manDam MGX Subsoiler Instruction Manual
- October 30, 2023
Table of Contents
- manDam MGX Subsoiler
- Product Information
- General Safety Rules
- Introduction
- Intended use
- Handling and Usage Information
- Maintenance and lubrication
- Service
- Replacement procedures
- Replacement of operating elements
- Storage of the subsoiler
- Disassembly and withdrawal
- Spare parts for the MGX subsoiler
- References
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
manDam MGX Subsoiler
Product Information
The MGX SUBSOILER is a machine designed for subsoiling and soil cultivation. The machine’s identification data can be found on the data plates placed on the supporting frame, which contains the CE mark, essential information about the manufacturer and the machine. The warranty for the subsoiler is valid for 12 months from the date of its sale. The warranty card is an integral part of the machine.
Intended Use
The MGX SUBSOILER is intended for subsoiling and soil cultivation in agricultural fields.
General Safety Rules
- Always be aware of your surroundings when operating the machine.
- Use the machine only for its intended purpose.
- Always wear personal protective equipment when operating the machine.
- Be cautious when working in areas marked with special information and warning signs (yellow stickers).
Safety Signs
The MGX SUBSOILER has safety signs and inscriptions that should be protected against misplacement and loss of legibility. Misplaced and illegible signs and inscriptions should be replaced with new ones. Information on the acquisition of information and warning signs can be found by contacting the MANDAM spare parts department.
Safety Sign | Safety Sign Meaning | Location on the Machine |
Yellow Stickers | Special information and warning signs | Marked areas on the |
Always quote the serial number when making inquiries about spare parts. Information on spare parts can be found by contacting the MANDAM spare parts department.
Congratulations on your purchase of the MGX subsoiler. This manual provides
information on hazards that may occur dur i ng use, work with the subsoiler,
technical data and the most important indications and recommendations, the
knowledge and application of which is a prerequisite for proper operation.
Keep this manual for future use. If you do not understand any of the pro
visions of this manual, please contact the manufacturer.
Notes that are important for safety reasons are marked with the following
Machine identification
The identification data of the MGX subsoiler can be found on the data plates
placed on the supporting frame, which contains the CE mark, essential
information about the manufacturer and the machineThe warranty for the subsoiler is valid for 12 months from
the date of its sale.
The warranty card is an integral part of the machine. Always quote the serial
number when making inquiries about spare parts. Information on spare parts can
be found
- at:
- by phone +48 668 662 289
- E mail:
Safety signs
Remember! When using the MGX subsoiler, be especially careful in places marked
with special information and warning signs (yellow stickers) The signs and
inscriptions on the machine are listed below. Safety signs and inscriptions
should be protected against misplacement and loss of legibility. Misplaced and
illegible signs and inscriptions should be replaced with new ones. Information
on the acquisition of information and warning signs can be found by contacting
the MANDAM spare parts department
Table 1. Information and warning signs.
Safety sign | Safety sign meaning | Location on the machine |
Read the operating manual before use | The subsoiler frame near the upper |
connector attachment
| Squashing of the toes or feet| The subsoiler frame near the upper connector
| Stay away from the lift rods when operating| The subsoiler frame near the
upper connector attachment
Safety sign | Safety sign meaning | Location on the machine |
Keep a safe distance from folding and movable parts of the machine | The |
front part of the middle frame near the side frames
| Do not reach into the crush area if components may move| The middle frame
near the side frames
| Fluid jet under pressure – body injury| Actuators
| Place of attachment with transport belts| Upper part of the drawbar (upper
link pin) The rear part of the frame:
- Rigid frame (near roller depth adjustment)
- folding frame (near actuator pin on center frame)
Design of the MGX subsoiler Fig. 1 Design of the MGX subsoiler.
Table 2. Types of the MGX subsoiler.
