Plexim RT Box controlCARD Interface User Manual

June 13, 2024


Plexim RT Box controlCARD Interface

Plexim RT Box controlCARD Interface-product


The PLECS RT Box is a powerful real-time simulator based on a Xilinx Zynq system on a chip (SOC). With its digital and analog I/O signals, the RT Box is well-equipped for hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing as well as rapid control prototyping (RCP).
If employed for HIL testing, the RT Box typically emulates the power stage of a power electronic system. The power stage could be a simple DC/DC converter, an AC drive system or a complex multi-level inverter system. The device under test (DUT) is the control hardware connected to the RT Box. In such a setup, the complete controller can be tested without the real power stage.

To simplify the connection of external hardware and to provide convenient ac- cess to the RT Box inputs and outputs, Plexim offers a set of RT Box accessories.

The RT Box controlCARD I nterface described in this document has two con- trolCARD slots which facilitate a simple connection of the RT Box with the 100-pin and 180-pin controlCARD modules from Texas Instruments (TI). It enables users to test control algorithms implemented on C2000 MCUs without devel-oping their own interface hardware. The pinout of the controlCARD Interface board has been optimized for the following development kits

  • Piccolo controlCARDs (280049, 28027, 28035, 28075, 28069)
  • Delfino controlCARDs (28335, 2837xD)
  • Concerto controlCARDs (F28M35, F28M36)

The controlCARD Interface may also be used with other development boards compliant with the controlCARD pinout.

Interface Board Overview

The interface board provides a 100-pin socket for the older 100-pin control- CARDs, as well as a 180-pin socket for the newer modules. Fig. 2.1 shows the top view of the controlCARD interface board.

All RT Box output signals are buffered to protect the MCU from overvoltage, and local opamps provide a low-impedance source for the MCUs ADC inputs. The board provides access to three analog outputs labeled AOUT-13 . . . 15 via BNC connectors. For status communication with the RT Box, the board features four sliding switches and four LEDs labeled DIO-28 . . . DIO-31.

Additionally, external JTAG adapters can be connected to the MCUs by means of two 14-pin headers labeled JTAG-100, JTAG-180. Each controlCARD is wired to an isolated CAN driver, allowing communication among the control-CARDs as well as external equipment. The board also provides a 64 kbit Serial Electrically Erasable PROM for user specific purposes.

A 6-pin unshrouded connector labeled SCI for FTDI cable is provided to com- municate with older 100-pin controlCARDs which do not support serial interface.

ControlCARD Socket Pins

Tables 2.1 and 2.2 list the pin assignments of 100-pin and 180-pin controlCARD sockets and the RT Box signals.

A more detailed table, including the available processor functions at each pin for the supported controlCARDs, can be found in the Appendix.

RT Box 100-pin RT Box
1 51
2 52
3 53
4 54
5 55
6 56
AO14 7 57
8 58
AO12 9 59
10 60
AO10 11 61
12 62
AO8 13 63
14 64
AO6 15 65
16 66
AO4 17 67
18 68
AO2 19 69
20 70
AO0 21 71
22 72
DI23 26 76
27 77
DI25 28 78
DI27 29 79
DI29 30 80
31 81
32 82
33 83 DO0
34 84 DO5
DO6 35 85
DO4 36 86
37 87
38 88
39 89
DO2 40 90
41 91 DO1
42 92
43 93
44 94
DI31 45 95
46 96
47 97
48 98
49 99
50 100

Table 2.1: 100-pin controlCARD socket

RT Box 180-pin RT Box
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
AO15 9 10
AO13 11 12
13 14 AO12
AO11 15 16
AO9 17 18
19 20 AO8
AO7 21 22
AO5 23 24
AO3 25 26
AO1 27 28
29 30 AO0
31 32
NC 33 . . . 46 NC
47 48
DI0 49 50
DI1 51 52
DI2 53 54
DI3 55 56
DI8 57 58
DI9 59 60
DI10 61 62
DI11 63 64
RT Box 180-pin RT Box
--- --- ---
65 66
67 68 DO13
69 70 DO14
71 72 DO27
73 74 DO26
DO25 75 76
DO24 77 78
DO23 79 80
DO22 81 82
83 84
85 86
87 88 DI14
DO21 89 90
DO20 91 92
93 94
95 96
97 98
99 100 DO19
101 102 DO18
103 104 DO17
105 106 DO16
107 108
NC 109 . . . 118 NC
119 120 RESET (DO15)
121 122
NC 123 . . . 180 NC

