GYMNOVA 3610G Legs Competition Beam Instruction Manual
- June 13, 2024
Table of Contents
GYMNOVA 3610G Legs Competition Beam
Product Information
The product is a Competition & Training Balance Beam with Standard Legs. It is
manufactured by CS 30056 and the company is located at 45 Rue G. De Flotte,
13375 Marseille Cedex 12, France.
The contact details for the company are as follows: Tel: 33.(0).,
Fax: 33.(0)., Website:
The specific model of the beam is NM301-GB and the latest revision of the user manual is dated 06/04/21. The product consists of three main components: 3610G FIG competition Beam with Standard Legs, 3611B Competition Beam with Standard Legs, and 3612D Compact Beam. The Competition Balance Beam ref. 3610G is FIG (International Gymnastics Federation) approved.
The user manual provides important warnings and recommendations for using the equipment safely. It states that the equipment should be installed by a qualified individual and should only be used by one person at a time under the supervision of a qualified individual. Any use of the equipment for purposes other than its intended use is prohibited.
The user manual also advises users to keep the instructions for future reference, carry out predictive maintenance periodically, and have the equipment serviced yearly or every few years depending on its usage.
The pack list includes various components and their quantities, such as body parts, standard legs, displacement trolleys, integrated mats, foams, and covers. Each component is identified by a reference number.
The user manual also mentions the tools required for assembly, which include open end spanners (sizes 18 and 19) and tube spanners (sizes 18 and 19).
It is important to note that the manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the equipment and dimensions without further discussion in order to improve the product.
Product Usage Instructions
- Maintenance:
Follow the maintenance instructions provided in the user manual.
This includes carrying out predictive maintenance periodically and having the
equipment serviced yearly or every few years depending on its usage.
- Apparatus Assembly (3610G & 3611B):
- Standard Legs Assembly:
Refer to Figure 1 in the user manual. Assemble the standard legs using bolts without tightening them completely.
1. **Placement of Slides under the Body:**
Refer to Figure 4 in the user manual. Dismantle the fixings under the body and secure the slide with screws and washers loosely.
1. **Mounting and Locking of Feet + Tightening of
Refer to Figure 6 in the user manual. Lock the two slides at the same height, then lock the fasteners under the body. Finally, tighten the feet fasteners.
- Installing the Integrated Folding Mat (7086A) on the Standard Legs Beam (3612D):
Refer to Assembly Instructions NM123 for detailed instructions on installing the integrated folding mat on the standard legs beam.
- Height Adjustment and Dimensions of the Apparatus (3610G, 3611B & 3612D):
- Body Height Adjustment:
Refer to Figures 11, 12, and 13 in the user manual. Unlock one slide at a time and change the height in increments of one detent every 5cm. Lock each slide before adjusting the second slide to the same height.
Refer to Figures 14 and 15 in the user manual for side view and top view
dimensions respectively.
This equipment should be installed by a qualified individual. This
equipment should only be used by one person at a time, under the supervision
of a qualified individual.
Using this equipment for purposes other than those originally intended is
Competition Balance Beam ref. 3610G is FIG approved.
- Keep these instructions for subsequent reference (inspection, maintenance, etc.).
- Periodically carry out predictive maintenance.
- Depending on how much it is used have the equipment serviced yearly or every few years.
Pack list:
r ef.| 3610/80
FIG competition Body| 3611/70
+ PVC Caps| 3450/40
Upright + Slide Standard Legs| 345/30
Pair of base feet Standard Legs| 3695
Displacement trolleys| 7086/31
Integrated mat Foams| 7086/42
Integrated mat Cover| Number of pack|
FIG competition
Beam Std Legs
Competition Beam
Std Legs
Compact Beam
| –| 1| 2| 1| 1| 2| 1| 8|
Volume **( M 3 )| 0.24| 0.24| 0.035| 0.02| 0.006|
1.38| 0.16| |
Weight ****( KG )| 52| 52|
13.1| 13.65| 3.15| 25.2| 27.3|
5015 x 220 x 220| 780 x 250 x 180| 1030 x 170 x 110| 710x 100 x 90| 2300x 1500
x 400| 1300x 600 x 200|
s ize (MM)**| 5015 x 220 x 220|
Tools required:
- 1 open end spanner no 18
- 1 open end spanner no 19
- 1 tube spanner no. 18
- 1 tube spanner no. 19
Regular cleaning of the apparatus makes it easier to spot any problems (distortion, breakage or moisture absorption). Before each use, make a through check on good condition and correct operation of wear parts and safety elements:
- Check the condition of pads (10), thumbscrews (6) (tightened) and pawls (5) (locked).
