vast BROADBAND Mobility for iOS App User Guide

June 12, 2024

vast BROADBAND Mobility for iOS App

Product Information

Mobility for iOS is a mobile application developed by VASTbroadband that allows users to access various features and functions on their iOS devices. This user guide provides instructions on how to use the app effectively.

The app offers the following features:

  • Messages and Chat
  • Calls and Dialing
  • Preferences and Settings Menu
  • Do Not Disturb
  • Call Forwarding
  • Calling
  • Use VoIP
  • Anywhere
  • Additional Application Information

Product Usage Instructions


To install the Mobility iPhone (iOS) client, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Apple’s App Store on your iOS device.
  2. Search for “Vast Mobility” and select the app.
  3. Download and install the latest version of the Mobility client.

Device Setting Options for Mobility

To manage Mobility access and notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Go to iPhone Settings > [Provider] Mobility.
  2. Grant access to Contacts, Microphone, Camera, Notifications, and Cellular Data for Mobility.
  3. Enable all notification options: Allow Notifications, Show in Notification Center, Sounds, Badge App Icon, Show on Lock Screen.
  4. Set the Alert style when unlocked to Alerts.

Sign In

When launching the Mobility app for the first time, follow these steps to sign in:

  1. Accept the user agreement if prompted.
  2. Enter the device configuration address (Uniform Resource Identifier [URI]) provided by your service provider, if requested.

For further information and detailed instructions on using the app’s features, refer to the complete user guide.

Getting Started


  • The Mobility iPhone (iOS) client can be downloaded and installed directly the Apple’s App Store.
  • Search for: Vast Mobility
  • The latest version is always made available for download.

For Upgrade/Update Installation

  1. Tap Sign Out within the Mobility application.
  2. Select No when asked to continue receiving business calls while signed out.
  3. Download and install the new Mobility client from the App Store.

Device Setting Options for Mobility

From iPhone Settings → [Provider] Mobility, the user can manage Mobility access to:

  • Contacts
  • Microphone
  • Camera
  • Notifications
  • Cellular Data

It is recommended that Mobility be granted access to all resources listed above.

In addition, the user can configure the type of notifications they want to get with Mobility:

  • Allow Notifications
  • Show in Notification Center
  • Sounds
  • Badge App Icon
  • Show on Lock Screen

It is recommended for all items listed above to be set to Enabled. In addition, it is recommended to set the optional Alert style when unlocked to Alerts.

Sign In

When you first launch the application, you are prompted to accept the user agreement and sign in.

  1. If requested, enter the device configuration address (Uniform Resource Identifier [URI]) provided byyour service provider.
  2. Enter your BroadWorks user name (e.g.; 8005551212@<>) and password credentials.
  3. Tap Sign In.

Note: Once you are signed in, the application does not ask again for the username and password until youpress the Sign Out option. Until then, the login credentials are preserved even if the application isterminated or the device is restarted.

A pop-up dialog about emergency calls and an option to update your emergency location may display. In this instance basic sign-in offers three options on the emergency call pop-up:

  • Update location – Opens a web browser where you can set the location. When the location is set,you can return to the client to sign in.
  • Ok – Sign-in completes and you can now use the client.
  • Cancel – Sign-in is canceled and you are returned in the Sign In screen.

With advanced sign-in, there are two options:

  • Update location – Opens a web browser where you can set the location. When the location is set,you must return to the client manually. If the location is updated successfully, sign-in completes andcan now use the client.
  • Cancel – Sign-in is canceled and you are returned to the Sign In screen.

Mobility Feature Overview

Mobility is a messaging-centered client available for mobile platforms. All messaging communication is achieved through push notifications over HTTP-based RESTful interfaces.
Mobility integrates closely with BroadWorks service delivery platforms. More specifically, client capabilities are enabled through services assigned to the user’s BroadWorks profile.

