MDSwin Driver and Software User Guide

June 12, 2024

MDSwin Driver and Software

MDSwin LOGO Driver and Software
User Guide

Driver and Software installation

Insert the USB-Flashcard into the USB drive
The explorer opens automaticlly or explore and open the FlashUSB drive and start with click onPlease check your Hardware (version of Windows and 32 or 64 bit).
Please check the Administration rights
The installation guide loaded from USB Flash. Select language.
Start with the preinstallation for HDO driver.
If Bluetooth Driver for recommended BT1000 USB-stick is available, start the preinstallation Connect your HDO with your PC and check if your device could be detected.
Now start the MDSWIN Installation for Windows 10
Content of USB FlashcardHDO Driver
BT Driver
MDSWIN installation
Teamviewer Remote

Start installation

Having completed the preinstallation successfully
— 1. Driver for HDO — 2. Driver for Bluetooth ( If HDO is Bluetooth required ) –3. MDSWIN analyse Software
MDSwin 3010TAB for Tablets, Notebooks and monitors with low resolution. Or 3010 for standard PC
Accept the installation “I agree”.
Accept the Data Directory C:\ VET_HDO-3010 with “Next”.
Complete the installation with “Exit”.
If the hardware is the first time your system has been connected, Windows will indicate “new hardware has been found”. (no info from WIN 10)
Click on accept ! Follow the windows automatic installation
1. Connect the HDO device to your computer, using the USB cable which is provided.
If Bluetooth is provided. The first connection has to be done with HDO and USB ! later you search for Bluetooth. see page 5
VETHDO 5.0xx ICON. appears at the desktop. Click on VET HDO icon.
MDSWIN Software analyse starts and asking for the data directory Create your data directory on C: drive For Server select your server drive. Server needs read and write rights!
Bluetooth installation go to page 24-26.

MDSwin-Software first start

MDSwin Driver and Software - MDSwin Software

  • Start the VET HDO Analyse Software: click on Icon from your desktop
  • Define your own maindirectory C:\HDO-MDS-DATA ( only first time ):
  • Computer administration rights are required for the installation
  • With the Menu “Settings“ you can choose
  • Standard directory: C:\HDO-DATA
  • Networkinstallation
  • Changing data directory
  • Data directory
  • Network
  • COM= connection to HDO with USB or Bluetooth or BT1000 adapter
  • Language= selection of Language
  • Data Directory= selection of memory location
  • SVR – activation of SVR Analysis (ask your provider for the Key)
  • Dview- activation (ask your provider for the Key)
  • here is saved all files about costumers, patients and other data
  • If you want to install the software in the network you have to change the maindirectory.
  • Review Computer Network Operation
  • The Main directory has to be assignet to your local C:/ or your network drive
  • Network: All Workstations require the installation of the VET HDO Device Drivers and MDSwin Software. Selecct main directory for each PC

The MDSoftware consists of two components. Owner and Patient administration and the visual part of the measurement. MDSwin Driver and Software -
Navigation 1PET Owner records File list
Patient records, in relation to owner
Patient records, in relation to animal
Event ( routine ) relationed to a patient
Remarks related to Owner and or Patient
Navigation to Management List A1 or A2
Navigation to visual graphic window click on HDO Monitor
Printout of measurements
Import of measurements from HDO
Exit: close the Software
File: Import, Export, CSV-File for Excel
Average marked blue MDSwin Driver and Software - Navigation
2Visual part of the measurements
Display of USB / BT connection status
Display of HDO button for Parametersettings and Start
Display of linearity
Display of Live measurements
Display of analyzed values
Display of device presetting Parameters
Display if status : not approved – approved – failt – error
Display of graphical visual assessment
Display Cview
Systole, Dialstole, mittlerer arterieller Druck, Puls, SVR
SET SVR and SET SVRmax and Cursorposition
123mmHg position 12,66sec ( light blue analyse line)
+ – or small or large illustration
In MDS Management your measurements are listet by creating date A1 or Approved quality A2 sorted by status of judgement MDSwin Driver and Software -
Navigation 3Management List A2
selection of not checked- ok- fail- error
the List is sortet by selection
Navigation of Listform not Approved = still to be checked
OK = measurement is good
Fail = measurement is bad
Error = system sorts on its own
Measurement you can judge the measurement left mouse click on measurement. right mouse click for Approval > remarks> delete average of all OK measurements click on headline OK MDSwin Driver and Software - Navigation
4Management List A1
selection by date and course
Navigation of Listform
Column Group shows status of judgement
Average display of marked measurements
selection is marked blue
In MDS Monitor the visualized part of measurements MDSwin Driver and
Software - MonitorJudgment of Measurement enlarge, zoom out and reset examination of linearity go to next measurement changes to the rating list enlarge zoom full grafic Position of crosshair light blue Amplitude size in % Judgment OK-> Fail ->.Backspace