- Check the tightening of all the fixings.
- If a problem is detected or suspected, do not use the equipment as long as it has not been checked by a technician. – Any damaged or distorted component should be replaced as quickly as possible.
Constantly aiming to improve our products, we reserve the right to make changes to the equipment and dimensions without further discussion.
Apparatus assembly (3610G & 3611B) : ( minimum)
Prepare a clean area for assembling the apparatus.
Installing the Integrated Folding Mat (7086A) on the Standard Legs Beam
Refer to Assembly Instructions NM123.
Height adjustment and dimensions of the apparatus (3610G, 3611B & 3612D):
height **Adjustment| inner ****Distance| outside
0.90m| 4.01m| 4.23m
0.95m| 4.05m| 4.26m
1m| 4.09m| 4.30m
1.05m| 4.12m| 4.34m
1.10m| 4.16m| 4.37m
1.15m| 4.20m| 4.41m
height ****Adjustment| inner ****Distance| outside
1.20m| 4.23m| 4.44m
fiG 1.25 M| 4.27 M| 4.48 M**
1.30m| 4.30m| 4.52m
1.35m| 4.34m| 4.55m
1.40m| 4.38m| 4.59m
Store material in a clean, dry place, away from moisture and heat. Do not
store anything heavy, protruding or otherwise on the body. In case of
disassembly of the body, avoid direct contact with the floor.
28| –| –| –| –|
27| –| –| –| –|
26| –| –| –| –|
25| –| –| –| –|
24| –| –| –| –|
23| –| –| –| –|
22| –| –| –| –|
21| –| –| –| –|
20| –| –| –| –|
19| –| –| –| –|
18| –| –| –| –|
17| –| –| –| –|
16| –| –| –| –|
15| –| –| –| –|
14| –| –| –| –|
13| –| –| –| –|
12| –| –| –| –|
11’| 2| Rigid PVC Cap for Std Beam Body| 3610/77| 3611B – 3612D|
11| 2| FIG compet. Body Beam damping cap| –| 3610G|
10| 4| 10x5cm Apparatus pad + Screw| 3800/07| Unit|
9| 16| Zinc Plated d12 x 20 break washer| –| Included in 7 & 7’|
8| 16| Zinc Plated HM12 x 30 Screw| –| Included in 7 & 7’|
7’| 1| Standard Beam Body + PVC Caps| 3611/70| 3611B – 3612D|
7| 1| FIG competition Beam Body| 3610/80| 3610G|
6| 2| M16x35 Soft tightening Thumbscrew| –| 3610G-3611B-3612D|
5| 2| Cylindrical piston rounded locking pawl| 333/115| 3610G-
4| 4| Zinc Plated HM12 Blind Nut| –| 3610G-3611B-3612D|
3| 2| Slide of Standard Leg| –| 3610G-3611B-3612D|
2| 2| Complete Upright of Standard Leg| –| 3610G-3611B-3612D|
1| 2| Base + pads of Standard Leg| –| 3610G-3611B-3612D|
i teM| Q ty| D escriptioN| r efereNce| r eMArKs|
c oMpetitioN & t rAiNiNG B AlANce B eAMs|
s tANDArD l eGs|
To order spare parts, please provide the description, reference and
delivery date of the entire apparatus.
Constantly aiming to improve our products, we reserve the right to make changes to the equipment and
dimensions without further discussion.
This document is the propriety of Gymnova, it is confidential and shall not be reproduced.
