LG 49NANO80UNA 49 Inch Nano Cell TV Installation Guide

June 16, 2024

LG 49NANO80UNA 49 Inch Nano Cell TV


Product Information


  • Model: 49NANO80UNA, 49NANO85UNA, 55NANO80UNA, 55NANO85UNA

  • Weight: 63.6 Kg

  • Dimensions (A, B, C, D, E): 1096 mm x 695 mm x 232 mm x 640 mm
    x 63.6 mm

  • Dimensions (F, G): 14.4 kg

  • AC Power: 120 V ~ 50 / 60 Hz

  • Power Consumption: 135 W – 165 W

Product Usage Instructions

External Control Device Setup
To set up an external control device with the TV, please follow these steps:

  1. Refer to the “External Control Device Setup” section in the owner’s manual.
  2. Read the instructions carefully before proceeding.
  3. Retain the manual for future reference.

Key Codes
The TV remote control uses specific key codes for different functions. Here are the key codes and their corresponding functions:

Code (Hexa) Function
00 CH +, PR +
01 CH -, PR –
02 Volume +
03 Volume –


  • Q: How do I set up an external control device?
    A: Please refer to the “External Control Device Setup” section in the owner’s manual for detailed instructions.

  • Q: What is the power consumption of the TV?
    A: The power consumption ranges from 135 W to 165 W, depending on the model.


LG-49NANO80UNA-49-Inch-Nano-Cell-TV- \(1\) LG-
49NANO80UNA-49-Inch-Nano-Cell-TV- \(2\) LG-
49NANO80UNA-49-Inch-Nano-Cell-TV- \(4\)


Easy TV Connect Guide (Animation)

LG-49NANO80UNA-49-Inch-Nano-Cell-TV- \(6\) LG-
49NANO80UNA-49-Inch-Nano-Cell-TV- \(7\)

MODELS| __**A| **B| ** **C| __**D| **E| ** **F| __**F     G| Power consumption
_ _****__| __
49NANO80UNA**| 1,096


| 1 096


| 695


| 695


| 232


| 232


| 640


| 640


| 63.6


| 63,6


| 14.4


| 14,4


| 14.2


| 14,2


| 135 W
49NANO85UNA| 1,096


| 1 096


| 695


| 695


| 232


| 232


| 640


| 640


| 63.6


| 63,6


| 14.4


| 14,4


| 14.2


| 14,2


| 145 W
55NANO80UNA| 1,232


| 1 232


| 771


| 771


| 232


| 232


| 716


| 716


| 63.6


| 63,6


| 17.6


| 17,6


| 17.4


| 17,4


| 155 W
55NANO85UNA| 1,232


| 1 232


| 771


| 771


| 232


| 232


| 716


| 716


| 63.6


| 63,6


| 17.6


| 17,6


| 17.4


| 17,4


| 165 W
Power requirement| AC 120 V ~ 50 / 60 Hz

Read Safety and Reference.

Please read this manual carefully before operating the set and retain it for future reference.


This feature is not available for all models.

