VESALA MPL4-33 NanoSonde User Manual

June 10, 2024

VESALA MPL4-33 NanoSonde User Manual

VESALA MPL4-33 NanoSonde User Manual

1 Safety notes

To avoid possible harm, read and follow these instructions.

1.1 MPL4-33, MPL6-33, VMS6-33, MPL7-33, MPL9-33, PL18-33, PL18-05

DANGER: Contains small objects and small batteries. Risk of death or personal injury. Keep out of reach of children.

1.2 MPL4-33, MPL6-33, VMS6-33, MPL7-33, MPL9-33, PL18-33

WARNING: Compressed air is used to propel sondes when jetting. Risk of personal injury or property damage. Do not stress equipment beyond their maximum values. Wear a face shield. Wear head protection. Refer to section 2.3: Mechanical specifications for more information on the maximum values of your sonde model. Refer to section 3.6: Jetting for more information on proper jetting procedure. Refer to jetting machine or air compressor information for use for more information on their proper use.

2 General description

2.1 Intended use

The sondes described in this document are intended for locating, calibrating, and identifying ducts, pipes, cavities, and their blockages. These sondes are short range battery-operated inductive transmitters which can be located with a receiver operating on the same frequency. Most professional cable locators can be used to locate the sondes. The 33 kHz (32768 Hz) sondes are intended to be used inside non-conductive ducts, cavities, and structures. 512 Hz sondes can also be used inside some conductive objects, such as cast-iron or nonmagnetic stainless-steel pipes with slightly reduced range. Other metals reduce the range of 512 Hz sondes even further. Sondes are intended for professional use only. Refer to specifications for details about your sonde model.

2.2 Sonde PL18-33 and MegaSonde PL42-05

ATTENTION: These sondes generate magnetic field that is considered safe in professional use. To avoid inconvenience, it is advisable to keep implanted cardiac devices, metallic implants, and magnetic media at a minimum distance of 5 cm from operating device.

2.3 Mechanical specifications

VESALA MPL4-33 NanoSonde User Manual - Mechanical
specifications VESALA MPL4-33
NanoSonde User Manual - Mechanical specifications

2.4 Electrical specifications

VESALA MPL4-33 NanoSonde User Manual - Electrical
specifications VESALA MPL4-33
NanoSonde User Manual - Electrical specifications

2.5 Package contents

VESALA MPL4-33 NanoSonde User Manual - Package

2.6 Consumables, accessories, and spare parts

VESALA MPL4-33 NanoSonde User Manual - Consumables VESALA MPL4-33 NanoSonde User Manual -

2.7 NanoSonde MPL4-33 parts and functions

VESALA MPL4-33 NanoSonde User Manual - NanoSonde MPL4-33 parts and

  1. M3.5 internal attachment thread for shock absorbers and calibrators Do not connect rods to the thread.

  2. Flexible section Helps navigate tight corners. Minimum Ø 6 mm duct curve radius is 170 mm. Do not unnecessarily bend the flexible section. Do not bend more than 45°.

  3. Battery compartment Holds one 3.0 V lithium battery BR425 or CR425.

  4. Battery cap To open, turn 90° clockwise and then pull out.
    ⚠ ATTENTION: Do not rotate anticlockwise. To close, push in and then turn 90° clockwise.

  5. Battery cap tool For conveniently opening and closing the battery cap.

2.8 MPL6-33, VMS6-33, MPL7-33 and MPL9-33 parts and functions

VESALA MPL4-33 NanoSonde User Manual - MPL6-33, VMS6-33, MPL7-33 and MPL9-33
parts and functions

  1. Power LED Blinking LED indicates power on. LED shuts down when battery should be replaced.
  2. Flexible section Helps navigate tight corners. Do not unnecessarily bend the flexible section.
  3.  Battery compartment with M5 internal attachment thread for shock absorbers, calibrators, and rods Holds one 3.0 V lithium battery. MPL6-33 battery type: BR425 or CR425. VMS6-33, MPL7-33, and MPL9-33 battery type: BR535 or CR535.
  4. MPL7-33 and MPL9-33 only: Battery compartment with M6 internal attachment thread for shock absorbers, calibrators, and rods Holds one 3.0 V lithium battery BR535 or CR535.
2.9 Sonde PL18-33 and Sonde PL18-05 parts and functions

VESALA MPL4-33 NanoSonde User Manual - Sonde PL18-33 and Sonde PL18-05 parts
and functions

