azbil TY6000Z2000 Neostat Room Humidistat Instruction Manual

June 17, 2024

azbil TY6000Z2000 Neostat Room Humidistat


Neostat Models TY600_Z, TTY6023Z, and TY900_Z are a series of electric room thermostats. Neostat Model HY6000Z is an electric room humidistat. Neostat is similar in design and size to Neosensor, the electronic room temperature and/or humidity sensor. A temperature-sensitive diaphragm is adopted for the thermostat, and a moisture-sensitive nylon ribbon is adopted for the humidistat.


  • A simple connection to an actuator allows easy temperature/humidity control.
  • Compact (thin) and lightweight.
  • Several installation types were selectable in combination with optional auxiliary devices.
Model Numbers


Model number| Control action| Range| Switch for heating/cooling changeover| Our corporate logo (on the cover)
TY6000Z2000| Two-position, one-step| 10 °C to 30 °C| Without switch| Printed
TY6000Z2000-1| Not printed
TY6001Z2000| With switch| Printed
TY6001Z2000-1| Not printed
TTY6023Z2000| Two-position, two-step| Without switch| Printed
TTY6023Z2000-1| Not printed
TY9000Z2000| Proportional*| Without switch| Printed
TY9000Z2000-1| Not printed
TY9001Z2000| With switch| Printed
TY9001Z2000-1| Not printed


  • Use Neostat (proportional type) with our Control Motor, ACTIVAL™, etc.


Model number Control action Range Our corporate logo (on the cover)
HY6000Z2000 Tow-position 30 %RH to 90 %RH Printed
HY6000Z2000-1 Not printed

Safety Instructions

Please read instructions carefully and use the product as specified in this manual. Be sure to keep this manual nearby for quick reference.

Restrictions on Use

This product was developed, designed, and manufactured for general air conditioning use. Do not use the product in a situation where human life may be at risk or for nuclear applications in radiation controlled areas. If you wish to use the product in a radiation controlled area, please contact Azbil Corporation. Particularly when the product is used in the following applications where safety is required, implementation of fail-safe design, redundant design, regular maintenance, etc., should be considered in order to use the product safely and reliably.

  • Safety devices for protecting the human body
  • Start/stop control devices for transportation machines
  • Aeronautical/aerospace machines

For system design, application design, instructions for use, or product applications, please contact Azbil Corporation. Azbil Corporation bears no responsibility for any result, or lack of result, deriving from the customer’s use of the product.

Recommended Design Life
It is recommended that this product be used within the recommended design life. The recommended design life is the period during which you can use the product safely and reliably based on the design specifications. If the product is used beyond this period, its failure ratio may increase due to time-related deterioration of parts, etc. The recommended design life during which the product can operate reliably with the lowest failure ratio and least deterioration over time is estimated scientifically based on acceleration tests, endurance tests, etc., taking into consideration the operating environment, conditions, and frequency of use as basic parameters. The recommended design life of this product is 11 years.

Warnings and Cautions

  • Alerts users that improper handling may cause death or serious injury.
  • Alerts users that improper handling may cause minor injury or material loss.


  • Alerts users possible hazardous conditions caused by erroneous operation or erroneous use. The symbol inside graphically indicates the specific type of danger. (For example, the sign on the left warns of the risk of electric shock.)
  • Notifies users that specific actions are prohibited to prevent possible danger. The symbol inside graphically indicates the prohibited action. (For example, the sign on the left notifies that disassembly is prohibited.)
  • Instructs users to carry out a specific obligatory action to prevent possible danger. The symbol inside graphically indicates the actual action to be carried out. (For example, the sign on the left indicates general instructions.)


