viewed by pressing
the SKIP Track in a playlist is reached. One more press of the SKIP button
until the last button will show the first
Audio File. Subsequent presses of the SKIP button will skip through all of the
Audio Files on the hard drive.
TIP: To quickly skip to the last Track in a Playlist, hold the PLAYLIST EDIT
button and press the SKIP button. After releasing the PLAYLIST EDIT button,
one more press of the SKIP button will show the first Audio File. To skip to
the last Audio File, hold the PLAYLIST EDIT button and press the SKIP button.
To skip to the first Audio File, hold the PLAYLIST EDIT button and press the
SKIP button.In this display, the second line of
the 2X16 display changes to show “Move AFile > (destination track)”. The
cursor will be under the destination Track; pressing the UP/YES and DOWN/NO
keys will scroll through the possible destination Track numbers.
Press the UP/YES button until the destination Track changes to “Copy”. Press
the TRACK MOVE button once more to initiate the copy, causing the display to
prompt “Are You Sure?”.
Pressing UP/YES will confirm the copy; any other key will cancel the copy.
Once the copy is confirmed, the MasterLink will begin to copy the Audio File,
and the Play and Record LEDs will light to indicate the copy is in progress.
Additionally, the display will read “Audio File Copy – Copying” while the copy
is occurring, and “Audio File Copy – Complete” when the copy has completed.
NOTE: When an Audio File is copied, the copy has its name changed
automatically so that the last three letters of the name are “Cxx”; C
indicating that the file is a Copy, and xx being a twonumber designation of
the Copy generation (first generation = C01, second generation = C02, etc.)
Of course, you can change the name to whatever you like after the copy has
been made; the automatic name change is designed to help avoid the confusion
of having two or more Audio Files with duplicate names.
When you attempt to delete an Audio File that is currently in use by a
playlist, a message will temporarily be displayed indicating that that Audio
File is in use, as shown in Figure 2.7.1.In Version
1.xx software, the only way to delete an Audio File that was in use was to
find every Track in every playlist that pointed to that Audio File and delete
each Track. New to version 2.0 software is the ability to override the warning
and automatically delete all of the Tracks associated with the Audio File you
wish to delete.
After temporarily displaying the “Audio File In Use” screen, the override
screen will be displayed, as shown in Figure 2.7.2.Pressing UP/YES while this screen is displayed will cause the
display to prompt “Permanently delete from disk?”; pressing UP/YES once more
will delete the Audio File and all Tracks associated with that Audio File.
New to Version 2.0 software is the ability to copy and paste DSP settings
between tracks, even between tracks in different playlists. All of the Track
DSP parameters are copied and pasted at once, including Track Gain,
Compression parameters, EQ parameters, Limiter parameters, Normalizer
parameters, and Track Fade parameters.
To copy the DSP settings from a Track, first select the playlist and track
from which you wish to copy (your “source” Track), then press the TRACK DSP
button repeatedly until DSP Page 5 is displayed, as shown in Figure
3.1.1.Pressing the
DOWN/NO button in this page will have no effect. Pressing the UP/YES button
will copy all DSP parameters into a temporary RAM buffer. This RAM buffer will
retain its settings until either another DSP Copy operation is performed, or
until power is turned off to the MasterLink.
Once a DSP Copy operation has been performed, you may paste those parameters
as many times as you like into as many tracks as you wish. Note that these
pasted parameters will overwrite any Track DSP parameters that you have
already applied to the target Track. To paste DSP parameters into a Track,
first select the Track to which you wish to apply the copied parameters (your
“destination” Track), then press the TRACK DSP button repeatedly until DSP
Page 6 is displayed, as shown in Figure 3.2.1.Pressing the DOWN/NO button in this page will
have no effect. Pressing the UP/YES button5 will paste all DSP parameters from
the temporary RAM buffer into the destination track. This process leaves the
RAM buffer intact, so multiple pastes are possible without having to recopy
each time.
If you just want to “zero” the DSP settings on a Track, returning them to the
factory defaults and turning them off, you can use the Reset DSP function.
