MICROLINKS Um Viewer Microscope AP User Manual

June 16, 2024

MICROLINKS Um Viewer Microscope AP

Product Information


  • Product Name: Um Viewer Microscope AP
  • Manufacturer: Microlinks Technology Co,.Ltd.
  • Version: 3.4 (Updated on June 28, 2023)
  • Website: www.vitiny.com

Application Program Interface Introduction

Main Toolbar
The main toolbar provides quick access to the program’s main functions and features.

Main Function Button
The main function buttons allow you to perform various actions within the program.

File List/Folder
The file list/folder section displays the available files and folders for easy navigation.

Sub Program
The sub program section allows you to access additional features and settings.

The status section provides information about the current status of the program or device.

Lock Function
The lock function allows you to lock certain features or settings to prevent unauthorized changes.

Export Information Settings
The export information settings allow you to configure the export options for saved files or data.

Main Toolbar

The File menu provides options for managing files, such as opening, saving, or printing.

The Device menu allows you to connect or disconnect the microscope device.

The Window menu provides options for managing the program’s windows and views.

The Language menu allows you to change the program’s language settings.

The About menu displays information about the program, such as version and copyright details.

Main Function Button

The Connect/Disconnect button allows you to establish or terminate a connection with the microscope device.

Device Control Mode / Disconnect Control Mode
The Device Control Mode allows you to control the device’s settings and functions, while the Disconnect Control Mode allows you to disconnect the device from the program.

The Capture button enables you to capture images or screenshots of the microscope’s view.

The Record button allows you to record videos or sequences of images from the microscope.

The Freeze/Unfreeze button enables you to pause or resume live video streaming from the microscope.

Image Tool
The Image Tool button provides additional tools and features for editing or enhancing captured images.

Product Usage Instructions

Connecting and Controlling the Device

  1. Click on the “Connect/Disconnect” button in the Main Function Button section to establish a connection with the microscope device.
  2. Once connected, you can switch between Device Control Mode and Disconnect Control Mode using the respective buttons.
  3. In Device Control Mode, you can adjust the device’s settings, such as focus or zoom, using the available controls.
  4. In Disconnect Control Mode, you can disconnect the device from the program when not in use.

Capturing Images

  1. Click on the “Capture” button in the Main Function Button section to capture an image of the microscope’s view.
  2. The captured image will be saved automatically for further use or editing.

Recording Videos

  1. Click on the “Record” button in the Main Function Button section to start recording a video or sequence of images from the microscope.
  2. Once recording, click on the “Record” button again to stop the recording process.
  3. The recorded video or images will be saved automatically for future playback or editing.

Freezing and Unfreezing Live Video Stream

  1. Click on the “Freeze/Unfreeze” button in the Main Function Button section to pause or resume the live video streaming from the microscope.
  2. This feature is useful when you want to analyze or study a specific frame without continuous movement.

Using Image Editing Tools

  1. Click on the “Image Tool” button in the Main Function Button section to access additional tools and features for editing or enhancing captured images.
  2. Explore the available options, such as adjusting brightness, contrast, or applying filters, to enhance the captured images as desired.
  3. Save the edited images for further use or export them in different file formats.


Q: How can I update the software to the latest version?
A: To update the software to the latest version, visit the manufacturer’s website at www.vitiny.com and download the updated version from the Downloads section.

Q: Can I use this microscope with other software applications?
A: The compatibility of the microscope with other software applications may vary. It is recommended to check the device’s documentation or contact the manufacturer for more information.

Q: How do I change the language settings?
A: To change the language settings, click on the “Language” menu in the Main Toolbar and select your preferred language from the available options.

Um Viewer
Microscope AP Operation Manual
2023/06/28 Update Ver.3.4

Application Program Interface Introduction
Double-click the UM Viewer Application Program (AP), the below window Fig 1-1 will show up. The interface is divided into center preview window and four groups, Main Toolbar, Main Function Button, the File List/Folder and Sub Program. The button will show the status if microscope is connected to AP. If connection fails, the button is greyed out, see Fig 1-2.
Fig 1-1 AP Interface Fig 1-2 Connection Button Greyed out The AP Interface divides into 5 sections, section 1.4 Sub Program will show up when microscope is connected, see Fig 1-6. 5 sections are as following:
1.1 Main Toolbar
Main Toolbar includes Files, Device, Window, Language, and About. See Fig 1-3. Fig 1-3 Main Toolbar
1.2 Main Function Button
Main Function buttons includes Connect, Device Control Mode, Capture, Record…etc commonly used functions, see Fig 1-4.
Fig 1-4 Main Function Button

File List/Folder

File List/Folder shows the current saved files in the picture (JPG) and video (AVI) folder. Choose different Tabs to enter folder, see Fig 1-5.
Fig 1-5 File List/Folder
1.4 Sub Program
The Sub Program will show up when microsocpe connected to AP. Each area has its own funtion buttons. See Fig 1-6. Press CTRL + F12 to check firmware version. See Fig 1-6.-1
Fig 1-6 Sub Program
Figure 1-6-1 Device firmware version information

