netvox R718UBD Series Wireless Multifunctional CO2 Sensor User Manual

June 13, 2024

**netvox R718UBD Series Wireless Multifunctional CO2 Sensor User Manual



R718UBD all-in-one series is a ClassA type of netvox based on LoRaWAN open protocol, which can support a variety of combined detection devices composed of temperature and humidity, CO2, vibration, atmospheric pressure, illumination, TVOC and dust, and is compatible with LoRaWAN protocol.

LoRa Wireless Technology:
LoRa is a wireless communication technology dedicated to long distance and low power consumption. Compared with other communication methods, LoRa spread spectrum modulation method greatly increases to expand the communication distance. Widely used in long-distance, low-data wireless communications. For example, automatic meter reading, building automation device, wireless security systems, industrial monitoring. Main features include small size, low power consumption, transmission distance, anti-interference ability and so on.

Lo Ra WAN:
Lo Ra WAN uses Lo Ra technology to define end-to-end standard specifications to ensure interoperability between devices and gateways from different manufacturers.

The specific model of R718UBD all-in-one is shown in the following table:

UBD represents the basic function CO2 of DC power supply

  • “1” represents temperature and humidity,
  • “2” represents vibration
  • “3” represents air pressure
  • “5” represents light
  • “6” represents TVOC
  • “7” represents PM2.5/10
Device Model Product functions
R718UBD1 CO2, temperature and humidity
R718UBD12 CO2, temperature and humidity, vibration
R718UBD123 CO2, temperature and humidity, vibration, air pressure
R718UBD23 CO2, vibration, air pressure
R718UBD25 CO2, vibration, light
R718UBD125 CO2, temperature and humidity, vibration, light
R718UBD235 CO2, vibration, air pressure, light
R718UBD1235 CO2, temperature and humidity, vibration, air pressure, light
R718UBD126 CO2, temperature and humidity, vibration, TVOC
R718UBD1236 CO2, temperature and humidity, vibration, air pressure, TVOC
R718UBD127 CO2, temperature and humidity, vibration, PM2.5/10
R718UBD1237 CO2, temperature and humidity, vibration, air pressure, PM2.5/10
R718UBD12357 CO2, temperature and humidity, vibration, air pressure, light,

R718UBD1257| CO2, temperature and humidity, vibration, light, PM2.5/10
R718UBD256| CO2, vibration, light, TVOC
R718UBD257| CO2, vibration, light, PM2.5/10
R718UBD236| CO2, vibration, air pressure, TVOC
R718UBD237| CO2, vibration, air pressure, PM2.5/10
R718UBD2356| CO2, vibration, air pressure, light, TVOC
R718UBD2357| CO2, vibration, air pressure, light, PM2.5/10



Main Feature

  • Apply SX1276 wireless communication module
  • DC 12V power supply
  • It can detect temperature and humidity, CO2, vibration, atmospheric pressure, illumination, TVOC and dust
  • The base is attached with a magnet, which can be adsorbed on iron objects
  • Host Body Protection Level: IP65
  • Compatible with LoRaWANTM Class A
  • Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) technology
  • Available third-party platform: Actility / ThingPark, TTN, MyDevices/Cayenne

Set up Instruction


Power on Power on
Restore to factory setting Press and hold the function key for 5 seconds till

green indicator flashes 20 times.
Power off| Remove adapter

  1. On/off interval is suggested to be about 10 seconds to avoid the interference of capacitor inductance and other energy storage components.
  2. In the first 5 seconds after power on, the device will be in engineering test mode.

Network Joining

Never joined the network| Turn on the device to search the network to join. The green indicator stays on for 5 seconds: successThe green indicator remains off: fail
Had joined the network (not at factory setting)| Turn on the device to search the previous network to join. The green indicator stays on for 5 seconds: successThe green indicator remains off: fail
Fail to Join The Network| Suggest to check the device verification information on the gateway or consult your platform **** server provider.

Function Key

Press and hold for 5 seconds| Restore to factory setting The green indicator rapidly flashes for 20 times: success The green indicator remains off: fail
Press once| The device is in the network: green indicator flashes once and sends a report **** The device is not in the network: green indicator remains off

Sleeping Mode

The device is on and in the network| Sleeping period: Max Interval.When the report change exceeds setting value or the state changes: send a data report according to Max Interval.

Data Report

When the device is powered on, it will immediately send a version package report and then report the device data.

