DeFelsko PosiTest HHD C High Voltage Holiday Detector Instruction Manual

June 12, 2024

High voltage Holiday Detector
Instruction Manual

DeFelsko PosiTest HHD C High Voltage Holiday Detector


The PosiTest HHD C High voltage Holiday Detector is a Continuous DC Holiday Detector designed to locate defects and discontinuities (called “pinholes” or “holidays”) in a coating system applied to a conductive substrate. High voltage holiday detectors are commonly used to inspect non-conductive coatings thicker than 500 µm (20 mils).
Designed for maximum utility, the powerful Li-on batteries of the Posi Test HHD C fit neatly within the wand handle eliminating the need for a separate battery box—reducing weight and eliminating operator fatigue.

Operational Safety

IMPORTANT: DeFelsko recommends that the operator read and fully understand this manual prior to using the Posi Test HHD C.
WARNING: This equipment generates high voltages up to 30,000V (30kV). Accidental contact with the electrode may result in an electric shock. Always keep the working end of the electrode away from your body and never touch it when activated. The Posi Test HHD C operator should exercise care to minimize their risk of electric shock and be aware of all relevant safety guidelines before using this equipment.
The ribbed end of the instrument is designed to maximize the distance between the electrode collar and the operator. The electrode and ribbed end of the instrument should not be touched when the Posi Test HHD C is in Detection Mode.
When in Detection Mode (pg. 4) generating high voltage or if an arc is being produced, the Posi Test HHD C will generate broadband  Radio Frequency emissions. Care must be observed in the vicinity of sensitive electronics or radio equipment.
The Posi Test HHD C includes a built-in bleeder resistor, which will discharge the surface when the electrode is in contact with the part AND the tester is not generating high voltage.

For safe PosiTest HHD C operation:

  • Use in wet or rainy conditions.
  • Use if you are fitted with a pacemaker.
  • Use without first connecting the ground (earth) cable.
  • Touch or allow anyone else to touch the object being tested.
  • Use in any environment where an arc or spark could result in explosion.

DO —

  • Ensure that all connections are secure and tight.
  • Wear appropriate gloves and footwear.
  • Use flagging tape and signage to keep other personnel away from the testing area.
  • Communicate the hazards associated with holiday testing with all personnel on-site via tailgate meetings or Field Level Hazard Assessments.
  • Power OFF the detector before touching the spring or brush.
  • Confirm the testing voltage requirements and ensure this is communicated to all personnel involved or working in the area.

DeFelsko PosiTest HHD C High Voltage Holiday Detector - Fig

Posi Test HHD C Overview

DeFelsko PosiTest HHD C High Voltage Holiday Detector - Fig

a Fan brush
b Thumb screw
c Battery compartment
d Battery cover
e Ground cable socket with nut
f Trigger
g Speaker
h Electrode collar
i Ground cable
Not shown
Hard shell case

The PosiTest HHD C Kit contains the following materials.
A PosiTest HHD C
B Stainless Steel Fan Brush
C 7.6 m (25’) Ground (earth) cable with Ground Clip
D 4 Li-ion 18650 Cell Batteries
E Smart Battery charger with universal AC voltage input Hard shell case (not shown)

A variety of optional and replacement accessories are available to help you get the most out of your Posi Test HHD C.
See to learn more.

Quick Start
The PosiTest HHD C powers-up when the power button is pressed. To preserve battery life, it powers down after approximately 5 minutes of no activity. Alternatively, hold the power button for 5  seconds for immediate power down. All settings are retained.

  1. Review Operational Safety (pg. 1).
  2. Assemble the detector for the application to be tested – “Assembly Instructions” (pg. 5).
  3. Properly ground the instrument – “Grounding” (pg. 5).
  4. Confirm that the detector is in proper working condition – “Operational Check” (pg. 5).
  5. Verify and Set the test voltage and sensitivity – “Adjusting the Test Voltage and Sensitivity” (pg. 6).
  6. Perform the test – “Instrument Operation” (pg. 7).

The PosiTest HHD C has two primary operating modes:

  1. Standby Mode: The detector is powered up but not generating a high voltage. The detector continuously monitors the electrode voltage, and will display the voltage and lightning bolt icon if  voltages over 500 Volts are present on the electrode. DO NOT touch the electrode or surface if the lightning bolt icon is shown on the display.
  2. Detection Mode: The detector is generating a high voltage and analyzing electrode voltage and current to determine if holidays are present. Holidays can be detected when the charged electrode is passed over a coated substrate. When a holiday is encountered, current flows from the electrode into the substrate.
    The current returns to the detector through the ground (earth) wire, completing the circuit and triggering audible and visible alarms. An integrated voltmeter measures and displays the electrode voltage on the display while in use.
    After the trigger is released the detector returns to Standby Mode. The electrode voltage and lightning bolt icon will continue to be displayed until the electrode and surface have discharged.
    DO NOT touch the electrode or surface if the lightning bolt is shown on the display.