Code (Hexa)| Function| Note| Code (Hexa)| Function| Note
00| CH +, PR +| R/C Button| 53| List| R/C Button
01| CH -, PR –| R/C Button| 5B| Exit| R/C Button
02| Volume +| R/C Button| 60| PIP(AD)| R/C Button
03| Volume –| R/C Button| 61| Blue| R/C Button
06| > (Arrow Key / Right Key)| R/C Button| 63| Yellow| R/C Button
07| < (Arrow Key / Left Key)| R/C Button| 71| Green| R/C Button
08| Power| R/C Button| 72| Red| R/C Button
09| Mute| R/C Button| 79| Ratio / Aspect Ratio| R/C Button
0B| Input| R/C Button| 91| AD (Audio Description)| R/C Button
0E| SLEEP| R/C Button| 9E| LIVE MENU| R/C Button
0F| TV, TV/RAD| R/C Button| 7A| User Guide| R/C Button
10 – 19| Number Key 0 – 9| R/C Button| 7C| Smart / Home| R/C Button
1A| Q.View / Flashback| R/C Button| 7E| SIMPLINK| R/C Button
1E| FAV (Favorite Channel)| R/C Button| 8E| ►► (Forward)| R/C Button
20| Text (Teletext)| R/C Button| 8F| ◄◄ (Rewind)| R/C Button
21| T. Opt (Teletext Option)| R/C Button| AA| Info| R/C Button
28| Return (BACK)| R/C Button| AB| Program Guide| R/C Button
30| AV (Audio / Video) Mode| R/C Button| B0| ►  (Play)| R/C Button
39| Caption/Subtitle| R/C Button| B1| (Stop / File List)| R/C Button
40| Λ (Arrow Key / Cursor Up)| R/C Button| B5| RECENT| R/C Button
41| V (Arrow Key / Cursor Down)| R/C Button| BA| (Freeze / Slow Play / Pause)| R/C Button
42| My Apps| R/C Button| BB| Soccer| R/C Button
43| Menu / Settings| R/C Button| BD| (REC)| R/C Button
44| OK / Enter| R/C Button| DC| 3D| R/C Button
45| Q.Menu| R/C Button| 99| AutoConfig| R/C Button
4C| List, –| R/C Button| 9F| App /
| R/C Button
4D| PICTURE| R/C Button| 9B| TV / PC| R/C Button
52| SOUND| R/C Button|

  • Key code 4C (0x4C) is available on ATSC/ISDB models which use major/minor channel. (For South Korea, Japan, North America, Latin America except Colombia models)


Image shown may differ from your TV.

Connect the USB to Serial(RS-232C) converter/RS-232C(Serial) input jack to an external control device (such as a computer or an A/V control system) to control the product’s functions externally.

Note : The type of control port on the TV can be different between model series.

  • Please be advised that not all models support this type of connectivity.
  • Cable is not provided.

USB to Serial(RS-232C) converter with USB Cable

USB TypeLG-49NANO80UNA-49-Inch-Nano-Cell-TV-

  • LGTV supports PL2303 chip-based (Vendor ID : 0x0557, Product ID : 0x2008) USB to serial(RS-232C) converter which is not made nor provided by LG.
  • It can be purchased from computer stores that carry accessories for IT support professionals

RS-232C(Serial) With RS-232C(Serial) Cable
DE9 (D-Sub 9pin) Type

  • You need to purchase the RS-232C (DE9, D-Sub 9pin female-to-female type) to RS-232C(Serial) cable required for the connection between the PC and the TV, which is specified in the manual. LG-49NANO80UNA-49-Inch-Nano-Cell-TV- \(15\)

The connection interface may differ from your TV

Phone jack Type

  • You need to purchase the phone-jack to RS-232 cable required for the connection between the PC and the TV, which is specified in the manual.
  • For other models, connect to the USB port.
  • The connection interface may differ from your TV

LG-49NANO80UNA-49-Inch-Nano-Cell-TV- \(16\)

Customer Computer

RS-232C configurations
3-Wire Configurations(Not standard) LG-49NANO80UNA-49-Inch-Nano-Cell-TV-

Set ID
For Set ID number, see “Real Data Mapping” on p.6

  1. Press SETTINGS to access the main menus.
  2. Press the Navigation buttons to scroll to (*General → About this TV or OPTION) and press OK.
  3. Press the Navigation buttons to scroll to SET ID and press OK.
  4. Scroll left or right to select a set ID number and select CLOSE. The adjustment range is 1-99.
  5. When you are finished, press EXIT. * (Depending on model)

Communication Parameters

  • Baud rate : 9600 bps (UART)
  • Data length : 8 bits
  • Parity : None
  • Stop bit : 1 bit
  • Communication code : ASCII code
  • Use a crossed (reverse) cable.