Type of the subsoiler| Min/Max working width [m]| Number of tines [pcs]| Min.
tractor power [HP]| Mass [kg]
MGX 2200| 1.50 – 2.20| 2/3| 120| 310
MGX 3000| 1.80 – 2.75| 4/5| 180| 360
Intended use
The subsoiler is an agricultural machine designed for loosening and ae rating
soil at a depth of up to 60 cm in order to improve its physical and biological
properties. Aeration and irrigation of the lower soil layers obtained thanks
to subsoiling ensures an excellent agrotechnical effect, positively affects
the development o f plants which have a deeper root system. Subsoiling is
performed in a given field once every few years most often (4-5 years). A
signal that may indicate the need for subsoiling may be water pool in the
spring. After subsoiling, there is no need to perform deep plowing, and one
can sow plants by using fruiting tools. The MGX subsoiler used immediately
before the fruiting treatments h as a positive effect on the soil structure
and improves the conditions for the development of root crops.
CAUTION! The MG X subsoiler is designed exclusively for soil cultivation.
Using it for other purposes will be understood as misuse and will result in
the loss of warranty.
CAUTION! Failure to observe the recommendations of this manual will also
be understood as misuse. The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by
General safety rules
The MGX subsoiler may be started, operated and repaired only by persons
familiar with its operation and the cooperating tractor as well as with the
principles of safe operation and maintenance of the unit. The manufacturer is
not responsible for arbitrary changes in the construction of the subsoiler. Du
ring the warranty period, only MANDAM factory replacement parts should be
used. The MGX subsoiler should be operated wit h all precautions, in
- before each start up, check the machine and the tractor, whether their condition guarantees safety while in motion and during work,
- it is forbidden to use the machine by persons under the age of 16, the sick, and those who have consumed alcohol or other intoxicants,
- wear protective clothes, footwear and gloves during maintenance work,
- the permissible ax le loads and transport dimensions must not be exceeded,
- use only original cotter pins,
- do not approach the unit during its lifting, lowering, folding and unfolding,
- do not stay between the tractor and the machine when the engine is running,
- move the subsoiler, raise and lower it slowly and gently without sudden jerks and paying attention that there are no bystander s nearby,
- do not reverse the tractor or make turns with the machine lowered in the operating position,
- do not use the tractor’s independent brake s when making turns,
- do not stand on the machine and load it additionally during operation and transport,
- during turns, be e specially careful if there are bystanders nearby,
- it is not allowed to operate the unit on slopes greater than 12º,
- perform any rep airs, lubrication or cleaning of operating elements only with the engine turned off and the machine lowered,
- during maintenance and replacement of parts, getting under the machine without proper protection may lead to head injuries in this case, use a helmet,
- during breaks in work, lower the machine to the ground and stop the tractor engine,
- driving and parking t he machine o n a slope with unstable ground can cause slumping,
- the machine must be stored in a way that prevent s injury to people and animals.
Failure to comply with the above rules may pose a threat to the operator and
bystanders as well as may lead to da m age to the machine. The user is
responsible for damages resulting from failure to comply with these rules.
Coupling and uncoupling from the tractor
- Coupling the machine with the tractor should be done in accordance with the recommendations, ensuring to s e cure the suspension pins with cotter pins.
- When coupling the tractor with the subsoiler, it is forbidden to stay between the machine and the tractor at that time.
- The tractor cooperating with the set must be fully functional. It is forbidden to couple the machine with a tractor with a faulty hydraulic system.
- Remember to maintain the following: balance of the tractor with the attached unit, its steerability and braking ability the front axle load must not fall below 20% of the tractor’s total axle load a set of front weights.
- In the resting position, the machine disconnected from the tractor should maintain stable balance.
- Tire pressure must not exceed the manufacturer’s recommended pressure ; it is also forbidden to transport with too low of a pre s sure, which may cause an accident or damage the machine while on large unevenness and driving too fast.
- Significantly damaged tires (especially profile damage) must be replaced immediately
- When changing tires, secure the machine against rolling.
- Repair wo r k on wheels or tires should be performed by persons trained and authorized for this purpose. These works should be performed with t he use of appropriately selected tools.
- Each time the wheels are mounted, check the tightness of the nuts after d riving 50 k m.
