carepolicy Home Healthcare and Staffing Agency Owner’s Manual

June 16, 2024

carepolicy Home Healthcare and Staffing Agency Owner’s Manual


Welcome to the [AGENCY NAME] Policy and Procedure Manual, your comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing the policies and practices that define our commitment to providing exceptional home healthcare and healthcare staffing services in the State of Maryland.

At [AGENCY NAME], our mission is to deliver high-quality, compassionate care to our clients while upholding the highest standards of professionalism, ethics, and compliance with state regulations. This manual serves as a foundational resource that outlines our agency’s principles, policies, and procedures, all of which are designed to ensure the safety, well-being, and satisfaction of our clients, healthcare practitioners, and employees.

As a trusted provider of home healthcare and healthcare staffing services, we understand the importance of clear and consistent guidelines that promote the delivery of quality care, protect client rights, ensure the safety of all parties, and maintain compliance with state regulations. This manual has been carefully crafted to reflect our commitment to these principles, and it provides a valuable reference for all members of our organization.

Throughout this manual, you will find detailed policies and procedures that cover a wide range of topics, including quality care, regulatory compliance, client-centered practices, privacy and confidentiality, accountability, staff development, and much more. We encourage all members of our team, from healthcare practitioners to administrative staff, to familiarize themselves with the contents of this manual and to use it as a guide for their daily responsibilities.

This manual is not static; it evolves alongside our commitment to continuous improvement. We regularly review and update our policies and procedures to reflect changes in regulations, industry best practices, and the evolving needs of our clients and the community. Any updates or changes will be communicated to all members of the [AGENCY NAME] team to ensure consistent implementation and adherence.

Vision Statement

“At [AGENCY NAME], we envision a healthcare landscape where every individual in the State of Maryland has access to exceptional home healthcare and healthcare staffing services that prioritize quality, compassion, and professionalism. Our vision is to be the trusted partner in delivering innovative and client-centered care while upholding the highest ethical standards and compliance with state regulations.”

Mission Statement

“Our mission at [AGENCY NAME] is to provide high-quality home healthcare and healthcare staffing services that enhance the well-being, independence, and comfort of our clients. We are dedicated to delivering personalized, compassionate care, upholding the highest standards of professionalism and ethics, and ensuring compliance with all applicable state regulations. We are committed to creating a positive impact on the lives of our clients, healthcare practitioners, and employees, while contributing to the overall health and prosperity of our community.”

Core Values

  1. Quality and Excellence: We are committed to delivering exceptional care that exceeds the expectations of our clients, healthcare practitioners, and employees. We prioritize quality, safety, and excellence in all that we do.
  2. Compliance and Ethics: We uphold the highest ethical standards and strict compliance with state regulations. Our integrity and transparency guide our actions and decisions.
  3. Client-Centered Care: We believe in personalized, client-centered care that respects the unique needs, preferences, and values of every individual we serve. Our clients’ well-being is our utmost priority.
  4. Diversity and Inclusion: We foster an inclusive and diverse environment where respect, dignity, and cultural sensitivity are embraced. We celebrate the richness of our community and workforce.
  5. Safety and Well-Being: The safety and well-being of our clients, healthcare practitioners, and employees are paramount. We maintain robust safety protocols and emergency preparedness plans.
  6. Continuous Improvement: We are dedicated to ongoing quality improvement, welcoming feedback from clients, families, and staff to enhance our services and operations.
  7. Professional Development: We provide opportunities for the professional growth and development of our staff and healthcare practitioners, ensuring they are competent and compassionate caregivers.
  8. Community Engagement: We actively engage with the communities we serve, supporting local initiatives and contributing to the well-being of the broader community.
  9. Open Communication: We maintain open and transparent communication with clients, families, staff, and other stakeholders to foster trust, collaboration, and a culture of open dialogue.

Document Control

Document Revisions shall be recorded in the table below;

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No.| Description of Amendment| Approved By| Date

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Approved By

Note: All policies and procedures shall be reviewed at least annually, with recommended changes submitted to the governing body for approval, as necessary.

