MONK MAKES Air Quallity Kit for Raspberrry PI Instructions
- June 4, 2024
Table of Contents
- Enabling the Serial Interface
- Installing GUIZero
- temp and eCO2 readings
- define the user interface
- define the user interface
- so that LEDs display eCO2
- level 1-6 LED 1 to 6 lit
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
Air Quality Kit for
Raspberrry PI
The MonkMakes Air Quality Kit for Raspberry Pi is based around the MonkMakes Air Quality Sensor board. This add-on for the Raspberry Pi measures the quality of the air in a room (how stale the air is) as well as the temperature. The board has a display of six LEDs (green, orange, and red) that display the air quality and a buzzer. Temperature and air quality readings can be read by your Raspberry Pi, and the buzzer and LED display can also be controlled by your Raspberry Pi. The Air Quality Sensor board plugs directly into the back of a Raspberry Pi 400, but, can also be used with other models of Raspberry Pi, using the jumper wires and GPIO template included in the kit.
Please note that a Raspberry Pi is NOT included in this kit.
Before you do anything else, check that your kit includes the items below.
Air Quality Sensor Board for Raspberry Pi.
Please note that your board may look slightly different, as there are several
versions of this board.
The version number of the board can be found in the bottom right corner.
Female to male jumper wires. Raspberry Leaf GPIO template. The Leaf may be
white or green.
Please Note: This product does not measure CO2, it provides only an estimate
of air quality.
The Air Quality Sensor board uses a sensor chip that does not actually measure
the level of CO2 (carbon dioxide) but instead, the level of a group of gasses
called volatile organic compounds (VOCs). When indoors, the level of these
gasses rises at a fairly similar rate to that of CO2, and can therefore be
used to estimate the level of CO2 (called the equivalent CO2 or eCO2).
The level of CO2 in the air we breathe has a direct influence on our well-
being. CO2 levels are of particular interest from a public health point of
view as, to put it simply,
they are a measure of how much we are breathing other people’s air. We humans
breathe out CO2 and so, if several people are in a poorly ventilated room, the
level of CO2 will gradually increase. This is much the same as the viral
aerosols that spread colds, flu, and Coronavirus as people breathe both out
Another important impact of CO2 levels is on cognitive function – how well you
can think. This study (amongst many more) has some interesting findings. The
following quote is from the National Centre for Biotechnology Information in
the USA:
“at 1,000 ppm CO2, moderate and statistically significant decrements occurred
in six of nine scales of decision-making performance. At 2,500 ppm, large and
statistically significant reductions occurred in seven scales of decision-
performance” Source:
The table below is based on information from
/knowledge-centre/whatare-safe-levels-of-co-and-co2-in-rooms and shows the
levels at which CO2 can
become unhealthy. The CO2 readings are in ppm (parts per million).
Level of CO2 (ppm) | Notes |
250-400 | Normal concentration in ambient air. |
400-1000 | Concentrations typical of occupied indoor spaces with good |
air exchange.
1000-2000| Complaints of drowsiness and poor air.
2000-5000| Headaches, sleepiness, and stagnant, stale, stuffy air. Poor
concentration, loss of attention, increased heart rate, and slight nausea may
also be present.
5000| Workplace exposure limit in most countries.
40000| Exposure may lead to serious oxygen deprivation resulting in permanent brain damage, coma, and even death.
Whether you are using a Raspberry Pi 400 or a Raspberry Pi 2, 3, or 4, make
sure that the Raspberry Pi is shut down and powered off before you connect the
Air Quality Sensor.
The Air Quality Sensor will display the eCO2 readings as soon as it gets power
from your Raspberry Pi. So, once you have connected it, the display should
indicate the eCO2 level. You will then learn how to interact with the board,
receive readings and control the LEDs and buzzer from a Python program.
Connecting the Air Quality Sensor (Raspberry Pi 400)
It is very important that you do not push the connector in at an angle, or
push it too hard, as you may bend the pins on the GPIO connector. When the
pins are lined up
correctly, it should push into place easily.
connector fits as shown above. Notice that the bottom edge of the board lines
up with the bottom of the Pi 400’s case, and the side of the board leaves just
enough room for easy access to the micro SD card.
Once you have connected the board, power up your Raspberry Pi — both the power
LED (in the MonkMakes logo) and one of the eCO2 LEDs should also light.
Connecting the Air Quality Sensor (Raspberry Pi 2/3/4)
If you have a Raspberry Pi 2, 3, 4, then you will need the Raspberry Leaf and
some female-to-male jumper wires to connect the Air Quality Sensor board to
your Raspberry Pi.
WARNING : Reversing the power leads or connecting the Air Quality Sensor
to 5V rather than the 3V pin of the Raspberry Pi is likely to break the sensor
and may damage your Raspberry Pi. So, please check the wiring carefully before
powering on your Raspberry Pi.