time stamp

Set SVR Judgment — Set SVR Maximum
SVR shows crosshair position for exsample Cursor 40% MDSwin Driver and
Software - Monitor 2Judgments Parameter and grapPmax inflation 225mHg millimeter in sec.
Pulsadapted deflation
Pmin deflation to 25 mmHg
Puls detection ok Rhythm ok

Skala: maximal workload of the amplitudes and pulswaves
Presystolic-offset. mind. 4 amplitude
Bell shaped ok

10 – 100 %

Navigation Monitor Constant measurement 5.0

In MDS Monitor the visualized part of constant measurement MDSwin Driver and
Software - Monitor Constant Judgment of Measurement COenlarge, zoom out and reset examination of rhythem go to next measurement enlarge zoom full grafic
Position of crosshair light blue
Amplitude size in µmHg.
Judgment OK-> Fail - >.Backspace Maximum
shows crosshair position for exsample Cursor max amplitude Constant with 150mmHg, for 10 sec. 868 µmHg Amplitudesize. MDSwin Driver and Software -
Monitor Constant 4

  1. Select cufftype CO
  2. Select P mmHg
  3. Select Time sec
  4. select constant loop

Loop t = 60 sec
Loop 4 = 4 a‘10 sec
when Time 10 sec total 40 sec loop plus deflate and inflate are round about 60 sec.
Judgments Parameter CO
Judgments Parameter
P mmHg offset 100 mmHg
Higher as systolic pressure
Time offset 10 sec
Judgments Parameter
Puls detection ok Rhythm ok
50 mmHg – 225
10 sec – 120 sec
0.1 µmHg – 5000
in mmHg
0.1 mmHg – 5.0 Navigation Monitor PS amplitude pressure 5.0

In MDS Monitor the visualized part of amplitude pressure measurementsMDSwin Driver and Software - Monitor Constant

Judgment of Measurement PS
enlarge, zoom out and reset examination of linearity go to next measurement enlarge zoom full grafic Position of crosshair light blue
Amplitude size in % or µmHg
Judgment OK-> Fail ->.Backspace Maximum
SVR shows crosshair position for
exsample Cursor max. 105 mmHg
40% or 457 mmHg Dview
View % / µmHg Dview is on /off MDSwin Driver and Software - Monitor PS
2Judgments Parameter PS
Pmax inflation 175mHg
Pmin 25 mmHg
PS-Steps deflation 10 mmHg
PS-Time hold 10 sec
175 -275 mmHg
25 -75 mmHg
10-25 mmHg
10-20 sec. Skala: maximal workload of the
amplitudes and pulswaves
Bell shaped ok

10 – 100 %

Software Presetting

Start the Software with the Desktop ICON goto Settings
Select the desired connection to the computer see more page 26-27-28 Language selection
Goto Settings and select language.
Change main directory:
Goto Settings and select Main directory for Datadirectory Activate Timestamp ( Eventmarker ) Activate SVR Analyse
Goto Settings and select SVR
Ask your Provider for activating code
You have to activate only one time SVR
When all settings are placed restart the Software