Command reference list

(Depending on model)

| **COMMAND1| ****COMMAND2| DATA (Hexadecimal)| | ****COMMAND1| ****COMMAND2| DATA**


01. Power*| k| a| 00 to 01| 15. Balance| k| t| 00 to 64
02. Aspect Ratio| k| c| (p.7)| 16. Color (Colour) Temperature| x| u| 00 to 64
03. Screen Mute| k| d| (p.7)| 17. ISM Method (Only Plasma TV)| j| p| (p.8)
04. Volume Mute| k| e| 00 to 01| 18. Equalizer| j| v| (p.9)
05. Volume Control| k| f| 00 to 64| 19. Energy Saving| j| q| 00 to 05
06. Contrast| k| g| 00 to 64| 20. Tune Command| m| a| (p.9)


| k| h| 00 to 64| 21. Channel (Programme) Add/Del(Skip)| m| b| 00 to 01
08. Color/ Colour| k| i| 00 to 64| 22. Key| m| c| Key Codes
09. Tint| k| j| **** 00 to 64| 23. Control Backlight, Control Panel Light| m| g| 00 to 64


| k| k| 00 to 32| 24. Input select (Main)| x| b| (p.11)
11. OSD Select| k| l| 00 to 01| 25. 3D (Only 3D models)| x| t| (p.11)
12. Remote Control Lock Mode| k| m| 00 to 01| 26. Extended 3D (Only 3D models)| x| v| (p.12)
13. Treble| k| r| 00 to 64| 27. Auto Configure| j| u| (p.12)
14. Bass| k| s| **** 00 to 64| | | |

  • Note: During playing or recording media, all commands except Power (ka) and Key (mc) are not executed and treated as NG.
    With RS232C cable, TV can communicate “ka command” in power-on or power-off status. but with USB-to-Serial converter cable, the command works only if TV is on.

Transmission / Receiving Protocol


  • [Command1][Command2][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
  • [Command 1] : First command to control the TV. (j, k, m or x)[Command 2] : Second command to control the TV.
  • [Set ID] : You can adjust the [Set ID] to choose desired monitor ID number in option menu.
  • Adjustment range in TV is 1 to 99. If [Set ID] value is selected to ‘0’, every connected set can be controlled.
    • [Set ID] is indicated as decimal (1 to 99) on menu and as Hexadecimal (0x00 to 0x63) on transmission/receiving protocol.
  • [DATA]  : To transmit command data (hexadecimal). Transmit ‘FF’ data to read status of command.
  • [Cr]  : Carriage Return – ASCII code ‘0x0D’
  • [ ]  : Space – ASCII code ‘0x20’

OK Acknowledgement
[Command2][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]

  • The set transmits ACK (acknowledgement) based on this format when receiving normal data. At this time, if the data is data read mode, it indicates present status data. If the data is data write mode, it returns the data of the PC computer.

Error Acknowledgement
[Command2][ ][Set ID][ ][NG][Data][x]

  • The set transmits ACK (acknowledgement) based on this format when receiving abnormal data from non-viable functions or communication errors. Data 00: Illegal Code

Real data mapping (Hexadecimal b Decimal)

  • When you enter the [data] in hexadecimal, refer to following conversion table.

  • Channel Tune (ma) Command uses two-byte hexadecimal value([data]) to select channel number.

  • 00 : Step 0 32 : Step 50 (Set ID 50) FE : Step 254

  • 01 : Step 1 (Set ID 1) 33 : Step 51 (Set ID 51) FF : Step 255

  • … … …

  • 0A : Step 10 (Set ID 10) 63 : Step 99 (Set ID 99) 01 00 : Step 256
    … … …

  • 0F : Step 15 (Set ID 15) C7 : Step 199 27 0E : Step 9998

  • 10 : Step 16 (Set ID 16) C8 : Step 200 27 0F : Step 9999
    … … …

  • Commands may work differently depending on model and signal.