Statement of Policy

[AGENCY NAME] (the “Agency”) is dedicated to providing high-quality home health care and healthcare staffing services in the State of Maryland. This Statement of Policy serves as a foundational document  guiding our agency’s mission, values, and commitment to our clients, their families, and the common it yew serve.

[AGENCY NAME] is dedicated to the following principles and policies:

  1. Quality Care:
    • We are committed to delivering safe, effective, and compassionate care to our clients. We strive to enhance their quality of life, promote well-being, and support their healthcare needs in the comfort of their homes.
  2. Compliance with Regulations:
    • We pledge to adhere to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including the Code of Maryland Regulations, as well as industry standards and best practices.
  3. Client-Centered Approach:
    • Our care is personalized and client-centered. We respect each individual’s unique needs, preferences, and values, striving to empower them in their healthcare decisions and choices.
  4. Privacy and Confidentiality:
    • We prioritize the privacy and confidentiality of our clients’ health information, following strict compliance with relevant privacy laws.
  5. Accountability and Responsibility:
    • We hold ourselves accountable for the care we provide, the quality of our services, and our ethical conduct. We are responsible for continuous improvement and professional development.
  6. Respect and Dignity:
    • We treat every client, family member, and staff member with the utmost respect, dignity, and cultural sensitivity. We foster an environment that upholds diversity and inclusion.
  7. Safety and Well-Being:
    • The safety and well-being of our clients are paramount. We implement robust safety protocols and maintain an emergency preparedness plan to ensure clients are safe and secure.
  8. Continuous Improvement:
    • We are dedicated to ongoing quality improvement, and we encourage feedback from clients, families, and staff to continually enhance our services and operations.
  9. Ethical Conduct:
    • We engage in honest, transparent, and ethical practices in all aspects of our operations, including financial, administrative, and clinical activities.
  10. Staff Development:
    • We provide our staff with opportunities for training, professional development, and support to ensure they are competent and compassionate caregivers.
  11. Community Involvement:
    • We actively engage with the communities we serve, supporting local initiatives and contributing to the well-being of the broader community.
  12. Communication and Transparency:
    • We maintain open and transparent communication with clients, families, staff, and other stakeholders to foster trust and collaboration.


[AGENCY NAME]is dedicated to providing the highest standards of home health care and healthcare staffing services. This Statement of Policy reflects our commitment to quality, ethics, and the well-being of our clients. We strive to uphold these principles in all of our operations and interactions, ensuring the delivery of exceptional care to those we serve.

Admission Policy

[AGENCY NAME] (the “Agency”) is committed to providing comprehensive, quality healthcare services to eligible clients while adhering to all applicable state regulations and standards. This Admission Policy outlines the criteria, procedures, and responsibilities associated with the admission of clients to the Agency.

Procedure :

  1. Eligibility Criteria:

    • a. Clients eligible for admission to the Agency must meet the following criteria:
    • Reside within the service area covered by the Agency.
    • Have a valid referral from a licensed healthcare provider indicating the need for home healthcare services.
    • Meet the specific medical and clinical criteria required for the type of services requested.
    • Be willing and able to participate in their care plan and provide informed consent for treatment.
  2. Referral and Evaluation:

  3. a. Clients can be referred to the Agency by a licensed healthcare provider, family members, or legal guardians.

  4. b. Upon receiving a referral, the Agency will conduct an initial evaluation to determine the client’s needs, preferences, and the appropriateness of services.

  5. c. During the evaluation, the Agency will assess the client’s medical history, current medical condition, and specific care needs.

  6. d. The Agency will also verify the client’s insurance or payment source to ensure eligibility for services.

  7. Client Admission Process:

    • a. Once a client is deemed eligible and suitable for services, the following steps will be taken:
    1. i. The Agency will provide the client with a clear explanation of the services offered and obtain
      informed consent.

    2. ii. The Agency will create a customized care plan in consultation with the client and, if applicable, their healthcare provider.

    3. iii. The client will be provided with information on their rights and responsibilities, as well as an explanation of the Agency’s policies and procedures.

    4. iv. The client will receive a written agreement outlining the terms and conditions of service, including the schedule, caregiver assignments, and payment arrangements.