The following is a brief overview of key features available to end users:

  • Messaging and Presence
    • One-to-one messaging
    • Group messaging
    • View members with presence on demand
  • Calling
    • High definition VoIP audio and video calling using any available network connection, including WiFi,3G/4G/LTE, or audio calls over the Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN)
  • Manage Groups and Favorites
    • Create groups, add members, and add favorites
    • Manage Group members and Favorites through Profile views
  • Enterprise/Local Directory Search
    • Access enterprise (BroadWorks) directory
    • Access local phone directory (device phone book – where allowed)
  • Call History
    • View BroadWorks Call History for all call activity linked to a user’s business line
  • Call Settings
    • Call Forward Always
    • Do Not Disturb
  • Visual Voice Mail
    • View, listen, and manage audio messages in voice mail inbox

Mobility color, text, logo, and feature placements are configurable by your provider to display best on all mobile device types.
This guide provides an overview of the Mobility features and helpful information about usage.

Messages and Chat

When you log into Mobility for the first time, the Messages section displays. This is your main view when opening the Mobility App. Any chats in your Mobility history are shown with the most recent at the top. The Messages view offers access to several features to assist you:


  • Use the search field above the list to find contacts in your directory or on your smartphone (if access to Contacts was enabled and the contact information is compatible).

  • Tap the Menu icon to access to Mobility feature preferences and settings.

  • Tap the + Add icon to start a new chat.

  • Tap on a contact in the Messages list to open a previous chat.

  • When the chat opens, the name of the recipient is on the top bar with their availability icon flag. The recipient and sender messages are presented in alternating background colors.

  • A smiley/emoticon can be added to a message by typing the corresponding character code or by selecting a smiley icon from the list provided. The emoticon is displayed with its character code in the input text area and graphically in the chat area and when displayed to theremote party.

  • The text input field in Chat uses autocorrect, auto-cap, and spell check based on system settings. Use the system settings to enable or disable
    these features.

  • When Clear History is initiated, the chat history is removed from the view, but the chat view remains open in case you want to continue chatting. If you navigate back to the chat list, then this specific chat entry is removed from the list because there is no chat history associated with it.

View a Chat

  • Your chat conversations with contacts are available within the Messages view. Unread chat messages are displayed in Red text.
  • Tap on a chat within the list to view any new messages or undeleted history, and send messages.

Add a Chat

  1. Tap on the + Add icon (top right) while in the Messages view to start a new chat.
  2. Type the name of a contact in the To: field at the top
  3. Type your chat message in the field called Type your message near the bottom.
  4. Tap Send when finished.

Call from a Chat

Tap on a chat contact in the Messages view to open a Chat Conversation View.

  • Tap the Phone icon (top right) to start a call to that contact.
  • Tap the More … icon (top right) to view more communications options, including Video Call and Call Room.

Group Chat

Start a group chat using one of the following 3 methods:

  • In a single chat session, tap the Add Participant + icon to escalate from a single to a group chat.
  • From Groups: tap on the Menu icon, Tap Groups, select the desired group to view the Send Message option.
  • In the Messages Chat History list, tap on a previous group communication entry to start a group chat.

When you initiate a group chat, the Chat screen opens. More people can be added later to the chat using the add participant icon. Anyone in the group chat can add participants. However, removing participants is currently not supported.

  • A group chat works the same way as a one-on-one chat. All messages from anyone are sent to everyone else. All contacts need to be online to be able to participate in a group chat. You cannot invite an offline contact.
  • A group Chat History is saved and is available to view later in the Chat tab.
  • You can leave a group chat by selecting the Leave Chat option. The chat is marked as “offline” and you will no longer receive messages from the chat. When tapping on the “offline” chat, you re-join the room and start receiving messages. However, you will not receive the messages that were sent in the chat while you were outside of the room.
  • The Clear History menu item works the same way as the corresponding option in a one-on-one chat and removes the local history
  • The View Participants button opens a dialog that shows the list of participants in the group chat.


For each contact you have subscribed to or see in your directory or in the Messages area, you can view their current availability as a colored border around their icon or avatar, and in text along with the border in Chats and the Contact’s Profile. Similarly, your contacts can see your availability when viewing their Contacts. Availability or presence means that others can see whether you are available or busy. See: Availability/Presence Setting

  • Green = Available
  • Red = Busy, in a call, in a meeting or DND has been enabled.
  • Yellow = Mobility is open but the contact is Away
  • Gray = No presence information available.

