makita DCS 430 Gasoline Chain Saws Instruction Manual

June 16, 2024

makita DCS 430 Gasoline Chain Saws

Product Information


  • Model: DCS 430, DCS 431, DCS 520, DCS 5201, DCS 540, DCS 5200i
  • Compliance: American National Standard Institute B 175.1-1991 chain saw safety standard, Canadian Standards Association 262.1-95 chain saw safety standard, 262.3-96 chain saw kickback standard, Society of Automotive Engineers SAEJ 335-Jun 95 Multiposition small engine exhaust system fire ignition suppression
  • Industrial Property Rights: US 4465440, US 5411382, EP 0236858, EP 0560201, GBM 8710075, GBM 8809928, GBM 9203378, GEM 29616652

Safety Precautions

Always follow safety precautions outlined in the Owner’s and Safety Manual. Improper use can cause serious injury. The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. Read and understand the manual carefully.

Product Usage Instructions

Before operating the chain saw, it is important to read, fully understand, and carefully follow the instructions outlined in the owner’s manual. Kickback may cause severe or fatal injury, so it is crucial to be aware of safety precautions.

Assembly Instructions

Follow the assembly instructions provided in the manual to ensure proper setup of the chain saw.

Operating Instructions

  1. Familiarize yourself with the controls and features of the chain saw.
  2. Ensure you are wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, including safety goggles, gloves, hearing protection, and protective clothing.
  3. Check the fuel and oil levels before starting the chain saw.
  4. Start the chain saw according to the instructions in the manual.
  5. Hold the chain saw firmly with both hands, keeping a secure grip on the handles.
  6. Maintain a stable stance and position your body correctly to ensure balance and control while operating the chain saw.
  7. Use the chain saw in a controlled manner, making sure to avoid any potential hazards and obstacles.
  8. Regularly inspect the chain saw for any damage, wear, or loose parts. Replace or repair as necessary.
  9. Follow the recommended maintenance procedures to keep the chain saw in optimal condition.
  10. When finished using the chain saw, turn it off and properly store it in a safe and secure location.


If you encounter any issues or problems with the chain saw, consult the troubleshooting section of the user manual for possible solutions.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Regularly clean and maintain the chain saw according to the instructions provided in the user manual. This includes cleaning the guide bar, brake band, sprocket interior, and replacing the saw chain when necessary.


  • Q: Where can I find additional owner’s manuals?

    • A: Additional owner’s manuals are available from MAKITA U.S.A., INC., 149304 Northam Street, La Mirada, CA 90638-5753, USA,
      Telephone: (714) 522 80 88 and MAKITA . CANADA INC.,1950 Forbes Street, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 787, Canada, Telephone: (905) 571 22 00.
  • Q: What should I do if I experience kickback?

    • A: Kickback can cause severe or fatal injury. To prevent kickback, always follow the safety precautions outlined in the user manual. Maintain a firm grip on the handles, use the chain saw in a controlled manner, and be aware of potential hazards.
  • Q: What personal protective equipment should I wear when operating the chain saw?

    • A: It is important to wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including safety goggles, gloves, hearing protection, and protective clothing, to protect yourself from potential hazards and injuries.


Owner’s and Safety Manual

for Gasoline Chain Saws (page2 – 31)
z Manuel d’emploi et de securite
de tronGonneuses thermiques (page 32 – 61)
DCS 430,431 DCS 520,520i DCS 540 DCS 5200i
WARNING! Read and understandthis Manual. Always follow safety precautions in the Owner’s and Safety Manual.
Improper use can cause serious injury! The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State of Californiato cause
cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Presepe this Manual carefully! AlTENTlONl
Suivez toujours les conseils de skurite du present manuel d’emploi et de securite. Une utilisation incorrecte de la tronqonneuse peut entrainer des blessures graves! Conservez avec soin ce manuel! Les gaz d’echappement emis par ce produit contiennent des produits chimiques connus par I’Etat de Californie pour provoquer le cancer, des defauts de naissance ou autres dommages de reproduction.
Lisez et comprenez ce manuel.

WARNING I Careless or improper use of this product can cause serious or even fatal injury. Before operating a chain saw or other MAKITA products it is important that you read, fully understand and carefully follow the instructionsoutlinedin this owners manual. Kickback may cause severe or fatal injury and. is one of many potentialdangers in operating a chain saw. Kickback and other safety related precautions are
4’1 described in detailwithin this owners manual. Additional owners manuals are available from MAKITA U.S.A.,
INC., 149304 Northam Street, La Mirada, CA 90638-5753, USA, Telephone: (714) 522 80 88 and MAKITA . CANADA INC.,1950 Forbes Street, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 787, Canada, Telephone: (905) 571 22 00.
zyx This product complies with: American National Standard Institute B 175.1-1991 chain saw safety standard. Canadian Standards Association 262.1-95 chain saw safety standard. 262.3-96 chain saw kickback standard.
Society of Automotive Engineers SAEJ 335-Jun 95 ,Multiposition small engine exhaust system fire ignition suppression”
With the purchase of this chain saw you have chosen a German quality product. Important instructions for the assembly and operation of this saw are given in this manual. For your own safety, we ask you to read the accident prevention instructions very carefully before putting your chain saw into operation, as incorrect handling can, despite all precautions, lead to accidents. With a little care and attention you will have good service and lasting
satisfaction from this first-rate product. The following industrialproperty rights apply: US 4465440, US 5411382,
EP 0236858, EP 0560201, GBM 8710075, GBM 8809928, GBM 9203378, GEM 29616652.

DCS 430, DCS 431, DCS 520, DCS 5201, DCS 540, DCS 5200i

Contents Delivery inventory

Page 3

Contents Sharpening the saw chain

czPage – .



Cleaning the guide bar


zyxwvutsrq Safety precautions
Denomination of components Technical data Approved bar and chain combinations Mounting the guide bar and saw chain Chain brake

. The MAKITA DCS 430, DCS 431, DCS 520, DCS 520i, DCS 540, DCS 5200i will be delivered in a protective

cardboard box to prevent transport damage. Cardboard is a basic raw material and is consequently reuseable or ,

suitable for recycling(waste paper recycling).



Delivery inventory




zyxwvut 1 Chainsaw
2 Sawchain 3 Guidebar

I – ‘I


4 Chain protection cover

5 Universal wrench

6 &Wrench

7 Screw driver for carburetor adjustment (only in delivery for model 5200i)
8 Owner’s and Safety Manual (not shown)

In case one of the parts listed should not be included in the delivery inventory, please consult your sales agent.


You will notice the following symbols on the chain saw and in the Owner’s and Safety Manual:-


Read instruction manual and follow the warning- and safety precautions!

Stop engine!

Particular care and caution!

Wear protective gloves!


Chain brake

Wear protective helmet, eye

Caution, kickback!

zyxwvu and ear protection!
No smoking! No open fire!

Fuel and oil mixture Carburetor adjustment

OnlOff (UO) switch

Chain oil filUoil pump

Press starting valve
– Engine manual start
Choke lever


Working in winter

First aid Recycling

zy (Further symbols see page 5.


Safety precautions for chain saw operators Additional safety precautions

While operating the chain saw please observe the following rules:
a) Contact of the guide bar nose with any object should be avoided.
b) Tip contact may cause the guide bar to move suddenly upwardand backward, which may cause serious or fatal injury.
c) Always operate the chain saw with both hands.

The followingadditionalsafety precautions should be . observedby all usersof chain saws:
1. Donotoperateachainsaw when youare fatigued.
2. Use safety footwear; snug-fitting clothing; protective gloves: and eye, hearing, and head protection devices.
3. Use caution when handling fuel. Move the chain saw at least 10 feet (3 m) from the fueling point before starting the engine.

4. Do not allow other persons to be near the chain

zyxwvut manual. Failuretofollow instructionscouldresult
in serious injury. It is recommended to lend the chain saw only to people who are experlenced in working with chain saws. Always hand over the Owner`s and Safety Manual.

saw when starting or cutting with the chain saw. Keep bystanders and animals out of the work * area.
. 5. Do not start cutting until you have a clear work area, secure footing, and a planned retreat path from the falling tree.

Tbis chain saw k capable of severe kickback that couldresultinserious injuryto the operator. Do not

6. Keep all parts of your body away from the saw chain when the engine is running.

operate this chain saw unless you have extraordinary cuttingneedsandexperienceinand special training for dealing with kickback Chain

7. Before you start the engine, make sure that the saw chain is not contacting anything.

saws with significantlvreducedkickbackwtential are available.

8. Carry the chain’sawwith the engine stopped, the
– guide bar and saw chain to the rear, and the
muffler away from your body. – –

9. Do not operate a chain saw that is damaged, is

Kickback may occur when the no guide bar touches an object, or w
closesin and pinchesthesaw chain
ntact may abruptly stop th

improperly adjusted, or is not completely and securely assembled. Be sure that the saw chain stops moving when the throttle control trigger is released.

me cases may cause a l i i

10. Shut off the engine before setting it down.


zyxwvut user, orpushtheguideb
reduce the risk of a kckbadcand potentialinjury. With a-basic understandina of kickback. vou

11. Use extreme caution when cutting small s i z e c brushandsaplingsbecauseslendermaterial may catch the saw chain and be whipped towardyou or pull you off balance.
12. When cutting a limb that is under tension be alert for springback so that you will not be struck when

zyzxywxvwuvtsurtsq can reduceor eliminatethe e7ementot surpise.
It is a sudden surprise that contributes to acciden
Keep a hands, your right hand on the rear grip and your left handonthetubular handle, when the engine is running. Usea firm grip with thumbs and fingers encirclingthe chain saw handles.

the tension on the wood fibers is released.
13. Keep the handles dry, clean, and free of oil or fuel mixture.
14. Operate the chain saw only in well-ventilated areas.
15. Do not operate a chain saw in a tree unless you

A firm grip can neutralize kickback and help

have been specifically trained to do so,

you maintain controlof the saw. Don’t let go!
C. Make sure that the area in which you are cutting isfree from obstructions. Donotletthe nose of the guide bar contact the log, branch,

16. All chainsaw service, otherthan the itemslisted in
tshheouoldwnbeerp’sermfoarmnueadlbmy aMinAteKnlTaAnc.e(Finosr teruxacmtiopnles,,
if improper tools are used to remove the flywheel

or any other obstructions which could be hit while you are operating the saw.
D. Donotoverreachor cutaboveshoulderheight. E. Follow manufacturer`s sharpening and main-

‘ or if an improper tool is usedto hold the flywheel

in orderto removethe clutchstructural damage to the flywheel could occur and could subsequently

cause the flywheel to burst.)

tenance instructionsforthesaw chain. F. Only use replacement bars and chains speci-

17 When transporting your chain saw, use the chain protection cover.

fied bythe manufactureror the equivalent.

