ModMAG M2000 Electromagnetic Flow Meters User Manual

June 4, 2024

ModMAG Logo 1 2 M2000 Electromagnetic Flow Meters
User Manual
ModMAG M2000 Electromagnetic Flow Meters



DD Device Description
DP Profibus® protocol for Decentralized or distributed Peripherals.

Defines the basic functions related to cyclic data exchange.
DPV1| Extended functions of Profibus DP that allow acyclic communication for parameter configuration. DP is traditionally only suited for the transfer of measured variables.
DTM| Device Type Manager

General Station Data file. Driver file that defines the behavior of the Profibus DP device over Profibus. The driver file describes capabilities like data rates, dynamic variables, etc. A Profibus DP master uses the GSD file to start cyclic communication with the device.

PA Profile| The PA profile standardizes the basic functions for all the different Profibus devices.
PV| Process Value
SPS| Alternate abbreviation for PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)
User Units| Defined by the configuration of the meter’s volume unit or flow unit

This document shall discuss the supported features of Profibus DP, how these features are related to the M2000, and the special considerations and type of data that is accessible over Profibus DP. This document assumes a general understanding of the Profibus DP protocol for the reader. For further information regarding the Profibus DP Protocol, refer to
The M2000 Profibus DP daughterboard supports the Profibus DPV1 protocol. This is an extended protocol that allows for acyclic communication for parameter configuration.
In addition, the M2000 Profibus DP daughterboard supports PA Profile Version 3 .0.


Profibus is an international, vendor-independent, bus standard for a wide range of applications in manufacturing, production, process and building automation, and other automation control industries.
The Profibus family comprises three types of protocol, Profibus DP, Profibus- PA, and Profibus-FMS, and each is used for different tasks. Only Profibus DP is considered in this document.
Profibus DP (Decentralized Periphery) is a rapid and low-cost communication connection designed for high-speed data transmission. Profibus DP is accomplished with an M2000 through a Profibus DP to Modbus RTU signal conversion board, referred to as the Profibus DP daughterboard throughout the remainder of this document.

ModMAG M2000 Electromagnetic Flow Meters - RTU


Installing a Profibus DP daughterboard into an M2000 requires firmware revision v1 .10 or later.
Installing the Daughterboard
The Profibus DP daughterboard connects to the 11-pin connector labeled COMMUNICATION on the main amplifier.

ModMAG M2000 Electromagnetic Flow Meters - Daughterboard

Follow these steps to install the daughterboard.

  1. Prior to installing the daughterboard, verify or configure the M2000 Communication Port B.
    The port settings are located at Main Menu > Communications > Port B Settings. Parameter| Value| Comments
    Port Address| 001| Mandatory value of 001
    Extended Port Address| —| Application specific. Sets Profibus DP address of the module
    Baud Rate| 38400| Profibus DP Daughterboard auto-bauds
    Data Bits| 8| Mandatory value of 8
    Parity| EVEN| Mandatory value of EVEN
    Stop Bits| 1| Mandatory value of 1

  2. Power off the M2000.
    This step is important for the M2000 to properly recognize the Profibus DP daughterboard.

  3. Prior to inserting the daughterboard, install the foam insulation pad as shown in Figure 3 on page 5. Be sure to align the groove with the two screws attaching the detector or wall mount bracket to the enclosure. The primary purpose of this pad is to ensure the daughterboard is insulated from the enclosure wall. It is important to install this pad flush with the top of the enclosure wall. ModMAG M2000 Electromagnetic Flow Meters - Installing foam

  4. Insert the 8-pin daughterboard into the 11-pin connector.

  5. Use the following information to make appropriate wiring of signals to the 7-pin customer connector. See “Figure 4: Signal wiring diagram” on page 5.
    Pin Number| Pin Description| Comments
    51| RXD/TXD-P| Receive Data / Transmission Data – Plus
    52| RXD/TXD-N| Receive Data / Transmission Data – Negative
    53| Shield| —
    54| RXD/TXD-P| Receive Data / Transmission Data – Plus
    55| RXD/TXD-N| Receive Data / Transmission Data – Negative
    56| Shield| —
    57| Chassis| —