To reset all DSP parameters in a Track, first select your destination Track,
then press the TRACK DSP button repeatedly until DSP Page 7 is displayed, as
shown in Figure 3.3.1.Pressing the DOWN/NO button in this page will have no effect.
Pressing the UP/YES button will prompt you with an “Are you sure? Y/N”
message. Pressing DOWN/NO will cancel the DSP Reset operation. Pressing UP/YES
in this screen will reset all DSP parameters (Track Gain, Compression
parameters, EQ parameters, Limiter parameters, Normalizer parameters, and
Track Fade parameters) in the destination track.
MasterLink Track DSP is applied as a real-time process, allowing modifications
to the DSP without changing the original Audio File. There are instances,
however, where it is convenient to commit, or “render” the applied Track DSP
to the Audio File, thereby permanently changing the Audio File. MasterLink
Version 2.0 software gives you the ability to render your Track DSP settings
to the associated Audio File.
NOTE: The Render DSP function is a destructive edit and cannot be undone
once rendered. If you need to be able to recover the original, non-rendered
audio data, be sure to make a copy of the Audio File before rendering DSP
(covered in Section 2.6 of this Addendum).
Once you have made the desired changes to the Track DSP settings and decide
you wish to render the DSP to the Audio File associated with your Track, press
the TRACK DSP button repeatedly until DSP Page 8 is displayed, as shown in
Figure 3.4.1.Pressing the DOWN/NO
button in this page will have no effect. Pressing the UP/YES button will
prompt you with an “Are you sure? Y/N” message. Pressing DOWN/NO will cancel
the DSP Render operation. Pressing UP/YES in this screen will render all DSP
parameters (Track Gain, Compression parameters, EQ parameters, Limiter
parameters, Normalizer parameters, and Track Fade parameters) to the
destination track.
APPLICATION NOTE: It is sometimes necessary to apply DSP to a specific region
of a recording, without interrupting the flow of audio. Below are listed the
steps to accomplish that using MasterLink Version 2.0 features:
- Select the Playlist and Track you wish to work on.
- Determine the start of the region to which you wish to apply DSP.
- Split the original Track at the start of the region (Section 2.2). You will now have two Tracks in place of the original one.
- Select the second track and determine the end of the region to which you wish to apply DSP.
- Split the Track at the end of the region. You will now have three tracks.
- Select the second track again (this should now be only the region of interest), and apply Track DSP as needed.
- Render the DSP to the second Track (Section 3.4).
- Join Tracks 3 to 2, and then Tracks 2 to 1 (Section 2.3). You will now have one continuous track with the DSP changes applied to the appropriate region.
In MasterLink version 2.0 software the resolution of the Output Level
parameter of the Lookahead Peak Limiter (DSP Page 3) has been increased. You
may now adjust output resolution in 0.1dB increments, compared to 0.25dB
increments in version 1.xx software.
In MasterLink Version 2.0 software, the Utility Pages have been expanded from
four pages to nine pages, and have been re-ordered for better ease of use.
It is sometimes desirable to loop a Track or a CD when playing back audio. New
to Version 2.0 software is the ability to loop Tracks, CD Tracks, Playlists,
and entire CDs.
To access the various Loop modes, press the UTILITY button repeatedly until
Utility Page 2 is displayed, as shown in Figure 4.1.1.The MasterLink defaults to “Loop Off”; pressing UP/YES once
will change the Loop mode to “Track Loop”, which applies to Tracks in a
Playlist as well as to tracks on a CD. Another press of the UP/YES button will
change the Loop mode to “Playlist/CD Loop”, which will loop an entire Playlist
or CD indefinitely.
Version 2.0 software brings the ability to back up and restore all parameters
of a Playlist to CD. In Version 1.xx software, your only option for backing up
a Playlist was to create a CD24.
However, in creating a CD24 disc, any DSP that has been applied to the
Playlist is rendered to the audio during the CD creation process.
With the Playlist Backup function, all audio is saved to CD as un-rendered
AIFF files, and the real-time Track DSP settings are saved to the CD as well.
