KENWOOD TS-511S SSB Transceiver Instruction Manual

June 16, 2024

**KENWOOD TS-511S SSB Transceiver Instruction Manual



Carefully unpack the TS-511S and check that the following accessories are included.

Microphone plug Interconnecting power cable”
Fan cable US plug
Plastic feet 10 amp. fuses®
Test rod * Included in the PS-511S

Select a proper operating location. It should be dry and free from direct sunlight. There should be at least 3 inches clearance between any objects and the rear of the transceiver to allow adequate air flow for cooling

Connect the ground lug of the TS-511S to a suitable ground. (See Fig. 1)
Connect the interconnecting fan and power cable between the transceiver and the AC power supply. (See Fig. 1)

PHONES Headphone Jack (5 on Fig. 5)
This jack allows operation with 8 ohm headphones. When the headphones are plugged in the speaker is disconnected.
PHONES Headphone Jack

Main Tuning Knob (6 on Fig. 5)
The main tuning knab operates the main tuning dial.
Main Tuning Knob

Vernier Scale (7 on Fig. 5)
The vernier scale is calibrated in 25 kHz divisions and its range is 0 ~ 600 kHz.

Dial Reference Lines (8 on Fig. 5)
These reference lines make accurate frequency readout possible in all three modes of operation.
Dial Reference Lines

MODE Switch (9 on Fig. 5)
This switch selects either USB, LSB or CW.
MODE Switch \(9 on

AF GAIN, NB PULL ON, POWER OFF Switch (10 on Fig. 5)
POWER OFF — With the switch in this position the transceiver is turned off. Turn the set on by turning the switch clockwise. –
AF GAIN — The volume of the received signal increases

When the knob is turned in a clockwise direction. NB PULL ON — The noise blanker is activated by pulling the knob out.

RIT Receiver Incremental Tuning Control (11 on Fig. 5)
IThis control allows the operator to move the receive (frequency *2kHz. This control does not move the “transmit frequency.

:M:in Dial Skirt (12 on Fig. 5)
The dial skirt is calibrated in 1kHz divisions, and one jrevolu(ion of the dial skirt covers 100 kHz. N

PLATE/LOAD Plate Tuning/Load Adjustment (13 on Fig. 5)
{The dark knob controls the plate tuning. The larger silver ring is used to adjust the loading.
PLATE/LOAD Plate Tuning

iDRIVE Driver Tuning Control (14 on Fig. 5)
| This controls the driver stage tuning.
iDRIVE Driver Tuning Control

;BAND Switch (15 on Fig. 5)
This switch selects the desired frequency range.

VOX/REC/SEND Stand-By Switch (16 on Fig. 5)
IWhefl this switch is set to VOX, the TS-511S will respond either to VOX or PTT operation. With the switch in the REC position the transceiver will only receive and with the switch in the SEND position the transceiver is locked into transmit.

RF GAIN/RIT PULL ON (17 on Fig. 5)
When the knob is advanced in a clockwise direction the RF gain increases. When the knob is pushed in, the RIT control is disabled. When this occurs, the transmit and receive frequencies are the same.


REC ANT Receive Antenna Jack (18 on Fig. 6)
This jack is used when the receive and transmit antennas are separate. If this is the case, the receive antenna should be connected to the REC ANT jack.
REC ANT Receive Antenna Jack

Caoling Fan {19 on Fig. 6)
This fan provides an air flow to cool the RF amplifier section.
Caoling Fan {19 on

GND Ground Lug (20 on Fig. 6)
The ground lug should be connected to an adequate grand.

RF VOLT RF Voltmeter Sensitivity Control (21 on Fig. 6)
This control adjusts the sensitivity of the RF output meter.

BIAS Adjustment (22 on Fig. 6)
This controls the bias voltage of the 6LQ6 amplifier tubes. When the control is turned clockwise, the idling plate current will increase.

FAN Socket (23 on Fig. 6)
This socket should be connected to the PS-511S with the interconnecting cable. It provides the necessary voltage 117V needed to power the fan.