  • Use the product under the operating conditions (temperature, humidity, power, vibration, shock, mounting direction, atmospheric condition, etc.) as listed in the specifications.
  • Failure to do so might cause fire or device failure.
  • Use the product within the rated operating ranges as listed in the specifications. Failure to do so might cause device failure.
  • Installation and wiring must be performed by qualified personnel by all applicable safety standards.
  • All wiring must comply with applicable codes and ordinances.
  • Before wiring, be sure to turn off the power to the product. Failure to do so might cause electric shock.
  • To connect the wires to the screw terminals, use crimp terminal lugs with insulation. Failure to do so might cause fire or device failure due to a short circuit.
  • Do not disassemble the product. Doing so might cause electric shock or device failure.

Part Numbers of Optional Items

Mount Neostat with the following optional items (sold separately). Order necessary items.

Item Part number/Model number Note
Adapter Part No. 83172617-001
Auxiliary device Thermoplate for individual room control Model QY1100A

slide switch
Model QY1100C| With rotary switch
Model QY1100D
Thermoplate| Part No. DY2000A1022| For mounting one Neostat, lengthwise
Part No. DY2000A1023| For mounting one Neostat, crosswise
Part No. DY2000A2023| For mounting two Neostat in

94mm (H) x 192mm (W) outlet box, crosswise

Part No. DY2000A2024| For mounting two Neostat in

106mm (H) x 198mm (W) outlet box, crosswise

Part No. DY2000A3022| For mounting three Neostat, crosswise
Thermoplate for open wiring

  • Thermoplate for open wiring is used for open wiring installation.

| Part No. DY2000A1021| For mounting one Neostat, square
Part No. DY2000A2021| For mounting two Neostat, crosswise
Part No. DY2000A3021| For mounting three Neostat, crosswise
Multi-Thermocase| Model TY1100Z| —
Protection cover| 83104506-020| 10 pcs


Item Specification
Differential Model TY600_Z

Model TTY6023Z

| 1.5 ± 1 °C (in 10–30 °C range)
Model HY6000Z| 5 ± 3 % RH (in 30–90 % RH range)
Temperature     difference between steps

(of two-position, two-step control)

| Model TTY6023Z| 2 ± 1 °C fixed (in 10–30 °C range)
Proportional band| Model TY900_Z| 2 ± 1 °C fixed (in 10–30 °C range)
Sensing elements| Thermostat| Temperature-sensitive diaphragm
Humidistat| Moisture-sensitive nylon ribbon
Environment conditions|  | Rated operating conditions| Transport/storage conditions
 | Model TY600_Z Model TTY6023Z

Model TY900_Z

| Ambient temperature| 0–50 °C| -20–50 °C
Ambient humidity| 10–90 % RH

(without condensation)

| 5–95 % RH

(without condensation)

Model HY6000Z| Ambient temperature| 10–40 °C| -20–50 °C
Ambient humidity| 10–90 % RH

(without condensation)

| 5–95 % RH

(without condensation)

Contact rating of two-position control1 3|  | 125 V AC| 250 V AC| 24 V DC
 | Model TY600_Z| Operating| 6 A| 3 A| 1 A
Startup| 36 A| 18 A| 10 A
Resistive load| 6 A| 3 A| 2A
Model TTY6023Z| Operating| 4 A| 2 A| —
Startup| 18 A| 9 A| —
Resistive load| 4 A| 2 A| —
Contact rating of two-position control1 2 *3|  | 125 V AC| 250 V AC| 24 V DC
 | Model HY6000Z| Operating| 4.4 A| 2.2 A| 0.4 A
Startup| 26.4 A| 13.2 A| 2 A
Resistive load| 8 A| 4 A| 1 A
Color| Pale gray (BN-85, Japan Paint Manufacturers Association in 2003)
Materials| Cover| PC resin
Base| PC resin
Weight| Approx. 180 g
Installation| With the mounting kit (sold separately)
Connection| Model TY600_Z

Model TY900_Z Model HY6000Z

| Connections using the terminal blocks
Model TTY6023Z| Lead wire connection
Accessory| Two mounting screws (M4 x 10 mm, pan-head screw)


  1. Minimum allowable current is 50 mA.
  2. Contact rating of the humidistat model (Model HY6000Z) shown above is the maximum current at startup and in operation when Model HY6000Z is connected to dehumidifier/humidifier.
  3. Select a device (load) of which the Neostat contact rating is tolerable. If a load larger than the Neostat contact rating is connected to Neostat, the contact may be welded and may not turn on or off.





