Sorvall RT600D Table Top Centrifuges Instruction Manual

June 4, 2024

Sorvall RT600D Table Top Centrifuges Instruction Manual
Sorvall RT600D Table Top Centrifuges


This manual provides you with the information you need to install, operate and maistain your SORVALL* RT6000D and T6000D Tabletop Centrifuges. If you encounter any problem concerning either operation or maintenance that is riot covered in this manna1, please contact our Marketing Technical Group for assistance. In the United States . telephone toll free (800) 551 -2121. Outside the United States, contact your .cell distributor or agent for SORVALL”° Products.

Centrifuge Description

The RTSOOOD combines the features of the tabletop centrifuge and tliose of the larger refrigerated centmfuge in a compact tabletop instrument. It is similar to other SORVALL” Tabletop Centrifuges, with an added refrigeration system that consists of on evapOra.tGr)* rotor chamber and a low-temperature condensing unit. The system is designed Cc maintain temperature within 1°C, while in the operating range of —5’C to +2i5°C 4ñe T6000D is a now refrigerated tabletop centrifuge.

Both the RT6000D and T6000D feature digital readout displays, a closed-loop speed control and have a see-through chamber door that allows rotor calibration and or:seat inspection ofa run in progress. The chamber door is counterbalanced for easy opeuing;av.hl safe closing. The lid latch is locked manually by turning the door release knob counter clockwise to the LOCKED position, then mechanically an interlock engages when tie roLor begins spinning to prevent the chamber door from being opened during operatic n. This gyro-action, self-centering drive has a diamond hex-shaped drive spindle which assuress proper seating of rotors. The centrifuges also have a slow-start feature that sIe vlj accelerates the rotor from 0 to 600 rpm.*

Centrifuge Specifications

Maximum Speed™”: 6000 rpm
Operating Temperature Range IR T6OOOD only): 5°C to +25“C
OPERATING: 6000 Btu per hour (RT6000D) 3000 Btu per hour (T600QD]

Centrifuge Specifications (continued)

Electrical Requirements:

RT6000D: 115 Vac, 60 Hz, 15A, single phase 220 Vac, 50 Hz, 8A, single phase
T6000D: 115 Vac, 60 Hz, 8A, single phase 220 Vac, 50 Hz, 4A, single phase


Width (RT6000D): 81 cm (32 inches)
(T6000D): 66 cm (26 inches)
Depth: 64 cm (25 inches)
Height: 32 cm (12.5 inches)

Mass (Weight):

RT6000D: 85 kg (187 lbs)
T6000D: 78 kg (160 lbs)


4 he table below lists the rotors available for the RT6000D and T6000D Centrifuges. for more information about other rotor accessories and tubes refer to the most current SORVALL* Rotors, Tubes, Bottles, and Adapters Catalog.

Rotor Specifications

Rotor| Maxirriurri Operating Speed (rpm)| Maximum Compadment Mass (grams| Maximum Relative Centrifugal Force (RCF)
A-384 Fixed-Angle Rotor| 6000| 27′| 4890
A-500 Fixed-Angle Rotor| 6000| 115′| 4960
H-1000B Swinging Bucket Rotor| 3200| 820″| 2190
/VS-400 Fixed-Angle Rotor| 4380| 90″| 3000


This chapter contains instructions to prepare your SORVALL* RT6000D and T6000D for operation.


When you receive your centrifuge, carefully inspect it for any sign,s of shipping  damage. If you find damage, report it immediately to the transportation company and file a damage claim, then notify Do Point.

Checke the parts received with the centrifuge against the shipping list; if any parts are missing, contact Do Point (see back cover).

The RT6000D weighs 187 lbs. and the T6000D weighs 160 lbs. Refer to the unpacking instructions for proper care wiien lifting and installing the centrifuge. Failure to use proper lifting techniques can result in possible damage to the centrifuge and/or personal in juty.


Do not lift the centrifuge bp the front panel or by the lid. To do so can result in damage to these parts.

Do not place the RT6000D on its side; any position other than upright can cause compressor contamination.

Electrical Requirements

The centrifuge has specific power requirements and must be connected to the correct supply for proper performance. The nameplate or the back of the cabinet specifies one of the following


l05l25 Va, 6OHz, snge phase, l5amps  210-230 Vac,50Hz, singe phase, 8 amps

T 6000 D:

105 125 Vac, 60 Hz, single phase, 8 amps 210 230 Vac, 50 Hz, single phase, 4 amps

The current draw during acceleration in the T 6000 D could peak to 15 amps for 60 Hz centrifuges and 8 amps for 50 Hz centrifuges. Therefore, if the main power source is  protected by fuses rather than circuit breakers, we recommend the use of slow-blow or time-delay fuses.