ANT Antenna Jack (24 on Fig. 6)
This socket should be connected to an antenna that presents a 50 ~ 75 ohm load. The jack is for the transmitting antenna if two antennas are used.

ANT SW Antenna Switch (25 on Fig. 6)
Set this switch to COMMON when a single antenna is used for both transmitting and receiving, Set this switch to REC (receive) when two separate antennas are used (one for transmitting and one for receiving).

REMOTE Remote Control Socket (26 on Fig. 6)
This socket permits various connections to a linear amplifier. The relay circuits are accessible through this socket. (See Section 3)

KEY Jack (27 on Fig. 6)
This is a two connector jack used to control CW operation.

G SW Screen Grid On-Off Switch (28 on Fig. 6)
This switch is set to the OFF position when the operator wishes to remove screen grid voltage from the 6LQ6 tubes for tuning and neutralization purposes. It is set to the ON position for normal operation.

POWER Connector (29 on Fig. 6)
Use the interconnecting power cable to connect the PS-511S AC power supply to the connector on the TS-5118.

VFO OUT VFO Power Outlet (30 on Fig. 6)
This socket powers the matching remote VFO. If the remote VFO is not used there is a umpired plug in the socket at all times.


DELAY (31 on Fig. 7)
This controls the VOX relay hold-in time.

ANTI-VOX (32 on Fig. 7)
This control allows the operator to adjust the anti-trip level of the VOX.

VOX SENSITIVITY (33 on Fig. 7)
This control varies the sensitivity of the VOX unit. These settings will vary with each individual operator and microphone.

MICROPHONE GAIN (34 on Fig. 7)
This controls the amount of microphone gain.


Place the transceiver’s control in the following typical settings for receive operation. The 7 MHz band is used here as an example.

AF GAIN Power OFF, noise blanker OFF
Stand-By Switch REC
LOAD Fully counterclockwise
DRIVE Centered
RIT Centered
RF GAIN Fully clockwise
RIT Switch Push in
ANT sw (rear panel) COM
SG sw (rear panel) ON

Check the rear panel and make sure the VFO plug (See Fig. 8) is inserted. If the plug is not inserted, the internal VFO will not function on receive or transmit.
Turn the power on by advancing the AF GAIN knob in a clockwise direction. The meter and dial pilot lights are activated when power is applied. Allow about 40 seconds for initial warm-up. Advance the AF GAIN knob for a suitable audio level.
Adjust the DRIVE knob for maximum receiver sensitivity.


Turn the MODE switch to LSB. Set the AGC/CAL switch to 25 kHz. A calibrator marker tone will now be heard every 25kHz. Turn the main tuning knob until the calibrator marker is heard. Tune the calibrator note until it is perfectly zero-beat (almost inaudible). Hold the main knob and slide the zero mark of the dial skirt to the LSB reference line on the plastic window.

Turn the MODE switch to USB. Set the AGC/CAL switch to 25 kHz. A calibrator marker tone will now be heard every 25 kHz. Turn the main tuning knob until the calibrator marker is heard. Tune the calibrator note until it is perfectly zero-beat (almost inaudible). Hold the main knob and slide the zero mark of the dial skirt to the USB reference line on the plastic window.

in case of operating with CW filter, turn the MODE switch to CW. Set the AGC/CAL switch to 25 kHz. A calibrator marker tone will now be heard every 25kHz. Tune the calibrator note for maximum S-meter reading. When this is accomplished the calibrator tone will proximately 700 Hz. Next, slide the zero mark of the dial skirt to the center CW reference line on the plastic window. When using without CW filter, the operations the same as LSB. And then, turn the main dial skirt clockwise by 700 Hz while holding the main tuning knob.

The frequency is easily read by adding 1 + 2 + 3.

  1. Bandswitch Frequency (3.5 ~29.1 MHz)
  2. Vernier Scale Frequency (0 ~ 600 kHz)
  3. Dial Skirt Frequency (0 ~ 100 kHz)

This frequency readout method is only accurate when the
RIT control is OFF or exactly centered on 0 kHz.

