PUNKTURED Body Piercing Curations Instruction Manual

June 16, 2024

Body Piercing Curations

Product Information


  • Product Name: Punktured Aftercare Saline
  • Product Type: Body Piercing Aftercare Solution
  • Recommended Healing Phase: Approximately 8-12 weeks
  • Contents: Saline solution
  • Product Name: Punktured Oral Care Soothing Spray
  • Product Type: Oral Piercing Aftercare Solution
  • Recommended Healing Phase: Approximately 4-6 weeks
  • Contents: Soothing spray

Product Usage Instructions

Daily Aftercare for Standard (External) Body Piercings:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before cleaning or handling the

  2. Apply Punktured Aftercare Saline to a cotton tip.

  3. Clean around the entrance and exit site of the piercing,
    minimizing movement of the jewelry.

  4. Do not remove the jewelry for cleaning.

Daily Aftercare for Cartilage Piercings:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before cleaning or handling the

  2. Use two cotton tips to gently compress and massage the
    surrounding tissue to minimize fluid retention and the formation of
    bumps caused by irritation.

  3. Clean the entrance and exit site of the piercing, minimizing
    movement of the jewelry.

  4. Do not remove the jewelry for cleaning.

Daily Aftercare for Oral Piercings:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before cleaning.

  2. Apply Punktured Oral Care Soothing Spray directly to the
    pierced area twice daily and after meals.

  3. Swish the solution over the pierced area, then rinse thoroughly
    with water to remove any residues left behind and spit. Do not
    swallow the Punktured Oral Care Soothing Spray after rinsing.

  4. Avoid using alcohol-based mouthwash, smoking, vaping, spicy
    foods, and uncooked dairy for the first 4-6 weeks.

Additional Aftercare Tips:

  • Avoid touching the piercing and minimize friction caused by
    clothing by applying a protective sterile patch where

  • Avoid using abrasive products/solutions such as hydrogen
    peroxide, harsh soaps, alcohol-based products, tea tree oil, and
    home remedies.

  • Avoid the consumption of drugs and alcohol during the suggested
    healing periods.

  • For genital piercings, avoid sexual activity for approximately
    1 month.

  • Dermal Anchors should remain covered for 48 to 72 hours
    following the procedure.


When should I downsize or change my jewelry?

The initial piece of jewelry you have been pierced with has been
sized according to your specific anatomy to allow for swelling and
draining. It is important to downsize your jewelry in an
appropriate time frame to minimize movement in your jewelry and
prevent complications such as tearing or migration. Swelling may
fluctuate throughout the initial healing stage of your

How long does it take for body piercings to heal?

Body piercings can take anywhere from 3-12 months to completely
heal, depending on the area. The body/skin will take approximately
8-12 weeks to form a channel, and ideally, your initial jewelry
should stay in during this time.

Where can I find daily aftercare videos?

You can watch our daily aftercare videos by clicking here.

Body Piercing Care Instructions
Punktured recommends the use of a professional body piercing aftercare product for the initial healing phase of your piercing (approximately 8-12 weeks)
– Looking for your specific piercing? Click one of the buttons below –

