CAFOD LiveSimply Secondary School Example Plan Instructions

June 13, 2024

**CAFOD LiveSimply Secondary School Example Plan Instructions


NAME OF SCHOOL : Secondary School Example Plan
CONTACT NAME : Lead person for your LiveSimply journey

The Live Simply action planning form

Please refer to the LiveSimply action planning guide for details on how to fill out this planning document

GLOBAL| Description of action:
LIVING IN SOLIDARITYWe will take part in CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk to raise funds for CAFOD’s work with our global family supporting people in need and those living in poverty.
Faith Input:CST – Solidarity, Participation, Stewardship, Human Dignity resources/CST-resources- young-people Solidarity Animation https://[ ](
We will invite a CAFOD visitor into school to tell us more about the work of CAFOD.| Description of action:
LIVING SIMPLY We will take part in International Day of Peace (21 Sept 2023). We will participate with prayers and learning about ways of developing PEACE, we will particularly pray for the countries and communities most impacted by war or conflict at this time. (Alternatively we will celebrate World Day of Peace as we return to school in January https://[ /world-day-of-]( peace/) Faith Input:CST – Promoting Peace, Common Good Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. “CAFOD peace liturgy Education input: resources/peace-liturgyStudents are given the chance to consider how their own actions can contribute to peace.| Description of action:
LIVING IN SOLIDARITY We will take part in CAFOD Campaigns. We will use the Young People Demand Change resources and take part in a campaign to support our global community.
Faith Input:CST – Solidarity, Human Dignity, Participation Human Dignity animation https://[ v=sPfx2rVtgxs](“Young people are not meant to become discouraged; they are meant to dream great things, to seek vast horizons, to aim higher, to take on the world, to accept challenges and to offer the best of themselves to the building of something better” Pope Francis, Christus Vivit 15 Education input:Students will learn more about injustice in the world and how their voices can make a difference. resources/young-people- demand-change
Get Creative for Climate Change (finishes 10th Nov 2023) for- climate-justiceEducation in Emergencies – Send my friend to school campaign
LOCAL| Description of action:
LIVING SUSTAINABLY/LIVING IN SOLIDARITY Students will organize a termly clothes swop, where pre- loved clothes can be donated and swopped for another item. A nominal amount will be donated by each student participating. This will be donated to our local CARITAS organization e.g. Nugent Care/Fr Hudson’s Care Any clothes left over will be donated to a local organization or charity shop. Faith Input: Catholic Social Teaching – Stewardship, solidarity| Description of action:
LIVING SUSTAINABLY IN response to Care for our Common Home (Laudato Si’), students will organise a litter pick within the local community to protect the local wildlife and to enhance the appearance of the local area. Litter picked will be recyled where possible. Any student who can’t participate in a group event will be encourage to pick up 3 items from their local neighborhood. We will start each litter pick with a prayer.Faith Input:| Description of action:
LIVING IN SOLIDARITY We will hold a regular collection for our local foodbank. Students will contact the foodbank ahead of any collection to ascertain what items the foodbank is in most need of. Students will assist in sorting the items (e.g. checking the dates, as advised by the foodbank) and taking them to the foodbank. Faith Input: CST – preferential option for the poor, solidarity, human dignity, and-youth-resources/CST resources-young-people Matthew 25:35 “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat”
| Education input:
Students will research and learn more about the impact of Fast Fashion on our environment and how we all have a duty to be good stewards of God’s creation. Students will gain a greater understanding of the benefits of pre-loved clothes rather than always needing to buy brand new items.| CST – The Common Good, Stewardship “The Climate is a common good, belonging to all and meant for all” Laudato Si’ 23.
The Common Good animation
Education input: resources/Laudato-Si-for-young-people| Education input:A group of students will visit the foodbank to learn more about the work they do. They will share this information with the rest of the school.
SCHOOL| Description of action:
LIVE SIMPLYStudents, staff, and governors will each write a LiveSimply pledge which we will use to create a display. We will also individually keep a note of our pledges in our planners so we can refer to them regularly reminding us to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities as we are all part of God’s family.
Faith Input: LiveSimply is based on the teachings of Jesus and Catholic Social Teaching. Education input: We will share the 2 Live Simply animations so everyone understands why we are taking part in the LiveSimply Award and how our pledges can help us live simply, sustainably and in solidarity. Introduction to LiveSimply animation Live Simply animation https://[](| Description of action:
LIVING SUSTAINABLYWe will review the current usage of energy and students will look to see how we can cut down on energy usage/water waste. The results will be shared with other classes to make a bigger impact. Faith Input:CST – Stewardship, The Common Good, Laudato Si’ Education input:Students will research the impact of fossil fuels and the link with climate change, particularly the link to the poorest communities around the world being most impacted. Images, stories and facts for RE lessons on Creation and Stewardship and Geography lessons on climate change at KS3. resources/Climate- change-photopack| Description of action:(Living Simply/Living SustainablyBased on Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ 49 “hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor” pupils will produce a piece of art or a poem to raise awareness re our call to respond to Pope Francis’ message and be good stewards of creation – people & planet. (some art work may incorporate items that would have been binned).
Faith Input:Laudato Si’ https://[]( papa francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html
CST – Stewardship, The Common Good, Human DIgnity, Solidarity.
Education input:CAFOD Laudato Si animation /Secondary-and-youth- resources/Laudato-Si for-young-people


Criteria for live simply: To take action towards living a simpler lifestyle including slowing down and finding time to pray and reflect, refusing and reducing on what we consume, spending more time on the simpler things in life including reflective time with family and friends, time in nature.

