Verbatim UTA-01 Series Universal Travel Adapter Instructions
- June 16, 2024
- Verbatim
Table of Contents
Verbatim UTA-01 Series Universal Travel Adapter
Product Information
- Model: UTA-01
- Model: UTA-02
- Model: UTA-03
- Model: UTA-04
- Model: UTA-05
- Model: UTA-06
Plugs Accepted
- Type A
- Type B
- Type C
- Type E
- Type F
- Type G
- Type I
Plugs Not Accepted
- Type J
- Type L
- Type N
- Type D
- Type H
Sockets Accepted
- Type K
- Type M
- Type O
- Type A
- Type B
- Type C
- Type D
- Type E
- Type F
- Type G
- Type H
- Type I
- Type J
- Type K
- Type L
- Type N
- Type O
Product Usage Instructions
- Step 1: Plugging in the Device
- Make sure the device is turned off.
- Locate the appropriate plug type for your country or region.
- Insert the plug into the corresponding socket on the device.
- Step 2: Powering On the Device
- Connect the device to a power source.
- Press the power button to turn on the device.
- Step 3: Using the Device
- Familiarize yourself with the device’s controls and features.
- Follow the user manual for specific instructions on how to use the device.
- Step 4: Powering Off and Unplugging the Device
- Turn off the device by pressing the power button.
- Disconnect the device from the power source.
- Unplug the device from the socket.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: What plug types are accepted by the device?
A: The device accepts Type A, Type B, Type C, Type E, Type F, Type G, and Type I plugs. -
Q: What plug types are not accepted by the device?
A: The device does not accept Type J, Type L, Type N, Type D, and Type H plugs. -
Q: What socket types are accepted by the device?
A: The device accepts Type K, Type M, Type O, Type A, Type B, Type C, Type D, Type E, Type F, Type G, Type H, Type I, Type J, Type K, Type L, and Type N sockets.
Universal Adapters – UTA-01, UTA-02, UTA-03, UTA-04, UTA-05, UTA-06
Plugs accepted
Plugs not accepted
Sockets accepted
| Country| Plug Type| | | Chad| C / E / F|
A| Abu Dhabi| G| Channel Islands (Guernsey & Jersey)| C / G|
Afghanistan| C / F|
Albania| C / F| Chile| C / L|
Algeria| C / F| China, People’s Republic of| A / C / I|
American Samoa| A / B / F / I| Christmas Island| I|
Andorra| C / F| Cocos (Keeling) Islands| I|
Angola| C / F| Colombia| A / B|
Anguilla| A / B| Comoros| C / E|
Antigua and Barbuda| A / B| Congo-Brazzaville
(Republic of the Congo)
| C / E|
Argentina| C / I|
Congo-Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo)| C / E|
Armenia| C / F|
Aruba| A / B / F|
Cook Islands| I|
Australia| I|
Costa Rica| A / B|
Austria| C / F|
Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)| C / E|
Azerbaijan| C / F|
Croatia| C / F|
Azores| A / B / C / F|
Cuba| A / B / C / L|
B| Bahamas| A / B|
Curaçao| A / B|
Bahrain| G|
Cyprus| G|
Balearic Islands| C / F|
Cyprus, North| G|
Bangladesh| A / C / D / G|
Czech Republic (Czechia)| C / E|
Barbados| A / B|
D| Denmark| C / E / F / K|
Belarus| C / F|
Djibouti| C / E|
Belgium| C / E|
Dominica| D / G|
Belize| A / B / G|
Dominican Republic| A / B / C|
Benin| C / E|
Dubai| G|
Bermuda| A / B|
E| East Timor (Timor-Leste)| C / E / F / I|
Bhutan| C / D / G|
Ecuador| A / B|
Bolivia| A / C|
Egypt| C / F|
Bonaire| A / C|
El Salvador| A / B|
Bosnia & Herzegovina| C / F|
England| G|
Botswana| D / G|
Equatorial Guinea| C / E|
Brazil| C / N|
Eritrea| C / L|
British Virgin Islands| A / B|
Estonia| C / F|
Brunei| G|
Ethiopia| C / F / G|
Bulgaria| C / F|
F| Faeroe Islands| C / E / F / K|
Burkina Faso| C / E|
Falkland Islands| G|
Burma (officially Myanmar)| A / C / D / G / I|
Fiji| I|
Burundi| C / E|
Finland| C / F|
C| Cambodia| A / C / G|
France| C / E|
Cameroon| C / E|
French Guiana
(French overseas department)
| C / E|
Canada| A / B|
Canary Islands| C / E / F|
French Polynesia
(French overseas collectivity)
| C / E|
Cape Verde| C / F|
Cayman Islands| A / B| G| Gabon (Gabonese Republic)| C / E|
Central African Republic| C / E| Gambia| G|
G| Gaza Strip (Gaza)| C / H| | | Lebanon| C / D / G|
Georgia| C / F| Lesotho| M|