The upper Right Corner shows the current microscope status, such as: Field of View (FOV), Magnification (MAG) and the preview resolution. This status will change whenever microscope change different focus or scale calibrated. The drop-down menu is to switch the preview resolution (Select YUV resolution under USB3.0 ONLY) . See Fig 1-7. The bottom Red area shows the video record status, the information changes according to the microscope operation. H means Horizontal, V means Vertical of FOV. Additionally, there is pull bar
to enlarge Image, up to Max 400%. Also, hide below data list by icons.
Fig 1-7 Status Information
1.6 Lock Function
In avoid of mis-carefully adjust software setting during long term observation or absence from the desk, enable the Lock Function to secure the software settings. Fast key: Ctrl+L Default setting is OFF. See Fig 1-8, See Lock Function “ON” icon on the main toolbar as Fig 1-9.
Fig 1-8 Lock Function Setup

Fig 1-9 Lock Function “ON”
1.7 Export Information Settings
Measurement figures can export in CSV or EXCEL file type. See Fig 1-10. Functions from icon left: Return to default path, Open Folder, Change Folder Path. After Setup, click on Export Data icon on Fig 1-11 to export measurement figures to assigned folder. Under Lock Function Setup mode, select Status Bar, the Fig. 1-11-1 will show up the Data while exporting data.
Fig 1-10 Export Information Setup
Fig 1-11 Export Data icon shown on measurement tools.

Figure 1-11-1 has the exported picture with the status bar in the upper left corner turned on

Main Toolbar

Main Toolbar includes File, Device, Window, Language and About.
2.1 File
File includes Load Image, Image & Video and its folder location, change folder path. See Fi 2-1. Load Image function is to load the photo taken by microscope to measure or annotate again. If the taken photo already done scale calibration, the software will load the scale, too. When enter Load

Image mode, additional icon Fig 2-3 toolbar.

(Save image) or

(Leave Load Image) will show on

Fig 2-1 Image & Video options
Fig 2-2 Load Image
Fig 2-3 Save Image & Leave button on Toolbar
2.2 Device
To choose the microscope model. See Fig 2-4.
Fig 2-4 Device Option
2.3 Window
To Choose the preview window size, the resolution is decided by user’s monitor preference setting. If the resolution is 1280×720, the adjustable options is only under 1280×720. (640×360). See Fig 25.

Fig 2-5 Window size
2.4 Language
This AP includes multi-languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean…etc. The default language is English, users only need to setup preferable language when first time using this AP. See Fig 2-5.
Fig 2-5 Language setup
2.5 About
To show the AP information. See Fig. 2-6. Fig 2-6 About
Show this AP’s version and copy right.
Fig 2-7 Copy Right

3. Main Function Button
Main Function Button are commonly used function, which includes Connect, Device Control Mode, Capture, Record… etc functions. Refer to Fig 1-4.
3.1 Connect/Disconnect
3.1.1 Connect Click button to start preview. If the connection is failed, please re-plug microscope or change another USB port. See Fig 3-1.
3.1.2 Disconnect Click button to stop preview. See Fig 3-2.

Fig 3-1 Connect

Fig 3-2 Disconnect

3.2 Device Control Mode / Disconnect Control Mode
3.2.1 Device Control Mode Click the Device Control Mode button (Fig 3-3) to enable control from PC. please re-plug the microscope or change another USB port.

If connection is failed,

3.2.2 Disconnect Control Mode Click to disconnect Device Control Mode. See Fig 3-4.

Fig 3-3 Device Control Mode

Fig 3-4 Disconnect Device Control

3.2.3 Device Control Mode Below Fig 3-5 is the toolbar after enable Deice Control Mode. Fig 3-5 is general toolbar for UM20 Series. Fig 3-5-1 is toolbar for UM22.

Fig 3-5 Enable Device Control Mode for UM20-series

Fig 3-5-1 Enable Device Control Mode for UM22


(1) Focus Menu

: There are 3 focus modes and 2 motor reset functions. See Fig 3-6. Focus

modes: Manual focus, Single AF, and Continuous AF. Single AF only focus one time, Continuous AF will re-focus when the image is blurry, stop until image is clear. Calibration of initial position is to let motor position return to 0 position, and Motor Reset is to run motor one time and stop at the start position.

Fig 3-6 Focus Menu

(2) Field of View (FOV) menu

: Below Fig 3-7, 3-7-1 and Fig 3-8 are FOV menu for Object lens 4X

/10X & UM22. It shows FOV(Field of View) and WD(Working Distance). Users can select needed FOV or WD to focus. Example 1: In Manual focus mode, select one from needed FOV or WD menu, it will move focus to the chose area but might not clear focus. In this mode, Single AF and Continuous AF focus are both not available. Example 2: In AF mode, in focus mode, select one from needed FOV or WD menu, it will move focus to the chose area and autofocus until image is clear.

Current Section [AF] time is shorter.

Search the section based on current position. The focus

While Area [AF]

Search focus in whole area. The focus time is longer.


Fig 3-7 4X Lens FOV menu

Fig 3-7-1 10X Object Lens FOV menu


Fig 3-8 UM22 FOV menu

(3) Current Position

To show the lens position when focus.