ModMAG M2000 Electromagnetic Flow Meters - Signal wiring

  1. Power on the M2000.
  2. Allow time for the daughterboard to properly power up and be recognized by the M2000 before navigating the menus. This time is typically 5 seconds. If the Profibus DP daughterboard is not recognized, then the M2000 should be power cycled.
  3. Verify recognition of the Profibus DP daughterboard. Navigate to Main Menu > Info > Help. The Daughterboard Info field indicates the Daughterboard Type is Profibus DP.


The network diagram below illustrates a typical network configuration of Profibus devices with an RS485 interface. The Profibus devices with an RS485 interface do not need any segment coupler. These devices can connect directly to the Profibus DP network.
The maximum cable length in a segment depends on the transmission speed. The Profibus DP daughterboard communicates at speeds from 9 .6 kBps to 6 Mbps over distances from 100 to 1200 meters.

Baud Rate (bps) 9.6 K 19.2 K 93.75 K 187.5 K 500 K 1.5 M 6M
Length (m) 1200 1200 1200 1000 400 200 100

The Profibus DP protocol has two distinct modes of operation—cyclic data- exchange mode and acyclic configuration mode.
Two types of master devices are defined in a DPV1 network.

ModMAG M2000 Electromagnetic Flow Meters - Typical network

Master Class 1
Master Class 1 devices can read and write to variables within the slave device cyclically. The Master Class 1 device will also support acyclic read and write services to application parameters in the slave device. The slave device offers such services only to the master device that has set the device into cyclic data exchange and only when it is in cyclic data exchange.
A Master Class 1 device is typically a process controller (PLC or SPS) that is performing control functions based on continuously updated measurement variables.
Master Class 2
Master Class 2 devices typically establish connections to the slave device. Through this connection, the master device will be able to manipulate the application parameters of the slave device.
A Master Class 2 device is typically a configuration station (Laptop/PC with configuration management software). Master Class 2 devices are capable of configuring the device and may operate on all network-accessible parameters within the PA profile.
General Station Data (GSD) Files for Master Class 1 Devices
The GSD files contain information that will be needed for project planning of the Profibus communication network and is downloadable via the internet.
GSD files describe the capabilities of the Profibus DP device. For example, the baud rates supported by the slave device are listed in the GSD file.

Configuration Type Identity Number GSD File Name
Profibus 3.0 PA Profile Configuration 0x9700 PA139700.GSD
Manufacture Specific Configuration 0x0D01 BD020D01.GSD

Follow the instructions of the vendor PLC or SPS when installing the GSD file into the PLC.
Cyclic Data Exchange
During network configuration, the user defines which data should be transferred cyclically to the master from the slave device.
This is performed through the bus configuration tool for the PLC or SPS. Network configuration will be done using one of the supported GSD files (PA139700 .GSD or BD020D01 .GSD).
The PA Profile Configuration cyclically transfers the analog input function block as defined by the GSD file, PA139700.GSD. The Profibus DP daughterboard associates the meter’s flow rate [User Units] with the analog input function block. This is the only dynamic variable that can be cyclically exchanged using the PA profile configuration.
The Manufacture Specific Configuration allows for the selection of up to 11 dynamic variables to be transmitted cyclically. The table below defines configurable data that can be exchanged cyclically.