Note: The ‘meeting’ availability update is only triggered by appointments and meetings that are either accepted by the user or made by them. All-day meetings do not trigger an availability change to Busy–In Meetings.

Calls and Dialing

Calling contacts via Mobility is very easy. You may use the Dialpad, or call from a Contact Profile, or from the Chat history view. Options to use Video, Voice, and to access alternate call options are offered where available.


Menu > Dialpad

This view offers simple dialing features. There are two default calling buttons below the dial pad:


  • Video Call
  • Voice Call

Make Audio or Video Calls

Make an audio or video call using one of the following methods:

  • Choose a contact from contact list and tap on the headset icon (Call) for an audio call or the video icon for a video call.
  • From search results, open a contact’s profile card and tap on the headset icon for an audio call or the video icon to perform a video call.
  • Open the dial pad, enter a phone number, and tap the call type icon you prefer.
  • On the Call History list, tap a call entry and tap Call using the method you prefer.
  • On the Chat screen, tap call and tap the headset icon for an audio call or the video icon for a video call.

Answer a Call

  • An incoming call is indicated by ringtone and two options on the incoming call screen: Answer and Decline.
  • The incoming call ring volume when the application is in background is controlled by the Ringer volume when the phone is unlocked. The volume of the incoming call ring when the application is in foreground is controlled only during active alerting of an incoming call.
  • If the device is in silent mode, the Mobility notification is accompanied by multiple vibrations. Vibrations are played until the call is answered locally, answered on another location, or redirected to voicemail or another number, or after a predefined timeout.
  • If you decline the call, it causes the line to sound busy at the caller’s end and they know that you rejected the call.
  • If you are in the middle of a VoIP call and receive an incoming cellular call, the VoIP call iS put on hold right away before answering/declining it.
  • If the iOS device (iPhone or iPad) is locked and there is an incoming VoIP call, a notification is displayed to you on the locked screen, accompanied with an alerting sound and vibration (where enabled in notifications).

Missed Calls

  • Missed calls trigger red badges on the App icon and within the app on the Menu icon and next to Call History.
  • Once Call History is reviewed, the notification badge no longer displays in Mobility.

Message Waiting Indicator and Voicemail Access

If you have pending voicemail (VM) messages, a red badge displays on the App icon on the phone’s screen, on the Menu icon within the application, and next to the Voicemail menu option in the application for 1 or more missed messages. Voicemail management tools are accessible in Voicemail within the Side Navigation Menu and via long press on the 1 key in the Dialpad. Once all messages are reviewed/deleted, the notification badge no longer displays in Mobility.

Use Mobility to Call an iOS Contact

Mobility calls can also be initiated directly from the contact profile of an address book entry in your iOS contact list. Long press on the Call or Video icon within an iOS contact profile to open a list of contact initiation options, which includes Mobility. If the last call to a contact has been handled by Mobility, the call button in the profile changes to “[Provider] Mobility” and becomes one of the default calling methods for that contact until changed.

In Call Actions

You can perform the following actions from the In Call screen:

  • Mute/unmute the microphone
  • Place the call On Hold
  • Enable / Disable Speaker*
  • Open the Dialpad
  • Add video calling and/or return to Audio only
  • Make a New Call
  • End the call
  • Transfer a call to a contact
  • Start a conference call
  • Transfer the call to Mobile
  • Add more participants (in conference call only)
  • Merge two separate calls
  • Swap two separate calls
  • View participants (on a conference call)

During a video call, the audio output is automatically switched to speaker- only mode.

Call Waiting

Mobility allows one (1) active call at a time. If you receive a new incoming call and accept it, the existing call is put on hold. You can change between these two calls by using the Hold and Unhold buttons.

New Call and Conferencing

Tap New Call to dial a number while in an ongoing call. The first call is placed on hold once the new call is established. The display shows both calls in a list with one call as ‘active’. During the calls, you may swap between the two calls using the Hold button or merge both calls into a Conference as a 3-Way call. Tap on the desired call in the list to select and choose from available action options or disconnect.

