UNI-T UT3200+ Series Multi-channel Temperature Tester User Manual

June 12, 2024

UNI-T UT3200+ Series Multi-channel Temperature Tester

UNI-T-UT3200+ Series-Multi-channel-Temperature-Tester

Product Information

  • Product Name: UT3200+ Series Multi-channel Temperature Tester
  • Brand: UNI-T
  • Manufacturer: Uni-Trend Technology (China) Co., Ltd.
  • Trademark: UNI-T
  • Product Certification : Conforms to China national product standard and industry product standard, ISO9001:2008 standard, and ISO14001:2004 standard

Product Usage Instructions

  1. Connect the UT3200+ Series Multi-channel Temperature Tester to a power source using the provided power cable.
  2. Press the power button to turn on the temperature tester.
  3. The temperature tester supports SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) programming language. Refer to the SCPI programming manual for detailed information on commands and syntax.
  4. To send commands to the temperature tester, connect a host computer and use a string of commands in the SCPI format. The command parser of the instrument will parse and execute the commands.
  5. The command parser only accepts ASCII data. Make sure to use ASCII encoding for command strings.
  6. The command parser requires an end mark to terminate command parsing. The instrument accepts three types of end marks: CR, CR+LF, and LF.
  7. If an error occurs during command parsing, the command parser will terminate and invalidate the current command.
  8. The command parser is case-insensitive for parsing command strings.
  9. In RS485 mode, add “ADDR::” in front of SCPI commands to communicate with multiple devices via SCPI protocol.
  10. Use semicolon “;” to send multiple instructions in a single command string.
  11. The instrument sends data with a default end of 0x0A (LF).

Warranty and Statement

2023 Uni-Trend Technology (China) Co., Ltd.

Brand Information
UNI-T is the registered trademark of Uni-Trend Technology (China) Co., Ltd.


  • UNI-T products are protected by patents (including obtained and pending) in China and other countries and regions.
  • UNI-T reserves the right to change specifications and prices.
  • The information provided in this manual supersedes all previous publications.
  • The information provided in this manual is subject to change without notice.
  • UNI-T shall not be liable for any errors that may be contained in this manual. For any incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or the information and deductive functions provided in this manual.
  • No part of this manual shall be photocopied, reproduced or adapted without the prior written permission of UNI-T.


SCPI(Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments)is a standardized instrument programming language that builds on existing standards IEEE 488.1 and IEEE 488.2 and follows the floating point rules of IEEE 754 standard, ISO 646 message exchange 7-bit encoding notation (equivalent to ASCII programming) and many other standards.
This section introduces the format, symbols, parameters, and abbreviations of the SCPI command.

Command String Parse

The host computer can send a string of commands to the instrument and the command parser of the instrument starts to parsing after catching the terminator (\n) or an input buffer overflow.
For example

  • Valid command string:

The instrument command parser is responsible for all command parsing and execution, and you must understand its parsing rules before writing a program.

Command Parse Rule

Command parser only parses and responds to ASCII data.
The command parser starts to command parsing when receive the end mark. The instrument only accept three contents as the following as the end mark.

  • CR
  • CR+LF
  • LF

The command parser will terminate the parsing immediately after parsing an error, and the current command will be invalidated.
The command parser is case-insensitive for parsing command strings.
he command parser supports abbreviated form of command and the detailed see the following section.
In RS485 mode, add ADDR□Local address::□ in front of SCPI, the local address can set to 1-32.
It’s convenient to communicate with multiple devices via SCPI protocol.
For example: ADDR□1::□IDN? □ represents a blank
The end of data sent by the instrument defaults to 0x0A (LF).
Multiple instruction can be send via semicolon “ ; “.

Symbol Stipulation and Definition

This chapter uses some symbols that are not part of the command tree, but only for a better understanding of the command string.

Mark Description
<……> The text in angle brackets indicates the parameter of the command. For


represents floating point number represents integer parameter

[……]| The text in square brackets indicates the optional command.
{……}| When the curly brackets contain several parameter items, it means

that only one item can be selected from them.



| Abbreviated form of the command.
□| Blank mark, it represents a blank and only for reading.

Command Tree Structure

SCPI commands have a tree-like structure with three level (note: the command parser of this instrument can parse any level), where the highest level is called the subsystem command. SCPI uses a colon (:) to separate high level commands from low level commands.

UNI-T-UT3200+ Series-Multi-channel-Temperature-Tester

For Example UNI-T-UT3200+ Series-Multi-channel-Temperature-Tester

Command and Parameter

A command tree is consist of command and [parameter], use a blank to separate (ASCII: 20H).