  • Secure more than 15 mm clearance inside the mounting wall when installing Neostat.




  • Use the product under the operating conditions (temperature, humidity, power, vibration, shock, mounting direction, atmospheric condition, etc.) as listed in the specifications. Failure to do so might cause fire or device failure.
  • Installation and wiring must be performed by qualified personnel per all applicable safety standards.
Requirements for installation location


  • Installation location of Neostat largely affects temperature or humidity control. Carefully select the location.
  • Ask our salesperson for use of Neostat in a special application, as mentioned below.
    • Chemical (organic solvent) atmosphere may shift the output values.
    • Corrosive gas, organic solvent, and other chemicals contained in the atmosphere can cause measuring error of Neostat, shorten the service life of Neostat, or damage Neostat.
  • Do not tighten or loosen the screws (except the screws described in the Installation steps sections). Doing so might damage Neostat.
  • Hold the guide, but not the setting dial, when lifting the Neostat main unit. (See Fig. 3) Failure to do so might damage Neostat.

Install Neostat on an indoor wall where:

  • Representative temperature/humidity (of the room/zone to control) can be measured (approx. 1.5 m high above the floor)).
  • Ambient wind velocity is 0.1 to 0.15 m/s.
  • There is enough maintenance space left in front of Neostat.

Do not install Neostat on a wall where:

  • Heat (generated by office device or equipment, for example) stays on.

  • Air circulation is interfered (by furniture or door, for example).

  • Humidity/temperature sensing is affected by draft, downdraft, and hot/cold air from water pipes/ducts.

  • Humidity/temperature sensing is affected by weather conditions (including sunlight and outdoor air).

  • There is vibration.

  • Dew condensation occurs.

  • Water drops on.

  • Hot/chilled water pipe or steam pipe is located within 1 m radius.

  • Atmosphere that contains corrosive gas, organic solvent, or other chemicals surrounds.

  • Chemicals or oils adhere.
    When they adhered, wipe them immediately with a dry soft cloth. If chemicals or oils remain on the case, chemical cracks might be made on it.

  • Polluted environment that contains oil mist or other contaminants surrounds.

  • Dust gathers on Neostat. (This may cause current leakage.)

  • Do not install Neostat outdoors or in a duct.

  • Do not install Neostat directly or horizontally on a ceiling.

Precautions for installation

  • Secure the clearance for wiring inside the wall (as shown in Figs. 1 and 3).
  • Install Neostat with a dedicated mounting kit (sold separately) suitable for your application.
  • Do not allow any refuse such as an electric wire scrap to get inside Neostat.
  • Do not allow the lead wires caught between the mounting surface of Neostat and the wall.
  • Do not put heavy load on the setting dial, the lead wires, etc. Doing so may distort Neostat, causing failure or affecting humidity control.
  • If air infiltrates to the rear side of the Neostat from the inside of the installed wall through the outlet box, shut off the air by sealing the outlet box.
  • Be sure to tighten all the screws necessary for installation.
  • Tighten the screws with the specified torque (78.5 Nꞏcm for terminals and wall mounting screws, 39.2 Nꞏcm for main unit mounting screws). Neostat may get damaged by excessive tightening and may drop from the wall by insufficient tightening.
  • Be careful not to touch the diaphragm or nylon ribbon when Neostat is uncovered.
  • After installation, leave Neostat well so that it adapts to ambient conditions (atmospheric environment).
Cover removal

To remove the cover
Press the spring, located on the upper center part of the Neostat main unit, using a thin object.

To attach the cover
Engage the tabs, located on the lower part of the cover, with the slots on the lower part of the main unit. Then fix the cover with the spring, located on the upper center part of the Neostat main unit.