Preferences and Settings Menu

Tap on the Menu icon (top left) or Swipe left while in the main Messages view to open and review additional menu options. This area offers access to the Profile, feature and setting preference options, and troubleshooting tools provided for you within the Mobility application.


  • Tap on the Avatar/image icon above your name at the top of the Menu view to open and review or Edit the profile information displayed to others.
  • The Edit link in your profile opens a new view where you may upload a new photo, add a quick message that displays next to your listing in contact lists, and add or modify the display of your location information.
  • Your avatar is the picture that represents you in your friends’ Contacts lists and in chat screens. Tapping on an avatar opens a dialog with options to select an existing image, to take a new one with your phone camera, or to clear your avatar.
  • You can enter a ‘what’s on your mind’ status message in the area next to the avatar (example: lunch break – back in 20m, or Happy Friday!). This status text is shown next to your entry in your friends’ Contacts lists.
  • Tap Done when finished to update your information in the directory.

Availability/Presence Setting

  • Initially the profile displays Mobile as the current presence. Tap on Mobile to view and define specific availability profiles (Automatic, Available, Away, or Busy).
  • In future, simply tap on the current presence status displayed in this location and tap on an appropriate option to update the presence display.


  • Tap Favorites to review the list of contacts you have set as Favorites. Setting contacts as Favorites in Mobility will also update the list of Favorites displayed on your BroadWorks system devices and desktop client.


This feature makes it easy to create groups and start group chats from the Mobility application. Tap Groups to review and/or create a list of Group names to which you may add Contacts. Once a Group has been created, you may tap on it and tap the + icon to add new members from your contacts. When contacts areadded, you can tap Send Message to start a single chat with all contacts in the group.


Tap on Directory to view and search through your organization’s directory, view presence information (where enabled for the contact), and access individual Contact profiles.

Contact Profiles

The Contact Profile offers useful presence and contact information along with tools to make it easy to start a chat, begin audio or video calls to any lines they have listed, and even join or call into their My Room. You may also set the contact as a Favorite and add them to any groups you’ve created within their profile.

To open and review a contact’s profile:

  • Tap on a Contact in the Directory
  • Or while in Messages – tap on a Chat Contact, tap the … icon (top right), and choose View Profile from the pop up menu.

The Edit link (top right) allows you to review and modify some fields to alter what you see for this contact in your Mobility application. This action does not change their contact information in the directory.

Pull Call

Tap on Pull Call to move an audio call to or from your desk phone or Mobility. If the user has an active audio call on the desk phone and no ongoing calls on the iPhone, then the call can be transferred seamlessly to the mobile phone by tapping Pull Call in Mobility without call interruption. The Pull Call option pulls audio only. Users can pull video calls directly by dialing the feature access code *11 and then selecting the video call button.

Call History

Tap on Call History to review the list of recent calls to or from your account. A red notification badge next to Call History in the Menu view indicates missed calls. Items listed in Red within the Call History view are the recently missed calls.

  • The list of the call items consists of the name (if known), number, and day/time of the call and icons showing what kind of call it was
  • Icons indicate whether a call was incoming, outgoing, or missed. Items shown in red indicate a missed call.
    • Indicates an incoming call from the contact.
    • Indicates an outgoing call to the contact.
  • Call Details – tapping on a listing opens the Call Details screen to review any additional Call or contact information and to select from the options to Call (audio or video) listed phones or extensions,Chat, Call Room, Join Room, Add to (or remove from) Favorites, or Add to Groups. Note:Enhanced call logs can also show information about Hunt Groups and call duration.
  • Tap on the Trashcan icon (top right) to clear the call history list from Mobility. Note: This action does not erase these items from your system’s calling history.

Tap on the Voicemail menu option to access and manage any voicemails that have not been deleted. A badge on the application will display a notification of new unheard (or marked as new) voicemail(s).
Tap on the Name/number in the list to review the corresponding voicemail.
Tools are provided to play the voicemail, listen via Speaker, Call (back) Mark as New, and Delete each Voicemail while reviewing it.