    1. Power (Command: k a)

      • To control Power *On or Off of the set. Transmission[k][a][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
      • Data 00 : Power Off 01 : *Power On
      • Ack [a][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
      • To Show TV is Power On or *Off Transmission [k][a][ ][Set ID][ ][FF][Cr] Ack [a][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]
        • Similarly, if other functions transmit ‘FF’ data based on this format, Acknowledgement feedback presents status about each function.
    2. Aspect Ratio (Command: k c) (Main Picture Size)

      • To adjust the screen format. (Main picture format) You can also adjust the screen format using the Aspect Ratio in the Q.MENU. or PICTURE menu. Transmission [k][c][ ][Set ID]

      • [ ][Data][Cr]

      • Data 01 : Normal screen (4:3)

      • 02 : Wide screen (16:9)

      • 04 : Zoom

      • 05 : Zoom 2

      • (Latin America except Colombia Only)

      • 06 : Set by Program/ Original

      • 07 : 14:9
        (Europe, Colombia, Mid-East, Asia except South Korea and Japan)

      • 09 : * Just Scan

      • 0B : Full Wide
        (Europe, Colombia, Mid-East, Asia except South Korea and Japan)

      • 10 to 1F : Cinema Zoom 1 to 16 0c : 21:9 (Depending on model)
        Ack [c][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]

      • Using the PC input, you select either 16:9 or 4:3 screen aspect ratio.

      • In DTV/HDMI/Component mode (high-definition), Just Scan is available.

      • Full wide mode may work differently based on model and is supported for DTV fully, and ATV, AV partially.

    3. Screen Mute (Command: k d)
      To select screen mute on/off. Transmission [k][d][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]

      • Data 00 : Screen mute off (Picture on) Video mute off
      • 01 : Screen mute on (Picture off)
      • 10 : Video mute on
        Ack [d][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x] * In case of video mute on only, TV will display On Screen Display(OSD). But, in case of Screen mute on, TV will not display OSD.
    4. Volume Mute (Command: k e)

      • To control volume mute on/off.
      • You can also adjust mute using the MUTE button on remote control.
      • Transmission [k][e][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
      • Data 00 : Volume mute on (Volume off) 01 : Volume mute off (Volume on)
      • Ack [e][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
    5. Volume Control (Command: k f)

      • To adjust volume.
      • You can also adjust volume with the volume buttons on remote control.
      • Transmission [k][f][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
      • Data Min : 00 to Max : 64
      • Ack [f][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
    6. Contrast (Command: k g)

      • To adjust screen contrast.
      • You can also adjust contrast in the PICTURE menu.
      • Transmission [k][g][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
      • Data Min : 00 to Max : 64
      • Ack [g][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
    7. Brightness (Command: k h)

      • To adjust screen brightness.
      • You can also adjust brightness in the PICTURE menu.
      • Transmission [k][h][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
      • Data Min : 00 to Max : 64
      • Ack [h][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
    8. Color/Colour (Command: k i)

      • To adjust the screen Color(Colour).
      • You can also adjust colour in the PICTURE menu.
      • Transmission [k][i][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
      • Data Min : 00 to Max : 64
      • Ack [i][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
    9. Tint (Command: k j)

      • To adjust the screen tint.
      • You can also adjust tint in the PICTURE menu.
      • Transmission [k][j][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
      • Data Red : 00 to Green : 64
      • Ack [j][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
    10. Sharpness (Command: k k)

      • To adjust the screen sharpness.
      • You can also adjust sharpness in the PICTURE menu.
      • Transmission [k][k][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
      • Data Min : 00 to Max : 32
      • Ack [k][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
    11. OSD Select (Command: k l)

      • To select OSD (On Screen Display) on/off when controlling remotely.
      • Transmission [k][l][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
      • Data 00 : OSD off 01 : OSD on
      • Ack [l][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
    12. Remote control lock mode (Command: k m)

