narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024

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narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum -

SignalShark 3310 Handheld

Device Overview
Handheld Unit

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum -
rechargeablenarda 3310 SignalShark
Handheld Spectrum - recordnarda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - weather sealed

Connector Panel

  1. USB 3.0 connection

  2. 3.5mm headphone jack

  3. External GNSS SMA(f) input, 50 Ohm
    › DC voltage for active antenna is supplied

  4. Micro SD card slot (microSDXC)

  5. PPS/trigger SMA(f) input

  6. 1 GigE connector for remote control and
    I/Q streaming

  7. DC input / charging jacknarda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Connector Panel
    Connector Panel

  8. 3 x RF SMA(f) input

  9. RF N(f) input for connecting the antenna

  10.  12-pin jack for connecting the antenna control cable

  11. 10 MHz Ref SMA(f) inputnarda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Connector Panel1

Bottom View

  1. USB 2.0 connection
  2. Display Portnarda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Bottom View

Display Port and USB connector can be used to connect an external touch screen.

Battery Operation

  • Battery Operating Status
    The operating status of the batteries is separately displayed for each battery with 2 LEDs in the keyboard area
Indicator Significance
LED lights up red Battery is charging.
LED lights up green Charging is completed or charger/power supply is still

connected to the charging jack of the unit.
LED is off| No battery is inserted or no charging/power supply is connected.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Battery

  • Charging the Batteries
  • Charging times for a complete charging cycle are as follows:
  • When both batteries are charged in the device: approx. 4.2 hours (nom.)
  • When charged in external charger: approx. 3 hours (nom.)

Starting Up

  • Switching the Device on and off
    › Push the power key for about 2 seconds and release it again to switch the device on.
    › Push the power key for about 3 seconds and release it again to switch the device off.
    › Pressing the power button for about 10 seconds is basically like cutting the power to the system.
    WARNING : This can lead to loss of data!

  • Device Operating Status LED
    › LED lights up red: Device is in initialization phase or an error occurred
    › LED lights up green: Device is operational
    › LED flashes green: Device is in stealth modenarda 3310 SignalShark
Handheld Spectrum - Starting Up

Special Hard Keys

› Stealth/Touch

  • A short press on the Stealth/Touch button will start the stealth mode.
    Stealth mode allows you to quickly deactivate/reactivate the display and audio playback. The device will switch off completely after 10 minutes in stealth mode to save battery power.

  • A long press on the Stealth/Touch button will toggle the touch lock.

  • Mouse Emulation
    In touch lock you can operate the device via a mouse emulation. The mouse pointer can be controlled by the arrow keys. A short press on the OK button will emulate a mouse left click.narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum -
Special Hard Keys

Special Hard Keys

  • Integrated Help / Preset
  • A short press on the Help/Preset button opens the integrated help documentation.
  • It can take some seconds until the Help has started up because it is displayed in a separate web browser.
  • A long press on the Help/Preset button will load and apply the default task.narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Special Hard Keys1

Warning : All existing Tasks will be removed when applying the default setup!

Special Hard Keys

  • Run/Single Run

  • A short press on the Run/Single Run button will stop or hold the current measurement acquisition depending on the actual “Stop Mode” setting.

  • Button Bar → Config → Stop Mode→ Hold/Stop

  • Stop: Display update and measurement acquisition is stopped.

  • Hold: Display update is on hold, but measurement acquisition still runs in the background (trace data will be collected).narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Special Hard Keys2 Note:
    Spectrogram marker can only be used, if measurement is on hold or stopped.

Special Hard Keys

  • Run/Single Run
  •  A long press on the Run/Single Run button will start a single run measurement.
  • In single run, the device will run a special amount of measurement cycles (“Scan Count”) and then stop/hold the measurement acquisition.narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Special Hard Keys3 Note: Single Run can be used to measure a defined number of measurement cycles or over a specified period of time (e.g. for Spectrum AVG trace, RMS channel power).