60| –| –| –| –|
59| –| –| –| –|
58| –| –| –| –|
57| –| –| –| –|
56| –| –| –| –|
55| –| Integrated mat Beams standard Legs| 7086A| 3612D – NM123|
54| –| Moving wheels Horses, Beams & VT| 3697| Not Supplied –
53| –| Displacement trolleys Horses, Beams & VT| 3695| Not Supplied
– Option|
52| –| 2.50m «flat» Beam widener| 3682| Not Supplied – Option|
51| –| 2.50m «U» Beam widener| 3664A| Not Supplied – Option|
50| –| 2.50m Body Beams padded protection| 3662A| Not Supplied –
49| –| 1m Body Beams padded protection| 3661A| Not Supplied –
48| 1| Removable cover / Beams bodies| 3652| Not Supplied – NM272|
47| –| Damping foam band wide 10cm| –| Length 5m|
46| 1| Double-sided adhesive roll 8.5cm wide| QADH0100AC| 10m Roll|
45| 1| Foam repair kit / Beams bodies| 3610/87| 3610G-3611B-3612D|
44| 1| Set of screws / Beams bodies| 3610/86| 3610G-3611B-3612D|
43| 1| Pair of FIG Body Beam damping caps| 3610/85| 3610G – NM135|
42| 1| Guards for Std beams & VTable legs| 2920D| Not Supplied –
41| 1| Set of 12 10x5cm Apparatus pad + Screw| 3800/12| 3610G-
40| 1| Set of 4 10x5cm Apparatus pad + Screw| 3800/04| 3610G-3611B-
39| –| Set of 12 M16x35 Soft Thumbscrew| 333/102| 3610G-3611B-
38| 1| Pair of M16x35 Soft Thumbscrew| 333/101| 3610G-3611B-3612D|
37| –| Set of 12 Cylindrical locking pawls| 333/116| 3610G-3611B-
36| –| Set of 4 Cylindrical locking pawls| 333/117| 3610G-3611B-
35| 1| Set of screws / Pair of Standard Legs| 3450/55| 3610G-3611B-
34| 1| Pair of Slides of Standard Legs| 3450/21| 3610G-3611B-3612D|
33| 1| Pair of complete Standard Legs| 3450/50| 3610G-3611B-3612D|
32| 2| Upright + Slide Standard Leg| 3450/40| 3610G-3611B-3612D|
31| 1| Pair of bases + pads for Standard Legs| 345/30| 3610G-3611B-
i teM| Q ty| D escriptioN| r efereNce| r eMArKs|
s pAre p Arts & M AiNteNANce K its|
c oMpetitioN & t rAiNiNG B AlANce B eAMs
s tANDArD l eGs
To order spare parts, please provide the description, reference and
delivery date of the entire|
Constantly aiming to improve our products, we reserve the right to make
changes to the equipment and|
dimensions without further discussion.
This document is the propriety of Gymnova, it is confidential and shall not be reproduced.
Pair of FIG Competition Beam soft caps (Ref.: 3610/85)
Training Beam rigid cap (Ref.: 3610/77)
This equipment should be installed by a qualified individual.
This equipment should only be used by one person at a time, under the
supervision of a qualified individual. Using this equipment for purposes other
than those originally intended is prohibited.
These caps are provided to accomodate for Gymnova beams bodies (Refs: 3610 –
3611 – 3612 – 3620 – 3670 – 3672).
As set out in French Standard NF S52-400 the following is recommended:
- keep these instructions for subsequent reference (inspection, maintenance, etc.).
- periodically carry out predictive maintenance.
- depending on how much it is used have the equipment serviced yearly or every few years.
Damaged caps replacement:
- Remove the old cap through the bottom of the boby: soft (1) by hand / rigid (1′) with a big flat screwdriver.
- Engage the new cap by hand : soft (1) / rigid (1′) or (2′), then push it by knocking gently around the cap plane surface with a soft plastic mallet.
Soft cap (1) (supplied without small strip) on all bodies types (with and without central rib).
Constantly aiming to improve our products, we reserve the right to make changes to the equipment and dimensions without further discussion.
Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
Read User Manual Online (PDF format) >>