If the power cord is connected to the wrong voltage, it can cause damage to the centrifuge. Check the voltage listed on the nameplate before plugging the power cord into the power source. Do Point is not responsible for incorrect installation.

The power cord has a universal keyed plug that inserts into the receptacle at the back of the centrifuge. The other end of the power cord has a NEMA 5- 15 P, three prong molded cap with a ground pin and parallel blades. The plug will fit Hubbell receptacle No. 5261 for 115 volt (parallel blades) or receptacle No. 5561 for 220 volt (tandem blades). The power cord must be attached when the centrifuge is installed.


To install the centrifuge:

  1. Place the centrifuge on a large, sturdy bench or words table that will support its weignt leaving space for sample preparation. Re sure to leave a minimum clearance of 5 cm {2 inches) on all sides for proper air circulation.
  2. Insert the universal lceyed end of the power cord into the receptacle at the back of the centrifuge.
  3. Make sure the centrifuge is level. If necessary, place the leveling pads provided under the corners of the centrifuge.
  4. Make sure the POSER switch is set to ’ 0 ’ (off position), then plug the power cord into a wall receptacle. The centrifuge is now ready for use


This chapter describes the function of each operating control and indicator and provides the information necessary to operate your SORVALL* RT6000D and T6000D Centrifuges,

Controls and Indicators

Figure 3 -1 shows the location of operating controls and indicators. Table 3- I lists them by item number and describes their function.


Table 3-1. Controls and Indicators

(keyed to figure 3-1)

Item Name Function
1 REV/MIN x 1000 dial Sets desired run speed. At full counterclockwise

position the speed control is turned off and the rotor will not spin. {The settings on the dial indicate actual rotor speed.)
Ttern| Name| PuliCtiOn
2| REV/MIN x 1000 display| Indicates actual rotor epeed from 0 to 6000 rpm 11100 rpm.
 | OPEN lights| Lighis at the end of the run to indicate that the door may be opened.
I| FAULT light” (T6000D)| Lights when a rotor imbalance occurs or when a drive belt malfunction occurs. Centrifuge will not restart until problem has been corrected

4| FAULT light” (RT6000D)| lights when a rotor imbalance occurs, when chain-

ber over or under temperature occurs, or when a drive belt malfunction occurs. The centrifuge will not restart until problem has been corrected.

5| CHAMBER TEMP° C display (RT6000D only)| Indicates actual chamber temperature from -20°C to +40°C.
6| CHAMBER TEMP° C dial(RT6000D only)| Sets desired chamber temperature from 20°C to +40°C
7| TIME dial| Sets length of run time up to 30 minutes (or 35 minutes on 50 Fk instruments). At , sets indefinite run time. The TIM E dial acts as a start switch to begin centrifuge run.
S| Door release knob| When the knob is turned to OPEN it will release the door latches; when knob is turned to LOCKED it engages the door latches.
9| BRAKE switch| When set to ‘ ®” the centrifuge brakes to approxi­mately 200 rpm at end of run then coasts to a stop. When set to ‘, the centrifuge coasts to a stop without braking.
10| POWER switch| The power switch is an on off toggle switch that, when set to “I ‘ applies power to the centrifuge.


Continued operation of the centrifuge below 600 rpm may damage the speed control.

Rotor Considerations

Rotor Temperature

Any type of centrifugation creates an increase in rotor temperature. The increase in temperature is caused by many variables inclu ding ambient temperature. rotor speed, length of the run, and the type of rotor.

Air flow through the T6000D centrifuge is designed to minimize increase in rotor temperature. Air enters through an opening in the center of the lid and exits through the exhaust duct at the top of the zoIOF Chamber.

Blacking the air flow enterin§ and/or exitirig the T6OO0D rotnr chaniberwill cause an increase in the temperature within the rotor chambei. The teinperature increase can temporarily distort the non-metal siirfaces allowing particles to exit the rotor chamber resulting yn personal injuryand/ or centrifuge damage should tube bxeakaije or rotor failure occur.

When running temperature-sensitive material we recommend that you do a trial run.

Rotor Installation, Loading and Balancing

Refer to the rotor instruction manual for loading and balancing procedures as well as information regarding the selection and use of tubes, bottles, and adapters.


When loading the rntnr, be sure not to exceed the maximum compartment mass of the rotor(see Tabte 1-1 or the individual cotor instruction manual). Ef maximum compartment mass is exceeded, maximum rotor speed must be lowered as described on page 3-6, Reducing Speed for Rotor Compartment Loads in Excess of Design Mass. Failure to do so can cause rotor failure which could result in personal injury and/or centrifuge damage.


