BWlog WRT54G Wireless Bridge Instructions

June 16, 2024

BWlog WRT54G Wireless Bridge

Product Information


  • Product Name: BWlog
  • Compatibility: WRT54G
  • Features: Real-time bandwidth logging, backup to FTP or JFFS, automatic restore after reboot

BWlog is a great bandwidth logging app that runs on the WRT54G router. It provides real-time information about bandwidth usage and is especially useful for people with limited bandwidth per billing period. The latest version of BWlog allows for backup to FTP or JFFS and automatically restores the settings after a reboot.

In order to use BWlog, you should already have:

  • A WRT54G router
  • An internet connection

There are two methods to install BWlog: the short version and the detailed version.

Short Version:

  1. 1. Open a terminal or SSH session to your WRT54G router.
  2. Run the following commands:
cd /tmp
tar -xzf wrtbwlog.tgz
rm wrtbwlog.tgz
cd bwlog
  1. Open your web browser and enter the following URL:  http://ip-from-your-router:8000

Detailed Version:

  1. Open a terminal or SSH session to your WRT54G router.
  2. Change to the /tmp directory by running the command: cd/tmp
  3. Download the BWlog package by running the command: wget
  4. Extract the contents of the downloaded package by running the command: tar -xzf wrtbwlog.tgz
  5. Delete the downloaded package by running the command: rmwrtbwlog.tgz
  6. Change to the BWlog directory by running the command: cdbwlog
  7. Start BWlog by running the command: ./
  8. Open your web browser and enter the following URL: http://ip-from-your-router:8000

For more details and additional information, please refer to the following links:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Q: Can I use BWlog with a different router model?
    A: No, BWlog is specifically designed for use with the WRT54G router.

  2. Q: How often does BWlog update the bandwidth information?
    A: BWlog provides real-time bandwidth information, so it is constantly updating.

  3. Q: Can I customize the backup settings of BWlog?
    A: Yes, you can configure the backup settings of BWlog to suit your needs.

  4. Q: How do I uninstall BWlog?
    A: To uninstall BWlog, simply delete the BWlog directory from your router’s file system.



  • Adds two pages of information showing real-time bandwidth use. When used as a (part of a) startup script one or more small packages are downloaded into WRT’s /tmp.
  • This is a great bandwidth logging app that runs on the WRT54G. The latest version will backup to ftp or jffs and will restore automatically after a reboot etc. Very good for people with limited bandwidth per billing period.


You should already have:

  • a Linksys WRT54G product;
  • DD-WRT installed as the firmware.


  • BWlog home page
  • New forum post
  • Old forum post.


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