Germany| C / F| Liberia| A / B / C / F|
Ghana| D / G| Libya| C / L|
Gibraltar| G| Liechtenstein| C / J|
Great Britain (GB)| G| Lithuania| C / F|
Greece| C / F| Luxembourg| C / F|
Greenland| C / E / F / K| M| Macau| G|
Grenada| G| Macedonia, North| C / F|
(French overseas department)
| C / E| Madagascar| C / E|
Madeira| C / F|
Guam| A / B| Malawi| G|
Guatemala| A / B| Malaysia| G|
Guinea| C / F| Maldives| C / D / G / L|
Guinea-Bissau| C / E / F| Mali| C / E|
Guyana| A / B / D / G| Malta| G|
H| Haiti| A / B| Marshall Islands| A / B|
(officially the Netherlands)
| C / F| Martinique
(French overseas department)
| C / E|
Honduras| A / B| Mauritania| C / E / F|
Hong Kong| G| Mauritius| C / G|
Hungary| C / F| Mayotte (French overseas department)| C / E|
I| Iceland| C / F|
India| C / D / M| Mexico| A / B|
Indonesia| C / F| Micronesia (Federated States
of Micronesia)
| A / B|
Iran| C / F|
Moldova| C / F|
Iraq| C / D / G|
Monaco| C / E / F|
(Republic of Ireland, Eire)
| G|
Mongolia| C / F (universal sockets common)|
Ireland, Northern| G|
Montenegro| C / F|
Isle of Man| C / G|
Montserrat| A / B|
Israel| C / H|
Morocco| C / E|
J| Italy| C / F / L|
Mozambique| C / F / M|
Jamaica| A / B|
Myanmar (formerly Burma)| A / C / D / G / I|
Japan| A / B|
N| Namibia| D / M|
Jordan| C / D / F / G / J|
Nauru| I|
K| Kazakhstan| C / F|
Nepal| C / D / M|
Kenya| G|
Netherlands| C / F|
Kiribati| I|
New Caledonia
(French overseas collectivity)
| C / E|
Korea, North| C / F|
Korea, South| C / F| New Zealand| I|
Kosovo| C / F| Nicaragua| A / B|
Kuwait| G| Niger| C / D / E|
Kyrgyzstan| C / F| Nigeria| D / G|
L| Laos| A / B / C / E / F| Niue| I|
Latvia| C / F| Norfolk Island| I|
N| North Cyprus| G| | | Seychelles| G|
North Korea| C / F| Sierra Leone| D / G|
North Macedonia| C / F| Singapore| G|
Northern Ireland| G| Sint Eustatius| A / B / C / F|
Norway| C / F| Sint Maarten| A / B|
O| Oman| G| Slovakia| C / E|
P| Pakistan| C / D| Slovenia| C / F|
Palau| A / B| Solomon Islands| G / I|
Palestine| C / H| Somalia| C / G (universal sockets common)|
Panama| A / B|
Papua New Guinea| I| Somaliland| C / G (universal
sockets common)
Paraguay| A / C|
South Africa| C / M / N|
Peru| A / B / C|
South Korea| C / F|
Philippines| A / B / C|
South Sudan| C / D|
Pitcairn Islands| I|
Spain| C / F|
Poland| C / E|
Sri Lanka| G|
Portugal| C / F|
Sudan| C / D|
Puerto Rico| A / B|
Suriname (Surinam)| A / B / C / F|
Q| Qatar| G|
Swaziland| M|
R| Réunion
(French overseas department)
| C / E|
Sweden| C / F|
Switzerland| C / J|
Romania| C / F|
Syria| C / E / L|
Russia (Russian Federation)| C / F|
T| Tahiti
(French overseas collectivity)
| C / E|
Rwanda| C / E / F / G|
S| Saba| A / B|
Saint Barthélemy (French overseas collectivity, also knwon as Saint Barth’s or
Saint Barts)| C / E| Taiwan| A / B|
Tajikistan| C / F|
Tanzania| D / G|
Thailand| A / B / C / O|
Saint Helena| G| Togo| C / E|
Saint Kitts and Nevis
(officially Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis)
| D / G| Tokelau| I|
Tonga| I|
Trinidad & Tobago| A / B|
Saint Lucia| G|
Tunisia| C / E|
Saint Martin
(French overseas collectivity)
| C / E|
Turkey| C / F|
Turkmenistan| C / F|
Saint Pierre and Miquelon (French overseas collectivity)| C / E|
Turks and Caicos Islands| A / B|
Tuvalu| I|
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines| A / B / G|
U| Uganda| G|
Samoa| I| Ukraine| C / F|
San Marino| C / F / L| United Arab Emirates (UAE)| G|
São Tomé and Príncipe| C / F| United Kingdom (UK)| G|
Saudi Arabia| G| United States of America
| A / B|
Scotland| G|
United States Virgin Islands| A / B|
Senegal| C / D / E|
Serbia| C / F| Uruguay| C / F / L|
U| Uzbekistan| C / F
V| Vanuatu| I
Vatican City| C / F / L
Venezuela| A / B
Vietnam| A / B / C
Virgin Islands (British)| A / B
Virgin Islands (USA)| A / B
W| Wales| G
Wallis and Futuna
(French overseas collectivity)
| C / E
West Bank| C / H
Western Sahara| C / E
Y| Yemen| A / D / G
Z| Zambia| C / D / G
Zimbabwe| D / G
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