Slot Assignment (see GSD)| Dynamic Variable| Units| Number of Bytes| Supported Configurations
1| Flow Rate| User Units| 5| 0x94 or 0x42 84 08 05
2| Flow Velocity| m/s| 4| 0x93
3| T1/T+| User Units| 4| 0x93
4| T2/T–| User Units| 4| 0x93
5| T3/TN| User Units| 4| 0x93
6| Digital Input Status| —| 2| 0x91
7| Flow Direction| —| 2| 0x91
8| Relative Flow Rate| %| 4| 0x93
9| Preset Batch Totalizer| m3| 4| 0x93
10| Preset Batch Totalizer| User Units| 4| 0x93
11| Power Loss Totalizer| seconds| 4| 0x93
Total:| 41 bytes (Maximum)|

The Profibus DP daughterboard supports zero module configuration (0x00) to allow the possibility of leaving a dynamic variable out of cyclic data exchange when using manufacture-specific configurations.
For both types of supported network configurations, modification of the display units [User Units] will have an immediate effect on the data transferred over Profibus.
For the best performance of the Profibus DP daughterboard, ensure the Modbus RTU baud rate for Port B is set to 38400.
Identity Numbers
The Profibus DP daughterboard is based on the Profibus PA Profile v3 .0 . The device supports two identity numbers.

  • 0x0D01 belongs to GSD file BD020D01.GSD and includes the complete functionality of the M2000.
  • 0x9700 is a manufacturer-independent identity number and belongs to the GSD file PA139700.GSD. This provides the interchangeability of devices (that is, an exchange of electromagnetic flow meters of different vendors).

Network Baud Rate
After powering on, a baud rate search is started to detect the current bus speed. It is not necessary to set the baud rate manually. If the baud rate is changed during operation, a power cycle of the slave device is required to re- establish communication with the master.
The Profibus DP daughterboard only supports baud rates up to 6 Mbs.
A baud rate of 12 Mbs is not supported.
Slave Device Network Address
A new device will have an address of 126. In order to operate on the network, it must be assigned a bus address in the range of 0 to 125. Normally, the lower addresses will be assigned to master devices. The address may be changed only when the device is not in cyclic data exchange mode.
There are two ways to commission the network address of the slave device:

  • Using Profibus DP
  • Using the M2000 menu (Port B External Node Address)


The Profibus DP interface is based on the Profibus PA Profile v3 .0 and supports the following blocks:

  • One Physical Block – contains parameters defined in PA Profile v3 .0
  • One Transducer Block – contains parameters defined in PA Profile v3 .0 in addition to meter-specific parameters.
  • One Analog Input Function Block – contains one fixed channel, Flow Rate [User Units]

Physical Block
The physical block contains general device setup parameters. It is important to describe the details of the DIAGNOSIS and DIAGNOSIS_EXT parameters of the physical block.
Below is the definition of the supported bits of the DIAGNOSIS parameter.

Bit Bit Mnemonic Supported Bit Description
0 DIA_HW_ELECTR Yes Hardware Failure of electronics
5 DIA_MEASUREMENT Yes Failure in measurement – sensor failure, set if there

is a failure over Modbus.
6| DIA_NOT_INIT| —| —
7| DIA_INIT_ERR| —| —
8| DIA_ZERO_ERR| —| —
9| DIA_SUPPLY| —| —
10| DIA_CONF_INVAL| Yes| Configuration Invalid – Configuration mismatch between the Profibus DP daughterboard and the sensor electronics
11| DIA_WARMSTART| Yes| Reset occurred within the last 10 seconds
12| DIA_COLDSTART| Yes| The power cycle occurred within the last 10 seconds
14| DIA_CHARACT| —| —
15| IDENTNUMBER VIOLATION| Yes| Wrong identity number
16- 30| —| —| —
31| EXTENSION_ AVAILABLE| Yes| Extension status is available

Below is the definition of the DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSION parameter.

Byte Bit Supported Bit Description
0 0 Yes Detector Error
1 Empty Pipe Error
2 Full-Scale Flow Error
3 Totalizer Rollover Error
4 Totalizer Rollover Status
5 Flow Simulation Status
6 Pulse Synchronization Warning
7 ADC Interrupt Error
1 0 Yes ADC Range Error
2 0-7
3 0-7
4 0 Yes Internal Communication Failure – sensor electronics have not

responded to Modbus requests
1| Yes| Configuration Error
2-7| —| —
5| 0-7| —| —

The FACTORY_RESET parameter of the physical block is supported. This parameter index is used to reset the device. Three levels exist based on the value written to this index.

