T N COOK Cookers Stoves and Grills User Guide

June 12, 2024

T N COOK Cookers Stoves and Grills

Switching on and powering up

First Switch On (after delivery)
All Everhots are heated up in the factory as part of their post-build check and test. This burns off or ‘cures’ any oils, adhesives and sealants however you can often still get some smells as your cooker heats up for the first time. This can last a day or so but quickly fades and is completely normal. Occasionally there may still be some oil residue on the hotplate so we recommend LIFTING THE HOTPLATE LID(S) AND LEAVING UP FOR A COUPLE OF HOURS at first switch-on. This should ensure any residue that may be left is burnt off and doesn’t stain the stainless-steel lid lining.
CHECK IN THE OVENS – sometimes your cleaning pack and instruction book may have been left in one of the ovens for safekeeping.

Powering Up

(If you ever turn your Everhot off [or have a power cut] in future, don’t worry it will remember the time, temperature and ECO timing settings.)
Switch the plugs on – the cooker will spring into life, going through a self- check first. You may see a ‘dash’ ( – ) in each of the temperature displays if it has been turned off on the control box.
To turn on from here: press and hold the main power button – top left-hand corner of the controls – for a few seconds until the displays change to say .
Next, one by one, press the power button(s) to the side of the oven temperature display(s) to turn the ovens on. (See page 4 for changing / setting temperatures.)
For the hotplates – these will be ‘ ed! (For safety, to prevent accidental switch on, manufacturers must have a two button press for controls switching things such as hotplates which run above a certain temperature.)

To release the Hotplate :

  1. Briefly press the power button (top left of the control panel).

  2. The green LED to the side of the temperature display will flash ONLY FOR 5 SECONDS.

  3. Whilst the LED is flashing, press and hold the power button (to the side of the flashing LED) until the temperature display changes to show the target temperature.

  • Missed it? If it goes back to showing when you press the power button you didn’t press it in time. Start again with the main power button (far top left corner); you’ll get the hang of it!

Changing Oven or Hotplate Temperatures

The temperature displays are labelled (beside them) to show which zone they control.
They normally display the target temperature.
LED is green it’s at (or above) the target temperature.
LED is red, the element is on and the zone is heating (or topping up).
LED is amber, you’re at the lower ECO temperatures and the element is on and the zone is heating up (or topping up).

To alter a temperature, first you need to release the child / anti-tamper lock:

  • To release the child lock press and hold one of the arrow beneath the display for about two seconds.
  • Once the lock is released you have about two seconds after the last arrow press before it relocks itself (there’s no indicator to say it’s locked or released – you’ll know if you try to change it).
  • To change the target temperature either use a brief, single press to go up or down in 5 degree increments, or press and hold an up or down arrow and the temperature changes rapidly. Once at your desired setting just release (or don’t press again) the button
Maximum. temperatures: Normal (OC) ECO (OC)
Top / Primary oven 250 180
Second oven 200 100
Third oven 120 100
Hotplate 350 250
Simmer plate (60, 90i, 100i) 350 200
Simmer plate (Plus models) 200 200

(Note: if you choose maximum temperature do not be surprised if the red light is on a lot – it’ll need to work hard to maintain maximum heat.)

you’ve been using the grill for a while, the top oven temperature may be above 250 degrees, to protect itself the Everhot will not allow the grill to come on again until the temperature drops back to a safe level.
To see what temperature an oven or hotplate sensor is detecting:

  • Press and hold both the up and down arrows together for about two seconds. The display will then change to show what the sensor is detecting. (If it doesn’t change then it’s likely that the target and current temperatures are the sam It’s very likely that the red LED will come on (to show that the element is on) after you put something in the oven; it’s normal and nothing to worry about (the temperature will always fall after putting something in the oven; don’t worry if when you check it, it’s lower  than when you started – this is normal). The LED is just indicating that the heat is being replenished. From time to time throughout the day it’ll come on too, replacing heat radiated to the room, again, perfectly fine and nothing to worry about

Heat-up times

Hotplate : Room temperature to 300 degrees – approximately 30-40 minutes.
Ovens: Approx. one minute per degree Celsius. (Top oven in boost mode from 30 to 200 or so: about 25 minutes.)
Top oven boost – see ‘Using the Grill’

Using the Grill
The grill is in the roof of the top (primary) oven. It is always full power and always full area when on.
To reduce the grilling effect / power use a lower shelf position (further away from the grill element)

The grill power button has a couple of functions depending on how long you press it for:

  1. Long press – turns the grill on.
  2. Short press / dab: shows the current default time the grill comes on for.

To switch the grill on: press and hold for about three to five seconds. There will be a short beep, the display for the top oven temperature will change to show the time the grill will stay on for before turning itself off. It will look something like this: .

To change the time for the grill to stay on use the arrow buttons beneath the display, a brief single press on either changes it in one-minute interval.