Start by fitting the Raspberry Leaf over your Raspberry Pi’s GPIO pins so that
you can tell which pin is which. The template can fit either way around, so
make sure you follow the diagram below.
Next, you are going to connect four leads between the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO pins and the Air Quality board like this:
Raspberry Pi Pin (as labeled on the Leaf)| Air Quality Board (as labeled on
the connector)| Suggested wire color.
GND (any pin marked GND will do)| GND| Black
3.3V| 3V| Red
14 TXD| PI_TXD| Orange
15 RXD| PI_RXD| Yellow
Once it’s all connected, it should look like this:
Check your wiring carefully and then power up your Raspberry Pi — both the power LED (in the MonkMakes logo) and one of the LEDs should also light.
Unplugging the Air Quality Board
Before removing the board from a Raspberry Pi 400.
- Shut down the Raspberry Pi.
- Gently ease the board off the back of the Pi 400, edging it a little from each side in turn, so as not to bend the pins.
If you have a Pi 2/3/4 just remove the jumper wires from the Raspberry Pi.
Enabling the Serial Interface
Even though the board will show the eCO2 level without any programming, that
means we are just using the Raspberry Pi as a power source. To be able to
interact with the board from a Python program, on our Raspberry Pi, there are
a few more steps that we need to take. The first is to enable the Serial
interface on the Raspberry Pi, as it is this interface that is used by the Air
Quality board.
To do this, select Preferences and then Raspberry Pi Configuration from the
main menu.
Switch to the Interfaces tab and make sure that Serial Port is enabled and
Serial Console is disabled.
Installing GUIZero
Some versions of Raspbian/Raspberry Pi OS have GUIZero pre-installed. If GUI
Zero is not installed, then you will get error messages when you try to run
the example
programs. To install GUIzero, open a terminal window, by clicking on this icon
and then type in the following command:
sudo pip3 install guizero
Downloading the Example Programs
The example programs for this kit are available for download from GitHub. To
fetch them, start a browser window on your Raspberry Pi and go to this
Download a zip archive of the project by clicking on the Code button and then
the Download ZIP option.
Once the download is finished, extract the files from the ZIP archive by
finding the ZIP file in your Downloads folder and then right-clicking on it
and selecting the
option Extract To..
Select a suitable
directory (I would recommend your home directory – /home/pi) and extract the
files. This will create a folder called pi_aq-main. Rename this to just pi_aq.
Having downloaded the programs, you could just run them from the command line.
However, it’s good to take a look at the files, and the Thonny editor will
allow us to edit the files and run them.
The Thonny Python editor is pre-installed in Raspberry Pi OS. You will find it
in the Programming section of the main menu. If for any reason it’s not
installed on your
Raspberry Pi, then you can install it using the Add / Remove Software menu
option on the Preferences Menu item.
The next section explains a bit more about what this sensor is measuring before we get on to interacting with the Air Quality board using Python and Thonny.
Before we start the Python programming, let’s take a look at the Air Quality Board.
The power indicator LED in the top left, provides a quick check that the board
is receiving power. Below this is a temperature sensor chip, and next to this
is the eCO2 sensor chip itself. If you look closely at it, you will see that
it has tiny holes for the air to get in and out.
Directly beneath the eCO2 sensor is a buzzer, that you can turn on and off
from your programs. This is useful for providing alarms.
The column of six LEDs is made up (from bottom to top) of two green LEDs, two
orange LEDs, and two red LEDs. These will light when the level of eCO2 marked
next to each LED is exceeded. They will show the level as soon as the
Raspberry Pi powers up, but you can also control them using Python.
Let’s start by trying out a few experiments from the command line. Open a
Terminal session by clicking on the Terminal icon at the top of your screen,
or the Accessories section on the Main menu.
When the terminal opens, type the following commands after the $ prompt, to change directories (cd), and to open a Python console, by typing the following commands:
$ cd /home/pi/pi_aq
$ python3
Open the local aq module by typing the command:
> >> from aq import AQ
> >>
Then create an instance of the AQ class by typing:
> >> aq = AQ()
> >>
We can now read the CO2 level by typing the command:
> >> aq.get_eco2()
> >>
So in this case, the eCO2 level is a nice fresh 434 ppm. Let’s get the
temperature now (in degrees Celcius).
> >> aq.get_temp()
Note: If you get error messages when running the code above, you may not have
GUIZero installed. Installation instructions here:
From version 1e and later of the board, you can calibrate your sensor. Earlier
versions used a different sensor chip and this feature is not available. The
version number of the board can be found in its bottom right corner, near the
Raspberry Pi connector.