  1. Power LED Blinking LED indicates power on. LED shuts down when battery should be replaced.
  2. Battery compartment with M12 internal attachment thread for rods Holds one 3.6 V lithium battery LS14250 or SL-750.
  3. Battery compartment with M10 external and M6 internal attachment threads for rods Holds one 3.6 V lithium battery LS14250 or SL-750. A 16 mm spanner may be used when connecting a rodder.
2.10 MegaSonde PL42-05 parts and functions

VESALA MPL4-33 NanoSonde User Manual - MegaSonde PL42-05 parts and

  1. Power LED Blinking LED indicates power on. LED shuts down when batteries should be replaced.
  2. Battery compartment with M12 internal attachment thread for rods and a mounting hole for string Covers battery holder.
  3. Battery holder Carries 8 batteries of type IEC LR6, IEC HR6 or IEC FR6.

3 Operating sondes

3.1 Installing battery in NanoSonde MPL4-33

DANGER: Contains small objects and small batteries. Risk of death or personal injury. Keep out of reach of children.

VESALA MPL4-33 NanoSonde User Manual - Installing battery in NanoSonde

3.2 Installing battery in MPL6-33, VMS6-33, MPL7-33, MPL9-33, PL18-33,

or PL18-05

VESALA MPL4-33 NanoSonde User Manual - Installing battery in

Follow this procedure to install a battery:

  1. Screw the battery compartment open.
  2. Insert battery. Observe polarity.
  3. Close the battery compartment. Tighten VMS6-33, MPL7-33, PL18-33 and PL18-05 until the O-ring is fully covered.
3.3 Installing batteries in MegaSonde PL42-05

Three different types of batteries may be used with MegaSonde PL42-05: IEC LR6 alkaline, IEC HR6 NiMH or IEC FR6 Li-FeS2. Ambient temperature, required operating time, environment and economy should be considered when selecting batteries. Disposable FR6 Li-FeS2 batteries are the lightest and have the longest battery life but are rather expensive. Rechargeable HR6 NiMH batteries are an all-round good choice. Low cost LR6 alkaline batteries should only be used at ambient temperatures above +5°C.

VESALA MPL4-33 NanoSonde User Manual - Installing batteries in MegaSonde

Follow this procedure to install batteries into MegaSonde PL42-05:

  1. To open, hold battery compartment and rotate sonde anticlockwise.
  2. Pull out battery holder.
  3. Insert eight batteries of the same type into the battery holder according to the markings.
  4. Connect the battery holder to the device. To avoid connector damage, hold the sonde vertically when connecting or disconnecting the battery holder with batteries.
  5. Close the battery compartment. Tighten until the O-ring is fully covered.
3.4 Testing correct operation

When the battery is inserted, the sonde will start emitting a signal. The location of the sonde can now be detected with a receiver that operates at the same frequency. Before use, ensure both your sonde and your receiver are fully functional by locating the sonde with a receiver at the desired operating distance. Refer to section 2.4: Electrical specifications for information about operating frequency and operating range of your specific sonde model. For information about pinpointing sondes, refer to the receiver information for use.

3.5 Selecting a delivery method

All Vesala sondes have a mounting thread for connecting accessories. There are several methods to send sondes to their intended location. Refer to section 2.3: Mechanical specifications for more information on what limiting values and what mounting thread size your sonde has. Blowing a sonde along a duct with compressed air is called jetting. It is the only option when calibrating long micro ducts with sondes. Only light weight sondes may be jetted. Please note that PL18-05 and PL42-05 should not be jetted due to their weight and PL18-33 may only be jetted at lower speeds. Pushing or pulling a sonde with a cable rod is called rodding. It is a suitable method to deliver heavier sondes for relatively short distances. Please note that MPL4-33 cannot be rodded due to its delicate construction. MPL6-33, VMS6-33 and MPL7-33 may only be rodded with limited rodding force. Other methods include floating or flushing a sonde thru a pipe with water or hanging it from a string. PL42-05 has an integrated string attachment point for that purpose. Please note that pressurised water may not be used to flush MPL4-33.