  • 1 – Factory Reset
  • 2506 – Warm start
  • 2712 – Set bus address to 126

The remaining parameter indices of the physical block are out of the scope of this document. Please refer to Profibus standards for additional information.
Transducer Block
Typically, the Device Description file is used to understand the organization of the meter-specific parameters within the transducer block.
Profibus Transducer Block Indexes (SLOT 1) by Category
Measurements Category

Absolute Index| Relative Index| Write Access Level| Index name| Modbus Register Address| Data Type| Static Revision
120| 10| READ-ONLY| T1 / T+ [m3]| 0x00CF| FLOAT32| —
121| 11| READ-ONLY| T1 / T+ [User Units]| 0x00D3| FLOAT32| —
122| 12| READ-ONLY| T2 / T- [m3]| 0x00D7| FLOAT32| —
123| 13| READ-ONLY| T2 / T– [User Units]| 0x00DB| FLOAT32| —
124| 14| READ-ONLY| T3 / TN [m3]| 0x00DF| FLOAT32| —
125| 15| READ-ONLY| T3 / TN [User Units]| 0x00E3| FLOAT32| —
126| 16| READ-ONLY| T1 / T+ Rollver Counter| 0x00E7| UINT16| —
127| 17| READ-ONLY| T2 / T– Rollover Counter| 0x00E8| UINT16| —
128| 18| READ-ONLY| Flow Velocity [m/s]| 0x00E9| FLOAT32| —
129| 19| READ-ONLY| Flow Rate [m3/s]| 0x00ED| FLOAT32| —
130| 20| READ-ONLY| Flow Rate [User Units]| 0x00F1| DS-33| —
131| 21| READ-ONLY| Relative Flow Rate [ % ]| 0x00F3| FLOAT32| —
132| 22| READ-ONLY| Preset Batch Totalizer [m3]| 0x00EB| FLOAT32| —
133| 23| READ-ONLY| Preset Batch Totalizer [User Units]| 0x00EF| FLOAT32| —
134| 24| READ-ONLY| Power Loss Totalizer [ seconds ]| 0x0107| UINT32| —
135| 25| READ-ONLY| Flow Direction| 0x012D| UINT16| —

Product Identification Category

Absolute Index| Relative Index| Write Access Level| Index name| Modbus Register Address| Data Type| Static Revision
136| 26| READ-ONLY| Product Code| 0x0000| UINT16| —
137| 27| READ-ONLY| Firmware Name| 0x0009| UCHAR16[16]| —
138| 28| READ-ONLY| Application Version| 0x0019| UCHAR16[10]| —
139| 29| READ-ONLY| Compile Date [MM:DD:YYYY]| 0x0023| UCHAR16[16]| —
140| 30| READ-ONLY| Compile Time [HH:MM:SS]| 0x0033| UCHAR16[16]| —
141| 31| READ-ONLY| OTP Boot Checksum| 0x0048| UCHAR16[3]| —
142| 32| READ-ONLY| Flash OS Checksum| 0x004B| UCHAR16[3]| —
143| 33| READ-ONLY| Boot Version| 0x004E| UCHAR16[5]| —
144| 34| READ-ONLY| OS Version| 0x0053| UCHAR16[4]| —
145| 35| READ-ONLY| Daughterboard Major Version| 0x0058| UINT16| —
146| 36| READ-ONLY| Daughterboard Minor Version| 0x0059| UINT16| —
147| 37| READ-ONLY| Power On Splash Line 1| 0x005A| UCHAR16[11]| —
148| 38| READ-ONLY| Power On Splash Line 2| 0x0156| UCHAR16[11]| —

