HABA 305610 The Key Murder at the Oakdale Club User Guide

June 16, 2024

305610 The Key Murder at the Oakdale Club

Product Information


  • Game Name: Thomas Sing
  • Recommended Age: 8 and up
  • Number of Players: 1 to 4


Thomas Sing is an investigation game that challenges players to
solve a murder case. It is designed for 1 to 4 clever detectives
aged 8 and up. The game revolves around analyzing clues, witness
statements, and lab results to identify the perpetrators, murder
weapons, and their escape vehicle. The goal is to solve the case
using the least amount of clues.


  • 4 briefcase screens
  • 4 investigation files
  • 4 dry-erase markers with erasers
  • 190 cards:
    • 100 witness statements
    • 90 lab cards
    • 24 watch cards
    • 24 license plate cards
    • 24 DNA cards
    • 18 alibi cards
  • 1 solution board
  • 9 wooden keys

Game Setup

  1. Each investigator takes one briefcase screen, puts it together
    as pictured, and places it in front of them.

  2. Each investigator also takes one marker and one investigation

  3. Shuffle all the cards and spread them around the center of the
    table with the backs facing up.

  4. Leave the solution board in the box initially and do not look
    at it.

  5. Select a key and place it in the center of the table between
    the cards. The color of the key determines the case variant to be

  6. Return any unused game components back to the box.


The objective of the game is to combine the witness statements
and lab results correctly and quickly to solve the murder case.
Each player will analyze the clues and use their intuition to
identify the right key code. The player who solves the case using
the least amount of clues wins the game.


Q: How many players can play Thomas Sing?

A: Thomas Sing can be played by 1 to 4 clever detectives.

Q: What is the recommended age for Thomas Sing?

A: Thomas Sing is recommended for ages 8 and up.

Q: How do I win the game?

A: The player who identifies the right key code using the least
amount of clues wins the game.

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Thomas Sing
An investigation game for 1 to 4 clever detectives
ages 8 and up.

Investigative team,
The following information is all we have about the current status of the investigation.
A terrible series of murders has occurred at the famous Oakdale Golf Club. The venue was meant to host the presentation of one of the most important film awards the day after the murders occured. Many distinguished guests, including actors and members of a science club, were present. On the evening before the planned event, three unscrupulous perpetrators used the hustle and bustle of the party to commit their crimes. For three guests, the party was fatal. They were found at three different crime scenes around the grounds.
Unfortunately, the grounds are only sparsely monitored with surveillance cameras to protect the privacy of the mostly very wealthy guests. That’s why we need to rely on numerous witness statements in our investigations.
The three perpetrators have been detained. Despite many witness statements and numerous lab results, the police have not yet been able to pin any of the murders on a specific suspect. To get a conviction, we first need to establish which perpetrator used which murder weapon at what time. We also need to work out which golf cart they then used to flee. Only when we know this, can the perpetrators be put behind bars.
We are asking for your help and relying on your unparalleled intuition to properly analyze the clues and irrefutably prove the circumstances.
Thank you for your support.

4 briefcase screens

4 investigation files

4 dry-erase markers with erasers 190 cards:
100 witness statements

90 lab cards

1 solution board 9 wooden keys

24 watch cards

24 license plate cards

24 DNA cards


18 alibi cards

Each investigator takes one briefcase screen 1 , puts it together as pictured, and places it in front of them.
Each investigator also takes one marker 2 and one investigation file 3 .
Shuffle all of the cards 4 and spread them around the center of the table with the backs facing up (color code visible). The cards may overlap. All players need to be able to reach them easily.
Leave the solution board in the box initially, and do not look at it. It is not needed until the end of the game.
Select a key 5 and place it in the center of the table between the cards. The color of the key shows which case variant you will play this game.

1 3 2
3 2

1 2 3
2 4
1 3

Return any game components that are not needed back to the box.

Each investigator tries to combine the witness statements and the lab results quickly and correctly to solve the case. The winner is the player who identifies the right key code using the least amount of clues.