Ear Lobe Piercings

Ear Cartlidge Piercings


Tongue + Tongue Webbing + Smiley

Lip + Labret + Philtrum Eyebrow Navel

Cheeks + Dahlias Bridge




Daily Aftercare

Cleaning is recommended twice a day. Wash hands thoroughly prior to cleaning or
handling the piercing.
For standard (external) body piercings, apply your Punktured Aftercare Saline to a cotton tip and clean around the entrance and exit site being careful to minimise the movement of your jewellery as much
as possible. Do not remove your jewellery for cleaning. For cartilage piercings, use two cotton tips
to gently compress and massage the surrounding tissue to minimise fluid retention and the formation
of bumps that can be caused by irritation.
Ensure you are maintaining a healthy lifestyle for the duration of your healing time; this will ensure your
body is in the best condition to promote positive healing results.
For oral piercings, directly apply the Punktured Oral Care Soothing Spray twice daily and after meals swishing the solution over the pierced area, then
rinse thoroughly with water to remove any residues left behind and spit. Do not swallow the Punktured Oral Care Soothing Spray after rinsing. You can also use an alcohol-free mouth wash where possible. Avoid using alcohol-based mouthwash, smoking, vaping, spicy foods, and uncooked dairy for the first
4-6 weeks.
Advised Optional additional care for the best healing outcome ­ `Foaming Cleanser Wash’. For use on all external piercings. Use once to twice daily whilst showering. Use after all other products/soaps/ shampoos have been completed, to aid in removing any unwanted traces of harsh ingredients that may irritate healing area. Use 1-2 pumps of foaming cleanser on fresh and healing piercings and tattoos to clean the affected area from bacteria and other
unwanted contaminants. Gently but thoroughly rinse off with clean water before drying off. Use to aid the
healing and cleanliness of fresh Piercings.
Avoid touching the piercing, avoid oral contact, avoid rotating or moving the jewellery, and minimise
friction caused by clothing by applying a protective sterile patch (available from most pharmacies) where
Avoid abrasive products/solutions such as hydrogen peroxide, harsh soaps, alcohol-based products, tea tree oil, home remedies and avoid the consumption
of drugs and alcohol for the suggested healing periods.
In the case of a genital piercings, avoid sexual activity for the initial stage of healing period
(approx.1 month).
Dermal Anchors should remain covered for 48 to 72 hours following the procedure.
Watch our daily aftercare videos
Click here

When to downsize or change your jewellery

The initial piece of jewellery you have been pierced with has been sized according to your specific
anatomy to safely allow for swelling and draining. Swelling may fluctuate throughout the initial healing
stage of your piercing. It is important to downsize your jewellery in an appropriate time frame to
minimise the amount of movement in your jewellery. Not downsizing your jewellery can result in your
piercing getting caught, tearing, migrating and other complications.
Body piercings can take anywhere from 3-12 months to completely heal depending on the area. The
body/skin will take approximately 8-12 weeks to form a channel, ideally your initial jewellery should stay in
place for this time to promote the best healing results.
For standard (external piercings) you can change/downsize your jewellery from 8 weeks onward if there are no visible signs of activity
(redness etc) and the site is stable.
For oral piercings Punktured recommends downsizing at one month with sterile jewellery only.
As it can be difficult to judge what size you may need, Punktured recommends visiting us instore so we can downsize your jewellery to fit your anatomy.
Circular jewellery such as captive rings and circular barbells in lip piercings should only be fitted/worn
after 3 months of healing to avoid complications/migration.

How to look after your new piercing

Ear Piercings

Lobe Starting from $38
– Healing time –
3-6 Months
For best results clean your new piercing twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night with your Punktured Aftercare Saline.
Do not touch, move, or play with the jewellery throughout the healing period to prevent infection or
any bad bacteria getting in the open wound. There may be some discharge forming scabs, this is all completely normal so don’t pick or remove as this is your body’s natural protective layer for the healing
Avoid sleeping on your new piercing and change your pillowcase regularly.
We strongly suggest avoiding swimming in pools, rivers or the ocean until your piercing has healed. Keep an eye on the jewellery to ensure it’s not too tight on the pierced area as this can cause a build-up of fluids and create too much pressure on the healing
area. Some swelling/blood is expected so don’t stress, however if you are unsure at all please visit us
Please don’t hesitate to drop by and check in with your piercing professional if you are concerned or
need any further assistance.

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Cartliage Starting from $43
– Ear cartliage procedures include Tragus – Rook – Helix – Forward Helix – Conch
Upper Conch – Daith
– Healing time –
3-6 Months
For best results clean your new piercing twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night with your Punktured Aftercare Saline.
Do not touch, move, or play with the jewellery throughout the healing period to prevent infection or
any bad bacteria getting in the open wound. There may be some discharge forming scabs, this is all completely normal so don’t pick or remove as this is your body’s natural protective layer for the healing
Avoid sleeping on your new piercing and change your pillowcase regularly.
We strongly suggest avoiding swimming in pools, rivers or the ocean until your piercing has healed. Keep an eye on the jewellery to ensure it’s not too tight on the pierced area as this can cause a build-up of fluids and create too much pressure on the healing
area. Some swelling/blood is expected so don’t stress, however if you are unsure at all please visit us
Please don’t hesitate to drop by and check in with your piercing professional if you are concerned or
need any further assistance.