In other words, your Playlist may be preserved as a “work in progress”, with
the DSP settings saved separately from the raw, unprocessed Audio Files on the
same CD. These discs are also ISO9660-compliant, so if you wish to access the
un-rendered audio in a PC or Macintosh, they can be accessed as easily as a
CD24 disc.
To initiate a Playlist Backup, press the UTILITY button repeatedly until
Utility Page 3 is displayed, as shown in Figure 4.2.1.Pressing the DOWN/NO button in this page
will have no effect. Pressing the UP/YES button will prompt you with an “Are
you sure? Y/N” message. Pressing DOWN/NO at that point will cancel the
Playlist Backup operation. Pressing UP/YES at the prompt will begin the backup
If there is no blank CD in the drive, the CD tray will eject and the display
will prompt you to insert a blank CD, as in Figure 4.2.2.Once a blank CD
is inserted into the drive and the tray is closed, the unit will scan the disc
to verify that a recordable disc is present. Once the disc has been verified
as a recordable CD-R and its length has been determined, the MasterLink will
verify that the playlist will fit on the CD-R that you have inserted. If the
playlist is too large to fit on the CD, the display will prompt with a
“Playlist exceeds disc at Track xx” message (where xx is the Track number at
which the playlist became too large), and abort the CD creation process. If
the playlist checks out, the recording process will begin. Please see Section
6.3 in the MasterLink User’s Manual for details of the CD recording process.
The Playlist Restore function is complementary to the Playlist Backup
function; it reads Playlists saved to CD and restores them to the hard drive,
and restores all DSP settings and track timing information.
To begin a Playlist Restore, press the UTILITY button repeatedly until Utility
Page 4 is displayed, as shown in Figure 4.3.1.Pressing the DOWN/NO button in this page will have
no effect. Pressing the UP/YES button will prompt you with an “Are you sure?
Y/N” message. Pressing DOWN/NO at that point will cancel the Playlist Backup
operation. Pressing UP/YES at the prompt will begin the restore process.
If there is no backup disc in the CD drive, the display will prompt you for
one, as shown in Figure 4.3.2.Once a disc is inserted, it will be scanned to
determine if it is indeed a valid backup disc. If it is not a valid backup
disc the disc will be ejected and you will once again be prompted to insert a
Once the MasterLink has identified the disc as a valid backup disc, the
backed-up Playlist will be restored to the currently selected Playlist. If the
currently selected playlist is not empty, a prompt will be displayed, as shown
in Figure 4.3.3.Pressing the DOWN/NO button at this prompt will cancel the Playlist
Restore operation.
Pressing the UP/YES button will continue the process, appending the restored
Tracks to the end of the existing playlist.
There are some instances where you may wish to render a Playlist to the hard
drive, but do not want to immediately burn a CD; for instance, you may wish to
audition the rendered image before committing to a CD. Version 2.0 software
gives you the flexibility to render your playlist without burning a CD.
To initiate a Playlist Render, press the UTILITY button repeatedly until
Utility Page 5 is displayed, as shown in Figure 4.4.1.Pressing the DOWN/NO button in this page will have no
effect. Pressing the UP/YES button will prompt you with an “Are you sure? Y/N”
message. Pressing DOWN/NO at that point will cancel the Playlist Render
operation. Pressing UP/YES at the prompt will begin the rendering process.
The time needed to complete the rendering process varies depending on the
sample rate and word length of the original files, as well as the type and
amount of DSP added to each Track. Once the playlist has finished rendering,
the MasterLink will automatically switch to the Rendered Image Playlist
(discussed in Section 6.3a of the MasterLink User’s Manual).
Consumer Compact Disc player design can vary greatly from manufacturer to
manufacturer, and across a wide price/features range. All CD players have
output mute circuitry that activates when the player is searching for a track,
such as after the skip forward button is pressed. Once a track is located, the
player unmutes its outputs and begins to play audio.
However, because of the widely varying designs of consumer CD players, this
muting circuitry can be relatively slow (or fast) when muting or unmuting.