Meter Calibration Category

Absolute Index| Relative Index| Write Access Level| Index name| Modbus Register Address| Data Type| Static Revision
149| 39| READ-ONLY| Detector Diameter| 0x006F| UINT16| —
150| 40| READ-ONLY| Detector Diameter Other [mm]| 0x0070| UINT16| —
151| 41| READ-ONLY| Detector Factor| 0x0071| FLOAT32| —
152| 42| READ-ONLY| Detector Offset [m/s]| 0x0075| FLOAT32| —
153| 43| READ-ONLY| Amplifier Factor| 0x0079| FLOAT32| —
154| 44| READ-ONLY| Detector Current [A]| 0x007D| FLOAT32| —
155| 45| SERVICE| Power Line Frequency [Hz]| 0x0081| UINT16| YES
156| 46| ADMIN| Excitation Frequency [Hz]| 0x0082| UINT16| YES
157| 47| SERVICE| Scale Factor [%]| 0x010B| FLOAT32| YES

Meter Measurement Settings Category

Absolute Index| Relative Index| Write Access Level| Index name| Modbus Register Address| Data Type| Static Revision
158| 48| USER| Flow Unit| 0x0083| UINT16| YES
159| 49| USER| Volume Unit| 0x0084| UINT16| YES
160| 50| USER| Unit Multiplier| 0x0085| UINT16| YES
161| 51| USER| Full Scale Velocity [m/s]| 0x0086| FLOAT32| YES
240| 130| USER| Full-Scale Flow [User Units]| 0x0090| FLOAT32| YES
162| 52| USER| Low Flow Cutoff [%]| 0x008E| FLOAT32| YES
163| 53| USER| Flow Direction| 0x0092| UINT16| YES
164| 54| USER| Damping Factor [s]| 0x0093| UINT16| YES

Digital Input Category

Absolute Index| Relative Index| Write Access Level| Index name| Modbus Register Address| Data Type| Static Revision
165| 55| SERVICE| Digital Input: Input Operation| 0x0094| UINT16| YES
166| 56| READ-ONLY| Digital Input: Status| 0x0155| UINT16| —

Output 1 Category

Absolute Index| Relative Index| Write Access Level| Index name| Modbus Register Address| Data Type| Static Revision
167| 57| SERVICE| Output #1: Pulses Per Unit [User Units]| 0x009C| FLOAT32| YES
168| 58| SERVICE| Output #1: Pulse Width [ms]| 0x00A0| UINT16| YES
169| 59| SERVICE| Output #1: Flow Alarm Minimum [%]| 0x00A1| UINT16| YES
170| 60| SERVICE| Output #1: Flow Alarm Maximum [%]| 0x00A2| UINT16| YES
171| 61| SERVICE| Output #1: Output Mode| 0x00A3| UINT16| YES
172| 62| SERVICE| Output #1: Output Operation| 0x00A4| UINT16| YES

Output 2 Category

Absolute Index| Relative Index| Write Access Level| Index name| Modbus Register Address| Data Type| Static Revision
173| 63| SERVICE| Output #2: Pulses Per Unit [User Units]| 0x00A9| FLOAT32| YES
174| 64| SERVICE| Output #2: Pulse Width [ms]| 0x00AD| UINT16| YES
175| 65| SERVICE| Output #2: Flow Alarm Minimum [%]| 0x00AE| UINT16| YES
176| 66| SERVICE| Output #2: Flow Alarm Maximum [%]| 0x00AF| UINT16| YES
177| 67| SERVICE| Output #2: Output Mode| 0x00B0| UINT16| YES
178| 68| SERVICE| Output #2: Output Operation| 0x00B1| UINT16| YES