(4) Zoom out

Ascending speed when press zoom out, magnification becomes smaller.

(5) Zoom in

Ascending speed when press zoom, magnification becomes higher.

(6) Step zoom out

Step zoom out, magnification becomes smaller.

(7) Step zoom in

Step zoom in, magnification becomes higher.

(8) LED On /Off

When “off”, all LEDs turn off. When “on”, the LED will turn on and

the brightness is the same as last time before turn off.


(9) LED Decrease

Decrease the brightness.

(10) LED Level

: Show the current brightness level.

(11) LED Increase

: Increase the brightness.

Function for UM20-Series

(12) EV Decrease

Decrease the brightness.

(13) EV Level

Show the current exposure level, Fig 3-5 shows current exposure is AUTO.

(14) EV Increase

Increase the brightness.

(15) Remote Control Click this button to enter Remote Control menu. See Fig 3-9, if the icon is greyed out, means this function does not support this model.

Function for UM22.

Fig 3-9 Remote Control

(16) LED Mode (UM22): distance.

There are 7 segments of LED direction to meet different working

(17) Auto White Balance(UM22) : Calibrate the image color based on the seen white color. Recommend to use the AWB card from package.


3.3 Capture
Snapshot icon is as Fig 3-10, image size depends on Video Format source. Captured image will save to default image folder. Users can choose “Auto- Saved” from Capture Setting. Refer to Section 3-9 instruction.

Function for UM22. Hardware Photo snapshot button. (Fig 3-10-1), is to take

4K resolution (3840*2160p) picture directly and save to default folder.

Fig 3-10 Snapshot

Fig 3-10-1Hardware Photo snapshot (UM22.)

3.4 Record

Video Record icon is as Fig 3-11. Video resolution depends on Video Format Source. Recorded

Video will save to default video folder.

Fig 3-11 Start and Stop Record
3.5 Freeze/Unfreeze
Freeze/Unfreeze icon is as Fig 3-12. Click to freeze the current image, users can do Sub Program or edit image, click again to unfreeze.

Fig 3-12 Freeze/Unfreeze icon
3.6 Image Tool
Image Tool toolbar is as Fig 3-13. The toolbar will showed after clicked this button. See Fig 3-14.

Fig 3-13 Image Tool Button

Fig 3-14 Image Tool Function Area

3.7 Time Lapse Capture
Time Lapse Capture button is as Fig 3-15. The Time Lapse Function toolbar will show after clicked this button. See Fig 3-16.
Fig 3-15 Time Lapse Capture Button
Fig 3-16 Time Lapse Capture Function Area
Figure 3-16-1 The 4K2K of cycle photo only supports UM22
3.8 Auxiliary Tool
Auxiliary Tool button is as Fig 3-17. The toolbar will show after clicked this button. See Fig 3-18. Fig 3-17 Auxiliary Tool Button

Fig 3-18 Auxiliary Toolbar Function Area
3.9 Calibration Tool
Calibration Tool icons as Fig 3-19, click then show calibration icons at right side as Fig. 3-20, 3-21. Fig. 3-19 Calibration Tool
Fig 3-20 Calibration in Calibration Tool

Fig 3-21 Scale Setting in Calibration Tool

(1) Self-Calibration tool For precise measurement, it is necessary to do calibration. Firstly

click , put the calibration ruler underneath. Draw the same line segment as the actual

size, then key the figure in the Scale Length column

(For example: actual size

is 5mm, key in 5 only. See Fig. 3-22. The longer line segment is drawn full of the horizontal

screen, the more accuracy to the calibration). Finally click

to confirm and finish.

In case of cancellation of calibration, click cancel

to exit from Scale Length mode.

While calibration, if it requires Auxiliary Ruler, click

to show auxiliary ruler.

In the calibration process, the FOV of Fig. 3-20 will preview the correct FOV accordingly

after calibration.

Fig 3-22 Manual Calibration example

Fig 3-23 Standard Calibrator Fig 3-23 is the Standard Calibrator. Instruction:
Left Upper Corner: Concentric Circles, it is to see if the ratio is correct. If Concentric Circles is out of ratio means the screen ratio needs to be corrected. First circle (black dot) diameter is 1 mm, second circle (white space) is 3 mm, third circle (black line) is 5 mm, the forth circle is 7 mm..,etc.
Right Upper Corner: 1 mm Low Magnification Grid. Low mag Grid is used for calibrate the low magnification, wider field. It can also use to check the ratio, if the square does not form as square means the screen ratio needs to be corrected. The length for each square is 1 mm.
Left bottom corner: Cross. The main purpose for the Cross is to calibrate the default setting in AP and also to measure. The Cross includes Low & High magnification; it has 3 kinds of units as 0.05 mm, 0.1 mm and 1mm scale. It will measure 0.05 mm, 0.1 mm at high magnification and 0.1 mm, 1 mm at low magnification. The Cross can measure the Length and Width accurately,
Right bottom corner: 0.1 mm High Magnification Grid. High Magnification grid is used for observing tiny object. The Length of in a square is 0.1 mm.
(2) Auto-Calibration Tool: For precise measurement, it is necessary to do calibration. First, put the calibration ruler underneath (The circle ruler must be inside the preview window.