Safety related to transport on public roads
When transporting the machine on public roads, it is mandatory to use a
lighting device, marking plate and side reflectors. Do not exceed the driving
speed during transport, which is:
- on roads with a smooth surface (asphalt) up to 25 km/h,
- on field or paved roads 6 10 km/h,
- on bumpy roads no more than 5 km/h.
Driving speed must be adjusted to the quality of the road and its conditions,
so that the unit does not jump on the tractor’s suspension system. Be e
specially careful when passing, overtaking and turning. The permissible
operating width of the machine on public roads is 3.0 m. It is forbidden to
transport the unit in which the slope inclination previous to the unit exceeds
During transport, the clearance under the machine should be at least 30 cm
WARNING! Failure to comply with the above rules may pose a threat to the
operator and bystanders as well as may lead to damaging the machine. The user
is responsible for damages resulting from failure to comply with these rules.
Pursuant to road safety regulations (Regulation of the Minister of
Infrastructure of 31.12.2002, Journal of Laws No. 32 of 2002, item 262) the
unit consisting of a farm tractor and an agricultural machine couple d with it
must meet the requirements identical to those of the tractor.
CAUTION! The unit as a part of the vehicle protruding beyond the rear
side outline of the tractor, covering the rear lights of the tractor, poses a
threat to other vehicles on the road. It is forbidden to travel on public
roads without appropriate markings.
The units should have:
- triangular plate distinguishing slow moving vehicles,
- two front facing boards with a white side lamp and a white reflector,
- two rear facing boards with combine d light and red reflector. The boards should be painted with diagonal white and red stripes.
After attaching the boards, connect the electrical wires of the light and warning device to the socket of the tractor’s electrical system. The manufacturer does not provide the machine with warning signs as standard. Warning signs are commercially available. Warning signs should be securely mounted in holders and the plug should be connected to the socket of the tractor’s electrical system. Before transport, check the operation of the lights. After lifting the machine, check the clearance under the lowest operating elements, which should be a t least 30 cm.
Description of the residual risk
MANDAM sp. z o. o. makes every effort to eliminate the risk of an accident .
However, there is a residual risk that may result in an accident. The greatest
danger occurs in case of:
- use of the machine for purposes other than those described in the manual,
- use of the machine by minors without permission, the sick and t hose who have drunk alcohol or used other intoxicants,
- presence of people and animals within the operating range of the machine,
- failure to exercise caution during transport and maneuvering the tractor,
- staying on the machine or between the machine and the tractor when the engine is running,
- operation without observing the operating instructions,
- moving on public roads.
Assessment of the residual risk
Residual risks can be reduced by following the recommendations presented below
- careful and unhurried operation of t h e machine,
- careful reading of the operating manual,
- keeping a safe distance from dangerous zones,
- prohibition on staying on the machine and in the machine operating zones when the tractor engine is running,
- performing maintenance works in accordance with safety rules,
- using protective clothes, and in the case of work under the machine also a helmet,
- protecting against access to machine s by unauthorized persons, especially children.
Handling and Usage Information
The subsoiler is usually delivered to t h e customer ready for operation, however, before starting work, the technical condition of the unit should be checked, especially the condition of the operating elements and screw connections. During the inspection, the subsoiler should be secured against tipping over with properly set support legs (they are standard equipment of the subsoiler). Loose screw connections must be tightened During the operation of the machine, the following may be adjusted
- operating depth of tines by changing t he position of the supporting roller in the adjustment handles.
- spacing of operating tines of the subsoiler.
If a subsoiler with supporting roller is purchased, its subassemblies must be assembled during the first preparation of the unit for work. To this end, set t he subsoiler on a flat hardened ground, in a place that allows the roller to maneuver. First of all, mount the tightened holder of t he roller arms in the right place. To transport the roller, use a lifting device with a lifting capacity of at l east 500 kg due to stability during transport. Set the arms in the subsoiler holders and connect the arms with the roller clamp with screws (fig .2) Fig. 2 Connection of the arms with the roller clamp.