MDS Management Screen

MDSwin Driver and Software - MDS Management

Exit close the Software
HDO-Monitor Visual measurement go to HDO
Display the owner data
Select button Owner- function for selecting, creating and changing.
Info Informationen about owner
Display the animal data
Select button animal- function for selecting, creating and changing.
Info Informationen about animal
Display event ( routine ) for selected animal
Select button new modify Delete for selecting, creating and changing event
Average of marked blue
File Import, export, copy, move, print measurement data.
Print Button
Import Measurements from SD Card within HDO Device Change in list form A1 A2
Display of patient number and name of the patient selected
Select button Patient- function for selecting, creating, changing and deleting patient records.
Info Informationen about patient
Pick event: function for selecting, creating, changing and deleting event records
Display of measurements of the selected patient.
Average of marked measurements selection is marked blue

PWA Overview

MDSwin Driver and Software - PWA Overview HDO Monitor screen AnalyseMDSwin Driver and Software - screen Analyse
1 Change in Monitor / Management
Next measurement
Change to the corresponding evaluation list A1 A2
not approved >> OK >>Fail >>Error
Display status USB / BT > Sleep > not connected
Display „mmHg“ Point of measurement
Loop displays time for next autom start
HDO opens Parameter window
start for measurement
stops measuremenMDSwin Driver and Software - screen Analyse
3recognized pulses
enlarge/ zoom out /In
crosshair position on
presystolic waveMDSwin Driver and Software - screen Analyse
4Display Result Assess series of measurement Dview activation ( ask for activating code )
SET SVR: saves the Measuring position of the crosshair horizontal of pre- systolic peakMDSwin Driver and Software - Monitor PS 3Display settings Parameters of HDO unit after a single measurement is done.
Slider for view grafic

Software control / set SVR

Option for navigation in Monitoranalyse
Move graphics > horizontally and vertically
Scale graphics > scale up and down / horizontally and vertically shows grafic of the next measurement from the list switch between Monitor and management window Display HDO-MD USB or BT Status > connected > connected but sleepmodus

not connected Switch to the respective evaluated measurement series Grafic zoom The pointer position is at the coordinate cross light blue > Position in mmHg / time from the measurement beginning / Amplituden size in Dview % in Amplituden Size µmHg click on Set SVR button > Saves the horizontal position which was defined by the crosshair position the top of presystolic wave
click on Set Max button > Saves the horizontal position which was defined by the red SVR max line position the top of mean arterial pressure wave define by 100%. See page 10 screen analyse Dview off shows a standard Pulswave analyse
Dview On shows the real amplitude size in mmHg ( ask your support for aktivating code ) Assess measurement:
Measurement accepted as well > Measurement not accepted as good > Withdraw assessment opens the parameter window starts a measurement abort measurement Button for importe VET HDO Offline measurements Printer icon – to start printing Year 12 month 12 day 03 hour 14 minute 46 sec 43 total reding in 1 min. 0

Start up Hardware for measurement

Hardware MDSwin Driver and Software - Hardware 2Powersupply Connect HDO with 5 V PWR USB_C
6 V Older version PIN connectoWith 5V USB_C please check
ON / OFF light green
Optional for power support 4 x AAA 1.5v Battery
Powerbank min. 2600 mAh
Can be charged with HDO PWR attach the cuff at the HDOl
USB 2.0 PC > to mini USB HDO connection is made to the PC or Bluetooth with recommanded BT1000 Software Start Software with desktop Icon click on button if loost the BT connection
Check status of the connection Select Owner
Select animal
Check Event
Routine is the standard Press START button one time, you wake up the HDO.
Select cuff with arrow up or down
Press ENTER to confirm the cuff
C1 cat and small dogs
D1 small dogs > 25 kg
D2 large dogs
H1 for HDO Equine only
H2 for HDO Equine only Check Parameter
Check if cuff is confirm before by HDO
Start Measurement or alternative Press START on HDO
Double check : !
Make sure that cuff is on HDO
selected and confirmed with ENTER