Brief description of main action:
Students, staff, and governors will each write a LiveSimply pledge which we will use to create a display. We will also individually keep a note of our pledges in our planners so we can refer to them regularly reminding us to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities as we are all part of God’s family.

How will you plan for a wider community engagement? We will invite families to make their own LiveSimply pledges and we will share ideas on social media to encourage the wider community to also participate. Where possible, we will encourage local parishioners to also create pledges.


What faith-based resources will you use? Include resources linked to Catholic Social Teaching, liturgies, prayers and other faith based materials. Students will be aware that the LiveSimply Award is based on the teachings of Jesus and Catholic Social Teaching.

What educational resources will you use?
These can include CAFOD educational resources, or other resources that provide a learning journey. We will share the 2 LiveSimply animations so everyone understands why we are taking part in the LiveSimply Award and how our pledges can help us live simply, sustainably and in solidarity.
Introduction to LiveSimply animation
Why LiveSimply animation

Prayer enables pupils to build a stronger relationship with God, it helps in making decisions, it can help change the way you are feeling to a more positive outlook, it keeps God at the forefront of your mind, praying regularly helps transform your heart.

Live Sustainably

Criteria for live sustainably: To take action towards protecting God’s creation through personal actions. This can include taking action on how much we use and throw away, supporting the work of eco clubs and other eco initiatives, taking environmentally positive action in the local community.

Brief description of main action:

A group of students will review and monitor the usage of energy & water and they will look to see how we can cut down on energy usage/water waste. The results will be shared with all students. All students will play a part in ensuring lights/screens/gadgets are turned off when not in use and to reduce water waste. In the global north we waste far too much energy which is contributing to the climate crisis, which impacts some of the poorest communities in the world the most – those who have done little to contribute to it.

How will you plan for a wider community engagement?

Students will be encouraged to look at their home environments to see how further energy/water wastage can be reduced and to persuade their families to join in too.

What faith-based resources will you use? Include resources linked to Catholic Social Teaching, liturgies, prayers and other faith based materials. CST – Stewardship resources-young-people
The Common Good animation –

What educational resources will you use?

These can include CAFOD educational resources, or other resources that provide a learning journey. Students will research the impact of fossil fuels and the link with climate change, particularly the link to the poorest communities around the world being most impacted. Images, stories and facts for RE lessons on Creation and Stewardship and Geography lessons on climate change at KS3. photopack

Live in Solidarity

Criteria for live in solidarity: To take direct action to help our global family. This includes campaign action to raise awareness or challenge structures that impact negatively on our global neighbours, fundraising to help communities in need, and other global actions that make a difference to our global family. Brief description of main action:

We will take part in CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk to raise funds for CAFOD’s work with our  lobal family, supporting people in need and those living in poverty.

How will you plan for a wider community engagement?

We will invite governors, parents/carers and local parishioners to join us on our walk. If anyone is unable to join the walk we will ask them to remember the walkers, CAFOD and our global family in their prayers. We will also encourage anyone in a position to do so to sponsor/donate to our walk. We will share our Justgiving link on social media so the wider community can support our action


What faith-based resources will you use? Include resources linked to Catholic Social Teaching, liturgies, prayers and other faith based materials. CST – Solidarity, Participation, Stewardship, Human Dignity young people Solidarity Animation

What educational resources will you use?
These can include CAFOD educational resources, or other resources that provide a learning journey. resources/lent-resources-youngpeople <

/Fratelli-Tutti-for-schools We will invite a CAFOD visitor into school to tell us more about the work of CAFOD. We will use the resources CAFOD provide for secondary schools youthresources/Lent-resources-young people

To register for the LiveSimply award, please fill out the form below, and send in your completed action plan to the address below. Upon receipt of your registration we will send you a registration certificate for you to display in your school.

Name of School



Contact Name

(Lead Person for LiveSimply)

Email Address


Please email a copy of your plan to

CAFOD Education team,
Romero House,
55 Westminster Bridge Road,
London SE1 7JB.

  • Yes, I would like to join an email list for the LiveSimply award where I will receive updates, ideas, links to action and further support.

CAFOD will process information you provide to us on this form for the purposes of sending you resources for the LiveSimply Award. CAFOD will keep some personal details about you on our database so we can stay in contact with you enabling us to administer and manage the LiveSimply award efficiently. You can change your communication preferences at any time by contacting us at or 0303 303 3030. CAFOD will never share your data for marketing. For details, see our privacy statement on


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