Other information: The following is known so far: Time of the crimes:
Examinations of the victims have determined the following times for the murders:
· The first murder occurred at 7:30 pm · The hustle and bustle of the party was used to conceal the second
murder at 8:00 pm · The last murder occurred at 8:15 pm.

Perpetrators: The three people arrested are:
Lady Corinna Windhouse, 54 years old: One of the most famous actresses in England. Her eccentricities and jealousy means that she doesn’t exactly have a lot of friends amongst her colleagues.
Jason Beau, 19 years old: The teen heartthrob was recently voted France’s most handsome actor. He doesn’t like competition, so the other nominees for best up-and-coming actor are living dangerously.
Amit Khan, 37 years old: When someone in the film industry needs money, this generous billionaire is a sought-after partner. But a fortune like his also brings envy and blackmail to the table. Did someone need to be eliminated?

Murder Weapons: The following murder weapons were found:

· A golden trophy from the clubhouse

· A bottle containing a deadly poison

· A standard golf club that every golfer owns

Crime Scenes: The three murders occurred at the following locations:

· At the second hole on the edge of the golf course

· Next to the side patio of the golf club

· By the large palm tree at the lake

Getaway Vehicles: The perpetrators fled in the following golf carts:

· A blue cart with three golf clubs in the trunk,
license plate 9185

· A red cart with two golf clubs in the trunk,
license plate 7434

· A green cart with one golf club in the trunk,
license plate 2483


Despite all this information, we’re still completely in the dark! As investigators, there are a variety of different sources available to you to help you solve the events in the Oakdale Club. Witnesses were questioned and their witness statements documented on cards that have been categorized. The forensic lab has also brought to light various helpful clues about the perpetrators and documented them on lab cards. In addition to watch clues and DNA traces from the murder weapons, they also contain information about the getaway vehicles and the alibis of the perpetrators.

Witness Statements

Lab Cards

Card value


Witness statements have Lab cards always

2 investigative points

have 4 investigative

points 2
The higher the value of the card, the more helpful

the clue, especially at the start of investigations.

Color code
The individual color code on each card shows which case variant the card is useful for. You may only take cards that display a box matching the color of the key selected at the start of the game! Any other cards will lead to an incorrect investigation result.

3 4

Category icons
Each card shows two or three icons that indicate which aspects of the case this card has information about. The card pictured here, for example, has information about the perpetrator and the escape.

Time of the crime
Murder weapon
Crime scene
Theft 1, 2 or 3

There are 4 types of lab cards:
An alibi card 1 reveals something about the connection between perpetrator, time of the crime and crime scene; a DNA trace 2 about the perpetrator and the murder weapon; a watch card 3 about the time of the crime and crime scene; a license plate card 4 about the getaway vehicle and the crime scene.

To make use of the cards during the game, you must compare clues with information in the investigation file or your briefcase and come to the correct conclusions.


1. Investigate There is no turn order; all players investigate at the same time. On the command “Start your investigation!” all players pick a card from the center at the same time. You can decide for yourself which card you want to draw and look at. Then you need to take it. While cards with a higher value provide more specific clues, they count for more negative points at the end of the game.
Important! You may only draw cards that show the color of the selected key for the current game! The other cards are useless witness statements or incorrect findings that will mislead you.
During investigations you should also pay attention to the icons on the cards. In which category are you still missing clues? For example, are you still unsure about which perpetrator killed at what time? Then look for cards with the symbols of a perpetrator and a clock. After selecting a card, taking it and evaluating the information (see “Evaluating Information”), you can immediately take the next card of your choice from the center of the table. You may not put cards you have drawn back. It’s entirely possible that you will receive information that you already know. Any investigator can suffer this kind of misfortune. All cards that you have drawn are placed behind your personal briefcase screen without showing them to the others. You can look at them as many times as you want. Track the results of your personal investigation in your briefcase using the marker. Use the lower part of the screen for this. Results that you can rule out are marked with an “X”. You can also circle any findings that you are certain are part of the solution. For example, if you have determined without a doubt a perpetrator for the murder at 8:00 pm, then you can rule them out for the other two times and cross them out, while circling them for the murder at 8pm. In this way the witness statements and lab results let you rule out more and more options until all three murders have been clearly solved. Then there will only be a single combination of perpetrator, murder weapon, crime scene and getaway vehicle remaining.