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Facial Piercings

Nose Starting from $43
– Healing time –
3-5 Months
For best results clean your new piercing twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night with your Punktured Aftercare Saline.
Do not touch, move, or play with the jewellery throughout the healing period to prevent infection or
any bad bacteria getting in the open wound. There may be some discharge forming scabs, this is all completely normal so don’t pick or remove as this is your body’s natural protective layer for the healing
Avoid sleeping on your new piercing and change your pillowcase regularly.
We strongly suggest avoiding swimming in pools, rivers or the ocean until your piercing has healed. Keep an eye on the jewellery to ensure it’s not too tight on the pierced area as this can cause a build-up of fluids and create too much pressure on the healing
area. Some swelling/blood is expected so don’t stress, however if you are unsure at all please visit us
Please don’t hesitate to drop by and check in with your piercing professional if you are concerned or
need any further assistance.

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Septum Starting from $43
– Healing time –
3 Months
For best results clean your new piercing twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night with your Punktured Aftercare Saline.
Do not touch, move, or play with the jewellery throughout the healing period to prevent infection or
any bad bacteria getting in the open wound. There may be some discharge forming scabs, this is all completely normal so don’t pick or remove as this is your body’s natural protective layer for the healing
Avoid sleeping on your new piercing and change your pillowcase regularly.
We strongly suggest avoiding swimming in pools, rivers or the ocean until your piercing has healed. Keep an eye on the jewellery to ensure it’s not too tight on the pierced area as this can cause a build-up of fluids and create too much pressure on the healing
area. Some swelling/blood is expected so don’t stress, however if you are unsure at all please visit us
Please don’t hesitate to drop by and check in with your piercing professional if you are concerned or
need any further assistance.

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Lip + Labret + Philtrum Starting from $43
– Healing time –
3 Months
For best results clean your new piercing twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night with your Punktured Aftercare Saline and Oral Care Solution.
Do not touch, move, or play with the jewellery throughout the healing period to prevent infection or
any bad bacteria getting in the open wound. There may be some discharge forming scabs, this is all completely normal so don’t pick or remove as this is your body’s natural protective layer for the healing
Avoid sleeping on your new piercing and change your pillowcase regularly.
We strongly suggest avoiding swimming in pools, rivers or the ocean until your piercing has healed. Keep an eye on the jewellery to ensure it’s not too tight on the pierced area as this can cause a build-up of fluids and create too much pressure on the healing
area. Some swelling/blood is expected so don’t stress, however if you are unsure at all please visit us
Please don’t hesitate to drop by and check in with your piercing professional if you are concerned or
need any further assistance.

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Cheek + Dahlia Starting from $43
– Healing time –
6-9 Months
For best results clean your new piercing twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night with your Punktured Aftercare Saline and Oral Care Solution.
Do not touch, move, or play with the jewellery throughout the healing period to prevent infection or
any bad bacteria getting in the open wound. There may be some discharge forming scabs, this is all completely normal so don’t pick or remove as this is your body’s natural protective layer for the healing
Avoid sleeping on your new piercing and change your pillowcase regularly.
We strongly suggest avoiding swimming in pools, rivers or the ocean until your piercing has healed. Keep an eye on the jewellery to ensure it’s not too tight on the pierced area as this can cause a build-up of fluids and create too much pressure on the healing
area. Some swelling/blood is expected so don’t stress, however if you are unsure at all please visit us
Please don’t hesitate to drop by and check in with your piercing professional if you are concerned or
need any further assistance.