Start up with Parameter window MDSwin Driver and Software - Parameter
windowAktiv Sleep not connected
Start measurement
Stop an activ reading
Calling the Parameter window
Loop starts in 2minutes and 22sec. until the next measurement intervalMDSwin
Driver and Software - Parameter window 2Select cuff type C1 for Cat – D1 for small dog – D2 large dog front limb or CO for Constant or PS for Amplitude pressure measurement
For a standard measurement
Selection to inflate 225 mmHg
Selection to drain 25mmHg
175 / 300
15 / 45
Set Time (t ) 3 minutes next measurement in 3 minutes
Set Loop (n) for interval 1 or two measurements after 3 min.
To cancel the Loop, after stop, please reset Loop
t / 0
Tick Auto for first measurement and start with Co measurement HDO falls after 3.5 minutes in sleepmode
Delete the measurements on the SD card
Status battery
Start measurement
automatic redognize of Frequency Puls and Pulssize.
NEW: in HDO 5.0 Tick on Auto and start the first measurement as a Constant measurement. HDO recognize Puls frequency and size of Amplitudes automaticly!
After finishing the first CO measurement HDO switch to a standard Cuffselection for the first measurement. No Gain no Deflationrate had to be set by hand.

Start up with selection or creation of an owner record
Select, create or change an Owner record in the MDS Management window. You can select an Owner, when it has been stored before in the MDSoftware. The owner can be assigned to several animalsMDSwin Driver and Software - Parameter
window 0

 Button Select Opens the list of owner
Sorted by list click on No. or name or each other field
Search for input field with first letter
Create new Click on “New” to open the customer data entry form
Modify Click  on “modify” to open the customer data entry form where you can

change any field
TIP| Use the customer ID numbers from your hospital management program.
Select and accept| Select the customer from the customer list: the selection is marked blue. Press „Select“ to accept. In combination with “select animal or create new” allows you to select the animals associated with the owner or you can add new animals related to the owner.
Abort Select created Info| Means that no changes are made. The previously selected customer remains selected in the software
Entries are stored. The window closes and you return to the customer list. This is where you select the required owner
At the field INFO you can save Informations about the owner
Abort| The entries are not stored. No new owner record was created.

Start up with selection or creation of an animal record

Select, create, change or delete an animal record in the MDS Management window. MDSwin Driver and Software - animal record

 Button Select Opens the list of animal
Sorted by list click on No. or name or each other field
Search for input field with first letter
Create new Click on “New” to open the animal data entry form
Modify Click  on “modify” to open the animal data entry form where you can

change any field.
Owner selection: You assign an owner to an patient (animal)
TIP| Use the animal ID numbers from your hospital management program.
Species / breed| Opens an entry form for species (e.g. dog) and breed data (e.g. collie). You can enter several breeds  under one species.
Select the animal from the animal list: the selection is marked blue. Press „Select“ to accept.
Select and accept| Means that no changes are made. The previously selected customer remains selected in the software
Abort| Entries are stored. The window closes and you return to the customer list. This is where you select the required owner
Select created| At the field INFO you can save Informations about the owner
Info Abort| The entries are not stored. No new owner record was created.

Administration of animal species and breed

The creation of a species and its related breed. This is only required if the species or the breed does not exist yet as a recordMDSwin Driver and
Software - animal specie

Species Breeds
Enter or create new Opens the list of new breeds/ species
species The species / breed administration panel opens. You can enter a new

species or change the name according to the button selected.
Create new| Click on “New” to open the Species entry form.
Modify species| Click on and select the correct species selection is marked blue, press “modify” and assign the name and press “OK”
Enter new species| Click on „exit“. The species is stored and ready to be selected.
Enter or create new for breeds| Select species selection is marked blue You see all breeds created and assigned to the species. Click on “new“ in the breed window to assign a new breed.
Modify breeds| Click on and select the correct breeds selection is marked blue, press “modify” and assign the name and press “OK”
Enter new breeds| The newly created breed is now found in the breed list and can be selected in the drop-down field and be assigned to the animal.
Exit| Click on „exit“ the window closes

