GeoSIG GMS-TIM GMS and GPS Receiver Module User Manual

June 13, 2024

GeoSIG GMS-TIM GMS and GPS Receiver Module

Product Information

The GMS-TIM is a timing receiver box manufactured by GeoSIG Ltd. It offers concurrent reception of up to 3 GNSS (GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, BeiDou) signals. The device is designed to provide accurate timing information and is equipped with RS-232 and RS-485 cables for electrical connection.

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No part of this document may be reproduced without the prior written consent of GeoSIG Ltd. Software described in this document is furnished under a license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such a license.
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GeoSIG Ltd

Document Revision

Version| Date| Modification| Prepared| Checked| Released
0| 2023-10-03| First issue| KEC| TAB| ALB

Warnings and Safety

  • The GPS system is operated by the government of the United States of America, which is solely responsible for its accuracy and maintenance.
  • GPS provides only UTC time at 0° Greenwich meridian without daylight savings time adjustment.
  • GMS-TIM offers concurrent reception of up to 3 GNSS (GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, BeiDou).

Symbols and Abbreviations

  • Instrument: GeoSIG Recorder, Digitiser or Data Acquisition system
  • GPS: Global Positioning System
  • UTC: Universal Time Clock


This document describes the principle of operation and installation instructions of the timing receiver. The timing receiver is used with GeoSIG Instruments to provide the accurate date and time to the Instruments and the GNSS coordinates of the antenna. It’s very useful for precise synchronization of one or several interconnected Instruments.

  • GNSS provides only UTC time at 0° Greenwich meridian without daylight savings time adjustment.

The timing receiver is provided in a box with a cable length to be defined at the time of order or provided by the customer.


Two different cables can be used according to connection:

  • GPS – RS-232 (standard): Up to 70 meters of cable length
  • GPS – RS-485: Up to 300 meters of cable length

RS-232 cable

For the RS-232 connection, the cable used by default is: GeoSIG standard cable type: XY DIN 5 x 0.25 mm2 gr UL style 2464.

RS-485 cable

For the RS-485 connection, the cable used by default is: GeoSIG standard cable type: LiY(St)CY 300V 4 x 2 x 0.25 mm2 gr UL Style 2464.

Mounting the Timing Receiver Box

It is recommended to perform a check of the GNSS function before mounting the box to its final location, as described in section 5.  The timing receiver device box can be fixed to various locations. The position of the box should be defined according to a position where the antenna can easily get the satellite signals. Typically, the box is fixed on an outside wall or on a roof. This is an important point as the antenna should receive signals from at least 3 satellites for synchronisation of the instrument. Make sure that at least 75% of the sky is visible at all times over the timing receiver box. Fixation of the housing should be done with M4 screws with spacing and locations as shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. Type of screw depends on the type of surface where the box will be fixed.

Electrical Connection

Timing Receiver Main Connector Pin Assignment

  1. With RS-232 connection
    The device is provided with an 8-pin main connector inside the box, supplied already connected.
    Table 1. Electrical connections of the RS-232 timing receiver connector Pin| Signal| Standard cable Colours| Comment
    1| GPS_RX_P| White| Reception signal from instrument
    2| GPS_TX_P| Brown| Transmit GNSS signal
    3| GPS_1PPS_P| Green| 1 PPS signal of GNSS
    4| V_MAIN| Yellow| 12V power from instrument
    5| GPS_1PPS_N| N/A| Only used for RS-485
    6| GND| Grey| Ground from instrument
    7| GPS_RX_P| N/A| Only used for RS-485
    8| GPS_TX_N| N/A| Only used for RS-485