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Tongue + Tongue Webbing + Smiley Starting from $43
– Healing time –
3 Months
For best results clean your new piercing twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night with your Punktured Oral Care Solution.
Do not touch, move, or play with the jewellery throughout the healing period to prevent infection or
any bad bacteria getting in the open wound. There may be some discharge forming scabs, this is all completely normal so don’t pick or remove as this is your body’s natural protective layer for the healing
Avoid sleeping on your new piercing and change your pillowcase regularly.
We strongly suggest avoiding swimming in pools, rivers or the ocean until your piercing has healed. Keep an eye on the jewellery to ensure it’s not too tight on the pierced area as this can cause a build-up of fluids and create too much pressure on the healing
area. Some swelling/blood is expected so don’t stress, however if you are unsure at all please visit us
Please don’t hesitate to drop by and check in with your piercing professional if you are concerned or
need any further assistance.

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Eyebrow Starting from $43
– Healing time –
2-3 Months
For best results clean your new piercing twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night with your Punktured Aftercare Saline.
Do not touch, move, or play with the jewellery throughout the healing period to prevent infection or
any bad bacteria getting in the open wound. There may be some discharge forming scabs, this is all completely normal so don’t pick or remove as this is your body’s natural protective layer for the healing
Avoid sleeping on your new piercing and change your pillowcase regularly.
We strongly suggest avoiding swimming in pools, rivers or the ocean until your piercing has healed. Keep an eye on the jewellery to ensure it’s not too tight on the pierced area as this can cause a build-up of fluids and create too much pressure on the healing
area. Some swelling/blood is expected so don’t stress, however if you are unsure at all please visit us
Please don’t hesitate to drop by and check in with your piercing professional if you are concerned or
need any further assistance.

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Bridge Starting from $43
– Healing time –
2-3 Months
For best results clean your new piercing twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night with your Punktured Aftercare Saline.
Do not touch, move, or play with the jewellery throughout the healing period to prevent infection or
any bad bacteria getting in the open wound. There may be some discharge forming scabs, this is all completely normal so don’t pick or remove as this is your body’s natural protective layer for the healing
Avoid sleeping on your new piercing and change your pillowcase regularly.
We strongly suggest avoiding swimming in pools, rivers or the ocean until your piercing has healed. Keep an eye on the jewellery to ensure it’s not too tight on the pierced area as this can cause a build-up of fluids and create too much pressure on the healing
area. Some swelling/blood is expected so don’t stress, however if you are unsure at all please visit us
Please don’t hesitate to drop by and check in with your piercing professional if you are concerned or
need any further assistance.

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Body Piercings

Nipple Starting from $43
– Healing time –
3-4 Months
For best results clean your new piercing twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night with your Punktured Aftercare Saline.
Do not touch, move, or play with the jewellery throughout the healing period to prevent infection or
any bad bacteria getting in the open wound. There may be some discharge forming scabs, this is all completely normal so don’t pick or remove as this is your body’s natural protective layer for the healing
Avoid sleeping on your new piercing and change your pillowcase regularly.
We strongly suggest avoiding swimming in pools, rivers or the ocean until your piercing has healed. Keep an eye on the jewellery to ensure it’s not too tight on the pierced area as this can cause a build-up of fluids and create too much pressure on the healing
area. Some swelling/blood is expected so don’t stress, however if you are unsure at all please visit us
Please don’t hesitate to drop by and check in with your piercing professional if you are concerned or
need any further assistance.

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Navel Starting from $43
– Healing time –
6-9 Months
For best results clean your new piercing twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night with your Punktured Aftercare Saline.
Do not touch, move, or play with the jewellery throughout the healing period to prevent infection or
any bad bacteria getting in the open wound. There may be some discharge forming scabs, this is all completely normal so don’t pick or remove as this is your body’s natural protective layer for the healing
Avoid sleeping on your new piercing and change your pillowcase regularly.
We strongly suggest avoiding swimming in pools, rivers or the ocean until your piercing has healed. Keep an eye on the jewellery to ensure it’s not too tight on the pierced area as this can cause a build-up of fluids and create too much pressure on the healing
area. Some swelling/blood is expected so don’t stress, however if you are unsure at all please visit us
Please don’t hesitate to drop by and check in with your piercing professional if you are concerned or
need any further assistance.