For example   AAA:BBB 1.234 Command        [parameter]


Command words can be in long command format or in abbreviated form. Long format facilitates engineers to better understand the meaning of the command string; abbreviated form is suitable for writing.


Single character command, no parameter For Example                   AAA:BBB

Parameter can be string format and its abbreviated form is also follow the last section “ command abbreviated rule”

For example AAA:BBB□1.23

Parameter can be numerical value format.

| 123, +123, -123 ---|--- | Floating point number of arbitrary form: : fixed floating point number: 1.23, -1.23 : floating point number represented by scientific notation: 1.23E+4, +1.23e-4 : floating point number represented by multiplying power: 1.23k, 1.23M, 1.23G, 1.23u

Table 0-1 Abbreviation of Multiplying Power

Numerical Value Multiplying Power
1E18 (EXA) EX
1E15 (PETA) PE
1E12 (TERA) T
1E9 (GIGA) G
1E3 (KILO) K
1E-3 (MILLI) M
1E-6 (MICRO) U
1E-9 (NANO) N
1E-12 (PICO) P
1E-15 (PEMTO) F
1E-18 (ATTO) A

SCPI is case-insensitive, so the written is different from standard name.

For example :

“1M” represents 1 milli, not 1 mega. “1MA” represents 1 mega.


The instrument command parser can only receive allowable separator. Other separator will cause error “Invalid separator”.

;| Semicolon is for separating two commands.

For Example   AAA:BBB 100.0 ; CCC:DDD

:| Colon is for separating command tree or restart the command tree.

For Example   AAA : BBB : CCC 123.4; : DDD : EEE 567.8

?| Question mark is for querying.

For Example AAA ?

□| Blank is for separating the parameter.

For Example   AAA:BBB□1.234

Command Reference

All commands are explained by the subsystem command order. MEAS Measurement subsystem

  • SYST               System subsystem
  • FETCH             Fetch data subsystem
  • ERROR             ERROR subsystem
  • IDN?               Query subsystem

MEAS Subsystem

MEAS subsystem is used to switch to different display page.

MEAS :MODEL {tc-t,tc-k,tc-j,tc-n,tc-e,tc-s,tc-r,tc-b}
:RATE {fast,slow}
:START {on,off}
:CHANON ,<on,off>
:SENSOR {tc-t,tc-k,tc-j,tc-n,tc-e,tc-s,tc-r,tc-b}


MEAS:MODEL is used to set sensor type.

Command Syntax MEAS:MODEL<tc-t,tc-k,tc-j,tc-n,tc-e,tc-s,tc-r,tc-b>
Example SEND>MEAS:MODEL tc-k // Set the sensor type to Type K

Query Syntax| MEAS:MODEL?
Query Return| <tc-t,tc-k,tc-j,tc-n,tc-e,tc-s,tc-r,tc-b>

RET> tc-t


MEAS:RATE is used to set sampling rate.

Command Syntax MEAS:RATE<fast,slow>
Example SEND>MEAS:RATE fast // Set sampling rate to fast.
Query Syntax MEAS:RATE?
Query Return <fast,slow>

RET> fast


MEAS:START is used to enable the sampling.

Command Syntax MEAS:START <on,off>
Example SEND>MEAS:START off // Stop sampling.
Query Syntax MEAS:START?
Query Return <on,off>

RET> on


MEAS:CMODEL is used to set the sensor type of each channel.

Command Syntax MEAS:MODEL ,<tc-t,tc-k,tc-j,tc-n,tc-e,tc-s,tc-r,tc-b>
For Example SEND>MEAS:CMODEL 1,TC-T // Set the sensor of CH001 to Type T.
Query Syntax MEAS:CMODEL? // Acquire the sensor type of all channels.

MEAS:CMODEL?     // Acquire the sensor type of single channel, the minimum of channel number is 1.

Query Return| < tc-t,tc-k,tc-j,tc-n,tc-e,tc-s,tc-r,tc-b >

RET> < tc-t,tc-k,tc-j,tc-n,tc-e,tc-s,tc-r,tc-b >

SEND> MEAS:CMODEL? 1 // Acquire the sensor type of CH001. RET> < tc-t


MEAS:LOW is used to set the lower limit of all channels.

Command Syntax MEAS:LOW
For Example SEND>MEAS:LOW -200.0 // Set the lower limit of all channels

to -200.0.
Query Syntax| MEAS:LOW?
Query Return| <float,float>
For Example| SEND> MEAS:LOW?