The full size the better). Click

to automatically detect the cirecle, see Fig 3-24.

Then key in the detected diameter in the Scale Length column

(For example:

detected diameter size is 5mm, key in 5 only.) If the detecting line fits the circle ruler, click

to confirm and finish, see Fig 3-25. In case of cancellation of calibration, click to exit from Auto-Calibration mode.


Fig 3-24 Dotted line fits the Solid Circle Edge Example Fig 3-25 Auto- Calibration Done Example

Fig 3-26 Solid Circle Calibrator Fig 3-26 is the Solid Circle Calibrator (optional accessory). The unit is in mm. The upper Scale can be used for length measurement or manual-calibration. The other size of solid circle is used for auto-calibration. The more full size of solid circle can see on preview window, the higher accuracy it can be. (3) Scale Setting: See Fig 3-21. The setting and function as following:
Sales List: Choose from “Scale Files”, the drop down menu will list all files which saved

in this PC. If Device Control Mode

is enabled, choose any from the saved

file, the device will move the sensor to saved position. Manually adjust stand height


until clear image is seen. The measure function can begin. Name: Show the current File name. Or the new create file & modification needed file. FOV: the FOV data after auto-calibrated or manual-calibrated. Sensor Position: Show the current Sensor position.

Create New Scale

: Create new scale file after scale calibrated.

Edit Click Edit to change file name of FOV data.

Delete Click Delete to delete the chosen FOV File. (4) Scale Setting: UM Viewer can also connect to different models, or change different lens.
In this condition, the default Scale file is not suitable for above situation. User needs to export the original FOV Data Files and import new (correct) FOV Data. Below Fig 3-21 is the function introduction. Scale List: Select the Scale file. When file is selected, the FOV data will renew

Create New Scale After click, please key in name and confirm to save file.

Import File

Fig 3-27 Create New Scale Import Scale Files. List will refresh after imported.

Export File Export Scale Files.

Open FOV Folder Open the Scale File Folder.

3.10 Capture Setting
Capture Setting button is as Fig 3-28. Clicked to see Fig 3-29. Users can setup Auto-Saved to save every captured Image. If the Auto-Saved is not checked, AP will require users to choose saving path every time. Users can setup Save Info to save measurement information on the image or video. The image needs compressed to save to Jpg file, JPG Quality is to setup the saved image quality. PNG format is the original image.

Fig 3-28 Capture Setting Button

Fig 3-29 Capture Setting


Help to locate the edge of measuring object including several subsidiary magnifiers.

See Fig 3-30 and 3-31.

Fig. 3-30 Before applying 3x subsidiary magnify

Fig.3-31 After applying 3x subsidiary magnify

4. File List/Folder
The File List/Folder Tabs is as Fig 1-5. It shows the current files, select the folder to show the saved files into folder list.
4.1 The File List Tab
Fig 4-1 is the tab for the photo and video files. There are 3 photo types : JPG, PNG and BMP. Video is AVI. The tab only show one photo type/ AVI video. Select photo type to see different tabs such as JPG/AVI, PNG/AVI or BMP/AVI. The review photo on the list only show the certain file type, i.e.: JPG file list only show .jpg format photos. Fig 4-4 is to choose shown type. The tables change as fig 4-1-4-3.
Fig 4-1 JPG / AVI file list Tab
Fig 4-2 PNG / AVI file list Tab
Fig 4-3 BMP/ AVI list Tab
4.1.1 Display of pages Fig 4-1 [1/1] =X/Y, X is sequence and Y is total number of pages. Each page can show 10 files.
4.2 Select File type and pages
Fig 4-3 is to select image file type from the drop-down menu. The file type and function are as Fig
4-3. If the file type is AVI, the drop-down menu does not show the JPG/ PNG file. If choose AVI file, no
dropdown selection menu.

4.2.1 Change Page
Fig 4-3, the Left Key Right key is next page.
4.2.2 File Path

Fig 4-4 Select File Type

and Right Key

to change page numbers. Left key is last page,


Fig 4-3, Open File , is to open the current saving folder. If user want to change the saving

path, click Change Path

to change to desired folder. Select desired folder from Fig 4-4.

Fig 4-5 Change to other Folder
4.3 Quick Click
Double-click the image on the image/video list to open file. Right-click the mouse to show the Fig 4-6 to delete file directly or load image into compare more. Note: only Image file can load into compare mode and Load Image function.
Fig 4-6 Quick Click


5. Sub Program
After enable UM Viewer AP, there is Sub Program area shown at right side of Fig. 5-1 i.e. Sub Program category. Measurement tools are fixed at upper as Fig.5-1. The other Sub Programs are variable at underneath area as Fig.5-2, able to switch Image Tool, Time Lapse Capture, Auxiliary Tool.