  2. With RS-485 connection
    The device is provided with an 8-pin main connector inside the box, supplied already connected.
    Table 2. Electrical connections of the RS-485 timing receiver connector Pin| Signal| Standard cable Colours| Comment
    1| GPS_RX_P| White| Reception signal from instrument+
    2| GPS_TX_P| Green| Transmit signal of GNSS+
    3| GPS_1PPS_P| Grey| 1 PPS signal of GNSS+
    4| V_MAIN| Red| 12V power from instrument
    5| GPS_1PPS_N| Pink| 1 PPS signal of GNSS-
    6| GND| Blue| Ground from instrument
    7| GPS_RX_N| Brown| Reception signal from instrument-
    8| GPS_TX_N| Yellow| Transmit signal of GNSS-

Mating Connector at the Instrument Side
A mating connector must be used for connecting the timing receiver to an Instrument. This connector is already assembled when the timing receiver is ordered together with the Instrument.

  1. GXR-XX Device

  2. Mating Connector at the Instrument Side for RS-232 connection
    Table 3. Electrical connections of an Instrument’s timing receiver input connector Pin| Signal| Standard Cable Colours| Comment
    1| GPS_RXD| White| Transmit signal of GSR
    2| GPS_TXD| Brown| Reception signal of GSR
    3| GPS_STDBY| N/A| Not connected
    4| GND| N/A| Not connected
    5| GPS_1PPS| Green| 1 PPS signal from GPS
    6| V_MAIN| Yellow| 12V power from instrument
    7| GND| Grey| Ground from instrument

  3. Mating Connector at the Instrument Side for RS-485 connection
    Table 4. Electrical connections of an Instrument’s timing receiver input connector Pin| Signal| Standard Cable Colours| Comment
    1| N/A| N/A| Not connected
    2| SYNCI_RX+| White| GNSS Transmit signal+
    3| N/A| N/A| Not connected
    4| SYNCI_RX-| Brown| GNSS Transmit signal-
    5| GPS_1PPS| Green| 1 PPS signal from GNSS
    6| V_EXT_GPS| Yellow| 12V power from instrument
    7| GND_EXT| Grey| Ground from instrument

  4. GMS Devices
    This includes the instruments GMS-XX and GMSplus.

  5. Mating Connector at the Instrument Side for RS-232 connection
    Table 5. Electrical connections of an Instrument’s timing receiver input connector Pin| Signal| Standard Cable Colours| Comment
    1| GPS_RXD| White| Reception signal from instrument
    2| GPS_TXD| Brown| Transmit signal of GNSS
    3| GPS_STDBY| N/A| Not connected
    4| GND| N/A| Not connected
    5| GPS_1PPS| Green| 1 PPS signal from GNSS
    6| V_MAIN| Yellow| 12V power from instrument
    7| GND| Grey| Ground from instrument

  6. scai – GMS series or nair – GMS series Device

  7. Mating Connector at the Instrument Side for RS-232 connection
    Table 6. Electrical connections of an Instrument’s timing receiver input connector Pin| Signal| Standard Cable Colours| Comment
    1| GPS_1PPS+| Green| 1 PPS signal from GNSS
    2| GPS_1PPS-| N/A| Not connected
    3| TX+| Brown| Transmit signal of GNSS
    4| TX-| N/A| Not connected
    5| RX+| White| Reception signal from instrument
    6| RX-| N/A| Not connected
    7| SUPPLY+| Yellow| 12V power from instrument
    8| SUPPLY-| Grey| Ground from instrument

  8. Mating Connector at the Instrument Side for RS-485 connection
    Table 7. Electrical connections of an Instrument’s timing receiver input connector Pin| Signal| Standard Cable Colours| Comment
    1| GPS_1PPS+| Grey| 1 PPS signal from GNSS (positive)
    2| GPS_1PPS-| Pink| 1 PPS signal from GNSS (negative)
    3| TX+| Green| Transmit signal of GNSS (positive)
    4| TX-| Yellow| Transmit signal of GNSS (negative)
    5| RX+| White| Reception signal, GNSS (positive)
    6| RX-| Brown| Reception signa, GNSS (negative)
    7| SUPPLY+| Red| Supply positive (12V power)
    8| SUPPLY-| Blue| Supply negative (Ground)

