VitalConnect VistaCenter Application Instructions

June 9, 2024

VitalConnect VistaCenter Application

VitalConnect VistaCenter Application-product

Product Information: VistaCenter 3.3.1 Release Notes

The VistaCenter 3.3.1 is a new release of the VitalConnect application that includes new features, enhancements, and addressed issues. This document provides information about the software versions, compatibility, feature updates, addressed issues, and known issues of the release that are not presented in the  Instructions for Use documents.

Software Versions and Compatibility

The VistaCenter 3.3.1 Release has been verified for compatibility by VitalConnect. For more information on operating instructions, refer to MAN-043 Rev. A.

Feature Updates

The VistaCenter 3.3.1 Release includes several new features and feature enhancements:

  • Patient name entry is now performed with separate first, middle and last name fields.
  • A new (optional) entry field has been added for the patient’s email address.
  • A new Medical Record Number (MRN) field has been added and is now separate from the Social Security (SS) field.
  • The insurance card upload function now provides the ability to upload separate front and rear cards uploads.
  • A new insurance pre-authorization number field has been added.
  • A Primary diagnostic code must now be selected during intake, using a new pull-down menu.
  • For MCT and Event Monitoring, there is a new workflow for indicating medical necessity.
  • The intake user must now enter the first VitalPatch ID and must confirm the ID.
  • The Extended Holter NOW option is no longer supported or selectable in patient intake.
  • Default choices for monitoring type and duration are no longer applied.
  • New 1-day and 2-day Holter monitoring options may be added as selectable options in patient intake.
  • The prescribing justification language at the end of the patient intake has been updated.

Product Usage Instructions

To use the VistaCenter 3.3.1 Release, refer to the MAN-043 Rev. A document for operating instructions. The release includes new features and feature enhancements such as separate first, middle, and last name fields for patient name entry, a new (optional) entry field for a patient email address, a new Medical Record Number (MRN) field, and a new insurance pre-authorization number field. Additionally, the release includes a new workflow for indicating medical necessity for MCT and Event Monitoring, and new options for Holter monitoring. The intake user must now enter the first VitalPatch ID and confirm the ID. The prescribing justification language at the end of the patient intake has also been updated.


About this Document

This document describes the VistaCenter Application, Release 3.3.1. This document includes information that is not presented in the Instructions for Use documents for the release, such as software versions, addressed issues, known issues, and operating considerations.

Related Documentation
Refer to the following documents for operating instructions:

  • (IFU-06) VitalPatch 2.0 Instructions for Use
  • (IFU-26) VistaPoint 3.2 Instructions for Use
  • (IFU-27) VistaCenter 3.3 Instructions for Use
  • (MAN-027) Vista Solution 3.3 IT Administration Guide

Software Versions and Compatibility

VitalConnect has verified compatibility of this release as follows:

  • VitalPatch Biosensors
  • VitalPatch 1.5 with VitalPatch Firmware
  • VitalPatch 2.0 with VitalPatch Firmware 3.2.x.x
  • VitalPatch 2.0 with VitalPatch Firmware and higher
  • VistaPoint/VistaTablet/VistaPhone
  • VistaPoint 2.5 and higher
  • Hardware/Browser
    • Chrome browser on Mac OS X and Windows
    • Native browser on iOS and Android mobile devices

Feature Updates

This release has the following new features and feature enhancements:

  • The VistaCenter dashboard adds a new tile appearance to indicate “Patient Intake Required” (grey background with yellow border).

  • Administrative pages (such as Patient Census) have a new “responsive” design that automatically prevents columns pushing off the right side of the screen. When this feature is enabled (enabled by default), low-priority columns marked for visibility will hide automatically to make the content fit on screen. When hidden data is present, a banner appears to notify the user, and a (+) button appears next to each patient name (or other first column item). Clicking the (+) button expands the row to show all hidden data. To enable or disable this feature, use the new Enable Responsive Tables option under Manage Organization.

