GUMOTEX SOLAR Tandem Inflatable Kayaks User Manual

June 12, 2024

User‘s manual

SOLAR Tandem Inflatable Kayaks

  • A recreational vessel designed for use on internal waterways with an expected wind strength reaching Grade 4 on the Beaufort Scale inclusive and a determining wave height of up to 0.3 metres inclusive, with occasional waves up to  0.5 metres of height caused e.g. by vessels passing by.
  • The boat has been manufactured in compliance with the EN ISO 6185-1 Standard, Category IIIB.
  • Related standards: EN ISO 10087, EN ISO 10240, EN ISO 14945.

Dear Customer, This manual will help you to easily and safely master your vessel. It contains a detailed description of the vessel, the supplied or built-in equipment, its sets as well as information about its control and maintenance. Please read it carefully, thereby getting to know the boat before actually using it. If this is your fi rst vessel or you have changed the type of vessel and do not know this type well, please get acquainted with its maintenance and control prior to your fi rst individual use of the vessel so that it is safe and comfortable. Your dealer or the National Yacht Federation or club will recommend you appropriate training courses or qualifi ed instructors. Do not pull o until the expected sailing conditions (wind strength and wave height) are appropriate for the construction category of your vessel and you and your crew are able to control it in these conditions. Please store this manual in a safe place and hand it over to the new owner should you sell the vessel.

Table of Specifi cations

(Indicative values)

Length (cm)| 410
Width (cm)| 80
Number of air chambers| 3 + 2/4/6 + 2
Dimensions – packed in carry bag (cm)| 66 x 40 x 25
Dimensions – packed in cardboard (cm)| 70 x 44,5 x 31
Maximum operational pressure| 0,02 MPa [0,2 Bar/3 PSI]
Weight (kg)| 16
Load (kg)| 270
Maximum number of people| 2 + 1 Child
Draught (cm)| 15
The highest anchor above surface (cm)| 28

Technical Description, See Picture 1

  1. Side barrel
  2. Bottom
  3. PUSH/PUSH valve – allows infl ating/defl ating, pressure regulation and measuring the pressure using a pressure gauge
  4. Pressure relief valve
  5. Manufacturer’s label
  6. Yellow “WARNING” label
  7. Infl atable seat
  8. Front footrest
  9. Rear footrest
  10. Board
  11. Safety rope
  12. Handle
  13. Drain hole
  14. Flexible rope with snap hooks
  15. Bracket for fastening the seat and footrest
  16. Bracket for fastening the seat
  17. Bracket for fastening the front footrest
  18. D-ring for fastening the backrest
  19. Backrest straps
  20. Flexible rope for fastening baggage
  21. Tracking fi n bracket
  22. Screw valve for small chambers (seats, footrests, etc.)
  23. Plastic seat buckle

Transportation bag, compression belt for folded kayak, User’s Manual with Warranty Certifi cate, foam sponge in a mesh bag, gluing set containing glue, patches and valve adapter, metal key for valves.

Inflation Instructions

Unfold and spread out the kayak. If you are going to use the tracking fin, plug it into the bottom bracket (21). Prior to as­sembly, inflate both seats and footrests. The method for us­ing the valve (22) is shown in Figure 2.
The SOLAR kayak can be used in its single, double and triple version – Refer to Figure 1.

Single version:
Fasten the inflatable seat (7) in the bottom bracket (16). Thread the seat backrest straps (19) through the D-rings (18) on the side barrels. Thread the strap ends through the plastic seat buckle (23) – Refer to Detail A.
Fasten the rear footrest (9) in the bracket (15). Thread the footrest strap through the plastic buckle in the bottom and tighten it. For correct threading of the strap through the buckle, refer to Detail B.

Double version:
Fasten the front inflatable seat (7) in the bottom bracket (15). Fasten the rear inflatable seat (7) in the bottom bracket (16). Thread the seat backrest straps (19) through the D-rings (18) on the side barrels. Thread the strap ends through the plastic seat buckle (23) – Refer to Detail A.
Fasten the front footrest (8) in the bottom bracket (17) under the front board. Fasten the rear footrest (9) in the bottom bracket (15). Thread the footrest strap through the plastic buckle in the bottom and tighten it.