  9. CR-5 Device (legacy)

  10. Mating Connector at the Instrument Side for RS-232 connection
    Table 8. Electrical connections of an Instrument’s timing receiver input connector

Pin Signal Standard Cable Colours Comment
1 GPS_1PPS+ Green 1 PPS signal from GNSS
2 TX+ Brown Transmit signal of GNSS
3 RX+ White Reception signal from instrument
4 SUPPLY+ Yellow 12V power from instrument
5 SUPPLY- Grey Ground from instrument
  1. CR-6 / CR-6plus Device (legacy)

  2. Mating Connector at the Instrument Side for RS-232 connection
    Table 9. Electrical connections of an Instrument’s timing receiver input connector Pin| Signal| Standard Cable Colours| Comment
    1| RX+| Brown| 1 PPS signal from GNSS
    2| TX-| White| Transmit signal of GNSS
    3| GPS_1PPS| Green| Reception signal from instrument
    4| V_EXT_GPS| Yellow| 12V power from instrument
    5| GND_EXT| Grey| Ground from instrument

  3. Mating Connector at the Instrument Side for RS-485 connection
    Table 10. Electrical connections of an Instrument’s timing receiver input connector Pin| Signal| Standard Cable Colours| Comment
    1| RX+| White| 1 PPS signal from GNSS
    2| RX-| Brown| Transmit signal of GNSS
    3| GPS_1PPS| Green| Reception signal from instrument
    4| V_EXT_GPS| Yellow| 12V power from instrument
    5| GND_EXT| Grey| Ground from instrument

  4. fora – CR series Device

  5. Mating Connector at the Instrument Side for RS-232 connection
    Table 11. Electrical connections of an Instrument’s timing receiver input connector Pin| Signal| Standard Cable Colours| Comment
    1| GPS_1PPS+| Green| 1 PPS signal from GNSS
    2| GPS_1PPS-| N/C| Not connected
    3| TX+| Brown| Transmit signal of GNSS
    4| TX-| N/C| Not connected
    5| RX+| White| Reception signal from instrument
    6| RX-| N/C| Not connected
    7| SUPPLY+| Yellow| 12V power from instrument
    8| SUPPLY-| Grey| Ground from instrument

  6. Mating Connector at the Instrument Side for RS-485 connection
    Table 12. Electrical connections of an Instrument’s timing receiver input connector Pin| Signal| Standard Cable Colours| Comment
    1| GPS_1PPS+| Grey| 1 PPS signal from GNSS (positive)
    2| GPS_1PPS-| Pink| 1 PPS signal from GNSS (negative)
    3| TX+| Green| Transmit signal of GNSS (positive)
    4| TX-| Yellow| Transmit signal of GNSS (negative)
    5| RX+| White| Reception signal, GNSS (positive)
    6| RX-| Brown| Reception signa, GNSS (negative)
    7| SUPPLY+| Red| Supply positive (12V power)
    8| SUPPLY-| Blue| Supply negative (Ground)

Configuration and Checking

With a GXR-XX
In order to synchronize a GeoSIG GSR-xx with the GNSS, appropriate configuration should be made in the Instrument. Once power supply, computer and GPS are connected to the Instrument, such configuration and checks can be performed by logging into the Instrument using GeoDAS.

  • For more details about the GNSS options, please consult GeoDAS and relevant Instrument manuals.
  • At first installation or after a major (>2’000 km) relocation, it may take up to 5 minutes for the GNSS to correctly compute the exact location of the antenna.

The following is a brief instruction to check whether everything is operational in terms of the GNSS: On the “Instrument” tab, the “Garmin GPS” option should be ticked as a peripheral device, as shown on Figure 29. On the “Date and Time” tab, as shown on Figure 30, GPS status should read “Enabled”; if not, press the “Enable GPS” button.
Note that if GPS is enabled, this button reads “Disable GPS”.