  • Updates to the cardiac monitoring patient intake form:

    • To alert VistaCenter users when a device has not yet had a patient intake form completed, the VistaCenter dashboard now displays a grey tile with a yellow background and the alert text “Patient Intake Required”. The status is cleared when patient intake is performed.
    • Patient name entry is now performed with separate first, middle and last name fields (previous releases used a single field for name).
    • A new (optional) entry field has been added for patient email address. The email address allows direct billing and payment communication with the patient.
    • A new Medical Record Number (MRN) field has been added and is now separate from the Social Security (SS) field. With this change, the MRN can be added to Cardiologs reports.
    • The insurance card upload function now provides the ability to upload separate front and rear card uploads (previous version allowed only a single upload). The front and rear card uploads are required when “Other” is the selected insurance provider.
    • A new insurance pre-authorization number field has been added. If a pre-authorization number has been provided by the insurance company (or is required), it should be added during intake.
    • A Primary diagnostic code must now be selected during intake, using a new pull-down menu. Other diagnostic codes and 2nd diagnostic codes use the same selection/entry method as previous releases.
    • For MCT and Event Monitoring, there is a new workflow for indicating medical necessity. For intake, the intake user must check “Evidence of Medical Necessity.” By requiring this checkbox, the previous requirement of checking at least two MCT justifications is no longer enforced.
    • The intake user must now enter the first VitalPatch ID, and must confirm the ID. In prior releases, the first VitalPatch ID was recommended but not required.
    • The “Extended Holter NOW” option is no longer supported or selectable in patient intake.
    • Default choices for monitoring type and duration are no longer applied. Intake user must select a monitoring type and day duration. Organization-specific default values for monitoring type and duration can still be configured.
    • New 1-day and 2-day Holter monitoring options may be added as selectable options in patient intake.
    • The prescribing justification language at the end of the patient intake has been updated as follows: “The ordering provider or authorized staff member confirms that an order is being placed to “Vital Connect” for monitoring service, and certifies that the above information is true and accurate to the best of his or her knowledge, that the requested services are medically necessary, and that supporting documentation is maintained in the patient’s medical record.”
  • Added option to add patient MRN to reports. This option is configured in the Organization preferences
    (requires Administrator access).

  • Added option to apply custom tags to patients during intake. Custom tags are configured in the Organization preferences (requires Administrator access). When tagging is enabled, a new pulldown menu appears in patient intake allowing configured tags to be selected. Configured tags can then be used to filter patients in the Patient Census or in Reports.

  • Added option to attach report PDFs to emails (in report delivery preferences).

  • Organizations can now receive the following service modifications (by arrangement with VitalConnect/IDTF):

    • Enable/Disable 24-Hour Holter service type (off by default)
    • Enable/Disable 24+48 Hour Holter service type (off by default)
    • Enable/Disable Cardiac Event Monitor service type (off by default)
    • Require Patient SSN on Intake (off by default)
    • Enable/Disable Per-Patient Cardiac Monitoring Configuration
    • Enable/Disable Auto-Generate Reports
    • Disable Insurance Collection on Intake
    • Disable Address Collection on Intake
    • Disable Justifications Collection on Intake
    • Disable Additional Reports on Intake
    • Enable/Disable Edit in Patient Census
    • Show Relay Battery Notifications
    • Show Patient Symptom Notification

Addressed Issues

The following issues from previous releases are resolved in this release. Issues are listed in order from newest to oldest.

Issue Description
VC-3313 Improvement: In patient reports, add setting to automatically

move to the next report after signing a report. This behavior can be configured as default in Manage Organization.
VC-3290| Improvement: In patient intake, updated prescribing justification language at the end of the patient intake form. See description in New Features above.
VC-3289| New Feature: New grey tile background appearance to indicate patient intake form is not yet submitted. See description in New Features above.
VC-3288| Improvement: In patient intake, updated language in patient intake for MCT to CEM downgrade.
VC-3287 VC-3286| New Feature: In patient intake, remove defaults for service type and duration. See description in New Features above.
VC-3284| Improvement: In patient intake, secondary insurance should be a dropdown selection instead of free-
 | form entry. See description in New Features above.
VC-3283| New Feature: In patient intake, add patient email address. See the description in New Features above.
VC-3275| Bug: Fixed an issue where clicking on a relay in the VistaCenter dashboard displayed an error.
VC-3271| Bug: Fixed an issue in auto-generated reports where blank ECG strips (and other blank fields) were shown in the report because data had not yet been received in the cloud when the report was generated. With this fix, the most recent available data (“last data at”) will be used to prevent blank strips in reports.
VC-3243 VC-3242| Bug: Fixed an issue where remote patient monitoring customers who enabled cardiac monitoring for a patient incorrectly saw “cardiac monitoring disabled” and did not see the cardiac monitoring configuration in historical notification view.
VC-3240| Improvement: Improved handling of patient intake where, if the patient intake includes a Patch ID that was previously submitted, VistaCenter prompts the user to confirm submission with new intake information.
VC-3235| New Feature: Added 48-hour Holter option. See description in New Features above.
VC-3224| New Feature: When printing patient intake form, print includes form submission date.
VC-3210| Bug: Fixed an issue where PDF attachments to report emails could not be opened.
VC-3209| Bug: Fixed an issue on the patient census page where showing “All” patient records could result in the display of duplicate pending records.