18. Low kickback bars and low kickback chains are designed to reduce the risk of kickback injury. Ask

your MAKITA dealer about these devices.


zyxwv General Safety Precautions
The use of any chain saw may be hazardous. At full
z throttle chain speed can reach 45 mph (20m/s).It is
importantthat you read; fully understand and observe the following safety precautions and warnings. Read the owner’s manual and the safety instructions
zy periodically.

Maximum Computed Kickback Angle (CKA)’ without using the chain brake when using the recommended bar and chain
combinations (Inthis example the CKAis 45″).
Maximumcomputed Kickback Angle (CKA)’ with using the chain brake when using the recommended bar and chain combinations (In this example me CKA is 40″).

Contact of the guide bar tip with

any object should be avoided!

Tip contact may cause the guide

zyxwvuts gerous. Careless or improperuseof any chainsaw
may cause serious or f
Haveyour MAKlTAdealershowyouhowto operate your chain saw. Observe all applicable local safety

bar to move suddenly upward and backward, which may cause serious injury!
Always use two hands when operating the chain saw!

regulations, standards and ordinances.

Reduced Kickback Bar and
c2- zy Chaincombinationthathasbeen evaluated with the power head to achieve kickback Drotection @ X . ~ ~ – ~ (according to ANSI ‘and CSA
The Computed Kickback Angle is a calculatedvalue
from eneraies measuredon a test is mt the
angle of tbe guide bar moved upward in caseof a KICKBACK.

The operator
Physical Condition You must be in good physical condition and mental health and not under the influenceof any substance (drugs, alcohol), which might impair vision, dexterity
or judgment.

fuel tank to 7/8 th full (see storingthe saw). not lend your chain saw without this owner’s nual. Be sure that anyone usinn your saw un-

Proper use of a chain 1. the operator 2 the saw 3.the use of the

Discription of symbols used on chain saws:

Z 62.1 -95and Z 62.3-96
Class 1A

Compliance with CSA -Standards

ANSI B175.1-1991

Compliance with ANSI -Standards

@ rain ChainSaw list.edin accordance with 45M6 Amencan,National Standard Safety S ecificationsfor Gasoline Powered saws (ANSI B 175.1-1991).

Prolongeduseof chainsawsexposingtheoperator
to vibrations m a y produce Whitefinger disease
(Raynaud’s phenomenon). This phenomenon reduces the hand’s ability to feel and regulate temperature, produces numbness and buming sensations and may cause nerve and circulation damage and tissue necrosis.
zzyy Alt MANTA saws are therefore provided with an
antivibration system which is essential for those
using chain saws on a regular or sustained basis. Antivibration systems do not guarantee that you will
not sustain Whiefinger disesase, however, they reduce this danger considerably. Nevertheless, continual and regular users should observe their
hands and fingers and in case af any abnormal symptoms, seek m e d i iadvice immediately.


Proper clothing

The saw

Clothing must be sturdy and snug-fitting, but allow complete freedom of movement. Avoid loose-fitting jackets, scarfs, neckties,jewelry,flaredor cuffedpants, or anythingthat could become entangledwith the saw or brush. Wear overalls or jeans with a reinforced
zyxwvut cutting resistant insert (fig. 3).
Protect your hands with gloves when handling saw
zyxwvu and saw chain. Heavy-duty, nonslip gloves improve

Partsof the chain saw: illustrationsand description of parts see page 16.
WARNING ! Never modify a chain saw in any way. Only attachments supplied by MAKITA or expressly approvedby MAKITAfor usewiththe specific saw

your grip and protect your hands.

are authorized.


-‘ Bowguidebarssubstantially increasethepotential
for kickback and severe or fatal injury due to the

greater kickback zone of the bow design. Bow

guide bars are not recommended for use on


MAKITA chain saws nor are they approved by the ANSI B 175.1-1991 chain saw safety standard.
The use of the saw

Transporting the chain saw

own or carryingit. Carryinga chain saw with the en-gine Nnningisextremelydangerws.Accidental

Good footing is most important in chain saw worl Wear sturdybootswithnonslipsoles. Steel-toedsafety boots are recommended. Proper eye protection is a must. Non-fogging. vented goggles and a face screen is recommended. Their use reduces the risk of eye and facial injury. Wear an approved safety hard hat to protect your head. Chain saw noise may damage your hearing. Always wear noise protection equipment (ear plugs or ear muffs) to protect your hearing. Continual and regular users should have their hearing checked regularly.
Wear protective helmet, eye and ear protection

By hand: When carrying your saw by hand, the
engine mustbestoppedandthesawmustbeinthe
proper position. The chain protection cover should be over the chain and the guide bar must point backwards.
When carryingyour saw the bar should be behind ,
zyx you(fig. 4).
By vehicle: When transportingin a vehicle, keep
chainandbarcoveredwiththechainguardP. roperly secure your saw to prevent turnover, fuel spillage and damage to the saw. Make surethe saw in not
exposed to heat or sparks.


zyxwzyvxuwtsvr Chain saw operating instructions
For assembly follow the procedure in the appropriate
section “MountingGuide BarandChain”of thismanual.
MAKITA chain, guide bar and sprocket must match eachother (seetheappropriatesectioninthis manual).

Wipe off any spilled fuel before starting your saw and check for leakage.
Check for fuel leakage while refueling and during operation. If fuel or oil leakage is found, do not start or run the engine until leak is fixed and spilled fuel has been wiped away. Clothing with fuel on it has to be changed immediately (this is a danger to your life!). Avoid skin contact with fuel. Never loosen or remove

Propertensionof the chainis extremelyimportant.

the cap of the fuel tank while the engine is running.

In order to avoid false setting the tensioning

pr0CedUre must be followed as described in this
manual. Always make sure the hexagonal nut@)

Do not drop start. This method is very dangerous be-

for the sprocket guard is (are) tightened securely

cause you may lose control of the saw (fig. 6).

after tensioning the chain. Check chain tension once more after having tightened the nuts and thereafter at regularintervals (alwaysbeforestarting to work). If the chain becomes loosewhile cutting, shut off the engine and then tighten. Never try to tighten the chain while the engine is running!
Fueling Your MAKITAsaw usesonoil-gasolinemixturefor fuel (see chapter “Fuel” of this manual).




z630yxwvut extreme cautionwhen handlinggasoline or fuel
mix. Do-not smoke or bring any sparks or flame Fueling instructions

Place the chain saw on firm ground or other solid surface in an open area. Maintaina good balanceand secure footing. Place your right foot through the rear handle opening and firmly grasp the front handle with your left hand (fig. sa).

Fuel your chain saw in well ventilated areas or out-

Be absolutely sure that guide bar and chain are clear

doors. Always shut off the engine and allow it to cool

of you or all other obstructionsand objects, including

before refueling. Select bare ground for fueling and

the ground, because when the engine starts in semi-

move the chain saw at least 10feet (3m) from fueling

throttle position, engine speed will be fast enough for

spot before starting the engine (fig. 5a).

the clutch to engage the sprocket and turn the chain

which may cause a kickback.

Never attempt to start the saw when the guide bar is in

a cut or kerf.

I a

zI yxzwyv When you pull the starter grip, don’t wrap the starter rope aroundyour hands. Do not allow the grip to snap back, but guide the starter rope slowly back to permit the rope to rewind properly. Failure to follow this procedure may result in injury to hand or fingers and may damage the starter mechanism. 5a

zyxwvut Important adjustments

Wrap your fingers tightly around the handles, keeping the handlescradledbetweenyour thumbandforefinger


(fig. 7). With your hands in this position, you can best

At correct idlespeed, chainshould nottum. For directionsto adjust idle speed, see the appropriate section of this instructionmanual.
Do not use a saw with incorrect idle speed adjustment. Adjust the idle speed yourself according to

zyxzwpy oppose and absorb the push, pull and kickbackforces
of your saw without having it slip out of your grip (see section of reactive forces). Make sure your chain saw handle and grip are in good condition and free of , moisture, pitch, oil or grease.
Always start a cut with the chain running at full speed ‘

the appropriate section of this manual.

and the spike bar in contact with the wood.

Have your MAKITA dealer check your saw and make proper adjustments or repairs.
Checkthe saw chaintension frequently, especially just after installing a new chain. New chains may stretchmore duringtheir initialuse. A properly adjusted saw chain can be pulled freely around the guide bar by hand without sagging. Always stop the engine and wear gloves when checking or adjustingthe chain tension.


, Never use the saw with one hand. You cannot

control reactive forces (see pages 9 to 11) and


may lose control of the saw.

Working conditions

Operate your chain saw only outdoors. Operate the saw under good visibility and daylight conditions only.

(rain, snow, ice). Putoff theworkwhentheweather
zyzxywxvwuvtsurt iswindy, stormyor rainfallisheavy. Clearthe area ks &d watch out for holes or ditches.