Assembly Instructions

STEP 1. Attach the Electrode: Loosen the thumb screw on the electrode collar, or if using an electrode rod, loosen the thumb screw on the free end of the electrode rod. Attach the required electrode and re-tighten the thumb screw.
STEP 2. Attach the Ground Cable: Insert the included ground cable into the ground socket and finger tighten the nut by turning clockwise.
STEP 3. Install the Batteries: Loosen the screw on the battery cover door, and remove the cover. Install the batteries in the correct orientation, as indicated on the inside of the battery cover. Replace the cover and secure with the thumb screw.

Ensure the ground (earth) cable is uncoiled and fully extended. Connect the ground clip to an exposed (uncoated) area of the part. A direct conductive path must be established between the Posi Test HHD C and the conductive substrate of the part being tested.

Never touch the ground cable while the detector is in use.

Operational Check

Prior to each use, the Posi Test HHD C should be checked to ensure it is operating correctly. This operational check ensures that the audible and visual alerts are operating properly and the instrument is generating a voltage. For Calibration and Verification see pg. 9.
Performing an Operational Check

  1. Ensure the instrument and all components are assembled.

  2. Visually inspect each cable and connection.

  3. Press and release the power button on the top of the Posi Test HHD C.

  4. The Posi Test HHD C should power on and display the test voltage.

  5. Press and hold the trigger on the Posi Test HHD C to turn on the high voltage and activate Detection Mode.

  6. Touch the electrode to the bare ground wire or grounded substrate of the part being inspected.

  7. The Posi Test HHD C audible and strobe alerts should activate.
    A spark may or may not be seen and heard. When using a lower test voltage or in bright conditions, the spark may not be visible.

  8. Release the trigger to turn high voltage OFF and return the Posi Test HHD C to Standby Mode, then remove the electrode from the part being tested. Steps 5 – 8 can be repeated several times.

Always release the trigger before removing the electrode from the part under test. This ensures that the built-in bleeder resistor will discharge the part being tested.
The Posi Test HHD C is now ready to use.

Adjusting the Test Voltage and Sensitivity

With the detector powered ON and in Standby Mode, the current test voltage will be displayed. Press to toggle between the following adjustment modes:
Adjust Test Voltage Use the or buttons to adjust the test voltage. The voltage can be adjusted in 10V increments between 500V and 1,000V, and in 100V increments between 1kV and 30kV. Press to accept and exit.
Adjust to coating thickness (mils) Use the or buttons to set your expected coating thickness in mils. Press to accept and exit. The test voltage will be calculated according to the equation below.
Adjust to coating thickness (microns) Use the or buttons to set your expected coating thickness in microns. Press to accept and exit. The test voltage will be calculated according to the equation below.
V = 1,500 + 1.5[170 + 2.48d + 58√d] (microns)
V = 1,500 + 1.5[170 + 63d + 293√d] (mils)
where V = Voltage in volts d = Thickness of coating
Sensitivity Adjustment By default, the Sensitivity of the detector is factory- set to ensure that the instrument alarms when holidays are detected, while ignoring ‘false positives’ due to surface moisture, electrode movement, etc. For most applications, the default sensitivity setting is ideal.

To verify that the Sensitivity is set correctly, attach the electrode to be used for the desired application, and find a known holiday in the coating or place a shim with the same thickness as the coating over the bare substrate with a 1mm diameter hole drilled in the center. Ensure that the Posi Test HHD C detects the holiday or hole in the shim, and that it does not alarm over areas without defects or holidays.
If a sensitivity adjustment is required press the or buttons to adjust the sensitivity. Press to accept and exit.

Test Voltage and Sensitivity adjustments are retained during power cycles.

Instrument Operation

To reduce the possibility of building static charge on the object under test, the following steps should always be followed when using the Posi Test HHD C:

  1. Perform all steps listed in the “Quick Start” (pg. 4).

  2. Enable Detection Mode by holding the trigger of the instrument. The Posi Test HHD C will output high voltage at the selected test voltage. The lightning bolt icon will appear at the bottom of the display, and the instrument will emit a tick sound while Detection Mode is enabled.
    The voltage output of the Posi Test HHD C is regulated and maintains the test voltage under normal electrode loading. When in Detection Mode, the voltage at the electrode is displayed on the Posi Test HHD C. Minor fluctuations on the display are normal during inspection as the Posi Test HHD C is regulating the test voltage. When the electrode is connected to ground, the display will show “—” indicating that the electrode voltage is less than the minimum of 500V.

  3. Place the electrode on the surface of the part you will be testing.

  4. Move the electrode over the coated surface at a travel speed not to exceed 0.3m/second (1ft/second) to locate defects. If a holiday is detected, the Posi Test HHD C will activate the strobe and audio alarm.