Installation steps: Neostat directly on a wall (for new installation)

  1. Mount the outlet box cover (conforming to JIS C8340:1999 Boxes and box covers for rigid metal conduits (mounting dimension: 66.7 mm)) so that the two mounting holes are vertically aligned.
  2. Remove the cover from Neostat. (See the Cover removal section.)
  3. Unscrew the Neostat main unit screw. Then, hold and lift the guide to remove the main unit from the base. Do not hold the setting dial to remove the main unit.
  4. Attach the Neostat base to the outlet box cover so that the arrow (indicated with “UP”) points upwards, using two pan-head machine screws (M4 x 10) supplied with Neostat. (Tightening torque: 78.5 Nꞏcm)
  5. Wire Neostat. (See the Wiring section.)
  6. Attach the Neostat main unit to the base, using the main unit screw (M3) preassembled with the Neostat main unit. (Tightening torque: 39.2 N cm)
  7. Attach the Neostat cover to the main unit. (See the Cover removal section.)azbil-TY6000Z2000-Neostat-Room-Humidistat-FIG-7

Installation steps: Neostat directly on a wall with the adapter (for replacement of the former model)
The outlet box cover (conforming to JIS C8340:1999 Boxes and box covers for rigid metal conduits (mounting dimension: 66.7 mm)) of the former model Neostat is mounted with the two mounting holes horizontally aligned. Provide the adapter (Part No. 83172617-001) to replace with the new model Neostat.

  1. Remove the cover from Neostat. (See the Cover removal section.)

  2. Unscrew the Neostat main unit screw. Then, hold and lift the guide to remove the main unit from the base. Do not hold the setting dial to remove the main unit.

  3. Attach the adapter to the outlet box cover so that the arrow (indicated with “UP”) points upwards, using two flat-head screws (M4 x 10) supplied with the adapter. (Tightening torque: 78.5 Nꞏcm)

  4. Attach the Neostat base to the adapter so that the arrow (indicated with “UP”) points upwards, using two pan-head machine screws (M4 x 6) supplied with the adapter. (Tightening torque: 78.5 Nꞏcm)
    Note: Do not use pan-heat machine screw (M4 x 10) supplied with Neostat.

  5. Wire Neostat. (See the Wiring section.)

  6. Attach the Neostat main unit to the base, using the main unit screw (M3) preassembled with the Neostat main unit. (Tightening torque: 39.2 N cm)

  7. Attach the Neostat cover to the main unit. (See the Cover removal section.)azbil-TY6000Z2000-Neostat-Room-Humidistat-FIG-8

Installation steps: Neostat on Thermoplate for open wiring with the adapter

  1. Remove the cover from Neostat. (See the Cover removal section.)

  2. Unscrew the Neostat main unit screw. Then, hold and lift the guide to remove the main unit from the base. Do not hold the setting dial to remove the main unit.

  3. Attach the adapter to the Thermoplate for open wiring so that the arrow (indicated with “UP”) points upwards, using two flat-head screws (M4 x 10) supplied with the adapter. (Tightening torque: 78.5 Nꞏcm)

  4. Attach the Neostat base to the adapter so that the arrow (indicated with “UP”) points upwards, using two pan-head machine screws (M4 x 6) supplied with the adapter. (Tightening torque: 78.5 Nꞏcm)
    Note: Do not use pan-heat machine screw (M4 x 10) supplied with Neostat.

  5. Wire Neostat. (See the Wiring section.)

  6. Attach the Neostat main unit to the base, using the main unit screw (M3) preassembled with the Neostat main unit. (Tightening torque: 39.2 N cm)

  7. Attach the Neostat cover to the main unit. (See the Cover removal section.)azbil-TY6000Z2000-Neostat-Room-Humidistat-FIG-9

Installation steps: Neostat on Thermoplate with the adapter

  1. Attach the mounting plate of Thermoplate to the outlet box cover (JIS C8340:1999 Boxes and box covers for rigid metal conduits (mounting dimension: 83.5 mm)) on the mounting surface with two pan-head machine screws (M4 x 8) supplied with Thermoplate.