Cutting instructions
Always hold the saw firmly with both hands when the engine is running. Place your left hand on the tubular handle and your right hand on grip and throttle lever. Left-handers should follow these instructions too.

z designedfor pryingor shovelingaway limbs, roots
or other objects.
When sawing, make sure that the saw chain does not touch any foreign materials such as rocks, nailsandthe like(fig. 8). Suchobjectsmaybeflung J
off, damage the saw chain or cause the saw to

Inorder to keep controlof your saw, always maintain a firmfoothold.Neverworkonaladder,inatreeoronany other insecure support. Never use the saw above shoulder height (fig. 9).

Positionthe chainsaw insuch a way that your body is clear of thecuttingattachmentwhenever the engine is running(fig. 10).
Don’t put pressure on the saw when reaching the end of a cut. The pressure may cause the bar and rota!ing chain to popout of the cut or kerf, goout of controland strike the operator or some other object. If the rotating chain strikes some other object a reactive force (see pages 10 to 12 ) may cause the chain to strike the operator.

Kickback occurs when the upper quadrant of the bar nose contacts a solid object inthe wood or is pinched (fig. 11). The reactionof the cutting force of the chain causesarotationalforceof thechainsawinthedirection opposite tothe chain movement, mainly inthe planeof the bar. This may fling the bar in an uncontrolled arc towards the operator.

Reactiveforces duringthecut, includingkickback

zyxwv kickback, pushback and pull-in. Reactive forces
can be dangerous1Inany chain saw, the powerful
zyxwvut force usedto cut wood canbe reve
againstthe operator). If the rotatingchain issuddenlystoppedbycontact
zzyyxwxvwut with any solid object like a log or branchor is v pinched,the reactiveforces instantlyoccur.These

This reaction can occur in a fraction of a second and under some circumstances, cause the guide bar and

reactive forces may result in loss of controlwhich

chainto strike the operator with enoughforce to cause

may, in turn, cause serious or fatal injury. An

severe or fatal injury. It may also occur during limbing.

understanding of the causes of these reactive

Italsooccurswhenthe noseof the guidebar is pinched

forces may help you avoid loss of control.

unexpectedly, unintentionallycontacts solid material

The most common reactive forces are
– kickback,
– pushback,
– pull-in.

in the wood (fig.12) or is incorrectly used to begin a plunge or boring cut.
Thegreatertheforceofthekickbackreaction,the more difficultit becomesfortheoperator to controlthe saw.


Many factors influence the occurence and force of the kickback reaction. The type of bar and saw chain you use is a factor in the force of the kickback reaction.

The speed of contact at which the cutter contacts theobject. Kickback force increase with the rate of impact..

c” _.

The contact angle between the nose of the bar

and the foreign object (fig. 11).

Kickback is most pronounced in the upper quadrant



of the bar nose.

MAKITA chain types are designed to reduce kickback forces.
The depth gauges: Improper lowering of the depth gauges also increases
zyxwvut the risk of a kickback.

zyxwvu Saw chaincutter sharpness:


zyxzywxvwuvtu A dull improperly sharpened chain may increase

the risk of

kickback chain.






To avoid kickback
The best protection from personal-injury that may result from kickback is to avoid kickback situations:
1. Hold the chain saw firmly with both hands and maintain a secure grip.
2. Be aware of the location of the guide bar nose at all times.
3. Never bring the nose of the guide bar in contact
with any object. Do not cut limbs with the nose of
the guide bar. Be especially careful with small, tough limbs, small size brush and saplings which

may easily catch the chain.

Devices for reducing the risk of kickback injury

4. Don’t overreach.

MAKITA have developed a special chain brake to reduce the risk of kickbacks.

5. Don’t cut above shoulder height.

This chain brake increases the safety factor on the job, e.g. when the saw suddenly bucks upwards the chain stops rotating within a fraction of a second. A deflectionguardon the disengaginglever of the chain brake and a scoop rear handle ensure that the operator’s hands are fully protected at all times.

6. Begin cutting and continue at full throttle.
7. Cut onti one tog at a time.
8. Useextremecaution when re-enteringa previous cut.

Kickback tendency increases as the radius or size of the guide bar nose increases. MAKITA have developed guide bars with small nose radius, to reduce the kickback tendency.

9. Do not attempt plunge cuts (see page 13) if you are notexperiencedwiththese cuttingtechniques.
10. Be alert for shifting of the log or other forces that may cause the cut to close and pinch the chain.

No chain brake prevents ki
These brakes are designedonly to stopthe chain, if activated. To ensure a proper operation of the chain brake, it must be properly maintained. Furthermore, there
mustbe asufficientdistancebetweentheoperator
and the bar to ensure that the chain brake has sufficienttime toactivateand stopthechainbefore potentialcontact with the operator.

11. Maintainsaw chain properly. Cut with a correctly sharpened, properly tensioned chain at all times.
12. Stand to the side of the cutting path of the chain saw.




To avoid pull-in

Pushback occurs when the chain on the top of the bar
is suddenly stopped when it is pinched, caught or encountersa foreign object in the wood. The reaction of the chain drives the saw straight back toward the operator causing loss of saw control. Pushback frequently occurs when the top of the bar is used for
cutting (fig. 14).

1. Always start a cut with the chain rotating at full speed and the spike bar in contact with the wood.
2. Pull-in may also be prevented by using plastic wedges to open the kerf or cut.
Cutting techniques


Felling is cutting down a tree.

zyxwvutsr Beforefellingatree, consider carefully allconditions which may affect the direction of fall, including:

The intended direction of the fall.

The neutral lean of the tree.


Any unusually heavy limb structure.

Surrounding trees and obstacles.

To avoid pushback

The wind direction and speed.

zyxwv 1. Be alert to forces or situations that may cauE materialto pinch the top of the chain. 2. Do not cut more than one log at a time. 3. Do not twist the saw when withdrawing the bar

Always observe the general condition of the tree.
Look for decay and rot in the trunk. If it U rotfed

from a plunge cut or under buck cut (figures 25 to

27 and 33, pages 13 and 15),because the chain

can pinch.

vibrate looseandfall on the operator. When.fe_llina


onaslope, the operator shouldstandonthe up-hi

Pull-inoccurs when the chainon the bottom of the bar is suddenly stopped. The chain on the bottom of the bar stops when it is pinched, caught or encounters a foreignobject inthe wood (seefig. 15).The reactionof the chain pulls the saw forward, causing the operator to lose control.

Pull-in frequently occurs when the spike bar of the saw is not held securely against the tree or limb and when the chain is not rotating at full speed before it contacts the wood.

zyx When felling in the vicinity of roads, railways and
power lines, etc., take extra precautions (see fig. 16). Informthe police, u t i l i company or railway
authority before beginningto cut.

WARNING! Useextremecautionwhencuttingsmall sizebrush andsaplings which may easily catchthe chain and
pull you off balance.

‘I ,
– .- – – – – — – .


1 I

1 I ‘

= cutting down area


zyxwv Whenfelling, maintainadistanceof at least2 1/2tree
lengths from the nearest person (see fig. 17). Note:

If the tree has large buttress roots, cut into the largest buttresses vertically first (horizontally next) and re- . move (fig. 20).

The noise of your engine may drown any waming call.

Felling instructions:


lis $1 +Directionof fall

First clear the tree base and work area from interfering limbs and brush and clean its lower portion an axe (see fig. 18).

zyxwv IzyxwvutswIr/r qpo19nJI mlkjihgfedcbaZY

Then, establish a path of escape and remove all obstacles.This pathshouldbeoppositeto the planned directionof the fall of the tree and at a 45″ angle (fig. 19). An alternate path must also be selected. Place all tools and equipment a safe distance away from the tree, but not on the escape path.


Felling notch I I Hinge


Then, determine the placement of the felling notch (fig. 21). The felling notch when properly placed de-
termines the direction in which the tree will fall. It is made perpendicularto the line of fall and should be as close to the ground as possible. Cut the felling notch to a depthof about one-fifthto one-fourth of the trunk diameter (fig. 22). It should be in no case higher than it is deep. Make the felling notch very carefully.


Begin the felling cut slighty higher than the felling
zyxwvu notch and on the opposite side of the tree (fig. 22).
Then cut horizontally through towards the felling notch.
zyxwv Apply the chain saw with its spikes directly behindthe

Plunge-Cut Method Timber having a diameter more than twice the length
of the guide bar reauires the use of the plunge-cut method before making the felling cut.

uncut portion of wood and cut toward the notch (fig.

First, cut a large, wide notch. Make a plunge cut in the

23). Leave approximately 1/10 of the tree diameter center of the notch.

uncut!This isthe hinge(fig.23). Donot cut throughthe The plunge cut is madewith the guide bar nose. Begin

hinge becauseyou could lose controlof the direction the plunge cut by applying the lower portion of the

of the fall. Drive wedges into the felling cut where guide bar nose to the tree at an angle (fig. 25). Cut until

necessary to control the direction of the fall. Wedges
– should beof wood, lightalloy or plastic neverof steel,

depth of the kerf is about the same as the width of the guide bar (fig. 26). Next, alignthe saw in the direction

which can cause kickback and damage to the chain.

Always keep to the side of the falling tree. When the tree starts to fall, shut off the engine, withdraw the bar and walk away on the pre-planned escape path. Watch out for falling limbs.


zyxwvutz Beememelycarefulwithpartiallyfallentreeswhich
are poorly supported.
Whenthetree hangsorfor some other reasondoes not fall completely, set the saw aside and pull the
tree down with a cable winch, block and tackle or

in which the recess is to be cut. With the saw at full throttle, insert the guide bar in the trunk (fig. 27).

