potato pirates 5109 Coding Card Game Beginners Instruction Manual

June 15, 2024
potato pirates

5109 Coding Card Game Beginners

Product Information

Potato Pirates and the Seven Potato Kings is a strategic card
game that revolves around rescuing the seven Potato Kings from a
deadlock-of-doom. The game contains a total of 96 cards, including
Roast, Mash, Fry, For, While, If else, Hack, Hijack, Loot, Switch,
and Deny cards. It also includes Big Potato Crew tokens, Small
Potato Crew tokens, and Ship tokens. The game is designed for 2-4


  • Total Cards: 96
  • Roast – x 12
  • Mash – x 12
  • Fry – x 12
  • For 2 – x 4
  • For 3 – x 4
  • For x – x 3
  • For y – x 3
  • While > 4 – x 2
  • While > 5 – x 2
  • While > 6 – x 2
  • If else 3 – x 3
  • If else 4 – x 3
  • If else 5 – x 3
  • Hack – x 2
  • Hijack – x 4
  • Loot – x 4
  • Switch – x 4
  • Deny – x 10
  • Big Potato Crew tokens – x 30
  • Small Potato Crew tokens – x 90
  • Ship tokens – x 18

Product Usage Instructions

Game Setup

To set up the game:

  1. Shuffle the Card deck.

  2. Each player begins with the following:

    • 2 Ship tokens
    • 5 Playing Cards
    • 10 Potato Crew on each Ship (1 Big Potato = 5 Small Potato
  3. Place both Ships face-up in Anchor Mode (night sky).

  4. All remaining Cards become the Draw Pile.

Quick Start Guide

To get started with the game:

  • How To Win: Acquire all 7 Potato King (bug)
    Cards! You can acquire Potato King Cards by:

    • Drawing them at the beginning of your turn
    • Looting them from other players
    • Eliminating players and taking their Potato King Cards
  • For a shorter game, declare a winner when the Draw Pile is
    exhausted; the player with the most Potato King Cards wins! If
    there is a tie, the player with more Potato Crew wins.

  • How To Start: The player who last ate french
    fries starts the game.

  • Sinking A Ship: A Ship will sink when it has
    no Potato Crew left, and a player is eliminated when all of their
    Ships have sunk.

On Your First Turn

  1. Draw 2 Cards. One by one, reveal all Potato King Cards in your

  2. Program attacks by placing Action Cards and Control Cards (page

  1. on your Anchored Ships. Each Ship holds a maximum of 3 Cards.
    Programmed Ships can only go into Battle in the next turn.

From The Second Turn Onwards

  1. Draw 2-4 Cards, depending on the number of Ships you own (see
    page 8).

  2. If there are any Potato King Cards drawn, reveal them one by

  3. Send programmed Ships to Battle in a sequence that you decide.
    If the attack does not contain an If-Else Card, execute the
    respective attack on an enemy Ship of your choice and discard all
    Cards used in the attack.


During the game, you may play Surprise Cards like Loot, Hijack,
Switch, and Hack at any time — even when it’s NOT your turn.


Q: Can I play Surprise Cards during my opponent’s turn?

A: Yes, you can play Surprise Cards like Loot, Hijack, Switch,
and Hack at any time during the game, including when it’s not your


Step Aboard
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© 2023 Codomo Pte Ltd. All rights reserved. Potato Pirates® is a registered trademark of Codomo Pte Ltd.

Potato Pirates and the Seven Potato Kings

Many harvests ago, there was a Potato Pirate who amassed so much treasure he became known to all as the Potato King. His most valuable treasure was the book “The Art of Potato War,” which contained the recipe for immortality. Eager to attain everlasting life, the Potato King rushed through the formula and misspoke a semi-colon, creating a huge rift in the seven-dimensional multicore continuum of carbohydrates.

The Potato King soon found himself simultaneously stuck in seven different places in a deadlock-of-doom! Now his only hope is his devoted Potato Crew. Be the first to rescue all seven Potato Kings from the “deadlock-ofdoom”, programming attacks to sink any opposing Potatoes that may get in your way. Complete your mission successfully and you will be handsomely rewarded. Hoist the sails and full speed ahead!