The noise blanker is especially useful and effective for impulse type noise.


Do not exceed 450 ~ 475 ma. IP during CW transmission. Keep tune-up periods as short as possible. Tube life is directly related to the duration of tune-up periods. Make sure the fan is operating at all times or the life of the 6LQ6 output tubes will be noticeably shortened.

Place the transceiver’s controls in the following typical settings for transmit operation. The 7 MHz band is used here as an example.

Stand-By Switch REC
LOAD Fully counterclockwise
DRIVE Centered
RIT Centered
RIT Switch Push in
RF GAIN Fully clockwise
METER Switch P
ANT SW (rear panel) COM
SG Sw (rear panel) ON

Before initial tune-up it is suggested that the operator familiarize himself with the controls and their functions. The use of a 50 ohm dummy load antenna is also suggested to minimize interference to other amateur stations.

Turn the main tuning knob to the desired operating frequency. Set the stand-by switch to SEND. The meter should read 40 ma. idling current. If the meter does not read 40 ma., adjust the rear panel BIAS control (See Fig. ) for a meter reading of 40 ma. Return the stand-by switch to REC.
Turn the MODE switch to the CW position. Set the standby switch to SEND. Quickly adjust the PLATE control for a minimum meter reading. Set the stand-by switch to REC and wait a few seconds.
Set the stand-by switch to SEND and adjust the DRIVE control for maximum meter reading. Set the stand-by switch back to REC.
Turn the METER switch to RF. Set the stand-by switch to SEND and adjust the plate and load controls for maximum meter reading (maximum output). Set the stand-by switch back to REC. If there is not sufficient meter reading when tuning for maximum output, adjust the RF meter adjustment (See Fig. 10) for a 2/3 scale reading at maximum output.
Turn the MODE switch to LSB. Turn the METER switch to ALC. Connect a suitable microphone to the MIC connector. Set the stand-by switch to SEND. While talking in a normal voice adjust the microphone gain so that the meter reads within the ALC range.


Set the stand-by switch to VOX. While talking in a normal voice slowly adjust the VOX SENSITIVITY control until the transmitter is voice actuated. Next, adjust the DELAY control for the desired hold-in time. Normally one second is considered to be a comfortable hold-in time. Next, turn the receive audio up to a suitable level and adjust the ANTI-VOX control until the receive audio does not activate the transmitter. The VOX unit is now properly adjusted.


Set the stand-by switch to REC. Connect a suitable PTT microphone to the MIC connector. Simply press the PTT switch to transmit and release to receive.


For manual CW operation follow the instructions in the first six paragraphs of Section 3.3. Insert a key into the KEY jack on the rear panel. Turn the MODE switch to CW. For manual CW operation, set the stand-by switch to SEND. Do not hold the key down for more than 10 seconds at maximum output. To receive, set the stand-by switch to REC.


For semi break-in CW operation follow the instructions in the first six paragraphs of Section 3.3. Insert a key into the KEY jack on the rear panel. Turn the MODE switch to CW. Set the stand-by switch to VOX. Send a string of dots and adjust the VOX SENSITIVITY control until the transmitter is activated by the key. Next, adjust the DELAY control for the desired hold-in time. The VOX should drop out between words for proficient operation. For CW operation it is not necessary to adjust the ANTI-VOX control.


The TS-511S transceiver is readily compatible with most linear amplifiers. It has extra relay contacts for amplifiers which require external switching control. These accessory contacts are accessible through the REMOTE socket on the rear panel. The following relay contacts may be used in accord with the individual requirements of the chosen amplifier.

Since most linear amplifiers normally require about 100 watts of drive for CW operation, the output of the 7S-511S may be reduced accordingly by the following steps. Follow the previous tune-up procedures for CW operation using a dummy load.
When the transceiver is tuned, the output may be reduced by slowly turning the DRIVE knob in a counterclockwise direction until the correct amount of drive is obtained. Normally the DRIVE knob will have
to be moved only 1 or 2 increments on the DRIVE scale to reduce the output by 100 to 200 watts.
When SSB operation is desired, the DRIVE knob must be returned to its original position for maximum drive.