Evaluating Information:
If you have taken a card with a witness statement, you can try to use the statement it contains directly with your investigation file. Sometimes, however, the card only becomes useful later, and you first need other clues so that you can rule something out.

Example of a witness statement:

Der Täter trug eine Kopfbedeckung
The perpetrator was wearing headgear at

Jason Beau can be ruled out for the second murder at 8:00 pm as he does not wear a head covering, and therefore wasn’t the perpetrator at this time. This means he must have killed at 7:30 pm or 8:15 pm.

If you have selected a card with a lab result, take it into your hand and try to analyze the clue carefully with your investigation file.
2 4

Find out who used the murder weapon pictured by comparing the DNA sample on file with the DNA trace that was found on the murder weapon 1 (page 1 of the file).
Investigate what time the defective and dirty watch found at the club showed 2 , and thereby deduce which crime scene the murder occurred at and what time (page 2 of the file).
Solve the numbers puzzle in the statements of members of the science club to find out which golf cart was used to flee from which crime scene 3 . By working out the right license plate you can find out which cart was at which crime scene (page 2 of the file).
Check the alibis: By correctly interpreting the alibi cards you can rule out crime scenes and times for the person seen 4 . The times depicted on the map provide information about how long a golf cart takes to get between points. This means that it is possible to work out which crime scenes and times can be ruled out for a specific perpetrator because they have an alibi (page 3 of the file).

2. Close the Case As soon as you have reviewed enough witness statements and lab results that your investigation board only has 12 free or circled spaces (3 different perpetrators, murder weapons, crime scenes and getaway vehicles), you can close the case. If you’re the fastest investigator and have finished first, grab the key in the center of the table. Now the other players can continue drawing cards to try and solve the case. After all, it’s not necessarily the fastest investigator who wins the game but the most efficient one. 3. Generate a Number Code The order (from left to right) of the identified perpetrators yields a solution number that can be seen on the left side of the briefcase. Enter this number in the first space of the combination lock on your briefcase. Example: Amit Khan, Jason Beau, Lady Corinna Windhouse = 1. The same is done for the murder weapons, crime scenes and getaway vehicles. In the end, this will create a number code consisting of 4 digits.
1 2 5
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4. Put the Perpetrators Behind Bars Check the investigative results as soon as all players have generated a number code. Now take the solution board out of the box and place it on the table so that the side with the gray combination locks is facing up. The fastest investigator, the one who grabbed the key, may now look for a lock on the solution board with a number that matches the number code they discovered.

Is there a lock that shows the number code you determined? No? Oh no! Your code isn’t right. If the next player in a clockwise direction came up with a different number code, they may now look for their code. Yes? Carefully insert the key into the corresponding lock on the board. Now flip the board over. Does the color of the key match the lock on the back? No? What a pity! You’ve made a mistake somewhere in your investigations and are now out of the running. If the next player in a clockwise direction came up with a different number code, they may now check their solution. Yes? Fantastic! You solved the case correctly and the perpetrators are finally behind bars. But were you the most efficient investigator?
Does no one have the correct code? Check that you only used cards showing the color code that matches the key you selected. You may need to draw new witness statements and lab results. Maybe you can work together to discover the solution.
5. Who is the Top Investigator?
All the players who discovered the correct number code check to see who was the most efficient investigator among them. Each player adds up the investigative points on the back of the cards they collected throughout the game.
Note: Did the player who grabbed the key come up with the correct number code? Then as a reward, they may discard one of their cards with the lowest value. This is not added to their total.
The player with the lowest total number of investigative points wins the game. Congratulations ­ a promotion awaits you!
The other investigators who contributed to the arrest also receive high praise, because they helped justice prevail in the end.
In case of a tie, the investigator who used the least lab cards wins. If there is still a tie, these players win together.
If you want to, you can also check your individual performance in the assessment table for the solo variant.
Example This player has a total of 20 investigative points. A 2-point witness statement that they used is not counted because they were the fastest investigator (they grabbed the key) and can therefore discard the card