      • To lock the front panel controls on the monitor and remote control.
      • Transmission [k][m][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
      • Data 00 : Lock off 01 : Lock on
      • Ack [m][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
      • If you are not using the remote control, use this mode.
      • When main power is off & on (plug-off and plug-in, after 20 – 30 seconds), external control lock is released.
      • In the standby mode (DC off by off timer or ‘ka’, ‘mc’ command), and if key lock is on, TV will not turn on by power on key of IR & Local Key.
    13. Treble (Command: k r)

      • To adjust treble.
      • You can also adjust in the AUDIO menu.
      • Transmission [k][r][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
      • Data Min : 00 to Max : 64
      • Ack [r][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
      • (Depending on model)
    14. Bass (Command: k s)

      • To adjust Bass.
      • You can also adjust in the AUDIO menu.
      • Transmission [k][s][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
      • Data Min : 00 to Max : 64
      • Ack [s][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
      • (Depending on model)
    15. Balance (Command: k t)

      • To adjust balance.
      • You can also adjust balance in the AUDIO menu.
      • Transmission [k][t][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
      • Data Min : 00 to Max : 64
      • Ack [t][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
    16. Color(Colour) Temperature (Command: x u)

      • To adjust colour temperature. You can also adjust
      • Color(Colour) Temperature in the PICTURE menu.
      • Transmission [x][u][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
      • Data Min : 00 to Max : 64
      • Ack [u][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
    17. ISM Method (Command: j p) (Only Plasma TV)

      • To control the ISM method. You can also adjust
      • ISM Method in OPTION menu.
      • Transmission [j][p][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
      • Data Min : 02: Orbiter
      • 08: Normal
      • 20: Color(Colour) Wash
      • Ack [p][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
    18. Equalizer (Command : j v)

      • Adjust EQ of the set.
      • Transmission [j][v][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
7 6 5 Frequency 4 3 2 1 0 Step
0 0 0 1st Band 0 0 0 0 0 0(decimal)
0 0 1 2nd Band 0 0 0 0 1 1(decimal)
0 1 0 3rd Band
0 1 1 4th Band 1 0 0 1 1 19(decimal)
1 0 0 5th Band 1 0 1 0 1 20(decimal)

Acknowledgement [v][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]

  • It depends on model, and can adjust when sound mode is EQ adjustable value.

Energy Saving (Command: j q)
To reduce the power consumption of the TV. You can also adjust Energy Saving in PICTURE menu. Transmission [j][q][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]


  • 00 : Off
  • 01 : Minimum
  • 02 : Medium
  • 03 : Maximum
  • 04 : Auto (For LCD TV / LED TV) /  Intelligent sensor (For PDP TV) 05 : Screen off

* (Depending on model)
Ack [q][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]

Tune Command (Command: m a)

  • This command may work differently depending on model and signal.

  • For Europe, Mid-East, Colombia, Asia except
    South Korea and Japan Model

  • Select channel to following physical number.

  • Transmission [m][a][ ][Set ID][ ][Data 00][ ]

  • [Data 01][ ][Data 02][Cr]

    • Analog Antenna/Cable
  • [Data 00][Data 01] Channel Data

  • Data 00 : High byte channel data

  • Data 01 : Low byte channel data

  • – 00 00 ~ 00 C7 (Decimal : 0 ~ 199)

  • Data 02 : Input Source (Analog)

  • – 00 : Antenna TV (ATV)

  • – 80 : Cable TV (CATV)

    • Digital Antenna/Cable/Satellite
  • [Data 00][Data 01]: Channel Data

  • Data 00 : High Channel data

  • Data 01 : Low Channel data

  • 00 00 ~ 27 0F (Decimal: 0 ~ 9999)

  • Data 02 : Input Source (Digital)

  • 10 : Antenna TV (DTV)

  • 20 : Antenna Radio (Radio)

  • 40 : Satellite TV (SDTV)

  • 50 : Satellite Radio (S-Radio)

  • 90 : Cable TV (CADTV)

  • a0 : Cable Radio (CA-Radio)