Creating a measurement series EVENT

The Event (measurement series) allows for a specific evaluation and documentation of situations. e.g. It may be of interest to do routine measurements and or monitoring of anesthesia and to be able to assess case histories on the basis of readings.MDSwin Driver and Software - series

Create new
Attention| You can create or modify Events or continue adding measurement data to an existing serie
Click on Pulldown e.g. “Routine“ and select the Event.
Click on „new“ A new window opens where you can assign a new event name. Enter with “OK”.
Click on „modify“ A new window opens where you can assign a new name to an existing event. Enter with “OK”.
The existing readings will remain with the new event name.
When deleting the Event, all measurements in that series are deleted.
Click on “YES” to confirm deletion. Use “NO“ to cancel the deletion.
In case, your data will be permanently lost !

Print measurement graphics or list

There are two modes of printing. One is simple text printing of measurement data listing, the other is a print of mesurement graphic/s . Data from an Event or series of individual measurements can be selectedselection is marked blue and printed.MDSwin Driver and Software - graphics

Selection of the measurement/s
Undo the selection
File / Print
Graph / Print
printer selection
printout preview
Print| Selection of the measurements to be printed from the list of measurements. The selection is marked blue Use the mouse button to mark the measurements you want to print. Keep the or the depressed to mark the data and click on the required measurements. The measurement marked last is rendered graphically.
Click once more on the measurement the selection will be removed.
After marking the measurements click on file >> print. Then you can release the function key.
Select the kind of printing, either list listing or selection graphics
The printer selection window opens where you can choose your printer for printing the measurements.
The printout preview of the page is generated.
Click on the printer icon of the print preview to start printing.
Use a virtual PDF Printer system for printing PDFs (for saving files to management software).
We recommend „PrimoPDF“ or Cut Writer“ Software (Shareware).

File and Data export

Data export is provided for medical support / telemedicine. You can select an Event and export all selected measurements.MDSwin Driver and Software - Data

Selection of the measurement/s
Undo the selection
File / Export
Select Directory
Confirm selected
Directory| Selection of the measurements to be exported from the list of measurements. the selection is marked blue Use the mouse button to mark the measurements you want to export. Keep the or the depressed to mark the data and click on the required measurements.
Click once more on the measurement the selection will be removed
After marking the measurements click on file >> export. Then you can release the function key.
The target window opens for the export destination.
Select the required folder and confirm with OK. The selection is marked blue

Data import from HDO MD Offline use MDSwin Driver and Software - ICON

Enter or select owner > animal > event
Enter or create new
Transfer window
View and select
Tip| if none exists (owner and animal must exist or must be created before event!).
HDO to PC with the USB-cable or activate the BT with start the HDO unit.
The related owner >> animal >> Event, or create a new one.
The import symbol appears and “import from SD card” is an active option in the pull-down file menu. Select either option to begin import.
Import measurements
„Total“ shows how many of measurements are stored in the HDO MD Device.
Click on the „Import” button to import the selected measurements into the selected
Owner >> animal >> Event. On completion, the window closes automatically. The import does not delete the measurements from the HDO device. Refer to the HDO device manual for how to delete from the HDO device.
A maximum of 60 measurements are stored (without a timestamp) in the HDO MD device !

Computer network operation

The software allows you central data administration and to use several computers in different locations for measurement operations. You must have to set up a network for this purpose.MDSwin Driver and Software - Computer
networkNetwork computer having access to released network resource (read-write rights)
Up-to-date software condition Framework 2.0Installation of HDO MD drivers at all Workstations
Access to released network resource
Access to MDSoftware-exe on the file server
Server, NAS
network computer with released network resource
Prerequisite: Released main directory (Root) of the MDSoftware.exe
Network computer having access to released network resource (read-write rights)
Up-to-date software condition Framework 2.0
Installation of HDO MD drivers at all Workstations
Access to released network resource
Access to MDSoftware-exe on the file server