RET> <-2.00000e+02,-2.00000e+02>


MEAS:CLOW is used to set the lower limit of each channel.

Command Syntax MEAS:CLOW ,
For Example SEND>MEAS:CLOW 1,-200.0 // Set the lower limit of CH001 to


MEAS:HIGH is used to set the upper limit of all channels.

Command Syntax MEAS:HIGH
For Example SEND>MEAS:HIGH 1800.0 // Set the upper limit of all channels

to 1800.0.
Query Syntax| MEAS:HIGH?
Query Return| <float,float>
For Example| SEND> MEAS:HIGH?

RET> <1.80000e+03, 1.80000e+03>


MEAS:CHIGH is used to set the upper limit of each channel.

Command Syntax MEAS:CHIGH ,
For Example SEND>MEAS:CHIGH 1,1800.0 // Set the upper limit of CH001 to

Query Syntax| MEAS:CHIGH?1
Query Response|
Example| SEND> MEAS:CHIGH? 1

RET> <1.80000e+03>


MEAS:SENSOR is used to acquire sensor type of each channel.

Command Syntax MEAS:SENSOR
Query Response <TC-T,TC-K,TC-J,TC-N,TC-E,TC-S,TC-R,TC-B>


SYST Subsystem

SYST subsystem is used to set SETUP page.


| :COMP| {on,off}
:BEEP| {on,off}
:KEYTONE| {on,off}
| :UNIT| {cel,kel,fah}


Command Syntax SYST:COMP <on,off>
For Example SEND>SYST:COMP on // Turn on the comparator.
Query Syntax SYST:COMP?
Query Return <on,off>
For Example SEND> SYST:COMP?


SYST:BEEP is used to set the comparator beep state.

Command Syntax SYST:BEEP <on,off>
For Example SEND>SYST:BEEP on // Turn on comparator beep.
Query Syntax SYST:BEEP?
Query Return <on,off>


SYST:BEEP is used to set the state of key beep.

Command Syntax SYST:KEYTONE <on,off>
For Example SEND>SYST:KEYTONE on // Turn on key beep.
Query Syntax SYST:KEYTONE?
Query Return <on,off>



Command Syntax SYST:SYSINIT
Example SEND> SYST:SYSINIT // Return to factory set.


SYST:UNIT is used to set the temperature unit.

Command Syntax SYST:UNIT <cel,kel,fah>
Parameter <cel,kel,fah>

cel: degree Celsius kel: Kelvin degree

fah: Fahrenheit degree

For Example| SEND>SYST:UNIT cel // Set the temperature unit to degree Celsius.
Query Syntax| SYST:UNIT?
Query Return| <cel,kel,fah>
For Example| SEND> SYST:UNIT?


FETCH Subsystem

FETCH subsystem is used to acquire the temperature data.




FETCH? is used to fetch temperature data.

Query Syntax FETCH?
Query Return <float, float , float>
For Example SEND>FETCH?

RET> <+1.00000e-05, +1.00000e-05, +1.00000e-05>

ERROR Subsystem
ERROR subsystem is used to return error message.

Query Syntax ERROR?
Query Return Error string
For Example SEND> ERR?

RET>no error

*IDN? Subsystem

IDN? is used to query instrument ID.

Query Syntax IDN?OR *IDN?
Query Return ,,,


Register Overview
All register addresses used by the instrument are listed below.


  1. Unless otherwise specified, the numeric value of instruction and response frame are hexadecimal.
  2. The register only contains the instruction of acquiring the test result and starting/stopping the test. If user want to customize other instructions, please contact UNI-T sake department.
  3. Floating point number online conversion can refer to website
Register Address Name Numeric value Description



Start/Stop test


1 byte integer

| Wirte-only register, data takes 1



| Temperature   value   of

channel 1~48

| 4 bytes floating point


| Read-only register, data of each

channel takes 2 registers.

Start/Stop Test


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
01 10 02 00 00 01 02 00 01 44 50



| Write| Register| Register


| Byte| Data| CRC16



Written return

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
01 10 02 00 00 01 00 71



| Write| Register| Register


| CRC16

Acquire Test Result
Register 0202~0261 is used to acquire the test result of all channels. For example: acquire the test result of CH1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
01 03 02 02 00 02 64 73



| Read| Register| Register


| CRC-16


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
01 03 04 41 DC 44 5A 9C CE
01 03 Byte Float-point number with single


| CRC-16

B4~B7 is float-point number with single precision, byte order AA BB CC DD

Test data: 41 DC 44 5A converts to float-point number: 0x41DC445A = 27.5334; (If the channel is open circuit, then the test result is 100000.)


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