3.6 Jetting

WARNING: Compressed air is used to propel sondes when jetting. Risk of personal injury or property damage. Do not stress equipment beyond their maximum values. Wear a face shield. Wear head protection. Refer to section 2.3: Mechanical specifications for more information on the maximum values of your sonde model. Refer to jetting machine or air compressor information for use for more information on their proper use.
Follow this procedure to safely jet sondes thru ducts:

  1. Attach a suitable sonde catcher to the end of the duct. A sonde may exit the duct at a dangerous speed. A proper sonde catcher reduces both the risk of damaging the sonde and the risk of damage inflicted by the sonde.
  2. To reduce wear, dispense a suitable amount of jetting lubricant into the duct and blow a cleaning sponge thru to the sonde catcher.
  3. Attach a shock absorber to the sonde. A shock absorber reduces the acceleration caused by a collision with a blockage. It also enables jetting small sondes at a higher speed compared to jetting without a shock absorber.
  4. Attach a calibrator to the shock absorber if not already attached. A calibrator allows sondes to stop at damaged duct sections so that they can be located and repaired.
  5. Install battery and test correct operation.
  6. Feed the sonde into the duct shock absorber first.
  7. Feed a sponge behind the sonde. This allows the use of lower air pressure.
  8. Connect air supply to the duct. Limit air pressure to a safe level that all the connected equipment can tolerate. Gradually increase the air flow to a level that reliably propels the sonde forward at a moderate speed. Track the approximate location of the sonde as it travels along the duct and adjust air flow as needed.
  9. When the sonde reaches the catcher, immediately cut air flow. Then remove the sonde from the catcher.
  10. If the sonde jams, cut air flow. Locate the sonde and expose the duct. Take care not to cut the duct exactly at the sonde. Instead, remove a duct section containing the sonde and carefully remove the sonde using minimal force preferably to the direction it came from. If the sonde cannot be located and you attempt to jet it backwards, move the catcher to the other end of the duct. Do not attempt to dislodge any sonde with a pressure exceeding 10 bar.
3.7 Rodding

Rodding may wear sondes quickly especially when sondes are used inside concrete, ceramic, or metallic pipes. To reduce wear, do at least one of the following:

  • Use a protective non-conductive cover over the sonde.
  • Use a flexible mount between the sonde and the rod.
  • Wash the pipe.
  • Lubricate the pipe.

Use the following procedure when rodding:

  1. If the pipe has tight corners or obstacles, install a flexible mount between the sonde and the rod.
  2. Install battery and test correct operation.
  3. Attach the sonde to the rod.
  4. Push the sonde forward using a force that does not exceed the maximum rodding force of your sonde. Refer to section 2.3: Mechanical specifications for more information on the maximum values of your sonde model.
  5. Track the approximate location of the sonde as it travels along the pipe.
  6. When the sonde reaches the desired location, pinpoint its location precisely.
  7. Remove the sonde before attempting to perform operations to the pipe.
  8. If the sonde jams and cannot be dislodged, locate the sonde, and expose the pipe. Take care not to cut the pipe exactly at the sonde. Instead, remove a pipe section containing the sonde and carefully remove the jammed sonde using minimal force preferably to the direction it came from. Do not attempt to dislodge a sonde with force exceeding its specified maximum rodding force.
3.8 Cleaning

If the device is dirty or wet, clean and dry the outer surface of the device with a soft cloth before opening the battery compartment. Avoid getting dirt or water inside the device. Isopropanol may be used to remove stains and disinfect the surface. Battery contacts should only be cleaned with isopropanol and a soft, lint free cloth.

3.9 Storing

Remove batteries or disconnect battery holder immediately after each use. It is highly recommended to store the device, batteries, and accessories inside their original packaging in a dry, warm place.

4 Taking care of your equipment

4.1 Maintenance

Regularly inspect that the battery O-ring seal is in working condition to ensure protection against water and dust. Replace damaged or missing O-ring before next use.

4.2 Troubleshooting

VESALA MPL4-33 NanoSonde User Manual - Troubleshooting

4.3 Modifying

Do not attempt to modify the device or accessories in any way. A modified device or accessory may work in an unpredictable way or may fail to work at all. Use appropriate accessories only. Be careful when using accessories that are not recommended.

4.4 Misuse

Do not use excessive jetting speeds or rodding force with the device. Do not jet sondes that are too heavy to be jetted. Do not rod sondes that are too delicate to be rodded. Do not bend the device unnecessarily. Do not use the device as a mechanical tool to dig soil or move objects with. Do not drop, throw, or step on the device.

4.5 Warranty

Vesala sondes have one-year warranty against material or manufacturing defects from the date of purchase. The warranty shall not cover batteries, normal wear and tear, misuse or faults resulting from modifying the product.

4.6 Disposal

Do not discard this product with household or general waste after its end-of- life. Return it for recycling according to EU Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment directive (WEEE). For more information contact your supplier or local agent.

5 Supplier contact information

Service, spare parts, replacement user manuals and technical support: H. Vesala Oy Peräsimentie 1, FI-03100 Nummela, Finland Tel. +358 44 200 2005,,


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