FENGMA 2377-2 Gesture RC Car Instructions

June 12, 2024

FENGMA 2377-2 Gesture RC Car

Product Information

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
  2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device and used with a minimum distance of 0 mm between the radiator and your body.

Product Usage Instructions

  1. Ensure the device is placed at least 0 mm away from your body to comply with safety regulations.
  2. When operating the device, make sure it does not cause any harmful interference to other electronic devices.
  3. If you experience any undesired operation due to interference, try adjusting the location or orientation of the device.
  4. Do not modify or tamper with the device’s internal components as it may void the warranty and affect its compliance with FCC regulations.
  5. Follow all additional usage instructions provided in the user manual to ensure safe and proper operation of the device.

FCC St at ement Thi s devi ce compl i es wi t h par t 15 of t he FCC Rul es. Oper at i on i s subj ect t o t he f ol l owi ng t wo condi t i ons: ( 1) Thi s devi ce may not cause har mf ul i nt er f er ence, and ( 2) t hi s devi ce must accept any i nt er f er ence r ecei ved, i ncl udi ng i nt er f er ence t hat may cause undesi r ed
oper at i on. Thi s equi pment has been t est ed and f ound t o compl y wi t h t he l i mi t s f or a Cl ass B di gi t al devi ce,
pur suant t o par t 15 of t he FCC Rul es. These l i mi t s ar e desi gned t o pr ovi de r easonabl e pr ot ect i on agai nst har mf ul i nt er f er ence i n a r esi dent i al i nst al l at i on. Thi s equi pment gener at es, uses and can r adi at e r adi o f r equency ener gy and, i f not i nst al l ed and used i n accor dance wi t h t he i nst r uct i ons, may cause har mf ul i nt er f er ence t o r adi o communi cat i ons. However , t her e i s no guar ant ee t hat i nt er f er ence wi l l not occur i n a par t i cul ar i nst al l at i on. I f t hi s equi pment does cause har mf ul i nt er f er ence t o r adi o or t el evi si on r ecept i on, whi ch can be det er mi ned by t ur ni ng t he equi pment of f and on, t he user i s encour aged t o t r y t o cor r ect t he i nt er f er ence by one or mor e of t he f ol l owi ng measur es: Reor i ent or r el ocat e t he r ecei vi ng ant enna. . I ncr ease t he separ at i on bet ween t he equi pment and r ecei ver . . Connect t he equi pment i nt o an out l et on a ci r cui t di f f er ent f r om t hat t o whi ch t he r ecei ver i s connect ed. . Consul t t he deal er or an exper i enced r adi o/ TV t echni ci an f or hel p. Caut i on: Any changes or modi f i cat i ons t o t hi s devi ce not expl i ci t l y appr oved by manuf act ur er coul d voi d your aut hor i t y t o oper at e t hi s equi pment . RF Exposur e I nf or mat i on The devi ce was eval uat ed t o meet gener al RF exposur e r equi r ement s. Thi s equi pment shoul d be i nst al l ed
and used wi t h a mi ni mum di st ance of 0 mm bet ween t he r adi at or and your body.

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