VALK SOLAR SYSTEMS ValkSolarFix Mechanical Anchoring of Solar Modules Instruction Manual

June 15, 2024

VALK SOLAR SYSTEMS ValkSolarFix Mechanical Anchoring of Solar Modules


  • EN 1991-1-4: General actions: wind loads
  • IEC 60364: Electrical Installations for Buildings
  • IEC 62305: Protection against lightning
  • EN 50110: Operation of electrical installations

Working Conditions Act and Safe Working Conditions Regulation Stability and condition of the roof and roof covering Placing a mounting system that uses ballast only, is only allowed in case the roof pitch is less than 5°. In case the roof pitch is 5° or more the mounting system always needs to be fixed mechanically to the roof.

The condition of the roof must be checked upfront for sufficient strength to bear the weight of the mounting system including PV panels ballast and wind and snow loads. Make sure that the load reserve of the roof is not exceeded anywhere. Check the stability of the roof and adjust the roof/construction where necessary. Check before installation whether the roof covering and/or insulation is suitable for the pressure and thermal expansion of the solar mounting system. The maximum pressure is shown in the project report of the ValkPV planner or can be requested at Van der Valk Solar Systems.

Bulging of the roof membrane should be prevented. This can lift the solar mounting system and can cause displacement of the mounting system or ballast. It is the installer’s responsibility to prevent the roof membrane from bulging. Factors such as overhead cranes, seismic activity and others that affect the stability of the roof and/or building can affect the installed solar mounting system. Van der Valk Solar Systems does not take these factors into account unless confirmed in writing. The roof surface on which the solar mounting system is to be installed must be clean, dry and flat.

The roof height may not exceed 25 meters in case the project has been calculated in the ValkPVplanner and must correspond to the roof height in the project report. For installations on roofs higher than 25 meters, Van der Valk Solar Systems should always be contacted in advance.

Roof zones

When installing the solar mounting system, always take the applicable roof zones according to EN1991-1-4 into account. Placing solar panels in the edge zone of the roof (the distance measured from the roof edge, which is equal to 1/5 of the building height) is only possible if this has been explicitly taken into account in the calculation. It is possible to position panels in the edge zone of the roof in the ValkPVplanner (calculation software), based on which the required additional ballast or fixation points are automatically calculated. This can only be done using “Satellite” or “White Map” design mode.

The edge zone is automatically calculated by the ValkPVplanner, based on the roof height and building circumference, according to the applicable regulations. In case the design mode “Simple mode” is used, the calculation always assumes that the solar panels are in the middle zone of the roof only. In case solar panels on the ValkPro+ system are fully or partially placed in the edge zone of the roof, it is mandatory to use side plates. ValkKits (ValkBox3, ValkDouble, ValkTriple, ValkQuattro) can only be placed in the middle zone of the roof. Placing these systems in the edge zone of the roof is not allowed.


After installation of the solar mounting system, it must be carefully checked whether the ballast has been placed by the ballast drawing. Ballast tiles must be neatly stacked, so that they are sufficiently supported by the tile carriers, mass
carriers and/or ballast wings.

The maximum allowed dimensions of a coupled mounting system is a 30 meters in the aluminium direction and 60 meters in the steel direction. The maximum dimensions are based on the thermal expansion in case of a maximum temperature difference (Delta T) of 70 degrees Celsius.

The coupled mounting system must not be placed over a gutter or ridge. In the the mounting system is placed over a gutter or ridge, the system must be split (dilatation), even if the change in roof pitch is minimal. When using the extra wide panel support feet for ValkPro+ with ballast, different dilatation rules apply: in such installations, the coupled system may be a maximum of 30 meters in the steel/roof carrier direction and 15 meters in the aluminium direction.

Solar panels
It is the responsibility of the installer to determine in advance whether the selected solar panel is suitable for the mounting system in terms of dimensions and pressure loads. The calculated loads on the solar panel are shown in the project report of the ValkPVplanner or are available on request at Van der Valk Solar Systems.

Cable management
To create a sound and durable electrical connection between the solar panels, it must be ensured that the cables from the junction box have sufficient length and thus do not cause any mechanical stress on the cable glands. Take into account
the thermal expansion and contraction of cables and the mounting system. Cables and connectors must be kept away from sharp and/or abrasive parts and the roof surface by using sufficient and appropriate cable clamps and cable baskets.

Disassembly and removal
Components of the solar mounting system can be easily and completely disassembled at the end of their service life and separated for recycling. The systems only contain nut and bolt, screw and click connections, so nothing is glued or welded. All materials are fully recyclable. Disposal of the components always by the locally applicable laws and regulations.