Special Hard Keys

  • Volume/Mute
  • A short press on the Volume/Mute button opens the volume settings menu.
  • A long press on the Volume/Mute button switches system sound on/off.narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum -Mute

SignalShark 3320 Remote Unit Device Overview

Remote Unit

Front Panel

  1. ON/OFF button

  2. Device Status LED
    › Green: Device is operational
    › Red: Device is in initialization phase or an error occurred

  3. Stereo jack, 3.5 mm headphone jack

  4. Ethernet Connection Status LED
    › LED LINK lights up orange: 100 Mbit
    › LED LINK lights up green: 1 Gbit
    › LED ACT lights green: Trafficnarda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum -
Front Panel Note:
    The device starts automatically when connected to the power supply.
    The device can also be started via WakeOnLan (WOL).
    Front Panel

  5. Product description on the top of the device
    › QR codes including P/N, S/N, Mac address, etc.

  6. Display port

  7. USB 2.0 connectionnarda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Front Panel1 Note:
    Display Port and USB connector can be used to connect an external touch screen

Back Panel

  1. 3 x RF SMA(f) input

  2. RF N(f) input

  3. 12-pin jack for connecting the antenna control cable

  4. 10 MHz Ref SMA(f) input, 600 Ohmnarda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Back Panel Back Panel

  5. USB 3.0 connection

  6. External GNSS SMA(f) input, 50 Ohm
    › DC voltage for active antenna is supplied

  7. Product description including P/N, S/N,
    Mac address

  8. Micro SD card slot (microSDXC)

  9. PPS / trigger SMA(f) input, 100 kOhm

  10. 1 GigE connector
    › For remote control, I/Q streaming, and network connection, e.g. the Internet access for Win10

  11. DC inputnarda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Back Panel1

Starting Up

  • Switching the Device on and off

  • Push the power key for about 2 seconds and release it again to switch the device on.

  • Push the power key for about 3 seconds and release it again to switch the device off.

  • Pressing the power button for about 10 seconds is basically like cutting the power to the system.
    WARNING : This can lead to loss of data!

  • Device Operating Status LED

  • LED lights up red: Device is in initialization phase or an error occurred

  • LED lights up green: Device is operationalnarda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Starting Up1

Screen Layout

Brief introduction to the most important GUI components

  1. System Information Area
    › Briefly displays the most important system information like
    › Date/Time
    › Battery status
    › GNSS status
    › Mute / Touch locknarda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Battery
status1› A tap on the dropdown icon opens the system information menu

System Information Menu

  • The system information menu provides status information about several system parameters.narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - parameters

This menu is only for displaying information!
Please use the System Settings menu to change system settings.

  • You can leave the menu by
  • Pressing the Esc. hard key or
  • A short tap on the Button Bar Header

2) Toolbar

  • Contains tool buttons that provide quick and easy access to the most important device functions

| General Settings
Tap to open the general settings menu
| Data Logger
Tap to manage stored data sets, demodulation records and screenshots.
| Save Measurement
Tap to save the current measurement.
| Screenshot
Tap to store a screenshot from the current display.
| Undo/Redo
Tap the dropdown icon to open the action history.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Toolbar

2) Toolbar
› Contains tool buttons that provide quick and easy access to the most important device functions

| Run
Tap to start or stop/hold a measurement.
| SRun
Tap to start a single measurement run according to the Scan Count parameter.
| Marker
Tap to open the Marker menu.
| Scripting (if installed)
Tap to start NardaScriptLauncher
| Additional Functions Menu
Tap to open a dropdown window with additional functions like:
Volume/Mute, Configure Views, Preset or Help