Enlargethe plunge cut as shown in illustration(fig.28)

Sectioning Method
zzyyxxwwvvu length of the guide bar requires use of either the
sectioning or plunge-cut method. These methods areextremely dangerousbecausethey involvethe
use of the nose of the guide bar and can result in
kickback. Only property traine



For the sectioning method (fig. 24) make the first cut

with the guide bar fanning in toward the hinge. Then,

using the bumper spike as a pivot, reposition the saw

for the nextcut. Avoid repositioningthe saw morethan

necessary. When repositioning for the next cut, keep

the guide bar fully engaged in the kerf to keep the

felling cut straight. If the saw begins to pinch, insert a

wedge to open the cut. On the last cut, do not cut the hinge.



Bucking is cutting a log into sections.

zy29 zxywxvwutvs

There is an extreme danger of kickback at this point. Extra caution must be taken to maintain control of the saw. To make the felling cut, follow the sectioning method described previously (fig. 29). If you are inexperienced with a chain saw plunge-cutting should not be attempted. Seek the help of a professional.

1. When bucking, do not stand on the log. Make sure the log will not roll down-hill. If on a slope,
stand on the uphill side of the log (seefig. 31).
Watch out for rolling logs.


Limbing is removing the branches from a fallen tree.
zyxwvutsrq ARNING!
There is an extreme danger of kickback during the limbingoperation. Donotworkwiththe noseof the bar. Be extremely cautious and avoid contacting thelogorother limbswiththenoseof theguidebar.

or the log may roll.



Startlimbingby leavingthe lower limbsto support the log off the ground (fig. 30). Always cut fromthe top of the limb. Do not underbuckfreely hanging limbs. A pinch may result or the limb may fall, causing lossof control. If a pinchoccurs, stopthe engine and remove the saw, by lifting the limb.

WARNING! Be extremely cautious when cutting limbs under tension. The limbs could spring back toward the operator and cause loss of control of the saw or injury to the operator.

4. Whencuttingsmalllogs,useasawhorse(fig.32). Never permit another perkon to hold the log. Never hold the log with your leg or foot.


Maintenance and Repair

Never operate a chain saw that is damaged, improp-

erly adjusted or not completely or securely assembled.


zyxwzvuytsrxqpwo Follow the maintenanceand repair instructionsin the appropriate section of this manual.


Always stop the engine and make sure that the


chain is stopped before commencing any mainte-


nance or repair work or cleaning the saw. Do not


attempt any maintenance or repair work not de-

scribed in this manual. Have such work performed

2. Cross cut

by your MAKITA service shop only.

Maintaining and storing the saw


Keep the chain, bar and sprocket clean and lubricated; replace worn sprockets or chains.

zyxwv ire special attentionto

Keep the chain sharp. You can spot a dull chain when easy-to-cut woodbecomeshardto cut andburnmarks appear on the wood.
Keep the chain at proper tension. Tighten all nuts, bolts and screws except the carburetor adjustment

stress on the log(seefig. 33,34).The bucking

screws after each use.

Keep spark plug and wire connection tight and clean.

Store saws in a high or locked place, away from children.

6. Onlyproperlytrainedprofession in an area where the logs, limbs and roots are tangled (i.e. a blowdownarea, fig. 35). Working in blowdown areas is e ous.
7. Drag the logs into a clear area before cutting.
Pull out exposed and cleared logs first.

Denomination of components


10 9 8

zyxwvutsrq Identification plate
(example model DCS 5200i)

Indicate when ordering spare parts!

24 23 22 18 21

1 Handle 2 Choke 3 Filter cover 4 Tubular handle 5 Muffler 6 Retaining nuts 7 Spike bar
(toothed stop for holding saw steady against wood)
8 Chain catcher 9 Adjusting screw for oil pump (bottom side) 10 Sprocket guard 11 Identification plate 12 Hand guard

13 Guide bar 14 Chain 15 Hand guard (release for chain brake) 16 Starter grip 17 Adjusting screws “S-L-H”for carburetor 18 VSTOP-switch 19 Stop knob for halfway throttle 20 Safety locking button 21 Throttle lever 22 Fuel tank cap 23 Fan housing with starting assembly 24 Oil tank cap 25 Starting valve (only DCS 431)

zyxzzwyyzvxxywwuxvtwu Technical data

I DCS 430I 431 DCS 520 I5201

I DCS540

DCS 52001

zyxwvu Approved bar and chain combinations
“Low-kickback saw chain is a chain which has met the kickback performance requirements of ANSI B 175.1-1991 (AmencanNationalStandardfor PowerTools- Gasoline-PoweredChainSaws-SafetyRequirements)whentestedonthe representativesample of chain saws below 3.8 c.i.d. specifed in ANSI B 175.1-1991″.The approved bar and chain combinations are low kickback chains accordingto ANSI 6 175.1-1991and also meet the kickback requirements of CSA 262.3-96for chainssaws below 80 cm3.

designated as ‘low kic

iuide bar and saw chain combinationsmeetingkick-

lack requirements of ANSI B 175.1-1991 for the use

n the


Aodels DCS 430, DCS 431



pitch partno.

SAW CHAIN part no.

15′ (38cm) .325″ 445 038 631 523 085 664 16″(40cm) .325″ 445 040 631 523 085 666 18′ (45cm) .325″ 445 045 631 523 085 672
Drive link gauge: .058″, Chain sprocket: 8 teeth

Uodels DCS 520, DCS 5201, DCS 540, DCS 5200i



pitch part no.

SAW CHAIN part no.

15″(38cm) .325′ 445 038 631 16′ (40cm) .325′ 445 040 631 18′ (45 cm) .325′ 445 045 631

523 085 664 523 085 666 523 085 672

Drive link gauge: .058’,Chainsprocket: 8 teeth

18″ (45cm) 3/8″ 443 045 661 21 ‘ (53cm) 318″ 443 053 661

523 102 664 523 102 672

Drive link gauge: . O W ,Chain sprocket: 7 teeth

h i d ebarandsaw chaincombinationsmeetingkick,ack requirementsof CSA 262.3-96 for the use in

UodelsDCS 430~431,520,5201,540and DCS 5200i



pitch part no.

SAW CHAIN part no.

15″(38cm) .325″ 445 038 631 16″(40cm) .325″ 445 040 631

523 085 664 523 085 666

18″(45cm) .325″ 445 045 631 523 085 672

Drivelink gauge: .058″,Chain sprocket: 8 teeth

15″(38cm) 3/8″ 18″(45cm) 3/8″ 21′ (53cm) 3/8″

443 038 651 443 045 651 443 053 651

522 094 656 522 094 664 522 094 672

Drive link gauge: .058’, Chain sprocket: 7 teeth



Mountingthe guide bar and saw chain
Use the universalwrench deliveredwith the chain saw for the following work. Put the chain saw on a stable surface and carry out the following steps for mounting the guide bar and chain:

z CAUTION: Before doing any work on the guide bar or chain. M y s switch off the engine and pull the plug cap off the spark plug (see ‘Replacing thesparkplug”). Alwayswear protectivegloves!
CAUTION: Start the chain saw only after having assem- . bled it completely and inspected!

zyzxyxwwvvuut – Alwaysreleasethechainbrakebeforeremovingorreplacing the sprocket guard (W4). To do so.pullthe handguard

– Unscrew retainingnuts (813). – Pull off the sprocket guard (814).

( N l )towardsthe tubular handle(N2)untilyoufeel it catch.


– Turn the chain adjusting screw.(C/6) to the left (counter-
clockwise) until the pin (Cn) is at the left stop.

zyxI Positionthe guidebar(We).Makesurethat the pin(D19)of
the chain tightener is in the hofe (circled) on the guide bar.
10 12

zyxwvut Lift the chain (U10)over the clutch drum and onto the
sprocket ( V l l ) .Usingyour right hand, guide the chain into

– Lead the chain (F/lO) around the sprocket nose (F/12)of
the guide bar.

the top guide groove on the guide bar (W8).

NOTE: The chain should be easy to pull in the direction of the

NOTE: The cutting edges along the top of the chain must


point in the direction of the arrow!


zyxEwl vuztysx – Turn the chain tightener (W6) to the right (clockwise) untilthe chainengagesthe guidegrooveof the bottomside



– Replace the sprocket guard (W4). – Manually tighten the retainingnuts (W3).

of the bar (see circle). Press the guide bar against the

housing with your left hand.

Checking the chain tension

– Tightening the saw chain – Slightly lift the end of the guide bar and turn the chain
adjustingscrew (116) to the right (clockwise)until the chain rests against the bottom side of the guide bar.
– – While still holding up the tip of the guide bar, tighten the
zyxw- vut-szrz retainingnuts(W3)withtheuniversalwrench.

The tension of the chain is correct if the chain rests against the bottom side of the guide bar and can still be easily turned by hand. While doing so the chain brake must be released. Every new chain has to be broken in for about 2 to 3 minutes. Ample chain lubrication is essential during this period. After breakingin, checkchain tension andadjust, if necessary. When checking the chain tension the engine must be
NOTE: Check the chain tension frequently chains tend to get longerduringuse! If this is not done, there isa riskof the

chain jumping off the bar. It is recommendedto use 2-3

chains altematively.

Chain brake

In order to guarantee uniform wear of the guide bar the bar should be turned over whenever replacing the chain.

The MAKITA models comes with an inertia chain brake as

Engaging the chain brake (braking)

standard equipment. If kickback occurs due to contact of the

If the kickbackis strongenoughthe suddenaccelerationof the

zyxwvut guidabar tip with wood (seeSAFETY PRECAUTIONS),the
chain brakewill stop the chain throughinertiaif the kickback is sufficiently strong. The chain will stop within a fraction of a second. The chain brake Is installed to block the saw chain before

guide bar combinedwith the inertia of the handguard(U3)will automatically actuate the chain brake. To engage the chain brake manually, simply push the hand guard
(U3)forward(towardsthetipofthesaw)withyourlefthand(arrow 1).
Releasing the chain brake

startingit andto stopit immediatelyincase of anemergency.