Table 2.2: 180-pin controlCARD socket

Interface Board Overview

Plexim RT Box controlCARD Interface 01

Figure 2.1: RT Box controlCARD Interface Board

Onboard Voltage Supply

Power to the controlCARD interface board can be supplied in two ways, by selecting the appropriate jumper terminals on the bottom right corner of the board. One way is to supply power directly from the RT Box. The second is through an external source using the USB connector labeled 5V PWR . This al- lows the board to be used without the RT Box. The interface board contains a linear voltage regulator that steps down the 5 V supplied externally or by the RT Box to 3.3 V required by the controlCARD. A green LED on the lower right section of the board indicates power supply to the board.

Analog Output

All 16 analog outputs from the RT Box are routed to both 100-pin and 180-pin control card slots. It is possible to operate two cards at the same time, al- though the user must be aware that the sampling of one MCU could affect the measurements of the other. If both control card slots are populated, the ana- log signals must be shared by the controlCARDs. Three analog output channels AOUT-13 . . . AOOUT-15 are also accessible at the BNC connectors.

All 16 analog output signals are passed through a rail-to-rail CMOS operational amplifier signal conditioning circuit, as shown in Fig. 2.2, for scaling the volt-ages to 0 V and 3.3 V, and for protecting the inputs of the MCU from damage by over-voltage. This introduces a gain of 4.42 /6.8 (or 0.65) in between the analog output pins of the RT Box and the analog input pins of the controlCARD.

Additionally, each analog channel routed to the 180-pin controlCARD socket is buffered with a capacitor (2200 pF) against ground, to lower the source impedance of the channel so that the sample and hold capacitor of the MCU can be charged quickly. A small resistance (56 Ω) is also placed in series to stabilize the driving opamp circuit.

The 100-pin controlCARD socket is excluded from this step and receives analog output signals directly after signal conditioning, as these resistors and capacitors are already populated on the 100-pin controlCARDS.

Plexim RT Box controlCARD Interface 02

Figure 2.2: Analog Output Signal Conditioning Circuit

Digital I/O

Digital inputs DI0 . . . DI15 from the RT Box are connected to the 180-pin controlCARD socket. DI16 . . . DI31 are connected to the 100-pin controlCARD

socket. Digital inputs DI28 . . . 31 can also be set via four sliding switches pro-vided on the board labeled DIO-28 . . . DIO-31.

Digital outputs DO0 . . . DO7 are connected to the 100-pin controlCARD socket. DO11 . . . DO14, DO16 . . . 27 are connected to the 180-pin controlCARD socket. DO28 . . . DO31 are connected to four LEDs in the upper right section of the board labeled DIO-28 . . . DIO-31.
All the digital input and output signals are buffered through bus transceivers to protect the inputs of the MCU from voltages greater than 3.3 V.

DO15 is connected to the 180-pin controlCARDs MCU reset pin via RST jumper. If the jumper is set a low-level output at DO15 will reset the MCU. Do not set this jumper unless you wish to use this feature. Alternatively, the MCU can be reset using the push button labeled RESET.

CAN Communication

Two electrically isolated CAN transceivers provide CAN communication that can be accessed through a 9-pin D-SUB connector on the bottom left corner of the board. This allows communication among the controlCARDs, if populated together, as well as with external equipment.

Table 2.3 lists the pin assignments of the 9-pin D-SUB connector, 100-pin controlCARD and 180-pin controlCARD sockets.

Note CAN_L and CAN_H signals on pins 2 and 7 respectively on the 9-pin D-SUB connector can be terminated with a 120 Ω resistor using the jumper labeled CAN TERM located on the bottom left corner of the board.

JTAG Headers

Tables 2.4 and 2.5 list the pin assignments of JTAG headers for the 100-pin controlCARD labeled JTAG-100 and 180-pin controlCARD labeled JTAG-180 respectively.