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Battery

Tasks and Views
The goal of the design and GUI layout of SignalShark was to support a fast and easy way to do measurements in real live applications.
› Often an application consists of several measurements like finding a signal in the spectrum, measuring its level and locate it.
› On many sites, several kinds of signals in different frequency bands have to be analyzed.
That’s why SignalShark replaces the conventional concept of measurement modes by the Tasks and Views concept.narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld
Spectrum - Tasks and Views

› Tasks are represented by a tab on the screen, like a web site within a web browser.
› Tasks encapsulate all measurement parameters and the underlying measurement acquisition.
› Within a task, all measurements are performed at the same time.
Note: Only one task can be active and doing measurement at a time.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Tasks

3) Task Bar
› Browser like tap bar, that enables quick switching between measurement settingand different task types.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Task Bar

Task Types
To support a wide variety of measurement applications, SignalShark provides several types of tasks:
(Scan) Spectrum Mode
› This task type supports measuring the spectrum with full frequency span of 8 kHz up to 8 GHz within one measurement and a maximum measurement speed of 40 GHz/s.
RT Spectrum Mode
› The Real-Time Spectrum task type enables real-time spectrum measurements with a frequency span of up to 40 MHz. This frequency span will be acquired simultaneously in frequency and also gapless in time with 3.125 µs POI.
Auto DF Mode
› The Auto Direction Finding task type supports control of the automatic DF antennas and handles the calculation of bearings out of the DF data.
A view is a window containing a specific visual representation of measurement data.
› The currently selected View is marked by a blue border.
› The type, arrangement and size of a View can be adapted by the user.
It is possible to save the current configuration and arrangement of Tasks and Views into setup files.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Views

Screen Overview
5) Button Bar
› Provides access to the measurement and display settings of the currently selected View.
The content and layout of the “Button Bar” depends on the currently selected View.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Screen
Overview Screen Overview
6) Measurement Information Bar
› Displays the most relevant settings of the currently selected View.
The content and layout of the “Measurement Information Bar” depends on the currently selected View.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Screen

Basic Operation

The basic operating steps
Touch Screen Control

SignalShark uses two basic touch gestures
› Single Tap
› Swipe

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Touch Screen

Add new Task Step 1
The creation of a measurement task is the prerequisite for being able to perform a measurement at all.
To add a new measurement task:
› Tap on the Edit Task icon in the Task Baror
› Press the “Task” hard key

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - measurement

Add new Task Step 2
› Tap on the “Add Task” button in the “Tasks” Button Bar.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - measurement

Add new Task Step 3
› Browse the “Task Types” list.
› Tap on the desired task type.
It is possible to save user defined task configurations as setups.
A tap on the Predefined Setups item will open the setup menu from where a predefined setup can be loaded.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - configurations as

Maximizing a View
A View can be maximized by a single tab on the maximize Icon

› Tapping again on the button will resize the View.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Maximizing a

Change View Arrangement
To change the arrangement of the Views:
› Tap on the Menu Tool button
› Tap on the Configure Task Views button The “Configure Task Views” submenu opens

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Change View

Add View
To add a View to the Task:
› Tap on the desired View Type in the
“Configure Task Views” Button Bar
› Tap on the desired position of the new View.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Add View

Change View Position Step 1
To change the position of a View:
› Tap on the Move Button

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Add View1

Change View Position Step 2
› Tap on the desired position.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Change View

Delete View
To delete a View from the Task:
› Tap on the Delete Button

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Delete View

Back to the Main Menu
To get back to the main menu:
› Tap on the header button of the
“Configure Task Views” Button Bar or
› Press the “Esc/Back” hard key
This is the default way to leave a submenu.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Back to the Main

Show the Amplitude Menu
To display the Amplitude Menu:
› Tap on the Parameter Split Button
› Ref. Lev. | Atten.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Show the Amplitude

Amplitude Menu
The Amplitude Menu contains manly settings to adapt the measurement to the current signal level like:
› Reference Level
› Attenuator
It contains also the RF input selection