Pin 5 is normally open in respect to ground. In the receive condition the relay contacts are open. In the transmit state the relay contacts are closed and shorted to ground. Pin 4 is connected to ground. Pin 3 is normally closed in respect to ground. In the receive condition the relay contacts are closed. In the transmit state the relay contacts are open.

The use of LSB or USB is dependent upon the chosen band. The following combinations are customary:

35~ 40 MHZ LSB
7.0~ 73 MHz LSB
14.0~14.350 MHz USB
21.0 ~21.450 MHz – USB
280~29.7 MHz USB



he block diagram of the TS-511S transceiver is shown in Fig. 11. The transceiver is a hybrid type using 10 tubes, 1 IC, 41 transistors, and 57 diodes. Construction techniques feature fabricated printed circuit boards to simplify repair work and trouble shooting. The receiver employs a crystal controlled double super heterodyne configuration. The transmitter employs a dual conversion configuration using a filter type SSB generator.


The carrier oscillator is a 2 transistor solid state circuit. In transmit it acts as a carrier oscillator and in receive it acts as the BFO.


his circuit consists of a single stage FET amplifier and a 2 transistor audio amplifier. It uses a diode modulator and a single stage buffer. The DSB signal generated by this circuit is fed to the crystal filter where an SSB signal is obtained. During CW operation, carrier is produced by unbalancing the diode modulator with a DC voltage.


In transmit, the SSB signal is obtained by feeding the DSB signal through a crystal filter. It is then amplified and fed to the VFO mixer. The output of the VFO mixer is fed through a bandpass filter and then coupled to the driver.


During transmit, the IF signal is converted by the heterodyne mixer. The converted signal is amplified by a single stage amplifier and is fed to the final amplifier. During receive, the driver coils operate as antenna coils.


This is the power amplifier. The signal from the driver is fed to the 6LA6 power output tubes where the final RF output is obtained.


Some circuits in the TS-511S carry high voltage and extreme care must be exercised to avoid electrical shock.


Remove the single Philips screw between the two black plungers. Next, pull the black plunge}s upward. The cover can be removed by raising it slightly and pulling forward.

Remove the nine Philips screws in the bottom plate. The four hype legs need not be removed.


During alignment the transceiver should rest on its side (See Fig. 12). This position provides adequate ventilation and convenient access to most parts of the transceiver.


Set the AGC/CAL switch to 25 kHz and use the calibrator marker as the test signal. Set the DRIVE knob to the 12 o’clock position. Set the other knobs to their normal receive positions. Adjust the MIX and DRIVE coils (See Fig. 13) with the accessory tool for maximum S-meter reading at the receive frequencies given below.

Adjustment Order Band Frequency
1 35 12.395 MHz
2 7 15.895 MHz
3 14 22.895 MHz
4 2 29.895 MHz
5 28 36.895 MHz
6 285″ 37.395 MHz
7 291 37.995 MHz

IF SECTION (See Fig. 14)
The large IF transformers (T1 and T2), the SSB crystafitter, and the small IF transformers require no adjustmeTurn the AGC/CAL switch to 25 kHz on any desired band Set the other knobs to their normal receive positions. Tithe calibrator marker signal for maximum S-meter reading Slowly turn the cores of T3 and T4 with the accessory too and adjust for maximum S-meter reading. T4 is a dual tuned IF transformer and is adjusted at the top and bottom of the chassis.

Disconnect the antenna and set the other knobs to their normal receive positions. Set the MODE switch to USB and set the AGC/CAL switch to 25 kHz. Tune in the crystal calibrator marker signal. Adjust the DRIVE knob for an S-meter reading of 9. Next, turn the main tuning knob clockwise for the S-meter reading of 2. At that point, adjust trimmer TC2 to obtain a zero beat.
Set the MODE switch to LSB and adjust TC3 as above. Set the MODE switch to CW. Then set the SG SW switch on the rear panel to OFF. Set the stand-by switch to SEND. Set the METER switch to ALC and adjust the DRIVE knob for maximum meter reading. Next, adjust TC1 for maximum meter reading.