When GNSS is synchronized, the date and time of the GNSS can be seen in the “Date and Time” tab and the global coordinates of the antenna can be seen in the “Station” tab, as shown on Figure 31.

With a GMS-XX or a GMSplus or a scai or a nair

  1. Configuration of GPS
    In order to synchronize a GeoSIG GMS-xx, GMSplus, scai or nair with the GNSS, appropriate configuration should be made in the Instrument. Once power supply, computer and GNSS are connected to the Instrument, such configuration and checks can be performed by logging into the Instrument using GeoDAS.
    In the Web Interface:

    • Go to Configuration
    • In Data Acquisition tab go to Miscellaneous Parameters
    • Go to Time synchronization
    • In Time synchronization menu shown in Figure 32, change the Time source to GPS
    • Configure the options if necessary
    • Finally click on Apply and Restart to apply the latest options to the device
      Some GPS options should be updated if necessary; the web interface offers some information about these options.
      Click on this icon next to the option to see a summary of the option
      GPS configuration is explained in detail in the time synchronization subchapter of the User Manual.
  2. Check GPS data
    In order to verify the GPS in a GeoSIG GMS-xx, GMSplus, scai or nair, an appropriate configuration should be made in the Instrument. Once power supply, computer and GPS are connected to the Instrument, such checks can be performed by logging into the Instrument using GeoDAS.
    In the Web Interface:

    • Go to Status and Maintenance→ Recording Status tab
    • Check data in the Synchronisation Status panel shown in Figure 33

With a CR-5P (legacy)
In order to synchronize a GeoSIG CR-5P (legacy) with the GPS, an appropriate configuration should be made in the Instrument. Once power supply, computer and GPS are connected to the Instrument, such configuration and checks can be performed by logging into the Instrument using GeoDAS.

  • For more details about the GPS options, please consult GeoDAS and relevant Instrument manuals.
  • At first installation or after a major (>2’000 km) relocation, it may take up to 5 minutes for the GPS to correctly compute the exact location of the antenna.

The following is a brief instruction to check whether everything is operational in terms of the GPS:

  • While adding the CR-5P under “Channels of Digitizers”, make sure ‘External SYNC Signal’ is selected as Time source, as shown in Figure 34.
  • After adding the CR-5P to GeoDAS, restart the software; the window “Stations: Data Stream” will appear.
  • When GPS is synchronized, the ‘GPS status’ will read “Locked to GPS”, as shown in Figure 35. The data stream in the ‘Data Monitor’ will be in yellow, as shown in Figure 36.

Note that if no GPS is connected, GPS status will read “No Lock” and the colour of the data stream will be white.

With a CR-6/CR-6plus (legacy) or a fora – CR series

  1. Configuration of GPS
    In order to synchronise a GeoSIG CR-6/CR-6plus (legacy) or fora – CR series with the GPS, an appropriate configuration should be made in the Instrument. Once power supply, computer and GPS are connected to the Instrument, such configuration and checks can be performed by logging into the Instrument using GeoDAS.
    In the Web Interface

    • Go to Configuration
    • In Data Acquisition tab go to Miscellaneous Parameters
    • Go to Time synchronization
    • In Time synchronization menu shown in Figure 37, change the Time source to GPS
    • Configure the options if necessary
    • Finally click on Apply and Restart to apply the latest options to the device
      Some GPS options should be updated if necessary; the web interface offers some information about these options.
      Click on this icon next to the option to see a summary of the option
      GPS configuration is explained in detail in the Time synchronization subchapter of the User Manual.
  2. Check GPS data
    In order to verify the GPS in a CR-6/CR-6plus (legacy) or fora – CR series, appropriate configuration should be made in the Instrument. Once power supply, computer and GPS are connected to the Instrument, such checks can be performed by logging into the Instrument using GeoDAS.
    In the Web Interface:

    • Go to Status and Maintenance→ Recording Status tab
    • Check data in the Synchronisation Status panel shown in Figure 38

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