To calibrate the sensor, you need fresh air, so open a window and let the room
fill with fresh air for 10 minutes or longer and run the utility program
Here’s an example of the program being run.
pi@raspberrypi:~/pi_aq $ python3
Calibrate sensor
Only for Air Quality for Raspberry Pi boards of version 1e and
1. Show eCO2 reading
2. Calibrate to 400 ppm
3. Reset to factory default
4. Quit
Your sensor should be in an environment with around 400ppm CO2 (fresh
Calibrate? (Y/N)y
Sensor calibrated
1. Show eCO2 reading
2. Calibrate to 400 ppm
3. Reset to factory default
4. Quit
Current eCO2 reading: 0
unknown option
1. Show eCO2 reading
2. Calibrate to 400 ppm
3. Reset to factory default
4. Quit
- Select option 1 to see the current eCO2 reading.
- If this is between about 300 and 500, then you don’t need to calibrate so select option 4 to quit.
- Otherwise select option 2 to calibrate the sensor to 400ppm eCO2. Wait for a few moments and then use option 1 to see the current eCO2. Take a few readings as the calibration takes a little while to come into effect. Your readings should now be near 400 and you can close the window.
Tip: If you want to set the calibration back to the factory default, then you can use option 3.
When you run this program the window similar to the one shown below will open, showing you the temperature and eCO2 level. Try putting your finger on the temperature sensor and the temperature readings should rise. You can also breathe gently on the eCO2 sensor and the readings should increase.
To run the program, Load the file in Thonny and then click on the Run button.
Here’s the code for the project. The code makes use of the GUI Zero library which you can read more about in Appendix B.
import threading
import time
from guizero import App, Text
from aq import AQ
aq = AQ()
app = App(title=”Air Quality”, width=550, height=300,
def update_readings(): # update fields with new
temp and eCO2 readings
while True:
temp_c_field.value = str(aq.get_temp())
eco2_field.value = str(aq.get_eco2())
t1 = threading.Thread(target=update_readings)
t1.start() # start the thread that updates the readings
define the user interface
Text(app, text=”Temp (C)”, grid=[0,0], size=20)
temp_c_field = Text(app, text=”-“, grid=[1,0], size=100)
Text(app, text=”eCO2 (ppm)”, grid=[0,1], size=20)
eco2_field = Text(app, text=”-“, grid=[1,1], size=100)
To allow readings of temperature and light to take place without interrupting
the workings of the user interface, the threading library is imported. The
function update_readings will loop forever, taking readings every half second
and updating the fields in the window.
The rest of the code provides the user interface fields needed to display the
temperature and eCO2 level. These are laid out as a grid so that the fields
line up.
So, each field is defined with a grid attribute that represents the column and
row positions. So, the field that displays the text Temp (C) is at column 0,
row 0 and the
corresponding temperature value (temp_c_field) is at column 1, row 0.
This program extends Program one, by making use of the buzzer and some fancy user interface features, to make an alarm sound and the window turn red if a set level of eCO2 is exceeded.
The slider at the bottom of the window sets the eCO2 level at which the buzzer
should sound and the window turns red. Try setting the Alarm level is a little
higher than the
current eCO2 level and then breathe on the sensor.
Here is the code for Program 2, much of it is very similar to Program 1. Areas of interest have been highlighted in bold.
import threading
import time
from guizero import App, Text, Slider
from aq import AQ
aq = AQ()
app = App(title=”Air Quality”, width=550, height=400,
def update_readings():
while True:
temp_c_field.value = str(aq.get_temp())
eco2 = aq.get_eco2()
eco2_field.value = str(eco2)
if eco2 > slider.value: = “red”
app.text_color = “white”
else: = “white”
app.text_color = “black”
t1 = threading.Thread(target=update_readings)
t1.start() # start the thread that updates the readings
define the user interface
Text(app, text=”Temp (C)”, grid=[0,0], size=20)
temp_c_field = Text(app, text=”-“, grid=[1,0], size=100)
Text(app, text=”eCO2 (ppm)”, grid=[0,1], size=20)
eco2_field = Text(app, text=”-“, grid=[1,1], size=100)
Text(app, text=”Alarm (ppm)”, grid=[0,2], size=20)
slider = Slider(app, start=300, end=2000, width=300,
height=40, grid=[1,2])
Firstly, we need to add Slider to the list of things we import from Aguero.
We also need to extend the update_readings function, so that, as well as
displaying the temperature and eCO2 level, it also checks to see if the level
is above the threshold. If it is, it sets the window background to red, and
the text to white, and turns the buzzer on. If the eCO2 level is below the
threshold set by the slider, it reverses this and turns the buzzer off.
This program ( doesn’t have a graphical interface. It just prompts you to enter an interval in seconds between readings, followed by the name of a file in which to save the readings.