  2. Attach the main unit of Thermoplate to its mounting plate with two pan-head machine screws (M3 x 5) supplied with Thermoplate.
    Note: Do not use the other hole for upper screw-mount.
    Figure 7. Mounting plate of Thermoplate

  3. Attach the adapter to Thermplate so that the arrow (indicated with “UP”) points upwards, using two flat-head tapping screws (M2.6 x 8) supplied with Thermoplate.

  4. Remove the cover from Neostat. (See the Cover removal section.)

  5. Unscrew the Neostat main unit screw. Then, hold and lift the guide to remove the main unit from the base. Do not hold the setting dial to remove the main unit.

  6. Attach the Neostat base to the adapter so that the arrow (indicated with “UP”) points upwards, using two pan-head machine screws (M4 x 6) supplied with the adapter. (Tightening torque: 78.5 Nꞏcm)
    Note: Do not use pan-heat machine screw (M4 x 10) supplied with Neostat.

  7. Wire Neostat. (See the Wiring section.)

  8. Attach the Neostat main unit to the base, using the main unit screw (M3) preassembled with the Neostat main unit. (Tightening torque: 39.2 N cm)

  9. Attach the Neostat cover to the main unit. (See the Cover removal section.)azbil-TY6000Z2000-Neostat-Room-Humidistat-FIG-11

Installation steps: Neostat in Multi-Thermocase with the adapter
Mount Neostat onto one of the mounting windows with 66.7 mm mounting dimension of the device mounting plate (included in Multi-Thermocase).

  1. Attach the adapter to the device mounting plate of Multi-Thermocase using two pan-head machine screws (M3 x 6) supplied with Multi-Thermocase.

  2. Remove the cover from Neostat. (See the Cover removal section.)

  3. Unscrew the Neostat main unit screw. Then, hold and lift the guide to remove the main unit from the base. Do not hold the setting dial to remove the main unit.

  4. Attach the Neostat base to the adapter so that the arrow (indicated with “UP”) points upwards, using two pan-head machine screws (M4 x 6) supplied with the adapter. (Tightening torque: 78.5 Nꞏcm)
    Note: Do not use pan-heat machine screw (M4 x 10) supplied with Neostat.

  5. Wire Neostat. (See the Wiring section.)

  6. Attach the Neostat main unit to the base, using the main unit screw (M3) preassembled with the Neostat main unit. (Tightening torque: 39.2 N cm)

  7. Attach the cover of Multi-Thermocase.
    Note: In Multi-Thermocase, Neostat is installed with its cover removed .azbil-TY6000Z2000-Neostat-Room-Humidistat-FIG-12



  • Installation and wiring must be performed by qualified personnel by all applicable safety standards.
  • All wiring must comply with applicable codes and ordinances.
  • Before wiring, be sure to turn off the power to the product. Failure to do so might cause electric shock.
  • To connect the wires to the screw terminals, use crimp terminal lugs with insulation. Failure to do so might cause fire or device failure due to a short circuit.

Model TTY6023Z2000 adopts a lead wire connection and the rest of the models adopt a terminal connection.

Precautions for wiring

  • Use M4 crimp terminals to connect wires to the Neostat screw terminals. (Tightening torque: 78.5 Nꞏcm)
  • For connecting wires from the load, use 1.25 mm2 or greater stranded annealed copper wires with insulation.
  • For splicing lead wires (from the load and from Neostat), use crimp sleeves with insulation.
  • Correctly connect the wires from the load to Neostat.
  • Make sure that all the wires are tightly connected.