Errorcodes E2 E3 E4 E6 – E19

MDSwin Driver and Software - Errorcodes 1| MDSwin
Driver and Software - Errorcodes 21|
Error 2 Too many artefacts| Error 3 Amplitude too small > check cuff:| Error 10-19
calm the animal
observe sourroundings
position cuff at tail
E1 Abbort by the user
E2  Too many artefacts
E3 Amplitude of the signal is too week| too tight
too slack
raise GAIN
E4 Deflation rate is too slow
E5 No cuff attached
E6 Cuff is too loose or wrong cuff or cuff is leaking| Check USB Cabel
Check Bluetoothadapter
Check Batterypower
E7 Error in analysis
E8 Abbort by the device
E9 SD card error
E10 File read error

HDO USB – connections
With a PC connection,you can control and regulate the HDO from the PC such as start/stop funtion or changes parameters. For the communication options we need a driver installation which is discribed below. For typs of connections, please do not use the same USB port.
The VET HDO/MDSWIN installation card appropriate the drivers for USB and BT1000: They are pre-installed at first! Administration rights are required!MDSwin Driver and Software - HDO USB

Selection A: USB| Selection B: PC-Bluetooth| Selection C: BT1000-adapter Silicon Labs
If you are using USB: please disconnect the BT1000 adapter and restart the software.| If you are using BT please disconnect the USB cable and restart the software.| If you are using BT1000 please disconnect the USB cable and restart the software.

It must necessarily be connected to the USB cable to complete the hardware installation (device discovery)! MDSWIN before the start!
The installation routine asks you at a time, when the active hardware to connect to the USB.
HDO MD – Device driver expected
For foreign manufacturers is the driver to install vendorspecific and can be done before / after the installation MDSWIN Software.
There are pre-install the drivers.
Starting MDSWIN and perform settings on the BT-allocation as follows.

HDO – PC Bluetooth connections
When selecting your connection with a built-in PC-BT and or standard external BT adapter should be prerequisite knowledge of the system. It is not possible for us to document all known and unknown BT adapter and system settings in our manual. Ask them to your system administrator.
firstinstallation: its needed that the HDO is connected with the USB cabel at firstMDSwin Driver and Software - Bluetooth
connections Selection B: PC-Bluetooth
New installation:
Install Drivers
Connect HDo the first time with USB cable
General Procedure for BT external systems
Prerequisite: you have already installed a software for Bluetooth connections. The HDO has been successfully connected to the USB cable and once detected the hardware in the system.
Alternatively, use commercially available external BT adapter and software.

  1. Starting the BT software
    1.1 The HDO BT device must be switched on

  2. Search Bluetooth connections

  3. HDO xxxx (serial number) are found, add devices

  4. Right mouse click: display the COM port

After a successful BT involvement in your system
GOTO Settings
COM Einstellungen/Settings > COM > Bluetooth > COM
Accept: the system-detected COM xx
HDO – BT1000-Bluetooth- connections
(MDSWIN installation USBflash included in delivery) during the initial installation will be actively connected to the USB on the computer to recognize the new hardware must be after the pre-installation of the hardware drivers. You will be prompted in the installation routine.
The VET HDO/MDSWIN installation card appropriate the drivers for USB and BT1000: They are pre-installed at first ! Administration rights are required!

| | MDSwin Driver and Software - connections 3
HDO must be on| BT1000 adapter for PC| Selection C: BT1000-adapter Silicon Labs
Reconnect after power off| Loosing BT connection when
1. Low Battery
2. Problem with USBport PC side
3. Connect and disconnect when Software is running. Click on button HDO-5587| Approach with BT 1000
Prerequisite: successful installation routine is to have completed.
Administration rights are required.
The HDO has been successfully connected to the USB cable and once detected the hardware in the PC system!
Connect the BT 1000 into a USB port.
GOTO Settings >COM BT1000 >Search
The HDO must be turned on!
After a successful search
(HDO display with serial number) and show ready.
Confirm the detection with Connect.
Click on button Close to close the search window.
It will give them the e.g. HDO-2363 for selection mark it blue 2363
Click in a blank area to the selection window to close.

MDS Manual 5.0 V42 10/20 UK

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