Scigiene RH5 Paper Moisture Meter Humimeter With Sword Sensor User Manual

June 10, 2024

User manual
paper moisture meter millimeter RH5
with sword sensor

User manual short form

Positioning the instrument

Insert the sword-sensor into the stack for only approx. 10 cm, and push it a few more centimeters into the stack every 10 seconds. Let your millimeter RH5 adequately adjust to the material (at least 5 minutes) before you start to measure, particularly when the material pile was stored at a different temperature than the device. When removing the sword-shaped sensor please ensure that there is no up or down movement, because this could deform the sensor. For heavy stacks and rolls please use the optionally available sword sensor holder and the tool for removing the sword sensor holder.
To switch on the instrument, press the key for three seconds.
After showing the logo, the measuring window opens and the current temperature and moisture value is displayed.

In the type selection menu the calibration curves can be changed by pressing or . The calibration curves saved in the device can be found in the following list.
List of calibration curves

calibration curve| description| unit| measuring
rel. humidity| relative humidity of air| %RH| 0 to 100%
dew point| dew point| °C or °F| -55 to +60°C resp.
-67 to 140°F

Description of definitions

Relative air humidity: indicates the relation between the current water vapour pressure and the maximal possible water vapour pressure (called saturation vapour pressure)
The relative humidity shows the degree the air is saturated with water vapour. For example:
50% relative humidity indicates that at the current temperature and the current pressure the air is saturated with water vapour for half of its value, 100% relative humidity means that the air is totally saturated. When the air has more than 100% of relative humidity, the excessive moisture would condense or form fog.
Dew point temperature: The dew point indicates the temperature that the not completely saturated air has to reach in order to be completely saturated with water vapour. If the room with the current relative humidity is cooled down to the dew point temperature, the water vapour begins to condense.

Application range

Within the normal application range (normal range) the accuracy of the device is as indicated. A long-term application beyond the normal application range (max. range), particularly at an air humidity of more than 80%, can lead to higher measuring errors (+3% after 60 hours). Back in the normal application range, the sensor will return to the indicated accuracy automatically.

Scigiene RH5 Paper Moisture Meter Humimeter With Sword Sensor - Fig

Design of the device

Scigiene RH5 Paper Moisture Meter Humimeter With Sword Sensor - Fig

Menu level overview

Scigiene RH5 Paper Moisture Meter Humimeter With Sword Sensor - Fig

Edit Logs
Manual Logs
Auto Logs
Clear Logs
Print Logs
Last Logs
All Logs
Clear Logs
Send Logs
Manual Logs
Auto Logs
Clear Logs| Options
Catalog Time
User level
BL On Time
Auto Off Time

Keypad symbols

Measuring window: Menu:

Rolling Menu
Power ON / OFF
Switch upper
Switch lower
Auto log
Watch saved data
Enter suppliers data| Enter
Switch upper
Switch lower
Enter numbers
Enter letters
Next or right

Operating the instrument
Switching on: Press for three seconds.
Changing the calibration curve: or .
Setting date and time: 2 times  – Options – date / time
Set date and time using the button , according to the format indicated (JJ.MM.TT). After entering the year, press the button for entering the month and again for entering the day. For changing from date to time also press the button . After finishing, press  for saving the entered data.
Catalog: Select your desired interval in the menu Options – Log Time using the arrow keys, and confirm by pressing OK. Now in the store menu appears   the symbol . By pressing this  symbol you can activate the  Auto Log.
Info: In order to save battery power the device switches off automatically at a log interval of 1 minute or longer, and activates again for saving the logs!
For completing the Auto Log, switch on the device (if necessary) and press the button. If you want to add supplier´s data please press the  button. Supplier´s data can also be entered on the PC subsequently.
Switching on the display lighting: Press the key briefly; the display lighting switches off automatically after approx. 20 seconds. Pressing any key activates the display lighting again, and the period for switching off again is prolonged to four minutes (The display lighting time can be modified in menu level Options – BL On Time).
Switching off: Press the key for five seconds. The instrument switches  off after releasing the key. The instrument switches off automatically after approx. four minutes. (The turn-off time can be modified in menu level Options – Auto Off Time).
Other instrument functions – overview
Manual saving of single measuring values in a measurement series
Display of measuring series and measuring values directly on the instrument
Printing the saved measuring series (only with PC interface and printer)
Transfer and saving of measuring series on a PC (only with PC interface)
Automatic single-point adjustment at 50% humidity standard
Selection of menu language (DE, EN, FR, IT, ES, RU)
Display of temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit
Transfer saved data to the PC
To send your saved logs to the PC, connect the millimeter device to your PC using the USB cable that was delivered with your device. Carefully loose the protection cap on your millimeter and plug in the USB mini B connector. The bigger connector has to connected to a USB slot on your PC. Start the Log Memorizer software on your PC and switch on your millimeter RH5.
The data transfer can be started on your millimeter or on the software:

