DreamFactory Supaplex Play Online Classic Games Instructions

June 16, 2024

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Supaplex Play Online Classic Games

You’re Murphy, bug hunter extraordinaire, exploring deep inside a crazy computer.
The only way out of each brain-teasing level is to collect I he infotrons and this is where  the fun begins! Snik Snaks must be avoided al all costs … and failing Zonks will trap theunwary … exploding discs, electrons and ports add up 10 the coolest action game around!

New Player:| Point and click the mouse on the yellow box then enter your name and press “Return”.
Delete Player:| Select the player, click on the yellow box and then press the “OK” button to delete. Abort by pressing elsewhere on the menu page.
Skip Level:| Click on the yellow box 10 skip the current level. A maximum of three levels can be skipped.
Statistics:| Select this option lo give the player’s statistics.
Gtx-ttnor:| Click on the yellow box to display the graphic symbols used in the game.
Demo:| Click on the yellow box to start the self-running demonstration of the game.
Controls & Sound:| (IBM Only) Select the sound source and joystick.
Current Positions:| Shows the player’s name, current level and lime spent playing the game.
Player:| Choose the player.
Hall of Fame:| Lists the best 3 players who have mastered all 111 levels.

Current Game

Parameters:| Shows the name, level and total elapsed time of the currently selected player.
Message Line:| Messages and text input window.
Level list:| Lists all 111 levels. Green are completed, yellow is the current level, red are not yet playable and purple indicates a skipped level (Blue on IBM).
Two Discs:| Load new data for levels above 111.
OK:| Starts the game or answers the message line.



Fire Button:| If a valid player is selected, pressing this will take the player into the
Game Play
Joystick up:| Move upwards (Unless the player is in a zone wnh gravity).
.Joystick down:| Move downwards.
Joyst,ck left:| Move left.
Joystick right:| Move right.
Fire button:| Plus joystick direction will make Murphy remove the object in that direction tt n is removable.
LH mouse button:| Aborts the game. (“ESC” key on IBM)
RH mouse button:| Pause the game. (“P” Key on IBM)

IBM Version

ALT -J: Centre the analogue joystick and press ALT and J to calibrate.
Keypad: Use the cursor keys 2, 4, 6. 8, to move.
Space Bar: Fire button.


Top Line: Player’s name and elapsed time on this level (added to total lime).
Bollom Line: urrent level number, level name, and the number of infotrons

required to finish the level.

The Gfx-tutor shows what each of the objects looks like and its name.

Murphy: The player.
lnforron: These are what Murphy has to collect to complete the level.
Zonk!: When possible they fall downwards, or over the edge of RAM-chips. If

they fall on Murphy they will destroy him with an explosion. They can be Murphy, but only one at a time.
RAM-Chip:| They are massive obstacles, but they  can be removed by explosions.
Herdv/ere:| These are fixed obstacles.
Orange Disc:| These will fall downwards when they can, and cause a nine field explosion when they land. They will also explode tt something drops on them.
Red Oise:| These are collected by Murphy and can be dropped and primed by pressing the fire button lor a few seconds. Be sure to move Murphy out ol the nine field explosion in time.
Yellow Oise:| These can be pushed around to the desired explosion location. All of the yellow discs on the level will then give a nine field explosion by pressing Murphy against a terminal.
Terminal:| Used to explode yellow discs.
One Way Port:| Murphy can only pass through these in one direction.
Dual Port:| Murphy can pass through in both directions.
Cross Port:| Murphy can pass through in all 4 directions.
Base-X:| They are removed by simply walking on them.
Bug:| Same as Bass-X except they are infected by a bug. Do not walk on them when the bug is active.
SnikSnak:| These are moving enemies. Do not touch them as they will destroy Murphy with an explosion. They can be destroyed by dropping zonks onto them which causes a nine field explosion.
Elecrrons:| These are similar to Snik Snaks but they store important infotrons within them. To release the infotrons you must crush them with a falling object.
Exit:| Alter collecting the required number of infotrons, the level can be exited by pressing Murphy against the exit

Published by Dream Factory. © Digital integration 1991
Programmed by Philip Jespersen. Graphics and level design by Michael Stopp. PC version by Robin Heydon.

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