Fig. 5-1 Fixed tool category

Fig.5-2 Changeable tool category

5.1 Measuring mode
After enable UM Viewer AP, it can use measurment tools as Fig. 5-3 shown.

Fig. 5-3 Measurement tools

5.1.1 Measurement Tools Measurement tools include Line, Rectangle, Square, 2 Point Circle, 3 Point Circle, 4 Point Angle, Horizontal Angle, Vertical Angle, Auto Circle Detect, Edge Detect etc., as Fig. 5-4 show

Fig. 5-4 Various Measurement Tools

(1) Line : To simply measure a line who can apply

tool. User can choose Line tool and

measure length as L=1.00mm (L: Length). See Fig. 5-5 shown.

Fig. 5-5 Line Measurement

(2) Rectangle : The object is quadrilateral that can apply

tool as Fig. 5-6. The Rectangle

tool can measure and show rectangular circumference (P=6.0 mm), Horizontal length

(W=2.0mm), Vertical length (H=1.0 mm), Rectangular area (A=2.0 mm2).

Fig.5-6 Rectangle measurement

(3) SquareThe object is regular quadrilateral that can apply

tool. Draw from any

corner toward Diagonal direction as a square. In the Fig. 5-7, square circumference is P=4.01mm, one side is L=1.00mm and area is A=1.00 mm2.

Fig. 5-7 Square measurement

(4) Arc: Apply

to measure Arc , see FIG. 5-8. 1st click at the edge of measuring object

and then 2nd click on the other side, continue moving mouse till arc area match the

measuring object, finalize 3rd click. Below measuring data show Int. angle is 153.7 o), radius

is R=0.725mm, area is A=0.705 mm, perimeter is P=3.394mm.

Fig.5-8 Arc area

(5) Arch: Apply

to measure Arch, see Fig. 5-9. Arch follow to o’clock direction. Need be

careful to 1st click and 2nd click sequence. 1st click at the edge of measuring object and then

2nd click on the other side, continue moving Mouse till Arch area match the measuring

object, finalize 3rd click. Below measuring data show radius is R=0.559mm, chord is L=0.948

mm, arch is Arc=2.885mm, perimeter is P=3.832mm.

Fig 5-9 Target Arch area

(6) 2 Point CircleThe object is circle that can apply

tool. Click the 1st point on the edge

of object, press and drag the left key of mouse toward 2nd point on the edge of object that

automatically draw a circle. In the Fig. 5-10, Radius is R=0.5mm, Diameter is D=1.00 mm,

Perimeter is P=3.14mm and Area is A=0.79mm2.

Fig 5-10 2 Point Circle

(7) 3 Point CircleWhen the object is Circle or just a Arc that can apply

tool. Point 1st

point on the edge of object, then point 2nd point, again drag toward 3rd point, that

automatically draw a circle. In the Fig. 5-11, Radius is R=0.50 mm, Diameter is D=1.00 mm,

Perimeter is P=3.14 mm and Area is A=0.79 mm2.

Fig. 5-11 3 Point Circle measurement (8) Center Distance: This function is only enabled after using Two Point Circle or Three Point
Circle. There are three measure functions for Center Distance. See Fig 5-12.
Fig 5-12 Center Distance

Two Center Distance

: This function will auto-calculate the distance from two

circle’s center. Two Circles is required to draw on same page. See Fig 5-13.

Fig 5-13 Two Center Distance
Optional Two Center Distance This function is auto-calculate the chosen two circles. Refer to Fig 5-14, example, 4 circles are drawn, choose “Current Center” as golden sample, then choose “Sequence Center” to measure the distance between Current Center to Number (No) of Circles. The measurement result will show on left upper corner.

Fig 5-14 Optional Two Center Distance Offset Center : This drawing method is same as Two Center Distance. This
function is to calculate the Offset distance between two circle center. See Fig 5-15.

Fig 5-15 Offset Center

(9) Auto Circle Detect Automatically lock and measure Circle that can apply

tool. On

the target Circle, draw an area to fully cover it, it will automatically measure the circle as

Fig. 5-16, 5-17 shown.

Fig. 5-16 Lock Circle

Fig.5-17 Auto measuring Circle

(10) Parallel Line: Apply

to measure “Distance” between parallel lines, see Fig. 5-18.

Draw the 1st start line on the measuring object, auto show up a preview parallel line from

the Mouse point to the start line. Click the mouse left button to draw multi- points for

measuring their distances to the start line. Optionally, for continuously distance

measuring, click “Sequence Line” to measure distance from the previous line. See Fig. 5-

Fig. 5-18 Measure distance between parallel lines Fig. 5-19 Click for continuous distance measurement

(11) Perpendicular Line: Apply

to measure perpendicular, see Fig 5-20. Draw the 1st

start line on the measuring object, then click mouse left button to draw perpendicular lines

till the bottom of depth. Click Mouse right button for completion.

Fig.5-20 Measure the wave depth

(12) 4 Point AngleWhen measuring the angle that can apply

tool. As Fig. 5-21 shown,

firstly draw a line segment on one side of Angle, then draw 2nd line segment on the other

side of Angle, that can know the angle. The inner angle is Int.135 o, the external angle is

Ext.45 o, the dotted Arc is the measured angle. Can also choose to show Reflex Angle

or Supplementary Angle

. See Fig 5-22 & 5-23.