    5. v. The client’s personal, medical, and financial information will be collected, documented, and securely maintained in compliance with state and federal privacy regulations, including HIPAA.

  8. Client Rights and Responsibilities:

    • a. The Agency will ensure that clients are informed of their rights and responsibilities, which include the right to participate in care planning, make decisions about their treatment, and voice concerns or grievances.
  9. Emergency and Urgent Admissions:

    • a. In cases of emergency or urgent admissions, the Agency will expedite the admission process to ensure
      immediate care and support, while still adhering to state regulations and documentation requirements.
  10. Client Refusal and Discharge:

    • a. Clients have the right to refuse services at any time. The Agency will document refusals and, if
      necessary, make efforts to address any concerns or issues leading to refusal.

    • b. The Agency may discharge a client from services if they no longer meet the eligibility criteria, or if the client’s needs exceed the Agency’s capacity to provide safe and appropriate care.

  11. Communication and Reporting:

    • a. The Agency will maintain open and effective communication with clients, their families, healthcare
      providers, and involved parties throughout the admission process and during the course of care.
  12. Language Access:

    • a. The Agency will provide language access services to clients with limited English proficiency, including
      translation and interpretation services, to ensure clear communication and understanding of their care.

Selecting and Verifying Health Care Practitioner Credentials

Policy Number: USH-POL-001

Policy Statement:

[AGENCY NAME] (the “Agency”) is dedicated to providing high-quality healthcare staffing services while ensuring compliance with Maryland state regulations, specifically Chapter 10.07.03 of the Code of Maryland Regulations. This policy outlines the procedures and responsibilities for selecting and verifying the credentials of healthcare practitioners referred by the Agency.


  1. Selection of Healthcare Practitioners:

    • a. The Agency shall establish clear and documented procedures for the selection of healthcare
      practitioners to be referred to client facilities.

    • b. The selection process will include a comprehensive review of the qualifications, experience, and suitability of healthcare practitioners for placement with clients.

    • c. The selection criteria should take into account the specific requirements and preferences of the client facilities.

    • d. Healthcare practitioners will be selected based on their ability to meet the requirements of the client facility and in accordance with applicable state regulations.

  2. Verification of Credentials:

    • a. The Agency will verify the credentials of healthcare practitioners to ensure that they are properly
      licensed, certified, and qualified for the positions they will fill.

    • b. The verification process will include:

    • (i) Confirming the validity and currency of healthcare practitioners’ licenses and certifications with the relevant licensing or certification authorities.

    • (ii) Validating the educational qualifications of healthcare practitioners, including degrees, diplomas, and certificates.

    • (iii) Confirming any additional specialized training or certifications relevant to the positions they will fill.

    • (iv) Verifying work history and experience, including references from previous employers or clinical settings.

    • (v) Ensuring that healthcare practitioners have the necessary skills and training required for the specific positions they will be referred for.

  3. Reverification of Credentials:

  4. a. The Agency will establish a process for periodic reverification of healthcare practitioners’ credentials
    to ensure they remain current and valid.

  5. b. The frequency of reverification will be in accordance with state regulations and client requirements.

  6. c. Any changes or updates to healthcare practitioners’ credentials will be promptly documented and filed in their individual records.

  7. Documentation:

    • a. The Agency will maintain a complete and up-to-date record of the credential verification process for each healthcare practitioner.
    • b. This documentation will include copies of licenses, certifications, educational records, and any other relevant documents.
    • c. These records will be securely stored and readily accessible for review during audits or inspections.
  8. Non-Compliance:

    • a. If, during the credential verification process, it is determined that a healthcare practitioner does not
      meet the required qualifications or that their credentials are not valid, the Agency will not refer that practitioner to a client facility.

    • b. The Agency will document and communicate any non-compliance issues to the affected healthcare practitioner, outlining the specific reasons for non-referral.

    • c. The Agency will work with the healthcare practitioner to resolve non-compliance issues and facilitate any necessary actions to bring them into compliance.

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| carepolicy Home Healthcare and Staffing Agency [pdf] Owner's Manual
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