Default setting:

  • Min interval = 10s // The interval between multiple data packets
  • Max interval = 900s
  • Report   count=1, R718UBD, R718UBD1, R718UBD12
  • Report count=2, R718UBD123, R718UBD23, R718UBD25, R718UBD125, R718UBD235, R718UBD 1235 R718UBD126, R718UBD127
  • Report count=3, R718UBD1236, R718UBD1237, R718UBD12357, R718UBD1257, R718UBD256, R718UBD257, R718UBD236, R718UBD237

Data detection:
When the device is in a network state, the light flashes once after pressing the key, and then reads the data. When the time to return the corresponding data or configure is up, it will also detect and return the corresponding data information. (Note: The interval between multiple data packets is mintime)


  1. Before any configuration, the device sends data according to the default configuration.
  2. Do not send any configuration before turn on the device.
  3. CO2 data will be unstable due to transportation relations, long storage time and other factors.

If the CO2 value which customers test is inconsistent ,or there is large discrepancy of the primary standard, it can be recalibrated. For specific calibration methods,please refer to command 0x03 CalibrateType.
Please refer Netvox LoRaWAN Application Command document and Netvox Lora Command Resolver to resolve uplink data

The report configuration and sending time are as follows:

Min Interval (Unit: s)| Max Interval (Unit: s)| Sending interval of multiple data packets| Report cycle
Not 0| Mintime * reportcount ~ 65535| By Min Time Report| Report by Max Time

Example of Report Data Cmd

FPort: 0x06

Bytes 1 1 1 Var(Fix=8 Bytes)
Version DeviceType ReportType NetvoxPayLoadData

Version– 1 byte –0x01——the Version of NetvoxLoRaWAN Application Command Version
Device Type– 1 byte – Device Type of Device  The device type is listed in Netvox LoRaWAN Application Devicetype doc
Report Type – 1 byte –the presentation of the NetvoxPayLoadData,according the devicetype
Netvox Pay Load Data– Fixed bytes (Fixed =8bytes)

Device| Device
type| Report
type| Netvox Payload Data
R718UBD| 0xBB| 0x01| Battery (1Byte) unit:0.1V)| Temperature (Signed 2Bytes) unit:0.01°C| Humidity (2Bytes) unit:0.01%| CO2
(2Bytes) unit:1ppm| ShockEvent (1Byte) 0x00NoShock0x01 Shock
0x02| Battery
(1Byte, unit:0.1V)| AirPressure
(4Bytes,unit:0.01hPa)| illuminance
0x03| Battery(1Byte) unit:0.1V| PM2.5(2Bytes) Unit:1 ug/m3| PM10(2Bytes) Unit: 1ug/m3| TVOC(2Bytes) Unit:1ppb| Reserved(1Byte) fixed 0x00

R718UBD12357 report example:

  • # Report data 1: 01BB0100097A151F020C01
    1st byte (01): Version
    2nd byte (BB): DeviceType 0xBB - R718UBD Series
    3rd byte (01): ReportType
    4th byte (00): Battery-0x00 means is powered by DC power source
    5th 6th byte (097A): Temperature-24.6°C ,097A(HEX)=2426(DEC),24260.01°C =24.26°C
    7th 8 th byte (151F): Humidity-54.07% , 151F(HEX)=5407(DEC),5407
    9th 10th byte (020C): CO2-524ppm , 020C(HEX)=524(DEC),524*1ppm=524ppm 11th byte (01): Shock Event-1 , Shock

  • # Report data 2: 01BB02000001870F000032
    1 st byte (01): Version
    2 nd byte (BB): DeviceType 0xBB - R718UBD Series
    3rd byte (02): ReportType
    4th byte (00): Battery-0x00 means is powered by DC power source
    5th ~ 8th byte (0001870F): AirPressure 1001.11hPa,1870F(HEX)=100111(DEC),1001110.01hPa=1001.11hPa
    9th ~11th byte (000032): Illuminance-50 Lux , 000032(HEX)=50(DEC),50

  • # Report data 3: 01BB030000110011FFFF00
    1st byte (01): Version
    2nd byte (BB): DeviceType 0xBB - R718UBD Series
    3rd byte (03): ReportType
    4th byte (00): Battery-0x00 means is powered by DC power source
    5th 6 th byte (0011):PM2.5-17ug/m3 , 11(HEX)=17(DEC)
    7th 8 th byte (0011): PM10-17ug/m3 , 11(HEX)=17(DEC)
    9th 10th byte (FFFF): TVOC
    11th byte (00): Reserved

Unsupported sensor detection item data is 0xFF/0xFFFF/0xFFFFFF/0xFFFFFFFF

Example of Configure Cmd

FPort: 0x07

Bytes 1 1 Var (Fix =9 Bytes)
CmdID DeviceType NetvoxPayLoadData

Cmd ID– 1 byte
Device Type– 1 byte – Device Type of Device
Netvox Pay Load Data– var bytes (Max=9bytes)