Pull the hand guard (u3)towards you (arrow 2) until you feel

it catch. The brake is now released.

zy FuelIzRefuellingyzzxy@yxwx@wvzwyuvxtwsuvvruqtputsrosqntpmorsnlqmkr

I Gasoline

I 40:l
I omer dl

1 501 I

1OO:l 1
W K A oil

zI yxwvutsrqponmlk 1.0US-@. (3.71) 32nOr(94a)) 25nOr@OTt’l 1.3nOr(3acm)
2.5 U S – ~ I .(9.4 I) aonOrmcm) wn~r(iescm)~znozp~m


5.0 US-Wl. (18.9 I) lROIbZ(473aIFI 128IbZ(nScm) 6.4fbZ(189cm)

Chain oil

Use an oil with adhesiveadditive for lubricatingthe chain and guide bar. The adhesive additive prevents the oil from being
zyxw flungoff the chaintoo quickly.
We recommendthe use of chain oil which is bio-degradablein orderto protectthe environment. The use of bio-degradableoil may even be required by local regulations.
The chain oil BIOTOP sold by MAKITA is made of special
vegetableoils andis 100% bio-degradable.BIOTOP hasbeen
granted the ‘blue angel’ (Blauer Umweltschutz-Engel) for being particularlyenvironment-friendly(RAL UZ 48).
BIOTOP chain oil is available in the following sizes:

1 I order number 980 008 610 5 I order number 980008611 20 I order number 980008 613
Biodegradableoil is stable only for a limitedperiod of time. It should be used within 2 years from the date of manufacture (printed on the container).

Important note on bio-degradable chain oils:

T7 Ifyou are not planning to use the saw again for an extend
periodof time (longerthan the expirationdate of the chainoil) empty the oil tank and put in a small amount of regular engine

oil (SAE30),andthen runthe saw for a time. This is n&essary to flush out all remaining bio-degradable oil from the oil tank,


oil-feed system, chain and guide bar, as many such oils tend to leave sticky residues over time, which can cause damage

to the oil pump or other parts.

The nexttime you usethe saw, fill the tank with BIOTOPchain oil again.

NEVER USE WASTE OIL Waste oil is very dangerous for the environment.
z Waste oil contains high amounts of carcinogenic substances.
Residues in waste oil result in a high degree of wear and tear at the oil pump and the sawing device. Incase of damage causedby usingwaste oil or unappropriate chain oil the product guarantee wit1 be null and void. Your salesmanwill inform you about the use of chain oil.

Mineral oil products degrease your skin. If your skin comes in contactwith these substancesrepeatedlyandfor an extended period of time, it will desiccate. Various skin deseases may result. In addition, allergic reactions are known to occur. Eyes can be irritated by contact with oil. If oil comes into your eyes, immediately wash them with clear water. If your eyes are still irritated, see a doctor immediately!


FOLLOW THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONSON PAGE7! Be careful and cautious when handling fuels. The engine must be switched off1

– Thoroughlyclean the area aroundthe caps, to preventdirt
from getting into the fuel or 08 tank.
– Unscrewthe cap andfill the tank with fuel (fueVoil mixture)
or chain oil as the case may be. Fill up to the bottom edge
– of the filler neck. Be careful not to spill fuel or chain oil! Tightly screw on the cap.
Clean screw cap and tank after refuelling.

Lubricating the chain
During operation there must always be sufficient chain oil in the chain-oil tank to provide good chain lubrication. One filling is sufficient for about one half-hour of continuous operation.

Adjusting the chain lubrication


The engine must be switched off.
You can adjust the oil pump feed rate with the adjusting screw (F/l). The adjustingscrew is locatedinthe housingunderneath the sprocket guard (F/2). It is accessiblefrom below.
The oil pump comes factory-set to a medium feed rate.
Note: To set from minimum to maximum oil supply, turn
the adjusting screw (FI1 with adjustment markings) max.
a l/4-turn.

To ensure troublefree operation of the oil pump the oil guide groove at the crankcase (W3)andthe oil inletbore inthe guide bar (W4) must be cleaned regularly.
To change the feed quantity use the universal wrench and adjust the adjusting screw (F/1) in the following way:
– Turn to the right to reduce the feed rate.
– zyx Tum to the left to increase the feed rate.
Note: After the saw has beenturnedoff it is normalfor residual chain oil to drip from the oil feed system, the guide bar and the chain for a time. This does constitute a defect! Place the saw on a suitable surface.

Starting the engine

– Move at least 10 feet (3m) away from the place where you – , – fuelled the saw.
Makesureyouhaveagoodfooting,andplacethesaw onthe
groundinsuch away that the chainisnot touchinganything.
– Engage the chain brake (lock). – Holdthe tubular handletightly wlth one handand press the – chain saw to the ground.
Steady the rear handle by standing in the hand guard.

Cold-starting the DCS 520i and DCS 5200i:

The carburetorsof these saws have a fuel-injection system (injection carburetor)for cold starting (mixtureenrichment).


These two cold-starting systems work differently.
– Put the short-circuit ignition switch in the “I’position (Wl).
– Pull out the choke (BE) (opens the injection valve).
– Depressthe half-throttlelock button(W3)half-wayandhold. – Depressthe throttle (W4)and half-throttlelock button (W3)
– all the way. Release the throttle it will now be held at
half-throttle by the lock button.
Note: If the temperature is below -15″ C (5′ F) start at full throttle.
zyxw- vutsr Slowlypulloutthestartercableuntilyounoticeresistance

Cold-starting the DCS 430,431, DCS 520, DCS 540:
The carburetors of these saws have a choke valve for cold

– (the piston is positionedbeforethe top dead center). Now pullthe starter Able with a fast andforceful movement

starting (mixture enrichment).

until you hear the first ignition.

To make it easier to start, the chain saw DCS 431 is equipped

CAUTION: Do not pullout the starter cable morethan approx.

with a semi-automatic starting valve (W5). Pushing this valve in reduces the amount of compression effort needed, so that it

-50 cm. and lead it back by hand. Push in the choke (BM) when the engine starts, or after the

is easier to bringthe engine up to starting speed when pulling

first audible ignitions.

the startercable.The highpressureincreaseinthe combustion chamber that results from the first ignitions will automatically close the starting valve (button pops back out).

– If the engine has not yet started, keep pulling the starter<
– cable until it does. As soon as the engine is running, press the throttle (W4)to rg

Model DCS 430, DCS 520 do not have a startlng valve. Starting and carburetor adjustmentare as for model DCS 431 except without tho Instruction ‘Push tho starting valve”.
– – Put the short-circuit ignition switch inthe ‘I’ position (Ell).
— zyxwvu& ts Pulloutthechoke(812). Depressthehalf-throttlelockbutton(W3)half- way andhold.
– – z- yxwvu Depressthethrottle(814)andhalf-throttlelockbutton(en) all the way. Release the throttle it will now be held at

releasethe half-throttlelock(B/3),allowingtheengineto idle.
CAWION: As soon as the engine is started it must be put in
idle to prevent the chain brake from being damaged.
Now release the chain brake.
Warm starting (all models): As described above for cold starting, but without using the choke (W2). Keep the choke in.

half-throttle by the lock button.
– Pushthe starting valve (815)(only DCS 431). – Slowly pull out the starter cable until you notice resistance
(the piston is positioned before the top dead center).
– Now pull the starter cable with a fast and forceful movement
until you hear the first ignition.

Starting under special conditions (MAKITA DCS 520i and DCS 5200i only):
Inconditionsof high ambient temperature and when the engine has been stopped for only a short,period following fulCload operation, if afuelwith alow boilingpoint isused(winterfuel). and at highaltitudesespecially,the heatcouldpreventthe enginefrom

CAUTION: Do not pull out the starter cable more than approx.

-starting immediately. If this happens, proceed as follows: Pullout the choke (BE)and start the engineat half-throttle.

-50 cm. and lead it back by hand. When you hear the first ignition, push the choke (BM) in.

as described for cold starting.
– When the engine has started. release the chain brake

Push the starting valve again (only DCS 431) and pull the starter cable. As soon as the engine is running, press
the throttle (W4)to release the half-throttle lock (W3).
allowing the engine to idle.

Immediately and gun the engine all the way several times until it runs smoothly.
– Now push in the choke (812).

CAUTION: As soon as the engine is started it must be put in idle to prevent the chain brake from being damaged.
– Now release the chain brake.

zyx If the engine won’t start:
If the engine refusesto start even after a numberof tries, check the spark plug (seethe sectionon “Replacingthe spark plug”).
Stopping the engine @
– Put the short-circuitingswitch (ell)in position “0”(STOP).



Checking the chain brake

Checking the chain lubrication



Do not work with the chain saw without flrst checkingthe

Never work with the chain saw withoute sufficient chain lubri-

-chain brake1 Start the engine as described(makesureyou havea good

cation. Otherwisethe servicelifeofthe chainandguidebarwill
be reduced. Beforestartingwork check the oil levelinthe tank

footing, and place the chain saw on the ground in such a

and the oil feed.

way that the guide bar is free of contact).
– Graspthe tubular handlefirmlywith one handandholdthe

–Check the oil feed rate as describedbelow: Start the chain saw. Hold the running chain saw approx. 6′ (15 cm) above a

grip with the other.

– -Withthe enginerunningat moderatespeed, pressthe hand

guard ((31) in the direction of the arrow



muntil the chain brakeengages. Thechainshould

stop immediately.
– Immediately release the throttle and release the chain

zyxwvutsrq brake.

trunk or the ground (use an appropriate base).
If the lubrication is sufficient, you will see a light oil trace becauseoilwill beflung off the sawingdevice. Payattention to the direction the wind is blowing and avoid unnecessary exposure to the oil spray!