This can cause a track to be slightly cut off at the beginning or end of the
MasterLink 2.0 software gives you the ability to add an offset to the track
start ID of a Red Book CD either at the beginning or at the end (or both) of a
track so that variances between CD players will not affect a CD created in a
MasterLink. These offsets are typically measured in “CD frames”, a frame being
equal to 1/75 th of a second.
To edit Start and End Time offsets, press the UTILITY button repeatedly until
Utility Page 6 is displayed, as shown in Figure 4.5.1.The cursor defaults under the “St Offset” field; if you
press UP/YES while in this field the “En Offset” parameter will be displayed.
To the right of the offset field is the “Offset Amount” field. Pressing CURSOR
RIGHT will move the cursor to the offset amount field, where pressing the
UP/YES or DOWN/NO buttons will adjust the offset amount between 0 and 30 CD
frames (0 and 400mS).
NOTE: If the End Time offset is greater than the space between Tracks,
the offset time will not be applied for that track.
Both Start and End Time offsets default to 15 frames (200mS).
Additional Pages have been added to Utility Page 9: System Information.
This Page now displays:
- Software Version – This is your main system software version. As of the writing of this addendum, the most current version of system software is version 2.00.
- File System Version – This is the current version of the file system that manages data on the hard disk drive. The most current version of the file system is 2.00.
- Eprom Version
- CD Drive Information
- Hard Drive Information
Most of this information is only of interest to Alesis technical support
staff; however you may wish to copy the information onto a piece of paper and
store it in a safe place in case you experience a problem with your unit and
need to contact Alesis.
MasterLink version 1.0 software gave you the ability to copy Red Book and CD24
tracks directly to a playlist from the internal CD drive one track at a time
(covered in Section 7.2 of the MasterLink User’s Manual). In addition, version
2.0 software gives you the ability to copy all tracks at once from a Red Book
or CD24 disc.
The Move CD to Playlist function is accessed through the TRACK MOVE button
while the MasterLink is in CD mode. Like the CD Track Move function in version
1.0 software, the Move CD function moves tracks from the CD into the currently
selected playlist. It is important, therefore, to make sure that you have
selected the appropriate playlist before switching to CD mode.
After switching to CD mode (via the HD/CD button), pressing the TRACK MOVE
button will bring up the CD track move page, as shown in Figure 5.1.1.To copy an entire CD to
the currently selected playlist, press the CURSOR LEFT button until the cursor
is under the “CDTrk” field, then press the UP/YES button, which will bring up
the display shown in Figure 5.1.2.
again will prompt you with an “Are you sure? Y/N” message.
Pressing DOWN/NO at that point will cancel the CD Move operation. Pressing
UP/YES at the prompt will confirm the CD Move and will begin the process.
If the destination Playlist already has one or more Tracks in it, the display
will prompt “PList not empty. Proceed?” Pressing DOWN/NO will cancel the CD
move operation. Pressing UP/YES will begin to copy the entire CD into the
destination playlist, with the first CD track placed after the last Track in
the playlist.
MasterLink version 2.0 software now lets you know exactly at which Track a
Playlist exceeds the capacity of a Red Book or CD24 disc.
In previous versions of software, if a Playlist was too large to fit on a CD,
you would be prompted with the message “Playlist exceeds disc capacity”,
leaving it up to you to figure out how much you would have to reduce your
playlist to get it to fit.
In version 2.0 software, the prompt has been changed to “Playlist exceeds disc
at track xx”, where xx is the track number (from 01 to 99) where the Playlist
became too large for the CD.
MasterLink CD24s are ISO-9660 compliant CD-ROMs. However, ISO-9660 does not
provide explicit Macintosh file system support, specifically relating to the
“File Type” and “File Creator” attributes and Finder Flags. This can cause a
CD24’s AIFF file to not be recognized properly by the Macintosh Finder.
MasterLink version 2.0 software adds the File Type, File Creator, and Finder
Flag information to the CD24 so that Macintosh operating systems will
recognize the AIFF files upon insertion of a CD24 disc. MasterLink AIFFs
should be “drag and drop” compatible right from the CD24 volume on the
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