Description| Device| CMD
ID| Report
type| NetvoxPayloadData


| 0x01|


| MinTime
(2bytes Unit:s)| MaxTime
(2bytes Unit:s)| Reserved
(2Bytes,Fixed 0x00)
ReportRsp| 0x81| Status
(0x00_suBBess)| Reserved
(8Bytes,Fixed 0x00)
ReportReq| 0x02| Reserved
(9Bytes,Fixed 0x00)
ReportRsp| 0x82| MinTime
(2bytes Unit:s)| MaxTime
(2bytes Unit:s)| Reserved
(2Bytes,Fixed 0x00)


The waterproof breathable film inside the product is waterproof but not waterproof against steam. Therefore, in order to prevent water vapor from condensing inside the body, it should not be used in high humidity and steam environments.

Precautions for use of dust sensor
  • The sensor is made of water-resistant, dust-proof, and impact resistant materials. However, precision instruments need to be carefully used and maintained to avoid impact and use in harsh environments such as corrosive liquids or gases.
  • The air inlet of the sensor shall not be blocked or polluted.
  • The electrolyte leakage will cause damage. Do not disassemble the sensor at will.
  • Do not use it when the shell is damaged or deformed.
  • The sensor shall avoid contact with organic solvents (including silicone rubber and other adhesives), coatings, agents, and fuel oils.
  • It is not recommended to use non-standard methods to test the sensor, and vertical air intake must be avoided. For example, put the sensor directly on the concentrated ammonia, spray cigarettes towards the sensor, approach the sensor after the lighter is lit, exhale towards the sensor, and close the sensor to alcohol. Because the regional concentration can be as high as tens of thousands of ppm when liquid ammonia or alcohol volatilizes, and the carbon dioxide concentration in human breath can be as high as 40000 ppm, which will damage the sensor.
  • After being used for a long time in a high-concentration gas environment (it is prohibited to store and  use it in a high-concentration acid gas for a long time), it is slow to recover to the initial state.
  • When the sensor is stored, the working electrode and the reference electrode should be in a short circuit state.
  • The sensor is not allowed to be hot-plugged. The sensor must be plugged in after the power is turned off, otherwise, the sensor may be damaged or abnormal phenomena may occur.
  • Please pay attention to whether there are requirements for limiting the use of wireless communication devices in this situation. If there are such restrictions, please do not use this device. For example, during aircraft flight and landing, gas stations, gas stations or other places with flammable and explosive materials.
Precautions for use of TVOC sensor
  • The installation place shall be far away from chemical corrosion environment.
  • The sensor and wire shall be far away from high-voltage electricity, heat source, etc.
  • The sensor belongs to precision instrument and should be stored in a dry, ventilated and normal temperature indoor environment.
  • The sensor is a precision device. Please do not disassemble it when using it to avoid product damage.
Precautions for outdoor installation

According to Enclosure Protection Class This standard is equivalent to IEC 60529:2001 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures

The test method of IP65 waterproof grade is:
spray the device in all directions under 12.5L/min water flow for 3min, and the internal electronic function is normal.
The test method of IP67 waterproof grade is:
the device is immersed in 1m deep water for 30min, and the internal electronic function is normal.

IP65, dust-proof and to prevent damage caused by water from nozzles in all directions from invading electrical appliances. It can be used in general indoor environment and sheltered outdoor environment.
It is not suitable for use in environments with high water pressure, high temperature and high humidity, such as long time direct sunlight outdoors and possible direct exposure to rainstorm. If it is really necessary to install in harsh environments, it is recommended to add sunscreen and rainproof shields when installing

Case I (face down with LED and buttons)

Case II (installed under the rain shield
Precautions for outdoor installation

Important Maintenance Instruction

Kindly pay attention to the following in order to achieve the best maintenance of the product:

  • Keep the device dry. Rain, moisture and various liquids or water may contain minerals that can corrode electronic circuits. In case the device is wet, please dry it completely.
  • Do not use or store in dusty or dirty areas. This way can damage its detachable parts and electronic components.
  • Do not store in excessive heat place. High temperatures can shorten the life of electronic devices, destroy batteries, and deform or melt some plastic parts.
  • Do not store in excessive cold place. Otherwise, when the temperature rises to normal temperature, moisture will form inside which will destroy the board.
  • Do not throw, knock or shake the device. Treating device roughly can destroy internal circuit boards and delicate structures.
  • Do not wash with strong chemicals, detergents or strong detergents.
  • Do not paint the device. Smudges can make debris block detachable parts up and affect normal operation.
  • Do not throw the battery into the fire to prevent the battery from exploding. Damaged batteries may also explode.

All the above suggestions apply equally to your device, batteries and accessories.
If any device is not operating properly, please take it to the nearest authorized service facility for repairing

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