To check or change the default time:

  • To check it: briefly press and release the grill power button
  • The display will show the current default time setting for the grill (for about two to three seconds) then return to the top oven temperature.
  • To change the time – press and release the grill power button , then within two to three seconds, whilst it’s showing the default grill time, change it using the up or down arrow below the display. Once at your desired setting leave the display to go back to the oven temperature. The next time you turn the grill on it will use your new default setting.

Turning off after use
If the timer counts down to zero the grill element switches off and the oven returns to oven mode. (There won’t be any noise or notification of this.)
If the timer has some time remaining: press the grill power button until the red LED goes off and the top oven display returns to the oven temperature.

Top oven boost (To quickly heat the top oven using the grill element.)
Note: this only works if there’s a 20O or greater difference between current and target temperature settings.
(Do not have any food in the oven when using this mode!)

(You’ll need to hold it for about 5 seconds, keep pressing / hold your finger on the button when you see in the display – it will come back on again).
You’ll see in the top oven temperature display to indicate you’re in ‘boost’ mode.
The grill element takes the oven temperature to within 20O of the target, then turns off and the oven element takes over for a gentle rise to the target.

ECO Mode

ECO mode is a reduced temperature setting, normally for when you’re not cooking or using the Everhot. (Remember – if you’re using the cooker for room heating, it is ‘in use’!) ECO has three modes:
OFF (no LED lit); ON (LED solid green [not flashing]), and TIMED (ECO LED flashing green)

To change between these settings briefly press the ECO button . It will change from OFF to ON to TIMED (the back to OFF again for the fourth press, and so on).

In addition to the LED next to the ECO button being on/off/flashing there is a further indication of the cooker’s current ECO status:
When the cooker is in an ECO mode AND AT THE LOWER TEMPERATURES (so this is all the time in ECO ‘On’, and only during the ECO On period in timed mode) all four temperature displays will change briefly about every 5 seconds (for about 1 second) to say  to let you know it is at the lower temperatures.

ECO is a LOWER set of temperatures.
It’s counter-intuitive however when ECO is ON, the Everhot GOES DOWN in temperature!
You are switching ON the reduced temperature mode.
(This is more relevant when you programme the times of day ECO comes on and goes off – see the main manual for details on programming ECO timed mode.)
ECO Timing (For information on programming ECO mode see the main manual or Everhot’s YouTube videos)
Most people use ‘TIMED ECO’ most of the time. The Everhot will then automatically switch ECO mode ON and reduce in temperature after you’ve finished cooking (or room heating, usually late in the evening) and then switch ECO OFF and rise in temperature in a morning (or afternoon) so it’s ready for when you want to cook. (Generally allow one to two hours to heat from ECO to full heat, depending on the difference in temperature settings; bigger difference = longer needed to heat up.)
We recommend having the Everhot up to temperature for the extremes of when you might need to use it; for example, if you normally cook between 6pm and 7pm, but it could be 5pm or 8.30pm then have the cooker up to temperature from 5pm to 9pm. That way you won’t get caught out. (The heat won’t be wasted – it’ll help warm the room and mean your heating system has less work to do.)
(In this example you’d turn ECO off at 3pm (15:00) or 4pm (16:00) for the one to two hour heat up, then ECO on again at 9pm (21:00). You can choose to have the cooker at normal heat all day or have two periods of ECO which allow the cooker to be up to heat for morning, be low during the working day, then heat again  for the evening. Which you do is entirely up to you but if there’s less than about four hours between them it’s generally accepted that it isn’t really worth the cool-down / heat-up; it’s best to just stay at normal temperature.

ECO Advance

(This is the equivalent of most heating controllers’ ‘advance’ button.)
You can ‘advance’ the Everhot to the next ECO setting without having to reprogramme it or change the mode.
What happens when you ‘advance’?
If you’re in ECO mode (‘ECO ON’, i.e. at low temperature) the Everhot will come out of ECO and heat to normal temperature. It will stay there until the next set point tells it to turn ECO back on again.
Example Scenarios
For both scenarios assume the Everhot is at full heat and ready to cook from 5pm to 9pm; ECO is on from 9pm in the evening and turns off at 4pm (for a one- hour heat up to be ready at 5pm).
The Everhot is in ECO (ECO on) and on a normal day it would switch ECO off and heat up at 4pm, then switch ECO on again at 9pm to go to the lower setting.
Example 1 Bonus baking day – heat up for unexpected use It’s 10am and you want to bake all afternoon. The cooker usually would be at the lower settings until it starts to heat at 4pm.
Advance ECO to off, the Everhot heats up. It would ignore the 4pm set-point (it’s already at heat) and at 9pm would follow instructions again to switch ECO on and go to the lower settings as it does normally.
Example 2 We’re eating out tonight – go to ECO sooner and cool for the rest of the day It’s 5.30pm, you’ve decided you’re eating out tonight, it’s warm enough so don’t need the cooker’s gentle room heating effect so to save a few pennies you’re lowering the temperature for the rest of the day.
Advance ECO to on, the Everhot cools to the lower ECO temperatures. It ignores the 9pm set-point (it’s already at the low setting), then at 4pm the next day it switches ECO off and heats up as normal.