Fig 5-21 Measure 4 Point Angle

Fig 5-22 Measure Supplementary Angle

Fig 5-23 Measure Reflex Angle

(13) Vertical AngleMeasure any Vertical Angle by a vertical line that can apply


Draw a vertical line, auto pop up the other oblique line to the vertical line, then auto

measure the inner Angle/ external Angle as Fig. 5-24 shown.

Fig. 5-24 Assisted measurement of Vertical Angle

(14) Horizontal AngleMeasure any Horizontal Angle by a Horizontal line that can apply tool. Draw a Horizontal line, auto pop up the other oblique line to the Horizontal line, then auto measure the inner Angle/ external Angle as Fig. 5-25 shown.

Fig 5-25 Horizontal Angle

(15) Edge DetectWhenever do measurement that can apply

tool to easily locate the

edge, it is used to subsidiary help the other measuring tools. Click a dot close to the edge

of object for quick and accurate measurement. See Fig. 5-26 shown.

Fig 5-26 Edge Detect

(16) PolylineMeasure lengths from lines. Measure total lengths by using Polylines


Each left click to stop at a point and continue measure, right click until the end of the point.

See Fig 5-27.

Fig 5-27 Measure Polylines

(17) PolygonA polygon

is a shape that is made up of many sides and has only line

segment. See Fig 5-28, follow the shape and left click on each angle, right click on the last

point; the last point will link to first point to make a polygon.

Fig 5-28 Measure Polygon

(18) Lune Curve: Measure Lune

shape, such as the area of solder amount on

components, first two clicks on the left and right point of lune shape, thirdly click on the

outer shape of lune shape, then the last click on the inner curve of lune shape. 4 clicks to

make a Lune shape. See Fig 5-29.

Fig 5-29 Measure Lune Shape

(19) Move: If wanted to move or adjust the measured object, choose MOVE

to adjust.

Mouse Fast Key: Scroll wheel to enable/disable MOVE function. Keyboard Fast Key: ESC button to

enable/disable MOVE function. See Fig 5-30, when click on the object, the chosen one will show

in opposite color Fig 5-31. Click on other position to cancel selection. When drag or adjust

the object, the related information will move together. See Fig 5-32. If wanted to delete

the chosen object, click “Delete Selection”. on Keyboard to delete.

to delete object. Or press “Delete” button

Fig 5-30 Example of Move Object

Fig 5-31 Move Chosen Object

Fig 5-32 Move and Adjust object

(20) Insert Text: Use Insert Test

function to insert footnote on picture. When Insert Text

function is activate, the mouse type will change to Input Text, see Fig 5-33 Double-Click to

insert text, see Fig 5-34. If wanted to re-edit content or position, choose MOVE function

to make adjustment, see Fig 5-35. Adjust position with arrow sign mark, see Fig 5-36.

Numbering is follow the sequence of footnote, see Fig 5-37.

Fig 5-33 Insert Text

Fig 5-34 Input Text Fig 5-35 Advanced setting for Insert Text
Fig 5-36 footnote with Arrow
Fig 5-37 Numbering of footnotes

(21) Erase AllWhenever to delete all of measuring data at one time, that can apply tool.

(22) Multi-LineWhenever to multiple measuring that can apply several items on one picture. See Fig. 5-38 shown

tool, i.e. measure

Fig. 5-38 Multi-Line measurement

(23) Undo/RedoWhen multi-Line measurement, if the measurement error need return to

previous action or to next action, that can apply

tool for Undo/Redo action.

(24) Change Measurement ColorWhen object is similar color to measuring line that can apply

tool for changing color of tool line as Fig. 5-39 shown.

Fig.5-39 Changing measuring line

(25) Measurement SettingWhen object doesn’t require to show all measuring data that can

apply setting).

tool to select the necessary data as Fig. 5-40 (before setting), Fig. 5-41 (after

Fig. 5-40 Before setting

Fig. 5-41 After setting

5.2 Image Tool

Click the Image Tool button

in the Sub Program to call out the Image toolbar. See Fig 5-40.


Image Tool Toolbar

The toolbar for Image Tool after clicked. See Fig5-43.

Fig 5-43 Image Tool Toolbar

(1) Flip Image: 4 types of image flip function.

No Flip

Fig 5-44 No Flip

Horizontal Flip

Vertical Flip

Fig 5-45 Horizontal Flip

Fig 5-46 Vertical Flip

Horizontal & Vertical Flip

Fig 5-47 Horizontal & Vertical Flip

(2) Comparison Mode


Click on time to turn ON or OFF the Overlay Compare function, when overlay

function is on, the default loading image is the last saved image.

Fig 5-48 Overlay function OFF

Fig 5-49 Overlay function ON

Left Side Comparison

: Enable/Disable the Left Side Compare mode. The loaded image is

on left side. Right side image is live preview image. Below Fig 5-50: Transparency: 100%,

Image Location: 100%, Offset Ratio: 0%, Image Ratio: 50%.