Starting data transfer on the millimeter:
Press the key until you reach the menu (see image on the right). Then choose „Send Logs“ and confirm by pressing the key. Now choose „Manual Logs“ or „Auto Logs“ and confirm with again. All saved logs will be transferred to your PC.

Scigiene RH5 Paper Moisture Meter Humimeter With Sword Sensor - USB

Starting data transfer on the PC:
Press the button „remote control“ in the Log Memorize software. A drop-down menu with several options opens (see image below).
For transferring the data you can select „Import last manual log“ (the last saved measuring series is transferred) or „Import all manual logs“ (all saved logs are transferred.  If you click on one of these menu items, the transfer starts immediately.
For the basic adjustments of the software please look through the instructions on the Log Memorize CD.

Print saved data
To print your saved data, connect the device to the printer using the printer cable that was delivered with your device: Carefully loose the protection cap on the humimeter RH5. At first plug in the side of the connector with the close plastic casing at the millimeter RH5. Then switch on the device.Scigiene RH5 Paper Moisture Meter Humimeter With Sword Sensor -
USB cable5

Not till then the other side of the cable has to be plugged in at the printer. Switch on the printer by pressing . Now the green LED is blinking. If it does not blink, please change the batteries and try again.
Press the button at your millimeter until you reach the menu (see image on the right). Choose „Print Logs“ and confirm by pressing .

Now you can select if you want to print the last saved measuring series or all saved measuring series (logs).
Confirm by pressing again. The selected logs are printed out now.

Scigiene RH5 Paper Moisture Meter Humimeter With Sword Sensor - USB

Info: To save paper, please think of clearing the data storage regularly.
Single-point adjustment with 50% humidity standard
For the adjustment the appropriate calibration equipment as well as calibration ampoules resp. humidity standards of 50 % r.h. are required.
To ensure as good as possible inspection results it is essential that the measuring device, the calibration equipment and the calibration ampoules have approximately the same temperature.
This temperature has to be between 20°C and 26°C.
The best way to ensure the same temperature of the different components is to store all components together in a room with only small temperature fluctuations minimum over night – better for 24 hours.
Components of calibration equipment
In this image you can see the components of the calibration equipment and a calibration ampoule with humidity standard.

Assembly of calibration equipment

  1. Put in the first gasket ring in the upper part of the calibration device.
  2.  Push in the sword sensor in the upper part as shown in the picture.
  3. Now put the second gasket ring into the upper part.
  4. Lay in the textile pad in the bottom part of the calibration device, and pour the humidity standard carefully at the textile pad.Scigiene RH5 Paper Moisture Meter Humimeter With Sword Sensor - part
  5. Now put the third gasket ring into the bottom part.
  6. Fit the metal ring on the third gasket.
  7. Take the upper part with the RH5 and attach these carefully at the bottom part of the calibration device. Scigiene RH5 Paper Moisture Meter Humimeter With Sword Sensor - par2
  8. Pick up the RH5 together with the calibration device STRAIGHT and DON´T TURN IT AROUND. Screw it up like shown in the picture. Scigiene RH5 Paper Moisture Meter Humimeter With Sword Sensor - par3