Required tools for installing flat and pitched roofs [Clamp]


Overview of different fixing options


ValkSolarfi.x Low & Steel has various types of functions See our general installation manuals of the ValkPro+ and Side++ for more information about the general installation. The maximum allowable forces can be found in the application matrix of the ValkSolarFix: Flat roofs and pitched roofs


Standard parts for installation


The Side++ profile can be mechanically anchored to the roof. These consoles with a special height of 20mm can be fixed by:

  • Toggle anchors for wooden or steel roof structures
  • Concrete anchors for fixation in concrete roof structures
  • Roof screws for fixation in wooden roof structures
  • Roof screws for fixation in steel plate roof structures
  • Roof screws for fixation in aerated concrete

For the detailed installation manuals and videos for ValkSolarFix, please refer to our website: or scan the QR code. When the consoles are properly installed on the respective roof, the Side++ profile can be attached to them using the hanger bolt clamp. When fitting the hanger bolt clamp (721100), it is important to leave at least 1mm of the thread above the clamp.


The aluminium profiles are mounted to the console with the hammerhead bolts.

The hammerhead bolts are placed in the slots of the profiles. When all bolts are placed in the profile everything is fastened with the nut of the roof hook. (max. torque is 15Nm). There are 2 options available when mounting the console to the profile, these are the 721100 and the 747912. The groove on the hammerhead bolt corresponds with the orientation of the bolt head. Make sure the bolt is always mounted correctly.


The C+ profile can be mechanically anchored to the roof. These consoles with a special height of 20mm can be fixed by:

  • Toggle anchors for wooden or steel roof structures
  • Concrete anchors for fixation in concrete roof structures
  • Roof screws for fixation in wooden roof structures
  • Roof screws for fixation in steel plate roof structures
  • Roof screws for fixation in aerated concrete

For the detailed installation manuals and videos for ValkSolarFix, please refer to our website: or scan the QR code.

When the consoles are properly installed on the respective roof, the C+ profile can be attached to them using the mounting set. The ValkPro+ system can be mechanically anchored to the roof. These consoles with a special height of 20mm can be fixed by:

  • Toggle anchors for wooden or steel roof structures
  • Concrete anchors for fixation in concrete roof structures
  • Roof screws for fixation in wooden roof structures
  • Roof screws for fixation in steel plate roof structures
  • Roof screws for fixation in aerated concreteVALK-SOLAR-SYSTEMS-ValkSolarFix-Mechanical-Anchoring-of-Solar-Modules-fig- \(11\)

For the detailed installation manuals and videos for ValkSolarFix, please refer to our website: or scan the QR code.

The 2nd nut on which the roof carrier rests allows you to clamp on the hanger bolt at different heights. The maximum allowable clamp height on the hanger bolt is 150mm When the consoles are properly installed on the respective roof, the roof carrier profile can be installed on them. The console should be placed in the location where the tile carrier is normally installed. That is in the second slotted hole from the aluminium rear foot. In this case, the ValkSolarFix therefore replaces the tile carrier. The ValkSolarFix can be mounted to the roof carrier with the mounting set (max torque= 8 -14 Nm)


Fixation in combination with Side++ (VP+)

A second option for fixing the ValkPro+ to the roof is to attach the console under the panel. In this case, a Side++ profile is attached to the console, after which the Side++ profile is fixed to the roof carrier profiles on either side of the panel. The Side++ profile should be attached in front of the aluminium rear foot. This is in the first slotted hole from the aluminium rear foot. To properly attach the Side++ profiles, the comer brackets (729521) should be fitted to the roof carriers on either side of the profile. When fitting the hanger bolt clamp (721100), it is important to leave at least 1mm of the thread above the clamp.


The aluminium profiles are mounted to the console with the hammerhead bolts. The hammerhead bolts are placed in the slots of the profiles. When all bolts are placed in the profile everything is fastened with the nut of the roof hook. (max. torque is 15Nm).

\(16\)There are 2 options available when mounting the console to the profile, these are the 721100 and the 747912. The advantage over fixation to the roof racks is that the fixation can be installed afterwards.

This allows more flexibility during installation work. Please note, however, that the maximum forces of the fixation are lower.

The groove on the hammerhead bolt corresponds with the orientation of the bolt head. Make sure the bolt is always mounted correctly.


Van der Valk Solar Systems


Van der Valk Solar Systems is 2009 one of the fastest-growing companies in the solar industry and has focused entirely on the development and production of solar mounting systems for pitched roofs, flat roofs and open fields.

\(21\)Van der Valk Solar Systems also has an office and warehouse in the UK, offices in Sweden and Spain and is currently active in 13 countries. Our mounting systems are developed and produced in our factory in the Netherlands and stand out thanks to their broad area of application, the very short time in which they can be installed, and their high quality.


They are developed according to the latest Eurocodes and therefore comply with the requirements defined for solar systems by banks and insurance companies. Van der Valk Solar Systems is part of a family-owned company Van der Valk Systemen, which has been a a household name in the field of moving systems and mounting components since 1963. Our shared industrial complex in the Netherlands consists of 35.000m2 of offices and factory spaces. Here we use modern machinery and the latest technologies to quickly and accurately develop, manufacture, and test products and systems.

Solar mounting systems & cable management


Van der Valk Solar Systems
Westernesse 18 – 2635 BG Den Hoorn I The Netherlands +31174 25 49 99
Valk Solar Systems UK+, E
+44 1304 89 76 58

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