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Advanced Piercings

Industrial Starting from $47
– Healing time –
6-9 Months
For best results clean your new piercing twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night with your Punktured Aftercare Saline.
Do not touch, move, or play with the jewellery throughout the healing period to prevent infection or
any bad bacteria getting in the open wound. There may be some discharge forming scabs, this is all completely normal so don’t pick or remove as this is your body’s natural protective layer for the healing
Avoid sleeping on your new piercing and change your pillowcase regularly.
We strongly suggest avoiding swimming in pools, rivers or the ocean until your piercing has healed. Keep an eye on the jewellery to ensure it’s not too tight on the pierced area as this can cause a build-up of fluids and create too much pressure on the healing
area. Some swelling/blood is expected so don’t stress, however if you are unsure at all please visit us
Please don’t hesitate to drop by and check in with your piercing professional if you are concerned or
need any further assistance.

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Surface Starting from $47
– Healing time –
6-9 Months
For best results clean your new piercing twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night with your Punktured Aftercare Saline.
Do not touch, move, or play with the jewellery throughout the healing period to prevent infection or
any bad bacteria getting in the open wound. There may be some discharge forming scabs, this is all completely normal so don’t pick or remove as this is your body’s natural protective layer for the healing
Avoid sleeping on your new piercing and change your pillowcase regularly.
We strongly suggest avoiding swimming in pools, rivers or the ocean until your piercing has healed. Keep an eye on the jewellery to ensure it’s not too tight on the pierced area as this can cause a build-up of fluids and create too much pressure on the healing
area. Some swelling/blood is expected so don’t stress, however if you are unsure at all please visit us
Please don’t hesitate to drop by and check in with your piercing professional if you are concerned or
need any further assistance.

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Dermal Starting from $47
– Healing time –
6-9 Months
For best results clean your new piercing twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night with your Punktured Aftercare Saline.
Do not touch, move, or play with the jewellery throughout the healing period to prevent infection or
any bad bacteria getting in the open wound. There may be some discharge forming scabs, this is all completely normal so don’t pick or remove as this is your body’s natural protective layer for the healing
Avoid sleeping on your new piercing and change your pillowcase regularly.
We strongly suggest avoiding swimming in pools, rivers or the ocean until your piercing has healed. Keep an eye on the jewellery to ensure it’s not too tight on the pierced area as this can cause a build-up of fluids and create too much pressure on the healing
area. Some swelling/blood is expected so don’t stress, however if you are unsure at all please visit us
Please don’t hesitate to drop by and check in with your piercing professional if you are concerned or
need any further assistance.

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Genital Starting from $110
– Healing time –
3-6 Months
For best results clean your new piercing twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night with your Punktured Aftercare Saline.
Do not touch, move, or play with the jewellery throughout the healing period to prevent infection or
any bad bacteria getting in the open wound. There may be some discharge forming scabs, this is all completely normal so don’t pick or remove as this is your body’s natural protective layer for the healing
Avoid sleeping on your new piercing and change your pillowcase regularly.
We strongly suggest avoiding swimming in pools, rivers or the ocean until your piercing has healed. Keep an eye on the jewellery to ensure it’s not too tight on the pierced area as this can cause a build-up of fluids and create too much pressure on the healing
area. Some swelling/blood is expected so don’t stress, however if you are unsure at all please visit us
Please don’t hesitate to drop by and check in with your piercing professional if you are concerned or
need any further assistance.

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Things to keep in mind
These healing times are a guideline only, it is important to remember that your piercing will not be
“active” or painful for the duration of the healing period. Generally, any initial discomfort will only be present for the first week or two. The healing times listed describe the approximate time it will take to be
deemed fully healed. Punktured recommends consulting with your piercer before downsizing or changing jewellery, please note our change over service is free of charge when jewellery is purchased
in store. What to do if you suspect something is wrong
with your piercing: If you notice a change in your piercing, you experience discomfort/complications or suspect if something is wrong with your piercing, please visit your nearest Punktured studio. Most complications/issues can be easily rectified upon consultation with
your professional body piercer.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this document is strictly a guide, all aftercare information whilst based on our extensive knowledge and experience does not substitute the advice of a medical professional. Punktured recommends our clients seek medical advice where necessary in the rare event you suspect an infection has occurred, or the care instructions
provided are not adequate for your healing requirements.
Copyright © 2023 Punktured – Australia


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