Fig 5-50 Left Side Comparison mode

Right Side Comparison

: Enable/Disable the Right Side Compare mode. The loaded

image is on Right side. Left side image is live preview image. Below Fig 5-51 Transparency:

100%, Image Location: 100%, Offset Ratio: 0%, Image Ratio: 50%.

Fig 5-51 Right Side Compare mode

Top Side Comparison

: Enable/Disable the Top Side Compare mode. The loaded image

is on Top side. Bottom side image is live preview image.

Fig 5-52 Transparency: 100%, Image Location: 100%, Offset Ratio: 0%, Image Ratio: 50%.

Fig 5-52 Top Side Compare mode
Bottom Side Comparison : Enable/Disable the Bottom Side Compare mode. The loaded image is on Bottom side. Top side image is live preview image. Fig 5-53 Transparency: 100%, Image Location: 100%, Offset Ratio: 0%, Image Ratio: 50%.

Fig 5-53 Bottom Side Compare mode

Load Image

Load image from other location.


: Adjust the transparent level when in comparison

mode. The Default level is 50%, drag the bar to adjust level. Fig 5-54 is the transparency in

15%, Fig 5-55 is in 75%.

Fig 5-54 Transparency in 15%

Fig 5-55 Transparency in 75%

Photo Rolling

: Adjust the loaded-in photo position in comparison mode. Drag the bar

to roll the loaded-in photo.

Photo Moving

Adjust the loaded-in photo window in comparison mode. Drag the bar

to move photo, so that to easily compare the loaded-in photo with the preview image.

Photo Size

Adjust the loaded-in photo size in comparison mode. Drag the bar to adjust

photo ratio. Max. photo size is 50%.


(3) Setting

Setup the video properties, users can adjust the parameter for the preview

video. See Fig 5-56, the parameter for setup video properties. Fig 5-57 is the parameter

to setup camera control.

Fig 5-56 Video Properties Parameter Setting

Fig 5-57 Camera Control in Properties


Time Lapse Capture

Click the Time Lapse Capture button

from Main Function Button, the Time Lapse Capture

function toolbar will show on the right side. See Fig 5-58.

Fig 5-58 Time Lapse Capture

(1) Capture: Setup Start time, Time Interval, and Files number to active Time lapse function, see Fig 5-59. The actual action refer to Fig 5-60.
Start TimeTo set the start time to enable the function. The unit can be second, minute and
hour. Time IntervalTo set time to capture image or video. The unit can be second, minute or hour. Files NumberTo decide how many image/video needs to be captured.


/ Stop Start / Stop Time Lapse Capture function. When function meet the

setup files number, the capture will stop.

Fig 5-59 Time Lapse- Image

Fig5-60 Time Lapse ­ Image Capturing


(2) RecordSetup Start time, Time Interval, and Files number to active Time lapse function, see
Fig 5-61. The actual action refer to Fig 5-62. Start TimeTo set the start time to enable the function. The unit can be second, minute and
hour. Time IntervalTo set time to capture image or video. The unit can be second, minute or hour. Files NumberTo decide how many image/video needs to be captured.


/ Stop Start / Stop Time Lapse Capture function. When function meet the

setup files number, the capture will stop.

Fig 5-61 Time Lapse ­Video Record

Fig 5-62 Time Lapse ­ Video Recording


5.2.3 Auxiliary Tool
Click Auxiliary Tool button right side. See Fig 5-63.

in Main Function Button, the Scale toolbar will show on the

Fig. 5-63 Auxiliary tools

(1) ScaleThere are 7 scales type as following:

No Scale

Fig 5-64 No Scale

Left Upper Scale

Right Upper Scale

Fig 5-65 Left Upper Scale

Left Bottom Scale

Fig 5-66 Right Upper Scale

. Fig 5-67 Left Bottom Scale

Right Bottom Scale

Center Scale

Fig 5-68 Right Bottom Scale


Fig 5-69 Center Scale

Fig 5-70 Scale

Fig 5-70-1 Scale

Select numbers of equal segments of scale

Default unit of scale: 1mm Untick ” Auto” to change the other unit. Position of scale: Top left/ Bottom left/ Top right/Bottom right Scale can together use with the other ruler like Cross ruler/Top left ruler …… The input value must be divided by 1000 to get the correct value.
.For example: Input “1000” to get 1 ( There will be red text below when typing.)

After changing “unit”, it can select the suitable


While adjusting Focus and FOV, the scale will automatically adjust its display length to match correct 1mm unit.

(2) Aiming ModeThere are 4 types of aiming mode. Each type begins drawing from center position.

Center Crosshair

Fig 5-71Center Crosshair Aiming Mode

Center Circle

Fig 5-72 Center Circle Aiming Mode Center Rectangle

Center Square

Fig 5-73 Center Rectangle Aiming Mode


(3) Choose Color

Fig 5-74 Center Square Aiming Mode Choose the Auxiliary Line color. Fig 5-75 is to change the line color.

Fig 5-75 Change Line color to White

(4) Line Width

Choose the Auxiliary Line width. Fig 5-76 shows the optional

line width, and Fig 5-77 shows a wider line width.