Then put the RH5 with the calibration device down on a table carefully and proceed as follows:
Conditioning the sensor
To achieve best results, let the sensor adjust for two hours.
The temperature has to be between 20°C and 26°C.
If the shown measuring value differs more than the factory tolerance(1.5%r.h.), we recommend to carry out a recalibration as follows.
Offset adjustment

  1. Leave the measuring device in the calibration equipment, and switch it on.

  2. Press the Rolling Menu button until you reach the main menu.

  3. Select the menu item Options by pressing the button and confirm by pressing.

  4. Navigate to Ajust using the button and confirm by pressing again.

  5. Enter the superuser password using the buttons resp.and confirm by pressing .
    • The superuser password after consignment is the serial number of the device, shown on the display after switching on the device or in menu item ****Status.

  6. A query if a setting is desired appears. Confirm by pressing .Scigiene RH5 Paper Moisture Meter Humimeter With Sword Sensor - par4

  7. Wait until the bar has risen completely. The device adjusts by itself and automatically jumps back to the measuring window. The adjustment is completed now.

  8.  Check the result before you remove the device from the calibration equipment. Depending on the temperature the display should show a humidity around 50% now.

If you made a mistake during the setting, you can reset to the factory calibration as follows:

Reset to factory calibration

  1. Press the button two times to reach the menu point Options.

  2. Select the menu item Reset using the button and confirm by pressing .

  3. Enter the superuser password using the buttons resp. and confirm by pressing .
    • The query reset? appears on the display.

  4. Press the button for resetting the device to the factory calibration.
    • The software reloads the factory calibration data and reboots the device. This will need about 15 to 20 seconds.

  5. Pressing the button you can exit without any changes.

**Conditioning of the sensor


The conditioning of the sensor (time until the device shows the actual measuring value) depends on several parameters. The parameter responsible for the highest measuring error is a temperature discrepancy between the sensors resp. the whole measuring instrument and the material to measure resp. the air.
In order to fasten the conditioning, the following proceedings are possible:

Spaced insertion of the sword sensor

  • Insert the sword-sensor into the stack for only approx. 10 cm, and push it a few more centimeters into the stack every 10 seconds.
    In case of a high temperature difference repeat this action – if necessary several times!

  • If you use the sword sensor holder, please ensure that both the sword sensor and the sword sensor holder are adjusted to the surrounding temperature of the material.

In this case insert the sword sensor holder at frequent intervals and leave the sword sensor in the sword sensor holder for an appropriate period.
Care instructions
Do not drop the instrument or expose it to excessive temperatures. The instrument is not waterproof. Do not immerse the sensor in liquid.
The intervals for checking the instrument depend on your operational demands and the required level of accuracy. In general the drift of the sensor according to the degree of use (constant humidity or use within the whole moisture measuring range) is beneath 0.5 % per year. You can check millimeter RH5 instruments by yourself using the calibration equipment (see optional accessories). For a fee, Mechanistic Schiller GmbH can also carry out a calibration at their factory. On demand you will also receive a calibration certificate.

Changing the batteries

First of all remove the rubber protection cover. For that, hold the rubber protection cover at the upper side and pull it over. If your millimeter is provided with an optional USB port, you have to remove the protection cap before. Press with your finger onto the arrow of the battery cap and pull it back.
Remove the empty batteries. Put four new 1.5 Volt AA Alkaline batteries in the device. Make sure that the position of the battery poles is correct. Press down the batteries and close the cap.