Tips for the Next Game:
After each game, wipe your briefcase screens off with the erasers on your markers so that the marks do not stain over time.
Then you can play again right away! Shuffle the cards and spread them out in the center of the table with the color code side facing up. Now you can select a different key and play a new case variant.
Please Note: The game isn’t “used up” after playing 9 color variants! Each game is about combining the individual clues that you draw, so all case variants can be played as often as you like. The riddle and finding the solution are the real challenges ­ the identified number combination is only the result.

In the solo variant, you play alone for the honor of being the best investigator. There is naturally no time pressure to find the solution fastest or scramble to draw the best cards. Instead you need to cleverly select cards.
The solo variant is also good for getting to know the game components and becoming familiar with the investigation method.
The game setup and play are the same as the multi-player variant.
When you have solved the case, check the solution code as usual, using the key and the solution board.
Then calculate how efficient your investigation was. The less investigative points shown on the cards you used the better. Unlike in the multi-player variant, you may not discard a card.

39 points
36 – 39 points
33 – 35 points 31 – 32 points 29 – 30 points 27 – 28 points 24 – 26 points
21 – 23 points < 21 points

Unfortunately, you failed the investigator’s test. Why don’t you try again?
Whew, that was a close call! Next time you should consider which cards you investigate more carefully.
Not bad, but you can probably do better.
You’re a good investigator.
Very good, you’re a clever sleuth!
Wow, you’re a real master investigator!
Fantastic! Your boss is impressed, and all the villains fear your investigative skills.
You’re one of the best investigators around. Nobody can fool you.
Wow, you’re one of the top investigators in the world! Even Sherlock Holmes could have learned something from you!


Try to solve the series of murders in the Oakdale Club by cleverly combining clues and witness statements. You need to find out which perpetrator carried out which murder at which time and where, and which golf cart they used to flee. The winner is the investigator who works the most efficiently to find the correct solution code and puts the perpetrators behind bars.
– Each player takes one briefcase screen, one marker, and one investigation file – Shuffle all the cards and spread them out with the color code side facing up in the center
of the table – Leave the solution board in the box and don’t look at it. – Select a key and place it in the center of the table within reach of everyone – Return any extra game components that are not needed back to the box
1. Investigation All players draw a card from the center at the same time. Note: The color code must show a box in the selected key color! Place drawn cards behind your screen. Evaluate and combine clues and statements on the cards, with the help of the investigation file if needed. Mark your findings on your briefcase screen.
2. Close the Case When only one combination of perpetrator, murder weapon, crime scene and getaway vehicle is left, you can grab the key. The other players continue their investigations until they solve the case as well.
3. Generate a Number Code Read the number on the left of the briefcase that corresponds with the determined order of perpetrators, murder weapons, crime scenes and getaway vehicles. Enter the numbers in the combination lock of the briefcase.
4. Put the Perpetrators Behind Bars The fastest investigator looks for their number code on the solution board and puts the key in the corresponding lock. Turn over the solution board. Do the color of the lock and the key match? The perpetrators have successfully been put behind bars! Is there no lock with the number code, the color on the back doesn’t match, or the key doesn’t fit in a lock? Wrong number code. The other players can take turns in a clockwise direction to check their solutions.
5. Determine the Top Investigator. All players with the correct number code add up the investigative points on their cards. The player with the key may discard one of their cards with the lowest points. The player with the lowest total investigative points wins.

Game Designer: Thomas Sing


Timo Grubing

Game Developer: Annemarie Wolke

© HABA-Spiele Bad Rodach 2020, Art.-Nr. 305610


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