Before starting work, the technical condition of the subsoiler should be
checked, especially the condition of the operating elements and screw
CAUTION! The correct procedure for assembling the rollers in the arm
holders requires the screw to be evenly tightened diagonally so that the
entire plane of the arm holders is adjacent to the plane of the roller clamp
profile. This is the most reliable way to connect the roller arms to the
The subsoiler also has adjustable spacing of operating tines. It allows to
adjust the width of the field sub s oiling. The adjustment is made by
loosening the M20 screws in the tine holder, and then moving the tine along
the frame profile to t he desired position. After setting all the tines, the
loosened screws of the tine holder must be tightened again.
Table 3. Range of operating tines spacing of the MGX subsoiler.
Type of the subsoiler| Minimum working width [mm]| Maximum working width [mm]|
Number of tines
MGX 2200| 1500| 2200| 3
MGX 3000 (4z)| 1800| 2750| 4
MGX 3000 (5z)| 2200| 2750| 5
Fig. 3 Design o f the MGX subsoiler.
WARNING! Operating the subsoiler on excessively moist soil is
unacceptable. Operating on stony soil with large stones is unacceptable!
Optionally, it is possible to mount a weight with a chain behind the
subsoiler’s tine (fig. 4 )), whose main task is to create a groove (drainage)
at the operating depth of the machine, which ensures the circulation of water
moving after
rainfall. Fig. 4 “Mole” a weight with chain.
Handling and Usage Information Fig. 5 Scheme of tractor load
Axle load calculations
- GC deadweight load of the tractor,
- TP front axle load of an empty tractor,
- TT rear axle load of an empty tractor,
- GP total weight of the rear mounted device,
- GT total weight of the front mounted device,
- distance between the center of gravity of the front mounted device and the center of the axle,
- tractor wheel track,
- distance between the center of the rear axle and the center of the coupling pin of the rear unit,
- distance of the c enter of gravity of the machine from the tractor’s coupling pins (mounted machine 1.5 m, semi mounted machine 3 m and 0.7 weight x distance of the center of gravity from the rear axle (if the manufacturer does not specify, enter 0.45)
Minimum front load when coupled to the rear Coupling the subsoiler with the tractor
The tire pressure of the tractor wheels should be compliant with the manufacturer’s recommendations . The lower links of the three point suspension system should be at the same height, in the spacing corresponding to the spacing of the lower suspension points. When coupling the machine to the tractor, the unit must stand on a hard and even surface. Fig 6 Three point suspension system of the tractor:
- 1,2 lower rods,
- 3 upper link,
- 4 left hanger,
- 5 right hanger with adjustable length,
- lifting arm,
- lifting roller
When attaching the MGX subsoiler to the tractor, perform the following action s
- switch the tractor’s hydraulic system to position regulation,
- remove the lower coupling pins if the tractor’s three point suspension system is not equipped with coupling hooks,
- carefully reverse, hang the machine on the lower links, then se cure,
- connect the upper link of the tractor (in units not equipped with a trolley) during the operation of the unit, the attachment point of the upper link on the machine should be higher than the attachment point of this link on the tractor,
- check lifting, lowering o f the subsoiler and operation of all systems
Each tractor cooperating with the machine must be equipped with a set of weights and maintain controllability in transport, i.e. at least 20% of the tractor’s weight must be loaded on its front axle.
Maintenance and lubrication
Each time after finishing work, the subsoiler should be cleaned of soil, and then parts and assemblies should be inspected. Otherwise, if the rollers get stuck to the soil, resulting in additional load, there may be problems wit h the operation of the machine!
- After the first 4 hours of operation, retighten all screws and then periodically check tightness. Fai lure to do so will cause the play to deepen and result in damage to the machine.
- Lubricate the grease points o n the hinge pins daily during the life of the machine. Bearings of the tubular roller and leveling discs should be lubricated every 25 working hours (does not apply to bearings of maintenance free discs these bearings do not require maintenance and lubrication).
- When replacing worn parts, use thread locker , original screws and nuts.
- Always remember to tighten the screw connections properly.