Fig 5-76 Line Width Options

Fig 5-77 Wider Line Width

(5) Crosshair ruler

: Self key in unit of gap and display square ruler, see Fig. 5-78.

Additionally, click

to show cross line in the center, see Fig. 5-79.

Fig. 5-78 Crosshair ruler

Fig. 5-79 Crosshair ruler with cross line in center

(6) Circle ruler

: Self-Key in unit of gap and display same gap’s concentric circles,

see Fig. 5-80.

Fig. 5-80 Circle ruler

(7) Auxiliary line setting size. See Fig 5-81

: individually setup the mesh or concentric circle spacing and cell

Fig 5-81 Spacing and Cell setup for mesh and Concentric circles.

(8) Anticlockwise Rotation

: To adjust the Mesh angle size to fit sample

direction. The rotation is +/- 90degrees.

(9) Mirror Angle

Fig 5-82 Mesh angle shift to-16 degrees switch the shift angle degrees in opposite way.

(10) Release Center position : use mouse to align the Mesh or Concentric Circle to center position directly. Click again to release alignment.

(11) Back to Center position

: Return to the center position.

6. EDOF Function (Extended Depth of Field)
When there is a height difference in the observed object, some parts of the micro image may appear clear but partially blurred. This is caused by different depths of field. Through the EDOF function, different depth of field photos can be combined into a single photo where all parts are clear. (When using this function, it is recommended not to exceed a resolution of 1920×1080, as exceeding 1080P may consume more computer resources and potentially cause computer lag.)
Figure 6-1: Adjust the image resolution at the Upper Right Corner 6.1 Function Interface
Figure 6-2: Enabling EDOF Function After enabling remote control, click on the EDOF icon (Figure 6-2), and you will then see the following interface (Figure 6-3).

6.2 Function Introduction

Figure 6-3: EDOF Interface

Figure 6-4: Function Selection The photo mode is divided into two modes: “Manual Capture” and “Auto Capture,” each with its own set of operation menus.
Figure 6-5: Manual Capture Menu
Figure 6-6: Auto Capture Menu

Manual Capture: In this mode, you need to use the manually focusing to adjust the motor position and capture photos one by one from the lowest point to the highest point of the observed object. It is recommended to take one photo every 25 to 30 motor steps in high magnification (the actual interval may vary depending on the observed object).

After capturing the photos, click on the “Merge Images” button

to generate

a composite image that support various lenses in different magnifications).

Auto Capture: In this mode, you need to manually focusing to set the motor’s starting position (lowest point of the observed object) by clicking on it , and then set the end position (highest point of the observed object) by clicking on it .

Once the starting and end positions are set, press the system will automatically capture a series of photos as it moves from the starting position to the end position. This mode eliminates the need to manually adjust the motor position for each photo.
By clicking on the “Set” button , you can specify the folder location where the captured images will be stored for output.

By clicking on the “Open” button , you can directly open the designated folder where the captured images are being stored for output.

By clicking on the “Delete” button session will be deleted.

, all process files from the current capture

Figure 6-7: Open Menu
Process Folder: Opening this folder will reveal the location where all the photos taken

at different motor positions are stored before image merged. Output Folder: Opening the designated output folder will display the location where
the captured images are being saved. Import JPG files: This function allows you to import all JPG photos from the folder of

Output photos. After importing, you can click on “Merge Directly”

to initiate the

image synthesis process. (For example, if the output photos are lost but you have

retained the process folder, you can use this function to import the process files and

perform image merger again.) Clicking on “Settings” (Figure 6-8).

will display the following menu

Figure 6-8: Settings Menu
In general, the default settings are automatically selected for image merger. If you are not satisfied with the default mode, you can deselect the default option and select the desired settings (multiple options can be selected). After that, click on “Save” to use the customized settings for image merger.
Format: You can set the output format to JPG, PNG, or BMP. Reference Image Alignment: Specify which image in the process images to use as the alignment
reference (e.g., enter 0 for the first image, 1 for the second image, and so on). Adjacent Image Alignment: Align each image with its adjacent image.

Non-cropped Alignment: Maintain the original size of the image during alignment without cropping the edges.
White Balance compensation: Automatically adjust the white balance of the images. Exposure: Automatically adjust the exposure level of the images. Full- Resolution Alignment: By default, the resolution is limited to 2048×2048 pixels. This option enforces
alignment using the full resolution. GPU Acceleration: Utilize GPU acceleration of OpenCL (if available). Waiting Image: Set the waiting time (in seconds) before processing begins. This option allows
processing to start before all images are fully loaded. Batch Size: Set the batch size for merging images, with a default of 8 and a maximum of 32. A larger
value consumes more memory. JPG Quality: Set the quality level of JPG images from 0 to 100, with a default of 95. Preserve Input Image Size: Preserve the original size of the input images, which may result in distortion
at the edges. Consistency: Set the range from 0 to 2 to reduce noise in the images. A higher value reduces noise but
may remove some fine background textures. Noise Reduction: Set the range from 1 to 8, with a default of 1, to eliminate noise of approximately +/- 1
pixel value.

Figure 6-9: Pre-Merged Images
Figure 6-10: Post-Merged Images


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