Output 3 Category

Absolute Index| Relative Index| Write Access Level| Index name| Modbus Register Address| Data Type| Static Revision
179| 69| SERVICE| Output #3: Full-Scale Frequency [Hz]| 0x00B2| UINT16| YES
180| 70| SERVICE| Output #3: Flow Alarm Minimum [%]| 0x00B3| UINT16| YES
181| 71| SERVICE| Output #3: Flow Alarm Maximum [%]| 0x00B4| UINT16| YES
182| 72| SERVICE| Output #3: Output Mode| 0x00B5| UINT16| YES
183| 73| SERVICE| Output #3: Hardware Select| 0x00B6| UINT16| YES
184| 74| SERVICE| Output #3: Output Operation| 0x00B7| UINT16| YES

Output 4 Category

Absolute Index| Relative Index| Write Access Level| Index name| Modbus Register Address| Data Type| Static Revision
185| 75| SERVICE| Output #4: Flow Alarm Minimum [%]| 0x00B8| UINT16| YES
186| 76| SERVICE| Output #4: Flow Alarm Maximum [%]| 0x00B9| UINT16| YES
187| 77| SERVICE| Output #4: Output Mode| 0x00BA| UINT16| YES
188| 78| SERVICE| Output #4: Hardware Select| 0x00BB| UINT16| YES
189| 79| SERVICE| Output #4: Output Operation| 0x00BC| UINT16| YES

Port A DiagnosticCounters Category

Absolute Index| Relative Index| Write Access Level| Index name| Modbus Register Address| Data Type| Static Revision
190| 80| READ-ONLY| Port A: Packets Processed| 0x00BD| UINT16| —
191| 81| READ-ONLY| Port A: Broadcast Packets| 0x00BE| UINT16| —
192| 82| READ-ONLY| Port A: CRC Errors| 0x00BF| UINT16| —
193| 83| READ-ONLY| Port A: Packets Received| 0x00C0| UINT16| —
194| 84| READ-ONLY| Port A: Packets Sent| 0x00C1| UINT16| —
195| 85| READ-ONLY| Port A: Parity Errors| 0x00C2| UINT16| —
196| 86| READ-ONLY| Port A: Framing Errors| 0x00C3| UINT16| —
197| 87| READ-ONLY| Port A: Overrun Errors| 0x00C4| UINT16| —
198| 88| READ-ONLY| Port A: Break Detects| 0x00C5| UINT16| —

Port B Diagnostic Counters Category

Absolute Index| Relative Index| Write Access Level| Index name| Modbus Register Address| Data Type| Static Revision
199| 89| READ-ONLY| Port B: Packets Processed| 0x00C6| UINT16| —
200| 90| READ-ONLY| Port B: Broadcast Packets| 0x00C7| UINT16| —
201| 91| READ-ONLY| Port B: CRC Errors| 0x00C8| UINT16| —
202| 92| READ-ONLY| Port B: Packets Received| 0x00C9| UINT16| —
203| 93| READ-ONLY| Port B: Packets Sent| 0x00CA| UINT16| —
204| 94| READ-ONLY| Port B: Parity Errors| 0x00CB| UINT16| —
205| 95| READ-ONLY| Port B: Framing Errors| 0x00CC| UINT16| —
206| 96| READ-ONLY| Port B: Overrun Errors| 0x00CD| UINT16| —
207| 97| READ-ONLY| Port B: Break Detects| 0x00CE| UINT16| —

Meter Diagnostic Counters Category

Absolute Index| Relative Index| Write Access Level| Index name| Modbus Register Address| Data Type| Static Revision
208| 98| READ-ONLY| Power Up Counter| 0x00F5| UINT16| —
209| 99| READ-ONLY| Detector Error Counter| 0x00F6| UINT16| —
210| 100| READ-ONLY| Empty Pipe Counter| 0x00F7| UINT16| —
211| 101| READ-ONLY| Full-Scale Counter| 0x00F8| UINT16| —
212| 102| READ-ONLY| Totalizer Overflow Counter| 0x00F9| UINT16| —
213| 103| READ-ONLY| Pulse Sync Counter| 0x00FC| UINT16| —
214| 104| READ-ONLY| ADC Interrupt Counter| 0x00FD| UINT16| —
215| 105| READ-ONLY| ADC Range Counter| 0x00FE| UINT16| —
216| 106| READ-ONLY| WDT Resets Counter| 0x00FF| UINT16| —
217| 107| READ-ONLY| WDT Location| 0x0100| UINT16| —
218| 108| READ-ONLY| System Error #| 0x0101| UINT16| —
219| 109| READ-ONLY| Meter Status| 0x0106| UINT16| —
220| 110| READ-ONLY| Action Request Overflows| 0x0109| UINT16| —
221| 111| READ-ONLY| Measurement Overflows| 0x010A| UINT16| —
222| 112| READ-ONLY| Remote Resets| 0x0154| UINT16| —