Do not operate the centrifuge without a rotor installed and properly balanced. Also, when installing a rotor carefully place it on the centrifuge drive spindle. The drive can be damaged if rotors are dropped onto it.

Precooling a Rotor in the RT600OD Centrifuge

For operation at temperatures other than ambient, the rotor and rotor chamber should be precooling before the run using either of the precooling methods described.

Pre,cooling a Rotor in the Centrifuge

  1. Follow steps l through 6 of the operating instructions (pages 3 4 and 3 5).
  2. Set the REV/MIN x 1000 dia1 to 1500 rpm.

The length of time it will take to pre,cool a rotor will vary depending on the temperature selected, rotor weight, and rotor material.

Pre, cooling the Centrifuge Chamber Only

If the rotor has been precooled outside of the chamber (e.g., in a refrigerator or cold room), the chamber should be precooled before the run.

  1. With the chamber door closed, set the G HAMBER TEM P° G dial to the temperaturedesired.
  2. When the chamber is cooled to the proper temperature, install the precooled rotor and begin the centrifuge run.


To expedite cooling of the centrifuge chamber, run an empty rotor at 1500 rpm

Running Hazardous Material

Because neither centrifuge chamber of the RT6000D or T6000D are designed for biocontainment, some vapors or aerosols released from uncapped, leaking or broken tubes may lealr from the chamber during operation. Once a run is completed and the chamber door is opened, the vapors or aerosols which have concentrated in the chamber will be released into the laboratory area. For this reason, when materials which are pathogenic, toxic, or otherwise hazardous in nature are to be run, the centrifuge  shouldbe placed in a biohazard safety enclosure and operated using all appropriate safety precautions. Observe the tVAHNfNG fOHnd on the la fety Information Page.

Use appropriate decontamination procedures should exposure to any hazardous material occur. See Chapter 4 for the procedure to follow if a cent.rifuge or rotor that has been used with a hazardous material must be returned to our service facilities for repair.


To perform the run:

  1. Set the POWER switch to ”1 ‘, arid turn the TI M E dial off. (The fan will turn on and continue to operate whenever the POWER switch is in the on position)
    RT6000D Centrifuges ONLY:
    The FAULT light may come on when the power is turned on with the door closed. The light will go off when the door is opened.
    lt is recommended that the chamber door be kept closed when the centrifuge is not in use to present condensation from forming in the rotor chamber

  2. When the OPEN light comes ori, turn the door release knob to the OPEN QOSition, and lift the chamber door up.

  3. Install the rotor on the drive shaft and close the door. Turn the door release knob to the LOCKED position (the door latches will engage).
    Be sure the rotor is properly balanced and seated on the drive spindle. See rotor instruction manual.

  4. R T6OOOD onIp: Set the GHAMBER TEL P° G dial to the run temperature desired

  5. Set the BEAK E switch to ‘ Q” if braking is desired.

  6. Set the TUE dial to the run time desired.

  7. Set the REV/MI N x 1 000 dial to the desired run speed.


The settings on the REV/MIN x 1000 dial indicate actual rotor syeed. Verify the rotor syeed by checking the REV/MIN x 1000 display.

A zero syeed switch is incorporated in the REV/MIN x 1000 dial. Tftis switch prevents rotation of the rotor if the door ts locked and the timer is on.

At the end of the run remove the rotor as described below.


Always check that the rotor has stopped spinning f›e/ore opening the chamber door. Do not open the door while the rotor is still in motion; tn do so can result in possible injuty.

To remove the rotor:

  1. Leave the POWER switch set to ‘ I’ .
  2. If the TIME dial is set to °°, turn it off.
  3. When the OP EN light comes on, turn the door release knob to OPEN position and lift the rhamber door up.
  4. Remove the rotor, close the chamber door, and set the POWER switch to ‘0 .

tubes, cover, and adapters (if used), must not exi:eed the figure given on page 1 2 unless rotor speed is reduced proportionately.

Strict adherence to the maximum allowable compartment mass or reduced speed is required to prevent rotor failure. Observe WARNINC• on the So/ety In formation Page in /ront o/ this manuat.

The rotor speed is reduced in proportion to the square of the ratio for the Miaximum allowable compartment mass to the actual compartment mass (including specimen, tubes, covers, and adapters). If the compartment mass is more than that specified for the rotor, the reduced speed can be determined by using the formula given below.