100-pin| CAN Transceiver 1| 9-pin connector| CAN Transceiver 2| 180-pin
| | | 1| | |
94| TX1| CAN_L| 2| CAN_L| TX2| 82
| | GND| 3| GND| |
| | | 4| | |
| | | 5| | |
| | GND| 6| GND| |
44| RX1| CAN_H| 7| CAN_H| RX2| 80
| | | 8| | |
| | | 9| | |

Table 2.3: CAN pin assignment

100-pin Function JTAG-100 Function 100-pin
49 TMS 1 2 TRST
97 TDI 3 4 GND
3 V 5 6 NC
98 TDO 7 8 GND
48 TCK 9 10 GND
48 TCK 11 12 GND
100 EMU0 13 14 EMU1

Table 2.4: JTAG-100 pin assignment

SCI Communication

Table 2.6 lists the pin assignments of the unshrouded connector labeled SCI for communication with older100-pin controlCARDs.

180-pin Function JTAG-180 Function 180-pin
3 TMS 1 2 TRST
8 TDI 3 4 GND
3 V 5 6 NC
6 TDO 7 8 GND
5 TCK 9 10 GND
5 TCK 11 12 GND
2 EMU0 13 14 EMU1

Table 2.5: JTAG-180 pin assignment

SCI Function 100-pin
1 GND –
2 NC
3 VCC +
4 TX < 43
5 RX > 93
6 NC

Table 2.6: SCI pin assignment


The following table contains the part numbers of the connectors and standoff assembly used on the controlCARD interface board. For dimensions of the front panel of the RT Box, refer to the RT Box manual.

Sl. No.

| Manufacturer| Part Number| Description
1| Samtec Inc.| HSEC8-160-01-SM-DV-A| 120-pin Female
2| Samtec Inc.| HSEC8-130-01-SM-DV-A| 60-pin Female
3| Texas Instruments| TMDSDIM100CON5PK| 100-pin Socket
4| Conec| DLS1XP5AK40X| 9-pin D-Sub Male
5| TE’s AMP Connectors| 5104338-2| 14-pin Header
6| 3M| 961106-6404-AR| 6-pin Header
7| 3M| 961102-6404-AR| 2-pin Header
8| Radiall| R141426161| BNC Connector
9| Assmann WSW Components| A-DS 37 A/KG-T4S| 37-pin D-Sub Male
10| Assmann WSW Components| ASUB-277-37TP25| 37-pin D-Sub Stacked
11| Harwin Inc.| R6396-02| Hex Standoff
12| Keystone Electronics| 720| Bumper
13| APM Hexseal| RM3X8MM 2701| M3 Screw

Table 2.7: Connectors and standoff assembly


Tables 3.1 and 3.2 provide more detailed information on the connectivity of the 180-pin controlCARD socket; table 3.4 provides more detailed information on the connectivity of the 100-pin controlCARD socket. For each controlCARD, the RT Box I/O is shown beside the controlCARD socket pins and the processor peripherals available at those pins.

TI F28379D ControlCard Pin Map

Function RT Box 180-pin RT Box Function
ADC-A0 AO15 9 10
ADC-A1 AO13 11 12 AO14
13 14 AO12 ADC-B1
ADC-A2 AO11 15 16
ADC-A3 AO9 17 18 AO10
19 20 AO8 ADC-B3
ADC-A4 AO7 21 22
ADC-A5 AO5 23 24 AO6
ADCIN14 AO3 25 26 AO4
ADCIN15 AO1 27 28 AO2
29 30 AO0 ADC-D1
NC 31 . . . 48 NC
PWM1A, GPIO-00 DI0 49 50 DI4
PWM1B, GPIO-01 DI1 51 52 DI5
PWM2A, GPIO-02 DI2 53 54 DI6
PWM2B, GPIO-03 DI3 55 56 DI7
PWM5A, GPIO-08 DI8 57 58 DI12
PWM5B, GPIO-09 DI9 59 60 DI13
PWM6A, GPIO-10 DI10 61 62 DO11
Function RT Box 180-pin RT Box Function
--- --- --- --- ---
PWM6B, GPIO-11 DI11 63 64 DO12
65 66
67 68 DO13 QEP1A, GPIO-20
69 70 DO14 QEP1B, GPIO-21
71 72 DO27 QEP1S, GPIO-22
73 74 DO26 QEP1I, GPIO-23
SPISIMOB, GPIO-24 DO25 75 76
SPISOMIB, GPIO-25 DO24 77 78
SPICLKB, GPIO-26 DO23 79 80
SPISTEB, GPIO-27 DO22 81 82
83 84
85 86
87 88 DI14 GPIO-39
GPIO-40 DO21 89 90 DI15
GPIO-41 DO20 91 92
93 94
95 96
97 98
99 100 DO19 QEP2A, GPIO-54
101 102 DO18 QEP2B, GPIO-55
103 104 DO17 QEP2S, GPIO-56
105 106 DO16 QEP2I, GPIO-57
NC 107 . . . 118 NC
119 120 DO15 XRSn
NC 121 . . . 180 NC
Function RT Box 180-pin RT Box Function
--- --- --- --- ---