  5. Release the trigger to deactivate the high voltage output and return the Posi Test HHD C to Standby Mode. The electrode voltage and lightning bolt icon will continue to be displayed until the electrode and surface have discharged. DO NOT touch the electrode or surface if the lightning bolt is shown on the display.

  6. Remove the electrode from the surface.

The Posi Test HHD C includes a built-in bleeder resistor, which will discharge the surface when the electrode is in contact with the part and the detector is not generating high voltage.

Removing the electrode from the surface while in Detection Mode could leave the surface charged. Touching a charged surface could result in electrical shock.

Calibration and Verification

The Posi Test HHD C is shipped with a Certificate of Calibration showing traceability to a national standard. DeFelsko recommends customers establish calibration intervals based upon their own experience and work environment. A detector used frequently, roughly, or in harsh operating conditions may require a shorter calibration interval than if used less frequently and handled with care. Based on our product knowledge, data and customer feedback, a one-year certification interval from either the date of calibration, date of purchase, or date of receipt is a typical starting point.
The Posi Test HHD C includes an integrated voltmeter which measures and displays the output voltage of the detector on the display. This provides the ability to monitor the generated voltage of the Posi Test HHD C to a voltage within the 500V – 1,000V range
in 10V steps, and 1kV – 30kV range in 100V steps. The Posi Test HHD C integrated voltmeter is accurate to ± 5% of the generated test voltage.

The Posi Test HHD C Verifier is available for verifying the accuracy of the Posi Test HHD C and other continuous DC high voltage holiday detectors and is an important component in fulfilling both ISO and in-house quality control requirements.
Learn more at:

Battery Status, Charging, and Installation
The Posi Test HHD C Kit includes four removable, rechargeable 18650 Lithium- ion cell batteries. It is recommended that the batteries be charged after each use.

The battery icon on the display will turn red with one bar remaining when the batteries are low. This indicates that the batteries require charging.
To charge the batteries, insert them into the supplied charger. Each time the charger is connected to a power supply, and no buttons are pressed, the charger will enter the default charging mode, appropriate for the supplied batteries.

Protected 18650 Lithium-ion cell batteries are recommended for use with the Posi Test HHD C. Only batteries supplied by DeFelsko should be used.

Storing the PosiTest HHD C
When not in use, the Posi Test HHD C should be stored in the supplied hard shell case. Keep the instrument clean and dry. After use, clean the instrument with a soft, damp cloth, and then wipe dry. Do not use solvents such as lacquer thinner, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), etc.

Keep all electrical contacts clean.

Posi Test HHD C Troubleshooting

Posi Test HHD C will not detect holidays

  • Check Electrode Connections: With the detector powered OFF, check all connections. Ensure the electrode is fully engaged within the electrode collar of the Posi Test HHD C and the thumb screw is secured.

  • Check Ground Connections: With the detector powered OFF, remove the ground cable and then fully reinsert it into the ground socket. Finger tighten the nut by turning clockwise. Ensure the opposite end is clean and well connected to the substrate of the
    coating system being inspected.

  • Check Test Voltage: If the test voltage is too low, the Posi Test HHD C will not find holidays.

  • Reduce Travel Speed: Recommended travel speed of the Posi Test HHD C is a maximum of 0.3m/second (1ft/second).

Posi Test HHD C turns OFF while in use

  • Check Batteries: Low or defective batteries will not be able to sustain the power required to operate the Posi Test HHD C. Charge or replace the batteries.

When generating high voltage, the Posi Test HHD C display is lower than the test voltage.

  • The Posi Test HHD C integrated voltmeter ALWAYS displays the actual voltage being generated (± 5%). Although the Posi Test HHD C will regulate the output voltage to match the test voltage, there are circumstances when it is not possible to generate the test voltage. For example, overloading of the electrode by setting the voltage higher than recommended for the coating system under inspection may result in a generated voltage lower than the test voltage. Reducing the brush or electrode size will also reduce loading.

**** The Posi Test HHD C meets the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive and Low Voltage Directive when operated in Standby Mode.

Returning for Service
Before returning the Posi Test HHD C for service –

  1. Install fully charged batteries in the correct orientation.
  2. Inspect all wires, plugs, and connectors for damage.
  3.  Power up Posi Test HHD C by pressing the power button .
  4. Press and hold the trigger.
  5. Touch the electrode to ground (earth) to simulate a holiday.
  6. If the Posi Test HHD C does not activate the Audio and Strobe alarms or create an arc, remove the batteries and return the Posi Test HHD C without the batteries for service.

If you must return the Posi Test HHD C for service, please follow the instructions provided at

Limited Warranty, Sole Remedy and Limited Liability

DeFelsko’s sole warranty, remedy, and liability are the express limited warranty, remedy, and limited liability that are set forth on its website:

Distributed by: ABQ Industrial LP USA
Tel: +1 281-516-9292 / 888-275-5772 eFax: +1 866-234-0451
Web: E-mail:


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