  • Tap on the Dialpad menu option to open the dialer to manually enter a phone number or extension and elect to start the call using Audio or Video on your device.
  • A long press on the key dials into your BroadWorks services and Voicemail menu.


  • Tap on Settings in the Menu to manage your DND, Call Forwarding, and VoIP calling settings, update your Password, and access helpful troubleshooting options.

Do Not Disturb

  • A useful On/Off toggle to set your availability to Do Not Disturb, sending all calls to voicemail until turned off.

Call Forwarding

  • Tap the > arrow next to Call Forwarding to view the forwarding setting options:

Always Forward

  • On/Off toggle to forward calls to your defined forwarding numbers all the time.

Forward to #

  • Displays the current forwarding number or enter a new number as needed in the field provided.

Ring Splash

  • On/Off toggle to ring all defined devices/numbers when a call comes in.


  • Tap on the > arrow next to Calling to review the Calling setting options:

Use VoIP

  • On/Off toggle for VoIP usage (incoming and outgoing calls)


  • For users with the Anywhere calling feature enabled for use, the basic mobile settings may be managed in this area. While in Calling, tap on the > arrow next to Anywhere to review and manage Anywhere settings.


  • On/Off toggle used to ring all defined locations (numbers) listed below.


  • Tap the > arrow next to a <Phone Number/Description> in the list to Enable/Disable and manage the Anywhere behavior for the phone location, including phone number, description, Call Control, Diversion Inhibitor, and answer confirmation required.
  • Users may also Delete the location if the option displays. Tap Save when edits are completed.


  • Tap Add Location to create a new Anywhere location (phone number) that can be used when the Anywhere feature is enabled.
  • Enter all requested information and define the behavior settings for the new location (number), then tap Save when finished.

Send Analytics

  • On/Off toggle to save and log and send call analytics for reporting.

Allow 3rd Party Keyboard

  • On/Off toggle to allow/disallow 3rd party keyboard access and usage. When enabled, the operating system notifies the user of security issues and requires additional confirmation of the action.

Update Password

  • Tap the > arrow next to Update Password to open the password manager where you may create a new password for Mobility. The Show passwords option displays the entered information to check for mistakes. Tap Update Password when finished.

Detailed Logging

  • On/Off toggle to enable/disable detailed log file creation which can then be sent for review by support for troubleshooting.

Email Logs to Support

  • Tap the > arrow next to this option to open an email to support from your device with log files attached for troubleshooting.

Use VoIP

This helpful setting toggle allows you to quickly set VoIP calling to On or Off.

  • VoIP Mode On: Outgoing and incoming calls use VoIP over WiFi or data network. BroadWorksAnywhere or BroadWorks Mobility location for the device is disabled.
  • VoIP Mode Off: Outgoing and incoming calls use the mobile circuit-switched network. Outgoing calls use Call-Through or Call Back functionality. Incoming calls use BroadWorks Anywhere or Mobility location.


  • Tap the About to view your app version, license, and Legal notice information. This area also offers a quick start introduction via the green Welcome Screens button at the bottom of the view.

Sign Out

  • Tap Sign Out to exit and close the Mobility application. You may be asked whether you wish to receive business calls while offline. You will be required to sign in again the next time you access the app.

Call Room

  • Tap on the Call Room button (bottom of the Menu view) to dial into your personal My Room.

Join Room

  • Tap on the Join Room button (bottom of the Menu view) to open the Chat view within your personal My Room.

Additional Application Information

Supported Features

Most of the features available through Mobility require specific BroadWorks services (or licenses) to be assigned to the user’s profile. The following sections describe the various client capabilities.


Messaging and Presence

Mobility provides messaging and presence (on demand). All messaging communication is achieved through push notifications over HTTP-based RESTful interfaces. Supported message types and actions are as follows:

  • One-to-one messaging
  • Group messaging – multiple people; replies sent to all in the group
  • Broadcast messaging – multiple people; no replies
  • View My Room messages
  • Initiate messages to Group members/Favorites through Profiles
  • View members with presence on demand

Supported iOS devices

Mobility was officially validated against the mobile devices listed in the following table; however, client versions are considered compatible with any device that meets the OS requirements

Silent Alerting

Mobility provides silent alerting to users when it detects the user’s presence is “Available” on their desktop client. The client suppresses the audible tone associated with any notifications while the user is in this state.