Known Issues

The following new issues are reported for this release (may have been present in previous releases). Issues are listed in order from newest to oldest.

Issue Description
VC-3381 An issue was observed where an SVT arrhythmia event that had been

acknowledged continued to appear as a new event. This issue has not been re- observed.
VC-3380| An issue was observed where downloads of patient data (for example, to CSV) did not complete successfully. This issue occurred only for users working in the VitalConnect IDTF center and is unlikely to occur for external customers.
VC-3378| An issue was observed where the reset password link did not work correctly. This issue occurred only for users working in the VitalConnect IDTF center and is unlikely to occur for external customers. If this issue occurs, contact an administrator to reset the password.
VC-3378| An issue was observed on the automatic report generation configuration page, where a drop-down menu became too narrow and could not be used. If this issue occurs, reload the page.
VC-3372| An issue was observed for some users of the patient census page where the alignment of column headers appears misaligned from the column content below. This issue is currently under investigation.
VC-3281| An issue was observed where a change to the organization name by a VitalConnect “super user” administrator caused an incorrect association with a previous patient device. This issue does
 | not affect current customer configurations.

The following issues are known in this release (previously reported in release notes from prior releases). Issues are listed in order from newest to oldest.

Issue Description
VC-3035 There is a delay of up to 30 minutes that occurs between the time

patient intake is performed and when that patient name is displayed on the VistaCenter dashboard and other functions. This delay is expected (a message in patient intake informs user of this delay).
VC-3009| There is an issue where patient census (and other) filters do not work on the Chrome browser. This issue is associated with an outdated version of the Chrome browser. Ensure you are using the latest version of Chrome.
VC-2607| There is an issue where, if a VitalPatch is applied to a patient and the patient reports a symptom immediately after, and both of these occur when the relay device does not have an active WiFi connection, the symptom does not appear in VistaCenter.

Workaround: Refresh the patient symptom view in VistaCenter.

VC-2583| There is an issue where, if patient symptoms are configured for notification, the notification may appear before the symptom is listed in the patient symptom report.
VC-2560| An issue was reported where exported activity logs are not formatted in an easy-to-use way. This issue is currently under investigation.
VC-2507| When using an iOS mobile device for manual vital sign entry, entry of decimal values is not possible. This issue is currently under investigation.
VC-2493| An issue was reported where, if the user exports the patient census view as a PDF, only 5 columns are shown by default.

Workaround: use the “column visibility” feature to display the minimum required columns, or use an export format such as CSV.

VC-2395| An issue was reported where the Live ECG does not display when using the IE browser.

Workaround: Use the Chrome browser when accessing VistaCenter. Other browsers are not currently supported.

VC-2390| An issue was reported where, when viewing the notification list, if the “close” controls are applied to close all notification categories, the categories eventually reopen automatically.
VC-2323| An issue was reported where patient tiles were not displaying data even though data was being uploaded (and data was visible in historical view). This issue is currently under investigation.
VC-2166| An issue was reported where VistaCenter did not operate correctly when the browser was configured to operate through a web proxy. This issue is currently under investigation.
VC-2068| An issue was reported where arrhythmia markers were displayed in historical view without accompanying heart rate data. This is expected behavior when data has not finished uploading; arrhythmia notifications are given priority over other data.
VC-2063| There is an issue where certain administration functions are not available when using the Internet Explorer browser. This is expected behavior. VistaCenter is currently supported on the Google Chrome browser only.
VC-1948| An issue was reported where VistaCenter reports “VitalPatch not uploading data” when data
 | is actually streaming.
VC-1853 CLOUD-363| An issue was reported where, if the user searched for a VitalPatch ID that had been moved to a different relay device, and the first relay device had a subsequent VitalPatch connected, the search failed to return the correct device. This issue is specific to internal testing scenarios that are unlikely to occur in actual usage.
VC-1849| There is an issue where, if the user reconfigures a notification threshold with an invalid configuration and then cancels the configuration, an error message is displayed. This issue is unlikely to occur in actual usage.
VC-1485| An issue was observed where notifications were not displayed correctly when observing the data on different networks simultaneously. This issue has not been reproduced.
VC-1469| There is an issue where the X-axis scaling in historical data graphs varies slightly when moving between data periods.
VC-1421| There is an issue where subgroups may not be indented properly when viewing the group configuration in the administrator interface.

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VitalConnect. Inc.
2870 Zanker Road, Suite 100
San Jose, CA 95134


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