Tune Command Examples

  1. Tune to the Analog antenna (PAL) Channel 10.
    • Set ID = All = 00
    • Data 00 & 01 = Channel Data is 10 = 00 0a
    • Data 02 = Analog Antenna TV = 00
    • Result = ma 00 00 0a 00
  2. Tune to the digital antenna (DVB-T) Channel 01.
    • Set ID = All = 00
    • Data 00 & 01 = Channel Data is 1 = 00 01
    • Data 02 = Digital Antenna TV = 10
    • Result = ma 00 00 01 10
  3. Tune to the satellite (DVB-S) Channel 1000.
    • Set ID = All = 00
    • Data 00 & 01 = Channel Data is 1000 = 03 E8
    • Data 02 = Digital Satellite TV = 40
    • Result = ma 00 03 E8 40
    • Ack [a][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data 00][Data 01]
    • [Data 02][x][a][ ][Set ID][ ][NG][Data 00][x]
    • For South Korea, North/Latin America except Colombia Model
    • To tune channel to following physical/major/minor number.
    • Transmission [m][a][ ][0][ ][Data00][ ][Data01] [ ][Data02][ ][Data03][ ][Data04][ ][Data05][Cr] Digital channels have a Physical, Major, and Minor channel number. The Physical number is the actual digital channel number, the Major is the number that the channel should be mapped to, and the Minor is the sub-channel. Since the ATSC tuner automatically maps the channel from the Major / Minor number, the Physical number is not required when sending a command in Digital.

* Analog Antenna/Cable
Data 00 : Physical Channel Number

  • Antenna (ATV) : 02~45 (Decimal: 2 ~ 69)
  • Cable (CATV) : 01, 0E~7D (Decimal : 1, 14~125)
  • [Data 01 ~ 04]: Major/Minor Channel Number
  • Data 01 & 02: xx (Don’t care)
  • Data 03 & 04: xx (Don’t care)
  • Data 05: Input Source (Analog)
  • 00 : Antenna TV (ATV)
  • 01 : Cable TV (CATV)
  • Digital Antenna/Cable
  • Data 00 : xx (Don’t care)
  • [Data 01][Data 02]: Major Channel Number
  • Data 01 : High byte Channel Data
  • Data 02 : Low byte Channel Data
  • 00 01 ~ 27 0F (Decimal: 1 ~ 9999)
  • [Data 03][Data 04]: Minor Channel Number
  • Data 03 : High byte Channel Data
  • Data 04 : Low byte Channel Data
  • Data 05 : Input Source (Digital)
  • 02 : Antenna TV (DTV) – Use Physical Channel Number
  • 06 : Cable TV (CADTV) – Use Physical Channel Number
  • 22 : Antenna TV (DTV) – Don’t Use Physical Channel Number
  • 26 : Cable TV (CADTV) – Don’t Use Physical Channel Number
  • 46 : Cable TV (CADTV) – Use Physical/Major
  • Channel Number Only (One Part Channel)
  • 66 : Cable TV (CADTV) – Use Major Channel Number Only (One Part Channel)
  • 0b : Cable DTV Plus – Use Physical Channel Number
  • 2b : Cable DTV Plus – Don’t Use Physical Channel Number
  • 4b : Cable DTV Plus – Use Physical/Major Channel Number Only (One Part Channel)
  • 6b : Cable DTV Plus – Use Major Channel Number Only (One Part Channel)
  • Two bytes are available for each major and minor
  • channel data, but usually the low byte is used alone
  • (high byte is 0).

Tune Command Examples:

  1. Tune to the Analog cable (NTSC) channel 35.

    • Set ID = All = 00
    • Data 00 = Channel Data is 35 = 23
    • Data 01 & 02 = No Major = 00 00
    • Data 03 & 04 = No Minor = 00 00
    • Data 05 = Analog Cable TV = 01
    • Total = ma 00 23 00 00 00 00 01
  2. Tune to the digital antenna (ATSC) channel 30-3.