Calling / Dialing Service

Users can originate calls through chat, their Group member/Favorite’s Profile, Call History, or by simply using the Dialpad. Mobility provides VoIP, Call Back, and Call-Through capabilities enabling the user to place the call while preserving their business line identity.

VoIP Calling

Mobility can be configured to provide high definition audio and video VoIP calling. VoIP calls can use WiFi or the carrier data network. VoIP calls over the carrier data network are dependent on the quality of the network and may incur additional charges. As such, there are options for an operator or end user to disable VoIP calls over the carrier data network (3G, 4G, or LTE) if needed. Users can control this behavior in Settings > Calling. There are two options:

  • WiFi only: VoIP calls are allowed only on WiFi.
  • All Networks: VoIP calls are allowed on any data network.

The following call related functions are supported with VoIP calling:

  • Call waiting
  • Up to two simultaneous VoIP calls
  • Call transfer (blind and attended)
  • Ad hoc conference
  • Mute, hold, and resume
  • Audio source – phone, wired headset, speaker, or Bluetooth headset

Business Line Call Back
Mobility allows the user to originate a call using their business line identity. This is achieved through the basic Call Back or Click To Dial functionality on BroadWorks. If the user has BroadWorks Anywhere, Mobility checks to see whether the service is provisioned with a phone number that matches the user’s mobile number. If a match is found, it gives the user the option to make calls using the Call Back feature.
In addition, in Call Back scenarios that involve BroadWorks Shared Call Appearance, all associated telephony endpoints or devices ring. The user can then choose to answer the call on any of the ringing devices.
BroadWorks Remote Office is not supported as a Call Back location.
Business Line Call-Through

  • Like the Business Line Call Back service, the Business Line Call-Through service allows the user to originate voice calls over the PLMN using their business line identity.
  • The Call-Through dialing service is enabled through the BroadWorks Anywhere service. If the device number is one of the BroadWorks Anywhere locations, then the Call-Through dialing service is enabled.

Business Line Native Dialing

Mobility allows users to place calls using their phone’s native dialer. Native dialing should be enabled when the client is deployed as part of the BroadSoft mobility business solution – extending business services to the mobile handset through the BroadWorks Session Continuity Function (SCF) platform.

NOTE: The Call Pull feature, which is invoked by sending 11 to BroadWorks, is not available on iOS when Native Dialing is selected. This is due to a security restriction imposed by iOS that prevents the client from originating code calls to the native phone dialer.

This restriction does not exist for Call-Through or Call Back because these mechanisms do not use the native phone dialer in a restricted way.

Call History

End users can view their Call History for all calls associated to their business line. Mobility downloads the latest Call History stored against the user’s Basic or Enhanced Call Logs BroadWorks service.

Groups and Favorites

Mobility allows users to create and manage group chat members (default of up to 30 per group) and favorites. Once a group member or favorite is created, the user can easily initiate any of the following actions based on the information contained in the member/favorite’s profile:

  • Send a message
  • Access the contact profile
  • Initiate a call
  • Call into their My Room
  • Send an email through the default device email application
  • Address lookup through the default map application

Enterprise and Local Directory Searches

Users can search for contacts in the BroadWorks Enterprise Directory and their local phone directory or contact list (where access is granted, and the contact information is compatible). The BroadWorks enterprise contacts are not synchronized with the device, so a live search is performed each time it is accessed.

Mobility Calling Line ID Selection

Starting with Release 3.0, Mobility supports changing the Calling Line ID (CLID) of the BroadWorks Mobility Identity for the mobile device. The user can configure the outgoing CLID in Settings > Call From. The choices are between the Business Phone (profile identity), Mobile Phone (mobile identity), or hiding the outgoing Caller ID.

