SneakPeek IM134202 Early Gender Test Instructions

June 12, 2024

SneakPeek IM134202 Early Gender Test

Product Information

The product is a test kit that allows users to take a sample for analysis. It requires activation using a unique barcode provided with the kit. The activation process is done online through the website It is important to activate the kit before taking the sample, as samples that have not been activated cannot be processed.

The kit includes an alcohol pad, which should be used prior to taking the sample.

Welcome to SneakPeek Snap
For the first time, you can learn your baby’s gender without fingersticks!



Please perform steps 1 and 2 before removing any contents from this kit.

Activate kit
We can only process kits that have been activated, so let’s get that done.

  1. Find your unique barcode number on the top flap of your kit. We recommend writing your barcode number down for future reference. or taking a picture
  2. Visit and submit your information to activate the kit.

Before starting

SneakPeek looks for male DNA to determine gender.
This section ensures your sample will be clean of outside male DNA, so you get accurate results.

  1. Don’t let males (even male pets!) touch the kit contents at any point.
  2. IMPORTANT! If you haven’t already, drink a full 8 oz. glass of water now. This makes blood collection easier and faster and improves sample quality.
  3. Locate a flat counter or table surface to collect your sample.
  4. Thoroughly clean surface with household cleaner or warm soapy water.

Place kit contents on your surface
Let’s make sure you can find everything when you need it.


Prepare for sample collection

Contamination can happen if there’s male DNA on your arm or hands.
Let’s get rid of that pesky stuff!

  1. Wash hands thoroughly and let air dry.
  2. Select a flat spot on the outside middle part of your non-dominant arm.
  3. Add soap to the exfoliating brush, then wet it with warm water.
  4. Scrub the selected spot on your arm in a circular motion for 30 seconds (sing Happy Birthday 3 times).
  5. Rinse with warm water.
  6. Let your hands and arm air dry to avoid touching male DNA, and only touch kit components going forward.

Get the blood flowing
This step improves blood circulation, making SneakPeek Snap a snap!

  1. Remove the warming pack from the plastic bag,
  2. Activate the warming pack by bending the metal disc inside several times until it clicks and the pack begins to cloud.
  3. Place the warming pack on the selected spot on your arm for 4 minutes. Stop warming if your arm becomes uncomfortable.
  4. Open the alcohol prep pad, wipe the selected spot on your arm, then air dry for 30 seconds.
    Hint: it’s easier to bend the metal disc when its at the bottom

Open SneakPeek Snap

  1. Peel off lid of the SneakPeek Snap carton and take out SneakPeek Snap.
  2. Turn the device upside down and peel the white liner from the bottom. Be careful not to touch the adhesive on the device casing.

Position the SneakPeek Snap

Once placed, do not move or reposition the SneakPeek Snap.
The adhesive on the device casing can only be used once.

  1. Carefully position the SneakPeek Snap over your selected spot, with the collection tube pointing down towards your elbow.
  2. Press SneakPeek Snap firmly to your arm, using the adhesive to ensure a good seal with the skin. Do not move the device once placed.

Use SneakPeek Snap on your own

If you’d like a female helper to push the plunger, skip to step 8b. 90% of SneakPeck Snap users feel no pain Listen for the CLICK, instead!

  1. Grip sides of SneakPeek Snap firmly with your hand, making sure not to break the seal with your skin.
  2. Firmly press the blue plunger straight in with two or three fingers, using as much force as necessary until you hear a CLICK and the blue plunger is flush to the device casing.
  3. Once you hear the CLICK, release the blue plunger immediately and remove your hand from the device.
  4. Set your timer for 4 minutes.
  5. If blood flow hasn’t started by 1 minute, repeat steps 1-4,

Use SneakPeek Snap with a FEMALE helper
90% of SneakPeek Snap users feel no pain. Listen for the CLICK, instead!

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Let air dry, as towels increase the chance of male DNA contamination.
  2. Place one hand under the test taker’s arm and hold firmly. Use the palm of your other hand to push the blue plunger down straight and firmly into the device, making sure not to break the seal of the device with the skin, until a CLICK is heard and the plunger is flush to the device casing.
  3. Once you hear the CLICK, release the blue plunger immediately and remove your hand from the device.
  4. Set your timer for 4 minutes.
  5. If blood flow hasn’t started by 1 minute, repeat

Collect blood
Blood can fill fast here! Skip to step 10 when your sample is between the dual fill lines. This typically takes 1-4 minutes.

  1. Dangle arm in relaxed vertical position with collection tube pointing straight towards the ground.
  2. Collect sample until blood level reaches anywhere between the dual fill lines on the tube.
  3. If 4 minutes have passed, skip to step 10. It’s ok to send us your sample even if it didn’t reach the lower fill line. SneakPeek lab will still attempt to process it. If your sample is above the upper fill line, that’s fine, too, just send it in!

Remove SneakPeek Snap
In this step, you’ll separate your collection tube from the main SneakPeek Snap device casing.

  1. Slowly peel SneakPeek Snap off your skin.
  2. Hold SneakPeek Snap in one hand and the collection tube in an upright position with the other hand. SLOWLY bend the device casing so it separates from the tube, making sure to keep the tube in an upright position. The device casing can be disposed of in a normal trash bin.
  3. Push cap tightly to seal the collection tube. When tube is capped, put it down for a moment.
  4. Use the gauze pad to wipe any blood from your arm and apply the adhesive bandage.

Mix blood with preservative
Your collection tube has a clear preservative on the side walls to protect your sample, so it’s very important to mix blood and preservative well by fully coating the sides of the tube.

  1. Double check that the collection tube is tightly capped.
  2. Firmly tap tube on your flat surface with lid side facing down to break up blood clots, until blood flows to top of tube.
  3. Lightly shake tube until blood coats the sides of the tube, or 20 seconds, whichever happens first.
  4. If blood doesn’t coat the tube after 20 seconds, repeat steps 2 and 3 until it does.

Package sample for shipment

Let’s make sure your sample gets safely back to SneakPeek lab. We recommend taking a picture of your return label so you can track your package.

  1. Place collection tube into the resealable bag with gauze and seal. Do not remove gauze
  2. Place the bag into your original SneakPeek box, peel the adhesive strip off the flap, and seal the box closed.SneakPeek-IM134202-Early-Gender-Test-fig-23
  3. Affix the included prepaid return label to the back of the SneakPeek box. Your box is now ready to ship!
  4. Take a pic of your return label, and note your return shipping method. It can be USPS or FedEx.SneakPeek-IM134202-Early-Gender-Test-fig-24

Mail sample back to SneakPeek
We can’t wait to receive your sample and share if you’re having a boy or girl !SneakPeek-IM134202-Early-Gender-Test-fig-25

  1. For USPS return labels, please mail your kit at a US post office. For FedEx return labels, please mail your kit at a FedEx shipping location. Extreme temperatures can affect your sample quality, so we don’t recommend using an outdoor mail collection box
  2. When your sample arrives at SneakPeek lab, we’ll check it in and send an email that it was received by 7pm Eastern Time the same day.


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