Game Content
Total Cards: 96 Roast – x 12 Mash – x 12 Fry – x 12 For 2 – x 4 For 3 – x 4 For x – x 3 For y – x 3 While > 4 – x 2 While > 5 – x 2 While > 6 – x 2 If else 3 – x 3 If else 4 – x 3 If else 5 – x 3 Hack – x 2 Hijack – x 4 Loot – x 4 Switch – x 4 Deny – x 10 Big Potato Crew tokens – x 30 Small Potato Crew tokens – x 90 Ship tokens – x 18 Instruction Booklet

Game Setup
Shuffle the Card deck.
Each player begins with the following: – 2 Ship tokens – 5 Playing Cards – 10 Potato Crew on each Ship (1 Big Potato = 5 Small Potato Crew)
Place both Ships face-up in Anchor Mode (night sky). All remaining Cards become the Draw Pile.

Maris Piper

Draw Pile

Discard Pile


Quick Start Guide
How To Win Acquire all 7 Potato King (bug) Cards! You can acquire Potato King Cards by: – Drawing them at the beginning of your turn – Looting them from other players – Eliminating players and taking their Potato King Cards
For a shorter game, declare a winner when the Draw Pile is exhausted; the player with the most Potato King Cards wins! If there is a tie, the player with more Potato Crew wins.

How To Start The player who last ate french fries starts the game.
All Hail The Potato King If you draw or Loot a Potato King Card, you must reveal it to the group and say, “All Hail!”. Immediately, all other players must shout “Potato King!” and physically salute you. You will then receive 2 Potato Crew from the sack. If all other players saluted you, all players including yourself will receive a bonus of 1 Potato Crew. Bonus will not be awarded if one or more players did not salute within 3 seconds of the reveal. Once revealed, place the Potato King Card in plain sight, face-up next to your Ships. The Card is considered to be a part of your hand.
Sinking A Ship A Ship will sink when it has no Potato Crew left, and a player is eliminated when all of their Ships have sunk.


On Your First Turn 1. Draw 2 Cards. One by one, reveal all Potato King Cards in your hand. 2. Program attacks by placing Action Cards and Control Cards (page 13) on your Anchored Ships. Each Ship holds a maximum of 3 Cards. Programmed Ships can only go into Battle in the next turn.

From The Second Turn Onwards 1. Draw 2-4 Cards, depending on the number of Ships you own (see page 8). 2. If there are any Potato King Cards drawn, reveal them one by one. 3. Send programmed Ships to Battle in a sequence that you decide. If the attack does not contain an If-Else Card, execute the respective attack on an enemy Ship of your choice and discard all Cards used in the attack.
Potatoes are discarded back into the sack


During The Game You may play Surprise Cards like Loot, Hijack, Switch, and Hack at any time during the game — even when it’s NOT your turn.

Deals 4 damage to enemy Ship’s Potato Crew
Continue programming and running attacks on subsequent turns. Be the first to acquire all 7 Potato King Cards or the last player with a Ship afloat!


Full Instructions
Playing The Game In each round, players will take turns to do the following:

  1. Draw 2 to 4 Cards, depending on the number of Ships you own; 2. Reveal any Potato King Cards drawn; 3. Program attacks on Anchored Ships; 4. Send programmed Ships to Battle; 5. Reshuffle your Potato Crew between your Ships;
  2. Purchase Ships; 7. Play Surprise Cards, it can also be played out of your turn. The sequence of action 1 and 2 is fixed and happens at the beginning of your turn. Action 3-7 can happen in any order based on your discretion.

1. Drawing Cards At the start of the game, each player has 2 Ships so everyone will draw 2 Cards at the start of their turn. If you only have 1 Ship you will still draw 2 Cards. If you have purchased a Ship and the total number of Ships you have is 3, on your next turn you may draw 3 Cards.
In round 1, with 2 Ships, player A draws 2 Cards.
In round 4, with 4 Ships, player A draws 4 Cards. Important: The minimum number of Cards to draw is 2 even if you only own 1 Ship. The maximum number of cards you may draw is 4 ­ if you own 5 Ships, you may only draw 4 Cards at the start of your turn.


2. Revealing Potato King Cards Potato King Cards are Bugs! They seemingly appear out of nowhere!
If you have a Potato King in your starting hand, reveal it on your first turn. Upon drawing a Potato King Card, you must reveal it immediately on the table and saying “All Hail!”. After you reveal a Potato King Card, all other players must shout “Potato King!” and physically salute you as soon as possible. You will then receive 2 Potato Crew from the sack.

