Raffle Ticket Software User Guide

June 13, 2024

Raffle Ticket Software

Product Information

The Raffle Ticket Software is a tool that allows users to design and create customized raffle tickets. It provides a user-friendly interface with various features such as ticket design, stub design, numbering specification, and live ticket preview. Users can add text, change font styles, insert images, and customize the layout of the tickets. The software supports importing. BMP, JPG, GIF,.TIFF, and . PNG image formats. It also provides a separate workspace for adding special rules or legally required wording.

Product Usage Instructions

  1. Download and install Raffle Ticket Software on your computer.
  2. Click on the desktop icon to open a new ticket.
  3. The Ticket Design Panel popup window will appear with three tabs: Ticket Design, Stub Design, and Numbering Specification.
  4. Make sure you are in the Ticket Design tab.
  5. In the work area, enter all the necessary ticket information such as event name, date, time, location, and cost. You can directly type the information or copy and paste from a text editor.
  6. To make the event title stand out, you can change the font type, size, style (bold or italic), or color.
  7. To highlight other important information like date, time, location, and cost, use your mouse to select each item and make them bold or adjust the font size.
  8. In the bottom section of the workspace, you can add any special rules or legally required wording related to the event.
  9. Keep an eye on the live preview window in the background to ensure the text does not overlap with the ticket number. Adjust the positioning of the text if needed.
  10. To insert a picture on the ticket, click the Insert Picture button in the software. Navigate to the folder where your image is saved and select the desired image file format.
  11. If necessary, adjust the size and position of the image to avoid overlapping with text. Click on the padlock icon to fix the image in place.
  12. Once you are satisfied with the ticket design, you can proceed to print or save the tickets for distribution.

Raffle tickets

Raffle tickets – How to set up the ticket body

  • For the Video: https://raffleticketsoftware.com/pages/the-ticket-bodyAfter. downloading and installing Raffle Ticket Software, just click on the desktop icon to open a new ticket.
  • You will see the Ticket Design Panel popup window with three tabs: “Ticket Design”, “Stub Design” and “Numbering Specification”.
  • You will enter all the ticket information here. In the background, you will see a live proof of your tickets.
  • This sheet of 8-1/2” x 11” paper with 8 blank tickets. This background will change dynamically as you add information to the Ticket Design Panel and show you what your finished sheet of tickets will look like.

Before you start to design your ticket, make sure you know:

  • Who the raffle ticket is for
  • What you are raffling or what the ticket is for
  • When and where the event will take place
  • What is the price

In this example, I will be creating tickets for a car wash for a senior class fundraiser.

  • Make sure you are in the Ticket Design tab.
  • In the work area I am going to start with the event name, the when and where, the cost, and special instructions.
  • You can type the information directly into the workspace, or you can copy and paste from your favorite text editor if you want to spell-check your work.
  • The event is a “Senior Class Fundraiser.”
  • The date is “Saturday, April 1st.” https://raffleticketsoftware.com.
  • The time is “9am to 5pm.”
  • It will be at “West Parking Lot.”
  • It will cost “$5 per ticket.”
  • “Please bring this ticket on the day of the event. Thank you for your support!!”
  • As you can see, the changes you make within the workspace can be seen on the ticket template instantly.

To make the event title stand out, you can change the type font, the font size, and make it bold or italic, or change the color. You can also make a selection for left, right, and justified text. I want the important information such as the date, time, location, and cost to also stand out, but not as much as the title, so I will use my mouse to highlight the individual items and make them bold and change the font size just a bit.

The bottom section is a separate workspace where you can add any special rules or legally required wording. This can be used to give the purchaser more information about the event such as if they need to be present to win a prize, the expiration date of the ticket, and so on and so forth. In this example, the tickets must be purchased prior to the event. Keep an eye on the preview window in the background. To make sure that the text does not run into the ticket number, part of the sentence will be moved to the second line.


Inserting a Picture

  • Raffle Ticket Software will allow you to import any .BMP, .JPG , .GIF, .TIFF, or .PNG images.
  • To place a picture on your ticket, click the “Insert Picture” button.
  • Navigate to the folder where your image is. If you cannot see it at first, change the “Files of type” drop-down menu. In my case, I need to change the menu to show JPEG files. Select the image, and click “Open.”
  • The image has a gray border around it, meaning that we can move it around by clicking and dragging.
  • My image is too large and I want to make it smaller. To resize it you can click the + or – magnifying glasses. If your image is much too big, it might not appear on the preview.
  • In those cases it’s probably easiest to resize the image using whatever photo editing program you prefer
  • The image is now at a size that I want. However, some of our text overlaps it.
  • To fix this, click within the text and move it around as you desire. You can also go back into the image and move it around or scale it again. Once you are happy with the position and size, click on the padlock to fix it in place.
  • You will need to lock the image if you want to work on the text some more.
  • Now that we’ve covered the ticket body design, we can move on to the stub design.


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