MODE Receive Transmit
use 3.3965 MHz 3.3965 MHz
LsB 3.3935 MHz 3.3935 MHz
CW (without CW filter) 3.3935 MHz 3.3943 MHz
CW (with CW filter) 3.3943 MHz 3.3950 MHz

Set all knobs to their normal receive positions. An accuracy voltmeter with a full scale of at least 10 volts required. Connect the + lead of the voltmeter to terminal located directly below VR2 at the top of tautomeric voltage regulator board. Connect the — lead the chassis and adjust VR1 for a voltmeter reading of 9 volts.


Set the rear panel SG SW switch to OFF. Turn the MODE switch to CW. Turn the BAND switch to 14 and then set the main tuning dial at 14.175 MHz Set the METER switch at ALC and set the stand-by switch to SEND. Adjust the carrier level control until the voltage reads 460 ima. using the IP scale for reference. Now connect a dummy load to the ANT terminal. Set the SG SW switch to ON and quickly adjust the PLATE and LOAD controls for maximum output. Set the MODE switch to LSB and adjust the RF VOLT control on the rear panel for full sensitivity. Set the MIC GAIN to zero. If there is any meter reading, the circuit is not properly balanced. To balance the carrier, alternately adjust CT1 and VR2 on the SSB generator board (See Fig. 17) for minimum meter reading. Then turn the MODE switch to USB and repeat this adjustment so that the same amount: of carrier suppression is obtained on both LSB and USB.

Connect a dummy load to the ANT terminal. Set the BAND switch to 28.5 and set the main tuning dial to 28.8 MHz Next tune the transceiver for maximum output. Now set the SG SW switch to Offhand measure the output at the antenna terminals with a sensitive high frequency voltmeter. Adjust the neutralizing capacitor TC1 (mounted on the side panel of the final amplifier shielding box) for minimum output. Normally the shielding box does not have to be removed for neutralization.



Symptom Cause Corrective Action
No output in any mode. Voltage is not applied to the screen grid of the final
stage. * The external VFO plug is not inserted. et the rear panel SG SW

switch to on. Insert the plug.
No indication of any modulation.| he microphone plug is wired incorrectly or improperly seated in the MIC jack. The MIC GAIN is set too low.| Check the MIC plug wiring and make sure the MIC plug is firmly seated in the jack. Turn the MIC GAIN control in a clockwise direction.
RF output present but no meter reading in the RF position.| The RF meter adjustment is set too low.| Turn the RF control on the rear panel in a clockwise direction.
VOX does not function| VOX SENSITIVITY control is set too low. The stand-by switch is set to REC or SEND.| Turn the VOX SENSITIVITY con- – trod in a clockwise direction. Set the stand-by switch to VOX.
VOX is tripped by receive audio from the speaker.| The ANTI-VOX control is improperly set.| Turn the ANTI-VOX control in a clockwise direction.
Fuse blows after about 10 seconds of transmission.| Final amplifier is detuned.| etude to obtain proper resonance. Adjust the rear panel BIAS control for 40 ma. of idling current.


Pilot lights do not light and no receive audio is heard when power is turned on.| AC plug is not seated in the AC receptacle. Power table is not properly. Fuse is blown.| Insert securely. Insert securely. Replace the fuse.
No signals can be heard even through the antenna is connected.| ANT switch on the rear panel is set to REC.| Set the ANT switch to COM.
Frequency can not be changed with the RIT control.| RIT circuit is off.| Turn the RIT circuit on by pulling the RF GAIN knob.
No signals can be heard and the Smelter reads full scale.| RF GAIN has been lowered.| Turn the RF GAIN fully clockwise.
SSB signals sound garbled and un- intelligible.| The MODE switch is set to the wrong sideband.| Turn the MODE switch. to the opposite sideband.