If every player in the game saluted you, everyone including yourself will get to take a bonus of 1 Potato Crew from the sack. No bonus will be awarded if one or more players did not salute within 3 seconds of the reveal. Once revealed, place the Potato King Card in plain sight, face-up next to your Ships. The Card is considered to be a part of your hand. When a player Loots you, you have to pick up the Potato King Cards and shuffle it with Cards in your hand and then let the player pick 2. Important: Unlike Loot, thePotato King Cards acquired from an enemy you have defeated will not be played again. Note: Alternatively, you can choose to sneakily put the Potato King face-up on the table, then quietly wait until other players see it and salute. The method of revealing Potato King Cards should be decided before the game begins.


3. Anchor – Programming Attacks

Each Ship has a Anchor mode and a Battle mode, denoted by the night and day scene respectively.

Anchored Ship

Ship in Battle Mode

Control Cards

When a Ship is programmed, this includes modification of a programmed Anchored Ship by adding, rearranging, or removing Cards, it can only be sent to Battle in your next turn.

Important: You cannot perform both programming and sending to Battle on the same Ship in one turn, but you may program an attack on one Ship while sending the other one to Battle.

Modified Ships can only be sent to Battle
in the next round

Programmed Ship that was not modified can be sent to Battle

Action Cards

During your turn, you may write a Function that can attack an enemy Ship by placing Control Cards and/or Action Cards on your Anchored Ships. Each Ship can hold a maximum of 3 Cards total. You must have at least one Action Card in your attack sequence.

4. Battle – Attacking Ships

Run one or more of your programmed attacks by turning the Ship to battle mode and execute the Cards on the Ship.

Each attack can only be executed on one enemy Ship, even if your attack exceeds the number of Potatoes on the target Ship. The only exception is if you have an If-Else Control Card (see page 14).

Attacks one enemy Ship of your choice

Attacks all enemy Ships with 4 or more

When you attack, the enemy Ship will lose the corresponding amount of Potatoes based on the attack.
Mashed 6 Potatoes Attack 3 x 2 Potato Crew
3 x 2 Potato Crew

Regardless of the success of the attack (see Deny Cards on page 16), all Cards on a Ship sent to Battle must be discarded after the attack is executed. The Ship stays in Battle Mode until the next turn.


5. Reshuffling Potato Crew At any time during your turn, you can redistribute your Potato Crew amongst your Anchored Ships. Reshuffling Potato Crew does not count as modifying the Ship.
Can move 2 Crew Ships in Battle over between cannot have their Anchored Ships Crew reshuffled

6. Buying Ships If you have at least 5 Potato Crew, during your turn you may choose to exchange 4 Potato Crew in return for a Ship. (The fifth potato will captain the Ship.)
Use 4 Potato Crew to buy a new Ship and place the 1 as the captain

Ships are non-refundable. You cannot sell your Ships or trade them with other players for Potato Crew members. Important: However, during desperate times, you may choose to abandon your Ships on your turn. The Potato Crew onboard can be reshuffled to another Ship in your fleet.

Card Deck
Action Cards Use Action Cards to attack enemy Ships. Opponents must discard Potatoes according to the amount illustrated on the Action Cards. These Cards can be stacked with one another to create additional damage, but they can only be used once, unless you have Control Cards…

Control Cards Control Cards boost Action Cards. They consist of Loops and Conditionals that let you use Action Cards multiple times! You can even stack two Control Cards and one Action Card together to create some serious damage. For Loop For Loops repeat an Action for the corresponding number of times stated on the Card.

Eliminate 1 Potato Crew

Eliminate 2 Potato Crew

Eliminate 3 Potato Crew

x is a Variable y is a Variable

number that number that

corresponds to the corresponds to the

number of Cards number of Ships

in targeted

you have

enemy’s hands


While Loop While Loop Cards are Conditional Loops that repeat an Action until the condition stated is no longer true. The conditions check for the number of Potato Crew on the targeted enemy Ship. The attack will repeat until the condition on the Card is false.

If-Else If-Else Cards are Conditionals that execute attacks according to the number of Potato Crew an enemy Ship has. Unlike For and While Cards, If-Else launches the attack on all Ships that matches the condition stated. The attack will be launched on Ships should the If condition be true (fewer than or equal to 3/4/5 Potato Crew), and a separate attack on the Else (4/5/6 or more Potato Crew) should the condition be False. You can choose to build an attack on either side or both sides.

Tip: If you spot an enemy planning a powerful IfElse attack, reshuffle your Potato Crew to decrease forthcoming damage to your Ships.