IMPORTANT: If the chain does notstop immediatelywhen

you test the chain brake, do NOT usethe chain saw. Take

the chain saw-toa MAKITA senrice center for repair.

Adjusting the carburetor Important Information:
zyxwvuts The carburetorof this tool is litted with limiter caps which restrict
the rangeof adjustmentandpreventsover-rich mixturesettings.
zyxwvuts This ensures providing good engine power and efficient fuel

consumption. Beforeinstallingthe limiter caps,the manufacturer

performs the .Basic Adjustment” procedure. Optimum perfomance can only be achieved if the carbure-
tor Is adjusted correctly. For this work, which should be cam’edout by an expert, the engine must be warmedupand
the alr filter clean.
zyxw@vu The carburetorhasbeenadjustedby MAKITA on the basisof
abnoshericpressureconditionsat sea level. Other atmospheric pressure conditions or the running-in process of a new engine
zyxwvuts mayrequirereadjustmentofthecarburetor. .
It is urgently recommendedto use a revolution indicator (U1) (order number 950 233 210) in order to achieve a correct
adjustmentof the carburetor. Adjustthe carburetorusinga 0.16″
zyxwvutsa+ rq (4mm)screwdriver(u2,inassemblytoolkitwith1 1 3only).
The screwdrivershown (W2)(order number944340 001) has

Adjustment instructions (step 1)
Before initial operation make sure that the adjusting screws
(H and L)have not beenset in all the way. Limitercaps do not
protectthe engine from leaning. Tum the two adjustingscrews
(H and L) counter-clockwiseas far as they will go.
Start the engine and let it warm up (step 2)
-Set idle speed (step 3) If the chain tums when the engine is idling, unscrew the

a molded-onlug to assist in adjustment.

throttle-valve stop screw (S) until the chain stops. If the

Before adjusting the carburetor the engine must be warmed up for a period of 3-5 min.
For adjusting the carburetor correctly the following steps must be carried out:
1. Check adjustment 2. Start engine 3. Set idle speed 4. Adjust speed 5. Check idling speed 6. Check acceleration 7. Check max. speed or output 8. Repeat adjustment procedure starting with step 3, until
idling speed, m a . speed and acceleration are reached with the adjustment made.

– engine runs unevenly, screw the screw (S) back in. Idling speed should be 2.500 rpm.
-Adjust speed (output) (step 4) Adjustthespeedbyadjustingthe mainjet screw (H) to 12.500 (DCS430,431,520) and 1 3 . W (DCS520i. 540,5200i)rpm.
-Check idle speed (item 5) After havingadjustedthe max. speedensurethe idlespeed is set to 2,500 rpm. (the chain must not turn). Use the idle jetscrew(L)toregulateit.Turninthescrew(L)tospeed up, and tum out the screw (L)to speed down the engine.
Check acceleration (item 6)
– Now check the acceleration, i. e. the time necessary for
speeding up from idle speed !o max. speed. To do this, press the throttle lever hard.
– zyxw If the accelerationistoo low, tum out the idlejet screw (L) approx. 110 rotation.


Working in winter ,:

Inorder to preventcarburetor icinginconditionsof lowtemperature combined with high humidity. and in order to get up to operating temperature faster in subfreezing temperatures. heated air can be taken from the cylinder.
At temperatures above freezing the carburetor must NOT be fed heated air.
Failure to follow these instructions can lead to damage to the cylinder and piston!



– _-

– The snow filter (Wl, see “Accessories”) preventsthe



induction of powder snow. It is placed under the prefilter


zyxzwyvxuwtvsurqt – Removethefiltercoverandairfilter(see’Cleaningtheair finer’).
– To enable hot-air induction from the cylinder, remove the

Remove the snow filter before working at temperatures above 0′ C (32′ F)I
When not in use, store the snow filter in the assembly tool pouch.

plug (Nf)using the universalwrench.


Keep the plug in thesaw’s tool kit. You must put the plug back

-in at temperaturesabove 0″C / 32″F. Reinstall the air filter and filter cover.

Sharpening the saw chain
CAUTION: Before doing any work-on the guide bar or chain, a h y a

.030″ (chain: 094,102 I W8″)

switch off the engine and pull the plug cap off the spark

plug (see’Replacing the spark plug”). Always wear pro-

tective gloves!


Proper sharpening:


Use only chains and guide bars designed for this saw (see the Extract from the spareparts list)!

All cutters must be of the same length (dimension a). Cutters with different lengthsresult in rough runningof the chain and can cause cracks in the chain.

-The chain needs sharpening when: The sawdustproducedwhen sawingdampwoodlooks like
– wood flour. The chain penetrates the wood only under great pressure.
– The cutting edge is visibly damaged. – The saw is pulled to the left or right when sawing. This is
caused by uneven sharpening of the chain.
Important: Sharpen frequently, but without removing too

Minimumcutter length: 0.1 1′ (3mm). Do not resharpenthe chain when the minimum cutter length has been reached; at this point, the chain must be replaced (see the Extract
zyxzwy from the spareparts list and ‘Replacing the saw chain’).
The depth of the cut is determined by the ditterence in height between the depth limiter (round nose) and the cutting edge.
The best results are obtained with a depth-limiter depth of .025′(chain: 085 I 325″)or . O W (chain: 094. 102 / 318′).

zyxwvutsrqp much metal!
Generally, 2 or 3 strokes of the file will be enough.
Have the chain resharpened at a service center when you have already sharpened it yourself several times.

Excessive depth Increases the risk of kickback!


zzyyxzxywxwvwvuvututstss Chain
Sharpening angle a
Front rake

085 (.325″)
25″ 60′

094.102 (38′)
30″ 05′

Files and how to work with them
– Sharpenusingaspecialfileholderwith asaw chainroundfile:
– 085 (.325′)chain: Filethe first cutter half with a 4.5 mm dia.

– round saw-chain file. then switch to a 4 mm dia. file. 094,102 (3/8′)chain: Round saw-chainfile 4.8 mm diam-


Normal round files are not appropriate for this work. See
-‘Accessories’ for the order number. The file shouldcut only when pushedforwards (arrow).Lift

– the file when leading it backwards. Firstsharpenthe shortestcutter.The lengthof this cutteris
– then the standerd for all other cutters of the chain. Always guide the file as in Fig. F shown.

zzyyxxwwvvuuttss – Thefileholdermakesfileguidanceeasier.Itismarkedfor the correct a sharpening angle (keep the marks parallel withthechainwhen filing, see illustration)andlimitsthe Cut depth to the correct 4/5 of the file diameter. See ‘Accessories’ for the order number.

– After having sharpened the-chain,the height of the depth

limiter must be checked by means of a gauge. See ‘Accessories’ for the order number.
– Correct even the smallest excess height with a special flat

– file (H).See ‘Accessories” for the order number. Round off the front of the depth limiter (I).

Cleaning the guide bar

CAUTION: Protective gloves must be worn.

Regularly inspect the bearing surfaces of the guide bar for damage, and clean them with a suitable tool.


Cleaning the brake band and sprocket interior

Replacing the saw chain



Use only chains and guide bars designedfor this saw (see

the Extract from the spare-parts list and page 17)!


zyxwv 1




CAUTION: Before doing any work on the guide bar or

Check the sprocket (Wl)before mountinga new chain.

chain, w y s switch off the engine and pull

The sprocket is located undemeath the clutch drum (W2).

the plug cap off the spark plug (see’Replacing thesparkplug’). Alwayswear protectivegloves!
CAUTION: Start the chain saw only after having assembled i t completely and inspected!
zyxwvu – Remove the sprocket guard (Nl)(See’PUTTING INTO
zyxwvut – OPERATION’figs. Aande). Tum the chain tightener screw (M?t)o the left (counter-
zyxwvutsr – clockwise)untiiyoufeelresistance. Removethe chain (N3)and guide bar (N4).
zyxwvutsrqpo – Cleantheinteriorwithabrush,inparticularthebrake-band

Wom out sprockets (C) may damage the new chain and must therefore be replaced. If the wear marks on the teeth are very pronounced(about 0,5mm / O . W deep), the sprocket should be replaced.
Do not attempt to replace the sprocket yourself. Sprocket replacement requires special training and tools and must be done at a MAKITA service center.

area (AIS).


Make sure that no residue or contaminants remain in the oil
-guide groove (N6)and the chain tightener (An). For replacing the guide bar, chain, and sprocket see


NOTE The chain brake is a very Important safety device and like

Replacinglcleaning the spark arrester screen

any other component subject to normal wear and tear.

Regular inspection and maintenance are important for your own safety and must be done by a MAKITA service center.

Replacing the suction head

The spark arrester screen should be checked and cleaned


zyxwvutsrqp The felt filter (On) of the suctionheadcan becomeclogged. It is
recommended to replace the suction head once every three

– Loosen the 3 screws (Ell) and remove the spark arrester
– screen (E/2). Reassembly the spark arrester screen and tighten the screws. The two long screws must be tigthed with a torque of 6.3 ft. lb.(8.5 Nm).

monthsin order to ensure unimpededfuel flow to the carburetor.

To removethe suctionheadfor replacement, pullit out through the tank filler neck using a piece of wire bent at one end to form a hook.

Do not use sharp or pointed objects for screen cleaning. Damaged or misfonned screen wires may result.