Triple version:
Fasten the front footrest (7) in the bottom bracket (15). Fas­ten the central and rear seats (7) in the bottom bracket (16). Thread the seat backrest straps (19) through the D-rings (18) on the side barrels. Thread the strap ends through the seat plastic buckle (23) – Refer to Detail A.
Fasten the front footrest (8) under the front board in the bot­tom bracket (17). Thread the footrest strap through the plas­tic buckle in the bottom and tighten it.
The oval-shaped fixture (15) has several positions for fix­ing the foot-rest (9). The positions are numbered and cor­respond to different heights of paddlers. Position No. 1 cor­responds to a body height of (150-160) cm, Position No. 2 corresponds to a body height of (160-170) cm, Position No. 3 corresponds to a body height of (170-180) cm and Position No. 4 corresponds to a body height exceeding 180cm.
Lace the foot-rest’s fastening strap (9) through the holes in the foot-rest fixture (15) on the bottom. Proceed from the chosen position number through all the holes up to the plas­tic buckle on the end of the fixture; lace the end of the fas­tening strap through the buckle and tighten it – see Detail B.

Inflate the air chambers in the following order: sidewall cyl­inders (1) and the bottom (2).
A foot pump or piston pump with a valve adapter is the best way of inflating the craft (the valve adapter is included in the gluing set) – see Picture 2b. Prior to inflating the kayak, check the valves. Tighten the valves with the assembly key – see Fig. 2c. Set the valves to the closed position. For how to use the valves – see Picture 2.
Inflate the air chambers until they are firm but not complete­ly stiff. The air chambers should provide a feeling compa­rable to squeezing a ripe orange. You can check the exact operating pressure by using a suitable pressure gauge (op­tional accessory) – see Figure 2a.

The maximum operational pressure in air chambers is 0.02 MPa. If the ambient temperature increases (e.g. owing to sunlight), the pressure in the air chambers of the boat can rise rapidly. We recommend releasing some air from all air chambers of the boat after pulling it out of the water. This will prevent possible destruction of the air chambers. However, do not forget to continuously check air pressure in the chambers afterwards, too. A corresponding reduction in operating pressure is up to 20 % within 24 hours.

When using the boat, always seal the valves with their valve caps. This will keep dirt out of the valves. Dirt cancause leaky valve seals.

Using the Boat

The SOLAR kayak is designed for recreational use and water tourism.
Whenever the kayak is used on waterways, Waterway Traffi c Rules should be observed. Operation of the SOLAR a infl atable kayak does not require any licence provided the people who operate the kayak know the techniques of small boat operation within the scope necessary for its operation, as well as the valid navigation rules of the particular country. The SOLAR kayak can be used on still or gently fl owing waters up to Diffi culty Grade WW 2. This is only a recommended use, it always depends on the specifi c abilities of the user! Use double-bladed kayak paddles with a length of approx. 210 cm.
People travelling in the kayak should sit in their seats and wear fl otation life-jackets. The manufacturer recommends using the boat in suffi cient water condition (see Control table – draught).

Prior to every use of the boat, check whether it is necessary to observe any special regulations, restrictions or rules connected with the river, surface of water or area in which you aim to operate. The boat is not intended for towing a motor boat, it must not be slipped or otherwise excessively stressed. In case of emergency, use the handle to at bow of the boat to tow. Sharp edged and pointed items carried in the boat must be safely wrapped. Place all valuables into a waterproof container and fasten it to the boat. Over time, sunlight adversely aff ects the rubber coating of the boat; therefore, it is advisable to store the boat in shade each time after use.


  • On large surfaces of water (seas, lakes) pay attention to water currents and off -shore breezes. Currents and breezes may make it impossible to return to shore.
  • The SOLAR kayak should not be used in poor conditions, such as In reduced visibility (night, fog, rain).

Specifi cations of the WW 2 diffculty grade – moderately diffcult:

  • Irregular waves and riffes, medium rapids, small whirls and eddies, low vertical drops, small rapids in watercourse with heavy meandering or poor visibility
  • Regular fl ow and low, regular waves, small rapids, simple obstacles, frequent meanders and fast current of water.

Pay extra attention to your choice of fl otation life-jacket.
The flotation life-jacket should have a tag bearing details of its flotation capabilities and safety certifi cation.

Storage of the Boat – See Picture 3

Open the valves and release the air from all the chambers.
Defl ate the seats and the front foot-rest. Open the valves and release the air from the main chambers.
The kayak can be defl ated more quickly by rolling it in the direction of the valves. No sharp objects should remain in the kayak. When defl ated, lay out the kayak in such manner that the bottom lies on the ground and the sidewall cylinders are folded inwards. Then fold both sidewall cylinders to thirds over the bottom of the kayak and then fold the kayak from the bow towards the valves. Insert the folder kayak into the transportation bag. Expel the air from the bag, roll up the insertion end and fasten it with clips.