    • Set ID = All = 00
      Data 00 = Don’t know Physical = 00

    • Data 01 & 02 = Major is 30 = 00 1E

    • Data 03 & 04 = Minor is 3 = 00 03

    • Data 05 = Digital Antenna TV = 22

    • Total = ma 00 00 00 1E 00 03 22

    • Ack [a][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data 00][Data 01]

    • [Data 02][Data 03][Data 04][Data 05]

    • [x][a][ ][Set ID][ ][NG][Data 00][x]

    • • or Japan Model

    • To tune channel to following physical/major/minor number.

    • Transmission [m][a][ ][0][ ][Data00][ ][Data01]

    • [ ][Data02][ ][Data03][ ][Data04][ ][Data05][Cr]

    • Digital Antenna/Satellite

    • Data 00: xx (Don’t care)

    • [Data 01][Data 02]: Major Channel Number

    • Data 01: High byte Channel Data

    • Data 02: Low byte Channel Data

    • – 00 01 ~ 27 0F (Decimal: 1 ~ 9999)

    • [Data 03][Data 04]: Minor/Branch Channel Number

    • (Don’t care in Satellite)

    • Data 03: High byte Channel Data

    • Data 04: Low byte Channel Data

    • Data 05 : Input Source (Digital/Satellite for Japan)

    • 02 : Antenna TV (DTV)

    • 42 : Antenna TV (DTV) – Use Physical/Major

  3. Channel Number Only (One Part Channel)

    • 62 : Antenna TV (DTV) – Use Major Channel
    • Number Only (One Part Channel)
    • 07 : BS (Broadcasting Satellite)
    • 08 : CS1 (Communication Satellite 1)
    • 09 : CS2 (Communication Satellite 2)

* Tune Command Examples:

  1. Tune to the digital antenna (ISDB-T) channel 17-1.
    • Set ID = All = 00
    • Data 00 = Don’t know Physical = 00
    • Data 01 & 02 = Major is 17 = 00 11
    • Data 03 & 04 = Minor/Branch is 1 = 00 01
    • Data 05 = Digital Antenna TV = 02
    • Total = ma 00 00 00 11 00 01 02
  2. Tune to the BS (ISDB-BS) channel 30.
    • Set ID = All = 00
    • Data 00 = Don’t know Physical = 00
    • Data 01 & 02 = Major is 30 = 00 1E
    • Data 03 & 04 = Don’t Care = 00 00
    • Data 05 = Digital BS TV = 07
    • Total = ma 00 00 00 1E 00 00 07
      • This feature is varied based on the model.
    • Ack [a][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data 00][Data 01]
    • [Data 02][Data 03][Data 04][Data 05]
    • [x][a][ ][Set ID][ ][NG][Data 00][x]
  3. Channel(Programme) Add/Del(Skip) (Command: m b)
    • To skip current channel(programme) for next time.
    • Transmission [m][b][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
    • Data 00 : Del(ATSC,ISDB)/Skip(DVB) 01 : Add
    • Ack [b][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
      • Set the saved channel status to del(ATSC, ISDB)/ skip(DVB) or add.
  4. Key (Command: m c)
    • To send IR remote key code.
    • Transmission [m][c][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
    • Data Key code – p.2.
    • Ack [c][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
  5. Control Backlight (Command: m g)
    • For LCD TV / LED TV
    • To control the backlight.
    • Transmission [m][g][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
    • Data Min : 00 to Max : 64
    • Ack [g][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
    • Control Panel Light (Command: m g)
    • For Plasma TV
    • To control the panel light.
    • Transmission [m][g][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
    • Data Min : 00 to Max : 64
    • Ack [g][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
  6. Input select (Command: x b) (Main Picture Input)
    • To select input source for main picture.
    • Transmission [x][b][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
    • Data
    • 00 : DTV
    • 02 : Satellite DTV
    • ISDB-BS (Japan)
    • 03 : ISDB-CS1 (Japan)
    • 04 : ISDB-CS2 (Japan)
    • 11 : CATV
    • 01 : CADTV
    • 10 : ATV
    • 20 : AV or AV1 21 : AV2
    • 40 : Component1
    • 60 : RGB
    • 41 : Component2
    • 90 : HDMI1
    • 92 : HDMI3
    • 91 : HDMI2
    • 93 : HDMI4
    • Ack [b][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
      • This function depends on model and signal.
  7. 3D(Command: x t) (only 3D models)
    • (Depending on model)
    • To change 3D mode for TV.
    • Transmission [x][t][ ][Set ID][ ][Data 00][ ][Data 01]
    • [ ][Data 02][ ][Data 03][Cr]
      • (Depending on model)
    • Data Structure
    • [Data 00] 00 : 3D On
    • 01 : 3D Off
    • 02 : 3D to 2D
    • 03 : 2D to 3D
    • [Data 01] 00 : Top and Bottom
    • 01 : Side by Side
    • 02 : Check Board
    • 03 : Frame Sequential
    • 04 : Column interleaving
    • 05 : Row interleaving
    • [Data 02] 00 : Right to Left
    • 01 : Left to Right
    • [Data 03] 3D Effect(3D Depth): Min : 00 – Max : 14
    • (*transmit by Hexadecimal code)
    • [Data 02], [Data 03] functions depend on model and signal.
    • If [Data 00] is 00 (3D On), [Data 03] has no meaning.
    • If [Data 00] is 01 (3D off) or 02 (3D to 2D), [Data 01], [Data 02] and [Data 03] have no meaning.
    • If [Data 00] is 03 (2D to 3D), [Data 01] and [Data 02] have no meaning.
    • If [Data 00] is 00 (3D On) or 03 (2D to 3D), [Data 03] works when 3D Mode (Genre) is manual only.
    • All 3D pattern options ([Data 01]) may not be available according to broadcasting/video signal.
[Data 00] [Data 01] [Data 02] [Data 03]
00 O O O
01 X X X
02 X X X
03 X O O