Cleaning the air filter

– Remove the filter cover (W1) (2 screws). – Loosen the screws on the air filter (F/2) and remove from

– Clean the air filter and prefilter with a soft brush. – If the filter is very dirty, clean it in lukewarm water with

– intake manifold. Loosen the screw on the prefilter cover (F/3) and remove.
– Remove prefilter (F/4).

dishwashing detergent.
– Let the air filter dry completely.
– Put the top and bottom sections back together.
– Before reinstalling the air filter, check the intake opening
andremoveany dirt particles. If thereare any, removethem

Cover the intake opening with a clean cloth to prevent dirt

with a brush.

zyxwzvyuxwtsvru particles from getting into the carburetor.
– Pry apart the top and bottom of the air filter as shown in
Figure G.
CAUTION: To prevent injury to the eyes, do NOT blow out dirt partlcles!

Clean frequently (several times a day) when working in very dusty or dirty conditions. Fullenginepoweris possibleoniywith a clean air filter and prefilter!
CAUTION: If the air filter or prefilter becomes damaged,
replace immediately!
Pieces of cloth or large dirt particles can destroy the engine!

Do not use fuel to clean the air fllter and pretllter.

@ @ Replacing the spark plug

CAUTION: Do not touch the spark plug or plug cap if the engine is running (high voltage). Switch off the engine before starting any maintenance work A hot engine can cause burns. Wear protective gloves! The spark plug must be replaced in case of damage to the insulator, electrodeerosion (bum) or if the electrodesare very dirty or oily.
– Remove the filter cover (see ‘Cleaning the air filter’).
– Pull the plug cao (H/1) off the spark plug. Use only the
combinationwrench suppliedwith the saw to remove the spark plug.
CAUTION: Use only the following spark plugs:




-Checking the ignition spark Pressthe loosenedsparkplugwith the ignitioncable firmly connected against the cylinder using insulated pliers (not near the spark plug opening).
– OWOFF switch in the “I'(ON)position. – Pull the starter cable hard.
If the function is correct, an ignitionspark must be visible near the electrodes.

Replacing the starter cable


zyzxywxvwuvtustzrys – Unscrewthefourscrews(Nl)holdingdownthefanhousing (N2)L.iftthe housingslightly, pullinthe direction of the
zyxwv – arrow, andremove. Remove all pieces of cable.

– Threadina newcable(4mn-d.16′ dia. x 1000″/39′ long) ‘

as shown in Figure B and tie the ends as shown.
Pull knot (B/l)into the cable pulley (W3).
Pull knot (en)into the cable grip (814).
Wind the cable aroundthe pulley in the directionshown by

the arrow. Pullthe cableout fromthepulleybythe grip,then

holdthe pulley firmly andwrap the cable around it another

three times.

CAUTION: Danger of injury1 Secure the cable grip when pulledout! It will whip back if the cable pulley is released

by accident.

NOTE: With the cable pulled all the way out. it must still be
possible to turn the pulley another 114 turn against the retum

Replacing the return spring

zyzxywx spring.
– Removethe fan housing (see above under “Replacingthe – starter cable”).
Takeoilthecirclip (C/l) andwasher (C12)(circlippliers,see

– ‘Accessories’). Remove the cable pulley (C/3).
– Unscrewscrews(C/4) andcarefully removespringhousing

(C/5) with spnng.

CAUTION: Danger of injury! If the spring Is brokenit may


1E.I 5

4 ‘3

NOTE: The old spring and spring housing should be recycled.

Mounting the tan housing

Replacementsprings come already installed in a new spring housing. Before installing, grease the spring lightly with
-multi-purposegrease, order No. 944 360 000. Assemble in reverse order. When putting the cable pulley
– back on, turn it slightly until you feel it catch. Wind on the starter cable as described above under ‘Replacing the starter cable.’
– Push the tab (D/1) extending out from the edge of the fan
housing (D/3) under the hood (0/2).
– Position the screw holes.
– Push the fan housing (D13) gently and pull the starter grip
until the starter catches.
– Screw in the four fastening screws tightly.


Instructionsfor daily and periodic maintenance
To ensure long life. prevent damage and ensure the full functioning of the safety features the following maintenance must be performed regularly. Guaranteeclaims can be recognizedonly if this work is performed regularly and properly. Failure to perform the prescribed maintenance work can lead to accidents!
Perform the following servicing work daily after use. Make a habit of it, it does not require much time and your saw will always function properly.
Possibly hidden faults can be detected in this manner before causing expensive and annoying interruptions of your work. In case you should detect a fault in the safety equipment when performing daily servicing, the saw must not be used before elimination of the fault. The user of the chain saw mustnot performmaintenancework which is not describedin the instructionmanual. All such work must be carried out by a MAKITA service center




Before each start

Dayli servicing

Chain saw  
Saw chain Chain brake Guide bar  
Saw chain  
Guide bar Chain lubrication Chain brake Chain catcher OFF switch, Safety
locking button, Throffle lever FueVoil tank cap  
Air filter, prefilter Chain brake Guide bar Guide bar support Idle speed

Clean exterior, check for damage. In case of damage,  
have repaired by a qualified service center immediately  
Sharpen regulary. replace in good time Have inspected regularly at an
authorized service center Turn over to ensure even wear of bearingsurfaces
Replace in good time  
Inspect for damage and sharpness Check chain tension Check for damage
Functional check Functional check Check for damage

24 19  
23 19

Functional check Check for tightness


Clean Clean, check for visible damage or cracks  
Clean, in particular the oil guide groove Check for damage, clean oil intake
Check that a sufficient difference is existing between idlind speed and
engaging speed, to ensure that the chain is in standstill while the engine is

27 26 21 21,26  

Every week

Fan housing

Clean to ensure proper air cooling


Starter cable

Check for damage

. 28

Carburetor interior

Clean (remove filter cover for access)


zzyyxxwwvvuuttsrsqrp Chain brake Spark plug Muffier Chain guide

Clean the brake band (sawdust. oil)


Check and replace if necessary


Check tightness of mounting, clean spark arrester screen




. Every 3 months

Suction head



Fuel, oil tanks




Chain saw

Check at an authorized service centre


Chain saw

, Clean exterior. check for damage. In case of damage, have repaired by a
qualified service center immediately

Guide badchain

Demount, clean and oil slightly

Clean the guide groove


Fuel, oil tanks

Empty and clean


zyxwvutsr Service,sparepartsand guarantee

#### Maintenance and repair

The maintenance and repair of modem engines as well as all safety devices
require qualified technical training and a special  
workshop equipped with special tools and testing devices.

We therefore recommendthat you consult a MAKITA service center for all work
not described in this instruction manual.

The MAKITA service centers have all the necessary equipment and skilled and
experienced personnel, who can work out costeffective solutions and advise you
in all matters.

Pleasecontact the general agent or importer indicated on the back cover of
this InstructionManual, who will gladly provideyou with  
the address of your nearest MAKITA service center.  

zyxwzvyutsxrq Spare parts  
Reliable long-term operation. as well as the safety of your chain saw, depend
among other things on the quality of the spare parts  
used. Use only original MAKITA parts, marked A  
zyxwvutsrq ./MA  
Only original spare parts and accessoriesguarantee the highest quality in
material, dimensions, function and safety.  
Originalspare parts and accessoriescan be obtainedfrom your local dealer. He
will also have the spare part lists to determinethe requiredspare part
numbers, and will be constantly informedabout the latest improvementsand spare
part innovations.  
Please bear in mind that if parts other than original MAKITA spare parts are
used, this will automatically invalidatethe MAKITA product guarantee.

#### Guarantee

MAKITA guarantees the highest quality and will therefore reimburse all costs
for repair by replacement of damaged parts resulting from materialor
productionfaults occurringwithinthe guaranteeperiodafter purchase. Please
notethat insomecountriesparticular guaranteeconditionsmay exist. If you have
any questions, please contactyour salesman, who is responsiblefor the
guarantee of the product.

Please note that we cannot accept any responsibility for damage caused by:

Disregard of the instruction manual.

Non-performanceof the required maintenance and cleaning.

incorrect carburetor adjustment.

Normal wear and tear.

bbvious overloading due to permanent exceeding of the upper performance

Use of guide bars and chains which have not been approved.

Use of guide bar and chain lengths which have not been approved.

Use of force, improper use, misuse or accidents.

Damage from overheating due to dirt on the fan housing.

Work on the chain saw by unskilled persons or inappropriate repairs.

Use of unsuitable spare partsor parts which are not original MAKITA parts,
insofar as they have caused the damage.

Use of unsuitable or old oil. Damage related to conditions arising from lease
or rent contracts.  
Cleaning,servicing and adjustmentwork is not coveredby the guarantee. All
repairs coveredby the guaranteemust be performed by a MAKITA service center.


#### Troubleshooting

I Malfunction  
1 zyxzwyvxu Chaindoesnotrun

System Chain brake Ignition system

Engine runs  
Ignition spark No ignitionspark

Chain brake actuated.  
Malfunctionin fuel supply system, c m –  
pression system, mechanical malfunction. Switch on STOP, fault or short-
circuit in the

wiring, plug cap or spa& plug defective.

Fuel supply

Fuel tank is tilled

Choke in wrong position, carburetor defective,

suction head dirty. fuel line bent or intermpted.



Cylinder base packing ring defective, radial


shaft packings defective. cylinder or piston rings defective


Spark plug does not seal.


Starter does not engage Spring in starter broken, broken parts


inside the engine.


I Warm start difficulties


Fuel tank is filled Ignition spark

Wrong carburetor adjustment.

Engine starts,but dies immediately

Fuel supply

Fuel tank is filled

Wrong idling adjustment, suction head or cahuretor dirty. Tank venting
defective. fuel line intermpted. cable defective. STOP switch d e f h e .
Starting vaive dirty (DCS 431).

Several systems may be involved simultaneously

Engine is idling

Air filter or prefilterdirty, wrong carburetor adjust ment. muffler clogged,
exhaust channel in cylinder clogged, spark arrester screen clogged.