Wiring diagram


Wiring to the load

Select a device (load) of which the Neustadt (two-position type) contact rating is tolerable. If a load larger than the Neostat contact rating is connected to Neostat, the contact may be welded and may not turn on or off. Wiring of the thermostat model

  • Model TY600_Z is the two-position one-step type thermostat for ON/OFF control of an electric motor, electric heater, solenoid valve, auxiliary relay, or the like.
  • Model TTY6023Z is the two-position two-step type thermostat for dual-step ON/OFF control of a packaged air conditioner, electric motor, electric heater, or the like.
  • Model TY900Z is the proportional type thermostat for proportional control of the Control Motor (Model MY3000) or ACTIVAL (Model VY512/ MY532_) that actuates valve or damper

Note: Modutrol Motor cannot be connected to Neostat.

To connect Model TY900_Z to a device other than the above-mentioned, ask our salesperson to check if Model TY900_Z is connectable to the device.

Wiring of the humidistat model
● Model HY6000Z is the two-position one-step type humidistat for ON/OFF control of a solenoid valve, auxiliary relay, or the like.

Switching Action of Two-position Control

Thermostat (two-position one-step type) Model TY600_Z2000(-1)

Model number Mode Contact between: Switch for heating/cooling changeover
Terminals L and C Terminals H and C
TY6000Z2000(-1) Cooling Closed Open
Heating Open Closed N/A
TY6001Z2000(-1) Cooling N/A Closed
Heating N/A Open Heating


Thermostat (two-position one-step type) Model TTY6023Z2000

Model number Mode Contact between:
Blue and red wires Gray and red wires White and pink wires

TTY6023Z2000(-1)| Cooling (step 1)| Closed| Open| N/A| N/A
Cooling (step 2)| Closed| Open| Closed| Open
Heating (step 1)| N/A| N/A| Open| Closed
Heating (step 2)| Open| Closed| Open| Closed


Humidistat (two-position one-step type) Model HY6000Z2000(-1)

Model number| Mode| Contact between:

Terminals L and C                                          Terminals H and C

HY6000Z2000(-1)| Humidifying| Open| Closed
Dehumidifying| Closed| Open


Setting Thermostat model
Heating/cooling changeover (of Models TY6001Z, TY9001Z)

  1. Remove the cover of Neostat. (See the Cover removal section.)

  2. Set the switch for heating/cooling changeover (to the “HEAT” or ” COOL” position).
    Note: Do not change the switch while Neostat and connected equipment are in operation.azbil-TY6000Z2000-Neostat-Room-Humidistat-

  3. Attach the cover to the main unit.

High and low limits of the range
Adjust the high and low limits of the setting range using the range adjusters.

  1. Remove the cover of Neostat. (See the Cover removal section.)
  2. Press lightly (to release the lock) and sift the range adjusters for high and low limits to the desired positions to set.azbil-TY6000Z2000-Neostat-Room-Humidistat-FIG-18
  3. Attach the cover to the main unit.

Lock of the setting
Lock the setpoint using the range adjusters.

  1. Remove the cover of Neostat. (See the Cover removal section.)
  2. Shift the setting dial so that the pointer points to the desired position.
  3. Press lightly (to release lock) the range adjusters and shift the range adjusters to the top.
  4. Attach the cover to the main unit.

Humidistat model
Setpoint is factory-set and locked at 90 %RH. Lock of the setting

  1. Remove the cover of Neostat. (See the Cover removal section.)
  2. Loosen the setting screw that fixes the setpoint.
  3. Turn the setting dial so that the pointer points to the desired setpoint. Then, tighten the setting screw.
  4. Attach the cover to the main unit.


Protection cover
If the product is installed in an animal breeding facility or an operating room, and when the room is fumigated, attach the protection cover (sold separately) over the product.

  • Before removing the cover, check that the fumigants are dried out. If fumigants remain on the case, chemical cracks might be made on it.
  • Pull the cover slowly and straight to remove it. Do not apply excessive force, up and down, left and right, on the cover, or retrieve pull the cover out. Otherwise, the latch on the cover might be damaged.

Dispose of the product as industrial waste under your local regulations. Do not reuse all or part of this product.

This blank page was added for page layout purposes. This blank page was added for page layout purposes. ACTIVAL is a trademark of Azbil Corporation in Japan or in other countries. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

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