Emergency Sample Recovery

If the main power shuts off because of a power failure or system malfunction while the rotor is spinning, the chamber door will not open. A mechanical over ride is provided to allow sample recovery in the case of an emergency.


This procedure is included for emergency sample recovery of and should
never be used for any purpose other than those explained in this section.

When the main power shuts off, the brat‹e with riot operate. Wait until the rotor stops spinning before using the mechanical over ride

The mechanical override loop is located under the right, front corner of the centrifuge as shown in figure 3-2. To operate the override, insert a screwdriver or similar object into the metal loop an.d pull done. turn the door release knob to the OPEN position and lift The chamber door up.

Sample Recovery


Leave a clearance area around the lower right corner of the centrifuge to prevent obstruction of the mechanical override


This chapter describes routine maintenance procedures that you should perform on a regular basis. As the user, it is your responsibility to make certain that these procedures are followed when necessary. Also, to keep your centrifuge in good working condition and ensure accurate test results, we recommend that. in addition to these routine procedures, you have the speed control, timer, rotor imbalance detector and temperature control checked periodically by a Du Pont Service Representative or other qualified service personnel because occasionally, these controls may need to be recalibrated. If further service is needed, contact your local representative for SORVALL° Products.


Because of the high voltages iii this centrifuge, only personnel trained in
electronics should test or repair the electrical circuits.

If hazardous materials has/e been processed in the centrifuge, take alt necessary precautions when cleaning or servicing the centrifuge to avoi<t personal exposure to contamination.

Inspection and Cleaning


Inspect the centrifuge each week for signs of wear, encrusted biological deposits, and general ‹cleanliness. Follow the cleaning procedures described below when necessary.


Rotor Chamber

The rotor charriber should be kept clean and wiped dry. Wash the rotor chamber with a mild, non alkaline dish washing liquid, then rinse and dry with a eofi absorbent cloth.

Use 70% ethanol to disinfect the rotor chamber or a 20/o glutaral dehyde solution to sterilise it. For general radioactive decontamination, use a solution of equal parts of 70% ethanol, 10% ODS, and water. Follow this with ethanol rinses then deionized water rinses. Dry with a soft absorbent cloth. Dispose of all wasla solutions in proper radioactive waste containers. Read the CAUTION on the next pope.

Remove the plastic brush caps from the motor with a screwdriver, and pull the brushes from their holders, noting orientations.


Before inserting the replacement brushes, remove any carbon accumulation from the interior of the brush holder. The brush should then move freely in the brush holder.

  • If the brushes are longer than 6 mm (1/4 inch), new brushes are not needed. Replace brushes in their original brush tubes with the same orientation.
  • If this is the first set of brushes and brushes are shorter than 6 mm (l /4 inch), replace worn brushes with new brushes, Catalog No. 12702.
  • If this is not the original set of brushes and the brushes are shorter than 6 mm { l /4 inch), replace or reconditiori the armature.

Replace the plastic brush caps, making sure that the brush spring retainer “ears” are seated in the brush holder slots ( see figure 4-1 ).


Replace the cover and fasten the four screws.

With the POWER switch set to “O’ , plug in the centrifuge power cord.

If a new armal ure and/or new brushes have been installed, run the centrifuge at 2000 rpm with no rotor for a period of TO minutes to seat the brushes. Failure to do this will result in immediate brush burn and commutator pitting and will severly limit t.he life of the new parts. Read the CAUTION on the Page.


Chlorides are ex.tremelp harmful to aluminum alloy rotors and can cause stress corrosion cracking. Therefore, if chlorides are used to disinfect the chamber, be sure to rinse the chamber thoroughly with water to remove all of the chloride cleanser.

Periodically defrost the rotor chamber of the RT6000D to maintain efficient cooling. The chamber can be defrosted by either leaving the door open with the power off until the frost melts, or by running a rotor for approximately five minutes at 4O°C. When the chamber has been completely defrosted, wipe the chamber dry.

Drive Spindle

Before each run. wipe the spindle with a soft cloth before a rotor is installed to reduce the chance of the rotor sticking to the spindle. To keep the surface of the spindle smooth, polish occasionally with #400 Emery cloth. Always wipe the spindle clean after polishing.


Clean the enameled cabinet panels with a household wax cleaner. Use a mild, non alkaline detergent and water ‘.o clean the centrifuge.

Chamber Door

Clean the chamber door with a soft, wet cloth and soapy water. A oid using abrasive materials (e.g., dry paper towels) and organic solvents (e.g., acerone) on the dry surface

Condenser Fins

To maintain the efficiency of the RT6000D refrigeration system, keep the condenser fins (located in the front of the centrifuge) free of dirt arid dust. Clean the fins with a brush or vacuum cleaner at one to three month intervals.