Table 3.1: TI 28379D ControlCard pin map

TI F280049M controlCARD Pin Map

Function RT Box 180-pin RT Box Function
ADC-A0, B15, C15, DACA AO15 9 10
ADC-A1, DACB AO13 11 12 AO14
13 14 AO12 ADC-B1, A10, C10, PGA7_IN
ADC-A2, B6, PGA1_IN AO11 15 16
ADC-A3 AO9 17 18 AO10
19 20 AO8 ADC-B3, VDAC
ADC-A4, B8, PGA2_IN AO7 21 22
ADC-A5 AO5 23 24 AO6
ADC-A6, PGA5_IN AO3 25 26 AO4
ADC-A9 AO1 27 28 AO2
29 30 AO0 ADC-C2
NC 31 . . . 48 NC
PWM1A, GPIO-00 DI0 49 50 DI4
PWM1B, GPIO-01 DI1 51 52 DI5
PWM2A, GPIO-02 DI2 53 54 DI6
PWM2B, GPIO-03 DI3 55 56 DI7
PWM7A, GPIO-12 DI8 57 58 DI12
PWM7B, GPIO-13 DI9 59 60 DI13
PWM8A, GPIO-14 DI10 61 62 DO11
Function RT Box 180-pin RT Box Function
--- --- --- --- ---
PWM8B, GPIO-15 DI11 63 64 DO12
65 66
67 68 DO13 QEP1A, GPIO-40
69 70 DO14 QEP1B, GPIO-57
71 72 DO27 QEP1S, GPIO-22
73 74 DO26 QEP1I, GPIO-31
SPISIMOB, GPIO-24 DO25 75 76
SPISOMIB, GPIO-25 DO24 77 78
SPICLKB, GPIO-26 DO23 79 80
SPISTEB, GPIO-27 DO22 81 82
83 84
85 86
87 88 DI14 NC
GPIO-18 DO21 89 90 DI15
NC DO20 91 92
93 94
95 96
97 98
99 100 DO19 QEP2A, GPIO-24
101 102 DO18 QEP2B, GPIO-25
103 104 DO17 NC
105 106 DO16 NC
NC 107 . . . 118 NC
119 120 DO15 XRSn
NC 121 . . . 180 NC