Treatment and Storage

The rubber surface coating of the boat is sensitive to oils, gasoline, toluene, acetone, kerosene and similar thinning agents. Prior to storing a dirty boat, wash it down with warm soapy water. Rinse the boat with fresh water after using the boat in seawater. It is recommended to check the state of the infl ation valves and the safety relief valves. If a valve is not airtight, it is possible to unscrew the valve body from the boat with the use of a special valve-key and clean its membrane with a strong jet of water or compressed air. Prior to storage, it is recommended to rub the surface of the boat with an agent intended for the treatment of such surfaces, which has cleaning properties, and which impregnates the material to prevent further dirtying, or which is capable of forming a protective UV-fi lter. Never use agents containing silicon when treating your boat. Store the clean and dry product in a dark dry place at a temperature of (15 – 35) °C, at least 1.5 m from any radiant heat source and out of the reach of rodents. During longterm storage, it is recommended to infl ate the boat for 24 hours from time to time to avoid fatiguing the fold lines. It is also recommended to have the boat serviced by the manufacturer’s authorized service station at least once every two or three years.
Proper care and treatment of the boat will increase its service life.

Guarantee Conditions

The guarantee period is 24 months and is calculated from the date of sale.
The producer provides cost-free repairs or replacement of faulty components for material faults or production faults.
The warranty does not cover damage to air chambers due to higher pressure than the required operational pressure!!!

Boat Repairs

You can easily repair a damaged boat yourselves by means of the accompanying gluing set.


  • mark out the damaged area on the boat and choose an appropriately sized patch;
  • the surfaces of both patch and place to be glued must be clean, dry and without traces of old glue;
  • we recommend degreasing both surfaces with acetone in order to achieve a perfect bond;
  • spread a thin layer of glue on both surfaces to be glued and repeat this step once the first layer has dried;
  • after the second layer has dried, press the patch firmly on the damaged place, weigh down or use a rolling pin on a flat surface.

For minor repairs (punctures), it is possible to re-inflate the boat and continue using it after waiting for approx. 30 min­utes; after more serious repairs, you should wait for 24 hours before using the repaired boat. Complicated repairs should be performed by the manufacturer or at authorized service stations.

Guarantee repairs and post-guarantee repairs are pro­ vided by the manufacturer:
GUMOTEX Coating, s.r.o.
Mlocleinicka 3062/3a
690 02 Bfeclav
Czech Republic

Product Disposal Method

The boat rudder is disposed of at municipal landfi lls or using the best available technology.
Recycle the user´s manual or dispose of it with municipal waste.

Packaging Disposal Method

Cardboard – recycle as the indicated symbol directs. PE
bubble foil – recycle as the indicated symbol directs.

Manufacturer’s Label – legend of symbols used

Each boat is provided with its own Type Parameters Tag which displays the most important technical parameters.
Please follow these values. Above all, do not overload the boat and maintain the recommended maximum pressures in the air chambers.

Explanation of the symbols used:

| maximum operational pressure
| maximum number of people
| maximum load


Boating sports can be very dangerous and physically de­manding. The user of this product must realise that boating sports activities can cause serious injuries or even death. When using this product, follow the safety standards speci­fied below:

  • Learn how to use this type of boat.
  • Undergo certified first-aid training, obtain a first-aid kit and always carry rescue/safety equipment with you.
  • Always use certified flotation life-jackets.
  • Always wear an appropriate helmet if the specific condi­tions require it; wear proper clothes according to the spe­cific weather conditions; cold water and/or cold weather can cause hypothermia.
  • Prior to every use, check your equipment to make sure it is not damaged.
  • Never use the boat on water alone.
  • Never use the boat on rivers with apparently high water
  • Pay attention to inspecting the water level, dangerous currents and weather changes; when on the sea, pay at­tention to changes in the incoming/outgoing tide.
  • Inspect all unknown sections of rivers on which you want to use the boat; carry the boat over all places where it is
  • Do not overestimate your abilities when on the water; be
  • Prior to setting off on the water, consult your state of health with your doctor.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations concerning the use of this product.
  • Prior to using this product, never drink any alcohol or use any drugs.
  • If other boat accessories are available, use only the mate­rials approved by the manufacturer.
  • Prior to using this product, read the User’s Manual.

The user of this product must master basic boating skills and be aware of the risks related to this kind of sport.

Illustration Spread

GUMOTEX Coating, s.r.o
tel.: +420 519 314 111


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