Voltage Measurements of Tubes and IC’s

Unit Pon No I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P
FINAL V1 6L06 0 —55 —75 150 0 840 970
V2 6106 T R 150 -55 —75 0.220 (6.3) (12.6) —55 —75 150 0 840 970
DRIVE VI 12GN74 T R  2.0 3 —385 0 (12.61 (12.6) (6.3) 285 290 70133
V2 66K6 T R 6 0 0 0 (12 61 1831 0 285 310 195 200 0
V3 6826 T R 0-0.06 960.96 16.3) 0 285 290 96 66 0 —..
V4 641N84 1 R 0 -7.5 150 150 0 16.3) 04.2 —470 150 144 150 138
IF VI 66A6 T —7.0 0 16.3) (12.6) 145 130 145 130 04 1.9
V2 6C86 T R 0—37 1.7—17 0 16.31 150 150 65148 0
V3 6C136 T R —470 —232.0 0 (6.31 150 148 150ao 0
68A6 R 0 0                ‘ 16.31 (12.6) 150 130 150 130 702
NB 01 TA7045M K 11.6 2.3… 0 1.6 3.4 3.4 6.7 17


  1. Voltage values obtained with the VTVM having 11 M of input impedance.
  2. T: Maximum transmitting condition [CW) R: Reception with no input
  3. Thevaluein ( ) denotes the AC voltage and others are DC voltages.
  4. VOX voltage values measured with the stand-by switch at VOX position.

oltage Measurements of Transistors

GENE-03 25033RATOR0425K19CON-0125C856TROL02 25u58VOX01250373MARK.
E R01 2SC458NB02 25C451;

Unit| Trimmest| | Traemistoes Emits or Source| Trimotor’sCollector or Drain| Tree…toes Boo or lit Gent| 2nd Gate
9E0| 013S1(22| R| 0.2| 88| 0|
0225X19| R| 04| 98| 0|
03 2S460| R| .2.3| 8.8| 3|
04 2S460| ft.| 1.0| 88| 2.3|
AVR| CI 254606| | 13.5 15.2| | 1314.6|
02 2SC:372| F_,c| 52| 9| 5.8|
03 2SC372| | 5.2| 5.8| 5.8|
04 25C372| | 52| 9.0| 58|
IF| 0125C562| pica| 2| 0| 1.8|
02 2SC733| ram| 59.4| 16.418| 8.5 9.5|
CL3 2SC373| | -28.5-29| 00.04| -28.1-28.6|
AF| 01250733| R| 2.8| 5.9| 3.4|
02 2SC734| R| 0.4| 8.7| 1.0|
G3 25D90| ft| 8.7| 17.8| 9.2|
04 7513473| R| 8.6| 0| 8.5|
05 ?SCA%| | 0.920.3| 8.77| 0.930.9|
06 2SC733| | 1.7| 1113| 2.3|
CAR- RIER| 01 2%460| 11| 09| 9| 16|
02 250160| R| 1.3| 9| 2|
GENE­RATOR| 01 2SK24| Ira ,| 0.6| 8| 0|
022%0733| IMCO| 0.4| 2| 1|
1■1C| 1.4| 4.7| 2|
1- 6| 0.72| 12| -0.33|
I- CC| -46 68| -2.9 0| -46 -613|
IFTE| 0.35| 9| 0.96|
| | 0.15| 0.67|
02 25C373| |
| 0. 36 0| 0.04|
03 25073| R| 0.6| 1.2| 6|
04 250373| Ca| | 0. 318. 4| 0.35|
05 25A562| I- CC| 0 .58 8.4| 0.31| 8.4|
06 25C373| 1 1- 6| 4.5
| 8.56| 0.3 6|
07 26C373| Eccles-| 4.5
| 14.6185| 5.1 3.7|
08 2SA562| 1 I- CC| 16 Its| I60| 15.5 18.6|
R| 0.0S| 9| 0.7|
02 250373| R|
| 1.9| -0.2|
C13 250373| R| __| 6.9| -2|
04 2SC458| R| 0| 8.1| 0|
R| 0| 6.4| 0|
03 2SA495| R| 17| 0.4| 17|
04 25C456| P| 0| 4.3| 0|
06 2SC458| R| 3.1| 17| 35|


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