TI F28388D ControlCard Pin Map

Function RT Box 180-pin RT Box Function
ADC-A0 AO15 9 10
ADC-A1 AO13 11 12 AO14
13 14 AO12 ADC-B1
ADC-A2 AO11 15 16
ADC-A3 AO9 17 18 AO10
19 20 AO8 ADC-B3
ADC-A4 AO7 21 22
ADC-A5 AO5 23 24 AO6
ADCIN14 AO3 25 26 AO4
ADCIN15 AO1 27 28 AO2
29 30 AO0 ADC-D1
NC 31 . . . 48 NC
PWM1A, GPIO-00 DI0 49 50 DI4
PWM1B, GPIO-01 DI1 51 52 DI5
PWM2A, GPIO-02 DI2 53 54 DI6
PWM2B, GPIO-03 DI3 55 56 DI7
PWM5A, GPIO-08 DI8 57 58 DI12
PWM5B, GPIO-09 DI9 59 60 DI13
PWM6A, GPIO-10 DI10 61 62 DO11
Function RT Box 180-pin RT Box Function
--- --- --- --- ---
PWM6B, GPIO-11 DI11 63 64 DO12
65 66
67 68 DO13 QEP1A, GPIO-20
69 70 DO14 QEP1B, GPIO-21
71 72 DO27 QEP1S, GPIO-22
73 74 DO26 QEP1I, GPIO-23
SPISIMOB, GPIO-24 DO25 75 76
SPISOMIB, GPIO-25 DO24 77 78
SPICLKB, GPIO-26 DO23 79 80
SPISTEB, GPIO-27 DO22 81 82
83 84
85 86
87 88 DI14 GPIO-39
GPIO-40 DO21 89 90 DI15
GPIO-41 DO20 91 92
93 94
95 96
97 98
99 100 DO19 QEP2A, GPIO-54
101 102 DO18 QEP2B, GPIO-55
103 104 DO17 QEP2S, GPIO-56
105 106 DO16 QEP2I, GPIO-57
NC 107 . . . 118 NC
119 120 DO15 XRSn
NC 121 . . . 180 NC

TI F28335 controlCARD Pin Map

Function RT Box 100-pin RT Box Function
V33D-ISO 1 51
2 52
3 53
4 54
5 55
GND-ISO 6 56
ADCIN-B0 AO14 7 57 AO15
GND 8 58
ADCIN-B1 AO12 9 59 AO13
GND 10 60
ADCIN-B2 AO10 11 61 AO11
GND 12 62
ADCIN-B3 AO8 13 63 AO9
GND 14 64
ADCIN-B4 AO6 15 65 AO7
16 66
ADCIN-B5 AO4 17 67 AO5
18 68
ADCIN-B6 AO2 19 69 AO3
20 70
ADCIN-B7 AO0 21 71 AO1
22 72
GPIO-00, EPWM-1A DI17 23 73 DI16
Function RT Box 100-pin RT Box Function
--- --- --- --- ---
GPIO-02, EPWM-2A DI19 24 74 DI18
GPIO-04, EPWM-3A DI21 25 75 DI20
GPIO-06, EPWM-4A DI23 26 76 DI22
GND 27 77
GPIO-08, EPWM-5A, CANTX- B DI25 28 78 DI24

GPIO-10, EPWM-6A, CANRX- B| DI27| 29| 79| DI26| GPIO-11, EPWM-6B, SCIRX- B, ECAP-4
GPIO-48, ECAP5| DI29| 30| 80| DI28| GPIO-49, ECAP6
| | 31| 81| |
| | 32| 82| | + 5 V
| | 33| 83| DO0| GPIO-13, TZ-2, CANRX-B
| | 34| 84| DO5| GPIO-14, TZ-3, SCITX-B
GPIO-24, ECAP-1, EQEPA-2| DO6| 35| 85| DO7| GPIO-25, ECAP-2, EQEPB-2
GPIO-26, ECAP-3, EQEPI-2| DO4| 36| 86| |
GND| | 37| 87| | + 5 V
| | 38| 88| |
| | 39| 89| |
GPIO-20, EQEPA-1, CANTX- B| DO2| 40| 90| DO3| GPIO-21, EQEPB-1, CANRX- B
| | 41| 91| DO1| GPIO-23, EQEPI-1, SCIRX-B
| | 42| 92| | + 5 V
GPIO-28 , SCIRX-A| | 43| 93| | GPIO-29, SCITX-A
GPIO-30, CANRX-A| | 44| 94| | GPIO-31, CANTX-A
GPIO-32| DI31| 45| 95| DI30| GPIO-33
| | 46| 96| | + 5 V


| RT Box| 100-pin| RT Box|


GND| | 47| 97| | JTAG-TDI
JTAG-TCK| | 48| 98| | JTAG-TDO
JTAG-TMS| | 49| 99| | JTAG-TRSTn
JTAG-EMU1| | 50| 100| | JTAG-EMU0

Table 3.4: TI F28335 controlCARD pin map

Documents / Resources

| Plexim RT Box controlCARD Interface [pdf] User Manual
28335, 2837xD, F28M35, F28M36, RT Box controlCARD Interface, controlCARD Interface, Interface


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