X : don’t care

Ack [t][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data00][Data01][Data02][Data03][x] [t][ ][Set ID][ ][NG][Data00][x]

  • Extended 3D(Command: x v) (only 3D models) (Depending on model)
    To change 3D option for TV. Transmission [x][v][ ][Set ID][ ][Data 00][ ][Data 01][Cr]

[Data 00] 3D option

  • 00 : 3D Picture Correction
  • 01 : 3D Depth (3D Mode is Manual Only)
  • 02 : 3D Viewpoint
  • 06 : 3D Color Correction
  • 07 : 3D Sound Zooming
  • 08 : Normal Image View
  • 09 : 3D Mode (Genre)
  • [Data 01] It has own range for each 3D option determined by [Data 00].
  1. When [Data 00] is 00
    • 00 : Right to Left
    • 01 : Left to Right
  2. When [Data 00] is 01, 02
    • Data Min: 0 – Max: 14 (*transmit by Hexadecimal code)
    • Data value range(0 – 20) converts Viewpoint range (-10 – +10) automatically (Depending on model)
    • This option works when 3D Mode (Genre) is manual only.
  3. When [Data 00] is 06, 07
    • 00 : Off
    • 01 : On
  4. When [Data 00] is 08
    • 00 : Revert to 3D video from 3D-to-2D converted 2D video
    • 01 : Change 3D video to 2D video, except
    • 2D-to-3D video
      • If conversion condition doesn’t meet, command is treated as NG.
  5. When [Data 00] is 09
    • 00 : Standard
    • 02 : Cinema
    • 04 : Manual
    • 01 : Sport
    • 03 : Extreme
    • 05 : Auto
    • Ack [v][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data00][Data01][x]
    • [v][ ][Set ID][ ][NG][Data00][x]
  6. Auto Configure (Command: j u) (Depending on model)
    • To adjust picture position and minimize image shaking automatically. It works only in RGB (PC) mode.
    • Transmission [j][u][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
    • Data 01 : To set Auto Configure
    • Ack [u][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]


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