CAUTIO: Periodic lubrication is a guarantee of machine durability. The
durability and efficiency of the machine largely depend s on regular
lubrication. Use mineral lubricants for lubrication. Lubrication points must
be thoroughly cleaned before pressing or applying grease.
CAUTION! It is forbidden to work on a damaged machine caused by any event
that resulted in cracking or deformation of the frame, roller or other machine
Screw tightening torque
Screws and nuts should be tightened in the machine with the appropriate torque
depending on the strength class of the screw and its size and thread pitch.
The appropriate tightening torque values are shown in table 4.
Table 4. Tightening torque values for screws and nuts.
forbidden to work on a damaged machine caused by any event that resulted in
cracking or deformation of the frame, roller or other machine assembly!
Due to the simplicity of its design and the materials used, the MGX subsoiler is distinguished by a very low failure rate. To maximize uptime, follow all instructions in this manual for operation, adjustment, lubrication, transportation , and storage of the machine.
Daily service
- Each time after finishing work, the MGX subsoiler should be cleaned of soil, and then parts and assemblies should be inspected. When cleaning, remove soil and plant debris.
- After the first 4 hours of operation, retighten all screws and then periodically check tightness.
- Worn out elements should be replaced with original new ones.
- When replacing worn parts, use thread locker , original screws and nuts.
- Always remember to tighten the screw connections properly.
CAUTION! Periodic lubrication is a guarantee of machine durability.
CAUTION! During maintenance works and replacements, the unit should be
secured against rolling. It should be connected to the tractor with the
parking brake on and the tractor engine should be turned off. Use the correct
spanners and protective gloves during maintenance and repairs, and a helmet if
Off season service
After the end of the working season, the subsoiler should be thoroughly
cleaned, the damage to the paint coating should be repaired, and the worn
surfaces of the tines, frame, strings and roller rings, as well as the threads
of the adjusting screws should be washed with “Antykor” kerosene and protected
against corrosion with “Antykor 1” grease, moreover full lubrication must be
carried out. During a break in operation, it is recommended to store the
machine under a roof. However, if this is not possible, check the condition of
the protection from time to time and, if necessary, replenish the grease
washed away by rain.
Servicing the support wheel assembly
Check tire pressure regularly. In the event of a significant loss of air from
the tires, check the tightness of the air valve. Then take the wheel to a
specialized workshop to locate and repair the damage. Significantly damaged
tires (especially profile damage) must be replaced immediately.
Replacement procedures
Replacing the tubular roller bearings If the bearings are damaged, replace them as follows:
- place the machine on an even surface,
- unscrew the four screws securing the ball bearings on each side,
- remove the tubular roller,
- loosen both headless screws in each of the bearings and remove the bearings with a puller,
- put new bearings loosely on the roller,
- roll the roller between the bearing plates and s crew the be a rings to them. Tighten the headless screws using anti loosening adhesive.
Replacement of operating elements
Excessively worn operating elements make it difficult to penetrate the tools
and cause an increase in operating resistance. Replacement of wo r king
elements should be carried out with the machine lowered to the ground, after
switching off the tractor engine. To prevent the replaced elements from
touching the ground, place durable pads (e.g. wooden blocks with a thickness
of approx. 20 cm under t h e adjacent operating elements or the roller). After
lowering the subsoiler, switching off the tractor engine and pulling the
handbrake, check the stability of the tractor machine unit. Only standard
screws should be used to fasten new elements. In the case of repeated
disassembly of the machine components, it is necessary to check and, if
necessary, replace the connecting elements, such as screws, washers or nuts,
whose excessive wear may lead to uncontrolled loosening of the connected
elements, and cons equinely their damage. When working with extremely worn
working tools, such work can cause permanent damage to all machine assemblies.
Tools should be replaced when their
wear exceeds the values specified in the manual. If the instructions a re not
followed, damage may occur for which the manufacturer is NOT RESPONSIBLE !