Setting ECO Advance

There are two stages:

  1. Press and hold (for about 5 seconds) the ECO button until there’s a beep and the temperature displays change (it’ll show top left,  top right, bottom left and bottom right).
  2. Briefly press the power button to the left of the bottom oven display (where it says ) and that’s it, you’ve ‘Advanced’ to the next ECO mode.
    (When you’re in ECO advance mode the LED next to the ECO button flashes amber as an  indicator.)

Cleaning It is best and recommended to clean the cooker when it is cold.
Always follow the basic principle of wiping up spills before they become baked on.

If possible, it’s best to reduce the need for cleaning – use the lid splash shields that hang on the open lid to protect it from splashes and splatters.
Use an e-cloth or damp cotton dishcloth to wipe up any spills. Remember the cooker is an electrical appliance; do not use excess water when cleaning the cooking zones.
If the cooker is hot do not use a cloth or cleaning pad / sponge made of synthetic material (it’ll melt in contact with the hotplate or inside the oven) and be aware to keep red ampening the cloth with cold water so it doesn’t scald or burn.

Hot plates
The hot plates are largely self-cleaning and any liquids will evaporate.
Any spilt solids will carbonise and you can wipe them off with a damp cloth. Remove any stubborn residue by brushing with a wire brush.
The loose surround for the main hotplate will lift out for easier cleaning, make sure it goes back the correct way round (small cut-outs on the underneath go to the back). (The 110 Plus and additional simmering plates on 90 Plus and 100 Plus models do not have the loose surrounds.) DO NOT REMOVE ANY OF THE INSULATION even if it looks a little stained or dirty this could adversely affect the temperature of the surround and efficiency of the cooker.


The ovens are largely self-cleaning. Any spills will carbonise.
Occasionally sweep out (or vacuum when cool enough) the base of the ovens.
Lift off the oven doors and lay them face down on a towel or similar soft surface for cleaning. Clean the door liners according to the instructions for cleaning stainless steel (below).
If required, stainless-steel top oven shelves can be cleaned with Bar Keepers Friend or in a dishwasher. The aluminium oven shelves (stamped with ‘Max. Temp 200O C’ on them) are best washed using ordinary washing up liquid with the Spontex scrubber, do not use abrasive materials or chemical cleaners and do not put them in the dishwasher.
Wipe the steel oven shelf channels (on the sides of the oven) regularly with a (natural fibre if the cooker is on) cloth to make future cleaning easier and help the shelves slide in and out smoothly.
The floor of the oven has a stainless-steel cover for the heating element. This can be lifted out for easier cleaning. Electrically isolate (turn off and unplug) the cooker before doing this.
Induction Hob
The toughened glass can be wiped with an e-cloth or damp dishcloth. If needed, any spills can be loosened with a hob scraper and further cleaning done with glass / ceramic hob cleaning paste / liquid.
Control panel
Use a damp cloth to periodically wipe the surface of the control panel.

Exterior coloured surfaces
Clean the exterior surfaces with a warm soapy cloth before spills have cooked on.
Note: the longer spills are left the harder they are to remove. Do not use abrasive cleaners or caustic cleaning products such as Mr Muscle® or Astonish® etc. An alternative method is to use a paper towel dipped in lemon juice.
Note for cleaning the lids:
Take care when scrubbing the lid liner close to the lid cords. – if rubbed or caught they will quickly fray and lose their looks.
If the lid cord gets damp or wet – make sure it’s dry before putting the lid back down.
(If the cord is wet and the lid is put down, the cord will stick to the stainless-steel top and the next time you lift the lid it will ‘tear’ and fray. It’s easily avoided by letting the cord dry fully before putting the lid down.)
(New lid cords are available as spares and can be fitted by the user. They come with the adhesive to stick them in.)
Aluminium Lid Liners
The inside panel of any lid over an induction hob is made from aluminium.
Use only a soft damp cloth to clean this surface. Do not use any abrasive or chemical products on the inside of these lids as they will damage the surface.
Mirrored and Grained Stainless Steel Surfaces
Clean the stainless-steel surfaces with a warm soapy cloth or dampened mildly abrasive Spontex® Brilliant scourer before spills have cooked on.

If spillages bake onto the grained stainless-steel surfaces, sprinkle some Bar Keepers Friend® spray or cream onto an abrasive pad, and rub in the direction of the grain to remove any stains.
Note: the longer spills are left the harder they are to remove.
A ‘Brillo’ pad or similar will clean the grained stainless-steel surfaces too. Be sure to work with the grain.
Clean the inside of the lids when they have been open for a while. This ensures that they have cooled sufficiently.
Leaving an oven door open [or removing it] with the cooker on allows the heat to escape and heat up the handrail – be aware of this and take adequate precautions to protect yourself and other householders.
Do not use any abrasive products on the mirrored surfaces.

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