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum -Amplitude

Show the Frequency Menu
To display the Frequency Menu:
› Tap on the Parameter Button
› Fcent/Fstart or
› Fspan/Fstop

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Show the Frequency

Frequency Menu
The Frequency Menu displays all frequencyrelated parameters:
It contains also the selection of the Rotary Knob input mode.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Frequency

Set Frequency Span by Touch
The frequency span can be set by selecting/drawing a horizontal range inside the graph from the left to the right.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Frequency Span by

Set Frequency Span by Touch
Dragging from right to the left within the graph area will double the span.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Frequency Span by

Y-Axis Auto Range
The display range of the y-axis can be automatically adapted by a tap on the Auto Range button.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Auto Range

Set Center Frequency by Touch
The center frequency can be set by dragging the frequency axis to the left or to the right.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - frequency

Marker Menu
To open the Marker Menu
› Tap on the Marker Menu Tool Button or
› Press the hard key “Marker”

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Marker Menu

Add Marker
Select one to eight markers in the marker menu to add a marker.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Marker

Change Marker Position by Touch
To change the marker position

  1. Tap on the marker label to select it
  2. Then drag the marker by it’s label to the desired position.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - marker

Change Marker Settings Step 1
To change marker settings
› Tap on the Marker Config. button in the “Marker” Button Bar

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Button Bar

Change Marker Settings Step 2
› Select a category tap in the “Marker Config” menu.
› Tap in the table cell you want to change.
› I.e. a tap in the cell “Type” toggles the marker type from normal marker to delta marker.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Button Bar1

Change Device Settings Step 1
To change a device setting like the display brightness:
› Tap on the Device Settings Tool Button
The Device Settings menu will appear.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Tool Button

Change Device Settings Step 2
› Tap into the table cell of the setting you want to change
A Parameter Edit Window will appear where the new setting can be entered.
Editable table cells have a different color than headlines or table cells containing a description.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - table cell

Select Working Directory Step 1
The Working Directory defines the place (drive and folder) where data is saved to.
To change the current Working Directory:
› Tap on the Data Logger Tool Button
The Data Logger menu will appear.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Data Logger

Select Working Directory Step 1
› Select the drive/folder that should be set as Working Directory
› Tap on “Set as Working Directory”
The actual Working Directory is marked with a green dot.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Working

Localization in three Steps with AutoDF

Using AutoDF Task

  1. Load a Predefined Setup
    › Open the “Add Task” menu
    › Select the “Predefined Setups” item

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Load a Predefined

  1. Load Predefined Setup
    › Select a predefined setup from the AutoDF folder that fits best to your signal
    › The antenna is installed on a tripod or a mast
    › Map. Mode is “Disc. Localization” (Tap on “Save” to store a bearing) Vehicle:
    › The antenna is mounted on a vehicle
    › Map. Mode is “Cont. Localization” (Bearings are recorded into a file)

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Load a Predefined

2) Adjust Settings
› Adjust the bearing settings according to your signal
› Ftune
› Attenuation
› Adjust the bearing configuration settings according to your signal conditions
› DF Squelch
› Min. DF Quality

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Adjust

  1. Start Localization
    › Select the Map View (optional)
    › Tap on “Start Localization”
    The default “Localization Area” is 50 km x 50 km around your current GNSS position.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - Start

3) Start Localization – Drive an “L” Pattern
To get the fastest and most reliable localization result possible, the most practical approach has proven to be as follows:
› Drive 3 to 4 kilometers straight ahead in one direction
› Then look at the heat map and turn left or right depending on the result and drive again some kilometers
An ideal localization is the result of ideal bearings intersecting at right angles as in an “L” pattern.

narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum - kilometers straight
ahead © Narda Safety Test Solutions GmbH
Slide 69

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| narda 3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum [pdf] Instruction Manual
3310 SignalShark Handheld Spectrum, 3310, SignalShark Handheld Spectrum, Handheld Spectrum, Spectrum


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