Replacement of actuators
A malfunctioning actuator, unsealing, etc. should be replaced, dismantled and
sent to a specialist workshop. Actuators should be replaced with the machine
disassembled. Connect the actuator to the system and, mounted on one side it
should cycle several times in order to completely fill the actuator with oil.
Otherwise, the lowering section may fall suddenly.
CAUTION! During repairs and maintenance , the machine should be lowered
to the ground and supported on supports ensuring full stability, and the
tractor engine should be turned off. Us e the correct spanners and protective
gloves during maintenance and repairs.
Storage of the subsoiler
The subsoiler should be stored under a roof. In the absence of a roof, it is
allowed to store the machine outside. The subsoiler should be stored in a
place that does not pose a threat to people and the environment. In the case
of long term storage of the machine outside, maintenance of operating elements
should be repeated when the preservative layer is rinsed off. After
disconnecting from the tractor, the machines should be supported on a hard and
even ground, maintaining permanent balance. All operating assemblies should r
est on the ground. The machine should be lowered so as to avoid impacts of
operating elements on hard ground. After lowering the machine, disconnect the
suspension system and drive the tractor away. Also, elements removed from the
machine should be stored firmly supported on the ground, excluding the
possibility of uncontrolled movement. It is recommended to store the machine
in paved and roofed places, inaccessible to unauthorized persons and animals.
Store the machine firmly supported on a hard surface in a way that prevents
injury to people or animals
Disassembly and withdrawal
CAUTION! When disassembling the machine, take all precautions using efficient tools and personal protective equipment. Disassembled parts should be disposed of in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection. The unit used in accordance with the rules specified in the operating manual is durable for many years, but worn or damaged elements should be replaced with new ones. In the case of accidental damage (significant cracks and deformations of the frames) that deteriorate the quality of the machine’s operation and pose a threat to its further exploitation, the machine must be withdrawn from use. Disassembly of the machine should be carried out b y persons previously familiar with its construction. These activities should be performed after placing the machine on an even and hard surface. Disassembled metal parts must be scrapped.
Spare parts for the MGX subsoiler
To find, price and order original spare parts for MANDAM machines, please
visit our website at:, in the “parts” tab. On this website,
we provide catalogs and spare parts cards in PDF format, containing current
diagrams of parts for each machine, along with their numbers and prices.
Orders for parts or inquiries regarding them can be placed directly from this
website (tab: “contact/order”), or by e-mail to the following address: The order should contain part numbers and their
quantities, as well as details of the ordering party/payer along with a
contact telephone number. Parts are shipped directly to the address provided,
and payment is made on delivery. In case of any ambiguities, please contact
the Mandam spare parts department at the following telephone numbers:
+48-32-232-2660 ext. 39 or 45, or mobile +48 668-66-22-89.
Original MANDAM spare parts are also available from all authorized
distributors of MANDAM machines.
Pursuant to the Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 21 October 2008
(Journal of Laws No. 199, item 1228) and the EU Directive No. 2006/42/EC of 17
May 2006,
MANDAM Sp. z o. o. ul. Toruńska 14 44 100 Gliwice declares with full
responsibility that the machine: to which this declaration shall apply meets
the requirements of: Regulation
of the MoE of 21 October 2008 on the essential requirements for machines
(Journal of Law s No. 199, item 1228) and the EU Directive No. 2006/42/EC of
17 May 2006. Persons responsible for the technical documentation of the
machine: Jarosław Kudlek, Łukasz
Jakus ul. Toruńska 14, 44 100 Gliwice The following standards were also used
to assess compliance:
PN EN ISO 13857:2010,
PN EN ISO 4254 1:2016 02,
PN EN ISO 12100 1:2005/A1:2012
PN EN ISO 12100 2:2005/A1:2012
PN EN 982+A1:2008
This EC declaration of conformity expires , if the machine is modified or
converted without the approval of the manufacturer.
MANDAM Sp. z o.o.
44-100 Gliwice ul. Toruńska 14
Tel.: 032 232 26 60 Fax: 032 232 58 85
NIP No.: 648 000 16 74 REGON No.: P – 008173131
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