In the example above, sampling is set to 5 seconds and the file is called
readings.txt. When you have finished logging data, CTRL-c will end logging and
close the file.
Tip: If you have a version 1e or later of the board, then it’s a good
idea to leave the sensor running for 5 minutes to stabilize, and then
calibrate the sensor following the
instructions on Page 14.
The data are saved in the same format as they are shown in the screen capture
above. That is, the first line specifies the headings, with each value
delimited by a TAB character. The file is saved in the same directory as the
Having captured the data, you can then import it into a spreadsheet (like
LibreOffice) on your Raspberry Pi and then plot a chart from the data.
If LibreOffice is not installed on your Raspberry Pi, you can install it using
the Add/Remove Software option on the Preferences Menu.
Open a new spreadsheet, chose Open from the file menu, and navigate to the
data file you want to look at. This will open an import dialog (see the next
page) showing that the spreadsheet has automatically detected the columns of
the data.
Click OK to import the data, and then select the column for the eCO2 readings. You can then plot a graph of these readings by selecting Chart from the Insert menu, and then choosing a Chart type of Line, followed by Line Only. This gives you the graph shown on the next page.
As an experiment, try leaving the logger program running for a 24-hour period to see how the eCO2 level changes throughout the day.
For the serious programmers – here is the technical documentation. The file is not installed as a full Python library, but should just be copied into the same folder as any other code that needs to use it.
The module is a class that wraps the serial communication
between your Raspberry Pi and the Air Quality board.
Creating an instance of AQ:
aq = AQ()
Reading the eCO2 reading
aq.get_eco2() # returns the eCO2 reading in ppm
Reading the temperature in degrees C
aq.get_temp() # returns the temperature in degrees C
The LED display
aq.leds_manual() # set LED mode to manual
aq.leds_automatic() # set LED mode to automatic
so that LEDs display eCO2
aq.set_led_level(level) # level 0-LEDs off,
level 1-6 LED 1 to 6 lit
Calibration (version 1e and later)
The class communicates with the sensor board using the Pi’s serial interface. If you want to see details of the serial interface, then please take a look at the datasheet for this product. You will find a link to this from the product’s web page (
Laura Sach and Martin O’Hanlon at The Raspberry Pi Foundation have created a
Python library (GUI Zero) that makes it super easy to design GUIs. This kit
uses that library.
Before you can use the library, you need to import the bits of it that you
want to use in your program.
For example, if we just wanted a window containing a message, here’s the
import command:
from guizero import App, Text
The class App represents the application itself, and every program you write
that uses guizers needs to import this. The only other class needed here is
Text, which is used to display the message. The following command creates the
application window, specifying a title and the window’s starting dimensions.
app = App(title = “My Window”, width=”400″, height=”300″)
To add some text to the window, we can use the line:
Text(app, text=”Hello World”, size=32)
The window is now prepared for display, but won’t actually appear until the
program runs the line:
You can find out more about guizers here:
Problem: The board is plugged into my Pi 400 but the power LED is not lit.
Solution: Check that the GPIO pins are lined up correctly with the socket. See
page 4.
Problem: The board is plugged into my Pi 400 but the power LED is flashing
Solution: This indicates a problem with the sensor. Sometimes, all it needs is
for the power to be reset by turning your Raspberry Pi off and on again. If
you do this and the flashing continues, you probably have a faulty board, so
please contact
Problem : I’ve just connected everything up, but the eCO2 readings seem
Solution : The type of sensor used in the MonkMakes Air Quality Sensor,
will start producing readings from the first time you connect it. However, the
readings will become more accurate with time. Also, if you have version 1e or
later of the board, try calibrating it (see the separate section in these
instructions on ‘Calibration’)
Problem : I get this error message when I run the programs.
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/dev/ttyS0’
Solution : You will get this error message if you don’t enable the Serial
interface as described on Page 8.
Problem : I get this error message when I run the programs.
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘guizero’
Solution : You do not have GUIZero installed. Please follow the
instructions here:
Problem : I’m comparing the readings from this sensor with a true CO2
meter and the readings are different.
Solution : That’s to be expected. The Air Quality Sensor estimates the
CO2 concentration (that’s what the ‘e’ is for in eCO2) by measuring the level
of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). True CO2 sensors are much more
Programming & Electronics
If you want to learn more about programming the Raspberry Pi and Electronics,
then the designer of this kit (Simon Monk) has written a number of books that
you might enjoy.
You can find out more about books by Simon Monk at: or
follow him on Twitter where he is @simonmonk2
For more information on this kit, the product’s home page is here:
As well as this kit, MonkMakes makes all sorts of kits and gadgets to help
with your maker projects. Find out more, as well as where to buy at:
You can also follow MonkMakes on Twitter @monkmakes.
Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
Read User Manual Online (PDF format) >>