Scigiene RH5 Paper Moisture Meter Humimeter With Sword Sensor -

Exemption from liability
For miss-readings and wrong measurements and of this resulting damage we refuse any liability. This is a device for quick determination of moisture.
The moisture depends on multiple conditions and multiple materials.
Therefore we recommend a plausibility check of the measuring results. Each device includes a serial number and the guarantee stamp. If those are broken, no claims for guarantee can be made.
If the battery symbol appears in the measuring window resp. if a critical charge of battery is shown in the status, the batteries have to be changed IMMEDIATELY. If you do not use your millimeter device for a longer period, remove the batteries. For eventual resulting damages we cannot provide any warranty.
In case of a faulty device, please contact Schiller GmbH ( or your dealer.

Optional accessories

  • PC interface for printing saved data on mobile printer and/or for transfer of data to a PC incl. millimeter Log Memorize
  • millimeter Log Memorize measuring data recording and analysing software for Windows® PCs: data bank based recording of data, direct analysis of measuring data in the programmer, various export functions, download of demo version at
  • Mobile printer– therm printer, runs by battery
  • Sword sensor holder for protection of sword sensor in heavy paper piles.
  • Tool for removing sword sensor holder from heavy paper piles.
  • Calibration equipment and calibration ampoules for checking instruments of the millimeter Rx series by the customer itself

Technical data

Measurement: Measuring range / resolution / accuracy
rel. humidity: 0 to 100% rh / 0.1%
calibration 10 to 90% / ±1.5% rh (at 25°C)
temperature °C: -10 to +60°C / 0.1°C 1±0.3°C (at 25°C)
temperature °F: 14 to 140°F / 0.3°F / ±0.5°F (at 77°F)
dew point °C: -55 to +60°C / 0.1°C
dew point °F: -67 to 140°F / 0.3°F
Operation temperature range: -10°C to 60°C / 14 to 140°F
Storage temperature: -20°C to 60°C / -4 to 140°F
Temperature compensation: automatically
Data storage: approx. 10.000 measuring values
Menu languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian
Power supply: 4 pcs. 1.5Volt AA Alkaline batteries (for approx. 1800

Auto Off time:| after approx. 4 minutes
Power consumption:| 30 mA (with display lighting)
Display:| 128 x 64 matrix display, with LED backlighting
Dimensions housing:| 145 x 63 x 29mm
Dimensions sword sensor:| 295 x 20 x 4mm
Weight:| approx. 260g (incl. batteries)
Protection class| IP 40
Scope of supply| wooden case, rubber protection cover, 4 pcs. 1.5Volt AA Alkaline batteries, user manual

!IMPORTANT! Please read!
Common reasons for incorrect measurements

  • Sunlight or other sources of heat or cold that does´t correspond to the surrounding temperature
  • Dripping or sprayed water
  • Irreversible damage of the sensor due to aggressive gases
  • Danger of condensation because of changing temperature
  • Polluted moisture sensor
  • Foreign objects on the sensor
  • Measuring errors due to too short conditioning

To demonstrate the importance of temperature adjustment, the table below shows measuring errors due to a temperature difference of only 1°C / 1.8°F between the measuring instrument and the substance to be measured at different ambient temperatures.

| 10°C (50°F) 20°C (68°F) 30°C (86°F)
10%r.h.| ±0,7%| ±0,6%| ±0,6%
50%r.h.| ±3,5%| ±3,2%| ±3,0%
90%r.h.| ±6,3%| ±5,7%| ±5,4%

At room temperature (20°C/68°F) and assumed paper moisture value of 50%r.h. a deviation of 1°C / 1.8°F between the measuring sensor and the substance to be measured results in a measuring error of 3.2%r.h. A deviation of 3°C / 5.4°F would result in a measuring error of over 10%.
Further examples can be found in the Mollie h-x diagram.

version 2.0_

Documents / Resources

| Scigiene RH5 Paper Moisture Meter Humimeter With Sword Sensor [pdf] User Manual
RH5, RH5 Paper Moisture Meter Humimeter With Sword Sensor, Paper Moisture Meter Humimeter With Sword Sensor, Moisture Meter Humimeter With Sword Sensor, Meter Humimeter With Sword Sensor, Humimeter With Sword Sensor, Sword Sensor


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