TomTom Car Sat Nav GO Discover User Guide

May 16, 2024


TomTom Car Sat Nav GO Discover

Product Information


  • Brand: TomTom
  • Model: [Product Model]
  • Power Source: Internal battery and car charger
  • Screen Size: [Screen Size]
  • Storage Capacity: [Storage Capacity]
  • Connectivity: USB

Product Usage Instructions

Charging the Device

To charge the TomTom device, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the device to a power source using the provided USB cable.
  2. Ensure that the power source is connected to a reliable power outlet.
  3. The device will start charging automatically. The battery icon on the screen will indicate the charging status.
  4. Allow the device to charge fully before using it for the first time. This may take several hours.

Mounting the Device

To mount the TomTom device in your vehicle, please follow these steps:

  1. Choose a suitable location on your vehicle’s windshield or dashboard to mount the device.
  2. Clean the mounting surface thoroughly to ensure proper adhesion.
  3. Attach the mounting bracket to the chosen location and secure it firmly.
  4. Place the TomTom device onto the mounting bracket and adjust the angle for optimal viewing.

Navigating with the Device

To use the TomTom device for navigation, proceed as follows:

  1. Ensure that the device is fully charged and mounted correctly.
  2. Power on the device by pressing the power button.
  3. Wait for the device to acquire satellite signals. This may take a few moments.
  4. Enter your destination address using the touchscreen or voice commands.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions and voice prompts to reach your destination.
  • The customer should perform a software update through the computer.
  • If it still does not work, contact customer support of TomTom:
  • If you have questions or need any help with your new TomTom product, you can always contact our technical support:

Go to

The official TomTom support site where you can quickly find help with updating and fast troubleshooting tips.

Log in

Log in with your TomTom account by clicking Sign in at the top right corner of the website. If you don’t already have one, you can create a new account by clicking this link.

Contact us

Click Contact us at the bottom right corner of the site to open our support widget. Here you can get suggestions on support articles that can help you use or troubleshoot your device. If you want to speak directly to a support representative this is where you can get in touch and find the contact options available for your country.

Battery not holding charge.

The issue you described might be related to the car of the customer. The 12V of the car is most likely not able to provide enough power. As it is most likely not related to the TomTom product there is not much more we can do, but we do recommend the customer initially charges the device from their home/mains. We do explain this in our user manual.


How do I perform a software update for my TomTom device?

To perform a software update, please follow these steps: Connect your TomTom device to your computer using the provided USB cable. Visit the official TomTom website and download the latest software update for your device model. Run the software update program on your computer and follow the on-screen instructions to update your device's software.

My TomTom device is not holding a charge. What should I do?

If your device is not holding a charge, please try the following: Ensure that you are using the provided charger or a compatible charger with sufficient power output. Connect the device to a reliable power source and allow it to charge for several hours. If the issue persists, try charging the device from your home mains instead of using the car charger.

How can I contact TomTom customer support?

If you have any questions or need assistance with your TomTom product, you can contact our technical support team by visiting our website or calling our customer support hotline.


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