Miscellaneous Category

Absolute Index| Relative Index| Write Access Level| Index name| Modbus Register Address| Data Type| Static Revision
223| 113| USER| Display Backlight Mode| 0x010F| UINT16| YES
224| 114| SERVICE| Preset Batch Amount [m3]| 0x0110| FLOAT32| YES
225| 115| USER| Menu Language Setting| 0x0114| UINT16| YES

Empty Pipe Category

Absolute Index| Relative Index| Write Access Level| Index name| Modbus Register Address| Data Type| Static Revision
226| 116| READ-ONLY| Empty Pipe Actual Resistance [Ohms]| 0x011A| FLOAT32| —
227| 117| ADMIN| Empty Pipe Calibration [Volts]| 0x011E| FLOAT32| YES
228| 118| READ-ONLY| Empty Pipe Measure Value [Volts]| 0x0120| FLOAT32| —
229| 119| ADMIN| Full Pipe Calibration [Volts]| 0x0122| FLOAT32| YES
230| 120| SERVICE| Empty Pipe Mode| 0x0124| UINT16| YES

Control Commands Category

Absolute Index| Relative Index| Write Access Level| Index name| Modbus Register Address| Data Type| Static Revision
231| 121| SERVICE| Flow Simulation| 0x012A| SINT16| YES
236| 126| SERVICE| Command Action Request| 0x0125| UINT16| YES

Security Category

Absolute Index| Relative Index| Write Access Level| Index name| Modbus Register Address| Data Type| Static Revision
237| 127| READ-ONLY| Security Status| 0x011C| UINT8| —
238| 128| READ-ONLY| Access Level| 0x011C| UINT8| —
239| 129| READ-ONLY| Display Active| 0x011D| UINT8| —
241| 131| READ-ONLY| Random Value| 0x012B| UINT32| —
233| 123| NONE| Remote Login| 0x012F| UINT32| —

Analog Input Functional Block
The Analog Input (AI) function block has a single fixed channel. This fixed channel is associated with the Flow Rate [User Units] parameter. The AI function block operates in modes controlled by a state machine. The modes determine the output (that is, OUT) from the function block. The following modes are supported:

Mode Output from Function Block Mode Coding (Hexadecimal)
Out of Service Last output value (when resource states show an HW Failure).

Manual| Output value set by the operator.| 0x10
Auto| The output value is calculated from the function block input. (The input may be set by the operator when in simulation).| 0x08