How to stack Control and Action Cards: Control Cards are always placed above Action Cards. For and While Cards stack vertically. The If-Else setup is in a pyramid shape with one Card on each side or you could stack Cards on If side only or Else side only, leaving the other side empty.

Surprise Cards Interrupt your opponent’s planned attack with Surprise Cards! Surprise Cards can be played anytime, even when it is not your turn. They must be placed in the discard pile after a single use.
Hack Send any Ship (yours or any enemy’s) to battle, you get to use its attack immediately on any target of your choice.
Switch The Switch Case gives you rewards based on the number of Ships you own. If you don’t have an amount of Ships listed on the Card, the Switch Card has no benefits.

Loot Steal 2 Cards from another player’s hand. The opponent will shuffle in any revealed Potato King Cards, with the Cards face-down, the looter draws 2 Cards at random from opponents hand. If you loot a Potato King from a player, play it like a normal Potato King Card (remember to only reveal it during your turn).
Note: If you loot 2 Potato King Cards, play one at a time (during the same turn).
Deny Summon the Kraken to block everything except Potato King Cards. Denying an attack denies the entire command, including If-Else Cards that target all Ships. Once denied, the unsuccessful attack Cards must be discarded. Deny Cards can deny other Surprise Cards, including other Deny Cards!


Hijack Steal an anchored Ship and all its Cards from another player. The hijacker gets no Potato Crew. The hijacker must redistribute his own Crew to ensure at least 1 Potato Crew is onboard the hijacked Ship. This is the only time a player can redistribute Crew outside of their turn. The victim’s potatoes need to seek refuge in the nearest Ship, and they can only be reshuffled on the. If the attacked player has no Ships left after being hijacked, they can still draw 2 Cards on their next turn. If, after drawing and playing any Potato King Cards and/or Surprise Cards they have, the player has more than 5 Potato Crew, they must buy at least one Ship. Otherwise, they are eliminated from the game.

Bug Cards Each Bug is a clue that brings you closer to finding Potato King. Collect all 7 to win the game! Upon drawing the bug Card, reveal immediately and all player must shout “Potato King!” The player who drew it get 2 Potato Crew from the sack During the game, battle other players to eliminate their Potato Crew to sink their Ships to seize all their Potato King Cards. Refer to Page 7 for detailed rules on the Bug Cards.


Computer Science Concepts Covered in Potato Pirates

Concept Bug

Cards Potato King

Definition A flaw or an error that causes a program to not run optimally or shut down unexpectedly.

Functions Ships

For Loops Variables

For 2 times For 3 times For x times For y times For x times For y times

While Loops While > 4 While > 5 While > 6
Conditionals If Else

Contain a series of instructions or actions and can be used to repeat those actions by calling the specific function. Note: In Potato Pirates, the Cards are discarded after a Ship executes its attacks. In actual programming, one can reuse a function indefinitely. Perform an action for a specified number of times.
Containers that store value or data that can vary. For instance, the value of “x” in the “for x times” Card is determined by the number of Cards in the enemy player’s hand. Execute an action on repeat while a given condition is true. At each run of the loop, the condition will be checked again.
Control the flow of a program by checking if something is true. If it is, a specific action is performed. If it is false, either a different action or no action is performed.

Concept Interrupts

Cards Surprise

Definition Temporarily hault the execution of actions in order to perform a different action, usually caused by human input.

Switch Case Switch

Similar to conditionals, switch cases compare a value against several cases, then execute the action for the case that is true.

Nested Loops

Using any two For Loops contained within another loop. The inner loop executes

Loops together

fully in every iteration of the outer loop, resulting in a multiplier effect.

Boolean Logic Sequential Logic

General concept, seen in If-Else, For loops, While loops

Contain a set of rules to address a cer- tain problem. For instance, playing a “for x loop” within an” if-else” Card would mean one first performs a boolean check, followed by checking the number of Cards in each opponent’s hand to calculate the number of times the action Card will be run.

General concept, seen in If-Else Card, While loop Card, Switch Card

Boolean logic handles only true and false values. In computing, true takes the value of 1, and false 0. In the case of “If-else” and “while loop” Cards, the boolean value of the check performed will determine if the action placed below it will run.

General concept, seen in all attacks

Control the flow of a program by checking if something is true. If it is, a specific action is performed. If it is false, either a different action or no action is performed.


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