FAULT System Check

To check the function of the FAULT system, move the drive spindle back and forth to simulate a rotor imbalance. This should cause the FAULT indicator to light.

Motor Brush Inspection and Replacement

  1. Unplug the centrifuge powei cord.
  2. Remove the four screws from the access cover and remove the cover.

Decontaminate co er, bowl, and drive using an appropriate method

For rotors.’

Remove tubes, bottles, and adapters from the rotor and decontaminate rotor using an appropriate method. If tubes or rotor caps are stuck in the rotor, or the rotor lid is stuck, notify Do Post representative; be prepared with the name and nature of the sample so the Do Point Chemical Hazards Officer can decide whether to authorize the rotor’s return to a Do Point facility

Complete and attach Decontamination Information Certificate (SORVALL° Instruments form No. IPDP 59 or E.53603) to the centrifuge or rotor before servicing or return to Do Point facility. If Certificate is not available, attach a written statement verifying decontamination (what was contaminant and what decontamination method was used).

If the centrifuge or rotor must be returned to a Do Point facility:

  1. Contact your Du Pont representative to obtain a Return Service Order Number (RSO No.); be prepared with the name and serial number of the centrifuge or rotor and the repairs required.
  2. Serid item(s) with the RPO No. clearly marked on the out side of packaging to the address obtained from your Do Point representative


United States federal regulations require that parts and instruments must be decontaminated before being transported. Outside the United States, check local regulations

If a  rot.or to be serviced does not have a Decontamination Information Certificate attached and, in Do Point’s opinion presents a potential radioactive or biological hazard, the Do Point representative will not service the equipment until proper decontamination and certification is complete. If Do Point receive a centrifuge or rotor at its Service facilities which, in its opinion, is a radioactive or biological hazard, the sender  All be contacted for instructions as to disposition of the equipment. Disposition costs will be borne by the sender

Decontamination Information Certificates are in cluded with these instructions. Additional certificates are available from the local Account Representative or fild Service Engineer. In the event these certificates are not available, a written statement certifying that the unit has been properly decontaminated and  the procedures used UI be acceptable.


The Field Service Engineer will note on the Customer Service Repair Report if decontamination was required and, if so, what the contaminant was and what procedure was used. If no decontamination was required, it will be so stated


Do not stone or burnish the commutator as this will increase brush wear and may result in smear metal on the surface of the commutator.

Do not allow brushes to wear to the point where they do not make contact with the commutator. This causes severe arcing, resulting in excessive brush and commutator wear.

Parts Ordering Information

To order rep1acement Farts, telephone toll free 800-551-2121 in the Lmmited States. Outside the United States, contact your local distributor or agent for SORVALL° Products. Be sure to provide a description of the part, the centrifuge model and serial number

Service Decontamination Policy


Because of the characteristics of the samples likeiy to be processed in this centrifuge, biological or radioactive contamination may occur. Always be aware of this possibility, and take normal precautions. Use appropriate contain procedures should exposure occur.

If a centrifuge or rotor that has been used with radioactive or pathogenic material requires servicing by Do Point personnel, either at the customer’s laboratory or at a Do Point facility, comply with the following prodeuc to ensure the safety of all personnel:

  1. Clean the Centrifuge or rotor I o be serviced of all encrusted material and decontaminate it (see Maintenance Section of the cor rotor instruction manual) prior to servicing by the Du Pont representative or returning it to the Du Pont facility. There must be no radioactivity detectable by survey equipment.
    The SORVALL* Rotors, Tubes, Bottles, and Adapters Catalog contains descriptions of commonly used decontamination methods and a chart showing method compatibility with various materials. The centrifuge or rotor instruction manual contains specific guidance about cleaning and decontamination methods app  for the product it describes.

Clean and  your centrifuge or rotor as follows:


E. I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, except as stated in this warranty policy.

The SORVAI.L” RT6000D and T6000D Tabletop Centrifuges are warranted to be free from
defects in material and workmanship for a period of one ( l) year from the date of delivery.
Du Pont will repair or replace and return free of charge any part which is returned to its
factory within said period, trans per mation prepaid by user, and which is found upon   inspection to have been defective in materials or workmanship. This warranty does not apply to any damage to any instrument resulting front: normal wear and tear; misuse; abuse; use of electrical currents or circuits other than those specified on the plate affixed to the instrument; or use of any rotor other than those intended for use in this instrument.

Do Point reserves the right to change, alter, modify or improve any of its instruments without any obligation whatsoever to make corresponding changes to any instrument previously sold or shipped.


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