No chain lubrication 30

Oil tanWpump

No oil on the chain

Oil tank empty. Oil guide groove dirty.  
Oilpump adjusting screw incorrectly adjusted.

zzyyxxwwvvuu zyxwvutsrqponm

5 ilSt

DCS 430,431

7 repairs and r MAKITA service center.

zyxwvut DCS 520,52Oi, 540,5200i

pw. MAKITA-NO. aty. D”inrtlon


Spnxket m e bar

(see ‘approved bar and c h n

2 3

952100633 952100643 952100653

zyxwv Comb~aliens’.page 17)  
(see ‘approved bar and cham Combmetions’. page 17)  
1 ChampmtectkJn.325’for15′,18′ 1 hpmtecborI3/8’for15′,18′ 1

4 On213650 1 Sprodtetguard,cp(.

5 923208004 2 HexagonalnuIM8

6 941719131 1 unrUeMIwrenchSWlY19

7 010114010 1 SucWnhead

8 965643021 1 Spahplug

9 0201733W 1 krfiner(mbbkoi!ak)

10 965451 901 1 FuelWcap.cp1.

11 12 13 14

963232045 010114031 963100050 944340 001

1 1  
1 1

zyxwvu 0-Rurg31x4.5  
Oiltankcap,cpl. Gasket Carburetorscrewdriver (only In

delivery for mode( OCS 52001)

15 940827000 1 Offsetscrewdnver

9 “l9

16 108164020 1 Sl;utercable 17 020163031 1 Relumspnngwthhcustng

16 02017’3011 1 Prefilter

19 965404230 1 Aug

20 915042130 1 Suaw

21 020 174 121 1 Deflectorplate

22 020174110 1 Spahanesterscreen

23 908205625 2 Fi!Merheadscrew

24 928405000 2 Spnngwasher

22 21 20



29 –  
– 32

Accessories (not delivered with the chain Saw)

25 953 100071 1 Chaingauge

26 953004010 1 File handle

27 953 003 090 1 Round file. dia. 4.0 mm

953 003 100 1 Round file. dia. 4.5 mm

953 003 070 1 Round file. dia. 4,8 mm


28 953 003 060 1 Flat file

29 953030010 1 File holder

30 950233210 1 Tachometer

32 020173061 1 Snowfilter

-33 946 101 010 1 Circlip pliers 949000031 1 Combinedcan

(for 51 fuel. 2.51 chain oil)

zyxzywzxzywyv.y_x ATTENTION!  
Une utilisationnegligenteou incorrecte de ce produit peut entrainer des
blessures graves ou mortellesl Avant d’utilserune tronpmeuse ou d’autres
prcduitsMAKITA, ilest importantque vous aye2luet entieremant mmprk et que
voussuiviezavecsoinles instructionsfournies par le presentmoded’emploi.
Leretourde chaine  
peut entrainer des blessures graves ou mortelles et constitue I’un des
nombreux dangers potentiels lies a rutilisatiind’une tronpnneuse. Ce mode
d’emploi d k r i t de fa$ on d6tailUe le retour de chaine et les autres
mesures de s&uritb. D’autres exemplairesde ce moded’emploipeuvent Btre
command& auprbs de MAKITA U.S.A.. INC., 149304NorthamStreet,La Mirada. CA
90638-5753, USA, Telephone: (714) 522 80 88 et de MAKITA CANADA INC., 1950
Forbes Street, Whitby. Ontario, Canada, L1N 787, tblbphone (905) 571 22 00.  
Ce produit est en conformite avec: la norme de secufite pour trongonneuses 8
175.1-1991 de I’American  
National Standard Institute,  
la norme de securite pour tronponneuses 262.1-95 de la Canadian  
Standards Association,  
la norme relative au choc de recut pour tronponneuses 262.3-96.  
SocibtB du genie automobile  
SAEJ 335-Juin 95 .Petit systbme d’echappement portable ne produisant aucune
Cette trongonneuse est un produi’ illemand de qualite. Ce mode d’emploi
contient des i?strud!: .; importantes pour son montage et son utilisati: .
Pour votre securite. lisez tres soigneusement les ins:ructions de prevention
des accidents avant de mettreen servicevotre tronponneuse car une
utilisationincorrecte peut, malgrbtoutes les precautionsprises, entrainerdes
accidents. Avec unpeudesoin et d’attention. ceprcduitdetoute premierequalite
vous rendra d’excellents services et vous donnera entiere satisfaction pendant
tres longtemps. Dans I’appareil ont  
et4 observes les droits de protection suivants: US 4465440, US 5411382, EP
0236858, EP 0560201, GEM 8710075, GBM 8809928, GBM 9203378- , GEM 29616652.


MAKITA DCS 430,431,520,520i, 540,52001




– 33



Mesures de securite


DBsignation des composants


Caracteristiques techniques


Combinaisonsautoriseesde guides et de chaines 47

Montagedu guide et de la chaine de sciage 48-49

Frein de chaine de securite Carburanthavitaillement

49 50-51

Reglage du graissage de la chaine


Demarrer le moteur


Arreter le moteur


Verifier le frein de chaine de securite


Verifier le graissage de la chaine


RBglage du carburateur


Marche hivernale


AffOtage de la chalne de sciage


Nettoyer le guide de la chaine


Nettoyer I’interieur de la bande de frein de chaine

et de la roue a chaine


Nouvelle chaine de sciage


Replacement de la crepine d’aspiration


zyxw ChangementI nettoyagedu pare-8tincelles


Nettoyage du filtre d’air


Replacement de bougie


z Remplacement du cordon de lancement


Remplacement du resort de rappel


Montage du carter du ventilateur


zy Instruction d’entretien quotidien et periodique 5:

Servicedatelier, pikes de rechangeet garantie 59-6

Recherche de pannes


Extrait de la liste des piices de rechange


Liste d’adresses


Les tronGonneuses MAKITA DCS 430/431/520/52Oi/540/5200isont livrees dans un
carton,qui les protege~c dommages dus au transport. Le carton est une matiere
premiere de base qui peut Btre reutilisee ou recyc (recyclage des vieux


Address list

Liste d’adresses

Lista de direcciones

zyxwv$”u A  
zyxw-vutsrqpI AUS

MAKITA WERlQEUGGES. M.E.H. KolpingstraOe 13 A-1232Wien  
MAKITA (AUSTRALIA) PTY. LTD. 92 Wetherill Street Silverwater. NSW 2128

P 1-61627 30-0  
P 2-97483944 .



Mechelsesteenweg 323 1800 Vilvoorde

P 2-2571840


Rua Makita Brasil. No200 * S.B. Campo-Sao Paulo CEP 09852-070 P 1 1-439224 1 1


1950 Forbes Street Whitby Ontario. L1N 787


2.1. en Carouge Route de Denges 6 * CH-1027Lonay / Morges

zyxw- vutsrqp cz MAKITAS.R.O.

Larnaka IndustrialArea * P.O. Box 451 6304 Larnaka Prazakova 51 61900 Brno


MAKITA WERKZEUG GMEH KeniastraRe 20 * 47269 Duisburg

zyxzwyvuxtwsrvqup DK M W AELVAERKTOJDANMARKSandovej11 * 8700Horsens

P 905-57122 00

P 21-8030751


P 4-811000

0 5-43216944


P 0203-9757-0

P 76254400



C I Juan de la Ciewa, 7-11 Coslada 28820Madrid

p 91-6711262




zyxwv- utsrqpon H





zyxwvuts J


2,Allde des Performances B.P. 119 93162 Noisy le Grand Michigan Drive Tongwell
Milton Keynes Bucks. MK15 8JD Seregelyesi ut. 96 8000 Szdkesfehewdr Via
Sempione. 269/A * 20028 San Vinore Olona (Milano) 21 Gershon St. * Tel-Aviv
67017 Anjo Plant 3-11-8.Sumiyoshi-cho Anjo. Aichi 446

P 1-49326200  
* 1908-211678  
_ – _ _ 22-348092  
P 331-5_2411 1  
0 3-5620738 P 566-9817 1 1


Av. lede Maya # 231 Cd.San Andreas AI& Ekkersrijt 4086 5692 DA Son

N a L d p E&. de MexicoC.P. 53500 0 5-57678 79  
(- P 499-484848


7,Atlas Place Mairangi Bay Auckland

P 9-479.4250




– Rua Vale Formoso. 94-2 Esq 1900 Lisboa  
UI. Slrazacka 81 43300 Bielsko-Biala

u 1-8681005  
* 33-8184051 .

RA MAKITA DE ARGENTINA S.A. Av. Eva Per6n 4148 Euenos Aires 1407





– S


San lgnacio 500 Modulo NO.8 * Ouilicura Santiago JL. P. Jayakarta 141 BlOk
C-11 ‘ Jakarta #707Seocho Plaza 1573-1Seocho-Dong Seocho-Ku * Seoul
Sidensvansvilgen 10 Box 770 19127 Sollentuna

P 2-73351 1 1 P 6295650 P 2-3471 31 1 1 u 8-6236100

SGP MAKlTA SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. 7 Changi South Street 3 Singapore 486348

P 5468700


ZF.No 4.Lane 83 Kuang-Fu Road, Sec. 1 * San-Chung. Taipei Hsien P 2-2999 06 00


– RElS MAKINA TICARETVE SANAYI A.S. Tersane cad Billur sok no 8 80000 Karakoy

212-25224 45


Jebel Ah Free Zone P 0 Box 17133 Dubat  
– 14930 Norlham Street La Mirada. CA 90638-5753

P 4-8361 18 714-52280 88

Makita Werlueug GmbH  
Postfach 7C 04 20 D-22004Hamburg  

Form 995711 156(300)–

#### References

  * [ Svetainė kuriama]( "Svetainė kuriama")
  * [ – Free PDF manuals!]( " – Free PDF manuals!")

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