Visual Voicemail

Mobility provides users the ability to manage their voicemail directly through the application’s UI. The client provides a visual view of the user’s inbox, allowing them to play, call back, mark as viewed, or delete audio messages from the application’s Voicemail menu. This eliminates the need for users having to call into their voice portal to access their audio messages over the phone. Note: Video and Fax messages are not supported.

Tablet and Landscape Mode

  • The Mobility client is considered a universal app that can be deployed on iPads, Android tablets, and ARM-base CPU Chromebooks. Basic landscape mode is also supported on regular mobile phones.

Offline Mode

Mobility works gracefully when the data network connection is lost. In addition to displaying a banner indicating that the network is unavailable, the following features are still accessible:

  • Fallback to circuit switch calling. Either through two-stage dialing in conjunction with the BroadWorksAnywhere portal or by making a personal call on the mobile device.
  • Un-sent messages are marked with a Retry icon. Upon network reconnection, the user can select the Retryicon to then send the message.
  • Mark messages as read status is saved and then sent when a network connection is re-established.
  • Logout is queued and then sent when a network connection is re-established.

SIP URi Dialing

Mobility users can place VoIP calls to SIP URIs in addition to regular telephone numbers. SIP URI dialing is supported in the following places:

  • Dialpad. When selecting the input field, a full keyboard is displayed allowing the user to enter the full SIPURI.
  • Contact profile. SIP URIs are now supported in the following contact fields: work, mobile, extension,personal, and conference bridge.

Supported Languages

Mobility supports the following languages:

  • U.S. English (default)
    • French
    • German
  • French (Canadian)
    • Italian
    • Dutch (Netherlands)
  • Spanish (Europe)
    • Spanish (Latin America)
    • Korean
  • Japanese
    • Chinese (simplified)
    • Portuguese (Europe)

Basic Troubleshooting

The application settings menu includes an option for sending the client logs to support. In many cases, the information displayed to the user is general; however, the logs contain more detail regarding the exact error messages and codes received from the BroadWorks servers. A typical early analysis step for service providers is to obtain the user’s client logs. The application also includes an option for capturing detailed logs. When selected, more information is available for system administrators to analyze when sent.

Error Messages on iOS

Error Message Possible Causes and Handling
Missing device configuration. Either the Mobility device configuration has

not been assigned to the user’s account or the device configuration file cannot be accessed via HTTP. If this occurs, a system notification displays the issue along with an error code.

The client logs contain additional cause details. Restarting Mobility, or signing out and back in, triggers the device configuration check.

Cannot receive notifications.| The application cannot obtain the Apple device push token, and it cannot receive push notifications from the Messaging Server. This problem can occur if the device cannot connect to a cellular or WiFi network. Restarting Mobility triggers a check for the device token.
No messaging gateway host.| The network address of the Messaging Server could not be resolved. Likely causes are:

Erroneous domain or SRV service name specified in the device configuration.

Network connectivity issues or unavailable DNS server(s).

The client logs contain more detailed information regarding the nature of the failure. When resolved, restarting the app, or signing out and back in, triggers gateway resolution.

Messaging gateway registration failure.| The application failed to register the unique device ID and Apple push token with the Messaging Server. Likely causes include:

Network connectivity issues or unavailable Messaging Server(s).

If SRV DNS resolution is specified in the device configuration, then the address and port information may be incorrectly configured.

The client logs contain more detailed information regarding the nature of the failure. When resolved, restarting Mobility, or signing out and back in, triggers registration.

Messaging gateway authentication failure.| Most likely, the credentials supplied in the device configuration are incorrect. The client logs contain more detailed information regarding the nature of the failure. When resolved, restarting Mobility, or signing out and back in, trigger registration and authentication.
Call to failed. Check calling preferences to verify proper settings.| This generally means one of two things:

1.  The iPhone number specified at login does not match a configured BroadWorks Anywhere location.

2.  BroadWorks Anywhere does not have any locations that are enabled, and the Dialing service is set for Call Back.

Update the BroadWorks Anywhere and Dialing service configuration in Preferences with valid location, number, and calling parameters, and then try the call again.

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