ModMAG M2000 Electromagnetic Flow Meters - Analog input function block
PV_SCALE, PV_FTIME, OUT_SCALE, UNIT and SIMULATE are programmable function block parameters within the analog input function block.
The input to the function block is normally taken from an index in the transducer block and is determined by the CHANNEL parameter (fixed) of the Analog Input function block. However, if the operator enables the simulated function, the input value is taken from the SIMULATE parameter.
In addition, the operator may choose to scale the output into another unit compared to what is given by the measurement (PV). Normally the OUT value will be given in either % or in the unit of measurement of PV. The scaling is linear and is made between the PV upper/lower range and the OUT upper/lower range.
The PV unit is fixed to the meter’s selected flow unit.
Changing the meter’s flow units will change the PV unit.
After changing the flow unit, review the scaling parameters of the OUT value.
The output from the Analog Input function block is the OUT parameter. The source for the output is determined by the mode of the function block. The function block is executed as normal in AUTO mode and the function block execution generates the OUT value. In Out-of-Service mode, the function block execution is stopped and the OUT value remains at the last usable value. In manual mode, the operator may write directly to the OUT value and force the output to a value.
A first-order low-pass filter may be used. PV_FTIME is the damping factor of the filter. This value represents the time when the OUT value has reached 63% of the final value after an input step.
There are four configurable alarm levels: Low Alarm, Low Warning, High Alarm, and High Warning. When the OUT value has exceeded one of the alarm levels, then the status of the OUT value is changed to signal the event.
The output value (OUT) consists of 5 bytes: a 4-byte float value (defined according to IEEE Standard 745) followed by a 1-byte status value.
The only way to check the quality of the transmitted measured values is to monitor the status value. A value will be transmitted even if the status of the measurement value is bad or uncertain.
The supported status values are described in the following table.

Quality| Quality Sub status| Alarm Limits| Description| Special Notes
Bit 7| Bit 6| Bit 5| Bit 4| Bit 3| Bit 2| Bit 1| Bit 0
0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| —| —| Bad – Not Connected| The Profibus DP daughterboard is powered up without a connection to the M2000.
—| —| 0| 0| 1| 1| —| —| Bad – Device Failure| The resource block is failing.
—| —| 0| 1| 0| 0| —| —| Bad – Sensor Failure| No sensor value has been received for the last 5 Modbus requests.
—| —| 0| 1| 1| 1| —| —| Bad – Out of Service| Analog Input Function Block is in Out- of-Service mode for other reasons than resource block failure.
0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 1| —| —| Uncertain – Last Usable Value| No update from Modbus over the last 3 updates.
1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| —| —| Good – Non-Cascade (Value OK)| —
—| —| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| Good – No Alarm (Priority < 8)| —
—| —| —| —| —| —| 0| 1| Good – Low Limit Warning| —
—| —| —| —| —| —| 1| 0| Good –High Limit Warning| —
—| —| —| —| —| —| 1| 1| Good – Constant Output| —
—| —| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0| 1| Good –Low Limit Alarm| —
—| —| —| —| —| —| 1| 0| Good – High Limit Alarm| —


PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. grants to Badger Meter Europa Niirtinger Str. 76, 72639 Neuffen, Germany the Certificate No: Z01692 for the PROFIBUS Device:
Model Name: M2000
Revision: 1; SW/FW: V1.17; HW: Rev 1
GSD: BD020D01.GSD, File Version: 1.0
This certificate confirms that the product has successfully passed the certification tests with the following scope:

| DP-VO| MSO, Set_Slave_Add
| DP-V1| MS2, Prm_Block_Structure
| Profile| PROFIBUS PA 3.02
| Physical Laye| R5485

Test Report Number: PCNI66-PAS-01
Authorized Test Laboratory: PROCENTEC, Wateringen, The Netherlands
The tests were executed in accordance with the following documents:
“Test Specifications for PROFIBUS DP Slaves, Version 3.0.9, September 2008” and
“Test Specifications for PROFIBUS PA Devices (Profile 3.02), Version 5.0.4, February 2010”.
This certificate is granted according to the document:
“Framework for testing and certification of PROFIBUS and PROFINET products”.
For all products that are placed in circulation by May 10, 2015, the certificate is valid for life. ModMAG M2000 Electromagnetic Flow Meters -
SignetureControl. Manage. Optimize.
ModMAG is a registered trademark of Badger Meter, Inc. Other trademarks appearing in this document are the property of their respective entities. Due to continuous research, product improvements, and enhancements, Badger Meter reserves the right to change product or system specifications without notice, except to the extent an outstanding contractual obligation exists.
© 2022 Badger Meter, Inc . All rights reserved.

Badger Meter
MAG-UM-01409-EN-05 (January 2022)

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